Javan Rhino Expedition th th Destination: Java, Indonesia Duration: 10 Days Dates: 7 – 16 June 2018 Having amazing close encounters with 2 different Javan Rhinos in just one day! Enjoying the expertise of some of Ujung Kulon’s finest guides & rangers Great sightings of various kingfishers and heron species along the rivers Trekking & camping deep inside the core zone of Ujung Kulon National Park Finding very fresh evidence of at least 2 different rhinos from when we were there Seeing over 50 species of birds throughout including Green Peafowl & Elegant Pitta Spotlighing banteng, Sunda leopard cat & Javan mousedeer along the river banks Canoeing down the river where more Javan rhinos have been seen than anywhere Coming across a beautiful neonate Malayan pit viper along one of the trails Enjoying speed boat transfers around the stunning coastline of Ujung Kulon NP Tour Leader / Guides Overview Martin Royle (Royle Safaris Tour Leader) Chinglus (Lead Ujung Kulon Guide) Meeta & Udung (Ujung Kulon Rangers) Day 1: Jakarta / Adun, Geni, Wilum, Bambu, Wilf, Nurlin, Asif (Porters) Carita / Edy (Transfer driver) Ujung Kulon Ciggaman (Boat transfer skipper) Participants Days 2-8: Ujung Kulon Dr. Jacoba Brinkman Mr. Phillip DuCros Mr. Andrew Holman Mrs. Paula Holman Day 9: Ujung Kulon / Handeleum Island Day 10: Carita / Jakarta Day 11: Home Royle Safaris – 6 Greenhythe Rd, Heald Green, Cheshire, SK8 3NS – 0845 226 8259 –
[email protected] Day by Day Breakdown Overview With only five species of rhinos in the world you would think that everyone would know about all five, there are not that many. But there are two that largely go unnoticed.