Cannabis Before, during and after

The chemicals in any Using form of cannabis If you use cannabis (, weed, (smoking, and are pregnant or pot) during second-hand smoke, are planning a pregnancy may Fast pregnancy, talk to vapour, edibles, increase your baby’s oils/creams) may be your healthcare risk of developmental harmful for your baby. Facts provider. problems.

It is not safe to use cannabis in pregnancy or when

Fertility Pregnancy Baby

Studies have shown that daily Cannabis contains over 400 A baby’s brain contains a lot of cannabis use is linked to: chemicals, including THC - the fat. THC is stored in fat and it � Changes to the menstrual chemical that makes you feel could largely affect how your cycle “high”. baby’s brain develops. � Low sperm count and poor � These chemicals can pass Research shows that cannabis sperm quality from your body to your baby in pregnancy may increase the when you are pregnant and risk of: may be harmful. � Pre-term birth Cannabis smoke contains many � Low birth weight of the same harmful chemicals as cigarette smoke. � Lower IQ scores � Smoking lowers the supply of � Impulsivity and hyperactivity in and nutrients to your childhood baby. � Learning, memory and Ask your healthcare provider problem-solving difficulties in about safer ways to treat teens and later in life and during pregnancy. Can cannabis Will it help if I “pump and affect my dump” my breastmilk after breastmilk? using cannabis?

� Cannabis passes from your breastmilk to your � No. THC is stored in body fat and baby. THC and other chemicals are stored in released into breastmilk for weeks. baby’s fat cells and brain for a long time. Pumping and throwing out your breastmilk shortly after using cannabis � Cannabis may make your baby drowsy and it doesn't mean your breastmilk won't have could make it harder for your baby to latch THC in it the next time you feed your baby. properly. It may also affect your baby’s movement and responses.

Cannabis Cannabis use can and parenting affect your Store your short-term cannabis in a safe memory, attention Bed sharing is not place so your and reaction time. safe. But bed children can’t reach Parenting while sharing while high it. If you think your impaired may makes the risk of took any form Second-hand reduce your ability sleep-related of cannabis, get cannabis smoke is Never drive a car to make good deaths even higher. medical help right harmful for all of us. while impaired. It’s decisions and Place your baby to away. Call the It is best not to unsafe for you and protect your child sleep alone on their Ontario Poison smoke or vaporize for those riding in from harm. You back in their crib, Centre at cannabis in your the car. may also miss your cradle or bassinet. 1-800-268-9017 or home or around child’s cues for call 911 your baby or hunger, comfort or immediately. children. to play and learn.

Until more is known about the short- and long-term on your baby, it’s safest to avoid using cannabis while pregnant or breastfeeding

For more information or help � Talk to your healthcare provider

� Visit @LetsTalkParenting � Motherisk: 1-877-327-4636 @LetsTalkParents � Here 24/7 (addiction, mental health and crisis services for Waterloo-Wellington): 1-844-437-3247 1-800-265-7293 ext. 3616 � ConnexOntario (addiction, mental health and problem gambling services): 1-866-531-2600

Adapted from a resource produced by the City of Hamilton Public Health Services. Distributed by Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.