PSR-S975/S775 PLUS Contents List Style List / Daftar Style

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PSR-S975/S775 PLUS Contents List Style List / Daftar Style Digital Workstation PLUS Contents List Daftar Konten PLUS Contents Voice List Multi Pad Bank List Daftar Voice.................................................... 2 Daftar Bank Multi Pad ......................................3 Style List Daftar Style .................................................... 3 Manual Development Group EN © 2018 Yamaha Corporation ID Published 01/2018 PO-A0 Voice List / Daftar Voice PSR-S975/S775 Program Change Program Change Category Voice Name PC# Voice Type Category Voice Name PC# Voice Type MSB LSB MSB LSB (1–128) (1–128) Plus Suling 15 32 1 S.Art! Plus FatSawPad 49 6 19 Regular Kenong 51 2 25 Regular MonsterPad 49 6 20 Regular Saron MW 15 32 2 S.Art! DX100Bass 49 6 21 Regular Bonang 51 2 26 Regular DanceBassVelo 49 6 22 Regular Gambang 51 2 27 Regular DanceBassDark 49 6 23 Regular Angklung MW 15 32 3 S.Art! DeepRezzBass 49 6 24 Regular GambangAru MW 15 32 4 S.Art! RawSquareBass 49 6 25 Regular SarunaiStraightGrace 15 32 9 S.Art! CoolSquareBass 49 6 26 Regular SarunaiVibrato 15 32 10 S.Art! SubVeloClick 49 6 27 Regular SarunaiAttack 51 2 28 Regular SubSawBass 49 6 28 Regular Ogung MW 15 32 5 S.Art! DigiMonoBass 49 6 29 Regular Pamade MW 15 32 6 S.Art! ReverseBass 49 6 30 Regular Kantil MW 15 32 7 S.Art! BritePunchSQ 49 6 31 Regular Jublag MW 15 32 8 S.Art! JPShortSQ 49 6 32 Regular Rindik 51 2 29 Regular UltraShortSQ 49 6 33 Regular Kolintang 51 2 30 Regular DynoDecaySQ 49 6 34 Regular KolintangLead 51 2 31 Regular FixStartSQ 49 6 35 Regular DangdutKit 126 64 1 Live!SFX GrowlSaw 49 6 36 Regular SundaKit 126 64 2 Live!SFX GrowlSquare 49 6 37 Regular JavaKit 126 64 3 Live!SFX Wobbling 49 6 38 Regular GondangKit 126 64 4 Live!SFX WhiteNoiseFall 49 6 39 Regular MelayuKit 126 64 5 Live!SFX DancePowerKit 126 1 19 Live!SFX KendangKit 126 64 6 Live!SFX PowerStabs 49 6 40 Regular BeatBox 126 64 7 SFX PhatDanceStabs 49 6 41 Regular Cak 15 0 1 MegaVoice SmoothDancePad 49 6 42 Regular Cuk 15 0 2 MegaVoice BriteDanceComp 49 6 43 Regular CelloFinger 15 0 3 MegaVoice DancePowerComp 49 6 44 Regular Hasapi 15 0 4 MegaVoice SlowResoSweep 49 6 45 Regular Suling 51 2 1 Regular HiPassSweep 49 6 46 Regular SulingLow 51 22Regular DeepBEFSweep 49 6 47 Regular SulingHigh 51 2 3 Regular ModernFifth 49 6 48 Regular Sulim 51 2 4 Regular SquareVibrato 49 6 49 Regular SulimLow 51 2 5 Regular PhatStackSQ 49 6 50 Regular SulimHigh 51 2 6 Regular SimpleSawSQ 49 6 51 Regular Sarune 51 2 7 Regular RawSquarePerc 49 6 52 Regular Hasapi 51 2 8 Regular ReverseBassJP 49 6 53 Regular Kecapi 51 2 9 Regular GrowlSquareBass 49 6 54 Regular DemungPlgHold 51 2 10 Regular BriteRezzBaz 49 6 55 Regular DemungPlgMuted 51 2 11 Regular MassiveBAXX 49 6 56 Regular DemungSdrHold 51 2 12 Regular DubStepBass1 49 6 57 Regular DemungSdrMuted 51 2 13 Regular DubStepBass2 49 6 58 Regular GenderHold 51 2 14 Regular DubStepAttack1 49 6 59 Regular GenderMuted 51 2 15 Regular DubStepAttack2 49 6 60 Regular Bonang 51 2 16 Regular VeloWaveBazz 49 6 61 Regular SaronPlgHold 51 2 17 Regular MagicYai 49 6 62 Regular SaronPlgMuted 51 2 18 Regular DestructBaz 49 6 63 Regular SaronSdrHold 51 2 19 Regular DubStep8VeloD 49 6 64 Regular SaronSdrMuted 51 2 20 Regular DubStep8VeloB 49 6 65 Regular SlenthemPelog 51 2 21 Regular DubStepMenu 49 6 66 Regular SlenthemSldro 51 2 22 Regular MysticAtmo 49 6 67 Regular GongJava 51 2 23 Regular DestructSoundFX 49 6 68 Regular JavaKit 126 1 35 Live!SFX DubStepKit 126 1 20 Live!SFX SundaKit 126 1 36 Live!SFX GondangKit 126 1 37 Live!SFX IndonesianKit 126 1 38 Live!SFX INA StyleKit 126 1 39 Live!SFX BasicDanceHook 49 6 1 Regular ThreeSawMono 49 6 2 Regular PhatLines 49 6 3 Regular RawSquareStack 49 6 4 Regular DanceFatPoly 49 6 5 Regular PunchySaw 49 6 6 Regular MagicChords 49 6 7 Regular TrancyPolyHook 49 6 8 Regular SquareFifth 49 6 9 Regular SimpleTech 49 6 10 Regular FatSawHook 49 6 11 Regular MonsterHook 49 6 12 Regular BasicPolySynth 49 6 13 Regular SweepingSwell 49 6 14 Regular PitchWarpSweep 49 6 15 Regular FallingSweep 49 6 16 Regular FatTrancePad 49 6 17 Regular UniSixPad 49 6 18 Regular 2 PSR-S975/S775 PLUS Contents List Style List / Daftar Style PSR-S975/S775 Category Style Name Category Style Name Plus PopDangdut Plus Dangdut2 DangdutStd CampursariPop DangdutKoplo CampursariRock KoploJaranan Campursari1 DangdutRemix Campursari2 Dangdut6-8 Keroncong Congdut Melayu1 ReggaeDangdut Melayu2 KoploCirebonan JaipongPop JaipongDangdut SundaPop SundaRemix Langgam Banyuwangen Gondang CpSariDangdut AcousticDance CpSariLanggam OrchestralTrance Langgam TribalHouse Keroncong LightDance Gondang GermanDJ PatamPatam ZapinMelayu1 ZapinMelayu2 MelayuTerbang DangdutKoplo1 DangdutKoplo2 DangdutKoplo3 DangdutKoplo4 DangdutRock DangdutHouse DangdutBallad Dangdut1 Multi Pad Bank List / Daftar Bank Multi Pad PSR-S975/S775 Category Bank Name Plus AcousticDance A AcousticDance B AcousticDance C AcousticDance D OrchestralTrance A OrchestralTrance B OrchestralTrance C OrchestralTrance D TribalHouse A TribalHouse B TribalHouse C TribalHouse D LightDance A LightDance B LightDance C LightDance D GermanDJ A GermanDJ B GermanDJ C GermanDJ D PSR-S975/S775 PLUS Contents List 3.
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