Congressional Record—House H9083
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September 26, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H9083 research from the American Founda- Someone had the temerity to tell me, history story. It is an American his- tion for Suicide Prevention. as I worked towards creating Barbara tory story. We are not a Black nation There is no single cause of suicide, Johns Day, ‘‘That is Black history.’’ or a White nation. We are a nation and suicide risk increases when several Mr. Speaker, it is not Black history or built on an idea, and our students and health factors and life stressors con- White history. It is American history. our posterity need to understand that verge to create an experience of hope- And America is not Black or White or what makes us great is that this right lessness and despair. brown. America is an idea. fought for by people like this lady isn’t But, together, we can reverse this So when the Founders drafted the universal. course. By making mental healthcare, preamble to the Constitution and So, Mr. Speaker, I hope that if the substance abuse treatment, and suicide called for us to form a more perfect President is watching, he will file a prevention a national priority, we can Union, the presence of the word Presidential Medal of Freedom; I hope reverse the tide on these deaths of de- ‘‘more’’ implied a perpetual duty. And that if Members or staff are watching, spair. the revolution that cast off an oppres- they will sign on to the Barbara Johns We will save lives, and we will do it sive government from across an ocean Congressional Gold Medal Act; and I together. against Great Britain is one that I hope that if students are watching, would argue was perpetual, and that they will go to school tomorrow and f another hero of mine named Thomas tell their peers this is a country where COMBATING WILDFIRES IN THE Jefferson was a slave owner, certainly people stood up so that we all have a WESTERN UNITED STATES an imperfect man, who articulated chance to be that which we dream to near perfect ideas. be, because that is who Barbara Rose The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. HIG- Fast-forward to April 23, 1951. Bar- GINS of Louisiana). Under the Speaker’s Johns was, and it is an American his- bara Johns, with a clean and clear and tory story worth telling. announced policy of January 3, 2017, bright mind, influenced by her teachers the gentleman from Montana (Mr. WILDFIRES and her Uncle Vernon Johns, under- Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I rise GIANFORTE) is recognized for 60 min- stood that rights are not given by gov- today to bring the Chamber’s attention utes as the designee of the majority ernment but by something bigger, and to the wildfires that have devastated leader. understood that the duty of a citizen our country this year, consuming near- GENERAL LEAVE and a free nation was to assert their ly 7.7 million acres across 12 States. Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I ask God-given rights. So the idea of some- This figure, however, doesn’t account unanimous consent that all Members thing as draconianly oppressive as sep- for the lives tragically lost, the homes may have 5 legislative days in which to arate but equal was intolerable. destroyed, or the livelihoods that went revise and extend their remarks and to That day, she implored her students up in flames. This doesn’t account for include extraneous material on the to walk out of Moton High School and the smoke from these wildfires that topic of my Special Order. the tar paper shacks and the leaking swept from many of our Western States The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there roofs and to demand equality not of into the Midwest, creating poor air objection to the request of the gen- outcomes, but of opportunity, because quality. tleman from Montana? that is what America is supposed to The House has passed measures to re- There was no objection. be—without regard to gender, without duce the severity of our wildfires and Mr. GIANFORTE. Mr. Speaker, I regard to race, without regard to faith. improve the health of our forests. Last yield to the gentleman from Virginia Now, what that manifested itself in November, the House passed the Resil- (Mr. GARRETT). was a court case, Davis v. Prince Ed- ward County. That court case was ient Federal Forest Act, written by my HONORING BARBARA ROSE JOHNS amalgamated into another case of friend from Arkansas (Mr. Mr. GARRETT. Somewhere, Mr. which I hope that people have heard, WESTERMAN). The legislation provides Speaker, someone is watching what is Brown v. Board of Education. The dif- commonsense reforms that will benefit going on in this Chamber. Even now, ference between that case and every our forests, economy, and the environ- probably in a Nation of 320-plus mil- other case was that those were initi- ment. lion, many someones are watching, and ated by lawyers, and this case was ini- Conservationists, organizations, for- most of them don’t have a clue who I tiated by a 16-year-old girl who under- esters, stakeholders, and local leaders am, and that is okay. But the fact that stood that the promise of liberty was throughout Montana recognize the most of them don’t have a clue who the not just to one group or another, that need for reforms to get us managing lady pictured to my left, your right, is, the American Revolution was per- our forests again. Unfortunately, the is not okay. petual, and that God had given her other Chamber, mired in obstruction, On April 23, 1951, in Prince Edward rights just like everyone else to be as- has not taken up the bill. The House, County, Virginia, at the R.R. Moton serted as a citizen in a free society. however, has not lost our focus, includ- High School, a 16-year-old student The fact that people watching don’t ing critical forest management reforms named Barbara Rose Johns strode onto know who I am is fine by me, but the into other legislation. a stage and implored her peers at this fact that our students don’t understand Looking across the West and seeing all-African American high school to as- that America is supposed to be not the devastation of the wildfires this sert their God-given rights of equality. Black or White or brown, but an idea year, I know we can’t afford to wait. I I am honored today by the presence wherein all people are created equal am honored that many of my col- of Ms. Johns’ sister, Joan Johns, in the with an opportunity to succeed based leagues are joining me here tonight gallery. She is tickled when she speaks on their work and their merit, that is who recognize the threat of cata- to me, which tickles me, because I am not okay. strophic wildfires and want to do some- tickled when I speak to her. I told her As a result, Mr. Speaker, we filed thing about them. I look forward to earlier today, Mr. Speaker, that I was H.R. 5561, the Barbara Johns Congres- hearing from them. in love with her sister. It is inter- sional Gold Medal Act. Her efforts, At this time, I yield to the gen- esting, because she is sitting with my without lauding herself, without pat- tleman from Utah, JOHN CURTIS. wife. ting herself on the back—indeed, going Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise forth from this date and living a hum- today as thousands of Utahans in my b 2000 ble life as a wife and a librarian, as she district are returning to their homes The reason that I say that is that I aspired to—are the embodiment of the after being evacuated due to wildfires love America, and as a member of the nameless faces of millions who sac- that came within blocks of their State house, I had the honor of car- rificed so that we can live in a country homes. rying legislation that made April 23 that seeks to employ an idea that is The Pole Creek fire and the Bald Barbara Johns Day in Virginia. The the greatest idea known to the history Mountain fire have engulfed over reason is that Barbara Johns’ story is a of free people. 100,000 acres of land and are still burn- story that every American should The civil rights movement is not a ing strong. It is a testament to our know. Black history story. It is not a White brave firefighters and our incredible VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:44 Sep 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00195 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K26SE7.130 H26SEPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with HOUSE H9084 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 26, 2018 community of volunteers that not a sions. They know better than anyone bipartisan Members of the House was single life has been lost and property the challenges they face in their own sent to the farm bill conferrees urging has been protected. backyards. conferrees and leadership to include ac- Although this fire season has been Should another fire strike, I am con- tive forest management provisions in one of the worst our State has ever fident that Utahans will once again the final version of the farm bill. The seen, it has brought out the best in step up to the challenge and take care base bill also reauthorizes the Land- Utah. During the height of the Pole of our great State and the wonderful scape Scale Restoration Program.