Ribune: Monday, December 15, 1941

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Ribune: Monday, December 15, 1941 CHICAGO TRIBUNE: MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1941. 23 Water Heater** Blast Causa Praises Contest COMPLETE RADIO PROGRAMS AND HIGHLIGHTS FOR TODAY IIMPACT OF WARIL...- _ $60,000 Fire at Rice Lak•. Rice Lake, Wis., Dec. 14 [SpecialJ.- Fire swept thru the three story E. E., 1o.---------------~---IISCHICAGO FR~QU~NCI~S. WAAF-News reports. FELT BY ALL Quinn building here today, causin. 2:4o-W-G-N-News reports. W-G·N-720 WAIT-820 WSBC-I240 News Broadcasts damage estimated at $60,000. An e~ W59C-45.9 WLS-890 WCRW-1240 ~~ Listeners~Choice~~J1l 2:45-W-G-N-Rhymster tyme. W51C-45.1 WENR-89U WEDC-1240 ploding kerosene water heater wu Variely and Comedy W51C-Modern Troubadours. W67C-46.7 WAAF-950 WGES-1390 believed to have caused the blaze. WMAQ-Vlc and Sade, serial [N]. WIND-560 WCFL-l000 WHFC-1450 3:00 p. m.-W·G·N-An Hour with Elson and Anson. Guest: Kitty Kallen. 7:DO_WBBM:~~~;i)1o:DO_wJm RADIO STATIONS w WLS-Just Plain Bill, serial [N]. WILL-580 WMBI-lllO WHIP-1520 3:00 p. m.-WENR-Club Matinee, with Garry Moore, M. C. 7:DO_WLS 8:4o-WMAQlO:1o-WLS WAAF-South American Way. WMAQ-670 WJ JD-1l60 WMRO-I280 7:00 p. m.-WBBM-Vox Pop, with Parks Johnson and Wally Butter- WJJD-What's Your Opinion? 7:DO_WCFL 8:45-WIND10:30-WAIT WBBM-780 WJOB-l230 worth. WCFL-Qn the Mall, music. 7:15-WBBM 8:55-W-G-N10:45-WIND 7:30 p. m.-WLS-True or False, quiz conducted by Dr. Harry Hagen. WHIP-News of the Mills. 7:2o-W-G.N 9:DO_WCFLll:DO_W-G-N 7:30 p. m.-WBBM-Gay Nineties revue, with Joe E. Howard, Beatrice WGES-=-'Englishfor New Amers. 7:5O-WJJD 9:DO_WAAFll:DO_WCFL W-G-N First on Air with MORNING Kay, and Elm City Four. WAIT-Music In 3 Dimensions. 8:DO_W-G-N 9:15-WLS ll:30-W-G-N 8:00 p. m.-WMAQ-Dr. I. Q" quiz show. 2:55-WBBM-News headlines. 8:DO_WBBM 9:55-WAAF 8:15-WLS 10:DO_WCFL Flash in Chicago. [Central standard ttme.) 10:00 p. m.-WENR-Variety show; Herbert Marshall, Bert Wheeler, -W-G-N-Elaon and Anson hour. [M] Indicates MBS, [N] NBC, [C] CBS. Hank Ladd, and Merry Macs, songsters. Guest: Gail Patrick. W59C-News bulletina. AFTERNOON. 5:3O-W-G-N-Farm hour; markets. W51C-Sinfonietta. 12:DO_W59C 2:DO_W59C 4:DO_W-G-N WBBM-Gousln Emmy and Gang. Drama W67C-Three o'clock matlnee. 12:00-WCFL 2:DO_WCFL 4:0o-W59C BY LARRY WOLTERS. WLS-Smlle a While. 8:45 a. m.-WBBM-Stories America Loves: ••Dodsworth." WBBM-Every Woman's World. 12:DO_WJJD 2:30-WAAF 4:DO_WCFL Skimmings from a week of IWMAQ-Backstage Wife [N]. 12:3O-WMAQ 2:30-WHIP 4:55-W-G-N broadcasting: _W_G-N-Rreakfast Time Frolics. 7:00 p. m.-WL5-1 Love a Mystery; ••Secret Passage to Death," drama. WENR-Glub matinee [N]. 12:3O-WLS 2:4o-W-G-N 5:DO_W59C Orson Welles, whose Martian In- WLS-Gross Roads Store. 7:30 p, m.-W-G·N-The Lone Ranger, western drama. 12:45-WIND 2:55-WBBM 5:DO_WENR WJJD-Dearest Mother, serial. vasion broadcast four years ago WCFL-eheertul Little Earful. 8:00 p. m.-WBBM-Radio Theater, Cecil B. De Mille, director, with 12:55-W-G-N 2:55-WILL 5:DO_WCFL WAAF-The Mythical Ballroom. frightened many radio listeners, was WIND-Yawn Patrol. Bette Davis and Charles Boyer in "All This and Heaven Too." 1:00-W59C 3:DO_W59C 5:DO_WMAQ [TRIBUNE Photo.I @ WSBG-ltallan Musical Clock. WILL-Music of the Masters. broadcasting a reassuring drama of l:00-WCFL 3:15-WBBM 5:45-WBBM 8:30 p. m.-WMAQ-That Brewster Boy, comedy, with Joey Brewster. WCFL-The Juke Box, music. American patriotism on the Screen Mr. and Mrs. Irving Berlin after 6:15-WMAQ-Agrlcultural news. l:00-WAAF 3:55-WENR 5:45-WMAQ Music WGES-Listen, Ladies. 1:55-WLS 3:55-WILL Guild theater hour at the time the their arrival in Dearborn station 6:30-WBBM-Farm Service hour; news. news that the Japs were bombing Noon-WAAF-The Symphonic hour; "La Gazza Ladra Overture," by 3:05-W59C-See Chicago. yesterday: on the Santa Fe Super WLS-Mornlng Devotions. EVENING. Hawaii was coming in. WMAQ-Mornlng News hour. Rossini; "Quartet in E Minor," by Verdi, and" Pavane Pour Une Infante. 3:15-W59C-Solt Swing. 6:DO_W59C 7:55-WIND 10:30-WBBM Chief. WIND-Bulletins for Defense. Defunte," by Ravel. W51C-'Neath Balcony Window. 6:DO_WIND 8:DO_W-G-N10:45-WENR W·G-N, which happened to be on W67C-Hawaiian Interlude. Irving Berlin, famous 6:45-WLS-Ervln Lewis, news. 3:00 p. m.-W51C-Sinfonietta. 6:15-WMAQ 8:DO_WCFLll:DO_W-G-N the air with a regular newscast when WMAQ-Stella Dallas, serial [N]. WMAQ-Revellle Roundup [N], 5:15 p. m.-W59C-Children's Symphony hour. 6:15-WCFL 8:15-W-G-Nll:DO_W59C the first :flash came, was the first and composer, yesterday praised the WBBM-John Harrington, news. _W-G-N_The Daybreaker, music. 6:30-W-G-N 8:45-WIND ll:DO_WMAQ station in Chicago on the air with' progress of the $10,500 Great Amerl- 7:00 p. m.-WMAQ-Telephone Hour, with James Melton, tenor; Francia WJJD-Stars Over Hollywood. WMAQ-Suburban hour; N. Ross. 6:45-WMAQ 9:DO_WINDll:DO_WBBM the news. The time was 1:26:30. can Operetta contest being sponsored White, soprano; Ken Cristy chorus, and Donald Voorhees' orchestra. 7:00-W-G-N 9:45-WIND ll:00-WENR WBBM-The World Today [C]. 3:3O-W59C-Vocal Views. by W·G·N and commented that the This week'. line.up ••• 7:30 p. m.-WMAQ-Margaret Speaks, soprano, and Alfred Wallenstein's 7:00-W59C 10:DO_W59C 1l:55-WBBM WAAF-The Breakfast Express. W51C-Symphonlc band. The Citizens of Tomorrow program, 7 Concert orchestra. Selections include" My Hero," by Strauss; "March Mili- 7:DO_WIND 10:00-WBBMl1:55-WMAQ time is ripe for such an inspiring 110 6,o.dc.sr·lin •• Ilcttl @ WILL-eoncert Music program. W67C-Dixie Songsters. which followed at 1:30, was Inter- a 7:30-WIND 10:DO_WCFLll:55-WENR PJoject. taire," by Saint-Saens, and "Lieberstraum," by Liszt. WMAQ-Lorenzo Jones. ser. [N]. rupted for further news. •• CeldraU •• 01 In •••••'b WIND-PoOllsh-American hour. 7:45-WIND 10:15-W-G-N l:DO_WBBM 8:00 p. m.-W59C-Perfectionist's Hour; Concerto for Piano and Or- WBBM-Lone Journey, serial. Berlin, who is a member of the WGES-Early Birds program. 7:55-WBBMlO:15-WMAQ l:30-W-G-N WLS-GlIfton Utley, news [N]. chestra. WJJD-Peter McGregor, serial. An Ironic Incident occurred on the advisory committee for the competi- The Mutual network Is broadcasting Dinah Shore song program. She had tion along with such other promInent eJimmy DORSEY WCFL-War News Roundup [N]. 8:30 p. m.-WENR-For America We Sing, wtih Frank Black's orches- WEDC-Bohemian musical. 1 minute war bulletins on the hour and tra. Guests: Helen Jepson, soprano, and Walter Cassel, baritone. 3 :45-W59C-Dance matinee. announced plans the previous week composers as Jerome Kern and Sig· 7 : 15-W-G-N-Aunt Jemima, comedy. half hour. W-G-N-Mutualls Interrupting WLS-Cne-Two-Three Time. 10:00 p. m.-WIND-Symphonic hour; "Ruins of Athens" and" Sym- W51C-Musical refrains. for dedicating her Dec. 7 show to mund Romberg, arrived here from CD Orrin rUCKER all regular programs for Important news. American boys at Wake Island. The WBBM-John Harrington, news. phony No.3 in E Flat," both by Beethoven. W67C-Dance band. the coast with his wife, the former NBC Is starting each 15 minute program tribute took place as scheduled. WCFL-eamera man, music. 10:30 p. m.-WCFL-Music Lovers' program; "Roman Carnival Over- WMAQ-Wldder Brown [N]. with a minute of war news, longer pro- Ellen Mackey, on their way to New WAIT-The Merrymakers. WBBM-Melody Weavers. OAlvino REY ture," by Berlioz; ••Concerto in D Minor," by Brahms, and ••Spanish Sere- grams with 2 minutes. CBS and NBC are The Charlie McCarthy show was ¥or!{ for the holidays. Both were en- WJJD-Melody time. 7 :2o-W-G-N-Morning news reports. nade," by Bizet. also breaking Into regular programs with staged at an army camp that night. gulfed in a throng of spectators after WAIT-Airport Interviews. 7 :25-W-G-N-Nothing But the Truth. news. Abbott and Costello, the comedy leaving the Santa Fe Super Chief in CD Dick JURGENS Special Events 3:55-WENR-News reports. 7 :3O-W-G-N-Good-by, Carbon. team, were disturbed about the sol- the Dearborn Street station. 11:30 a. m.-WMAQ-National Farm and Home hour. Guests: Mrs. WBBM-The Wishing Well, -·W-G-N-Boake Carter, news. WCFL-Money In Your Pocket. diers' grave faces and wondered ••The time Is ripe for a truly in- Franklin D. Roosevelt, Fiorello La Guardia, Gov. James H. Price of Virginia. • ???? WJ JD-ehrlstlan Science hour. W59C-News bulletins. WIND-eapt. Michael Fielding. whether the men would be too se- spIring American operetta, and the WCFL-Tlme to Shine, music. 2:00 p. m.-W·G·N-What's Rightfully Yours, social security and tax talk.
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