24192 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 17 September 11, 2007 Nonattainment Area to Attainment for tion, Department of Transportation, trans- Century Freedom PAC; $1,000.00, 4/8/2006, Ger- Ozone’’ (FRL No. 8466-4) received on Sep- mitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule lach for Congress; $5,000.00, 4/8/2006, Straight tember 7, 2007; to the Committee on Environ- entitled ‘‘Airworthiness Directives; APEX Talk America; $1,000.00, 3/31/2006, Michael ment and Public Works. Aircraft Model CAP 10B Airplanes’’ Steele for Senate; $4,200.00, 3/31/2006, Mar- EC–3249. A communication from the Prin- ((RIN2120–AA64) (Docket No. 2007–CE–020)) tinez for Senate; $2,500.00, 3/23/2006, Mark cipal Deputy Associate Administrator, Office received on September 7, 2007; to the Com- Kennedy ’06; $4,200.00, 3/19/2006, Coleman for of Policy, Economics and Innovation, Envi- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Senate; $5,000.00, 3/17/2006, IRL PAC; $1,000.00, ronmental Protection Agency, transmitting, tation. 2/14/2006, Tom Kean for U.S. Senate; $1,000.00, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled f 2/9/2006, Friends of Ginny Brown-Waite; 1/24/ ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Implementa- 2006, Republican Party of Florida; $1.000.00, 1/ tion Plans; Tennessee; Approval of Revisions REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 11/2006, Tom Delay Congressional Committee; to the Tennessee SIP and the Nashville/Da- $2,200.00, 1/9/2006, Friends of George Allen; vidson County Portion of Tennessee SIP; The following reports of committees 2005—$2,100.00, 12/27/2005, ERIC PAC; Prevention of Significant Deterioration and were submitted: $5,000.00, 9/29/2005, RJC PAC; $2,000.00, 8/17/ Nonattainment New Source Review’’ (FRL By Mr.
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