VIRTUAL CATECHESIS Online Material and Resources The Challenge Articles: · The Challenge The COVID19 Pandemic has brought many challenges in our world. Prior to the Pandemic, Digital Technology in · The Planning Catechetical Ministry was seen as something that was needed as we entered a Digital Era where we use the internet in so · Publishers many areas of our life. The Pandemic not only accelerated the Loyola Press need to use technology in ministry but has made the use of these tools essential in the next catechetical year to continue Sadlier the catechetical processes in the parishes. RCL Benziger Therefore, this newsletter will present how publishers are Pflaum moving toward “Digital Catechesis” and what resources and St. Mary's Press tools will help us continue providing faith formation to children, youth, and families in our time. · Online Applications First, we will explore the main publishers that are in demand · Upcoming Events in our parishes. These publishers support a high percentage of parishes in the Diocese of San Jose and other Dioceses. Then, we will present the most prominent digital tools to establish communication at a time when social distancing and sheltering in place is so vital. Contact Information: This newsletter is the first step of a work in process as new ways and improvements to catechize in a digital world are Irma Alarcon de Rangel being developed. Also, sharing the best practices that we find throughout the parishes will contribute to this work in the
[email protected] future. 4089830111 We pray to the Lord, that these resources and tools will move us in the right direction, enhancing the way that we make Him present in our society.