Nati Link 25
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Te Runanga o Ngati Porou NATI LINK Pepuere/Maehe 2003 ISSUE 24 Top Team Tokomaru Pakirikiri Marae is the overall winner of the Ngati Porou Inter-Marae Sports Day 2003. The annual event this year attracted more than 5000 people to Uawa. “We were over the moon when the announcememnt was first made and will be on cloud nine for a long while yet,” said Pakirikiri Marae trustee Tate Pewhairangi, who attributes the success of Pakirikiri to the combined effort of the whanau from all Tokomaru Bay marae which includes Te Aotawarirangi, Waiparapara, Tuatini and Te Ariuru. Pakirikiri Marae secured $3000 worth of prize money which will be used for New year dawn celebration 2003. See photos and story page 7 marae maintenance. “Although the victory was heart warm- Because Te Hono ki Rarotanga Second and third place-getters were ing. I believe the importance is par- weathers the sea conditions, the Hinetamatea and Hiruharama Marae. ticipation for the cause rather than wharenui will also be receiving a paint The Ngati Porou Intermarae for financial gain.” job and restoration work. Sportsday 2004 will be held at Mr Pewhairangi says the long term Next year Tokomaru Bay whanau will Ruatoria. priority for Pakirikiri Marae is to re- unite under the banner of Tuatini new its abulution block. Marae. continued on page 6 Report from the chairman Apirana Mahuika E nga mate o tena whanau, o tena your respective whanau. May that their time with TRONP. whanau, haere! Haere atu ki tua o te blissful period be a symbol of the New Their input in iwi affairs will continue arai ki te wahangutanga o te tangata, Year and the hopes we all have for a especially in their leadership roles ki te huinga o nga tipuna kei te po. positive and productive 2003. within our marae and whanau com- E nga whanau pani, e tangi mo o tatau I wish to thank those trustees of munities and the ongoing advice they tini karangarangatanga kua wehe atu TRONP who are no longer board will periodically give to TRONP for the nei i a tatau. members for the tremendous input advancement of our people. E te iwi whanui tena tatau kua that they have made to the activities To members of the new board – con- whakareretia nei e o tatau whanau, a, of TRONP, often against adverse cir- gratulations for your election suc- whanaunga hoki puta noa nga ahi cumstances and damning criticisms cess and may you enjoy your time kaenga o nga uri huhua o Porourangi. for their efforts on our behalf. Need- with TRONP as we collectively work I trust that you have all enjoyed the less for me to say that their contri- together to achieve positive outcomes Christmas break and time out with bution does not begin nor end with continued on page 2 INSIDE Page 3 Page 6 Page 10 Annual Sports Real report day TV in available success Maori Te Runanga o Ngati Porou NATI LINK February/March 2003 Report from the chief executive officer Amohaere Houkamau “Ko Hikurangi te maunga,Ko Waiapu ship ties rate out sectors of Ngati Porou from te awa, Ko Ngati Porou te iwi.” within the other groups of Ngati Porou people, In today’s world of Te Ao Hurihuri, it contexts of and inferring that they are an exclu- is reassuring to know that some Whanau, sive group of people .There are a things never change. Although it ap- Hapu and Iwi. number of problems with this ap- pears that even our sense of who we Whakapapa proach including; Lack of familiarity are may be subjected to the winds was never in- with the inclusive factor of Ngati Porou of change or the whimsical attempts tended to be whakapapa. Lack of understanding by a few to re-define who we are. a means of and practice of the complimentary Our whakapapa provides us with the dividing roles of ‘ahi ka’, ‘iwi kainga’, cultural and historical basis for de- people, nor as a means of alienating whanaungatanga, taina, tuakana, fining who we are and how we are kin from one another. An example of tipuna, matua, tamaiti and related. The inherent and intrinsic this misuse of whakapapa and the mokopuna. Creation of artificial divi- value of whakapapa is that it exists divide and rule mentality that drives sions at a time when we need to be to connect people, to confirm our kin- this thinking is the attempt to sepa- united. continued on page 4 Report from the chairman (continued from page 1) Apirana Mahuika To the staff of TRONP – the engine against our- control in this industry in the future, room of our organisation, thank you selves. we must groom our people in the pro- for the work, on behalf of the board The claims fessions associated with forestry. and our people. Yours is not always committee 4 - Education – Because of our iso- an easy task, but you have all come has done lation and commercial developments through the hard times and the not very well in we need to establish comprehensive so hard times with acclaim. May this that they programmes to meet our needs in continue into the next 12 months. have ac- all sectors. Whaia te iti Kahurangi Kia ora koutou. cessed fund- has and is playing a major role in There is much work ahead of us this ing from the the compulsory sector inclusive of year and I cite some of these viz: Crown For- primary, kura kaupapa and second- 1 - The Ngati Porou Fisheries Com- estry Rentals Trust to advance ary sectors with good success. The pany has now taken over the man- claims against the Crown. Because time is now appropriate for: a - con- agement of fisheries activities from of their efforts, the claimants (that is solidation of what has already been the Runanga, specifically the leas- those wishing their claims to be as- achieved: Mechanisms have been ing and on-leasing of quota on an sisted under the mantel of the Claims put in place to monitor what has been annual basis and oversight for the Committee) have at their disposal his- achieved and to shape new develop- shares that Ngati Porou has in Nga torians who will do the research to ments in education. b - Pursue with Hukatai. We have appointed interim assist the claims. vigor developments in the tertiary sec- Directors to the Company, who col- Success of our claims can only oc- tor to ensure positive linkages be- lectively possess the expertise, cur by a united and not by a divided tween primary, secondary and the knowledge and skills required to grow approach. tertiary. Ngati Porou fisheries assets and turn 3 - Forests – Ngati Porou Whanau The blending of Ngati Porou tikanga the Ngati Porou Fisheries Company Forest and our South Korean part- and reo into our iwi education cur- into a major player in the fisheries ners Hansol is, through forestry, pro- riculum is a priority. industry. viding much needed work for our Tertiary education must also provide TRONP is still awaiting the names of people. The company has nigh com- effective and quality teaching and the Hapu groupings that Whanau pleted 10,000 hectares of planting training that will accommodate new within the Uepohatu area have yet to and is now contemplating a further industries and those still being de- confirm. Once they have advised us 10,000 hectares. veloped. of these names then the Runanga The company also provides two A tertiary institution will provide a can progress to, the establishment scholarships annually to students new environment of learning for those of the Ngati Porou Hapu Trust repre- with Ngati Porou bloodlines valued who are not only academically in- sentative of all the Hapu that have at $2,500 per student per year. clined but those who are inclined been identified and confirmed by Ngati Such is the growth of forestry, under towards vocational training that Porou. continued page 12 the leadership of Ngati Porou aligns to career pathways. 2 – Another area lies in the pursuit Whanau Forests, that some urgent These are only some of the issues and finalisation of our iwi Case Book, focus must be made in the areas of ahead. Time and space being pro- in terms of our Treaty Claims. What science, management and the more hibited – I will end at this point and must be borne in mind by claimants sophisticated means of harvesting in the process wish all the very best and iwi alike is the very fact that the the trees and produce from them. For for 2003... claims are against the Crown and not Ngati Porou therefore to maintain Kia ora. page two Te Runanga o Ngati Porou NATI LINK February/March 2003 Information shared Judy says Runanga Hui a Tau “haere ra” Budget advisor Judy Kururangi will be sorely missed. Judy Kururangi is taking a well de- served break after more than eight years with TRONP as its budget adviser. CEO Amo Houkamau says Judy is The financial net surplus achieved by Rangiuia, Reremoana Rangiuia and an unsung hero who has provided TRONP for the past financial year was Waiora Te Kani are displaying the support and advocacy for hundreds $870,292. latest annual report. Copies are avail- of whanau. This gain in profit was largely due to able from Runanga offices in Ruatoria On top of Judy’s immediate “to do” the areas of Whanau Hapu Develop- and Gisborne. Alternatively the list, when she leaves the Runanga ment, Pakihiroa Station and Fisher- pukapuka can be posted out. in April is the spending of quality ies activities.