Song by Jean Sibelius [Zhah6 Sih-BAY-Lihôôss])

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Song by Jean Sibelius [Zhah6 Sih-BAY-Lihôôss]) Pa verandan vid havet C På verandan vid havet C PAW veh-RAHN-dahn vidd HAH-vutt C (On a Balcony by the Sea) C (song by Jean Sibelius [zhah6 sih-BAY-lihôôss]) Paalen C Bella Paalen C BELL-lah PAHAH-lenn Paap C Wouter Paap C WO-tur PAHAHP Pablo C Luis de Pablo C looEESS day PAHV-lo C (known also as Luis Alfonso de Pablo Costales [looEESS ahl-FAWN-so day PAHV-lo kawss-TAH-layss]) Pablo costales C Luis Alfonso de Pablo Costales [looEESS ahl-FAWN-so day PAHV-lo kawss- TAH-layss C (known also as Luis de Pablo) Pabst C Louis Pabst C LOO-ee PAHPST Pabst C Paul Pabst C PAHÔÔL PAHPST Pacchiarotti C Gasparo Pacchiarotti C gah-SPAH-ro pahk-keeah-ROHT-tee Pacchierotti C Ubaldo Pacchierotti C oo-BAHL-doh pahk-keeay-ROHT-tee Pace e gioia sia con voi C PAH-chay ay JO-eeah SEE-ah kohn VOEE C (Peace and joy be with you) C (duet from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo- ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) Pace non trovo C PAH-chay nohn TRO-vo C (composition by Franz Liszt [FRAHNZ LISST]) Pace pace C Pace, pace C PAH-chay, PAH-chay C (Peace, peace) C (finale from the opera Le nozze di Figaro [lay NOHT-tsay dee FEE-gah-ro] — The Marriage of Figaro; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Lorenzo da Ponte [lo-RAYN-tso dah POHN-tay] after Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh]) Pace pace mio dio C Pace, pace, mio Dio! C PAH-chay, PAH-chay, mee-o DEE-o! C (Peace, peace, my God) C (aria by Leonora [lay-o-NO-rah] from the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo- ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah]) Pace una volta C PAH-chay OO-nah VOHL-tah C (Let peace for a while) C (aria from the opera Zenobia [dzay-NO-beeah]; music by Luca Antonio Predieri [LOO-kah ahn-TAW-neeo pray-deeAY-ree] and libretto by Pietro Metastasio [peeAY-tro may-tah-STAH-zeeo]) Pache C Joseph Pache C YOHOH-zeff PAH-kuh Pachelbel C Charles Theodore Pachelbel C CHAH-rullz THEE-uh-dohuhr PAH-k’l-bell C (Americanized version of the German name Karl Theodor Pachelbel [KARL TAY-o-dohohr pah- KELL-b’l]) Pachelbel C Johann Pachelbel C YO-hahn pah-KELL-b’l Pachelbel C Wilhelm Hieronymus Pachelbel C VILL-hellm hee-RO-nü-môôss pah-KELL-b’l Pachelbel canon C The Pachelbel Canon C (The) PAH-k’l-bell KA-nunn C (Americanized name for a composition by Johann Pachelbel [YO-hahn pah-KELL-b’l]) Pachler koschak C Marie Leopoldine Pachler-Koschak C mah-REE-uh LAY-o-pawl-tee-nuh PAHK-lur-KAW-shahk Pachmann C Vladimir de Pachmann C vlah-DYEE-mihr deh PAHK-mahn Pacientia C pah-CHENN-tihah C (composition by Ludwig Senfl [LOOT-vihh ZENN-f'l]) Pacini C Emilien Pacini C eh-mee-leeah6 pah-CHEE-nee Pacini C Giovanni Pacini C jo-VAHN-nee pah-CHEE-nee Pacini C Leonardo Pacini C lay-o-NAR-doh pah-CHEE-nee Paciorkiewicz C Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz C tah-DEH-ôôsh pah-tseear-keeEH-veech Pacius C Fredrik Pacius C FRAYD-rick PAH-tsihooss Pacoloni C Giovanni Pacoloni C jo-VAHN-nee pah-ko-LO-nee Pacovska C Miss Pacovská C (Miss) PAH-tsawv-skahah C (character in the opera Osud [AW- sôôt] — Destiny; music by Leoš Janá ek [LEH-awsh yah-NAHAH-check] and libretto by Fedora Bartšová [FEH-daw-ruh BART-shaw-vahah]) Paderewski C Ignacy Paderewski C eeg-NAH-tsih pah-deh-REFF-skee C (known also as Ignacy Jan Paderewski [eeg-NAH-tsih YAHN pah-deh-REFF-skee]) Padilla C Lola Artôt de Padilla C LO-lah ar-toh day pah-THEE-l’yah Padilla y ramos C Mariano Padilla y Ramos C mah-reeAH-no pah-THEE-l’yah ee RAH- mawss Padin C Jorge Padín C HAWR-hay pah-THEEN Padoana C pah-doh-AH-nah C (excerpt from Passemezo Milanese [pahss-say-MAY-tso mee-lah-NAY-zay] by Giovanni Pacoloni [jo-VAHN-nee pah-ko-LO-nee]) Padova C Bartolino da Padova C bar-toh-LEE-no dah PAH-doh-vah Padre adorato C Il padre adorato C eel PAH-dray ah-doh-RAH-toh C (aria featuring Idamante [ee-dah-MAHN-tay] in the opera Idomeneo, rè di Creta [ee-doh-may-NAY-o, RAY dee KRAY-tah] — Idomeneo, King of Crete; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF- gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Giovanni Battista Varesco [jo-VAHN-nee baht-TEE-stah vah-RAY-sko] after Antoine Danchet [ah6-twahn dah6-sheh]) Padre anton C Padre Antón C PAH-dray ahn-TAWN C (character in the opera El gato montés [ell GAH-toh mawn-TAYSS] — The Wildcat; music and libretto by Manuel Penella [mah-nooELL pay-NAY-l’yah]) Padre guardiano C Padre Guardiano C PAH-dray gooar-deeAH-no C (Father Superior) C (character in the opera La forza del destino [lah FOHR-tsah dayl day-STEE-no] — The Force of Destiny; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Angel P. De Saavedra [ahn-HELL (P.) day sah-VAY-drah]) Padre mio caro padre ceda natura C Padre, mio caro padre ... Ceda natura C PAH-dray, MEE- oh KAH-ro PAH-dray ... CHAY-dah nah-TOO-rah C (excerpt from the opera Idomeneo, rè di Creta [ee-doh-may-NAY-o, RAY dee KRAY-tah] — Idomeneo, King of Crete; music by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart [VAWLF-gahng ah-mah-DAY-ôôss MO-tsart]; libretto by Giovanni Battista Varesco [jo-VAHN-nee baht-TEE-stah vah-RAY-sko] after Antoine Danchet [ah6-twahn dah6-sheh]) Padre nuestro martinete C Padre Nuestro — Martinete C PAH-dray nooAYSS-tro — mar- tee-NAY-tay C (Padre Nuestro = Our Father) C (section of the Misa flamenca [MEE-sah flah- MAYN-kah] — Flamenco [flah-MEHNG-ko] Mass — set to music by Paco Peña [PAH-ko PAY-n’yah]) Padua C Marchetto da Padua C mar-KAYT-toh dah PAH-dooah C (known also as Marchettus de Padua [mar-KAYT-tôôss day PAH-dôôuh], Marcus de Padua [MAR-kôôss day PAH-dôôuh], and Marcus Paduanus [pah-dôôAH-nôôss]) Padua C Marchettus de Padua C mar-KAYT-tôôss day PAH-dooah C (known also as Marchetto da Padua [mar-KAYT-toh dah PAH-dooah], Marcus de Padua [MAR-kôôss day PAH-dooah], and Marcus Paduanus [MAR-kôôss pah-dooAH-nôôss]) Padua C Marcus de Padua C MAR-kôôss day PAH-dooah C (known also as Marchetto da Padua [mar-KAYT-toh dah PAH-dooah], Marchettus de Padua [mar-KAYT-tôôss day PAH- dooah], and Marcus Paduanus [MAR-kôôss pah-dooAH-nôôss]) Padua chavez C Carlos Antonio de Padua Chávez C KAR-lawss ahn-TOH-neeo day PAH- thooah CHAH-vess C (known also as Carlos Chávez [KAR-lawss CHAH-vess], Carlos Chávez y Ramírez [KAR-lawss CHAH-vess ee rah-MEE-ress], and Carlos Antonio de Padua Chávez y Ramírez [KAR-lawss ahn-TOH-neeo day PAH-thooah CHAH-vess ee rah-MEE-ress]) Padua chavez y ramirez C Carlos Antonio de Padua Chávez y Ramírez [KAR-lawss ahn- TOH-neeo day PAH-thooah CHAH-vess ee rah-MEE-ress] C (known also as Carlos Chávez [KAR-lawss CHAH-vess], Carlos Chávez y Ramírez [KAR-lawss CHAH-vess ee rah-MEE- ress], and Carlos Antonio de Padua Chávez [KAR-lawss ahn-TOH-neeo day PAH-thooah CHAH-vess]) Paduanus C Marcus Paduanus C MAR-kôôss pah-dooAH-nôôss C (known also as Marchetto da Padua [mar-KAYT-toh dah PAH-dooah], Marchettus de Padua [mar-KAYT-tôôss day PAH-dooah], and Marcus de Padua [MAR-kôôss day PAH-dooah]) Paer C Ferdinando Paër C fayr-dee-NAHN-doh PAH-ehr Paer C Lewis Paer C LOO-uss PEHR Paese do sole C O paese d’o sole C o pah-AY-zay doh SO-lay C (poem by Libero Bovio [lee- BAY-ro BAW-veeo] set to music by Vincenzo d’Annibale [veen-CHAYN-tso dahn-nee-BAH- lay]) Paganelli C Giuseppe Antonio Paganelli C joo-ZAYP-pay ahn-TAW-neeo pah-gah-NAYL- lee Paganini C A Paganini C ah pah-gah-NEE-nee C (To Paganini) C (composition by Alfred Schnittke [ahl-FRETT SHNYITT-kuh]) Paganini C Niccoló Paganini C neek-ko-LO pah-gah-NEE-nee Paganini C pah-gah-NEE-nee C (excerpt from the suite Carnaval [kar-nah-vahl] — Carnival — by Robert Schuman [ROHOH-bert SHOO-mahn]) Paganini C pah-gah-NEE-nee C (an operetta, with music by Franz Lehár [FRAHNZ leh- HAHAHR]; lyrics by P. Knepler [(P.) k'NEPP-lur] and Jenbach [YENN-bahk]) Paganiniana C pah-gah-nee-neeAH-nah C (composition by Nathan Milstein [NAY-thunn MILL-st§n]) Page C Graeme Page C GRAYUHM PAYJ Pagello C Pietro Pagello C peeAY-tro pah-JAYL-lo Paggio C Un Paggio C oon PAHD-jo C (a page) C (character in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go- LAYT-toh]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go]) Paggio della duchessa C Paggio della Duchessa C PAHD-jo dayl-lah doo-KAYSS-sah C (page of the Duchess) C (character in the opera Rigoletto [ree-go-LAYT-toh]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY- sko mah-REE-ah peeAH-vay] after Victor Hugo [{VICK-tur h’YOO-go} veek-tawr ü-go]) Pagliacci C Pagliacci C pah-leeAH-chee C (Players, an opera, with music and libretto by Ruggero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY-ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo]) C (Pagliacci has also been translated as Clowns) Pagliaccio C Canio (Pagliaccio) C KAH-neeo (pah-leeAH-cho) C (character in the opera Pagliacci [pah-leeAH-chee] — Players; music and libretto by Ruggero Leoncavallo [rood-JAY- ro lay-ohn-kah-VAHL-lo]) Pagliara C Rocco E.
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