28 eHIC:ACO .DAILY TRIBUNE ,. Taulla,,·"""", ~7 C .. ** Gifts for Father Complete Radio IGREIN & PABLS Weddingss Anniversaries

CBlCAGO FUQUENCIE8 New De I.uxe IROM.X FRIG·I· TOR W-G-N-720 WMBI-ll10 FM- Stainless Steel WlND-560 WJJD-1160 WON_5.' IC•• p. Ica c U" •• WILL-58 0 WJOB-1230 and 98.5 WMAQ-670 WSBC-1240 WDLM-99.T SPARKLET lOUd lon••••r, hold. WBBM-780 WEDC-I240 WEFM_S.l th. h.at of .OUIII WAIT-820 WCRW-1240 and 98.S Refillable .nd oth.r food•• WENR-890 WMR~1280 WBEz-44.11 $995 WLS-89 0 WJOL-1340 WBBM-99.3 SYPHO~ I.utl/ully .Ir.am· WAAF-950 WGES-1390 WEAW-I04.S WCFL-I000 WHFC-1450 WEHS-I00.l lin. d .Iumlnu 1 M.~.s • full qUilrt of (MJ Indlcatea MBS, [NJ NBC, [CI CBS. h.. fibo'9141 In.u· and [AJ ABC. .p.,~ling charged w.t.r I• t lon, spa,klln9 in • minut •• "Lucit," knob .nd Pro,rama are lilted In central dayll,ht sav- handl•• ID, time. Spark/.' 'ulb., pack., •• t t.". 79. Fonnerly $7.50 $5 MORNING 95 BLUE BAND BULBS .vailabl. NIW LOW PRICI ••••••••••• ':IO-W-G-N-FarJD bour ant n•••• WMAQ-Prayer; Early Bird. lIgain! For makinq whipped cream WBBM-The Country hour. WIND-Early Bird Rhythma., and ice cream in • minute without Finest Liquor Values WLS-Smll •..•.·Whlle .ho •• beating. C WJJD-Breakfut Froll. to '1 a. m. 69 Our O,n Pr/vat. Stoell ':45-WIND-Coflee Pot Parade. Pkg. of 5. " , . -W-G-N-Qld Tbne Mul e, WMAQ-Ed Allen, new•. HlCHlLAHD CLAN SCOTCH ~) WBBM-paul Gibson pro,ram. WLS-Farm Bull.Un Board. MAGICFLO Bottled in Scotland $549 WCFL-New. rePOrta. WIND-Ne •• reporta; Dawn Serenade. just for us. Fltt" ••••••••• ,:lS-WMAQ-TOwn and Farm proaram. JIGGER WLS-Mornlnr DevoUODl. Kentuellv Stra/,ltt 'our.o •• WIND-Mornlnr Salute. lid bouqu.t. mellow favor. WCFL-Wlngs In the Mornln•. A mill e your- .:lo-W-G-N-FarJD aenlce. self and your WLS-Let'. Go vI.Ulnr. Pours .xactly HOMEWOOD, 1Yri. old. $549 WIND-New.: Wake UP Mu,lc. friends as you 86 proof. Flttlt .•••••••• WCFL-Revell1e with Roberts. watch it wor~. I 01. autom.t· ,:405-W-G-N-Monalnr n•••• ically without LAKEWOOD, 5 Yri. old. $4" WMAQ-Ne.. rePOrti. lifting boHle WLS-New. reports. Th' Sofiost Sne!l 16 proof. Flttlt .••••.... WIND-Yawn Patrol, Liquor from pouring ':SS-WBBM-New. rePOrta. Pure and position. G. & P. STRAIGHT BRANDY, SIfJ WCFL-Lew Parker .how. Tim. -W-G-N-Beeonl Ravallle. Sprlne WBBM-New. of the World [CI. :~,'i"~'.~'..1.4.~~~~~••••••• $3" 7 WCFL-Martln A,ron.ky [AJ. ® WAAF-8unahlne Melo

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