Volume 111, Number 6, November-December 2006 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology [J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 111, 435-442 (2006)] In-situ Attenuation Corrections for Radiation Force Measurements of High Frequency Ultrasound With a Conical Target Volume 111 Number 6 November-December 2006 Steven E. Fick Radiation force balance (RFB) measure- Key words: attenuation correction; coni- ments of time-averaged, spatially-integrat- cal target; in-situ attenuation; power meas- National Institute of Standards ed ultrasound power transmitted into a urement; radiation force balance; radiation and Technology, reflectionless water load are based on pressure; ultrasonic power; ultrasound Gaithersburg, MD 20899 measurements of the power received by power. the RFB target. When conical targets are used to intercept the output of collimated, and circularly symmetric ultrasound sources operating at frequencies above a few Dorea Ruggles megahertz, the correction for in-situ atten- uation is significant, and differs signifi- cantly from predictions for idealized cir- School of Architecture, Accepted: November 7, 2006 cumstances. Empirical attenuation correc- Program in Architectural tion factors for a 45° (half-angle) absorp- Acoustics, tive conical RFB target have been deter- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, mined for 24 frequencies covering the 5 Troy, NY 12180 MHz to 30 MHz range. They agree well with previously unpublished attenuation calibration factors determined in 1994 for
[email protected] a similar target. Available online: http://www.nist.gov/jres 1. Introduction stances, the inertia of the target causes it to effectively integrate pulses into the corresponding steady-state Radiation pressure [1-13] has been employed in a force.