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Albian Representatives of Lytoceratina Hyatt, 1889 in Northwestern Bulgaria

Albian Representatives of Lytoceratina Hyatt, 1889 in Northwestern Bulgaria

GEOLOGIC.\ 8 .\LC.\:'Iil C. \ , ~J. :3, So fia , Jun. 1993 , p. 45-64.

Albian representatives of Hyatt, 1889 in Northwestern Bulgaria

Marin Ivanov Geo logical Institute, Bulgarian Academu of Sciencrs, 1113 Sofia

(Received 8 May, 1992; accepted 26 June, 1992) M. HeaNoe- flpeiJcmaaume.w Lytoceratina Hyatt, / 889 a.1b6cKozo Rpyca Ceeepo-3anaiJHoii Eo -1- eapuu. /\JJb6CKHii Hpyc u Ceaepo-3anaAIIOH 5o.1 rapr1H COAeplKHT 6oraTble aMMOHHTOBble cpayllbl. npeA­ CTaBHTe.~H noAOTPHAa Lytoceratina cpaBHHTeJJbHO pe,llKH B a,lb6CKHX aMMOHHTOBbiX accou.HaU.HHX. 0HH npoHCXO,llHT H3 MepreJJei1 CyMepcKoH CBHTbi 11 rJJayKOHHTOBbiX MepreJJeil H neclJaHHKOB MaJJo­ nell(eHcKoi'I CBHTbl. OnHcaHHbie 18 BHJI.OB H TIOA BH)I.OB pacnpe.n.eJJeHb! CJJeAyroll(HM o6pa3oM: Ammono­ ceratites (Ammonoceratites) - I; A. (Argonauticeras) - l ; Pictetia- 2; Tetragonites- I; Protetra­ gonites - I; Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) - 2; E. ( ) - 2; A nagaudryceras- 3; Kossmatclla- 5. 5oJJL>WaH lJaCTL> H3 HHX ycraHOnJJeHa 11 on HcaHa anepBbie B 6oJJrapcKoi1 naJJeoHTOJJo­ rHlJecKoil JJHreparype. 06pa3U.bi coxpaHHYOTCH s KOJJJJeKL(IIH MyJeH n aJJeoHTOJJOrHH CocpuiicKoro yHH­ aepcHreTa. Abstract. in Nor thwestern Bulgaria is rich in ammonite fauna. The representatives of suborder Lytoceratina are comparatively scarce in the Albian ammonite associations. They derive from the marls of the Sumcr formation and from the gla uconiti c marls and sandstones of the Malo Pestene Formation. A total of 18 species and subspecies are described, which are di stributed as fol­ lows: Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites)- I; A. (Argonauticera s)- I; Pictetia- 2; Tetragoni· tes-1; -1; Eogaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) -2; £. (Eotetragonites) -2;Anagau­ dryceras - 3; Kossmatella- 5. Most of the latter are established and described for the first time in Bul garian paleontological literature. The specimens described are kept in the collection of t he Paleon· tological Museum of Sofi a Uni wrsi ty.


The Albian sediments in Norlhwestrrn Bulgaria are of re stricted occurrence (Fig. 1). They have ye lded rich ammonite faunas. The Albian of that area has bee n a subject of a number of scientific studies since it \vas establi shed bv 5 o 11 4 e B, K a Me 11 oIl (1932) . The main results were published by 3 a X a p II eB a-K 0 B a 4 e Il a ( 1957), LL H M H T p o B a et a I. (1961) , H 11 I< o JJ o B, X p H c 4 e Il ( 1965) , N i k o I o v (1965. 1987), Yl B a 11 o 13 (1981). The progress in the research of Albian stratigraphy and ammonites has been reviewed by I v a n o v ( 1991). The fossi I material which previous biozona tions have been ba~ed on, have been documented in sewral paleonto­ logi ca l publications on ly. Within the period of 1978-1990 I had the opportunity of studying Albian and its ammoni te faunas in this area. The progress in Albian ammonite taxonomy during the past 20 years and the rich ammonite material, that I had col lected encouraged me to revise the ammonite finds alredy known and to publish the nrwly found ammonites of Albian in Northwestern Bulgaria. The present paper is the first one of a series of 45 Fig. I. Scheme of the out crops and location of the Albi an sections in the studi ed area: a- outcrop, b - section. Secti on al: I - Cuprene : 2 - G. Damj ilnovo; 3 - Zamfirovo; 4 - Kravoder; 5 - Dobrusa; 6- Virovsko; 7 - Malo Pestenc palaeontolog ical works in which the taxonomic content of the Albian ammonites will be presented . The stratigraphical resu lt s have al redy been publishe<.l in a separate paper (I v a n o v. 199 1) . The representatives of the su border Lytoce ratina are comparatively less common in the Albian ammon ite associations of Northwestern Bulgaria . K. agaissiziana and K . agassiziana gi{;n ouxi have been described so far by 3 ax a pH e s a-K o sa 4 e sa (1957) and Ll 11M H T p o sa (1967). There are 18 species and subspecies represented in my collect ion. most of them being establi shed with sin gle specimens. The find s are not uniformly di stributed in the sections. Onl y in certain interva ls of some sect ions (e . g. near the vi ll ages of C:uprene and Kravoder) the representatives of that suborder are characteristi c and important component of the ammonite taphocenoses . Compara­ ti ve ly more frequently they occur in the marls of the Sumer Formation . In the glauco­ nitic marls and sandstones of the Malo Pe .S tene Formation they occur sporadically. The Albian amm on ites of Lytoceratina in 1 orthwestern Bulga ria associate mainl y with represen tat i yes of Ancy locera tina and Desmocera t i dae. The commonly accepted terminology is use d for the description of ammonites \\'ith respect to morphological characteri stics. W'r i g h t's (1981) classification is accepted for the units of the family group . The fo llowing abbre,·iations are used in the text: BM H -- British Mu s. (Na tur. Hist.); MHNG - Mus. Hist. Natur .. Ge­ neva; MNHP - Mus. Nat. Hist. Na tur .. Paris; IGPS - In st. Geol. , Padova (Coil. Sardegna); GPIT - Geo i.-Paleontol. Inst. . Tubingen; D - ~ h e ll di ameter; H - whorl hei ght ; 0 - umbilical diameter; L - whorl breadth . The ammonite finds are rela ­ ted to concrete sections. Th e lithological and faunal success ions of that se ctions haye

46 been described by Ivanov (1991) . The materials described in the present paper are hept in the collection of the Paleontological Museum of Sofia University "Sv. Kl. Ohriclski'' (PM - SU) .

Systematic part

Superfamily L YTOCERATACEAE N e u may r, 1875

Fam ily Ncumayr, 1875

Subfamil y Neumayr, 1875

Genus Ammonoceratites B o w d i c h, 1822 N omen c I a t u r e . A type species by monotypy is Ammonoceratites lamarcki B ow­ d i c h, 1822. I have no data on the type specimen. The nomenclature problems of that genus are disc ussed in detail by Casey (1960, p . 2), K e nnedy & K I in g e r (1978 , p. 282·283). D i a g n o s i s. Moderately large to strongly evolute ammonites with circular to almost rectangular whorl section, ornamented by densely spaced, fine crenulate or rounded flexoidal ribs and growth striae. Wide shallow constrictions rarely occur. The Sliture line is deeply incised. 0 i s t r i b u t ion. Upper - Upper Albian in British Columbia, Cali­ fornia, Southern France, Southern India , Japan, Madagascar, and Southern Africa. In Bulgaria it has been established only in Lower Albian.

Subgenus Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites) Bow d i c h, 1822 N o m e n c I a t u r e . The type species is the same a's that of the genus. 0 i a g n o s i s. Large evolute ammonites with circular whorl section, ornamen­ ted by densely spased crenulate ribs and growth striae. The ~ uture line is deeply in­ cise ci. D i s t r i b u t ion. The same as that of the genus.

Ammonoceratites ( Ammonoceratites) mahadeva (S t o I i c z k a, 1865)

Pl. I. Fig. 4, 5 1865. Ammonites mahadeva S to 1 i c z k a, p. 165, pl. 80, fig. I. 1949. Ammonoceratites cf. Mahadem S to I i c z k a sensu Co 1 I i g non, p. 45, text.fig. 6. 1963. Ammonoceratites mahadeva S t o I i c z k a sensu Co IIi g non, p. 12, pl. 245, fig. 1052 . 1972. Ammonoceratites crenocoslalus (W hie aves) sensu McLear n, p. 22, pl. I, fig. 5; pl. 2, figs. 1-3. 1978. Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites) mahadeva (S to I i c z k a) sens u Kennedy & K I i n- g e r, p. 283, Figs. 16-3 1. Nomen cIa t u r e. Holotype is the specimen of S to I i c z k a (1865, pl. 80, fig. I) from the Lower Utatur Groupe in the vicinities of Moraviatoor, Southeastern India, proba bly of Albian age.

0 i m e n s i o n s (nm) Specimen D H 0 L HID Ol D LID Holotype 218 78 95 82 0.36 0.44 0.38 BMNH C78870 220 88 85 93 0.40 0.38 0.42 K1 10146 67 24 28 0.36 0.42 K1 10143 45 18 18,5 0-40 0.41

47 D e ~ c r i p ! i o 11. Strongly E\' olute ammonit{s , middle-size d . The wh orl ~ cc ­ tion is not vi sible becau.<:e the ~ pec im c n s are deformed. The umbilicus is bro(t d \\·ith rounded umbilica l \\all. The ve ntr(t l area is moderatelv wide , rounded. The ~ h e ll ornament al ie n modifies a< grO\dh pro ce ~· s. "rhe intern a l whorl s are smooth or covered () nl y by f. ro\\ l h striae. In the next stage the orn amen tation pc.t lun is repre­ ~ en t e cl by crcnulate ribs . 'I hey a ri ~ e at the umbilica l sram . p a ~s sli ghtly forward s in­ clined on the \\ails and form a \\'ide forw ards oriented ~ hall o w sinus . The ribs occ ur at regul a r intuva ls (from 7 to 9 mm) ~rp arat f d by gro\\th striae. Fold-like ribs. accom ­ panied hy constrictions arc extremely rare . They are clea r only in the upper half of t he fl aP ks a~: d O \ U the w n!ra l area . The orrament ation abruptl y changes in the fi ­ na l part. The crEr.ul ate ri hs are more promi1w nt and muc h n~o r e dense ly spaced . The growth striae di cap pea r. In ~ o m e cases a sha ll o\\· co nstrictio ns ap pea r nea r the a per­ t urc. 0i o t e s. The Bulga ri a n ~ 1 ec imEn s .<: how intraspecific \·ari ability \\·hich approach thrm to A . ( A .) cr enccm tatus IJ\\' hit e aY e s). According to K e n n e d y & K I in­ ge r (1 978. p. 30 1) I rega rd this spec ies as a junior synonym of A . ( A.) mahodrva (St o li c zk a). D i s t r i but ion . Middle a nd Upper Albian in Bri t i ~ h Co lumbia , India , Ma ­ dag a ~ ca r. Zulula n(l . In Bulga ria - Lower Albian , D . mamrnillatum Zone . M a t e r i a I a n d o c c u r r e n c c. Sect ion of Kra voder, N2 6. m . 11 - 15 --­

K1 1014 3. K 1 10144; m . 20-25 - K 1 10 145 ; N~ 7 - K 1 10146 , K 1 10147 . All spe­ cirr.EJ s are fr om the Sumcr Form ation .

Subge nus Ammonoceratites (Argonauticeras) Ander s o n, 1938 :--.J omen c I a t u r e. Type speci es by monotypy is argonautarittm An­ d e r s o n . 1902. The holot ype has bee n re fi gvred by Ander so n (1 938 , pl. 19 , fig. 1-2) . Gt: nus Psrutotctragcn i f£5 Dr u s h c hi t z. 1956 is a younger subjective synonym. D i a g n o s i s. Middle-s ized moderatel y inYolute ammonites with subrEdan­ gul ar to trapezoidal \\horl se ction. ornamented by fine equal densel y spaced straight to gEntl y fl exed ribs cr ~ tria e . The ri bs are r. ot \'i ~ u a ll y crenulate. In the internal whorl s wea k broad constrictions n: ay a lso occ ur . Di s t r i b u t i o n . UppEr Aptian in Soutern France , Caucasus. California; Low­ er and Middle Albian in M a da ga~ca r ; Middle Al bian in Zululand . In Bulgaria the genus has been established in the ba ~ c of the Lower Albia n.

Ammonoceratites ( Ammonoceratites) besairiei C o I I i g n o n . 1949

P l. I, Fig. 7. 8 1949. Argonaul/iceras besairiei Co I I i g no 11 , p. 46, pl. 8, fi g. I a-b. 1950. A rgonauticeras besairiei Co I I i g non sens u Co I I i g n o n , p . 36, pl. 5 (3) , fi g. 6, Ga. 1963. Argonauticeras besairiei C o I 1 i g no n sens u C o 11 i g 11 o n, p. 17, pl. 248, fi g. 1059. 1978 . Amonoceratitcs (A r(!o nau liceras) besairiei Co 1 1 i g n o n sens u Ken 11 e d y & K 1 i n g e r , p. 3 18, fi gs. 47-48 A.

No men c I a t u r e. Holotype is the spec imen of Co I I i g non (1 949, p. 46 , pl. 8, Fi g. 1) . which is a juvenile spec imen and comes fr om the upper part of Lower Albian near Ambarimaninga . Mada ga sca r . D i me n s i o n s (mm) Spec imen D H 0 L Hi D Ol D LID Holot ype 43 18 16 2 1 0 .42 0.37 0.49 Spec imen of c 0 I I i g 11 0 II ( 1963) 200 94 63 106 0 .4 7 0.32 0.53 K1 10 148 97 43 3 1? 0.44 0.32 48 D c s cription. j\1oderately ir1volute. middle-s ized <~rnrr.onitrs. No whorl section is observed - the spe cimens are defortned. Th<• \\·horl s are hi gh, and the um · bilicus is of medium \\·idth. The umbilical wall gradually pa sses into the flanks . The ornamentation comists of narrow, low , round ed ribs. Th ey are dense ly spa­ ced, separated by wider interribs. The ribs arise at the umbilical sea m. bend on the umbilical wall and pass slightly forward s flexed on the flanks. In the ve ntral area they do not form sinuses . D i s t rib uti on. Upper Aptian - Lower Albian in Madagasca r; Middle Albian in Zululand. In Bulgaria - Lower Albian. L. (L .) tardPfurcata Zone. Material and occurrence. Zamfirovo section , ,N'g2, 111 . 2-K, 10148; m. 13 - Ki 10149. Sumer Formation .

Genus Pictetia U h I i g, 1883 Nomen c l a t u r e. Type species by subsequent designation (S p a t h, 1923, p. 27) is Crioceras astierianum d'O r big n y, 1842. The data on the type are given in the description of the species. D i a g nos is. Loosely coiled ammonites with whorls separated throughout. The whorl section varies from a depressed to a compressed one. In some cases the body chamber may straighten. The ornamentation consists of low , irregular, feebly crinkled ribs. The suture line is deeply incised, having four lobes. Dis t rib uti on. Lower and Middle Albian in Western Europe, Caspian re­ gion, India, Madagascar, Zululand; Upper Aptian in Madagascar. In Bulgaria the ge­ nus has been established in Lower and Middle Albian.

Pictetia astieriana (d 'O r big n y, 1842)

Pl. II, Fig. 7 1842. Crioceras astierianum d'O r big n y, p. 468, pl. 115, figs. 3-5. 1923. Pictetia astieriana (d 'O r bi g n y) sensuS path, p . 27, pl. I, fig. 7; text-fig. 7. 1949. Pictetia astieri d'O r big n y sensu Co I I i g non , p. 47, pl. 8, fig . 2 a-b. 1957 . Pictetia astieriana (0 r big n y) sensu Wright, L194, fi g. 225 (4 a-c). 1963. Pictetia astieri d'O r big n y sensu Co IIi g non, p. 7, pl. 243, fig. 1044 . 1978. Pictetia astieriana (d'O r big n y) sens u Kennedy & K I i n g e r, p. 324, fi g. 49, 50?. 51. 1989. Pictetia astieriana (d'O r big n y) sensu F 6 II m i, p . 11 6, pl. 2, figs. 4-8. 1992 . Pictetia astieriana (0 r b i g n y) sensu R o d d a & M u r p h y, p . 436, Fig. 3.1- 3.3, 3.6.

Nomen cIa t u r e. Lectotype is the specimen of d'O r big n y (1842, pl. 115 , Fig. 3-5) which comes from the Middle Albian of Escragnolle<: , Var (France) . It has been designated and refigured by Kennedy & K I in g e r (1978, p. 324, Fig. 49 A-C, BMNH 46953). Des c r i p t ion. The available specimen is an ammonite fragment, the whorl of which do not touch. The specimen is deformed and it is imposs ible to get a real im­ pression about the shape of the whorl section. The ornamentation consists of narrow, rounded ribs, se parated by interspaces of the same width. The ribs pass across the flanks slightly foward s flexing, and on the ventral area they are straight. The dorsal area is smooth, non- sulcate . Immediately next to the aperture the ribs change their character, becoming broad and flattened. This is obvious in the ventral area, where the interspaces are 3 to 4 times narrower than the ribs. D i s t r i but ion. Middle Albian in Western Europe, Madagascar and Cali ­ fornia . In Bulgaria - Middle Albian, H. dentatus Zone. Materia I and occurrence. Kravoder se ction. ,N'g 10. m. 29 -· K1 ,10150. Sumer Formation.

4 Geologica Balcani ca, 23. 3 49 Pictetia depressa (Pi c t e t & C a 111 pi c he, 1861)

Pl. III , Fig. 6 I 861. Crioceras depresws P i c t e t & C a m p i c h e, p . 28, pl. 45, fig. 3-4 . I 923. Pictetia depressa (Pi c t e t) sensu S p a t h, p. 29, pl. I, fig. 8 a-b. text-fig. 8. 1958. Pictetia depressa !Pi c t e t) sensu .D. p y 1.1.{ H u (in 0 p JI o B), pl. 21 , fi g. 2. 1960. Pictetia depressa (Pic t e t & Ca mpi c he) sensu Casey, p. 4, pl. I, fig. I a-c; text-figs. I a-d. 1978. P ictetia aff. depressa (Pic t c t & Campi c he) sensu K ennedy & K I in g e r, p . 324, Figs. 52 A-F, 53.

Nomen cIa t u r e. The lectotype, de signated by Spath (1923, p. 29) is the specimen figured by P i c t e t & C a m p i c h e coming from the Lower Albian in Perte-d u-Rhone (Ain). France. De s c r i p t ion. A middle-sized ammon ite with rapidly growing whorls. The whorl sect ion is as hi gh as wide because of lateral deformation of the specimen. Most characteristic is the narrow sulcus in the dor ~a l area. There is no ornamentation on the mould . The suture line is visible but poorly prese rved. The fragment is from the ~e p­ tal part of the ammonite. D i s t r i b u t i o n. LO\\er AI bian in Western Europe and t he Casp ian region, Upper Aptian in Madagascar. In Bulga ria --- Lower Albian, L. (L.) tardefurcata Zone . Material and occurrence. MaloPestene sect ion,No2. m. 2 - · K 1 10151 , Malo Pe.Stene Formation.

Superfa mily TETRAGONITACEAE Hyatt, 1900

Family H yatt, 1900

Subfamily TETRAGONITINAE H yat t, 1900

Genus Tetragonites K o s s mat , 1895

Nomen c I a t u r e. Type species by original designation (K o s s m a t , 1895, p. 131) is Ammonites timotheanus Pi c t e t, 1848 . The lectotype , de signated by W i e d­ m ann (1962a, p. 172) is the specimen of Pic t e t (1848, pl. 3, fig . I - MHNG Pi "GV"/3, I) coming from the Upper Albian in Saxonet (Savoie), France. D i a g no s is. Moderately evolute tetragonitids, characterized by rounded to subrectangular whorl se ction and constrictions inclined forwards, over the ventral area being typically bent and forming a variously convex sinus. The suture line has a deep­ er exernal lobe compared to the first lateral one. It has an irregular bi - or trilobate ending of the first lateral saddle and almost symmetrical lateral lobe. Co m par i son s. A detailed di scussion about the relationships bel\\·een genus Tetragonites and the other tetragoni tids is presented in the paper by Ken ned y & K I i n g e r (1977, p. 151-152). D i s t r i but ion. Upper Aptian - almost all over the world.

Tetragonites rectangu/aris rectangularis W i e d m ann, 1962

Pl. ! , fig. fi; PI. II, fig. 8 1908. L ytoceras (Tetragoni!es) Timotheanus P i c t e t sensu J a c o b, p. 19, pl. I , fig. I 0. II. pars 1923 . T etragonites timotheanus (Mayor MS) Pict e t sensu Spath, p. 25. pl. I, fig. 6 (only). 1962a. T etragonites rectangularis Wiedmann, p . 178. pl. 14. fig. 3; text· fig . 39. 1962b. T etragonites rectangularis Wi e dmann sensu Wiedmann, p. 78, pl. 6, fig. I, 2, 7 . 8; text-fig. 28. 1963. Tetragonites rectangu/aris Wiedmann sensu Co IIi g n on, p. 21, pl. 249, fi g. 10fl9, 1070· 1968. Telragonites rectangularis W i e d mann sensu W i e d mann & D i en i, p. 47, pl. 4, fi g.8. 1973. Tetragonites rectangularis rectangu/aris W i e d mann sensu W i e d m a n n, p. 596, pl. I, fi g. I ; pl . 4, fi g. 2; pl . 7, fi g. 1-2. 50 1977. Tetragonites timotheanus Pic t e t sensu 1\ o T e T ll w B H JJ H, p. 34, pl. 7, fig . 5, 8, 9. 1979. Tetragonites timotheanus (Pic t e t) morphotype rectangularis sensuS c hoI z, p. 56, pl. II, fig. 7, 8, text-fig. 17 . . 1982. Tetragonites rectangularis W i e d mann sensu R en z, p. 34, pl. 4, fig. 4 a·b, 5 a-b; text-fig. 22 a-c. 1989. Tetragonittes rectangularis W i e d m a n 11 sensu F 6 I I m i, p. 119, pl. 3, fig . I 0, II. 1990. Tetragonites rectangularis Wiedmann sensu .Marc i 11 ow ski & W i e d mann, p. 30, pl. 1: II ; fig . 16.

Nomen cIa t u r e. The holotype is the specimen of W i e d mann (1962a, p. 178, pl. 14, fig. 3, text-fig. 39 - MHNG Wi "VK".'IO) from Upper Albian in Saxonet (Sayoie), France. Dimensions (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H,D 0 , 0 LD Holotype 50 22 12,8 31 0.44 0.25 0.62 K1 10153 64 29 15 0.45 0.23 KL 10154 68 30 19 0.44 0.28 Des c r i p t ion. ModeratPiy im·olute middle-s ized ammonites. The umbili­ cus is narrow (23-28% of the diameter). The specimens are laterally deformed and the whorl section is not observable. The constriction are narrow, shallow and well expressed . They arise at the umbi­ lica I seam, and pass on the flanks strong! y forwards inclined, while in the ventral part they flex backwards and form a sinus. On the internal whorls the constrictions are clear and numerous . In the last whorl they are comparatively scarce (4 -5) irregularly arranged . Com p a r i sons. T. !?itchini (K r en k e 1) is most closely related to the spe­ cies drscribed in LO\ver Albian . It differs by its nu'merous constrictions and by its com­ paratively broader umbilicus. T. subtimothcanus has the numerous constrictions with different very characteristic shape . Dis t r i but ion. Lower Albian in Majorca and Southun Spain; Middle and Upper Albian in Southern France; Upper Albian in England, Sardinia and Madagas­ car; Albian in North America. In Bulgaria - Lower Albian . Material and occurrence. G. Damjanovo section , No I, m. 32 - K1 10154; Kravoder section, No 8, m. 8 -- K 1 10153, 111. 16 - K 1 10155 , Sumer Forma ­ tion.


Genus Protetragonites H y a t t, 1900

Nomen cIa t u r e. The type species by original designation (Hyatt, 1900, p. 569) is Atn(nonites r; uadrisulcatus d'O r big n y, 1840 . The lectotype. designated by Sap uno v (1979, p. 41) is the specimen of d'O r big n y (1840, pl. 49, fig. I, 2), which comes from "NEOcomien", France. Hemitetragonites Spath, 1927 and Lepto­ tetragonites Spa t h, 1927 are subjective synonyms for that genus. D i a g nos is. Strongly evolute ammonites with circular to oval whorl section and rare straight or flexed constrictions. The ornamentation consists only of growth striae. Dis t r i b u t i on. Thithonian - Albian in the Mediterranean area, Madagas­ car and Zululand .

Protetragonite s cf. aeolus ( d '0 r b i g n y, 1850)

Pl. I, fig. 2 1850. Ammonites aeolus d'O r big n y, p. 125. 51 pars 1908. Lylocera' (G u;u/ryct'r,l') at'olu' .l '()rhignv >l'IHJ .l :~ t · r . h . I' · II . pi I . l 1g . 1;' i' "'" fig. 1-t, IG = Eogcuuirl/(cros IF.) shr'111 izui shimi:ui B r c i , t r "I i ,. r J. 1Yo2a . Protetragonitcs uro/us u.·olus (d'U r h.) se 11 su \\' i e d 111 a 11 11. p. :.! -t. pl. 10. fig . ;;, te.d-fig. ti . 1978. Prote/ragoni/es aeolus aeolus (d 'Or lJ i .!!.II yl ~ e11su 1\ ,. 1111 r d y & 1\ I in ~ e r. p. :l:.!l. Fi !! . 48 8 -F. 1989. Protetrugonites aeo lu s ueu lus (d 'O r hi'-( 11 y) Sl'll>'ll F ii II 111 i , p. !Iii, pl . '' iit.: . :.!. 1990. Protetrogonites aeolus aeolus (d'O r big n y) sen s 11 ;\\ ;1 r r i 11 o II' ski & \\' i c d 111" 11 11 . p. 25, pl. I : 8, 9; fi g. 14 .

Nome 11 cIa t u r c . Lectotype. de:;ignatcd by \\' i c d 111 ;t 11 11 1 l%2a . p . :Zri) i ~ the specimen from d'Orbigny 's collection (;\\:'\HP .S7i0) . coming fru111 !ht:> _\\ iddk (J) Albi

Dime 11 s ion s (111111)

Specimen 0 H L 0 l!O L'D 0[) Lectotype :31 10.5 12.5 14.5 0.34 ()_4() 0.47 K 1 10152 28 9 13.2 0.32 0. 4 7

De s c r i p t ion. A small ammonites, strcngly e\'olute with a broad umbili­ cus (47 ~'o of the diameter) . The specim en is laterally co mpr e~!'ed and the \\horl ~c dion is not obse rvable. The ort1amentation is not preser\'cd. Then· are four constrictions on the mould , strctight to gently inclined forward s. Dis t rib uti o 11 . Albian in Sardinia, Balearic Islands, Ea~te rn France, :\\a ­ dagasca r and Zululand . In Bulgaria it has be en es tabli-hed in LO\\ f'l' Albi

Genus Eogaudryce•·as S p a l II, 1927

Nomen cIa t u r e. Type species by original designation (S p

Subgenus Eogaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) Spat h . 1922

Nomen c I a t u r e. The sa me as that of the genu~. D i a g no s i s. Moderatelv e\·olute ammonites, the wh orl srction modified irom a trapezoidal one (in the initi{ll -s tages) to a compressed one in thl' la st ,,·horl. Tlw ::: hell is smooth or covered by fine striae. Shallow constrictions occur ma inly in th£' internal whorls. The suture line ha s bifid svmmetrical saddles. Di s t rib uti on . The <:arne as that of the ge nus .

52 Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) shimizui shimizui B r e i s t r o f f e r, 1936

Pl. I, fig. I pars 1908. Lyloccras (Gaudryceras) Aeolus d '0 r b i g n y sensu J a c o b, p. 14, pl. 1, figs. 14 a· b, 16 a·b (non fig. 15 = Eogaudryceras inaequale Breis troffer, 1947). 1947 . Eogaudryceras Shimizui Brei st roffer, p. 56, 58. 1949. Gaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) Shimizui Breis troffer sensu Co 1 1 i g non, p. 49, pl. 7, fi g. 2, 2 a·b. 1960. Eogaudrycerasshimizui Breis l r offer sensu Casey, p. 9, pl. 1, fig . 2 a·c; text-fig 2 a·g. 1962a . Eogaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) shimizui shimizui Breis troffer sensu Wiedmann, p . 152, pl. 13, fig. 1 a-b. 1975. Eogaudryceras shimizui Brei s troffer sensu ill a p H K a .11 3 e, K BaHT a JJ H a H H, p . 24, pl. 4 a-c. 1990. Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) shimizui shimi

Nomen c I at u r e. Holotype - the specimen figured by J a cob (1908, pl. 1, fi g. l4a-b) as Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) aeo/11!. d 'Or big n y. Its origin is fromtheLcw­ er Albian in Balme de Rencurel (lsere), France.

D i m e n s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H L 0 HD LID O.D Holotype 33 0.33 0.43 0.42 K 1 10156 33.5 12.5 13 0.34 0.39

De s c r i p t i on. A small evolute ammonite with a comparatively low whorl and a wide umbilicus. The specimen is laterally deformed and the whorl section is not visible. The umbilical wall is rounded and gradually passes into the flanks. On the last whorl there are 4-5 poorly expressed slightly inclined forwards constrictions ac­ companied by low ribs. The mould between them is smooth without striae. Comparisons. Our specimen shows resemblance with E . (Eogaudryceras) muntaneri W i e d m an n , 1962. It differs from the latter by a greater number of constrictions and narrower umbilicus . D i s t r i b u t i on. Lower Albian in England and Georgia (former USSR); Middle Albian in Southeastern France, Switzerland and Madagascar . In Bulgaria­ Lower Albian, L. (L.) tardefurcata Zone, L . (N.) regularis Subzone. Materia I and occurrence. G. Damjanovo section , No I, m. 54 K 1 10156, Sumer Formation.

Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) ita/icum W i e d m a n n & D i e n i , 1968

Pl. I, fig. 3 1968. Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) italicum W i e d m a n n & D i e n i, p . 34, pl. I, fig. 8; text­ fig. 6. 1979. Eogaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) ilalicum W i e d m a n n & D i e n i sensu Coo p e r & K e n­ ne d y, p. 189, Figs. 7-11. 1979. Gaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) italicum (Wiedmann) sens uS c hoI z, pl. 10, fig. 1-2; text­ fi g. 13 .

N om en c I a t u r e. Holotype -- the s pecimen of W i e d m a n n & D i en i (1968, pl. I, fig . 8, IGPS 21) which comes from the Upper Albian in Orosei (Sardinia).

Dimen s i on s (mm Specimen D H L 0 H; D LID OtD Holotype 50 25 19 14 0.50 0.28 0.38 K1 10158 39 16.8 10.5 13 0.43 0.27 0.33 K1 10141 33 14 10.8 0.42 0.33 53 Description. Small moderatelv involute ammonites with compressed whorl section. The umbilicus is middle-sized . The umbilical wall is steep, almost vertical. The ornamentation is represented by growth striae. They are flexed on the flanks, and in the ventral area form a forwards oriented sinus. Constrictions are rare and as a rule they are unclear. poorly expressed. Com p a r i s on s. The species differs from E. (E.) bourritianum bourritianum (Pic t e t. 1848) and E. (E .) bourritianum hispanicum Wiedmann, 1962 by its more eyoJute shell coiling and by the compressed whorl section. Di s t rib uti on. Upper Albian, S. dispar Zone in Angola. Sardinia, Hun­ gary. In Bulgaria the species has been es tablished in the same stratigraphical level. .Material and occurrence. Dobrusa section, No I. m . IO - K 1

10157, K 1 10158 , K 1 10141 , Sumer Formation. Subgenus Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) Brei s troffer. 1947 Nomen c I at u r e. Type species by original designation (Breis troffer, 1947, p. 56) is Ammonites depressus R asp a i I. 1866 ( -' Eotetragonites raspaili Breis­ t r offer, 1947). The holotype is the original specimen of K iIi an (1913. p. 329. pl. II. fig . 3 a-b). desc ribed as Lytoceras (Tetragonites) depressus (R as p a i I) and comes from the Aptian in Southern France. D i a g n o s i s. Moderately evolute ammonites with subrectangular \\·horl sec­ tion even in the early stages. The shell is smooth or with fine striae. The constrictions are typically sharp and occur in all ontogenic stages . The suture line has asymmetri­ cal bifid saddles. D i s t r i but i on. Upper Aptian - Middle Albian in the M<:'diterranean area, South Africa. Madagascar. California.

Eogaudryceras ( Eotetragonites) umbilicostriatus C o I I i g 11 o 11. 1949

Pl. II , fig. 1 1949. Eotetragonites umbilicostriutus Co I I i g 11 o 11, p. 48, pl. 8, fi g. 4: pl. 21, fi g. 5. 1963. Eotetragonites umbilicostrialus Co I I i g 11 on sens u Co I I i g non, p. 17, pl. 248, fi g. 1060. 1979. Eogaudryceras (Eotelra,!!,onites) umbilicostriatus Co I I i g n on sens u Kennedy & K I i n· g e r , p . 127, pl. I, fig. 3.

Nomen cIa t u r e. Holotype is the specimen of Co IIi g non (1949 .. pl. 8. fig. 4, pl. 21. fig. 5) originating from the Lo\\'er Albian in Ambarimaninga. Madagascar .

D i m e 11 s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H L 0 H,D LD Ol D Holotype 21 8 9 8 0.38 0.43 0.38 K1 10159 52 20 16 0.38 0.31 Description. A middle-sized fragment of ammonite. moderately evolute. The whorl section is not visible because the specimen is laterally deformed. The um­ bilicus is middle-wide, the umbilical wall is low and rounded, gradually passing into the flanks. The ornamentation is represented by growth stri ae. They arise at the umbilical seam and pass across the flanks flexoidally curved. The striae are most pronounce in the upper part of the flanks and in the ventral area. On the mould comparatively dense. shallow flexoidal constrictions occur. Their front side is steep and the back one slan­ ting sometimes slightly uplifted resembling an unclear rib. The constrictions arise at the umbi I ical seam an d pass straight across the umbi I ical wall. On the flanks they are gently flexed. forwards to mid-flank , backwards acrc•ss the upper flank. In the final part of the I ast \\·horl the constrictions are denser . Com p a r i s on s . The species differs from the otht·r Lo\\'er Albian represen­ tatives of Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) by its shape and density of constrictions. 54 Dis t r i but i on. Lower Albian in Magdagascar and Zululand. In Bulgaria­ Lower Albian. L. (L .) tardefurcata Zone. M a t e r i a I a n d o c c u r r e n c e. G . Damjanovo section No I . m . 30 - K 1 10159, Sumer Formation.

Eogaudryceras ( Eotetragonites) gainesi (A n d e r s o n, 1938)

Pl. II, fi g. 3 1938 . Lytoceras ( Kossmalella) gainesi A n d e r so n, p. 153, pl. 20, figs. 3-5. 1967. Eotetragonites gainesi (Ander so n) sensuM. u r ph y, p. 23, pl. 4, fi gs. 1-5; text-figs. 18-19. 1979. Eogaudryccras ( Eotetragonites) gainesi (A n d e r s o n) sensu Ken n e d y & K I i n g e r, p. 126.

Nomen c I at u r e. Holotype is the specimen of An de r s on (1938 , pl. 20, fig. 3) deriving from the Lower Albian, Horsetown Group in California. D i m e n s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H /D 0 /D L/D Holotype 56 22 18 ? 0.40 0.32 K 1 10160 51 20 18 0.40 0.35

De s c r i p t ion . Moderately evolute ammonites of medium size. The umbili­ cus is shallow, middle-wide. The umbilical wall is low abruptly rounded. The speci­ mens are laterally deformed and the whorl section is not visible. The ornamentation is represented by regularly arranged constrictions and growth striae. The constrictions arise at the umbilical seam. pass straight across the umbili­ cal wall and flex forwards on the flanks. In the ventral area they curve forwards and form a poorl y ex pressed sinus. The constrictions are comparatively narrow and deep in the lower flanks and gradually broaden and become shallow towards the periphery. Their front sides are wide and slanting, while the back ones -steep. almost vertical. The number of the constrictions varies from 15 to 17 in the last whorl. The growth striae are very fine. They follow the direction of the constrictions and are best expressed on the upper part of the flanks and in the ventral area. Comparisons. The species differs from the Aptian representatives E. (E.) kossmatelliformis (Fa I I o t) and E. (E .) duvalianus (d'O r big n y) by the s pecific pattern and density of the constrictions. D i s t r i b u t i o n. Lower AI bi an, Leconteites lecontei Zone and Brewericeras hulense Zone in California. In Bulgaria- Lower Albian, L. (L.) tardefuracta lone. Material and occurrence. G . Damjanovo section, No 1, m . 30- K 1 10161; No 2, m. 16- K 1 10160. Sumer Formation .

Genus S h i m i z u , 1934

Nomen c I at u r e. Type species, originally designated by S hi m i z u in 1934 on p . 67, is Ammonites sacya Forbes, 1846. a subjective synonym of Ammonites budha Forbes, 1846 (Kennedy & Klinger, 1979, p. 142) . Holotype­ the original specimen of Forbes, refigurated by Ken ned y & K I i n g e r (1979, pl. 8, fig. 2 a-b), from the Utatur Group in Verdachellum, Soutern India . There are no data available on the stratigraphical position of the holotype. D i a g n o s i s. Middle-sized ammonites with circular to depressed whorl section in the internal whorls; compressed in the outer whorls. The ornamentation in the ear­ ly and middle growth stages is represented by growth striae (in some cases hardly vi­ sible) and by periodically arranged, narrow. low collar ribs. The ribs are prorsiradiate or forwards inclined . On the mould they are accom panied by narrm\· constrictions. The ornamentation changes in the body chamber, the conG1c. crre_:--densely~ 5AN · 6 V1 6 n ~1 0 T E K A.55 ' ~------. _._J Broad fold-like ribs appear between th em . The suture line has dee pl y incised bifid lobes and saddl es. Di s t rib uti on. Lo\\'er Albian - ;\\aastrichtial1 almost everywhere in the world .

Anagaudryceras aurarium (A 11 d e r s o n . 1938)

Pl. III, fi g. 7 1938. Lytocera s (Kossmalellu) au rarium A nder son, p . 15 1, pl. 20, fi gs. 1-2. 1960. Anagaudrycera s aurarium (Ander so n) sensu I m I a y, p. 39, pl. II , fi gs. 18- 19 (? 24). 1967. Eogaudryceras aurarium (A n d e r s o n) sens u M u r p h y . p . 13, pl. I. ?1977. Uhligella s p. sensu K o T e T If w B If JI If , p. 54. pl. 16, fi g. 2a-b. 1979. Anagaudryceras aurarium (Ande r so n) sensu K en ned y & K I i n g e r , p. 14 6 .

Nome 11 cIa t u r e. Holotype is the specimen of A 11 de r so n (1938. pl. 20, fig . 1-2) deriving from Albian, upper part of the Horsetown Group in California. D i m e n s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H/D 0 /D LI D Holotype 83 0.44 0.29 0.36 Specimen of M u r p h y (1967) 83 42 22 0.50 0.27 K1 10162 67 3 1 17.5 0.46 0.26 Description. Middle-sized moderately involute ammonite with almost narrow umbilicus. The umbilical wall is low, vertical. gradually pass ing into the flanks. The whorl section and the ventral area are not observable- the specimen is laterally deformed . The ornamentation consists of narrow, low , rounded collar ribs (4-5 per whorl) and poorl y visible growth striae. They flex gently backwards on the umbilical wall and pass almost straight, slightl y forwards inclined across the flanks . The ribs are confined by narrow shallow constrictions following their direction . The constrictions in fr on t of the ribs are more pron ounced and in some cases are accompanied by a lower front al rib . The ornamentation of the internal whorls is not preserved. D i s t r i b u t i on . Lower Albian - Leconteites modestus and Puzosigella spp. Zone, Mo!fites mbustus and Leconteites deansi Zone, Leconteites lecontei Zone, Breweri­ ceras hulense Zone in Ca lifornia: ? condensed L . tardefurcata-D. mammilliatum Zone in Georgia (former USSR). In Bulgaria - Lower Albian L. (L.) tardefurcata Zone, L. (L .) tenuicostata Subzone. Materia! an d occ urrence. Zamfirovo section, No I, m . 30 - K 1 10 162 , Sumer FormCltion.

Anagaudryceras d. whitneyi (Gab b, 1869)

Pl. II, fig. 5 1938. Lytoceras ( Kossma lella) whilneyi (G ab b) sensu Ande r son. p. 152, pl. 2 1. fig. 1- 2. 1967. Anagaudryceras l't' hilneyi (Gab b) sensuM u r ph y, p . 16, pl. 2, fi gs. 3, 5, G; text- fi gs . 11 ·13.

N om e ll c I a t u r e. Holot ype is the specimen of Gabb , refigur ed by An d e r so 11 (1938, pl . 21, fig . I, 2) an d Murphy (1967, pl. 2, fi g. 3). It derives fr om the Albian in Cottonv.-ood Creek, Shasta County, Calfornia. De s c r i p t ion . Moderately evolute amm onite, middle-sized. The specimen is laterall y deformed. the whorl section is compressed. The umbilica l wall is steeply slopi ng, rounded, graduall y merging into the flClnks . Ornament consists of narro\\", roun ded . coll ar ribs and grmdh :-. tri i::le. Th e ribs are regular , comparatively densely situated (4 per 1/3 of the last whorl). They arise at the 56 umbilical seam and are straight on the umbilical wall. In the umbo-lateral area the ribs flex forwards and pass slightly flexoidal across the flanks . The ribs are confined by constrictions, their back part being narrow. poorly observable. while the frontal one is comparatively wider and deeper. The growth striae are parallel to the ribs and are well observable on the mould . Com p a r i sons an d n o t e s. The species differs from the Lower Albian representatives of genus Anagaudryceras by its densely situated forwards inclined ribs and constrictions. Our fragment bears a much closer resemblance to the specimen figured by .M u r ph y (1967, pl. 2, fig. 6) . Dis t rib uti on. Albian in California; in Bulgaria- Lower Albian, D. mammi llatum Zone. Material and occurrence. Kravoder section, No 8, m. 14 - K 1 10163, Sumer Formation.

Anagaudryceras sp.

Pl. I I, fig. 4

D i m e n s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H/D 0 /D LID

K 1 10171 50 24 .5 12.5 0 49 0.25

Des c r i p t i on. Moderately involute ammonite, middle-sized. The specimen is laterally deformed and the whorl section is not observable. The whorl is high (pro­ bably the ratio of H /D is additionally strengthened), the umbilicus is comparatively narrow. The umbilical wall is steep, rounded and gradually passing into the fl3nks. The ornamentation consists of growth striae and ribs combined with constrictions. The direction and configuration of the ribs and constrictions on the flanks resemble much those of Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) and is diagnostical for the species descri­ bed. The ribs are narrow, low, weakly convex, almost flattened. They are regularly disposed on the mould (7 ribs per half a whorl). They arise at the umbilical seam and pass almost straight across the flanks. At the beginning of the last whorl the ribs are comparatively unclear, moderately inclined forwards. In the final part of the whorl they are very distinct, strongly inclined forwards. The ribs are confined from behind by a narrow, shallow, clear constriction. In front of the ribs there is a shallow compa­ ratively broad constriction . Across the ventral area the ribs and accompanying cons­ trictions probably flex slightly forwards . On the whole mould (inc. on the ribs) fine growth striae occur. The internal whorls are poorly preserved without any elements of ornamentation . The suture line is not observable. Com p a r i sons an d n o t e s. The species resembles very much A. aurarium (Anderson). It differs from the latter by its denser, strongly inclined ribs and con­ strictions. The style of ornamentation of the species described is closest to A. whitneyi (Gab b) . It differs by its more involute coiling and by ribs comparatively more sron­ gl y inclined forwards . Dis t rib uti on. Lower Albian , L . (L.) tardefurcata Zone, L. (L .) regula­ ris Subzone in Northwestern Bulgaria. J\\ ate ria I and occurrence. G . Damjanovo section, No I, m. 43- K 1 10142, Sumer Formation.

Genus Kossmate//a J a cob, 1907

Nomen c I at u r e. Type species, originally designated (J a co b. 1907. p. 65) is Ammonitesagassizianus Pic t e t. 1847 . The lectotype designated by Wiedmann

57 (1962, p. 165) is probably the original specimen of Pi c t e t (1847, pl. 4, fig. 3 a, b. d). It was refigured by \V .i e d mann (pl. 13, fig. 10 a-c, text-fig. 25) and comes from the Albion in Saxonet (Savoie), France. D i a g no s is. Small, moderately involute ammonites with varying whorl sec­ ti on fr om a depressed to a compressed one. The ornammtati on consists of radial ribs or tubercules, \\·hich vary fr cm normal S\\·ellings to ma~sive rrotubenmces of elonga­ ted or isometric shape and arc se par c.: ted by deep constrictions. Th e test surface is fine­ ly )irate. D i s t r i b u t i on. Lower Alhian - Lcwer in Southern France, Spain , Ital y, Austria. Poland, the southern parts of USSR, Sinai Peninsula, South Africa, Sou thern India, .Mexico .

Suhgerws Kossmatel/a (Kossmatel/a) .I a cob, 1907

~omen c I a t u r e. The same as th at of the genus. D i a g 11 o s i s. Small ammonites, characterized by a regu lar alternation of con­ stricti ons and ribs. Comparisons. In subgenus Kcssmatella (Guderianites) Wiedmann, 1962. there are alw

Kossmatel/a ( Kossmatel/a) jacobi jacobi W i e d m a 11 n, 1962

Pl. II. fi g. 2 1908. Lytoceras ( Kossrnate/la) Agatsiziatltun Pi c I c I Yar . sensu J a co b, p. 22 , pl. 2, fi g. 4. 1962a. Kossmatc/!a jacobi \Vi c d mann. p. IG7. 1962b . Kossmalflla (Kossma!C'llu) jacobi jaccbi Wiedmann sensu Wiedmann, p. 57, pl. 4; \ext-fig . 19. ?1975. Kossmatcllu jatobi jacobi \\' i c d m a 11 11 sensu W a p 11 h a Jl 3 c, K 13 a 11 T a .1 H a 11 11 , p. 18, pl. 3, fi g. I a-c, 2 a-c. 1977. Kossmatella jacobi jacobi W i e d m a 11 n sensu K o T e T H w 13 11 Jl H, p. 36, pl. 8, fi g. I a, b. 1989. Kossma/ella jacobi jacobi Wiedmann sensu F ii II m i, p. 117, pl. 3, fi g. 5.

Nome 11 cIa t u r e. Holotype is the specimen of Ja cob (1908, p. 22, pl. 2, fig. 4) designated as L11toceras ( KoE.smatella) Agassizianum Pi c t. var. It deri ves from the Lower Albian in Pres de Rencurel, Isere, France. D i m c n s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H/D Ol D LiD Hol ot ype 36 12 16 0.33 0.45 K1 10164 24 8 11.8 0.33 0.49 De sc ription. A small-sized ammonite, strongl y eYolute. The whorl section is rounded-oval e~nd the greatest breadth being close to midfle~nks. The umbilicus is broad (almos t 50°1., of the diameter) and shallow. The umbilical wall is gently sloping. The flanks are convex and pass gradually towards the ventral area and the umbilical wall. The initial whorls (up to 0 = 5 mm) are smooth . Up to a D =-d2 mm, the mould is orne~mented by low isometrical tubercules, se parated by shallow constrictions. On the last whorl the tubercules are radially elongated, weakly forwards inclined and rib­ like (13 in number). They arise at the umbilical wall, are at their maximum strength on the middle flanks, broadening and wealdng towards the periphery. The constrictions are deep e~nd mo~t cl earl y visible in Yen tral area . After a D =- 5 mm the mould is cove­ red with thin growth striae, which are well marked on the tubcrcules and the ribs. Notes. Our specimen shows a similarity with the holotype, but differs fr om the paratype of Wiedmann (1962 , pl. 4, fig. 4, text-fig. 19) by the comparatively narrower and higher ribs in the last whorl. 58 Dis t rib uti on. Lower Albian in France and Spain: J\\iddle Albian in Geor­ gia (former USSR). In Bulgaria - Lower Albian, D. mammillatum Zone . Materia I and occurrence. Kravoder section, No 6, m. 23 - K1 10164. Sumer Formation .

Kossmate//a ( Kossmate/la) jacobi quenstedti W i e d m a n n, 1962 Pl. II, fig . 6 1962b. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) jacobi quenstedti \Vi e d m a n n, p. 59, pl. 5, fig. 5: text-fi g. 20. 1975. Kossmatel/a jacobi quenstedti sensu Ill a p H K a D. :1 e, K B a H T a JJ H a H H, p. 20, pl. 3, fi g. 3 a- d. Nomen c I at u r e. Hol otype designated by W i e d mann (1962b, pl . 5, fig. 5. text-fig. 20 a.-c) is the specimen from the collection of Quenstedt coming from the, .t\\iddle Albian in Escragnolles (France) . D i m en -; i on s (mm) Specimen D H 0 L H.,D 0 /D LID Holotype 25 9.5 9 10 0.38 0.36 0.40 K, 10165 33 12.5 12.5 0.38 0.38 De s cription. Small-sized moderately evolute ammonite. The specimen is laterally deformed and the whorl section is not observable. The umbilical wall is ab­ ruptly sloping, rounded, gradually passing into the flanks. The ornamentation of the internal whorls is not preserved . On the last whorl it consists of broad band-like fold ribs separated by constrictions . The ribs arise at the umbilical \vall. are at their maximum height in the lower part of the flanks. foming a tubercule-1 ike thickenings. Towards the periphery the ribs broadening and weaking. gradually pass into the ventral area. They have a wedge-like form and are 13 in number in the last whorl. The constrictions are comparatively narrow. They are deeper on the umbilical wall and the lower part of the flanks ; near the periphery they become broader and shallow. The constrictions in the ventral area are almost invisible. Dis t rib uti on. Lower Albian in Georgia (former USSR), Middle Albian in France. In Bulgaria - Lower Albian, the base of D . mammilla tum Zone. M a t e r i a I an d occur r en c e. Kravoder section, No 6, m. 12- K1 10165, Sumer Formation .

Kossmatel/a ( Kossmate/la) l•entrocincta ventl'ocincta ( Q u e 11 s t e tl t , 1848) Pl. III, fig. 5 a·c pars 1848 . Ammonites ventrocinctus Que n s ted t, p. 223, pl. 17, fig. 14 a·b (only). 1908. Lytoceras ( Kossmatella) rencurelense J a c o b, p. 22, pl. 2, fi g. 5, 6. 1962a . Kossmatella ventrocincia (Que n st.) sens u W i e d mann, p. 167, pl. 8, fig. 9; text-fi g. 26. 1962b. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) t•entrocincta (Q u ens ted t) sensu W i e d m a n n, p. 61. 1977. Kossmatella rencurelensis Jacob sensu K o T e T H w B H JJ H, p. 36, pl. 8, fig. 1 a-b. 1989. Kossmatella ventrocincta t•entrocincta (Que n s ted t, 1847/48) sensu F ii II m i, p. 118, pl. 3, figs . 6-8. Nomen c I at u r e. Lectotype designated by W i e d mann (1962, p. 234) is the original specimen of Que n s ted t (1848, pl. 17, fig . 14 a-b), refigured by Wiedmann (1962, pl. 8, fi g. 9). It comes from the Middle Albian of Escragnolles (Southeastern France).

D i m e 11 s i o n s (mm) Specimen D H L 0 H/D LID Ol D Lectotype 23 7 12.5 11 0.30 0.54 0.48 K1 10140 37 13 17.5 17 0.35 0.48 0.46 ~9 9 15.2 13.8 0.31 0.52 0.47 23 7 12.2 II 0.30 0.53 0.48

59 K 1 10167 20.5 6.7 10 .6 10.4 0.32 0.52 0.51 K1 10166 19 6.3 9.2 9.5 0.33 0.48 0.50

D e s c r i p t i o n . Small. strong! y evol ute amm onites with a low vol uti ons. Some of the specimens are partly laterally deformed. The whorl section changes through­ out ontogeny . Up to 30 mm dameter it is depressed, considerab ly broader than high - coronate one. There is a tendency towards the increasing of the height of the whorls and decreasing of the width of the umbilicus <~ncl of the whorl. At the aperture the whorl section is depressed , rounded-oval. The umbilicus is br oa d. Th e umbilical wall is high, abruptly s loping, passing gradually into the flanks . The ventral area is very broad weakly inflated-; rounded into the flanks. The internal wh orl s are smooth ur to a di ameter cf 6-7 mm . Up to a diameter of 12 mm they are ornameted with growth striae an d low isometric tubercules. The or­ namen~ation in the nex t stage is represented by strongly prominent tubercules se pa­ rated by constrictions. The tubercules arise at the umbilical wall, are at their maxi­ mum height on the upper flanks and gradual ly mergin g into the broa d rounded venter. There are about 13-14 tu bercules of almost isometric sh<1pe on the I as t \\·horl . The moulds are covered with grov. th striae, which are clearly visi bl e on the umbilical wall and the flanks. The striae of the specimen K 1 10166 have an interesting peculiarity. On the umbilical wall and on the flanks they are sharp resem bling thin ribs. In the ventral area they branch and the venter is covered by fine, I O\\· , den selv spaced striae. Their number at that place con siderably exceeds that on the flanks. Th e suture line is not preserved . Dis t rib uti on. Midd le Albian in Georgia (former USSR) and France; Low­ er - Middle Albi an in Austria. In Bul garia - Lo\\·er Albian, D . mammillatum Zone. J\\ ate ria I and occurrence. M. Pestene section , No 5, - K 1 10166, K1 10167; Virovsko section, 1\:o 2 - Kt 10140. The specimens are from the J\\alo Pe­ stene Formation .

Kossmate//a ( Kossmatel/a) ventrocincta gignouxi 8 r e i s t r o f f e r , 1931

Pl. III, fi g. 2, 4 pars. 1908. Kossmatella agassiziuna Pic t e t \' ar . sens u J a c ub, p. 21, pl. 2, fi g. I, 2, 3 a-b. 1962 . Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) ventrocin cta gignouxi Br e i s t r . emend sens u W i e d m a n n, p. 6 1, pl. 4, fi g. 6. non V 1967. Kossmatella agassiziana gignouxi Br eis troffer sensu !1. H ~• 11 T p o B a, p . 31, pl. 10 , fi g. 5 [= K. (K.) agassiziana] . 1975. Kossmalella ve ntrocincla gignouxi B r e i s l r o f f e r emend \V i c d m a n n sensu W a p Il­ l( a .ll J e, K n a 11 T a .1 11 a H 11, p. 23, pl. 4, fi g. 2 a-c.

Nomen cIa t u r e. Lectotype design ated by Wiedmann (1962, p. 61. pl. 4, fig. 6 - GPIT Ce 1220/1 5) , coming from th e upper part of Lc\\' er Albian of Son Vida (Pal­ ma de Mallorca).

D i m e n s i o n s (mm)

Specimen D H L 0 HID LI D O 'D Lectotype 31 10 II 14 0.32 0,35 0.45 K1 10139 24 8 I 1 0.33 0.46 K1 10168 24 8 11.2 0.33 0.47 K1 10170 22 7.5 10.3 0.34 0.46 D esc ripti on. Small strongl y evolute ammonites with slo\\'ly expanding whorls. The specimens are laterally deformed . Th e wh orl section is probably depress-

60 ed. a little bit broader than high . The greatest breadth of the whorls being in the up­ per half of the flan ks, just at the lateral tubercu les. The ventral area is broad, slightl y arched with rou nded ventrolatercd shou lder. The flanks are moderately inflated. The umbilical wall is abruptly s lo~ing and graduall y passes into the flanks. The ornamentation c<.m~i~ t s of rounded, alm os t isometric middle-high tubercules, situated in the upper flanks . The) are separated by narrow. middle-deep constrictions, which occur in the ventral area. There are 7 tubercules per half of the whorl. The in ­ ternal wh orls are poorl y preserved. On the las t wh orls there are thin , clearly visible. dense ly spacin g grmvth stri ae. Th ey pass almost rad iall y across the fl anks an d are gen tl y curved in the ventral area . Comparison s. K. (K .) ventrocinctagignouxi Br eis troffer is a sub­ species, which makes the morpholog ica l trans iti on between K . (K .) ·urntrocincta and K . (K.) agassiziana. It differs fr om the nominated subspecies by its less coronate whorl section and lower tubercu les and fr om K . (K.) agassiziana (Pic t e t) by its more depressed whorl secti on and isometrical tubercules. 0 i s t r i b u t i on. Lmn r Albian in France , Spain and Georgia (former USSR) . In Bulgaria -Lower Albian , D. mammillatum Zone. Materia Ian d oc cur r en c e. Kravoder secti on, No 8, m . ll-17 - K1 10168, K 10169, K 1 10170, Sumer Formation; 1\\ . Pestene section. No 6, m. 5-7 - K1 10139, Malo Pes tene Formation.

Kossmatel/a ( Kossmatel/a) romana W i e d m a n n, 1962

Pl. Ill, fi g. 1. 3 pars 1848. Ammonites venlrocinctus Q u ens ted t, pl. 17, fi g. 14 c·f. pars 1848. Ammonites Agassizianus Pi c t e t , pl. 4, fi g. 4 (only) . pars !908. Lytoceras (Kossmatel!a) Agassizianum Pic: t c t sens u Jac ob, p. 22, pl. 2, fig . 9, 10 (only). 1962a. Kossma!el/a romana Wi ed mann, p. 164, pl. 8, fig. 6-7; pl. 13, fig. 12; text-fig. 2 1-24. 19G2b. Kossmate!la (Kossmatella) romana Wiedmann sens u \Vied m an n, p. 50, p!. 3, fig. 8 ; pl. 4, fi gs. I, 5; pl . 5, fig. 3. • 1968. Kossmatella (Kossmalella) romana Wiedmann sens u \Vied mann & Die n i, p . 38, p 1. I , fig. I 0- I I ; pI. 2, fi g. 7; pI. 3, fi g. I 0. I975 . Kossm atel!a romana Wiedmann sens u WapHKa)l. 3 e, KRaiiTa .~ llaH H, p. 21, pl . 4, fi g. I a-c. 1983. Kossm ate/la romuna Wi e dm a nn sensu W i e d i c h , S c h v.· c r d & I m me I, p . 565, pl . 2, fi g. 2. 1985. Kossmatella cf. demo/yi Brei s troffer sensu T hi e u I o y (in Sou q u e t et al.), p. 221, pl. 5, fig. 5. 1989. Kossmate/la romana Wiedmann sens u F ii II m i, p. 117, pl. 3, fig. 4. 1990. Kossm alee l/a (Kossmatel/a) romana Wiedmann sensu .Marcin ow s ki & W i e d­ m a nn, p. 28, pl . 2 :2 .

Nomen c 1 at u r e. Holot ype is the spec imen of Quenstedt's collection (1848, fig . 14 c-f) designated and refigured by W i e d m a n n (1962, p. 164, pl. 8, fig . 7, text­ figs. 21, 23). The specimen derives from the Middle Albian in Escragnolles (Southeastern France). 0 i men s i on s (mm) Specimen 0 H L 0 H/0 L/0 0 /D Hol ot ype 46 16 16 19 0.35 0.35 0.41 K1 10135 26 10 11.5 0.38 0.44 K1 10137 28 10.5 10 II 0.37 0.35 0.39

0 esc r i p t i o n. Sm all moderatel y evolute ammonites. The available speci ­ mens are in different degree laterall y deformed . The whorl section if it is preserved is compressed, slightly higher than wide . The umbilicus is middle-wide, the umbilical

61 wall is abruptly rounded. The \'entral area is middle-wide, smooth, rounded into the flanks . The initial \\horls (up to a diameter of 3-4 mm) are .


Anderson, F . 1938. Lower deposits in California and Oregon. - Geof. Soc. A mer. Spec. pap .. 16; 248-328. 81 pL 8 rei s troffer. M. 1947 . Surles zones d'ammonites da ns !' Albien de fr11n r e ct d'Ang leterre. ­ Trau. Lab. gcol. foe. Sci. Univ. Gre11oble. 24; 19-104. C a s ey, R . 1960. A monograph of the of the Lower Greensa nd . I . - Palal'olltogr. Soc. (Monogr. ) /13; 1-44, pis, I-tO. C o IIi g no 11, J\L 1949. La f

62 McLear n, F. 1972. Ammonoids of the Lower Cretaceous sandstone member of !he Haida Forma­ lion, Skidegale Inlet, Qeen Charl otte Islands, Western British Columbia. - Bull. geol. Surv. Can ., 188; 1-78, 45 pis. Murphy. M. 1967a. The Aptian- Cenomanian members of the ammonite genus Tetragonitcs. ­ Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. , 69; 94p. A'\ u r ph y, M. 1967b. Aptian and Albian Tetragonitidae (Ammonoidea).- Uniu. Calif. Publ. Gcol. Sci. Berkeley, 70; 1-32. N i k o I o \' , T . 1965. Etages, sous-etages et zones d'ammonites du Cretace inferieur en Bulgarie.­ Mem. Buer. rech . geol. min., 34; 803-817. N i k o I o\·, T. 1987. Th e Mediterranean Lower Cretaceous. Sofia. Publ. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 268p. 0 r big n y, A. d'. 1840-1842. Terrains Cretaces. Pateontologie francaise 1. Cephalopodes. Paris. 666 p., 148 pl. 0 r b i g n y, A. d'. 1850. Prodrome deh Paleontologie stratigraphique universelle des animaux mollus­ ques et rayonnes. II. Paris, 427 p. Pi c t e t, F. 1848. Description des Mollusques fossiles qui se trouvent dans les Gres Vert des envi­ rons de Geneve (Cephalopodes).- Mem . Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. (II), 2; 1-156, pis. 1-1 6. Pi c t e t, F. & Campi c he, G. 1861. Materiaux pour !a Paleontologie Suisse. Description des fos­ siles du terain Cretace des environs Ste-Croix. 2.2, 3.2, Geneve, 380 p. Que n s ted t , F. 1848. Cephalopoden . - In: Petrefaktenkunde Deutschland, 1, I, Tubingen . 580 p . R en z, 0. 1982 . The Cretaceous ammonites of Venezue !la. Basel. Birkha user Graphisches Unterneh­ men AG. 132 p., 40 pis. R odda, P. & Murphy, M. 1992. Two occurrences of lhe genus Pictctia (Early Cretaceous, Albian, Ammonoidea) in California.- J . Paleont., 66. 3: 435-439. S c hoI z, L. F. 1979. Di e Ammoniten des Vracon (Ober Alb. dispar-Zone) des Bakony-Gebirges (Westungarn) und eine Revision der wichtigsten Vracon-Arten der westmediterranen Fau­ nenprovinz. Teil I , 2.- Paleontographica, A /65, 1-6; 136p ., 30 pis. S p a t h, L. F. 1923. A monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Gault. I. - Palaeontogr. Soc. ( Monog­ gr.). London, 75; 1-72, pis. 1-4. Spath, L. F. 1927. Revision of the fauna of Kahh. (Cutch.).- Mem. geol. Sun•. India, Palaeontol. Indica, 9, 2 (1). Calcuta, 1-71. S t o I i c z k a, F. 1865. The fossil cephalopoda of the Cretaceous rock of Southern India . - Pal aeon­ to!. Indica. (3) , 6-9; 107-156, pis. 55-80. T hie u I o y, J .- P . 1985. Ammonites. In: Sou que t et al. Le Groupe du flysch noir (Albo-Ceno­ manien) dans les Pyrenees.- Bull. Centr. Rech. Explor.-Prd. Elf-Aquitaine, 9, I; 221- 239, pis. 5-8. Wei d i c h, K. F., Schwer d, K . & I m me I, H. 1983. Das Helveticum-Profil im Steinbruch ,An der Schanl" bei Burgberg/ Allgau. Lithologie, Stratigraphie und Makrofauna.- Zit­ teliana. 10; 555-573. pis. 1-2. \Vied mann, J . 1962a . Ammoniten aus der Vascogotischen Kreide (Nordspanien). I. , Lytoceratina, - Pleontographica, A 118, 4-6; 1919-237. Wiedmann, J. 1962b. Unterkreide-ammoniten von Mallorca. I. Lyto ce ratin.<~, Aptychi. - Abh. Math.-naturw. Kl. Acad. Wiss., Mainz, (J) ; 1-148, pis. 1-10. Wiedmann, J . 1973. The Albian and Cenomanian Tetragonitidae (Cretaceous, Ammonoidea) with special reference to the circum-Indic species.- Eclog. geol. Helv., 66; 585-616. \Vied mann, J . & Die n i, I. !968. Di e Kreide Sarcliniens und ihre Cephalopoden. - Paleon­ togr. /ta/ica. 64; 171 p., 18 pis. Wri g ht,C.W. I957.in Arkell, W. J., Kummel, B.&Wri gh t, C. W.Mesozoic Ammonoidea.- In: R. C. Moore (ed.). Treatise on invertebrate paleonto logy, pt. L. Mol­ lusca 4, Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea. Geol. Soc. Amer. and Univ. of Kansas Press. L80-L490. Wright, C. W. 1981. Cretaceous Ammonoidea.- In: M. R. House & J. R .n Seni or. The Ammonoidea. Syst. Assoc., Spec. uol., 18; 157-176. 6 o H 'l e B, E., KaM e HoB, 6. 1932 . flpeoBapumeAHO c'bo6~eHue sa n'bpBame HaxooKa Ha aA6ueli 8 E7>AzapuR. C., 4 c. )], H M H T p o B a, H . 1967. cf>ocuAume Ha E7> AZapuR. Jl,oAHa Kpeoa IV. rAaBoHozu (Nautiloidea " Ammonoidea). C., BAH; 424 c., 93 Ta6JI. )], H M H T p 0 B a, H ., 4 eM 6 e p c K H, X ., rr 0 n 0 B, H., )], 0 A e K 0 B a, Jl. 1961. CTpaTHrpa­ Ac. zeoA. o-BO. 42, 3; 352-360. K o T e T 11 w B H JI H, 3 . 1977 . A"1h6cKaH ocu .wme Ha D'b .1capuR . fopHa !()pCIW cc puR. Ill. 8. Ammonoidea. C .. I1 3Jl . . 5 .-\H: 263 c. H H K u .1 o s , T., X p 11 c 'l e u, X. 1965. OcHouu 11a crpaTHrpa(IHI HTa H JJHTo.~orH HTa IHt .'1.0.1 Ht



1. Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) shimizui B r e i s t r o f f e r . Section near the village of G . Damja­ novo, Mihailovgrad District. Sumer Formation, No I, m. 54; Lowt>r Albian, L. (L.) tarde/urea/a Zone. PM- SU, K 1 10156 ( >~ I) 2. l'rotctragon iles cf. aeolus (d'O r hi g n y) . Section near the village of Kravoder, Vraca District. Sumer Formation. No 7; Lower Al bian. n. mammillatum Zone. PM- SU, K 1 10152 ( X I) ;J. Eogaudrycerns (Eogaudryceras) ila/icum W i e rl mann & Die n i. Section near the village of Dobrusa, Vraca District, Sumer Formation, No I, m. 10; Upper AI bian, S. dispar Zone, PM- SU, K1 1014 1 ( )< I ) 4. A mmonoceratites ( Ammonoceratiles) mahadet•a (S t o I i z k a). Section near the village of Kravo­ der, Vraca Di strict. Summer Formation, No G m. 11-15; Lower Albian, D . mammi/latum Zone. PM­ SU, K1 10143 ( X I) 5 . Ammonoceratiles (Ammonoceraliles) mahadet•a (S to I i z k a). Ibid. Sumer Formation, No G, m. 20-25; PM- SU, K1 10145 ( X I) 6. Telragoniles reclangularis rectangularis \V i e d man n. Section near the village of G . Da mjanovo, Mihailovgrad District. Sumer Formation, No I, m . 32 ; Lower Albian, L . (L.) tardefurcata Zone. PM - SU, K1 10154 ( X I) 7. Ammonoceratites (Argonauliccras) besairici Co I I i g non. Section near the village of Zamfirovo, Mihailovgrad District, Sumer Formation, No 2, m . 2; Lower Albian, L . (L.) tardefurcata Zone, PM­ SU, K1 10148 (X I) 8. Ammonoceralites (Argonauticeras) besairiei Co I I i g non. Ibid. Sumer Formation, No 2, m. 13: PM- SU, K 1 10149 ( X I)


/. Eogaudryceras (Eotetragonites) umbilicoslriatus Co I I i g non. Section near the village of G . Damjanovo, Mihailovgrad District, Sumer Formation, No I, m . 30; Lower Albian, L. (L .) lardefur­ cata Zone. PM- SU, K 1 10159 ( X I) 2. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) jacobi jacobi W i e d mann. Section near the village of Kravoder, Vraca District, Sumer Formation, No 6, m. 23 ; Lower Albi<~n, D. mammil/atum Zone. PM - SU, K 1 10164 ( X I) 3 . Eogaudryceras (Eotelragonites) gainesi (Anderson). Section near the village of G . Damjanovo, Mihailovgrad District, Sumer Formation, No 2, m. 16; Lower Albian , L . (L .) tardefurcata Zone. PM ­ SU, K1 10160 ( X I) 4. Anagaudrycerassp. Ibid . Sumer Formation, No I, m. 43; PM- SU, K 1 10142 ( >( I ) 5. Anagaudryceras cf. whilneyi (Gab b). Section near the village of Kravoder, Vraca District, No 8, m. 14; Lower Albian, D. mammillatum Zone. PM- SU, K 1 10 163 (X I) 6. Kossmatella (Kossmate/la) jacobi quenstedti \Vied mann . Ibid. No 6, m . 12; PM - SU, Ki 10165 ( >( I) 7. Picletia aslierina (d'O r big n y). Ibid . Sumer Formation, ~o 10, m . 29; Middle AI bian, H. den­ latus Zone, PM- SU, K 1 10150 ( X I) 8. Tetragonites rectangularis rectangularis W i e d m a n n . lbi d. Sumer Formation, No 8, m. 8 ; Lower Albian, D . mammi/latum Zone. PM- SU, K1 10153 ( Y I)



1. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) romana W i e d m a n n. Section near the village of Cuprene, 8elograd­ cik District. Sumer Formation, No 4; Upper Albian, M. inflatum Zone. PM- SU, K1 10138 ( X I) 2. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) ventrocincta gignouxi 8 rei s troffer. Section near the village of Kravoder, Vraca District. Sumer Formation, No 8, m. 11-17; Lower Albian, D. mammillatum Zone. PM- SU, K1 10168 ( X I) 3. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) romana W i e d m a n n. Section near the village of M. Pestene, Vraca District, Malo Pestene Formation, No 12 (upper part); Upper Albian, M . inflatum Zone. PM- SU, K 1 10137 ( X I) 4. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) ventrocincta ginouxi 8 r e i s t r of fer. Ibid . No 6, m. 5-7; Lower Albian, D. mammillatum Zone. PM- SU, K1 10139 ( X I) 5 a-c. Kossmatella ( Kossmatella) ventrocincta t•entrocincta (Q u ens t e d t). Section near the village of Virovsko, Vraca District, Malo Pestene Formation, No 2; Lower Albian, D. mammillatum Zone. PM- SU, K1 10140 ( X I) 6. Pictetia depressa (Pi c t e t & C a m p i c h e). Section near the village of M. Pestene, Vraca Dist­ rict. Malo Pestene Formation, No 2; m. 2; Lower Albian, L . (L.) tardefurcata Zone. PM- SU, K1 10151 ( X I) 7. Anagaudryceras aurarium (A n d e r s on). Section near the village of Zamfirovo. Mihailovgrad District, Sumer Formation. No I, m. 30; Lower Albian, L. (L.) tardefurcata Zone. PM- SU, K1 10162 ( X I)