Order of General/Special Election (Orden De Election General/Especial)
ORDER OF GENERAL/SPECIAL ELECTION (ORDEN DE ELECTION GENERAL/ESPECIAL) An election is hereby ordered to be held on the 6th day of November 2018, in the City of Laredo, Webb County, Texas, for electing the following Laredo College District Board of Trustee(s) as required by Article XVI, Section 65 of the Constitution: (Por lo present se ordena que se leeve a cabo una election el dia 6 de Noviembre del año 2018, en la Ciudad de Laredo, el Condado de Webb, Tejas, con el propósito de elegir los siguientes officials del Distrito de Laredo College, como requerido por el Articulo XVI, Sección 65, de le Constitución de Tejas) GENERAL (GENERAL): Trustee, Place 4, Laredo College District (Fideicomisario, Lugar 4, Distrito de Laredo College) Trustee, Place 5, Laredo College District (Fideicomisario, Lugar 5, Distrito de Laredo College) Trustee, Place 6, Laredo College District (Fideicomisario, Lugar 6, Distrito de Laredo College) This order shall serve as authority to conduct JOINT ELECTIONS with the County of Webb, the City of Rio Bravo, the City of El Cenizo, Laredo College District, Laredo Independent School District, The United Independent School District and Webb Consolidated Independent School District pursuant to Chapter 271, Texas Election Code, to the extent that the Webb County Elections Administrator will serve as the Early Voting Clerk for all entities involved in the election and that the same voting equipment, ballots, early voting personnel, election day judges and clerks, central county station personnel and supplies will be used
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