______ENQUIRER. VOL. V. LITCHFIELD, (CONN.) THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1831. No. 50.—Whole No. 258. KtctjffeHf Enutticcc: DEFERRED ITEMS. Hot rid Outrage.—A gentleman just from Spartan- Mis»——-- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY (I wish I dare tell you the beaux honest inno- MORNING, find in the burg District, S. C. has staled to us lha following gentleman traders, Eees-Dropping.—We Doylestown, (Pa.) the pretty name those two black lines stand cent of and Bt of oaa of tbs most wanton puns neckclothiana, and HENRY ADAMS. Democrat, the result of a trial for this mean particulars outrages thst good — ■ * practice, ior—but it’s a true and of course we ever heard of. Mr. —— story, subjects for'matrimony. which, however, wo were not aware was Woodruff, a very res- Literary people TERMS. cognisable, you know I can’t; so, till I see where die of the monstrari. «s a and was you digito To village and mail subscribers 9 criminal offence, a pectable wealthy gentleman, about to pay a Fanny Wright single dollars per by grand jury. In the case I can whisper it in your ear, we’ll call is held and editors jrsusr, before ibe ol six before the visit to his fathec-ia-law, Mr. who was her, profane, lady beat the payable expiration months. os, party who had been a -Dean, To of recently witness if you was 1 * at companies any number over 50 sick he was met a short please, Cecile.) Cecile, then, Virtue here six, $1 per in a criminal •« ; distanca from Mr. Dean's Billingsate, deprives as prosecution, was indicted for year, peyalde above. To less than peeping a belle of some two winters* I no man of*' companies six, flva to Mr. standing. cakes and ale.” Whiskers are « before, into a house a back by negro mea, belonging D. four of them W*1* ffj* 25 cents will through window," by which means hate in a real and so I’ll no beIf deductedI51***!- from on one description story, letters of introduction. Good each of these prices when payment he a I aide of the road basity engaged in conversa- English i* in acquired knowledge of the circumstances to that she was a sort of made advance. These are just say, Aurora-Ra- is to bad aud the prices exclusive of which he tion, while the fifth crept up on the other side, and preferred French, pale mait or stage for testified. The evidence for the defendant look for the de- charge transportation. with a by-Iooking beauty, (don’t of Unitarianism is the limit of No will be went to show heavy club felled him to the ground, where gentility. papers discontinued until all arrearages that lie had full from the mas- they a are authority scription, Miss, it’s book, Don We have a we paid, at the diecrelian of the editor. kiltsd him; then the lifeless ou the naughty great mind, since are i* except *er *^e to watch and they placed body ” Notice of a wish to premises, keep ward over his dark and with the vein to discontinue must be given before horse, the feet in the .and directed Juan,) eyed, .dark haired, show up with the grounds at all and was placing stirrups, Philadelphia, expiration of the year. times, especially empowered to the foot and hand of'a Peri. She was a its comical the horse towards Dean’s; when three of the contradictions—its Advertising. One three regard the movements of certain Mr, rectangular square, insertions, $1, individuals, whose little a real can- and its ba®® lor two or murderers went back to Mr. and two to glorious creature, angel by streets, graceful women—its exces- J proportion more vquarei.— conduct was deemed Under Dean's, fled Half a 75 els. suspicious. these circum- and be- square Coatinuauce over three weeks the woods. Tho hnd reached home, dle-light, by day-light something sively dressed dandies, and its decent 20 stances, the a negroes scarcely Qua- per cent per week. A liberal deduction made for jury returned verdict of not guilty. tween Honor Fenella and when the horse of Mr. W. with lha shoe O'Hara, Di kers—its strict and its advertisements continued 6 or 12 months. This is of as the caine, of its religion, European spoken only third instance in Penn- but twice sis as Administrators’ and Executors’ I owner still in the The Vernon, lovely either. luxury. We should like to sketch Balti- Notices, $1 00 sylvania, of au indictmeut for hanging atirrup. murderers, Commissioners’ Notices, 1 oi eves-dropping. The men adored and the women and with hypocritical nlarm, exclaimed that their master her, more, gay wicked, and Alt comment cat ioas must bo Melancholy Casualty.—The Delaware Journal in- Charleston, post-paid. Woodruff had fallen off his horse and killed.- (nothing hates like a woman) were learned and and all the forms us that on got eating aristocratic, places Wednesday night, Hugh W. Ritchie, their hearts about her. The horse was traced back, aud the inanimate up They abused aad in this of a nation— the Postmaster at New fell body people salmagundi NOTICE Esq. Castle, or leaped from her tout-a-tmU. said sho was not of Woodruff found—the search was continued still They but—we were talking of Cecile. To Rheumatic the third story window ol his house in that town, and Invalids! further, until came to the where be had been, stylish, the word, since is She as I said was tliey spot (that’s genteel was, before, tired of suffering under Rheumatic Affection instantly killed. He wns^supposed to have been every murdered; where the club was aud exploded,) but, like other she was about her. She in PERSONSare rea|»ectluily assured, that can obtain of when the accident occurred. deadly found, angels, thing got up the morn- they asleep, a sort of the proprietor and his a safe and marks of hluud and violence on the witch, and knew the fashions a aud not agents admirable re- We learn a ground, together ing, coqfd think she should bo for by gentleman from Buffalo, that great why snedy RHEUMATISM, however obstinate the with the of the feet. mouth before the milliners. said nt numbers of have prints negroes Suspicion imme- They the trouble of She disorder may be, and in all its different stages. emigrants arrived there on their way dressing. walked, “ fell on the to she was but is to diately negroes belonging Mr. Dean, and proud, pride in a dressed and went DR. JEBB’S the West,” expecting to obtain immediate con- bewitching dined, again, dissipated, 07* three of woman them were taken np and tried, and,as we are whose is said to with the veyance onward by means of Lake navigation. In- lip pretty. They bed, wondering, naivette o£n informed, two of them on 15th inst. and she was a and a and couldn’t Rheumatic Liniment! stead of this, tliey find the Lake still hung Friday, dirt, sarcastic, seraph, why such a stupid world should embargoed by the third Will afford immediate relief to the and has and retained to testify against the two others read without but on these have been created. Was patient, ice, were compelled to know not spelling, points, It at this crisis of sometimes been attended with sacli suc- wan,—they when extraordinary how they shall be apprehended. The causo we have tout le momle et »a sceur had a different that cess as to care the most long, before they ran pursue their things Mr.Hyperion St. John, the distressing Rheumatism in 24 journey. Large heard very even assigned for the of this atrocious would she was a e ’dilon a hours, when ef years standing. masses of ice had accumulated in the harbour perpetration j opinion. Nothing do; of cravat, her, as This during joined £$ual, highly valuable Liniment is recommended with deed, was, that Mr. Dean sick, and as his son- belle in of them—and that reminds one , and It wtis presumed the would being spite morning, in He was the a confidence founded on ihe experience of navigation in-law would become Broadway. ninny years, not Itis heir in case of his me to on with best not us a cure for that be opened before the 10th of demise, go my story. specimen of his class, and borne only excruciating disease, but as May. and having an excellent the negroes front some cause not to fall I was had been a belle the application lor Stiffness of the Joints, Eire at Boston.—On Wednesday night, about elev- wishing Cecile, saying, caprices of my lady with more constant Numbness, Sprains, Ac. into the hands of Mr. Woodruff, took the measure for two to Chilblaius, en the Boston a winters—that is within that bienieance than his a o'clock, says Traveller, fire biokeout | say, fellows, stood rather the Among mass of in favor of the success of testimony in the above related to prevent such an event.—;V. C. Spec. number of seasons she had refused the first in the as a for large four story corner of Broad st. her graces. She took his arm Lininunt, thorough remedy Rheumatism, building, “ very the The Are at Utica, broke out in a block of brick three fine proprietor selects the following as presenting gen- and Hamilton Avenue, occupied below by Mr. men,’* (there are never more much as one leans upon a fence in uine tustanees of its Mny- on lha west side of June, efficacy. nard as a buildings Genessee street, be- at a and endu- and bakery, and above bv six or eight Irish fam- time,) provoked beyond lounged down towards the lis- New and cases. to Mr. Ave of which were battery, surprising ilies. When the longing Disney, destroyed. rance, the three huudred fine women, to his as A Mr. R. of discovered, flames had made consid- (of tening exqoisitisms one, in the gentleman, Charlestown, (who can be An wooden house shared the same fate. erable and adjoining whom there be She same idle referred to) lias been confined to his bed most of the progress, raged with such rapidity and vi- may any quantity.) month, listens to the fire at Chiticothe.—On the 11th inst. a of running by lor > most | row frame had worn what she and the millin- week, suffering excruciating pain from olence that Mr. John Murphy, his wife and three chil- fancied, of a stream. Mi. had never Rheumatism; aftsr having had recourse to the round buildings, on the Sciota bank, in Chillicothe, belong- ers had not Hyperion dren, all in one of the were resented it—said what she seen her in so n of antidotes resorted to in asleep upper stories, burn- unolfensive meod. He usually this complainti but to Dr. of was Are. ed to ing Holton, Kentucky, destroyed by and visited where she without benefit; and while in this state of death before assistance could be rendered_ chose, pleased, and laid his his to suffering, little was forefinger against dickey, and no Very that in the houses, was saved from the cut all prospect of relief, Mr. Caleb Symmes, who their remains, disfigtirej,partially consumed, and alto- stupid people, authentic or not—and its integrity, while he should look was his neighbor, and to the extraordina- flames. The Are was said to be accidental. whrij (owing a and still the men swore the women admit- round at benefit he had himself from its gether presenting shocking repulsive spectacle, (and her face, and Cecile, at that mo- ry use,) We as we have and as the experienced were believe, always believed, ted because she was recommended the article with such confidence as in- yesterday morning taken from the ru- they swore) that di- ment her head to smoking mass of having dropped watch, duced Mr. R. to make use the people believe, that Jacksolt’s wish is to of it, which he did with the ins, and properly, interred. vine. Like another great conqueror, how- for want of better the usual success its administration, viz: itnini- decline a re-election; and we are inclined to the amusement, gliding attending A frame in ever she soon exhausted her and tiate and cure ! building Dover-street (ell suddenly on material, in and out of her own it sud- mitigation ofpain, relief, that he will ill henltli as a rea. lovely feet, Mr. T. of this while opinion decline, giving for new city, was attacked with a very violent Saturday morning the workmen were engaged wept worlds. The same eternal occurred to him that it was like son. Mr. Van Buren chinks so, or most knows denly very Rheumatism is his back, which an application of this in it a likely vows from the “ taking down, nnd colored man named Benja- same eternal whiskers—the what he had heard called a Liniment (on going to bed) instantly relieved, and c-u- so. If this opinion be true, the second symptom”— min Benson, was buried in the and died before ambiguous same eternal and by observes he never used ruins, day-light his curricle to a the was in red_ morning any thing paragraph of Mr. Van Buren’s latter of resignation candle-light, jarvey, lady winch him so much and so relief. he could be extricated. A white a with their same gave great man, also work- eternal walks, suppers and with him! With a silent on An old be in a measure and the “ dis- blessing Revolutionary Officer near Boston, was man at the may understood, self building, was'injured.—TV. Y. paper. dauces—it was too much for even I had the to aorely afflicted for years with rheumatic complaints, of which lie so and angelic Wheeler, (lie grace remember Mr. Nourte.—A verdict has beeu returned franchisement" speaks singularly especially in his joint* and limbs, which were tre- in favor patience—Cecile was ennyuee a mart! who made him,) he rallied his brains,_ much of Mr. unintelligibly, appears plain.—Albany Daily Ado. quemly swollen,—could obtain only temporary Nourse, who stood charged as a defaulter. The And wbo wonders'! Who, ihatjiasmade {.ethUdv Kmuhj voo),/ aua remembering, relief Irom medical advice, or the use of various rem- at a of that in all the stories he had the next edies, and had despaired of help; wheu a friend wlto •p.i“i“PJri$««.’wvl»Avy iMlwr, *wwn*«Mfo? .foam, wonders feeling toujours ptrd- read, .1— BahimweAm^cad^sa^hoj^sijroejjti^gdj^^ had wilisu——1 --*—e-\ T’~ ~.*~,“.,.».*-t..iarent. the State of in the Cherokee Nation, were rix at the sound of its forever to love was he as «u vised linn to make use of it, which lie dul, wiin imj as a criminal who had misused the confidence of gov- Georgia, very name, thing elopement, coolly, io one before at March term of the after T well who was a to most happy effect; it reduced the swelling ernment, and applied the public monies to his own brought Judge Clayton, Broadway is enough, but if it matter in course, begged know night. Court of Gwinnett on a writ of Ha- loves to a or use. But, for Mr. Nottrse, there were Supreme county, look all day at panorama ? The whether she would prefer his bays his (This article i* considered so superior to every fortunately beas Corpus. Their case was argued at length, by are brilliant—but who loves to on the first of the ihiag else, and to posses* such uu<-nimon virtues, such tribunals as courts of justice, where the question ] parties grays stage journey. that it i* ordered from distant parts of the and Tripps, (or the State, and Harris,Har- make one of a cordon of The country.) of his alledged defalcation could be tried witlt impar- Dougherty belle’s composed diversion of this subject startled Ce- An writes: “Pleas* send me a fur- j agent recently din, and Uuderltood, for the defendants. The decis- and cile from her castle She looked ther of J ebb's Liniment the first tiality and determined on principles of justice. To i every tuition, speaking every language building. supply opportunity— was as follows—“ Let the Missiona- as ion of the Judge a mono- 1 shall probably sell a considerable quantity, it is these tribunals he appealed, and the decision has been under heaven 1 or, to maintain up, and seeing the unwonted smile of satis- recommended some of our very ries (one ofthem a be discharged, by physicians highly. not an honorable of the being Post-Master) to a exhausted, over-dressed faction on the face ot her admirer, wish to forward me only acquittal gross allegations logue pale, repeated Another agent writes: “I you and let the other four be bound over to answer a persons who would rather die than be at his twice over to herself before aoine more ol Jebk’s which has recouitueu- against him. but verdict for $12,000 in his favor_ creuture, question Liniment, hav- cents to the misdemeanors charged against them, they ded itself very highly.” Price 50 a.boitle. Thus has justice triumphed over proscription, and the the trouble of a sentence T Then the eter- she quite comprehended him. Her first exhibited no excuse.”— Charleston Courier. “ administration has the mortification of being defeated ing nal oysters, pickled and stewed,stewed and thought was how absurd !”—her second, The 6c of the fashionable “ Painful Debilitating Complaint of in the attempt to destroy the reputation of an aged and Women with Whiskers.—Some pickled, (the only variety seen at a party how refreshing !” Here was a novelty 1 THE FILES. deserving public servant. belles of this city have an ambition for whiskers, and through the Season,) with a salad concocted The world had uot quite come to an end. receive* immediate and in numerous instance* 1 in to this absurd so relief, Canal.—The Utica Elucidator says:—"If we may | an attempt gratify whim, arrange a la Goth, rolled into the rooms upon She could do something she had never done lias cured the administration of been thoroughly by faces as to litem the judge from the experience of two weeks past, the lime 1 their hair upon their give appear- round tables, and rolled out again, before before. Run away! the thought was heav- the Piles. Sev- I Dumfries' Remedy for has even now arrived when the from this ance of wearing these masculine appendages. he who eats like a Chiistian could select She thanked the as she turn- compound also mitigate* and re- canal, place enly. gods approved oral of the softer sex thus hove appeared at THISmoves the symptoms which frequently accompa- to Albany, is insufficient (or the purpose of transporta- disguised and transfix one of proper proportions ; ed on her heel, and retracing their steps that and increase the ol the the and in our We no- ny disorder, danger pa- tion. In addition to the boats, which alone form al- theatre, public promenades. and the sweet and sick-) up to in of pink champaign, Broadway, they stopped arrange tient, vie: pain* Loins—Headaclu—loss appe- tice the fashion as one discreditable to and most one continuous and are all well we delicacy, and the matters more at Fontaine’*— tite—Indigestion and other marks of debility. , loaded, ish; short, ill-crnvatcd, indigen- conveniently the of the sex. It should be A relieved patient writes from a distance, are informed that there are rafts of timber enough beyond prerogative ous beaux, and the tall, discontented-look- where our story found them. It is but justice to yon to inform you, that I have frowned down by the common conscut of every femi- .sen passing to occupy the locks one fourth of the time.— Manuel heads Cecile ruse from the table at 6 o’clock rik*, Dumfries remedy for the 'Piles, for some- ing exotics—-stereotyped if We w«r« nine spirit.—Phil, paper. time past, and Have eminently successful. void last week that more than fifteen miles in crowding upon the eye like the multiplica- that afternoon, leaving her papa dosing An Officer in the Artny observe*— ofrafls Friends.—It is staled that in the course of a charge length had passed this village, end Urge quan- tions of an incubus, and the slavish similar- over his Moselle and snuff-box, and ringing "I have been troubled many years with the Piles, to the Grand of Portland, Mellen said that tities are still behind. Boats are much nnd Jury Judge and have never found any that would delayed, ity of every article of dress to its neighbor fur her maid, ordered a truuk and bandbox- remedy compare he had been for nearly forty-five years intimately ac- with your*. It gave me almost immediate relief." frequently lie in throngs about the locks, wniting for —Bonnet fast over his cremona, and es into her room. She then turn- A and writes, with the of the Judicial Courts asleep dressing physician druggist their turn. It cannot, of course, be expected that this quninted proceedings two feel ed the and dresses all out. "I have sold all the medicine sent which is cotHlious square— her you me, in that of the and he knew of but one dancing upon key, laying stale of will last all the we part country, so recommended for the Pile*. 1 wish you to things season,but do expect we in tho name of tho foul sofa and selected two highly instance in which a member of tho of Friends who, again ask, upou chairs, fauteuil, send me one dozen more the bearer.” that this commencement will be society by unexampled followed would of such a routine, tire and or three of the white one The is innocent, and may be adminis- was at the bar as a criminal. This fact is fieud, not, prettiest, (a plain remedy quite up as proporlionubly well as any spring business has arraigned sicken T tered to all and both sexes. Plain and and folded them in the ages ample been.’’ eloquent in favor of the moral cods inculcated by said among them,) with a of the ac- Far be it from to indite an Directions, description complaint, association. me, however, trunks. She threw in next two or three which consists of two religious company each package, boxes, The day lie fore the Secretary of State backed out unqualified philippic against the metropo- linndsful of coral arid one an Ointment, and the other an Electu- cameos, necklaces, containing he addressed a letter to Tench as "late lis of our land. is no for both or 50 cents where but Ringgold, Esq. There place this ornaments—some articles ary.—Price $1 articles, THE other indefinite one is wanted. Marshal of the District of Columbia.’’ On the next ELOPEMENT. side the water which so much of the gathers of dress, a muslin night-cap and a vinai- None unless on the outside day Mr. Ringgold answered the letter, his One summer’s rich and rare—no where the feet of genuine signed printed directing sauntering, sunshiny day, place to be used in the scene- immedi- " grette fainting wrapper by the tote proprietor, T. KIDDEK. reply to Mr. Van Buren as late of State.” the introduction the womeu are or the Secretary soon after of Berlin iron smaller, enterprise a ate successor to the late Dr. W. T. Conway. For sale, next, pair of French slippers and a Bible When Mr. Thomas Fitlebrown wan about to be re- ornaments and sleeves a la like of the men more laudable—none where the with alt the other "Conway Medicines,” at his Count- gigol, (I —and last, a lovely French apron of a Room. next door to J. Kidder’s Drug Store, moved from his situation in the Navy Department, Mr. to there is so the ing No.99, date by great epochs,) stood at pave brilliantly thronged, simple new with which she intended to corner of Court and Hanover near Concert pattern, streets, Secretary Branch addressed a letter to him saying more and the I sad his Fontaine’s counter-—No—Broadway,-—• dexterously enlightened, astonish her lord at the first breakfast sub- Hull, Boston; by special appointment, by ‘•that he found it necessary to have efficient men in know the I dare a of the more re- Samuel Butl and, Let Sf Beckwith, Litchfield; (you shop, lady, swear,) plethory pocket speedily sequent to the ceremony. Having chosen the Department, and therefore Mr. Fillebrown's ser- a little in where there are E. Cowles, South Farms; Daniel Norton, gentleman in whiskers, (then ultra,) lieved—none, short, her prettiest hat, and laid it aside, every vices were no longer When Mr. F. heard a united such of and or Canaan; Judson Sf Whittlesey, N. Preston ; required.” and a lady in French slippers, (then rare foci people things, was and she threw herself of Mr. thing complete, Branch’s removal, he sent the Ex-Secretary a were over where one learn faster the Dr. Humphrey, Salisbury; George Taylor, article ) They tossing togeth- may necessity upon the sofa to dream away the time till Pitkin copy of the foregoing extract from his own letter ! of individual the New-Milford; Sf Swift, Norfolk. er, with looks of profound attention, a heap combining, in his person, the arrival of the note from Mr. St. John, discount to those who to sell National Journal. Large buy again. some of of Briareus and w of thousand gloves every descrip- accomplishments Argus. the hour when his December 23 *5 1 magacUy of a Dog.—It M stated in the Pough- announcing bays would tion, which had been accumulating from ev- It is London diminished. No place like it be at the door. keepsie Intelligencer, that the snow ** during great j out of the store for the last half to take the nonsense of you.” The i snail not to •turn, last winter, a number of fowls belonging to a ery quarter attempt describe toe dream, FOR without which the as- first is, to all but itself, a SALE, farmer in that ueighltorbood, were missing at the hour hour, any approach, person singular because the litdy did not attempt it herself could to the indifferent cares A when they usually retired to their roost. While tonished shopman discover, very pronoun. Nobody in me the It was, no Dwelling House, Shop Sf Barn, silting " telling story. doubl, of the or the there whether cock thumb” or around the kitcheo fire, of the the at- satisfaction lady’s taste, gen- you your like all visions of a SITUATED in G03HEN, SO talking subject, * " 1 city matrimony, long tleman’s An immense of is no lion in Broad- O rod* west of the Meeting- tention of the family was roused hy the entrance of approval. piece vista, closed in the blue distance by a four in a festoon a- Housewife eat House—a stand for a me- the housedog, having in his mouth a hen damaged barege, hanging j might story brick house and iron a serv- good apparently “ railings, iSntH corner in which her hard and swear that it ■SSShL ehanie. For further particulars. dead. Forcing his way to the fire, the cautious ani- cross the they stood, gingerbread,” ant in livery cleaning the door-plate, and a on them from the notice of the was aice uncoutiadicted. Inquire of the subscriber, living the premi- mal laid bis charge down upon the warm hearth, and screened pas- child in a pink frock and white pantalettes, BEECHER. and when at last had How different from Boston ! Here, ses. DAVID immediately set of. He soon entered again with an- sing customers; they every playing in the verandah.—The arrival of 49 in the and the knows and bis business. Gothen. May 18, 1881_ other, which he de|iosited in the same place, and so rejected every glove shop, body every body, the note, whatever it was, put a stop to h continued the were fellow in a bandanna cannot stir without im- until whole of them rescued. The imperturbable little You feeling your very effectually. It was written on rose Itch Ointment. little makes a Clay's fowls, benumbed by the extreme cold bad crowded to- cravat stood leaning with his two hands on portance.—A very stranger sealed with ca- ease and cer- paper, and, being June, a» For pleasantness, safety, expedition, * and a tie in gether in the yard, when the ef- the counter, and looking on the very splendid tiger,* peculiar meo wafer. The first sentence or be- tainty, iaiiaitely superior to any other cure for that dog observing them, silently two, fected their had a cravat a three months immor- tor air a tine disorder. deliverance. three hours’ work they made him, gives you ing sentiment, Ceeile passed over till the Price 25 coals box. Your per Palm loaf Halt*—Most of our readers have no they quietly turned their backs upon him, tality. birth, religion, early history, second perusal. The essential part of it Bitters. of the extent to which into their and of distinction and Clay’s Stomach idea, probably, the manufac- and drawing farther sheltered finances, probabilities was the naming of the hour, glancing will bo found ia all cases of the de- with arrival.—** *' They following ture of palm leaf hats iscarricd ia (kin state. In sev- continued their discussion of co- transpire your Good soci- her down, she read, I shall be at the scription to give relief: Nausea, position, eye Vomiting,Heartburn, eral towns we mention, from SO to are some at the same time, doobu while it dis- was e- Costiseaeas, Weakness at the Breast, Pain in ihc might 50,000 lors, (or equslly interesting topic,) ety,” door, in my kurriMe”——it quite Biouaeh, Loss efAppetite, and all other symptoms of annually made. Two establishments in Barra, those 1 with increased earnestness. They bad cusses you, and though you are the cyno- nougb. To run aaray with a man that XadigesUua aad Flatulence, and an a nervous cordial, of Messrs. Woods Sc Lee, sent to market last year been thus 20 minutes, sure of all eyes, you are suspected to be a couldn't no I She took her ■s act to be surpassed by aay thing. occupied (perhaps spell!—oh, each. It is calculated that last there were till are better than I a Price 35 cents a box. 75,000 year longer, for Irish watches and certain peo- rogue you known, by pen and wrote note declining the honor, nine Pearl Tooth Powder. made in New-Eoglaad hundred thousand, and ple lose half an hour in that time,) when a nature’s authority, to be I gentleman. rang for her maid, dressed hud went to, a the two millions of this of hats. aro This celebrated Powder needs no recommendation present year species conversation arising between two geutle- The shop-keepers professedly honest, party. and should be ia tbe constant are sold for about $3 a doxen, aad to street small feet —every gentleman lady They shipped men, who had just entered, respecting the smoking is disreputable, Six months after, she took matrimony, use of it, if they wish to preserve their teeth from de- “ tits southern states, and some to South America, of the small foot that and French aro not much worn, the the natural cay, aad have them appear of a beautiful pearly white- identity vas'patting slippers (as doctors phrase it,) fora favorite article of summer wear. ness. Price 35 cents a box. where they % the floor within the and the Tremoat is tho finest hotel, and 1 saw her waa the lov- Bottom Traveller. violently curtain, they way," a«d when last, Sold by Samuel Buel, Abbe se- the daintiest in the known If Borneo, pad the donatioas to the American Colonisation fell to tossing over the gloves and Dudley frixeur liest of Madonnas, in an oiled silk apron, Beelaoitb. AstTsf again, Iao If a the took the world. For tho belles are slightly learned in corals and; teeth* ■ Society, acknowledged in the African Repository for lecting pair hastily, lady society, getting very from the arm and left the blue, the as a dream, and caning. [#.?. Gmmht, Litchfield, June 2d, IM. ^^iy2 I April, is ope of $100 Ex-President Madison.' gentleman’s shop. sappers exquisite