The California Tech Vol. CXXII No. 24 Pasadena, California Monday, April 29, 2019
[email protected] SECURITY CAN- ASCIT HOLDS CELS PH 101 DEMO $170,000 IN ASSETS Angelica Zhou | News Alex Krotz | News Every year, Professor Sterl Phinney ASCIT’s annual budget fails to dis- leads Ph 101 students to the tallest close the majority of its assets. Despite building on campus, Millikan Library, being independent of Caltech, ASCIT for the Millikan Ball Drop experiment. appears to allocate only that year’s This activity entails releasing basket- membership contributions to its bud- balls and other assorted objects from get. Any remaining funds are placed the roof above the nine-story library. in reserve accounts that are not clearly On Monday April 22, 2019, a tradi- disclosed on annual reports. The annu- tion that remained unobstructed for al budget published by ASCIT gener- 30 years was suddenly curtailed when ally outlines expenses however fails to the reorganized Caltech Security team mention a $90,000 investment account showed up 35 minutes late and deemed and over $80,000 in cash reserves. the experiment unsafe because stu- All undergraduates that matriculate dents were not secured in harnesses. to Caltech are by default members of In 1989, Professor Phinney invented ASCIT and pay an annual membership the Ph 101 course, Order of Magnitude fee contributing in excess of $140,000 Physics, upon recognition that “stu- which is allocated to student activi- dents knew how to solve complicated ties. In addition to contributions from equations but didn’t necessarily un- members, ASCIT receives funds from derstand which ones were important.” the Moore-Hufstedler Fund for special The unique course exposes physicists events like the annual ASCIT Formal.