StrålevernRapport • 2011:3 Radioecological consequences after a hypothetical accident with release into the marine environment involving a Russian nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea Reference: Iosjpe M., Reistad O., Liland A. Radioecological consequences after a hypothetical accident with release into the marine environment involving a Russian nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea StrålevernRapport 2011:3. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2011. Key words: Radioactivity, submarine, accident, cinsequences, concentration, doses, marine, biota Abstract: The report presents results concerning the potential consequences of a hypothetical accident involving a modern Russian submarine. Referanse: Iosjpe M., Reistad O., Liland A. Radioecological consequences after a hypothetical accident with release into the marine environment involving a Russian nuclear submarine in the Barents Sea StrålevernRapport 2011:3. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2011. Language: English. Emneord: Radioaktivitet, ubåt, ulykke, konsekvenser, konsentrasjon, doser, marint, biota Resymé: Rapporten viser resultater angående konsekvenser etter potensiell ulykke med moderne russisk ubåt. Head of project: Mikhail Iosjpe Approved: Per Strand, director, Department for Emergency Preparedness and Environmental Radioactivity 32 pages. Published 2011-04-20. Printed number 20 (11-04). Cover design: LoboMedia AS. Printed by LoboMedia AS, Oslo. Cover illustration: Statens strålevern/Inger Sandved Arnfinsen Orders to: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, P.O. Box 55, N-1332 Østerås, Norway. Telephone +47 67 16 25 00, fax + 47 67 14 74 07. E-mail:
[email protected] ISSN 0804-4910 (print) ISSN 1891-5191 (online) Innhold/Contents 8 8 11 12 12 14 15 21 23 25 The report presents results pertaining to a risk assessment of the potential consequences of a hypothetical accident involving a modern Russian submarine.