What You Can Do continued Talking about your use can be difficult but it is important that you talk to Sources: Women and Alcohol Drug your midwife or doctor or refer yourself to a Service (Victoria. Australia) Patient local drug treatment agency. Information

The latter will enable you to:

 Explore personal issues and make positive change. Cannabis In  Learn new ways to manage stress.  Develop strategies to reduce or stop using cannabis and other drugs

Regular pregnancy/ antenatal care is important to make sure you are healthy and your baby is growing well.

If you find it difficult to stop using cannabis talk to your midwife, doctor or Medway NHS Foundation Trust contact a local drug counselling agency. is a smoke free organisation. As a healthcare provider, we believe it is important to provide Medway client’s contact: OPEN ROAD the best possible environment for our patients, visitors and staff. http://openroad.org.uk/centres/in/medway/

Centre: 01634 566285

Swale clients :Forward Trust Cannabis in Pregnancy https://www.forwardtrust.org.uk/our- Medway NHS Foundation Trust services/community-drug-and-alcohol- Windmill Road services/swale-hub/ Gillingham Kent ME7 5NY 01634 830000 www.medway.nhs.uk PIL00001662-1 Date: January 2020 Review Date: January 2021 Cannabis and Pregnancy Some babies may be born smaller than Breast Feeding average and have increased risk of illness in the newborn period. Breast feeding is the best method of feeding your baby it is also good for your Regular cannabis use in pregnancy may health. In order to safely breast feed your increase the effects of other drugs and baby, it is recommended that you seek alcohol on your developing baby. assistance from your midwife, doctor or local drug counselling agency to reduce or Because cannabis use is often combined cease your cannabis use. with tobacco use, there is increased risk to the developing baby due to the can pass to babies through the tobacco smoke and nicotine. .

Cannabis is a depressant drug that slows THC (Delta-9-) is the Effects on your baby down the activity of the central nervous active chemical in cannabis. If you are system, including the brain. It can also using cannabis it will pass freely into breast After birth, your baby may require have mild hallucinogenic effects. milk and the THC levels can build up. extra care and a longer stay in THC attaches to fatty tissue and can hospital. Some babies may have signs of Long term use of cannabis has been linked remain in the baby’s body for several withdrawal. Babies may be irritable, to and depression. Heavy cannabis weeks. unsettled and have feeding difficulties. use can affect your memory and how clearly you think. It may also increase the If you breast feed and continue to use Smoking during pregnancy and after your risk of paranoia and hallucinations. cannabis it is important to have your baby is born are each associated with an baby’s growth and development checked increased risk of SIDS (sudden death The effects of cannabis on your regularly by your Health Visitor. syndrome) or ‘cot death’, and the pregnancy are very similar to those of development of asthma and other tobacco smoking. breathing conditions in children. What You Can Do

Effects on pregnancy If you are thinking of becoming pregnant Cannabis use in pregnancy is associated Cannabis use in pregnancy is potentially reducing or stopping your drug use would with learning and behavioural difficulties in very harmful and should be avoided; help you and your baby. Cannabis use some preschool children and young school however it is not associated with birth may affect your parenting and enjoyment of age children. defects. The supply of and your baby. It can impact on your family life nutrition to your developing baby via the and personal relationships. placenta (afterbirth) may be reduced.

This can result in reduced growth of your See overleaf baby during pregnancy.