GEOLOGIC.\ 8 .\LC.\:'Iil C. \ , ~J. :3, So fia , Jun. 1993 , p. 45-64. Albian representatives of Lytoceratina Hyatt, 1889 in Northwestern Bulgaria Marin Ivanov Geo logical Institute, Bulgarian Academu of Sciencrs, 1113 Sofia (Received 8 May, 1992; accepted 26 June, 1992) M. HeaNoe- flpeiJcmaaume.w Lytoceratina Hyatt, / 889 a.1b6cKozo Rpyca Ceeepo-3anaiJHoii Eo -1- eapuu. /\JJb6CKHii Hpyc u Ceaepo-3anaAIIOH 5o.1 rapr1H COAeplKHT 6oraTble aMMOHHTOBble cpayllbl. npeA­ CTaBHTe.~H noAOTPHAa Lytoceratina cpaBHHTeJJbHO pe,llKH B a,lb6CKHX aMMOHHTOBbiX accou.HaU.HHX. 0HH npoHCXO,llHT H3 MepreJJei1 CyMepcKoH CBHTbi 11 rJJayKOHHTOBbiX MepreJJeil H neclJaHHKOB MaJJo­ nell(eHcKoi'I CBHTbl. OnHcaHHbie 18 BHJI.OB H TIOA BH)I.OB pacnpe.n.eJJeHb! CJJeAyroll(HM o6pa3oM: Ammono­ ceratites (Ammonoceratites) - I; A. (Argonauticeras) - l ; Pictetia- 2; Tetragonites- I; Protetra­ gonites - I; Eogaudryceras ( Eogaudryceras) - 2; E. ( Eotetragonites) - 2; A nagaudryceras- 3; Kossmatclla- 5. 5oJJL>WaH lJaCTL> H3 HHX ycraHOnJJeHa 11 on HcaHa anepBbie B 6oJJrapcKoi1 naJJeoHTOJJo­ rHlJecKoil JJHreparype. 06pa3U.bi coxpaHHYOTCH s KOJJJJeKL(IIH MyJeH n aJJeoHTOJJOrHH CocpuiicKoro yHH­ aepcHreTa. Abstract. Albian in Nor thwestern Bulgaria is rich in ammonite fauna. The representatives of suborder Lytoceratina are comparatively scarce in the Albian ammonite associations. They derive from the marls of the Sumcr formation and from the gla uconiti c marls and sandstones of the Malo Pestene Formation. A total of 18 species and subspecies are described, which are di stributed as fol­ lows: Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites)- I; A. (Argonauticera s)- I; Pictetia- 2; Tetragoni· tes-1; Protetragonites-1; Eogaudryceras (Eogaudryceras) -2; £. (Eotetragonites) -2;Anagau­ dryceras - 3; Kossmatella- 5. Most of the latter are established and described for the first time in Bul garian paleontological literature. The specimens described are kept in the collection of t he Paleon· tological Museum of Sofi a Uni wrsi ty. Introduction The Albian sediments in Norlhwestrrn Bulgaria are of re stricted occurrence (Fig. 1). They have ye lded rich ammonite faunas. The Albian of that area has bee n a subject of a number of scientific studies since it \vas establi shed bv 5 o 11 4 e B, K a Me 11 oIl (1932) . The main results were published by 3 a X a p II eB a-K 0 B a 4 e Il a ( 1957), LL H M H T p o B a et a I. (1961) , H 11 I< o JJ o B, X p H c 4 e Il ( 1965) , N i k o I o v (1965. 1987), Yl B a 11 o 13 (1981). The progress in the research of Albian stratigraphy and ammonites has been reviewed by I v a n o v ( 1991). The fossi I material which previous biozona tions have been ba~ed on, have been documented in sewral paleonto­ logi ca l publications on ly. Within the period of 1978-1990 I had the opportunity of studying Albian and its ammoni te faunas in this area. The progress in Albian ammonite taxonomy during the past 20 years and the rich ammonite material, that I had col lected encouraged me to revise the ammonite finds alredy known and to publish the nrwly found ammonites of Albian in Northwestern Bulgaria. The present paper is the first one of a series of 45 Fig. I. Scheme of the out crops and location of the Albi an sections in the studi ed area: a- outcrop, b - section. Secti on al: I - Cuprene : 2 - G. Damj ilnovo; 3 - Zamfirovo; 4 - Kravoder; 5 - Dobrusa; 6- Virovsko; 7 - Malo Pestenc palaeontolog ical works in which the taxonomic content of the Albian ammonites will be presented . The stratigraphical resu lt s have al redy been publishe<.l in a separate paper (I v a n o v. 199 1) . The representatives of the su border Lytoce ratina are comparatively less common in the Albian ammon ite associations of Northwestern Bulgaria . K. agaissiziana and K . agassiziana gi{;n ouxi have been described so far by 3 ax a pH e s a-K o sa 4 e sa (1957) and Ll 11M H T p o sa (1967). There are 18 species and subspecies represented in my collect ion. most of them being establi shed with sin gle specimens. The find s are not uniformly di stributed in the sections. Onl y in certain interva ls of some sect ions (e . g. near the vi ll ages of C:uprene and Kravoder) the representatives of that suborder are characteristi c and important component of the ammonite taphocenoses . Compara­ ti ve ly more frequently they occur in the marls of the Sumer Formation . In the glauco­ nitic marls and sandstones of the Malo Pe .S tene Formation they occur sporadically. The Albian amm on ites of Lytoceratina in 1 orthwestern Bulga ria associate mainl y with represen tat i yes of Ancy locera tina and Desmocera t i dae. The commonly accepted terminology is use d for the description of ammonites \\'ith respect to morphological characteri stics. W'r i g h t's (1981) classification is accepted for the units of the family group . The fo llowing abbre,·iations are used in the text: BM H -- British Mu s. (Na tur. Hist.); MHNG - Mus. Hist. Natur .. Ge­ neva; MNHP - Mus. Nat. Hist. Na tur .. Paris; IGPS - In st. Geol. , Padova (Coil. Sardegna); GPIT - Geo i.-Paleontol. Inst. Tubingen; D - ~ h e ll di ameter; H - whorl hei ght ; 0 - umbilical diameter; L - whorl breadth . The ammonite finds are rela ­ ted to concrete sections. Th e lithological and faunal success ions of that se ctions haye 46 been described by Ivanov (1991) . The materials described in the present paper are hept in the collection of the Paleontological Museum of Sofia University "Sv. Kl. Ohriclski'' (PM - SU) . Systematic part Superfamily L YTOCERATACEAE N e u may r, 1875 Fam ily LYTOCERATIDAE Ncumayr, 1875 Subfamil y LYTOCERATINAE Neumayr, 1875 Genus Ammonoceratites B o w d i c h, 1822 N omen c I a t u r e . A type species by monotypy is Ammonoceratites lamarcki B ow­ d i c h, 1822. I have no data on the type specimen. The nomenclature problems of that genus are disc ussed in detail by Casey (1960, p . 2), K e nnedy & K I in g e r (1978 , p. 282·283). D i a g n o s i s. Moderately large to strongly evolute ammonites with circular to almost rectangular whorl section, ornamented by densely spaced, fine crenulate or rounded flexoidal ribs and growth striae. Wide shallow constrictions rarely occur. The Sliture line is deeply incised. 0 i s t r i b u t ion. Upper Aptian - Upper Albian in British Columbia, Cali­ fornia, Southern France, Southern India , Japan, Madagascar, and Southern Africa. In Bulgaria it has been established only in Lower Albian. Subgenus Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites) Bow d i c h, 1822 N o m e n c I a t u r e . The type species is the same a's that of the genus. 0 i a g n o s i s. Large evolute ammonites with circular whorl section, ornamen­ ted by densely spased crenulate ribs and growth striae. The ~ uture line is deeply in­ cise ci. D i s t r i b u t ion. The same as that of the genus. Ammonoceratites ( Ammonoceratites) mahadeva (S t o I i c z k a, 1865) Pl. I. Fig. 4, 5 1865. Ammonites mahadeva S to 1 i c z k a, p. 165, pl. 80, fig. I. 1949. Ammonoceratites cf. Mahadem S to I i c z k a sensu Co 1 I i g non, p. 45, text.fig. 6. 1963. Ammonoceratites mahadeva S t o I i c z k a sensu Co IIi g non, p. 12, pl. 245, fig. 1052 . 1972. Ammonoceratites crenocoslalus (W hie aves) sensu McLear n, p. 22, pl. I, fig. 5; pl. 2, figs. 1-3. 1978. Ammonoceratites (Ammonoceratites) mahadeva (S to I i c z k a) sens u Kennedy & K I i n- g e r, p. 283, Figs. 16-3 1. Nomen cIa t u r e. Holotype is the specimen of S to I i c z k a (1865, pl. 80, fig. I) from the Lower Utatur Groupe in the vicinities of Moraviatoor, Southeastern India, proba bly of Albian age. 0 i m e n s i o n s (nm) Specimen D H 0 L HID Ol D LID Holotype 218 78 95 82 0.36 0.44 0.38 BMNH C78870 220 88 85 93 0.40 0.38 0.42 K1 10146 67 24 28 0.36 0.42 K1 10143 45 18 18,5 0-40 0.41 47 D e ~ c r i p ! i o 11. Strongly E\' olute ammonit{s , middle-size d . The wh orl ~ cc ­ tion is not vi sible becau.<:e the ~ pec im c n s are deformed. The umbilicus is bro(t d \\·ith rounded umbilica l \\all. The ve ntr(t l area is moderatelv wide , rounded. The ~ h e ll ornament al ie n modifies a< grO\dh pro ce ~· s. "rhe intern a l whorl s are smooth or covered () nl y by f. ro\\ l h striae. In the next stage the orn amen tation pc.t lun is repre­ ~ en t e cl by crcnulate ribs . 'I hey a ri ~ e at the umbilica l sram . p a ~s sli ghtly forward s in­ clined on the \\ails and form a \\'ide forw ards oriented ~ hall o w sinus . The ribs occ ur at regul a r intuva ls (from 7 to 9 mm) ~rp arat f d by gro\\th striae.
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