DAF HASHAVUAH MAY 27, 2017 / SIVAN 2, 5777 Weekday Morning and Evening Services — May 28‐June 4 Yom Tov Ma’ariv at CBI ...... 8:56 pm Morning: Su, M 8:00 am • Tu, F 6:30 am • W 5:25 & 9:15 am • Th 9:15 am Community‐wide Tikkun L’eyl Shavuot aer CBI services unl dawn at Evening: Su‐M @ CBI 8:10 pm Berkeley Richmond JCC, 1414 Walnut @ Rose. Orthodox Morning services @ the JCC Friday night, May 26 — 46th Day of the Omer Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat ...... 7:00 pm STAY UP ALL NIGHT WITH CBI — CBI ANNUAL TEEN TIKKUN (Grades 7‐12), Candle Lighng ...... 8:03 pm Tuesday, May 30 8:45 PM ‐ Ma'ariv and Dinner at CBI Saturday, May 27 10 PM Walk over to JCC East Bay for a FULL NIGHT OF LEARNING (and ice Morning Service ...... 9:15 am cream!) with Maharat Victoria Suon and our beloved Bnot sherut Chani Childcare ...... 9:15 am Levenberg and Hadassa Zenou. RSVP to Maharat Victoria Suon Torah & Haorah Reader: Nadav Rappoport Formal Group Time: ...... 10:30 am FIRST DAY OF SHAVUOT Kedma: Natan Kuchar Wednesday, May 31 Tzafona (K‐2): Chani Levenberg and Hadassah Zenou Early Shacharit @ JCC* ...... 5:25 am Negba (3rd‐5th): Ari Weber Netz Hachamah ...... 5:49 am Parent Supervisors: ? Regular Yom Tov Shacharit ...... 9:15 am Sermon by Jo‐Ellen Zeitlin: Every One Counts: TransformaƟon and Childcare ...... 9:15 am Leadership in the Desert. Torah Reader: Na’aman Kam Shabbat Mincha ...... 7:45 pm Haorah Reader: Jeremy Evnine Seudah Shelishit ...... 8:05 pm Formal Group Time: ...... 10:30 am Ma’ariv, Havdalah & Shabbat ends aer ...... 9:08 pm Kedma: Natan Kuchar Tzafona (K‐2): Chani Levenberg and Hadassah Zenou KIDDUSH SPONSORS Yom Tov Mincha** & Ma’ariv ...... 6:40 pm Yehonadav Bekenstein & Merav Heshin‐Bekenstein; Gilad Buchman & Communal Yom Tov Dinner at CBI ...... 7:20 pm Rachel Perl; Sara & Benni Darmoni; Jim & Carol Cunradi; Nimrod & Aliza Please note registraƟon is closed at this Ɵme Elias; Jory & Lisa Gessow; Matan Gilbert; Jacob & Rachel Heitler; Na'aman Candle Lighng aer*** ...... 9:11 pm & Meechal Kam; Natan & Lili Kuchar; Zeev Neumeier & Tamara Beliak; *The Amidah service will be recited at Netz Hachamah (sunrise) at 5:49 am Oakland Hebrew Day School; Nadav & Nechama Rappoport; Schweig **Plag Hamincha is at 6:58 pm family; Stein Family; M. Victoria Suon & Adam Brelow; Leslie Valas & ***Light from a pre‐exisng flame Alan Finkelstein in gratude to our b’not sherut, Chani Levenberg and Hadassa Zenou and the Goldberg family for their service to the CBI and Shavuot Family Mishmash & Dinner at CBI May 31, 4‐6 pm @ CBI (please OHDS community. With deep appreciaon to Joel and Irene Resnikoff for note reservaƟon is closed at this Ɵme): Mishmash, our parent‐child graciously hosng our b’not sherut and supporng all! learning program for elementary‐aged children, was a great success! We Sondra and Jonah Markowitz in honor of the b'not sherut, are excited to keep the energy going and invite the whole family to take and in memory of the 24th yahrzeit of Rochel bat Yitzak Nehemia v Feige part! Join us for an aernoon of family hevruta learning, stories and songs, Liebe food, and games! Irene & Joel Resnikoff in honor of the b’not sherut and the Goldberg Families with children ages 3+ invited to aend. family Schedule: Batya Shick in honor of her brother's yahrzeit 4‐4:30 PM‐ Welcome & Parent‐child/family learning Jo‐Ellen & Ben Zeitlin in honor of the Goldbergs, the b'not sherut and the 4:30‐4:50 PM‐ Storyme and Songs with Natan Kuchar 31st anniversary of Jo‐Ellen's bat mitzvah 4:50‐5:15 PM‐ Shavuot‐themed family style dinner 5:15‐5:40 PM‐ Torah Games for All Ages HACHNASSAT ORCHIM *Jeopardy with Maureen Krantz Benjamin Epstein *Tanakh Scavenger Hunt *Pre‐school games, organized by Elana Naalin‐Kelman MEMORIAL DAY 5:40 PM‐ Shavuot Dessert Monday, May 29th OFFICE CLOSED SECOND DAY OF SHAVUOT Shacharit ...... 8:00 am Thursday, June 1 Regular Yom Tov Shacharit ...... 9:15 am SHAVUOT Childcare ...... 9:15 am Tuesday night, May 30 – Thursday, June 1 Torah Reader: Philip Tendler EVE OF SHAVUOT Haorah Reader: Mordy Rosen Tuesday, May 30 Yizkor ...... 10:30 am Mincha at CBI ...... 8:05 pm Formal Group Time: ...... 10:30 am Candle Lighng* ...... 8:06 pm Kedma: Natan Kuchar

Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scented products as there are congregants for whom these products are an irritant due to allergies or as a result of chemotherapy or other medical treatment. Thank you.

PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE BUILDING ON SHABBAT Tzafona (K‐2): Chani Levenberg and Hadassah Zenou the Shalom Hartman Instute in Jerusalem. Sermon by Maharat Victoria Suon Muni Schweig — Wednesdays @ 8:00 pm @ the Schweig home Megillat Ruth ...... 11:30 am FRIDAY Ch. 1 Rona Teitelman Talmudic Wisdom @ 9:00 AM: Join us for a weekly class that explores Ch. 2 Desmid Lyon key sugyot (talmudic units) on major Jewish quesons of pracce and Ch. 3 Rona Rothenberg thought. Class is not meeng June 2. Ch. 4 Meena Viswanath M. Victoria Suon • June 9, 16 • 9:00 am Yom Tov Mincha ...... 8:10 pm Ma’ariv ...... 9:00 pm EVENTS/ANNOUNCEMENTS Havdalah, Ma’ariv & Yom Tov end aer ...... 9:12 pm In Beth Israel SHAVUOT KIDDUSH SPONSORS (BOTH DAYS) Anonymous; Noah & Hope Alper; Katrin Arefy; Jim & Carol Cunradi; Baruch Dayan Emet/Condolences: Jerry Libenson, loving father of Ross Alisa Einwohner; Aaron Katler & Deb Fink; Russell Kassman; Josh & Libenson; father‐in‐law of Susie Marcus; grandfather of Jake and Ari Jenny Kirsch; Ross Libenson & Susie Marcus; Peter Dale Sco & Ronna Libenson, passed away Tuesday, May 16. The burial took place in San Kabatznick, for yiskor Shavuot in memory of our parents; Jeff & Doreet Diego. HaMakom Yenacheim Et'chem Betoch She'ar Aveilei Tziyon Stein; Ari & Shelley Zak VeYerushalayim. May God comfort the family and all others who mourn for Zion and Jerusalem.

Beth Israel Classes Upcoming Kiddushim– Co‐Sponsors Welcome: June 17 Graduates Kiddush: Ory Sandel is trying to compile a list of MONDAY all CBI graduates (preschool through PhD) for this year's graduates' Daniel & Ezra with M. Victoria Suon: These narraves tell the story of Kiddush. If you or another CBI someone you know qualifies, please let the Jewish people between the First and Second Temples. From the Ory know! wring on the wall to the lion's den, we will explore the life and mes of the prophet Daniel in the Babylonian court. Next, we turn to Ezra Donate your car/boat/vehicle to Beth Israel. Full tax write off. Proceeds haSofer, the pivotal figure in returning the people, and Torah, from the benefit Gan Shalom Preschool Scholarship Fund. Contact David Spieler: Babylonian exile to Jerusalem. As we journey through this crical me in 510‐849‐0961. Jewish history, we will learn about these amazing figures, their challenges and choices, and how they can inform our own experiences both in the In The Community Diaspora and in Israel. (Class does not meet on May 29)

M. Victoria Suon — Mondays @ 12:00 pm. 29th Annual East Bay Community‐Wide Tikkun Leyl Shavuot

An All‐Night Study Session on Shavuot NCSY LNL – Lae & Learning (for Teens; Grades 9‐12): Lae & Learning Tuesday‐Wednesday, May 30‐31, 6 pm unl dawn brings Judaism to local coffee shops and serves up Torah in a relaxed and JCC East Bay, 1414 Walnut St., Berkeley fun seng. LNL is the place for teens to ask quesons, voice their CELEBRATE SHAVUOT! feelings, and connect with each other. Get ready for a unique celebraon and night of learning – a spiritual Mondays, 7:30‐8:30 p.m. • Starbucks, 2128 Oxford St, Berkeley journey bringing together people from a variety of perspecves and

affiliaons. Come for an hour or stay the whole night! We will be joined WEDNESDAY by teachers from our diverse Bay Area Jewish community. Midrasha’s Tanach and Talmud (for Teens): This course is an informal but intensive study group focusing on close themac readings of the Tanach and Talmud in translaon. Mickey Davis • Wednesday • 4:15‐5:45 pm

Open Sources ‐ Beit Midrash: Learn independently with a hevruta (study partner). Learners of all levels welcome. Want to study with a partner, and not sure where to begin? Contact M. Victoria Suon with any quesons ([email protected]) and we will help you find a partner and get started! (Class Does not meet on May 31) Maharat Victoria Suon — Wednesdays, 7:30—9:00 pm

Women's Torah Leyning Class with Meena Viswanath (please note: registraƟon is closed): Learn to leyn in me for Simhat Torah women's reading! Should be able to comfortably read Hebrew (with punctuaon). No previous Torah reading experience or musical ability necessary. Cost: Meena Viswanath ‐‐ Wednesdays @ 7:30 pm ‐8:30 pm, May 3 – August @CBI (10‐12 sessions). Class does not meet on May 31.

Jewish philosophers: The class is currently reading "A Living Covenant: The Innovave Spirit in Tradional Judaism" by world‐renowned philosopher and social acvist, Dr. David Hartman (z"l), the founder of

PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS SHEET FROM THE BUILDING ON SHABBAT and you will want to be present at the Gala to bid on these wonderful silent auction items (partial list, more to follow)

SHABBAT LUNCHEONS WITH SCHOLARS at the Judith Bloom, Hendon, Resnikoff and Valas/Finkelstein homes ISRAELI POETRY WITH RABBI COHEN at the Marcus’s THE BEIS DIN OF BRISKET! THE SANHEDRIN OF SAUSAGE! w/ Josh Ladon and Zac Kamenetz TOUR URBAN ADAMAH , enjoy EPIC BITE TASTES with Adam Berman WHISKEY TASTING at the Kittner’s SYRIAN SHABBAT DINNER at the Sutton/Brelow home GAME NIGHT & POUTINE at the Craimer/Elias home