Report by the Crofters Commission
AAtt THE GIFT OF .A\i.AaSj:i^6jj:,.AMu^^ » ^M.%oHq nlwlq Digitized by IVIicrosoft® Cornell University Library HC257.S4 A4 1901 + + Report to the secretary for Scotland by 3 1924 029 973 751 olin Overs Digitized by IVIicrosoft® This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation witli Cornell University Libraries, 2007. You may use and print this copy in limited quantity for your personal purposes, but may not distribute or provide access to it (or modified or partial versions of it) for revenue-generating or other commercial purposes. Digitized by Microsoft® REPOET SECRETARY FOR SCOTLAND THE CROFTERS COMMISSION SOCIAL CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE OP LEWIS IN 1901, AS COMPARED WITH TWENTY YEARS AGO. presented to botb Ibouses of iParliament b^ (Tommanb of Ibis flDaJestv. GLASGOtVs PRINTED FOB HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, By JAMES HEDDERWICK & SONS, At the " Citizen " Pbbss, St. Vincent PijAOE. And to be purcliased, either directly or through any Bookseller, frop OLIVER & BOYD, Edinburgh ; or EYRE & SPOTTISWOODE, East Habding Stebbt, Fleet Street, E.C.j and 32 Abinsdon Stbubt. Wbstmwsteb, S.W. ; or E. PONSONBY, 116 Gbafton Street, Dublin. 1902, [Ca. 1^7.] Prim Is. u. Digitized by Microsoft® — — — SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. The under-mentioned Firms have been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Government Publications, including Parliamentary Reports and Papers, Acts of Parliament, Record Office Publications, &c., &c., and all such discount of 25 works can be purchased from them either directly or through retail booJiseUers, who are entitled to a per cent, from the selling prices : IN ENGLAND:-^ . ' , For all publications excepting Ordnance and Geological Maps, the Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty, and Patent Office Publications :-^Messrs.
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