April 2019 Insider

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April 2019 Insider april insider UNITED2019 From the Office of the SUPERINTENDENT Greetings Employees, We are in the nal stretch of the 2018-2019 school I also want to remind everyone that our elemen- year and we have garnered so many accolades tary, middle, and high school students will be and achievements thus far. Our success as a taking the STAAR/EOC exams beginning this week district has not come without the hard work and and again during the third week of May. Our dedication of our hardworking employees. Each teachers and administrators have been working and every one of you has made it your mission to diligently to prepare our students for a successful create a nurturing and welcoming learning test-taking season. You can do your part by environment, and this is the cornerstone from making sure that your kids get to bed early and which our district was built. have a good breakfast on testing days. We are a The Texas Association of Secondary School TEA A-Rated district and we must work hard to Principals (TASSP) has awarded Trautmann Middle retain our designation. School with a 2018-2019 Texas Schools to Watch As we work to bring this successful school year designation. A Texas School to Watch is a school to a close, it is evident that our students are that has consistently moved to fully meet the thriving, both academically and through nationally endorsed criteria for high-performing extra-curricular activities. Each of their successes middle schools and who resumes their commit- is our success and nothing makes me more proud ment to the continuous improvement of their than to see our students ourish. I want to take a school. Congratulations to Ms. Menchaca, her moment to thank you all for your dedication to sta, and all of her students on this stellar our students and to our district, as a whole. Our achievement. children are our most valuable resource and I am April is National Autism Awareness month and humbled by how many of you take that to heart schools throughout the district will be holding and make an active eort to nurture that events to promote awareness, inclusion, and resource. It is my sincere wish that each of you self-determination for all. This year, the district’s enjoy a happy and safe Easter break. National Autism Awareness kick-o event will be held at Lyndon B. Johnson High School on April Warm Regards, 16. Later this month, the Area 21 Special Olym- pics will be held at our Student Activity Complex over the course of three days. On April 23-25, Roberto J. Santos students from Laredo and surrounding areas will gather at the SAC to compete in dierent events that will display their athletic talents. UNITED ISD League of Legends United Independent School District’s League Roberto J. Santos, administrators, and family of March 8, when the alumni visited their of United ISD Legends Awards Dinner was members.The evening's proceedings began high school alma maters for a homecoming held on the evening of March 7, 2019 at the with a splendid dinner, which was followed celebration hosted by sta and students. The Altezza Events Ballroom. The annual gala by an introduction of this year's inductees. alumni also shared anecdotes and answered celebrates alumni who have achieved Each received a crystal award to commemo- student questions about their educational success and made outstanding contributions rate the occasion. Musical entertainment backgrounds and career paths. All nominees to their professions and communities. This was provided by the fabulous Clark Middle were selected by special committees based year, 36 alumni from United, Alexander, School Mariachi Del Norte, directed by on career advancement, service to commu- United South and L.B.J. high school were Gilbert Cuellar, Michelle Uribe and Carlos Gil. nity, and humanitarian deeds. honored by UISD Trustees, Superintendent The celebration continued on the morning USHS Panther Legends AHS BullDog Legends UHS Longhorn Legends LBJHS Wolf Legends YoungYoung AthletesAthletes ProgramProgram United Independent School year's competition. Student Public Safety, UISD Police athletic competition in a variety District (UISD), hosted the 2019 volunteers from United South Department, UISD Transporta- of Olympic-type sports for Special Olympics Young High School and Gonzalez tion, Bibliotech and Chick-Fil-A. children and adults with Athletes Program at the SAC. Middle School assisted the Superintendent Roberto J. intellectual disabilities. The The 24 event program is young Olympians. Additional Santos, district administrators annual program provides them designed for athletes ages two volunteers from our community and employees also gave of with opportunities to develop to seven, and focuses on came out to lend their support. their time to support the young physical tness, demonstrate developing fundamental motor Special thanks to our Precinct 1 athletes. courage, experience joy, and tracking and eye-hand coordi- constables and representatives For over 40 years, Special participate in a sharing of skills nation through physical play. from the Laredo Fire Depart- Olympics has been committed and friendship with fellow Approximately 300 young ment, Customs and Border to the mission of providing athletes and their families. athletes participated at this Protection, Texas Department of year-round sports training and UIL 2019 Theatrical State Qualifiers UIL 2019 Theatrical Design State Qualiers schools which have adapted technical thinking, analysis, and artistic skills, which from Alexander High School (A.H.S.), and theater as an academic subject in school are used to communicate an idea or United High School (U.H.S.), recently curriculum, to learn to lose or win graciously, concept. Theatrical design oers contests in advanced to the State Theatrical Design accepting with good sportsmanship the Set Design, Costume Design, Marketing, Contest, scheduled for April 25 and 26 at the decision and critique with a view to improve Makeup and Group Design. Designs were Round Rock Performing Arts Center. This future projects and to satisfy the competi- submitted to UIL as directed, and the entries year’s design prompt was based on "Charlie tive, artistic spirit with friendly rivalry among were adjudicated and rated before advanc- and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald Dahl. schools. Theatrical Design also provides ing schools were announced. Qualiers at The purpose of the Theatrical Design students with an opportunity to develop state are ranked rst through sixth. Contest is to foster appreciation of good their skills in design and in marketing. It also theatrical design, to increase the number of teaches the students critical and creative UNITED H.S. ALEXANDER H.S. Hair and Makeup Challenge Costume Challenge Alessandro Cardenas Lauresther Medina-Jimenez Group Challenge Hair and Makeup Challenge Carlos Morales-Ryan, Ana Moreno, Kate Mendoza, and Emma Buentello Talina Abrego A.H.S. students under the direction of U.H.S. students under the direction of Carol L. Rosales, Theater Arts Instructor Daniel Villarreal, Theater Arts Instructor Raul Perales Middle School Celebrates Read Across America Day Recently, guest reader Ms. Aida Perales recited some Dr. Seuss stories to 6th & 7th grade students at UISD’s Raul Perales Middle School. This event was held in conjunction with Read Across America Day, which encourages children throughout our nation to embark on a journey to read and learn for life. The yearly initiative also commemorates the birthday of children’s author Dr. Seuss. Ms. Perales is the wife of the late Raul Perales, after whom the campus is named. The event was coordinated by campus librarian Loida Korrody. World Down Syndrome Day World Down Syndrome Day, is a global syndrome is, what it means to have Down support our stars were student peers, proud awareness day which has been ocially syndrome, and how people with Down parents, and sta. To conclude, balloons observed March 21st by the United Nations syndrome play a vital role in our lives and were released by the students to ocially since 2012 . Down Syndrome International communities. United ISD's Cherish Center celebrate and mark World Down Syndrome encourages our friends all over the world to Students showcased their talents by deliver- Day. With each year that passes the voice of select their own activities and events on ing information pieces through song, dance people with Down syndrome, and those who WDSD to help raise awareness of what Down and Sign Language. In attendance to live and work with them grows louder. UNITED HIGH SCHOOL U-TV Broadcast Team Advances to Nationals United High School's U-TV broadcast team recently competed at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) State Leadership Conference in Dallas, Tx. The team placed 2nd in Broadcast News Production. At the state conference, they competed against 32 teams and they will be one of only 2 teams representing the state of Texas at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California on May 1-5. The team consists of Joey Hernandez, Marina Reyna, Shan Patricio, and Lizandra Vazquez. Students at Col. Santos Benavides Elemen- tary received a special visit from Harlem Globe Trotters player “El Gato” Melendez. After demonstrating some signature moves in the school gym, Melendez conversed with the students about the subject of bullying by way of the national. “T.E.A.M Up at School” campaign the acronym, meaning Talk, Empathize, Ask, and Mobilize, was created to provide students with bullying solutions. “Bullying can be experienced physically, emotionally, verbally, and through social media”, said Mr. Melendez. He encouraged students to be vigilant and to report all bullying to a parent or a teacher. “It’s up to all of us to be aware of or surroundings and to comfort, assist and defend those who are victims of bullying. This is how we make the world a better place together”, said Melendez, who is the rst Puerto Rican-born player to sign up with the Harlem Globetrotters.

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