Niennis ()~ Tlasij/INE. •

Niennis ()~ Tlasij/INE. •

28 eHIC:ACO .DAILY TRIBUNE ,. Taulla,,·"""", ~7 C .. ** Gifts for Father Complete Radio IGREIN & PABLS Weddingss Anniversaries CBlCAGO FUQUENCIE8 New De I.uxe IROM.X FRIG·I· TOR W-G-N-720 WMBI-ll10 FM- Stainless Steel WlND-560 WJJD-1160 WON_5.' IC•• p. Ica c U" •• WILL-58 0 WJOB-1230 and 98.5 WMAQ-670 WSBC-1240 WDLM-99.T SPARKLET lOUd lon••••r, hold. WBBM-780 WEDC-I240 WEFM_S.l th. of .OUIII WAIT-820 WCRW-1240 and 98.S Refillable .nd oth.r food•• WENR-890 WMR~1280 WBEz-44.11 $995 WLS-89 0 WJOL-1340 WBBM-99.3 SYPHO~ I.utl/ully· WAAF-950 WGES-1390 WEAW-I04.S WCFL-I000 WHFC-1450 WEHS-I00.l lin. d .Iumlnu 1 M.~.s • full qUilrt of (MJ Indlcatea MBS, [NJ NBC, [CI CBS. h.. fibo'9141 In.u· and [AJ ABC. .p.,~ling charged w.t.r I• t lon, spa,klln9 in • minut •• "Lucit," knob .nd Pro,rama are lilted In central dayll,ht sav- handl•• ID, time. Spark/.' 'ulb., pack., •• t t.". 79. Fonnerly $7.50 $5 MORNING 95 BLUE BAND BULBS .vailabl. NIW LOW PRICI ••••••••••• ':IO-W-G-N-FarJD bour ant n•••• WMAQ-Prayer; Early Bird. lIgain! For makinq whipped cream WBBM-The Country hour. WIND-Early Bird Rhythma., and ice cream in • minute without Finest Liquor Values WLS-Smll •..•.·Whlle .ho •• beating. C WJJD-Breakfut Froll. to '1 a. m. 69 Our O,n Pr/vat. Stoell ':45-WIND-Coflee Pot Parade. Pkg. of 5. " , . -W-G-N-Qld Tbne Mul e, WMAQ-Ed Allen, new•. HlCHlLAHD CLAN SCOTCH ~) WBBM-paul Gibson pro,ram. WLS-Farm Bull.Un Board. MAGICFLO Bottled in Scotland $549 WCFL-New. rePOrta. WIND-Ne •• reporta; Dawn Serenade. just for us. Fltt" ••••••••• ,:lS-WMAQ-TOwn and Farm proaram. JIGGER WLS-Mornlnr DevoUODl. Kentuellv Stra/,ltt 'our.o •• WIND-Mornlnr Salute. lid bouqu.t. mellow favor. WCFL-Wlngs In the Mornln•. A mill e your- .:lo-W-G-N-FarJD aenlce. self and your WLS-Let'. Go vI.Ulnr. Pours .xactly HOMEWOOD, 1Yri. old. $549 WIND-New.: Wake UP Mu,lc. friends as you 86 proof. Flttlt .•••••••• WCFL-Revell1e with Roberts. watch it wor~. I 01. autom.t· ,:405-W-G-N-Monalnr n•••• ically without LAKEWOOD, 5 Yri. old. $4" WMAQ-Ne.. rePOrti. lifting boHle WLS-New. reports. Th' Sofiost Sne!l 16 proof. Flttlt .••••.... WIND-Yawn Patrol, Liquor from pouring ':SS-WBBM-New. rePOrta. Pure and position. G. & P. STRAIGHT BRANDY, SIfJ WCFL-Lew Parker .how. Tim. -W-G-N-Beeonl Ravallle. Sprlne WBBM-New. of the World [CI. :~,'i"~'.~'..1.4.~~~~~••••••• $3" 7 WCFL-Martln A, [AJ. ® WAAF-8unahlne Melo<llea. Water WMAQ-Nonnan Ross sno •• DelicIous WLS-Pralrle Ramblen. Cooler WIND-News; mUl1cal new. review. NEW YORK STATE WILL-IlIJn1 Time. Service WJJD-The Alarm Cloek. CONCORD GRAPE WINE 'l:15-W-G·N-!'l..... report •• for Office. MUSICALBROW~ WBBM-Ne.. rePOrta. Ifa $131 I ~250 WCFL-Hallo.een Martln. JUG I GAL. GAL. and Homes WINE WLS-Doe Hopklnl and Ranaen. I.autllul pollsh.d pot· Newsreel. 6:00-WMAQ IRentals or Sal•• , 'r.2o-W-G-N-Ra.ord aevallle to 8 a. JD. t.,v. Play. popular 01.1· Discounts on Fine 6: 45-W·Q·N odie •. Capacity on. qua,t 'r:30-WBBM-The Musical Clook. 7: 15-W-G·N WLS-Happy Hank. 7:45-WCFL Each •..•.•.•..••. $950 lee,. by the Case WJJD-New. report•. 8:00-W-G·N Canal 1860 WBBM-Mornln, Musical. rROPH' .".- 7' WSBC-Vlenne.e Mornln, Melodle•. 24--12·01. bo1tI ••..•••••••••••• 0. $2 T:4S-WCFL-BlII Hamilton. news, 12:00--WCFL Electric Bow-Light Tie 12 quart •.....•.••••••.•••.•.. SJ.27 WLS-Ervln Lewis, news, 12:5ti-WJJD WJJD-Eddle La Mar. 1:00-\;CIoL YAH MUllIn IEU- $4' I -W-G-N-ltobert F. Hurlellh, new •• S:OO-W-G-N Latest N'Ovelty Hit 14-12'01. bottl.. .. •.•••.•••• WMAQ-Your Neighbor program. @S WBBM-New. report•. WCFL, WLS-Breakl •• t clUb IAJ. ~~~:_~If~~~tt••r:. ~~~~.$]11 WAIT-Donald McGlbney, news. WJJD-Ernle Simon .how to 10 a. m. WIND-New.: Anniversary ctuo. ~~I~~~IG':o~~I~.A~.Lf~.~'H~ ~LI $]77 ':l5-W-G-N-Two Ton Baker, slnaee, WBBM-Gold Coa.t Rhythm. Ttm•. T.rrific lor .ntertalner.1 $1 ,.RIOR TASTY LAGU Offl- • :So-W-G-N-Happy Birthday. Groat Ior mudclan novelty 98 Ca•• of 24--12'01. botll ••....•. WMAQ-Norman Ro••. Anne Jamison, who 8inga on An numbenl C~lo,fully pat- HATIONAL PUMIUM .EU- WBBM-Paul Gibson pro,ram, ternod cloth bow tl. with adju.tilbl. WIND-Ne •• ; Record Shop. Evening with Romberg, which will C.,. of 24, 12·01. bottl.. ... 1:65-W-G-N-WlJhID, WeD. neckband, fitt.d with color.d bulb. WMAQ-Norman Barry. be heard over WMAQ-NBC Tues- which wo,k off fla'hll9ht batt.,y. Switch I••r dellver.d 'r•• I" C.'.a,. WGES-Houlewlvu' prorram. and batt.ry are carri.d In trou •• , WBBM-New. report •. day. at 9 :30 p. m, during tbe sum- pock.t. Add ISc for mallln9. 2 ca ••• or lII.r., Jo/. dlscou.' -W-G-N-Spenoer Allen, n•••• 5 cas •• or IIIor., 5°/. dl.cou"t WLS-My True Story [AJ, mer. Accellor/ •••• ".d 'er /5. addItIonal @9) WMAQ-KaUe'. Dau,hter [NJ, FAIOUS CIGARS-&O TO THE BOX F/n~st wi ••• and IIquori WCFL-IJnn Burton SPOtll,ht. ,'IILLA Ito alII $10.10 WBBM-8hopplnr .lth the MISlu•• 1l:45-W·G-N-AJD.riean Brotherhoo4 Ho LImit ••olf r.o.ollob/. price•• WAIT-Tempo for Today. awarda. I'RILLA 2/2h alzl 8.00 WlND-New.: Start the Day Rlaht. WBBM-Llnda'a First Lov•. AU Or•• n 1.llr" IYIIILLA 11•• 111 •••••0 210 W. MADISON WILL-For You at Home. WCFL-BeU RIn,ers. CI",.II gUAr.ntled flESH. 8AI.IA 'I DAIICIA IIIalII •••••0 e:l5-W-G-N-Spot. of 110.1e, WLS-Beulah Karney. lIlo_nch of satisfied c•••• four D.or. W.d ., W.II. Str •• t WMAQ-NeIlOll Olmated [NJ, -W-G-N-Robert F. Burlellh, •• w•. tom.... Ord.,. • ~ Ip p • d lEI WADI 1111111 •••21 WBBM-Ufe, Love, and LOUise, WMAQ-Ba.kstace Wile, •• rial IN J, FUNKLIN 7711 WAIT-sammy Kaye'. erchestra, WBBM-Hlnt Hunt [CJ, promptly 011 r.c.lpt of Will Ro.ers 2/110 size 3.21 Op•• DolIV,. WIND, WBEZ-S.len.e Story Teller. E) WL5-Sklp FarreU prorram. chec. ., 1IIOlI.' ani.,. TOil PALIIEI 140 I1II 10.10 WCFL-Benny Goodman. WCFL-New.; Tea Dance. ':30 A. M. to , P. M. lI:25-WLS-Hymna of All Church•• IAJ, WAAF-New.; IJnn Burton .how. W. 'I, til.,••••,. LA ZlIiDA 1/110 alII 3.31 .:So-W-G-N-Say It .lIh Mo.le. WJJD-Dugout Interview. PrieN...,Nt ,. •••• 'HlllaO IIOTOIICI•• It Ilze WMAQ-Road of Ufe [Nl. ".11 I: 15-W-G-N-M.lody Memos. .llAILlaHED OVU 21 YIAIlI If your child is left-handed, don't let anyone try to change it, WIND-New.; Bin, Sinas. WMAQ-SteUa Dall•• , .erlal [NJ. LOI. CLINTON 2/1" Ilzl 3.21 WBBM-Evelyn Winter'. Romance [CJ, WBBM-Looal Pace. says Gladys Huntington Bevans. For tested methods of child WCFL-Radlo Courtroom. WLS-Hollywood Studl~ Tour• • ;4ll-WBBM-Davld Harum [CJ, WIND-Mu.I •• 1 S.oreboard. training, read Gladys Huntington Bevans, every weekday ex- WMAQ-Joy.e Jordan, M. D. 1 NI. WCFL-AFL pro,ram. WLS-The IJstenln, Post [A I. I: So-W-G-!'l-HoUand Enll. .ho •• clusively in the Chicago Tribune. Don't miss it. WCFL-Charll. Spivak. WBBM-8tar Questero. That Sin, •• WMAQ-Lorenzo Jane.. aerial [l'1). WBBM-Grand Slam [CJ, WLS-Martha and Helen. -W-G-N-Jaue Baku prorram. program. WBBM-Arthur Godfrey [C r. WIND-The Record Shop. (g WMAQ-Fred Warln, show [N J. WJJD-Ba.eball scoreccerd. WLS-Br.akfut In HollYWOOd[AJ. 8:4S-WMAQ-Youn, Widder Brown [NJ. WCFL-New. reports. WBBM-PaUI Arnold, .WJJD-MUIlc from Hollywocd. WIND-The Miller Band. WIND--New.; Sone Serenade. 10:15-WCFL-DlcIt Jur,eOJ. WJJD-New.; Ernl. Simon. 10.So-W-G-N-Heart'. Desire [M]. -W·O·!'l-Paal N.llson, •• w •• /NiENNIS WMAQ-Jaclt Berch .how [NJ. • WBBM-Paul Gibson. WBBM-Grand Slam [CI. WCFL-Mual. Lovers" MaUn.e..··. WLS-Galen Drak. [AJ, a WMAQ-When a Girl Marrlea INI. WCFL-Don ArtlBte, pianist. WLS-Memorle. In Music. WAAF'-Hot ClUb of Chicago, WIND-Ne •• ; Spike Jone•. WIND-New.; Carmen Cavallaro. 6: 15-W-G-N-AJD.r. Brotb.rb'd Awarda WJJD-Frank Sinatra. WMAQ-Portla Faces Ufe I:; I. ()~ tlASIJ/INE. • WA1T-Blnr Crosby record•• WIND-Jimmy Doney. 10;4S-WMAQ-Lora Lawlon [NI. WILL-Preview of Toworr •.•• WBBM-Ro,emary sertal [CI. 4:25-WLS-Lullaby Time. 6:So-W-G-N-B.ker'. Spo&lIlbl. ~il!:N.-r,,~dr~:;~~~[AJ. WMAQ-Ju.t Plain Bill [NJ, WIND-Pled Pipers. WBBM-Treasury Bandltand [C!. WJJD, WBEZ-Rlvero of America. WL5-New. reports, -W-G-N-nr. Georre W. Crant. WCFL-News; Johnny Mercer. WONB-Parad. of Melod7 to 6 p. ., WIND-Ne.s; Tommy Dorsey, @1 WBBM-Kate Smith Speak. [CJ. 6:65-W-G-N-Ad •• ntur. Parade. WMAQ-Fe>o* Magician. WMAQ-Front Pa,e Farrell [~I. WLS-Kenny Baker show [AI. WBBM-Gold Coast. WCFL-News; Pat Gleason. WIND-Benny Goodman.

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