WHERE From the south of to the north START FINISH Head DISTANCE about 500 miles WORDS Mark Haggar PICTURES Mark Haggar



END TO END 2 When the summer’s a washout, there’s always autumn. CTC member Mark Haggar toured from one end of Scotland to the other in October

e were cycling in the dark along a narrow stag, which ran off – but not before Peter had fallen off road over the moor. The autumn air was his bike in surprise. He suffered bruises and grazes W clear and still. Occasionally a movement and minor damage to the bike. That night, we heard on one side betrayed the presence of sheep. Do the roaring of the stags through the night. they really browse all through the night? We were Next day we caught the wee ferry north from riding, ultimately, towards Dunnet Head, the Scottish Lochranza, departing Arran, and made our way over mainland’s most northerly point, having set of from the the hill to Tarbert. Pete was bruised and sore and Mull of Galloway, its most southerly. began to cycle slower and slower. He decided to pack. We had both completed Land’s End to John A reluctant bus driver accepted him and his bike, o’Groats in the last few years and wanted something DO IT whisking him back to Glasgow and the train home. a bit different. We hoped to pick up some October At midday, I set off alone. I was soon in Kilmartin YOURSELF sunshine in a midge-free environment, which after an We travelled by Glen, where I revisited the Dunadd fort and placed my indifferent summer seemed a reasonable bet. Scotrail to Stranraer foot in the ceremonial stone footprint where kings of via Glasgow and I Scotland were once crowned. After investigating some STAG TO-DO came back from impressive standing stones, cairns and early Christian . Scotrail seem After the bonnie coastline and rolling hills of west more relaxed about crosses, I pressed on to Oban. Galloway, the next day’s descent to the Ayrshire coast bikes now, but cycle was more of a mix of agriculture and woodland. Our booking is advised. AUTUMN SKYE route still followed the railway, which sometimes soared Club 55 train tickets Next day I caught the late morning ferry to Mull, in the are available outside over us on impressive viaducts, as we found our way company of one other cyclist and several coachloads the holiday seasons for past Rabbie Burns’ birthplace in Alloway, where we travel north of the of camera-toting tourists. From Mull, I set off up some caught the ferry to Arran. border. We enjoyed steady climbs through Ardnamurchan. The hills were The east coast of Arran was as delightful in the fi ne autumnal enriched by shades of brown from bracken, grass, gloaming as it had been in the daylight the previous weather, but weather heather and birch, whose leaves were turning. Swathes is a Scottish speciality year on my LEJOG route. I passed my cycling – be prepared to enjoy of green marked stands of oak trees, whose leaves companion, Peter, who chose to walk up the last hill. it. Midges were away had yet to fall, and ranks of Scots pine. The hills were I said I would see him at the hostel. But on his way by October too. studded with lumpy outcrops of rock, and hillside down, Peter was startled by six roe deer and a fine burns glinted in the autumn sunlight.


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5 The road followed the loch for a while, then went FACT FILE inland across Moidart, where a line of beech trees commemorates the Seven Men of Moidart, supporters MULL OF GALLOWAY of Bonnie Prince Charlie in the Jacobite uprising. TO DUNNET HEAD There’s a memorial nearby, which I visited before pressing on to Mallaig. Distance: around 500 I am glad I had: fi ne Another ferry to start the day: to Skye with one miles over 8 days. weather, camera, quiet caravan and one walker. The sunrise was still lighting roads, beautiful scenery the with a pink-grey glow. The road was quiet Route: take your pick. and autumnal colours. and the hills looked lovely in their variegated brown. The routes are mainly The riding was easy, so I could enjoy the views deserted and navigation Next time I would: eastwards across the Sound of Sleat to the hills of is easy. merge last two days, and Glen Shiel and westwards to the Cuillins. see more of Mull and Later that day, I crossed the Skye bridge in sunshine, Bike: Audax bike with go via Tobermory to and rode to Kyle of Lochalsh for a café stop. I was only 25mm Gatorskin tyres. Ardnamurchan Point going to Achnashellach that day, so had an easy 25 Luggage was a bar-bag (the most westerly miles to do, riding up the south side of Loch Carron. and saddlebag, weight mainland point). about 4.5kg. LOCHSIDE CYCLING More information: Next day I set off into a stiff headwind. Turbulent clouds Accommodation: and hostel- danced in front of determined grey. It was uphill to SYHA (2), Blue Hostels For route begin with too, until the junction at Achnasheen. I (3) and B&Bs (3), suggestions in Scotland, worked my way past several lochs, past the Falls of booked in advance. visit Rogart, where there was a cluster of weekend visitors, 6 and through Strathpeffer. I picked brambles from the roadside before rolling down to Dingwall. DUNNET HEAD At the second attempt, I found the minor road parallel to the A9, which provides fine views over the LAIRG Cromarty to the Black Isle and the parked oil rigs. At the top of a long climb on the B9174, I paused to look over the Firth. Then the clouds closed in, ACHNASHELLACH making the steep descent to cold, even at four o’clock. Fortunately, I was soon at Carbisdale hostel. DINGWALL Next day I left by the ingenious footbridge hanging off the side of the Invershin railway viaduct, and cycled IN THE PHOTOS OBAN up to Lairg. Crask Inn came and went and then I was 1) Most roads are quiet here, especially at this time of year descending to Loch Naver at Altnaharra. I had lunch 2) Dunnet Head is the Scottish sitting on the rocks by the loch. mainland’s most northerly point The final day was an easy ride to Thurso: a few 3) Staying at hostels and B&Bs modest hills, fine views over the sea, and a sequence limits the luggage requirements ARRAN of sandy bays. I passed Dounreay nuclear power 4) Autumn days are short this far station, which was busy being de-commissioned. From north, but sometimes splendid Thurso, I set off to Dunnet Head, where I took the 5) The Inner Hebrides are well worth the ferry trips UNITED obligatory photo. That I evening, I bumped into a MULL OF GALLOWAY 6) Lighthouse at Dunnet Head KINGDOM couple who had just finished LEJOG on tandem.