Edna Clnvd, Editor

"Keep Hankies SEPTEMBER 11, 1960 In Your Purse ..." Annual Benefit Dear Ann Landers: 1 am 10 MRS. PETER CHURCH and have a terrible problem Diane Rowland clammy hands. When I am out . . . Former with a fellow my palms are always moist with perspiration. Harvest Fashion B8^in Year 1 try to wear gloves but during the summer it's not conveni­ Local Girl ent. ri C C OnSeot. 14 When I'm in a movie with a Rho Xi chapter of the South Married In fellow and he wants to hold bhow jet beot 22 Bay area council of Beta Sigma hands I am very embarrassed. Phi will return to its regular Can you suggest a solution? DAMPENED SPIRITS With "Harvest of Fashions" as the theme, Court St. .schedule of bi-monthly meeting Sparks, Nev. Dear Danip: The more you Catherine o£ the Catholic Daughters of America will stage beginning Sept. 14. think about your clammy hands their annual fashion show Thursday evening; Sept. 22, at Members of the chapter are In Sparks. Nev., on August the clammier they will be. a busy year ahead 120, Miss Diane Rowland, of Nativity parish hall on Cota avenue. Plans were announced anticipating Torrance, became the bride of Moist hands arc usually a man- and tickets distributed at the first fall meeting of that or-|wn'd> will be highlighted by la (Ion of nervousness, ganization Thursday evening,, ------, !'">e May 1961 breakfast meet- Peter L. Church, of Gardena. eep several handkerchiefs The wedding was solemnized your purse and carry one with Mrs. Donald W. Bryant I Mrs. Robert O'Brein's year m '^,1.; ,n T .''", J-all [ornia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. « oresidiim ' offieo it MM»,... *!«.. n..*.**..-,.**.,, ^ou.icn 10 IJL ncici ai me 'Anthony Proell. cousins of the when you feel ill at ease. If a E. Se fellow wants to hold your hand, Under the direction of Mmes business mecting. A donation : gunc]0 bridegroom. R;;v. Leo Hamil­ don't be concerned. Ills hands Robert Klaesges and Paul Mc­ was also voted for the Arch-1 _. ton, pastor of the Sparks, Nev., are probably clammier than Donald, the several chairmen bishop's Christmas party for with their as- j needy children, the marriage ceremony. yours. have been busy Bay areae in hostessing the signments, to make this event breakfast. Preparations for the The bride, daughter of Mrs. Dear Ann: My father owns a the social and financial success event are already under way. H. B. Mills, 1571 W. 211th St., of years past. Torrance, and John M. Row­ large business which was start­ More imihediate plans are ed by my grandfather. 1 enter­ Wheat, autumn flowers and I land, of Harlingen, , wore on the agenda for the opening length white dress, ed the firm when I graduate;! cornucopias -are being fashion­ | meeting to be held Sept. 28 a ballerina from college last year. I like ed into table centerpieces and and shoulder veil. She was at the home of Mrs. Walter by Mr. H. the business and could do well other artistic decor appropro Klasno in Hawthorne. Women given in marriage at it, but my old man drives THE GOLDEN HARVEST . . . When Court St. Catherine, CDA, stages its annual, of the harvest season, with B. Mills. in the area who wish to attend Lang served as me nuts. He's an aggressive, Harvest Fashion show on Sept. 22, the cleverness of the decorating committee will Mrs. Victor E. Benstead as this mecting to learn more of Miss Carol high-powered guy wlio thinks I be seen in the table centerpieces and about the hall. Here at left, Mrs. Paul McDonald chairman. the bride's attendant and Dan the social and cultural sorority as his nephew's ought to be just like him. and right, Mrs. Robert Klaesges watch Mrs. Victor Benstead make clever little men Other chairmen include are invited to contact Mrs. Jay Alien stood I've thought of just walking from golden ears of corn and an onion. Proceeds will be used for the court's many Mmes. William Korchensky, Echelbcrgcr, Mrs. Walter best man. out but it would be foolish. charities. tickets; Harold DeWan, re­ Klasno or Mrs. Ronald Dawson. A reception was held follow­ There is a successful living freshments; Donald Schwab, ing the wedding. here, and I'm the sole heir. I Sparked with Variety prizes; Ray Montenegro, pro­ The couple's address is 1916 feel that the older employees gram; Ralph Sullivan, models; A St.,-Sparks, Nev. Both were resent me because my dad is and Lyle .1 O'Hora, publicity. Check Given graduated from Gardena High pushing me too fast. Assisting them wilt be Miss School- in June 1960. Mr, I'm engaged to a lovely girl Tor ranee Wo man's Club' Grace Young and Mmes. Philip Mus Church is attending the Uni­ who is urging me to leave. Halloran, William A. Davies, By Eta versity of Nevada. She says it's not worth it. She Marcel Demonet and Ralpn Eta Mu chapter of Epsilon. has great confidence in my Program Announced Bobbitt. Sigma Alpha presented the' ability and says I can be a suc­ Year's From among Court St. Cath­ Harbor Area Exceptional Chil­ Entertain cess any place. What's your ROSEMARY DeCAMP erine's many charities, Camp . . . Guest Speaker dren's Foundation with a check advice? THIRD GENERA­ When the Torrance Woman's club begins its 1960-61 club year on Oct. 5, several Terestta Pines has boen select­ for $100 at a barbecue at the TION months ot' interesting program are in store. The varied program selected by Mrs. Alma ed to benefit from the fashion school. At Barbecue Dear Third: If you like the Smith, program chairman, and Mrs. W. I. Laughon, co-chairman is filled with events that show. Located near Wright- Virginia Bry, president, gave Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cun- business stay with it but throughout the year is 12:30 wood in the Big Pines area, Politics To £>arate from yeur father for will be of interest to all women. Time set for all luncheons the check to Violet McCormick, ningharh and Jorie and Dan ^fe time being. p.m.; teas begin at 1 pan.; and programs at 2 p.m. Club breakfasts are scheduled for head of the school. entertained a group of friends 11 a.m. maintained by the CDA courts Others attending the barbe­ at a barbecue at their home on Go to another city and get Angeles area. Be Topic For a job in the same type of busi­ The'Mitchell Boys choir will Dec. 21. Mrs. Arnold White Members will show their in the Los cue were Laura Pesola, Eliza­ Reynosa Dr. last Sunday eve­ entertain at a catered lunch­ will discuss "Interiors" ?t the travel films at 'the March '15 Models, all members of the beth Launer, Mr. and 'Mrs. T. ning. ness. You'll learn things your daughters, will dad can't teach you, and you eon 'which begins the new year silver tea to be held Jan. 4. pot luck luncheon meeting. court, or their Sisterhood F, Doke, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Movies of the group taken on Oct. 5 with Mrs. Roy Apsey, On Jan, 19, Mrs. John Melville, Cabaret entertainment will be show fashions from a local Guiliano and Mr. and Mrs. R. on many camping trips during will bring to your new job are Mmes. Wil­ much that you learned at president, conducting her first chairman of the American furnished by the Bette Thomas shop. Included Rosemary DeCamp, TV and 'Bry. the past year were shown. papa's knee. meeting. Field Service Section, will be Studio. liam Hardesty, Richard Ban, motion picture star and local Mrs. Bry, president of Eta With the Cunninghams were On Oct. 19, the Garden Sec­ in charge of the program. Past presidents will be lion- Ray Montenegro, Gerald] club womalli wiu speak at the Messrs, and Mmes. John Lucas After a few years of experi­ for Mu and recording secretary of ence away from your father, tion, Mrs. V. E. Benstead, A new members' tea will be ored on April 5. A catered Young, Ethel Hetrick, Petei j first mecting of the SL>ason Mira Costa Regional Council, and Karen; Jack Brislin, Patty re-evaluate the home situation. chairman, will decorate the held on Jan. 24 at the home luncheon will be followed by O'Brien. James Carlin and the the Temple Menorah Sister- attended a recent board and and Mary Lynn; Lyle Freckle- By then your dad should have clubhouse with "Teacup" flow­ of Mrs. William Crooker, 2742 John Morley whose topic will Misses Susan Cem'ore, Sandra hood tomorrow at 8 p.m. at 112 presidents' meeting at the ton and Gail; Joe Piatt and more confidence in you and er arrangements. Speakers at C a 11 e Aventura, Miralesto. be "The World I Saw. 1 Derouin and Carol Armstrong. N. Catalina St., Redondo -Beach. shanty in Walteria. Kathy; Lyle O'Hora, Coleen, even more important you'll this silver tea will be Rosemary Hostesses will be members of The project "Luncheon Is Mrs. Harvey Lee was elected Her topic will be "Women in . _....-..... Judy and Jill. have more confidence in your­ DeCamp and Margaret Wool- the Executive Board. Served" will be featured on financial secretary to complete Politics." self. ley whose topic will be "Arouse Family Night is scheduled April 19. The Literature Sec­ Miss DeCamp may be seen tion, under the direction of Family Party Returns from the Voters." for Feb. 1 with Mrs. A. Z. Eng­ Midwest Vacation on TV in "Love That Bob" and Dear Ann Landers; I'm dat­ At the year's first pot luck land as dinner chairman. "Peo­ Mrs. D. J. Quinlivan, will be in "." On the A family get-together was Extensive Trip ing an interesting and attrac­ luncheon on Nov. 16 the Art ple are Funny" will be the pro­ charge. Mrs. John Thuss and Mrs. screen she is appearing in "13 top social event on the R. E. Moffitt and son, Robert, held on Labor Day at the home Mrs. Alma C. Smith, 1614 tive man who is 27 years old. Section will present the pro­ gram and the "Kitchen Band" The Ghosts." She is a columnist and of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hoff- Amapola Ave, lias just return­ The only fault I can find to gram. Mr. D. G. DeHoag is will entertain. club calendar "The Headdress returned Wednesday from a is active in Democratic Party is set for May 3. the , mid­ man, 1308 Elm Ave, A barbe­ ed from a 5500 mile trip on criticize is that he drinks a chairman. Topic will be "Art is "Just for Fun" will be the Fantasy" three weeks trip to politics. She is the wife of cue dinner was enjoyed. which she visited national little too much. He promised to For Everyone." theme of the program put on Breakfast will be served at west. Mrs. Moffitt visited her Judge John Shidler. 11 a.m. Speaker for this day is mother in Oklahoma City and Attending were Mr. and Mrs. parks in the western United cut down if I marry him. The Rev. Hugh Percy, pas­ by the Homecraft section, Mrs. Mrs. Gene Kaufmah will give John B. Gross and Charlotte, States and Canada. She was ac­ My dad never liked the fel­ tor of the St. Andrew's Epis­ E. L. Snodgrass, chairman, at Mrs. Sooy on the topic "Person­ went to Texas to visit other a short talk on the Jewish ality and Dress." relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Nincevic and companied on the three weeks low but wouldn't say why. Yes­ copal Church, will be the the pot luck luncheon on Feb. High Holy Days. Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. John B. j vacation jaunt by Mary and terday we all went on a family speaker at the catered luncl> 15. On May 17 there will be Mrs. Thuss was a guest of Anyone desiring information picnic in the park and the year Mrs. W. P. Hampton in Fort or transportation may call Mrs. Hoffman, Jr., and son, Philip Trudy Gahwoof and Jane Mo outing and when we got home eon on Dec. 7. His subject will Reciprocity and Federation and George Hoffman Luuglilin of Redondo Beach. I asked Dad to tell me, specifi­ be "The Spirit of Christmas.' Day is slated for March 1. The will close on June 7 with instal­ Scott, Kansas, and visited her Albert Carmona, Mrs. Harvey cally why he didn't like Harry. Music will be furnished by the Education Section under the lation of officers. brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Abrahamson or Mrs. Paul He replied: "Because (1) He El Camino College Vocal En­ direction of Mrs. W. L. Nor­ Otis Barker in Kansas City. Ulassman. chews his fingernails (2) cracks semble. man will present the program To Pennsylvania She was also a guest of Mr. his knuckles (3) stutters and A Christinas party will fol­ "Knowledge Anew." A silver Mrs. Ruth Beems, 1323 Post and Mrs. Ivan Cot!rill in Cliol- (4) doesn't look me in the eye low the pot luck luncheon on tea will follow. Ave., left Wednesday evening! sea, Okla, before going to Juniors To when he talks to me." for a three weeks vacation in j Oklahoma City to join Mrs. Do these things mean any­ Pittsburgh, Pa. | Moffitt for the return trip. thing, Ann? SALLY Dear Sally: All the things Open Year r father mentioned are Couple Wed in High Noon The members of the Tor- ptoms of insecurity. Add runce Junior Woman's Club, these tell-tale habits to your CFWC, Marina District, will own concern that he "drinks a Service at St. Catherine's hold the first business meet­ little too much" and you have on picture tliut could stand a Miss Margery Ruth Pickler was a lovely bride as slit- ing of the fall season Laboure Catho­ Sept. 14 al the Clubhouse, second (and third) look before walked down the aisle of the St. Catherine 1422 Engracia Ave., under considering marriage. lic Church on the arm of her brother, William Pickler to the guidance of Mrs. Lee become the wife of Michael C. Doctor. The wedding took Confidential to FINANCIAL Clolwoithy, president. LY EMBARRASSED: When place at high noon on Saturday, Sept. 3. Of particular interest will The bride is the daughter of I be the talk given by Kev. THEY needed money they wera vice presi­ blunt. Don't be foolish. There's Mrs. Wayne J. Pickler, 3806' carried by Kenneth Pickler. James I). Colbe'rl, W. 176th SI. Her husband is! Joe Speclor performed Hie dent of the Christian Anli- no reason to make a gift of the Commiinism Crusade, who loan. the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tim duties of best man ind ushers Hoctor, 37'iH W. I loth St were Joe D'Ago.sta, GHIT.V will present a vital me..sag.' To lourn lh« kiim-k n f . IVi-llllR For her iveddmg the bridt Slmffer, Frank Corsenlino, and regarding the danger of comfortable with tli" u|i| Communism. Itev Colberl Bill] for ANN LANIJKK.S 1 chose u gown of Chant illy lace Donald Danielsen. "How to Be Dut« Bull." over bridal satin. It was fash­ Tile Rev. Williai" liollinger has recently returned from with your requunt 30 iviit. ml a large. oir-addri-SHi-d, ioned on princess line.-, with a officiated at the marriage ami a world tour and studied cnvclopu. (Anil LiMUim-H will h srjiKire sc;>l!(.ped no-klinn ami the nuptial mass. Mrs. Mary ComniunLsm al work in' help you with ymn ni.i|j|.- illusion veil fell from a pearl ma.iy areas, particularly Hi:! tlium to hur In nii.- c,f i Haul' at the organ played tlic nani*r ewliminir « siamm-il. crown and she carried u bou- wedding marches and Far East. anviilop.-.) quet of while orchids and Heck am while roses. llerma'i, soloists. Guests Mrs. Donald Danielsen in the A reception in Hi Mr. and Mrs, .1. S McMnllcn, Wedding Guests role of matron of honor was ;il Ihc hiunc dl the I7IM Watson and Mr and .Mrs. FODK GEMMATIONS . . . lironson C Buxlon (right, Out of town guests here for gowned in deep orchid or-linolhei followed. Mis <;eoi<;c Walker, 21>(ill Doni'n- kneeling), prominent Torrance realtor for many years, the wedding of Miss Sylvia ganna. lin.leswuid.s were Misses j Klagg harg gin 1/ for the past ten days have poses with daughter Virginia Uuxtoii Scott Kvenetl, his and (jury Herglliold Tainara Roderick, Kathy Hoc- guest book been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. grandson .lames Hnmson Scott, and his great -granddaugh­ were Mr. and Mrs. T. R. llanii, tor, Charla Wood and Cluiidiu ; Alter a Vegas honey Dale Fri-y of Dejiver, Colo. ter Laurel Ann Scott, in Hie liiixton garden Bnui liux- Larry, David and Douglas Carlson. Their gowns were in nnon the couple will be al Mrs Frev is a sister- of Mrs. toji has lived in ToiTance lor I ho past :i-l years, and has Hann of Kansas City, Kan.; Mr. graduating shades of orchid home al :ill(W \V I7(ith St. Mc.Vliillen and Mrs. talker. been an outstanding civic leader He served on the Tor- and Mrs. G. E. Fuller and Mi­ gun/u. Bridesmaids were Misses The bnde was graduated Th'-i vi,lied Caliilillii Dis­ ranee City Council, was twice president ol the ToiTance chael of San Jose, Mr. and Mrs. orgun/u and they curried nose- from Hollywood Professional mal,mil Knolls liei i \ l-aini Chamber'nl Commerce, also served a pic-nleiil u! Ihc /'"!Gerald Fuller and Timothy of gays of vunda orchids. School and is attending El Ca and mil-resting points Mr. Toirance Kulary Club, and, was pic.ulcnl of (he 'I or- Jose; Mr. and Mrs. Vin- Little Miss Donna Dunielsen : mino College Kit's has In-en with the Inter­ runce Really Hoard for several years. Daughter Virginia who «rnt: Maffucci of Monrovia; and MRS. MICHAEL HOCTOH m pale orchid organ/.u and j Her husband is an Ingle nal lonal Harvester Co. for .'J5 lived in Torrance lor III years, and grandson Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vuusbind . . Lovely Bride carrying a basket of petals was wood High graduate and is ma \car.s as district seervice mun- was born here, is cun'enlly in the l'-S. Navy -(Lieutenant, er and Kelly of Sun Valley. diarize! Studio) the flower girl. The rings wens j joring in speech at El Cunnno. UL't'l. j g) Baby Laurel is six months old.