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THE CHATHAM Vol.. X. No. |s. CHATHAM, MMI;!;!.- Col.WTY, N. J., Fi.liKlAliV So, 1', $1.50 PER YEAR, LARGE REAL OBITUARY. FIVE OUT OF SIX Serious Acci ':n! to 'i'mine Girl. Mrs. 'Michael Ryan. > \i,, M.lili'i-,1 I Mrs. Michael Hyan died at her CHARLES MflNLEY ESTATE DEAL homo, on l.iun avenue last Friday FOR LOCAL BOYS lay night. She had been ailing fur si i i i ' ,i. .1 . , .: , i lung lime, but the end came unex- REAL ESTATE RHU IMSURAHCE Minion Tract of Over Thirty Acre; .lerts of Madison Never Had asail i'l HI HV..I. i, pectedly. She leaves her husband, a laughter, Man, and two sons, Aliens COMMISSIONER OF Dfc'cDS S Id .0 a N;w York Syndicate Look-in and Dropped Three Mil.l.vil .ill.-II.I, ,i us F. and John. Mrs. Hyan \va- Wh'ch Will Explut It. ibout sixty-five years old. She was Straight Games. „'! \ .'II in I iu rhaj.,1 ,,l I l.i- I i^. horn in Ireland, but eame to this .ui.il rli .i'i li W,',l.i,.,.l,v .'.i'i MAIN STREET CHATHAM I'lninuy when young. She has bem PROPERTY IS ON SUMMIT AV! a resident of Chatham for man TOCK TWO FROM ORANGE A. A. •„',IM ih. II >i IUI'IL i- •cars, and was a member of St. Pai- .•I II. l,. I ,1 -..-ll A re il c.-i'ii'i' .leal of largo iironor ilel.'s f'hnrrli. The fune'al service; Ihe loeal bowlers enlfiiati • ! th• |.
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