Item A0 4 Appendix 1 COURT LEET PRESENTMENTS 2007 a P P E N D
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Item A0 4 Appendix 1 COURT LEET PRESENTMENTS 2007 No. PRESENTER PRESENTMENT LEAD LEAD MEMBER OFFICER RESPONSE OFFICER 1. Mr. Jack Candy The Presenter requested the Shaun Councillor Gavin A street nameplate for Canal (A & B) following:- McGratt- Dick, Cabinet Walk was erected on 15th 1A. Heritage an Member for October 2007. a. Street nameplate for Canal Environment & Walk Transport b. Cenotaph – Regular cleaning of Andy Councillor John The lower parts of the Cenotaph the upper areas. Russel Hannides, Cabinet are cleaned annually prior to Member for Leisure Remembrance Sunday. The & Culture cleaning of the upper parts awaits a Condition Survey and a plan to ensure the monument and its lettering are not damaged by any cleaning process. c. The Common – Suggest that Jon Dyer- Councillor Phil It is understood that the wooden the wooden stump be removed Slade Williams, Cabinet plinth was originally provided as a from the north entrance to ‘Lover’s Member for Housing backdrop for an information Walk’. & Neighbourhoods panel. As the original panel has disappeared the plan is to utilise the plinth for displaying information on the Green Flag Award scheme – which was awarded to the Common in 2007. A p p e n d i x 1 d. Back of the Walls – Suggest Jane Councillor John The Murals are probably not old that the 15 murals by John Davies Hannides, Cabinet enough to be considered for Hodgson and the wall on which Member for Leisure listing – English Heritage has a they are mounted is protected by & Culture ’30 year rule’. They have been a formal listing application and included on the updated list of that graffiti is removed. locally important buildings. e. Central Parks – Request the Jon Dyer- Councillor Phil Consideration will be given to the main pathway from the Queen’s Slade Williams, Cabinet proposal as this is a key heritage Peace Fountain in St. Andrews’ Member for Housing link through the centre of the Park south to the ‘Gas’ Column in & Neighbourhoods central parks. There is no budget Houndwell be named ‘Heritage provision to relocate any heritage Walk’ and used to display features into these parks additional features of significant currently identified. heritage to Southampton. f. Holyrood Memorial – Suggest Jane Councillor Gavin British Telecom is currently that Council waste bins and BT Davies Dick, Cabinet conducting a programme of telephone kiosks with garish Member for ‘updating’ kiosks – there are advertising posters are out of Environment & several applications in the system keeping and respect with this Transport at the moment for changing and setting and the kiosks could be moving various boxes including in replaced with historic type. the High Street area. g. Itchen Bridge – Perhaps John Councillor Gavin Under Section 19 of the rename the bridge ‘Supermarine Simpkins Dick, Cabinet Southampton Corporation Act Itchen Bridge’ to celebrate the Member for 1960 together with any contribution of the men and Environment & subordinate legislation made women of the ‘Supermarine’ Transport thereunder, investigation is around the time of the last World required to establish whether or War. not the City can rename the bridge (specified as Work No.5) under the terms of the Act, or 2 whether another Act of Parliament would be required. In addition, consideration would need to be given regarding a public consultation exercise to include residents of the City, local and national bodies. h. A. D. Lucas Paintings – Tim Councillor John The Art Gallery currently leases 3 Request the 11 beautiful paintings Craven Hannides, Cabinet of A D Lucas’ paintings to are returned from loan for the Member for Leisure Chilworth Manor, Southampton public to enjoy in the City Art & Culture and 7 paintings to Lily Research Gallery. Centre in Windlesham. The Gallery’s successful Artlease Scheme enables works of art of relatively low value and artistic merit to be released from storage and to be enjoyed by many people in a variety of business and other venues in Southampton and the region. Income from the scheme assists substantially in the sustainability of the Art Gallery service. At present there are no plans to exhibit the A D Lucas paintings in the Art Gallery. When this situation changes, the Gallery will arrange for the timely return of the paintings. 3 i. Online Planning Application Martin Councillor Gavin City Council computer officers will Access – To be simplified. Tipper Dick, Cabinet be working with officers in Member for Planning to take this forward. Environment & They will carry out a review of the Transport current process during October and will report back on the scope for simplification during the first part of November. j. Ransom Drinking Fountain, Andy Councillor John The Ransom drinking fountain is Asylum Green – To make good Russel Hannides, Cabinet regularly hit by vehicles. The the damage and erect a protective Member for Leisure Ancient Monuments Officer will barrier. & Culture discuss with other officers in Parks and Highways its protection or re-location and see if funds are sufficient to carry out either option. k. Rights of Way – Request to David Councillor Gavin As a consequence of research include the following routes in the Blakeway Dick, Cabinet into the Rights of Way Definitive Map as a priority: Member for Improvement Plan (RoWIP) and Crabbe Lane; Bassett Green Environment & taking into account the lessons Road to North Lodge to Bassett Transport learnt from a recent public inquiry Wood Drive; Horseshoe Bridge, St (2006), the matter of prioritising Denys to Hazel Road, Woolston; routes towards possible inclusion Golf Course Road to Coxford on the Definitive Map & Road around the Sports Statement has been addressed, Centre/city boundary. forming an integral part of the Action Plan contained within the RoWIP, (Section 13, Issue ID’s A2, A3, A13 and C3). 4 1B. Outstanding items from 2005 David Councillor Gavin This item was discussed at a and 2006 Court Leet Blakeway Dick, Cabinet meeting with Councillor Samuels, Presentments Member for and Mr Candy on Tuesday 21st a. Horseshoe Bridge – Propose a Environment & August during which the Rights of public walk to Hazel Road, Transport Way section was tasked with Woolston reporting to the Leader on the matters of priority, landownership and general outline of this proposal. The report and accompanying plan was sent to the Leader (covered by internal memo) and copied to Mr Candy with a covering letter on 29th August. The report covered three main elements; a summary of the route, the issues to be resolved and the ecological considerations, specifically around Chessel Bay. b. Cenotaph – to replace seating Jon Dyer- Councillor Phil Open Spaces staff have been plaques ‘Major Brown’, ‘Burma Slade Williams, Cabinet working with Mr Candy to identify Star Association’, ‘Alderman Member for Housing suitable wording for these Walter Head’. & Neighbourhoods plaques and plans made to install new plaques. c. Conduit Head, Hill Lane – Andy Councillor John A Management Plan is being Require renovation and safety Russel Hannides, Cabinet drawn up for the monument. access to this Grade II Listed Member for Leisure Dependant on the results of this, structure. & Culture funds might be available next financial year to renovate the monument. Open Spaces staff have recently met Mr Candy and 5 others on site to discuss and agree an action plan to improve the access within the Greenway. This will improve access to Conduit Head. Work has already started on the programme identified with more work planned for late Spring 2008. d. Dolphin Hotel – Require Jane Councillor Gavin The two lamp columns are owned renovations to external lighting Davies Dick, Cabinet by the Dolphin Hotel, although lanterns. Member for they are actually positioned on Environment & the highway footway area. Transport Officers, including representatives from Planning Enforcement, have visited the site since this Presentment and spoken to the owner. They will be writing to him about a number of items and he will reply with explanations. There would appear to be a problem at present with the lamps which requires input from Highways with regard to lifting the pavement for the wiring to be repaired. Officers have advised that even if they do not light up they should be kept in a good condition. This Presentment will be followed up again. 6 e. Grand Theatre site, Marland Andy Councillor John Civic Buildings will be putting a House – To replace missing Russel Hannides, Cabinet suitable plaque up by December plaque. Member for Leisure 1st 2007. & Culture f. Jonas Nichols Memorial Andy Councillor John Discussions have been held with Fountain – To renovate and Russel Hannides, Cabinet Mr. Candy, and a cost for consider relocating to proposed Member for Leisure renovation has been obtained. Heritage Walk in Central Parks as & Culture Funds are not sufficient this council waste bins make the financial year to carry out the present location unsuitable. work, and it is not a high priority for the Ancient Monuments Budget. At present funds have not been identified to undertake such a move and the decision to move it is linked to the outcome of 1A(e) above. g. Supermarine Slipway, Woolston Jon Dyer- Councillor Phil This was raised in the last Court – To recognise the contribution of Slade Williams, Cabinet Leet and advice from the Supermarine, R. J. Mitchell, the Member for Housing conservation officer was given. men and women who produced & Neighbourhoods Councillor Hannides has formed the aircraft, and those who lost a working group to champion a their lives during the bombing. suitable civic tribute to the Spitfire, its designer, R.J. Mitchell, the workers of Supermarine who built it, and the pilots who flew it. h. Itchenside Floating Bridge – Andy Councillor John At present funds are not available Recommend a plaque to Russel Hannides, Cabinet for a plaque at this location.