On Musical Self-Similarity Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIX Approaches to Musical Semiotics Series Acta Semiotica Fennica Editor: Eero Tarasti Associate Editors: Paul Forsell Richard Littlefield Editorial Board: Honorary Member: Thomas A. Sebeok † Pertti Ahonen Henri Broms Jacques Fontanille André Helbo Altti Kuusamo Ilkka Niiniluoto Pekka Pesonen Hannu Riikonen Kari Salosaari Vilmos Voigt Gabriel Pareyon On Musical Self-Similarity Intersemiosis as Synecdoche and Analogy Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIX Approaches to Musical Semiotics 13 International Semiotics Institute at Imatra Semiotic Society of Finland 2011 This book is a publication of The International Semiotics Institute • Imatra (ISI) http://www.isisemiotics.fi
[email protected] tel. +358 20 617 6639 tel. +358 20 617 6700 fax +358 20 617 6696 Cover design by Gabriel Pareyon Cover picture by Matías Vidal Layout by Paul Forsell and the author Copyright 2011 by Gabriel Pareyon All rights reserved Printed by Yliopistopaino, Helsinki (April, 2011) ISSN 1235-479X Acta Semiotica Fennica XXXIX ISSN 1458-492 Approaches to Musical Semiotics 13 ISBN 978-952-5431-32-2 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-6970-3 (PDF) Abstract Self-similarity, a concept taken from mathematics, is gradually becoming a keyword in musicology. Although a polysemic term, self-similarity often refers to the multi-scalar feature repetition in a set of relationships, and it is commonly valued as an indication for musical ‘coherence’ and ‘consistency’. This investigation provides a theory of musical meaning formation in the context of intersemiosis, that is, the translation of meaning from one cognitive domain to another cognitive domain (e.g. from mathematics to music, or to speech or graphic forms).