0 rn ..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 o 0 D' ;: ilfI} ilfI} ilfI} ilfI} 'a' "'tI 'C f: ~ W W ~ ~ UI ~ ~ UI CIt ~ &1~ c ::L >::sf n 0 ::1_ ~ n ..... § 5 0 en n c:: ~O'F;;*~ ~ OQ ~ 61 2::~ ...en = C/) -f ~ ~~ en S* S* ..-.. 3 0 =.... 8 c:: OQ OQ =11= n = dQ* .... §~ n c:s ~ (X) ~ 9- a1 ~ ::s e1 ~ ~enC::~.... ~~ en a 0 ----~-o 0 Q ::2. '< ,...... ,...... e...... i f" rIl ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ n :.. C en c: i ~ ~ 0 ... F;;*m n ~ 6- ~ [ ~ (i • ~ n (') ~ Q. ~ N ::r ...... n ~::L s:: CI) 0 \1 (') ~~'a' ,...... en ,...... ,...... ~ = a til ~qs. m ren ~ c:: m £!. ,!~~9 ... ~ "'d ~ CD ~ c-) (Q c ~ ~ enEfQ..,...... ~ (') a en a ~ ... (') § (D ::2. ~ o -< -a ~ ...... a O~ ~~ ~ Canada & Mexico $7 u.s.$3.75 _CD =::; 0 e. (') s· ~ E: ~ n es- ., t-t tD ::! ~ ~ n ~ ~~3:~ C ::s tD c '-'" {I} c: ... en ~* g. ~ -... 8 a ~ e*(i ~ ..... a: 0 '-'" ·a ~=c= F;;* ~ ~ ~ r Contents en ... (1) ~ '-'" • ...... -I ~g.~ r:I) 0 '< ~ 9- r:I) Context Clues: Hidden Skills Bank II 22 '-'"i •.•••••••..•. o a a Most Wanted softkeys 23 Treasure Red Level 21 Atta.ck 17 ~§ - Snack a en tfj ~ F;;* = Q Drawing Conclusions: Chief of- Spectre ·.19 ~ RDEXContributors ••••.•.••••••••.23 1it~8. = ... ~ r:I) 21 19 IfEA Detectives Blue Leve Superkey ... t...>..... -I unClassitieds 23 Drawing Conclusions: Chief of TEAM Series: General Interest 20 The Product Monitor •..•.••.•.•.••••4 Detectives Red Level 21 . TEAM Series: Making Choices 20 Big~MemFix for Appleworks 2.0 5 Estimation Activities (3.5") 20 TEAM Series: People and Places 20 ." Estimation Activities (5.25") 20 TEAM Series: Science and Health 20 0 ,,-aO Budokan: The Martial Spirit 5 Fact or Opinion: Smart Time Navigator Around ~ m Build Your Own Stereo Board! 5 DJ 00 ... -C Happy CRT, The 5 Shopper Blue Level 21 the World (3.,5") 20 e: 0 mi: IWantMyGSRAMill! 4 Fact or Opinion: Smart ~ Time,Navigator Around the World :u ::s CD D) CQ ~ 0 -c Magic Candle II Support 6 Shopper Red Level 21 (5.25") ' 20 a. CD -0 > CO Getting the Main Idea: .Around the Woolly Bounce (3.5") 20 ::J ca iii Features, Notes and such: World Red Level 21 Woolly Bounce (5.25") 20 CD ::s <0 ..:::! ... Basics ofKracking Part #14, The 15 Grammar Gazette (3.5") 20 r CD CO Bugs: CD Build Your Own stereo Board! 5 a. W Grammar Gazette (5.25") 20 ....-.. Kracking SSI's RDOS Bug in Algebm vol 3 & 4 21 ):It ~ 15 Grammar Monsters (3.5") 20 Bug in Matchmaker Q. ~ MECC 3.5" disk softkeys 20 Inference: Sc~oolDays Blue Level 21 Q. World Geography Facts 21 I MECC 5.25" disksoftkeys ~ 20 Inference: School Days Red Level 21 CiJ Bug in PSAT Word Atta.ckSkills 21 0 0 Notes on Test Drive II carsdisks· 22 Journey to the Age ofthe Dinosaurs 20 tn ,N Bug in PSAT/SAT Analogies 21 n ~ Questronll CDA v2.0 7 Littletown Zoo (3.5") 20 0 Bug in SAT Word Attack Skills 21 ... N Litdetown Zoo (5.25") 20 CDn Living Cell (3.5"), The 20 Advanced Playing Techniques: .... Living Cell (5.25"), The 20 Questr'on II 7 0- :::s Outpost ~ 17 Playing Tips: (iJ Paper Plane Pilot (3~5") 20 .a Questr'on II ~ 7 c Paper Plane Pilot (5.25") 20 CD Pensate 18 Questions: ....0 CD Problem Solving With Nim (3.5") 20 ® 16, 21 Q. Problem Solving With Nim (5.25") 20 mM Softkeys: Reading for De~l:Race Softkeys: Track Blue Level 21 Aardvark McGraw-Hill Financial Software 22 Blue Grass Bluff (5.25").n 20 Reading for Detail: R~ce Bluegrass Bluff (3.5") 20 Trock Red Level 21 ,Ancient Art ofWar 22 ,----- Astrilis 22 Botanist's Apprentice (The) ..~ 20 SeQuence:What Comes Cause & Effect: Mountain First Blue Level 21 , ATI Training Software ~ 22 Faery Tale, The 22 Climbing Blue Level !t.. 21 Sequence: What Comes Cleanwater Detectives (3.5") 20 FirstRed·Level 21 Gauntlet 22 Cleanwater Detectives (5.25") 20 Seven Cities ofGold 18 Grave Yardage 22 GunBoat 22 Software recommendations ..Assembler". Most of the source code in older sending source code files, and you are not using issues is in S-C Assembler format Hyou use a the S-C Assembler~ send them as normal text The Starter Kit contains most ofthe programs different assembler, you will have to,translate files. In that you need to "Get started". addition, we portions ofthe source code into something your recommend that you acquire the following: assembler will understand. When to include a printed letter Charles R. Haight Editor - Applesoft program editor such as "Global Jeff Hurlburt Reviews Program Line Editor (GPLE)". Computing checksums Don't include hardcopy (printout) unless: Vincent Andrews BDS -Assembler such as "Merlin/Big Mac". a. You are writing about a bug or other printing -Bit-copy program such as "Copy n Plus", Checksums are 4-digithexadecimalnumbers error. which tell ifyou typed a program correctly and COMPUTIST is published by SoftKey "Locksmith" or "Essential·Data Duplicator". b. You are writing to ask for help. Publishing. Address all inquiries to: -Word-processor (such as AppleWorks). helpyoulocate any errors.There are two types of c. You are answering another readers help re-· COMPU'rIST -"COPYA", "flO" and "MUFFIN" from the checksums: onecreatedby the CHECKBINpro­ quest 33821 EastOrvUle Road DOS 3.3 System Master disk. gram (for machine language programs) and the EatonvUle, WA 98328';'9590 othercreatedby the CHECKSOFrprogram (for d. You are writing about your subscription or (206) 832-3055 Super lOB and Controllers BASIC programs). Both are on the "Starter Kit". sending an order for back issues or software. Hyourchecksums do notmatch the published - COMPUTIST does NOT purchase editorial This powerful deprotection utility (in the Bugs, requests for help and answers to re­ material. The entire editorial contentconsists checksums then thelinewhere thefas.t checkswn quests for help are bmnped to the head ofthe line COMPUTIST Starter Kit) and its various Con­ differs is incorrect. of information submitted to COMPUTIST trollers are used in many softkeys. (It is also on and go inthe very next issue. All other letters are for publication in the shared interests of all each Super lOB Collection disk.) CHECKSOFr instructions: Install Check­ printed in the order that we receive them. COMPUTISTs. soft (B~UN CHECKSOFr) then !DAD your -Unsolicitedmaterial (manuscripts, letters to Reset into the Monitor prOgram. Press & to get the checksums. Correct Writing to. get help the editor, softkeys, A.P.T.s, playing tips, the program line where the checksums fast dif­ questions, etc.) are asswned to be submitted Softkeys occasi9nally require the user to stop When writing to request help. be sure to fer. as letters-to-the-RDEX-editorfor publication the execution of a copy-protected program and include ALL relevent information. The more with all and exclusive rights belonging to directlyenter the Apple'ssystemmonitor. Check CHECKBIN instructions: Enter the monitor information you include, the easier it is to fmd a COMPUTIST. thefollowing list to see what hardware you will (CALL -151), installCheckbinatsomeoutofthe solution. There's an old saying that goes "A - Entire contents copyright 1990 by SoftKey need to obtain this ability. way place (BRUN CHECKBIN, A$6(00), and properly framed question includes .90% of the Publishing. Allrightsreserved.Copyingdone Laser 128: Your ROM includes a forced thenLOADyourprogram. Getthe checksums by answer". in~ for other than personal or reference jump to the monitor. Press ctrlreturn reset. typing the Starting address, a ~iod and the (withoutexpress writtenpermission from the Apple n+, lie, compatibles: 1) Place anInte­ Ending address ofthe file followed by a ctrlY. How to get mail publisher) is prohibited. slo~. SSSS.EEEE ctrl Y, -TheSoftKeyPublishing assumes noliability ger BASIC ROM card in one ofthe Apple H you are interested in receiving mail from or responsibility for the products advertised 2)Use anon-maskableinterrupt(NMI)cardsuch Correct the lines where the checksums differ. other readers, be sure that we have a current in this newsletter. Although we are usually as Replay or Wildcard address. H you use a pen name and want to pretty much in agreement, any opinions Apple fl+, compatibles: 1) Install an F8 Writing to the RDEX editor receive mail, we need to have your address. Our ROM with a modified reset-vector on the com­ readers privacy is important, so we will notprint expressed by the authors are not necessarily RDEX (are-decks) stands for: Reader's Data thos·e ofCOMPUTIST magazine or SoftKey puter'smotherboard 'as detailedin the"Modified your address unless you specifically say too. EXcharige. We print what.you write. When you Publishing. ROM's" article (COMPUTIST#6 or Book Of 'send in articles, softkeys, APTs, etc., you are Softkeysm)orthe"DualROM's"article(COM­ How to write to RDEX authors SUBSCRIFfIONS: Rates (for 8 issues): submittingthem forlree publicationinthis maga­ PUTIST #19). ~DEX U.s $25 Canada/Mexico .. $35 zine. RDEX does not purchase su~sions nor When writing to one of the authors. Apple lie, IIc: Install amodifiedCD ROM on u.s. 1st Class .. $35 Other Foreign .....$54 do we· verify data submitted by readers. H you Write your letter and seal it in an envelope. Put the computer's motherboard that changes the discover any errors, pleaseletus know so that we your return address, the authors name (as it - SubscriptionS are sold by nwnber ofissues open-apple ctrl re~et vector to point to the moni­ may inform oUr other readers. appears inRDB:X:)and the correctpostage onthe and not by month or year. An 8 issue tor ~ (fhis will void an Apple"c warrimty since Remember thatyour letters or parts of them envelope. Putthis envelopeintoanotherand send subscription means that you will recieve· 8 you must open the case to install it.) issues before you need to renew. It's when maybeusooinRDEXevenifnotaddressedtothe it to RDEX. We will put tlle correct address on Apple IIgs: Ifyou have the 2.x"ROM, there is you will receive each issue that we're a little RDEX editor. Correspondence ·that gets pub­ your letter and mailitforyoiJ. Check to the right a hidden' Classic Desk Accessory (CDA) that erratic about lished may be edited for clarity, grammar and ofthe authors name to see ifthe author is writing allows you to enterthemonitor. Inorder toinstall space requirements. from a foreign COlDltry and, inc~ude the proper - Domestic Dealerrates: Call (206) 832-3055 the new. CDA, you should enter the monitor for more information. Because of the great number of letters we postage. (CALL -151) before running any protected pro­ - Change Of Address: Let the U.S. Postal receive and the ephemeral and ·1Dlpredictable grams and press # return.This will turn on two Serviceknow thatyou are moving. Tell them appearance of-our vobmteerstaff, any response Help Line hidden CDAs, Memory Peeker 8Jld VisitMoni­ that you want your mail forwarded. H your to your queries will appear only in RDEX, so it tor. Thereafter press openapple ctrl esc to go to These readers have volunteered their time to issue does not come to you in an envelope would be more appropriate for you to present theDeskAccessoriesmenu. SelectVisitMonitor help you. Please call only within the given time thenyou have aregular subscription and you technical questions to the readers and ask for musttellthe USPS to forward your thirdclass and there you are. Use ctrl Y to exit frames (corrected for yourtime zone). No collect their responses which will then be placed in the mail. Notify us as soon as you know yournew calls. (You can write anytime!) address. When we receive your notice of ReCommended literature., Apple-RDEX.. Jack NJsseI (Disk Protection, 7-10PM EST)' change of address, we will send you an -Apple n Reference Manual (or lIe, nc, etc.) (215) 365-8160 acknowledgement card. Ifyou do notreceive How to get a free library disk -DOS 3.3 & ProDOS manual Marc Batchelor, 6025 Coker SL, Cocoa, FL the acknowledgement card after 2 weeks, Whenever possible, send everything on Ap­ -Beneath Apple DOS & Beneath Apple Pro- 32927 send another notice or call us direct ple format (5.25"- DOS/ProDOS or 3.5" - Pro­ DOS, by ,Don Worth and Pieter Lechner, from Rich Etarip, 824William Charles Ct #2" Green DOS) orffiM format (3.5") disks. Other formats Issuesmisseddue tonon-receiptofchange Quality Software Bay, WI 54304-4018 ofaddress mtJy be acquired at the regular are acceptablebuttheremay be somedelay as we back issue rate. Typing Applesoft programs look for someone to translate itfor us. (Ifyou use TheBBS We are not responsiblefor missing issues a 5.25" disk, w~ we prill! your letter,we will 90 days after mailing date. If you do not BASIC programs are printed in a format that return your disk. with tM current library disk (Bulletin Board System) receive anissue atthe USJUlItimlt each month, is designed to minimize errors for readers who COpied onto it.) Use whatevertexteditoryoulike, , Dave Goforth is the sysop for the Computist please call or write. key in these programs. H you type: buttell us which one. Puta label onthe disk with BBS.The number is: (206) 581-9292. H you Applc4> is a tradcawk of Apple Ccmpltcn. IBMGD is thD IBM your name (or pseudonym) and address (ifyou already have a User ID## and password, sign-on tndemuk. lOHOME:REMCLEAR SCREEN want to receive mail). Don't reformat any pro­ using the User ID##. H you are a new user, itmay The UST will look like: ,grams or include them in the text ofyour letter. take a day or so to validate your new ID# and 10 HOME: REM CLEAR SCREEN Send Applesoft programs as normal Applesoft password. Readers Data EXchange Applesoft inserts spaces into a program list­ files and machine language programs as normal ing· bef~re and after every command .word or binary files. We have programs to convert them New COMPUTIST readers using. mathematical operator. These spaces don't pose to the pioper format for printing. If you ar~ Apple lIs are advised to read this page a problem except when they are inside ofquotes carefully to avoidfrustration when at­ or after a DATA command. There are two types tempting tofollow a softkey or entering ofspaces: those that have to be keyed and those , that don't Spaces that must be .. typed appear in You have a LEGAL RIGHT the-programs printedin this issue. COMPUTISTas specialcharacters (0). All,other What is a softkey, anyway? .spaces are there for easier reading. NOTE: Ifyou wantyourchecksumstomatch, to an unlocked backup copy Sof'tkey is a tennwhich we coined to describe' only type spaces within quotes or after DATA aprocedurethatremoves, oratleastcircumvents, statements if they are shown as (O)charactors. ' any copy-protection on aparticular disk. Once a SAVEtheprogram atperiodic intervalsusing the of your commercial software. softkey procedure has been performed, the re­ name given in the article. All characters after a sulting backupcopy canusually becopiedby the REM are not checked by the checksum program normal copy programs (for example: COPYA, so typing them is optional. Our editorialpolicy isthatwe do NOT condone software piracy, but we do believe that users on the DOS 3.3 System Master disk). are entitled to backup commercial disks they have purchased. In addition to the security ofa Typing Hexdumps backup disk, the removal ofcOpy-pr8tection gives the user the option ofmodifying programs to Commands and control keys .meet his or her needs. Furthermore, the copyright laws guarantee your right to such a Machine language programs are printed in DEPROTECI'ED backup copy: Commands which a reader is requj;red to COMPUTIST as hexdumps, sometimes also as perform are set apatjby being inboldface andon source code. ..."It is not an infringement for the owner ofa copy ofa computer program to make or authorize a separate line. The return key must be pressed Hexdumps are the shortestand easiestformat the making of another copy or adaptation of that computer program provided: at the end ofevery such command unless other­ to type in. You must first enter the monitor: wise specified. Control characters are preceeded CALL -151 1)thatsuch anewcopy oradaptationis created as anessentialstepin the utilizationofthe computer by "ctrl". An example ofboth is: Key in the hexdump exactly as it appears in program in conj\Ulction with a machine and that it is used in no other manner, or 6etrl P the magazine, ignoring the four-digit checksum Type 6. Next, place one finger on the ctrlkey ($ and four digits) at the end ofeach line. When 2) that such new copy or adaptation is for archival purposes only and that all archival copies are and then press P. Don'tforget to press the return fmish~ return to BASIC with: destroyed in the event that continued possession of the computer program should cease to be key. 3DOG rightful. Otherspecialcombinationkeypressesinclude BSAVE the program with the ftlename, ad­ ctrl reset and open-apple ctrl reset. In the Any exact.copies prepared in accordance with the provisions ofthis section may be leased,' sold, dress and length parameters given in the article. former, press and hold down the ctrl key then or'otherwise transferred, along with the copy from which suchcopies were prepared, only as part press the reset key. In the latter, press and hold Typing Source Code of the lease, sale, or other transfer of all rights in the program. Adaptations so prepared may be downbothctrl andopen-apple then press reset. transferred only with the authorization of the copyright owner." The source code is printed to help explain a program's,operation. To enter it, you need an United States Code title 17, §117

2 Readers Data Exchange COMPunST #87 Features, Notes and such: TEAM Series: Science and Health 20 Time Navigator Around the'World (3.5") 20 Basics ofKracking Part #14,.The 15 Time Navigator Around the World (5.25") 20 • Build Your Own Stereo Board! 5 ~acking Twerps 17 en• SS!'s ROOS -.. 15 Vacation Nation Travel (3.5") ~ .. 20 => MECC 3.5" ~isk softkeys 20 Vacation Nation Travel (5.25") 20 MECC 5.25" disk softkeys 20 Where in the World is Cannen Sandiego? 18 Notes on TestDrive II cars disks 22' Woolly Bounc~ (3.5") 20 Questron II CDA v2.0 7 Woolly Bounce (5.25") 20 Softkeys: Blue Grass Bluff (5.25") 20: Bluegrass Bluff (3.5") 20 Botanist's Apprentice (The) 20 Cause & Effect: Mountain Climbing Blue Level :.~ 21 CleanwaterDetectives (3.5") 20 Cleanwater Detectives (5.25") 20

Context Clues: Hidden , Treasure Red Level 21 Advanced Playing Techniques: Drawing Conclusions: Chiefof Questron II 7 . Detectives Blue Leve 21 Drawing Conclusions: Chiefof Playing Tips: Detectives Red Level 21 Questron II 7 Estimation Activities (3.5") 20 Estimation Activities (5.25") 20 Questions: Fact or Opinion: Smart . ® 16, 21, 22 Shopper Blue Level 21 Fact or Opinion: Smart IBM Softkeys Shopper Red Level 21 Aardvark McGraw-Hill Financial Software ...22 Field Zoologist, The 20 Ancient Art ofWar 22 Following Directions: Behind the Astrilis 22 Wheel Red Level 21 ATI Training Software 22 Getting the Main Idea: Around the Faery Tale, The 22 World Blue Level 21 ':~ Gauntlet 22 Table of Contents Getti~::d~:~:~~.:~.~~ 21 Grave Yardage 22 Gun Boat 22 Grammar Gazette (3.5") 20 Most Wanted softkeys ••••.....•.••••23 GrammarGazette (5.25") 20 Grammar Monsters (3.5") 20 RDEX Contributors•.•.••••.•...•..•.23 Inference: School Days Blue Level ..· 21 Editorial Notes Inference: School Days Red Level 21 Hey, Allyou Computist writers! I've only got unClassifieds •..••....••...•..•.•...•...••.23 Journey to the Age of the Dinosaurs 20 enough material for another one and a half issues. How about finishing up what your working on and . Littletown Zoo (3.5") 20 sending it in to the RDEX editor? And while we're The Product Monl-tor ••••••••••••••••••4 Littletown Zoo (5.25") , 20 onthe subject, I'dlike to see some BASIC programs Living Cell (3.5"), The ~ 20 submitted. Nothing too complex, just some com­ Big-Mem Fix for Appleworks 2.0 ~5 .. .. . Living Cell(5.25"), The 20. mon·but useful items. Budokan: The Martial Spirit 5 ' . Outpost 17 In the News--some moldy old flies Build Your Own Stereo Board! 5 Paper Plane Pilot (3.5") 20 Bugged by household flies? It seems that some­ Happy CRT, The 5 Paper Plane Pilot (5.25") 20 one has finally come up with anon-chemical way to I Want My OS RAM III! · 4 zap houseflies-with mold. Sprayed from an aero­ Pensate 18 Magic Candle II Support 6 sol container, it is breathed by the flies into their Problem Solving With Nim (3.5") 20 bodies, where it multiplies and kills them. And it's Missing Persons ••••••• 4 .. r Problem Solving With Nim (5.25") 20 harmless to mammals, birds and the home owner. PlatInum PaintIng Made Easy 6 What's next? ' · 5 Reading for Detail: Race Track Blue Level ...21 Their Finest Hour:The Battle0 f BritaIn . , Reading for Detail: Race Track Red Level ....21 High-Definition TV (HDTV) Vendors 6 Sequence: What Comes First Blue Level ...... 21 Called "Hi-Vision" in Japan, it means wide 200 Wraith , 4 , inch screens and 1125 line resolution. InEurope it's Sequence: What Comes First Red Level 21 1250 lines. And in the D..S., well we don't have it Bugs: Seven Cities of Gold 18 yet, but they say it's coming. Skills Bank II ...•...... 22 The American digital standard should be able to Bug in Algebra vol 3 & 4 21 Snack Attack 17 surpass the quality of the European and Japanese Bug in Matchmaker versions ofHDTV. Plans are afoot to start HDTV Spectre ...... •...... 19 World Geography Fa~ts 21 broadcasts by 1998 and to phase out regular TV by Superkey 19 2008. The days ofregularTV are numbered and the Bug in PSAT Word Attack Skills 21 TEAM Series: General Interest ~ 20 countdown has begun. Bug in PSAT/SAT Analogies ~ 21 TEAM Series: Making Choices , 20 Inthe meantime, buying a large-screen TV may Bug in SAT Word Attack Skills 21 not be such a bad idea. You'11 get plenty ofuse out TEAM Series: People andPlaces 20 ofit before you need to switch over toHDTV

COMPUllST #87 Readers Data Exchange 3 and then adjustevents accordingto gen­ media with scenario, directions, and -adversaries ina running battle through a Jeff Hurlburt TX der. (The playercan rescue a handsome over-viewmap all on-diskette. No frills, dungeon's rooms and corridors. Nor do prince, etc..) Since today's designers, true;- but, with three large towns plus 'monsters' always attacksimplybecause artists, and scenario writers ARE more assorted castles and dungeons, you get they are on-screen. (Some monsters see skilled than ever ~t 'playing the gender loads of 'olde Ultima'-style play! This better than others, are more aggressive, card', tailoring major entertainment means crisp, top-down view hires dis- or have guard duties.) However, ifyou products for women could be very prof­ plays showinggrasslands,water, woods, attack someone or someTHING, any itable. etc. when traveling outdoors. Inside, other guards or monsters which see the Computing, the kind that goes be­ you see walls, doors, altars, counters, attack will move against you. Another yond merely viewing the computer as a signs, etc.. You show up as a partially- "cleverwrinkle is thelavishuseof'signs' business tool, involvestinkering,exper­ animated hero figure as do merchants, to supply hints (e.g. "You're Getting imentation, and playing. _Some of this hotel clerks, tavern keepers, guards, ... Dose!") and to identify dungeon areas, RATINGS (e.g. club meetings, trading ideas with and monsters. A few keyboard inputs like the "Royal Gardens" and a boulder friends, and modeming) entails social handle purchases, combats, and move- ''Throwing R~ge" for giants. Superb ***** interaction; but, a lot doesn't It's just ment on the smooth-scrolling maps. Spanning several large, well thought you, your machine, the software, and a Despite its "Ultima"'s III-V 'look', out mazescapes, Wraith can, thanks to Excellent **** cup of coffee. Much of the time", any Wraith avoids puzzles, allows 'conver- thenumerouslandmarks,beplayedwith Very Good *** distinction between work and play is sations' only withbarkeepers,seers, etc. or without mapping. "With" is better in Good ambiguous at best Unfortunately, the " behindcounters, and offers very limited the longrun. Line-and-boxsketchestake ** "womanly behavior" stereotype does choices for improving weapons, annor, little effort and have proved to be great Fair * not encourage play, except in social and magical artifacts. Aside from an time savers. Bugs? Just one is worth Poor @) situations. It is "okay" for children and amulet to detect secret doors and Recall noting; and, itmay bea case ofpurpose­ Bad If- mento build telescopes, fly RC models, toteleportoutoftightspots,magicchief- ful deception: lookNorth, not South for AND 'mess around' with computers. ly consists ofFireball plus a few addi- the "secretbase". Overall, expect 30-40 Defective + Forwomensuchbehavioris "selfindul­ tional attack spells. Similarly, an play- hours ofsmooth-running, medium-dif­ gent" and"immature".Where,ever,have er~there'sroom forthreeonthe game ficulty challenge. Oetting past the you seen a movie/I'V mom sit down, diskette- begin with the same charac- Wraith's minions is not easy; you CAN "Missing Persons alone, for a session of computer gam­ ter: a male human fighter/mage. You get killed down there!! But, then, how ing? The notion ofa 30-yearold female pick a name; but have no say about lon"g has itbeen since you've gotteninto Some months ago a callerto the pop­ account executive coming home after a profession, race, gender, and starting . afor-real Ultima-styleadventure? Well, ular ·Rush Lembaugh talk show com­ rough day on the job, plopping into a attributes. that's too long! plained that computing had become a chair next to I)er new '486 PC, and On the other hand, new adventure male dominated 'club' and seemed to booting"Poolsof-Darkness"is positive­ implysomeconspiracytoexcludewom­ gamers are likely to appreciate several I Wa-nt My GS RAM III! lyalien. features aimed at streamlining play. en. Rush, an avid Mac userand promot­ You can'thave itboth ways. To "get er, argued this wasn't so. Since, by his These include auto-equipping of pur- **** into computing" one must be ready to chased weapons and annor,bows which own admission, Rush is right 94.5% of play. Mastering the 'do everything ma­ never run out of arrows, low-cost heal­ $199·$499 (IMB·4MB) the time, that was that. 'The Host' had chine', enhancing self-expression, ca­ ing potions and spells, unlimited carry­ spoken! $139 (2MB) with trade.in, for reer advancement- all of the 'serious ing capacity," and automatic Level ad­ More recently, oneofthe early morn­ Apple IIgs stuff- will come in time. Women en­ vancementbased upon Experience won ing TV news programs did a report on force thestereotype; it'supto womento by mashing monsters. Applied Engineering "Kids and ComputerGames". As usual, pennit exceptions. For the talk show One aulomatic feature ofwhich to,be the piece ze~oed in upon users ofhand­ If M-TV· were as good as the (now callerthe solution may notbe _easy; but, wary isthe GameSaveupdateperfonned held cartridge machines and the threat­ classic) rock hit, I might actually watch at least, it's simple. Buy a computer;go whenever you enter"Q"uit OR move to ened onset of mindlessness. Standard ~t" Applied Engineering'sGS RAMIII tousers grouprneetings,trysomegames, a new map (e.g.·enteracastle, go down stuff, except that none of the experts IS a real goodie; and lam 'watching' it subscribe to Computist. Inshort, hop in! a stairway, etc.). Should you be killed, interviewedseemedespeciallyworried! even as I type. Supplied as a compact4It You really don't have to remain among you are chastised by your patron god­ Facing the prospect of a no crisis, low X 2" card, 'RAM III can add up to 4MB, the 'miSSIng persons'! dess, zipped backto 'start' inTarofCity, pizazz wrap-up, the reporter happened (6MB with special expander) of fully to notice thatvirtually all ofthe zombie­ DMA-compatible memory AND leave hood candidates were boys. "Where are plentyofroomforacomponentcrammed thegirlzombies?"sheasked. "Ah,well," card in Slot 7. Since AE knows you're thegamesellerresponded,glaricingback goingto ask"Well, whataboutthe 1MB at shelf upon shelf of glistening car­ memory board I've got now?", you can tridges. "We do have a game, named trade in(i.e. dump) your oldie and get a 'Barbie', for girls." price break onthe new board with 2MB Obviously, women use computers. instaIled. Just as obviously, very few are 'into OS RAM III uses the new 1MB x 4 computing'. Users groupmeetings,hard­ zip package RAMs (e.g. 80 ns. NEC ware swap turnouts, program publica­ D424400VorToshibaTC514402).Each tion, even BBS postings-all are over­ is about the size ofan old 16K RAM Ie whelmingly male. It looks like a con- but wi~ 'all the little feets' along one -spiracy; but, it· isn't Those 'into com­ ed"ge. A 1MB set, two chips, currently puting' would be pleased as pie to have sells for about $60 from suppliers like more girls and women join in. Quality Computers. When the board is "Waitjust a minute! Ifthe talk show installed the zips ~ork like vertical fins caller is typical and 'insiders' are no to draw up air and dissipate heat. (Inci­ arid divested ofany gold. (Otherposses­ obstacle,what'stheproblem?"Theprob­ dentally, this feature was pointed outby Wraith sions, Level, and attributes are not af­ lem is incentive. You have .to enjoy -, QC's Walker Archer, who noted the!r fected.) Naturally, the gold-Iess"game is 'computer stuff'. Otherwise, it's just tech department "likes the 'RAM III also saved! (Hint: Ifyou hav~ acquired plain work. In the '70's a lot of us got very much".) At just 50-60 mae ofcur­ ** a pile of gold and your demise seems startedbytinkeringwithhardware. Since $9.95 for 128K Apple lIe, IIgs rent per set, even a full 4MB draws far imminent, REMOVE the game diskette the '80's, the usual 'starting off' incen­ less than· the 600 rna. allocated to the Nite Owl from the drive. At worst, you will have tive has been game playing. (I.e. Real memory expansion slot. a choice of putting it back in when games on real computers) With few The once peaceful island ofAraithia The AE board package includes a prompted or rebooting. and resuming exceptions,menwrotethegames,played is in serious trouble. A dark force has manual describing Installation, How to play from the last Save.) the games, and became THEmarket for called up orcs, ogres, evil -mages, hy­ add more zips, and RAM Diskuse. (The Typical ofgames by John Cannack, still more and betterentertainment soft­ dras, and otherhorrorsto roam the coun­ manual does NOT, unfortunately, sup­ Wraith does not faij to introduce some ware. 'What's fun' in computer use is, , tryside. As,leading citizens and lords ply technical specifications-like chip nice improvements onthe fonnat itbor­ largely, what's fun f~rmales. fall beneath the dread influence, even -info, current"requirements, etc.- or a rows., Since .you are guiding a single Ifmoregames were writtenfor wom­ the towns and castles have become·cen­ schematic.) You also get the "AW 3 character, the game allows full tactical en, more women mightplay games. For ters ofevil. Now~OU, protector ofthe Expander"diskette plus manual. Ithasa combat on the current map. While the example, inOrigin's"Wing Command­ lasttemple ofMetiria, have beencalled. rigorous Memory Test program, Auto­ graphics and sound closely match those er II", female" Space Aces would find Find the great weapons, annor, and Copy utility (e.g. for boot-loading a ofthe later Ultima's.(except, there's no thatCol. DevereauxisaromanticFrench­ magical items, develop your powers, diskette or selected fues onto RAM music), 'wide open' combat results in man. An SSI AD&Dadventure might and destroy the Wraith! Disk), and utilities for adding various more challenging, more entertaining I permit identifying a "lead character" No, the price is correct. Nite Owl's enhancementsto"Appleworks" 1.2-3.0. map/maze adventure comes on 3.5" encounters which may involve several

Readers .Data Exchange COMPUllST #87 ., On a' IIgs, the most valuable mods in­ and try the Budokanl ·Oncepast·the ory tool mightbe involved. The critical failure is most likely. You cannot do crease maximum document size and gates of the· 'Tobiko-Ryu·Dojo', you machine code looks like·this: muchaboutthestress onyourmonitor's number ofData Base records. As might can entertraining halls,for 'Karate', the A2 02 1D (Load X: low= Toolset components; but, you.can reduce the be expected, '''Expander'' and "Time art of hand-to-hand combat, 'Kendo', ·#2; high= tool #29) number of tiInesyou 'roll the dice'. Out" do not 'get along' well. The AE the art of sword fighting,'Nunchaku', 2200 00 E~1(JSLtoTooIDis- From now on, when you must tum OFF enhancements must be made to an un~ fighting withNunchak's,or'Bo',theart .patcher routine) your co~puterbriefly to obtain a 'cold modified·copy of"Appleworks"! of fighting with staffs. Prilcticealone, In my version, the code showsup at start' or,tO change,sOqle sensitive'I/O Of the recent upgrades made to our with an instructor, or take on·a second $24F4afterBLOADingtheAppleworks connection, avoid hitting the Master "Limited Edition" Woz IIgs, itls not at player at the 'Free Spar Mat'. Control system ·file (APPLEWORKS'.SYS). at Switchonyour"Systen;tSaver'"("Power all easyto saywhichproducedthelarger options include KB-only, KB andjoy­ $1000. To find it in your Appleworks ~onsole;',ete.).TurnOFFonlythecom­ gainincomputingPower. Zip-GS speed stick,· or two joysticks. (I preferusing a 2.0, BLOAD the system file, go to the puter. is VERY nice, especially for graphics- . joystick; it seems to make it easier to monitor, and enter 4. Learn not to bum. Use "screen intensive applications. GS-RAM III ~ove your man.) During your training, \A2 02 1D\<1 OOO.4FFFP saver"TSR's(CDA's,NDA's). Should space is absolutely addictive! (Kind of you' also, have the option to visit the ,a user leave ·the system running and The JSL instruction routes execution like the supply ofbeakers ina chern lab; 'Tobiko-Sensei' to receive words of forget to return for a few hours, a saver to Tool #29 in the Memory Manager you end upusing and needing whatever wisdom abouttactics and strategy along will blank the screen or animate the Toolset (#2) in the IIgs ROM Toolbox. you've got.) For sure, being able to put with philosophical guidance. display to prevent burning of a fixed Ittells yourprogramhowmuchmemory GSOS on bootable RAM disk (and still 'When you feel that you have mas­ image into the screen phosphor. If you is .installed. Since this Total Memory have plenty ofmemory left for applica­ tered the arts well enough to hold your are the ,.only regular user and would numberis the one Appleworks' doesn't tions) delivers an 'order ofmagnitude' own in a '. tournament, it's off to the prefer not to install saver software, just seem to like, I substituted $1B for $10 boost in user convenience. With RAM Budokan where you will fight students getinto the habitoftumingdownscreen at $24F6 and saved the newly patched Disk boot times under 10 seconds, just from other Dojo's. They can teach you·· intensitywheneveryou getup"fora few file: BSAVE APPLEWORKS.SYS, think back to YOURlastmulti-applica­ skills nottaught by your instructors, so moments" to answer the phone, brew TSYS, A$1000, L12390(length offile tion, swap-in/swap-out computing ses­ long, thatis, as youkeepwinning. There some coffee, or check a back issue of as showninCATALOG). Now,the Dis­ sion. OR take a look at memory size are 12 other students that you can fight Computist. The final 'no.bum' hint re­ patchercall goes to Tool #27 inToolset at the tourney; but, you m.ust beat one latestoYOU: stayawayfrom thescreen. recommendations for some ofthe 1atest #2, the Memory Manager's Available IIgs products. What's left to say but "I before you can fightthe next. Yes, people have been using CRT dis­ Memory tool. want my GS RAM III, too!"? Electronic Arts' Budokan' combines plays for years; but, there is some con­ A disadvantage of the 'black box' a great challenge with superb graphics. cern about health effects, the need for approach to debugging is that one~can I really felt like I was playing a video reduced radiation CRT's, etc.. It's just Guest Reviews never claim that a bug is "eliminated". game atmylocalmallwhilethepackage common sense to place the screen at Maybe the TM call IS the BM Bug; was running (including no Game Save). least 18"-24" away. Their Finest Hour: maybe not. In. any case, with 3.25 MB The only difference was that I didn't 5. Seeing is believing. If your CRT The Battle Of Britain installed,my 'original' copystillbombs. have to· keep feeding my.PC quarters monitor has slipped out of focus, what Dougl~ The BMB-patched Appleworks 2.0 review by Hecht every time I lost a match! Starting with you WILL believe is how much better boots without a hitch! You rev-up your Supennarine Spit­ a "fable" (about some 'Monks', some the display looks IN focus! "Good idea. fire Mk I, tune in your radio, and take 'Grain',andsome'Software'),theman­ .The Happy CRT I'll adjust the focus next time I start up off. It is the Summer of 1940. You and ualdescribes each move and adds some No doubt about it, among the major the system." Ahem, what you WON'T the otherRAFpilots in your squad have interesting background 'color' on the components ofyourPC and/or Apple II believe is how much botheris involved. just learned that there is a Luftwaffe MartialArtstradition. ($49.95 forCGA­ system, the CRT display takes the most Ontoday's CRTmonitors, focus is,gen-. bomber group converging on one of VGA640KP~) abuse,! Day after day it gets turned ON erally, a 'setit and forget it' adjustment your airfields. The Junker '88A-l's are arid Offand run for long periods, all the performed at the factory. Many moni­ beingescortedbyasquadronofMesset­ Fast Fra~es, while building up heat and collecting tors ~onot even supply an access hole, schmitt 'Bf109E-3s. Yourmission is to Updates, Etc. dust You can simply wait for all ofthis let alone a knob, to·adjust focus. For intercept the enemy force over the En­ to take its inevitable toll; OR, you can instance, on the IIgs you must remoye the case to get to a control molded into glish Channel and shoot down as many Big-Mem Fix for Appleworks 2.0 takeafewsimplestepsandhaveamuch aircraft as possible. Offin the distance happier, longer-lived CRT display: theHVpowersupply. (i.e. Thisisanoth­ youseethe Gennanformationapproach­ Okay, I know every IIgs owner is 1. Wash me, Please! Dust reduces er job for which you may· want some ingtheNorth side ofthe channel, so you supposed to be runr.rlng "Appleworks airflow, increases heating, clogs con­ experthelp.) Ifyourmonitorhasbeenin ·"Wo~ climb upto about 10,000feet and sneak 3.0" or "Appleworks J..GS" Of. .. ·.d. troIs, and can produce arcing from high service Qnly a year or so, it probably .uponthem from above and behind -get Perfect/GS".Manydo; but,lotsofusers voltagewiring. Ifyourmonitorhasbeen needs no adjustment. Otherwise, espe­ the first bomber in your gunsites and like their multi-patched, "TiDle Out"- inseIVice for more than three. or four cially ifthe display actually looks·a tad enhanced·2~0's... atleast,for·everyday years, it's about time it was cleaned. fuzzy, a·focus touch-up is in order. Since~J~stfotstarters, fly the RAF's Spitfire or Hawker stuff. Bolstered by ZipGS spee

COMPUllST#87 Readers Data Exchange 5 stones, and characters who disappear CONNECTOR "'-25 1OK~ 15KQ CHo while onassignment. (Otherbugs which OSig OUT allowed walking on water and over :3 ..-_IIIJ-II..-_...... _~.~;Nr·············· "I mountains, denied access to ship travel, etc. were fixed in a series of earlier revisions.) Aftersome experiences with J,0.0015PF having to restart play f~m scratch in other adventures, you can bet I asked I I about any similar requirement for MC2 O.0015IJF TL 082trI) fixes. According to Mindcraft's Dan Riddle, the game was specifically de­ DUAL BIFET OP AMP 2 REQUIRED signed to allow players to retain charac­ ters andnotsufferanylossinprogressas -5V upgrades occur. The 1.50 update dis­ ~ :3 ketteis free to game owners who request 13 DUPLICATE it. CHoCIRCUIT FOR CHI. Platinum Painting Made Easy USING PINS 5.6.7. .CH~ The one 'necessary item' not includ­ + edinBeagleBros'sPlatinumPaintpack­ o.1pF 5 age is a Quick Reference Card for key­ board commands. Particularly when +5V ~ working in full-screen mode, KB' com­ mands (e.g. to change colors, switch between Marquee and Pen tools, etc.) D~ ~~ TUFiDtiILDSG.1'9'92 ' --litiD are great time .savers. After yet another Frominputto output,theTDX.design units with built-in amplifiers. TD~ has of the parts, including the Apple-com­ trip to the shelves (to fmd the manual is straight-forward and simple. First, plenty juice to drive any decent stereo patible circuit board, are commonly and lookupsoine key sequence) I decid­ JIgs audio enters the 14052 where the system at 'blowout the windows' vol- available. ed enough was enough and puttogether "Left" and "Right" ch~els are sepa- ume levels. I built the TDX stereo board near the theofficial Comp~tist"FrequentlyUsed rated using the CO input to turn ON the As shown in the diagram, nearly all start of the Ilgs era just as ·games like KB Comm'ands" carel. Cut out, copy, or appropriatesection(outputXorY)when connectionsbetweenTDXandthecom-' "Tower of Myraglen" were.beginning whatever. Slap the 'card' iilto a plastic its channel is valid. (This happens at puter, including ground, are made over to appear. It sounded great then and it cover, and enjoy! supersQnicspeedssothattheuserdoesn't the J-25 lines. Power (+5 Volts and -5 sounds great today running "Dungeon notice·that each channel is ON half of Volts) comes from the slot into which Master", "Instant Music", "Jam Ses­ Next the time.) Then, each output goes to a the board is plugged. The outputs go·to sion", and HyperboleMIDI-synthpiec­ Look for RogerWagner's HyperStu­ pair of op amps where it's filtered and "RCA-type" hi-fi jacks mounted onthe es. If your JIgs is still in mono mode, dio 3.0 and Microsoft's Visual Basic amplified. ~ar of the board for easy access via why not make '92 the year you 'go plus Nite Owl's slip-on battery. SSI's Design objectives were low noise, standard audio cables. Whenplacingthe stereo'. Add a commercial unit orbuild Eye ofthe BeholderII' is one ofseveral lowdistortion,andlowpowerconsump- jacks, be sure to allow space (between the TDX. Either way, when you spread games 'on-deck', along with ... more! tion. From the start I expected that on-. the jacks and rear ofthe Computer) for out the sound you open up the fun! board power amp le's would be too thecableplugsorarrangeforthejacksto Magic Candle II Support puny to drive our speakers to desired line up with an opening. Vendors volume levels and maintain low distor-· The J-25 connection is via a 7-pin Anyone who played the first "Magic APPLIEDENGINEERING: 3210Belt­ tion; so, the board includes no power mini-molex ribbon cable. It can go to J- Candle" will appreciate that 'working line, Dallas, TX 75234 atten: Nole amp IC's and is, not intended to directly 25 (located near the memory expansion the kinks' out of Magic Candle II'/pC Holmes (214-241-0055, orders: 214­ drivelowimpedanceloadssuchas speak- slot); or, if J-25 is being used by the might t~e some doing. While a long 241-6060) ers. Like a tuner, CD deck, orotherhi-fi H~rstudio NOinputboard, itplugs in awaited mouse-inputversion remains in BEAGLE BROS.: 6215 Ferris Square, source, it connec~ to a stereo amplifi- there. (OnbothJ-25 and itsextensionon development, Mindcraft is now ship­ Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92121 at­ er's AUX inputs (or "Tuner", "Tape", the NOboard,pin#1 is nearestthe front ping the 1.50 revision which squishes ten: Bevey Minarovich (800-345­ etc. inputs) or to the i~putsof speaker ofthe computer, pin #2 is next, etc..) All bugs related to magic scrolls, mind- 1750) • I1JD€lQ.DliJ!lIi1 ~~liJQ. FREQUENTLY USED 1<8 CMDS .... =SHIFT • ....

6 Readers Data Exchange COMPUTIST #87 ELECfRONIC ARTS: 1450 Fashion files must be in the same directory or-it «< _'nhTextDevice Island Blvd., San Mateo, CA 94404 will not work.) _WriteCString MAC PEA SET_SOCOL atten: Marci Galea & Lisa Higgins Tool $2OOC _WriteChar Using. the CDA (415..571-7171/ orders: 800-245­ <~< pea $06 ~umoff cursor 4525) Once the CDA is installed then you PxW MAC _WriteChar Douglas Hecht: 14724D Perthshire may launch the rue 'Q2.SYSI6' on the 00 )0/1 jsr Fast_Speed Road,'Houston,TX77079 (713-589­ disk /Q2. Arter-you have started to play PHW]1 stz Screen 2176) the game, enter the Control-Panel and DO ']0/2 jsr Border HYPERBOLE: 2402 Yoakuni#2,Hous­ choose 'Questron II'.· It will do a one PHW]2 Ida Address ton, TX 77006 atten: Greg Roach, time search so please be patient (about DO]0J3 beq :nope Ed.{Subs: phone ormail to Resource 10 seconds.) PHW]3 jmp, Found Central) You may now, alter your character. DO ]0/4 :nope pea 'AWaitLine LUCASFILM GAMES: P.O. Box Just select what you want to edit .and PHW]4 pea, #WaitUne 10307, San Rafael, CA 94912 atten: press . Use the arrow keys to FIN _WriteCString Sue Sesserman (415-721-3334; or­ increase/decrease values.," Hold Open­ FIN Idx #1 ;start at bank 1 ders: 1-800-STARWARS) dist: EA Apple key down while you·press the FIN Idy #$1000 ;address 1000 MINDCRAFf:2291205thStreet,Suite arrow key and it will increase/decrease FIN stz PNT 201, Torrance, CA 90501 atten: Dan by groups of50r 100. «< stx PNT+2 PHL MAC NByle iny ;next byte Riddle(213-320-5215)dist: Electron­ Address where the IF #=]1 beq NBank ic Arts 92 game data is stored: NITE OWL PRODUCfIONS: 5734 . PEA A]1 iny Lamar Blvd., Mission, KS 66202­ Holdthe Open-Applekeydownwhen ELSE beq NBank . 2646 atten: Bob Shofstall (913-362­ you select the CDA cheat in the Desk PHW]1+2 qlY, #$bffd 9898) Accessory Menu. It will display the ad­ FIN beq :1 PRODUCf MONITOR: 7814 Santa dress,ofwhere the game data is stored in PHW]1 qly #$Sffe Elena, Houston, TX77061 atten: Jeff the upperleft-hand cornerofthe screen. «< bne CByle MAC :1 qlx #1 Hurlburt (713-645-8680) I putthat there for those thatwould like '-. PHW IF #=]1 bne CByte QUALITYCOMPUTERS: 20200Nine to snoop about memory. PEA ]1 NBank MileRoad, St, QairShores,MI48080 ELSE inx atten: WalkerArcher(313-774-7200; Questron.CDA Source IF MX12 stx PNT+2 orders:800-443-6697) *Questron II COA Cheat v2.0 LOA ]1+1 cpx #$10 ;quh at bank *Aclassicdeskaccessory RESOURCE CENTRAL: P.O. Box PHA bne NByte * Vince C. Andrews 19 Dec 91 11250, Overland Park, KS 6(j207 at- FIN pea #ANotF~undLine ten: Tom Weishaar (913-469-6502) *Merlin-16+ Assembler LOA ]1 pea #NotFoundLine 4 * UseOA-6toAssemble ROGERWAGNER: 1050PioneerWay, PHA _WriteCString Suite P,.EI Cajon, CA 92020 atten: * FIN jsr Get1Key Garland Buckingham (619-442­ REL' . . «< stz Address 0522) lST off '." ;Turn listing on/off here Tool MAC jmp, QUIT RUSH LEMBAUGH TALK SHOW: XC ;65C02 mode LOX· #]1 CByte EIB Network, 2 Penn Plaza, 17th XC .;65816 mode - JSl $E10000 Ida [PNT],y ~oor,.NY City, NY 10121 atten: MX%OO ;Full gs mode «< . anp Bytes2Scan Rush Lembaugh beq CB~e1 INC.: * Equates and Macros used: * Required'~\lff of all COA·s: anp Bytes2Scan+1 675 Almandor Ave, Sunnyvale,·CA * .. The string is what goes on the bne NByte 94086 atten: Kathleen Watson (408- SET_8OCOL' ·EQU $92' * Control panel·listing. dey 737-68(0) dist: Electronic Arts MTXT_OFF Eau $98 CByte1 ZIP TECH~OLOGY: 5601 Slauson MTXT_ONEQU $9B BEGIN STR IQuestron,U' Ida (PNT],y Ave. #264" Culver City, CA 90230 PNT eQU $EO ;Also E1.2,3 AORL START ;Entry point anp Bytes2Scan atten: PR/Mktg. (800-937-9737) KEY EaU $EOCOOO ;Get key address bne NByte STROBE EQU $EOC010 ;Clear Keyboard Strobe AORL EXIT ;Ex~ -routine- iny Vince Andrews WA _WriteChar MAC address iny ------Tool $18OC ; Oust an RTl). Ida [PNT),y . «< START PHB ;Save current data bank cmp Bytes2Scan+2 Advanced Playing Technique for.... oTextWriteBlock MAC PHK ;Get our bank . bne NByte Questron II PHl ]1 PlB ;and setdata bank to it iny ? PxW]2;]3 PEl PNT ;Save the 4zp locs we use iny Tool $1EOC PEl PNT+2 ;and zero the bank byte Ida [PNT),y «< STZ PNT+2 ;for ,long addressing cmp Bytes2Scan+4 Questron II CDA v2.0 _SetOutputDevice MAC pea -1 ;Pascal device type bne NByte I have written this program for those Tool $100C pea 0 ;in slot,3 CByte2 that would like to alter their character «< pea 3 iny while they play. _lnitTextDevice MAC _SetOutputDevice iny Tool $15OC pea 1 ;initialize standard output phy Iriformation: ~ 12/16/91 vl.0 -I started to write this program. 12/21/91 v1.1 - Fixed the search rou­ tine. It would lock up memory. 12/23/91 v1.2 -FixedtheWeapons & Annor routines. They, now show the correct item you are currently equipt with. '12/30/91 v2.0 - Rewrote the search memory routines. Nowitsearchesmem­ ory 10 times quicker than before. Installing the CDA cheat This can be ,. done in two, different ways. The first is by'copying the file 'QUESTRON.CDA' to the folder */ BLACK SYSTEM/DESK.ACCS. Then reboot KEY the computer.... IN The second way is by using a CDA .- installer, such as the one I have includ­ ROOM ed. Justlaunch 'QUESTRON.CHT' and ----) it will install the CDA for you. (Both Twiligh1: TOMb

COMPUTIST #87 Readers Data Exchange 7 phx PLB ;Restore original data bank cpx #0 dfb 42+32,5+32 Ida [P~T],y PLA beq FE3 asc 'Readied' pha STA PNT+2 FE1 Ida (PNT),y ;Table constantly changing brk Ida' #0 PLA beq FE2 sep$3O STA PNT iny * Gets a keypress: pia EXIT RTl bra FE1 .. pix FE2 iny SetBit ds 2 rep $30 * Print the Border Routine: dex GetKey pix bra FindEntry jsr Get1Key ply Border FE3 rep $30 Ida, Char anp #$af sty CurOffset anp#$8a pea #$f beq GK_DownArrow _WriteChar anp#$8b FE4 Ida PNT+2 ;Get hi addr beq GK_UpArrow pha anp#$8d Ida PNT ;Get 10 addr beq GK_Return clc anp #$9b. adc CurOffset ;Adjust R bne GetKey pha clc _WriteCString ;Print ~ jsr FE4 ~um off th~ inverse line pea #$a sec ;set to point at QUIT _WriteChar rts rts CheckOA pha sep $20 *Check and Print what is Readied: elv stz SetBit Readied Idal $eOc061 Ida Address bpi :1 sta PNT Ida #$60 bne :1 . _WriteChar' Ida Address+2 sta SetBit tva oTextWriteBlock sta PNT+2 bit 'SetBit sec #BlockO;#O;#BlockOEnd­ Ida Screen :1 rep $30 sbc #15 BlockO anp#2 pia tay oTextWriteBIock beq' :1 rts Ida [PNT),y #Block1 ;#O;#Block1 End­ "cmp#3 Get1Key sep $20 sta Address BIock1 iny " OTextWriteBtock 9 HI DDEH ROCK- iny #B1ock2;#O;#BI0ck2End­ , 10 BAY VIEltl iny BIock2 11 FOLHAH Ida pea ·MTXT_OFF;tum off MouseText muestton 120NTAGA JPNTJ.Y sta Address+2 _WtjteChar 13SAHCTUARY bra Found Its CATHEDRAL :1 jmp NByte * 111 CROOKED PINE 2 15 SANTOR Found * Ax aI1d update screen and tablepoi1ers: Ida 10 * 1 OCTAPOIHT sep$20 FIXTabie 2 RIVERCREST CATHEDRAL 3 SEACREST . . ,. , IdaI $eOc061 Ida Screen;What screen to show f bpi :1 asl ~ klJ:rOHE CASTLE 1"tleS 0 rep $20 asl ;Address every 4bytes 6 CRAHFORD C jsr Where tax 7 LONe v I ElwJ, :1 sap $20 Ida Table,x ;Get first 2bytes 8 GREAT PLAIHSr ~ ..... Ida #7 sta PNT CATHEDRAL ~.~ n·o'h~.. sta BlankLine+2 Ida Table+2,x ;Get next 2bytes \ rep $30 sta PNT+2 beq :2 Idal $eOcOOO pea rBlankLine rts rts bpi Get1Key pea· #BlankLine :1 sep' $20 stal $e0c010 _WriteCString * This will clear and draw the whole menu: Idy #12 rep $20 . stz. Temp Ida [PNT),y crnp#$eO stz Screen Menu rep $30 anp'#$ff bee :2 Restart Ida #0 Ida PNT+2 boe :skip1 and #$df Idx Screen pha Ida #0 :2 sta Char qlx #0 Ida PNT bra :skip2 clc bne :submenu cIc :skip1 inc rts Ida Temp adc' CurOffset :skip2 clc GK_DownArrow :submenu sta Cursor pha ... adc #4 jsr FE4 ~um off the inverse line stz CurOffset _WriteCString sta :T-ext+2 Ida Screen jsr FixTable sep$3O rep' $20 asl jsr Menu Idy CurOffset pea #A:Text tax :1 jsr FixTable ]Satoc1 Ida (PNT),y pea #:Text Ida Cursor ;cornpare current line jsr SetCursor beq :1 _WriteCString cmp Table5.x ~o maximum Ina jsr Readied iny Its beq :1 jsr FIXTable bra )ScrLoc1 :2 sep $20 inc Cursor jsr GetKey :1 iny Idy '13 de bee :1 ;cIear so reset cursor Ida (PNT).y Ida lPNTJ,y rts Ida Char beq :2 anp #$ff :1 stz Cursor cmp#$8d sty CurOffset bne :skip3 clc beq Restart bra Menu """"'-, Ida #0 rts anp #0 ;quft I char-O and :2 rep $30 bra :skip4 GK_UpArrow beq QUIT ;carry was set rts :skip3 inc jsr FE4 ~um off the inverse line Ida Screen :skip4 clc Ida Cursor asl * This will inverSe current line: adc #5 boe :1 ;branch if not 0_ tax ;otherwise, put cursor sta :Text+2 Ida Screen Ida Tabfe5,X; over quit because SetCursor rep $20 asl sta Cursor ;esc was pressed. ida Cursor pea r:Text tax elc tax pea #:Text Ida Table5,x ;compare maximum bra ':1 Idy #0 _WriteCString line QUIT CLC FindEntry rts sta Cursor ;store maximum line here REP o/oOO11J>OOO ;16-bit mode sep$3O :Text hex 1e bra :2

8 Readers Data .Exchange COMPunST#87 :1 dec Cursor dfb .44+32,ll-t32 brk :2 de asc •, .. rts brk Sla pea r:TexI GK_Return ** pea I:Tell Ida Screen·;get screen , TO_C7 Ida '17 _WriteCString asl jsr B_S Idy 110 ~ at this location tax _ oTextWriteBlock Idx 1200 ;MaxvalJe Ida Cursor;get 6ne ,, #About;IO;1About_End- jsr Change2 anp Table5,x About de bne :1 ;branch if not at quit jsr Get1Key Its Ida Screen Ida '17 :Text hex 18 bne:skip ;branch if not main saeen jsr B_S dtb 44+32,8+32 stz Char Ida I$8d asc ISla: . bra :skip2 sta Char hex 18 :skip jsr Blank_Saeen sec ;quick answer dtb 48+32.8+32 :skip2 stz Screen ,rts brk sec ;(update saeen) ** .. rts Stats Ida Cursor Int pea r:Text :1 Ida Screen;get screen , asl pea I:T811 beq :rnain ;branch if main screen tax _WrileCString Ida Screen jmp (:Stats,X) Idy 111 ~ at this location dec :Stats dw Chr Idx 1200 ;MaxvalJe asl dw Str jsr Change2 tax ** dw Agi de jmp (GK_TableO'x) ;execute routine TO_C6 Ida Address ;ropeJhooks dw Sta Its :main Ida Cursor ;g81 current position sta PNT dw Int :Text hex 18 sta Tamp ;save cursor Ida Address+2 dw at dIb 44+32,9+32 asl ;adjust by 2 sta PNT+2 ** 2)C lint: I Idy Screen;get current screen bra :2 Chr pea r:Text hex 1e ]Iup beq :done :again jsr Get1Key pea I:Text dIb 48+32.9+32 asl ;adjust by 2 anptl$8a _WriteCString brk dey beq :1 Idy '7 ;Chqeat this location .. bne )lup ;Ioop unt~ Y=O anp#$8b :done tax beq :2 jmp (GK_Table,X) ;execute routine anp#$8d 7 DEHPH bne :again llutstton 8 LOOKOUT PO I NT pea ,rdr 9 BIG OAK TO...;,oo 10 GRISSOLQ pe8"r;Text <,.pea:,' ti'<' 11 SLI PPERY ROCK pea:'~fe~\ ,,' _WriteCSiring" 2 12 DUNGEON ~ , .~Writecstring; , jsr Flll_ ~~y: .10 ;Change at this location cIc~·";.~· 1 TWILIGHTt~THEDRAL rtse;, 2 BRAHTOWH ..~~ ..•.. ~.~~ :1 ' sep .$2(f·~ 3 ~ GREAT FORTRESS de Ida #Or~:, ~';DRfi9M«t~JWtE, ,kJy,- I$ls,,,~, Its 6 DUNGEON 11talm,;,of-' :Text hex 1e -sta (PN1],y'~' OF , :,':', dtb ..... ~+32,5+32 rep $20 DE,SPA,IR .~." <", hp: I'e PearNo i)Otttttts hex 1e pealNo <. ~dfb 48+32,5+32 _WriteCString Idx #200 ;Max valJe Q stz Screen bit' bra:again jSr Change2 sec .* :2 sep $20 de Its TO_C1 pea r:Text Ida '1 rts .. pea I:Text 1dy#$45 :Text hex 1e Weapons _WriteCString sta (PNT),y dfb 44+32,5+32 Ida Address Idy #4 ;Change at this location rep $20 asc 'Chr: .' sta PNT Idx #32767 ;Max value pea rVes hex"'1e Ida Address+2 jsr Change pea 'Ves dfb 48+32.5+32 'sta PNT+2 de _WriteCString brk Ida Screen rts . bra :again •• asI :Text hex 1e Ves hex 1e Str pea r:Text tax dfb '42+32,6+32 - dfb 44+32,11 +32 pea I:Text Ida Cursor ase 'gp: • ase 'Ves' _WriteCString anp TabIe5,x hex 1e brk Idy #8 ;Change at this location beq ~quit dfb 48+32,6+32 brk Idx #200 ;Max value sep$2O brk No hex 1e jsr Change2 Idy '12 *. dfb 44+32,11 +32 de Ida (PNT],y TO_C2 jsr Blank_Screen asc 'No' rts anp I$It Ida #1 ;inhialize status menu brk :Text hex le bne :skip1 , 'sta' .Screen brk db 44+32,6+32 Ida 10 stz Cursor hex le asc 'Str: • bra :skip2 hex 1e :skip1 inc dfb 48+32.6+32 :~ de brk adeM *. sta :Text+2 Agi pea ·r:Text rep $20 pea I:Text pea r:TexI _WriteCString pea I:Text Idy 119 ;Change at this location _WriteCSbing Idx #200 ;Max value sep$30 jsr Change2 Ida Cursor de bne :skip3 rts Ida I$FF :Text hex 1e bra :skip4 dfb 44+32,7+32 :skip3 dec asc 'Agl: ' :skip4 Idy '12 hex 1e sla (PNT].y dfb 48+32,7+32 Ida Cursor

COMPunST #87 Readers Data Exchange 9 beq :1 _WriteCString rts de Idy #19 ;Change at this location mx 0/011 • Enter whh Y·reg pointing to location to change, adc #24 ;poshion of weapon Idx #200 ;Maxvalue PRWORDTXA • X·reg maximum value to change dec jsr Change2 JSR PRBYTE tay clc TVA Change~ Ida Address sta PNT Ida [PNT],y rts ./ PRBYTE PHA bne :1 :Text hex 1e LSR Ida Address+2 inc dfb 42+32,5+32 LSR ·sta PNT+2 , sta [PNT],y asc ' MM: - LSR sep $20 :1 rep $30 hex 1e LSR Ida Cursor jsr FixTabie dfb 47+32,5+32 JSR :DIG clc de brk PLA adc #5 rts •• AND #$F sta :Text+2 :quit- stz Screen FB pea #A:Text :DIG ORA #"0· sta :Text+12 sec ;(update screen) pea #:Text CMP #"9-+1 sta :Text2+2 rts _WriteCString BlT ·Cout rep $20 :Text hex 1e Idy #20 ;Change at this location ADC #"A"·"9-·2 :again phx ·dfb 42+32,5+32 Idx #200 ;~ax value mx 0/000 phy asc jsr Change2 Cout PHA' pea #A:Text brk dc PHX pea #:Text •• rts PHY _WriteCString Armor :Text hex 1e PHP ply Ida Address dfb 44+32,6+32 REP 0/000110000 Ida [PNT],y , sta PNT asc 'FB: PHA pha Ida Address+2 hex 1e _WriteChar Ida #0 sta PNT+2 dfb 48+32,6+32 PlP sap $30 Ida Screen brk PLY pia asl ** - PLX pix tax SW pea #A:Text PLA rep $30 Ida Cursor pea #:Text RTS clc cmp Table5,x _WriteCString pix beq :quh Idy #21 ;Change at this location * Enter w~h Y-reg pointing to location to change, jsr PrDec16 sep $20 Idx #200 ;Maxvalue *X·reg maximum value to change :wrong jsr Get1Key Idy #13 jsr Change2 Ida Char Ida [PNT],y de Change Ida Address cmp#$8a crop #$ff rts sta PNT beq :2 bne :skip1 :Text hex 1e Ida Address+2 cmp#$8b Ida #0 dfb 44+32,7+32 sta PNT+2 beq :1 , bra :skip2 asc 'SW: sep $20 cmp #$8d :skip1 inc hex 1e Ida Cursor bne :wrong :skip2 etc dfo 48+32,7+32 elc . phx adc #5 brk adc #5 phy - sta :Text+2 ** sta :Text+2 pea #":Text2 rep $20 TS pea r:Text sta ;Text+12 pea #:Text2 pea r:Text pea #:Text sta!Text2+2 _WriteCString . pea #:Text _WriteCString rep $30 ply _Writ~tring Idy #22 ;Change at this location :again phx pix sep$3O Idx #200 ;Max value phy jsr FixTable Ida Cursor jsr C~ange2 pea #~:Text de bne :skip3 de pea #:Text rts Ida #$FF rts _WriteCString :1 jsr Ina2 bra :skip4 :Text hex 1e ply bra :again :skip3 dec dfb 44+32,8+32 pix :2 jsr Subc2 , :skip4 Idy #13 ase 'TS: Ida [PNTJ,y bra :again sta [PNT],y hex 1e etc :Text hex 1e Ida Cursor dfb 48+32,8+32 jsr PrDec16 dfb 48+32,5+32 beq :1 brk :wrong jsr . Get1Key asc, ' cle .* Ida Char hex 1e adc #39 ;posnion of armor mx $00 cmp#$8a dfb 48+32,5+32 dec Where php beq.. :2 brk tay phy anp#$8b :Text2 hex 1e Ida [PNT),y phx beq :1 dfb 44+32,5+32 bne :1 pea #A:Text cmp#$8d asc inc pea #:Text 'bne :wrong brk sta [PNT],y _WriteCString phx .* :1 rep $30 pix phy Incr jsr CheckOA jsr FixTable ply pea #It-:Text2 stx Max de :done Ida Address+2 pea #:Text2 Ida [PNT],y rts jsr doWord _WriteCString !We :No_OA :qu~ stz Screen Ida Address , ply elv sec ;(update screen) jsr doWord pix cle rts pip jsr FixTable adc #99 ':Text hex 1e rts cle :No_OA ine dfb 42+32,5+32 :Text hex 1e rts cmpMax asc ' dfb 1+32,1+32 :1 jsr Incr bee :less brk asc 'Address: ' bra :again beq :less ** brk :2 jsr Subc Ida Max Spells Ida Cursor bra :again :less - sta [PNT],y asl doWord phx ;save :Text hex 1e rts tax ·phy ;save dfb48+32,5+32 Ina2 jsr CheckOA jmp (:Spells,x) pha ;push word ase ' stx Max :Spells dw- MM sep#$30 hex1e Ida [PNT],y dw FB ply ;pull two bytes dfO 48+32,5+32 bvc :No_OA dw SW pix brk elv dw TS jsr PRWORD :Text2 hex 1e clc dw at rep #$30 dfb 44+32,5+32 ade #4 MM pea r:Text ply ;restore ase :No_OA ine pea #:Text pix ;restore brk sep $20

10 Readers Data Exchange COMPUnST #87· anp Max ** Spd_cur ds 2 BRK bee :less Blank_Screen Spd_fst ds 2 BRK beq :less Ida Screen CurOffset ds 2 Table2 dfb $1e,23+32,32+4 ;(16 &nes) Ida Max asl Addressadrl $0 ASC 'None',OO :less sta [PNT],y tax GK_Table . dfb $1 e,23+32.32+5 rep $20 Ida TabieS,x ;get total lines dw TO_CO ;hp ASe 'Dagger',OO rts ine dw TO_C1 ;gold dfb $1e,23+32,32+6 Subc jsr CheckOA inc ;add 2 more dw TO_C2 ;in~ialize status menu ASe 'Hammers',00 stx Max B_S tax ;store in X dw TO_C3 ;inhialize weapon- menu dfb $19,23+32,32+7 Ida [PNT],y cle dw TO_C4 ;initialize armor menu ASC 'Hatchets',OO bve :No_OA ade #35 ;Pascal gotoy dw TO_C5 ;inhialize spells menu dfo $1e.23+32,32+8 elv sep$20 dw TO_C6 ;ropelhooks ASC 'Staffs',00 see sta BlankLine+2 dw TO_C7 ;about dfb $1e,23+32,32+9 sbe #99 rep $20 GK_Tableo ASe 'Cudgles',OO :No_OA dec ]lup' phx dw Stats dfb $1 e,23+32.32+10 anp Max pea tABlankUne dw Weapons ASe 'Rapiers',00 bee :less pea #BlankLine dw Armor dfo $1e,23+32,32+11 beq :less _WriteCString dw Spells ASC 'Axes',OO Ida #0 dec BlankLine+2 Table adrl Tableo dfb $19,23+32,32+12 :less sta [PNT],y pix adrl Table1­ ASe 'Fauchards'.OO rts dex adrl Table2 dfb $1e,23+32,32+13 Subc2 jsr CheckOA bne ]lup adrl Table3 ASe 'Sabres',OO stx Max rts adrl Table4 dfb $19,23+32,32+14 Ida [PNT],y adrl TableS ASC 'Weighted Spears',OO bve :No_OA * This will change the speed of the computer to fast Tableo dfb $1 e,23+32,32+5 ;(10 lnes) dfb $1e,23+32,32+15

clv , ASC 'Change Hit Points',OO ASe I Pikes'.00 see dfb $1 e,23+32,32+6 . dfb $1e,23+32,32+16 sbe #4 ASC· 'Change Gold',00 ASC 'Shortbows',00 :No_OA -dec dfb $1e,23+32,32+17 sep $20 ASC ',Broadswords',00 cmp Max dfb $1e,23+32,32+18 bee :less ASC 'Crossbows',00 beq :less dfb $18.23+32,32+19 Ida #0 ASC 'Quh',OO :less sta [PNT],y BRK rep $20 BRK rts Table3 dfb $1e,23+32~32+5 ;(96nes) Max ds 2 ASC 'None',00 dfb $1 e.23+32,32+6 * PRDEC16 =2-byte decimal output routines. ASC 'Rawhide',OO * PRDEC16 enters with long Aand prints A. dfb $1 e,23+32,32+7 ASC 'Studded Leather',00 PrDec16 _phx dfb $1 e.23+32,32+8 phy ASC 'Ring Mail',OO php . dfb $1e,23+32,32+9 tax ;Entry to print 16-bh A ASC 'Bar Mail',OO xba dfb $1e,23+32,32+10 sep$30 ASC 'Chain Mail',00 sta NH ;Entry to print 8-bh A,X dfb $1e,23+32,32+11 stx NL ASC 'Plate Mail',00 Ida #0 ;Left justify if CC dfb $1e,23+32,32+12 bee :OV ASC 'Ribbed Mail',00 Ida II" • ;Right justify if CS dfb $1e,23+32,32+13 :OV sta JUST ·ASC 'Quh',OO Idx #8 BRK stx NFL BRK :LOADO Idy #"0··1 Table4 dfb $1e,23+32,32+5 ;(56nes) rep 0/000100000 ;Long M ASC 'Magic Missiles',OO Ida NL ;Index length no matter dfb $1e,23+32,32+6 see ;Needed 1st time ASe 'Fireballs',00 :DIV iny sep$30 dfb $1 e,23+32,32+7 dfb $1e,23+32,32+7 sta NL Ida #1 ASC 'Aher Stats',OO ASC 'Sonic Whines',00 sbe :NUMTBL,X ror dfb $1 e,23+32,32+8 dfb $1 e,23+32.32+8 bcs :DIV ror ASC 'Change Weapon',OO ASC 'Time Saps',OO sep 0/000110000 and #$80 dfb $1 e,23+32,32+9 dfb $1e,23+32,32+9 tva sta Spd_fst ASC 'Change Armor',OO ASC 'Quif,OO dex Idal $eOc036 dfb $18,23+32,32+10 BRK bmi~ :DIG and #$7F ASC 'Change'. Spells',OO BRK crop 11"0· ora Spd_fst dfo $18,23+32,32+11 TableS da 8 ~otallines in each table beq :MODE stal $e0c036 ASC 'Toggle Rope &Hooks',OO da 5 sta NFL cle dfo $1e,23+32,32+12 da 15 :MODE bh NFL pip ASC· 'About Info',OO da 8 bmi :DIG rts dfb $1e,23+32,32+13 da 4 Ida JUST ASC 'Quit',OO BlankL.ine bpi :NX * This will eopy the extra stuff into this program BRK hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY :DIG jsr ~ut BRK dfo 21 +32 ;X:I: column 20 :NX dex put q2.cda.extra Table1 dfb $1e,23+32,32+5 ;(6 fines) dfo· 0+32 ;Y • row bpi :LOADO , typ cda ASC 'Charisma',OO lup 38 pip say questron.e~~.1 dfb $18,23+32,32+6 asc " ply r#$o/o&'O*+,-.10123456789 ASC 'Strength',00 -J. pix dfb $1e,23+32,32+7 'hex OE ;inverse off rts Data Tables used·· by ASC'Agility"OO hex 18 ;mouse text off :NUMTBL da 11,10,100,1000,10000 dfb $1e,23+32,32+8 brk NL dfb 0 Questron.CDA source ASC 'Stamina',00 . WaitLine NH dfb 0 Char ds 2 dfb $1 e,23+32,32+9 hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY NFL dfb 0 Temp ds 2 ASC'lntelligence',OO dfb 23+32 ;X. column 20 JUST dfb 0 Screen ds 2 dfb $1e,23+32,32+10 dfo 7+32 ;Y • row mx 0/000 Cursor ds 2 ASC 'Quit',OO

COMPUllST #87 Readers Data Exchange 11 asc 'Scanning memory for the game lup 38 .. Questron COA Instder v1.0 _SetOutputDevice MAC data' asc 'L';draw under-bars • By Vince C. Andrews, 19 Jan 92 Tool $100c - hex OE ;inverse off _A • Merlin-16+ Assembler «< hex 18 ;mouse text off hexoe ;inverse off • Use OA-6 to Assemble _lnitTextDevice MAC brk BIock2End ." Tool $15OC NotFoundLine About REL «< hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY hex 1e ;PascaIGOTOXY LST off ;Tum listing on/off here dfo 23+32 ;X. column 20 dfo 28+32 ;X. column 20 XC ;65C02 mode • Start of the program: dfo 7+32 ;Y. row dfo 4+32 ;Y • row XC ;65816 mode asc 'Questron II is not in MEMORY , asc 'Written by Vince Andrews' MX %00 ;Full gs mode brt Start hex OE ;inverse off hex 1e ;PascaI GOTOXY asc 'Vince Andrews 15 Jan 92' . hex 18 ;mouse text off dfo 26+32 ;X. column 20 • Equates and Macros used: Start PHK brk dfb 6+32 ;Y • rrNI . PLB

BIockO asc 'Member of Computist Magazine' KEY • $EOCOOO j rep $30

Une1j hex 1e ;PascaI GOTOXY hex 18 ;PascaI GOTOXY STROBE. $EOC010 pea 1 ;Pascal device type dfb 21 +32 ;X. column 21 dfb 23+32 ;X.column 20 TooI- MAC ;Macro pea 0 ;in slot 3 dfo 0+32 ;Y • row 0 dfo 7+32 ;Y.row LOX ']1- pea 3 lup 38 asc 'PO Box 242, Kapowsin WA98344- JSL $E1oooo _SetOutputDevice asc '_';38 under-bars 0242' FIN pea 1 ;initialize standard output _A hex 1e" ;PascaI GOTOXY «< _lnitTextDevice Une2 hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY dfb 22+32 ;X •. column 20 dl MAC ;Macro pea $06 ~umoff cursor dfo 20+32 ;X. column 20 dfb 10+32 ;Y. row ADRL ]1 WriteChr dfb 1+32 ;Y • row 1 "asc '12116191 v1.0 • Started this «< PushWord #0 ;sp8ce hex OF ;inverse on program' WriteChr MAC ;Macro PushWord #0 ;space asc 'Z' ;draw I hex 1e ' ;PascaI GOTOXY Tool $18OC PushLong #0 ;space hex OE. ;inverse off dfo 22+32 ;X. column 20 «< PushWord #0 ;space asc ";Space dfo 12+32 ;Y. row PullLong MAC ;Macro PHA ;room for resuh hex OF ,;inverse on asc '12121191 v1.1 • Rxedthe search PLA LOA #0/00101_0000_0000000o ;new ID; asc 'A' ;draw open apple bug' STA ]1 type • $05 DESK hex OE ;inverse off ACCESSORY \ asc 'Questron II CDA Cheat v2.0 ' PHA hex OF ;inverse on Tool $2003 ~GetNewlD lup 8 ;leave user IDon stack asc ";8 spaces Pushlong #FILENAME ;point to _It. filename· asc '_' ;draw I PushWord' #0 ;speciaJ-memory flag Line3 hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY Tool $911 ;_lnitiaiLoad dfo 20+32 ;X == column 20 BeC :readok - dfo 2+32 ;Y = row 2 BRL MJ.lerr ;bomb if loader error asc 'Z' ;draw I :readok lup 38 PtA asc 'L' ;draw under-bars STA ourlD _A PullLong ptr ;get pointer to DA asc ''-: ;draw I PtA ;dump direct page/stack addr BlockOEnd PtA ;dump direct page/stack size BIock1 PushLong #0 ;space ]X 20+32 ;Column == 20 "PushLong ptr ;give pointer to DA - ]V 3+32-1 ;Starting poslion =row 3 Tool $1a02 :.-FindHandle· ptr is line4_21 lup 19 already on stack ]V = / lY+1 ;Increase row PullLong handle ;and we end up wnh hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY (+32 to a handle! XV) LDA handle+2 ;check handle dfo]X ;X == column 20 ORA handle+4 dfb]V ;Y == row (changing) BNE :okay asc 'Z' ;Draw I PRINT -ILLEGAL HANDLE! DA hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY not installed.-8a8d dfb lX+39 ;X • column +39 • 59 BRL EXIT dfb]V ;Y • row (changing) :okay PushLong handle ;pass handle to da asc '_' ;Draw I :CDA Tool $F05 ;.JnstalICDA (doesn't _A return any errors) BIock1End PRINT 8a8d-You may now launch BIock2 _ hex 1e ;PascaI GOTOXY PLA the Q2.SYS16 file- Une22 hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY dfb 22+32 ;X. column 20 STA ]1+2 EXIT ,; PRINT 8a8d8aSd-Press dfb 20+32 ;X. column 21 dfb --14+32 ;Y. row «< RETURN.- - dfo 22+32 ;Y. row 0 asc '12fl3191 v1.2 • Fixed the Weapons PushLong MAC ;Macro SEP $30 asc 'Z' ;draw I &' IF #=]1 ]LUP LDAL KEY ;Else wait for key hex" oe ;inverse off hex 1e ;PascaI GOTOXY PushWord r]1 BPL ]LUP asc 'Select:' dfb 38+32 ;X == column 20 ELSE XBA hex Of ;inverse on dfb 15+32 ;Y == row PushWord ]1 +2 LDAL STROBE asc 'J' ;draw up-arrows asc 'Armor routines' -FIN XBA hex oe ;inverse off hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY PushWord ]1 CMP#$8D asc " • dfb 22+32 ;X = column 20 «< BNE lLUP hex Of ;inverse on dfb 17+32 ;Y =row PushWord MAC ;Macro PRINT 8D8D asc 'K' ;draw up-arrows asc '12130191 v2.0· Rewrote the IF #=]1 REP #$30 hex ge ;inverse off search' PEA J1 LDA #0 ;No error hex 1e ;Pascal GOTOXY hex 1e ;PascaI GOlOXY ~ ELSE :1JSL $e1ooa8 dfb 50+32 ;X = column- 30 dfb 38+32 ;X = column 20 IF MX12 DA $29 dfb 22+32 ;Y == row 22 dfb 18+32 ;Y =row LDA ]1+1 ADRL OParms asc cOpen:' asc 'routines (fasterQ' PHA . BeS :1 hex Of ;inverse on hex OE ;inverse off FIN OParms ADRL $0000 asc 'M' ;draw RETURN hex 18 ;rnouse text off LOA ]1 DA $00 hex oe ;inverse off About_End PHA RTL ;All done asc Bytes2Scan FIN hex Of ;inverse on hex 68,18,85,14,86,16,00 «< * MLI Error routine: asc '_' ;draw I PRINT MAC ;Macro Une23 hex 1e ;PasCai GOTOXY Questron.CHT Source JSR SENDMSG MLlerr PHA dfb 21 +32 ;X. column 21 ASe ]1,00 PRINT 8aSd-Ouestron.CDA was dfo 23+32 ;Y. row 0 «< not found"

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27A8:FA 60 8A 20 6A 07 98 48 $7B8E 2A58:69 74 20 50 6F 69 6E 74 $2942 2e10:69 6C 00 1E37 29 42 61 $6132 2DC8:27 SF lE 34 28 5A lE 5B $3E76 27BO:4A 4A 4A 4A 20 75 07 68 $81B3 2A60:73 00 1E 37 26 43 68 61 $OBE5 2C18:72 20 40 61 69 6C 00 1E $4BA7 2000:28 SF lE 34 29 SA 1E 5B $9C88 2788:29 OF '09 BO C9 BA 90 02 $BCBF 2A68:6E 67 65 20 47 6F 6C 64 $~ODF 2C20:B7 2A 43 68 61 69 6E 20 $F080 2008:29 SF 1E 34 2A 5A 1E 5B $034A 27CO:69 06 48 OA SA 08 C2 30 $2A4A 2A70:00 1E 37 27 41-6C 74 65 $B809 2C28: 40 61 69 6C 00 1E 37 2B $26BC 20EO:2A SF lE 34 2B SA 1E SB $757C 27C8: 48 A2 OC 18 22 00 00 E1 $34A3 2A78:72 20 53 74 61 74 73 00 $49A8 2C30: 50 6C 61 74 65 20 40 61 $C7l5 20E8:2B SF 1E 34 2C SA 1E 5B $S4E6 27DO:28 7A FA 68 60 AD ·04 09 $ASSC 2A80: 1E 37 28 43 68 61 6E67 $F97B 2C38:69 6C 00 lE 37 2C 52 69 $6634 20FO:2C SF lE 34 2D 5A 1E 5B $5E08 2708:85 EO AD D6 09 85 E2 E2 $85C0 2A88:65 20 57 65 61 70 6F 6E $4C3E 2C40:62 62 65 64 20 40 61 69 $0097 2DF8 : 20 SF 1E 34 2E 5A 1E 5B $E90A 27EO:20 AD CC 09 1869 05 80 $93DC 2A90:00 1E37 2943 68 61 6E $7991 2C48:6C 00 1E 37 20 51 75 69 $60E8 2EOO:2E 5F 1E 34 2F SA 1E 5B $37FC 27E8:FB 07 80 05 08 80 09 08 $7596 2A98: 67 65 20 41 72 6D 6F' 72 _$100A 2CsO:74 00 00 00 1E 37 25 40 $ECE6 2E08:2F SF 1E 34 30 SA 1E 5B $C216 27FO:C2 30 OA SA F4 00 00 F4 $95F7 2AAO:00 1E 37 2A 43 68 61 6E $4FA8 2C58:61 67 69 63 20 40 69 73 $BOCA 2E10:30 SF 1E 34 31 5A 1E 5B $9088 27F8:F9 07 A2 OC 20 22 00 00 $F06E 2AA8:67 65 20 53 70 65 6C 6C $559E 2C60:'73 69 6C 65 73 00 1E 37 $E20B 2E18:31 5F IE 34 32 5A 1E 5B $FF2A 2800:E1 7A FAB7 EO 18 20 23 $902A 2ABO:73 00 1E 37 2B 54 6F 67 $97EO ZC68:26 46 69 72 65 62 61 6C $617F 2E20:32 5F 1E 34 33 5A IE 5B $797C 2808:09 20 FO 02 AD C6 09 C9 $2F99 2AB8:67 6C 65 20 52 6F 70 65 $6978 2C70:6C 73 00 1E 37 27 53 6F $FA23 2E28 :33 SF 1E 34 34 5A 1E 5B $A886 2810:8A 00 FO 25 C9 8B 00 FO $22C5 2ACO:20 26 20 48 6F 6F 6B 73 $4F49 2C78:6E 69 63 20 57 68 69 6E $78E5 2E30:34 5F 1E 34 35 SA lE 5B $5208 2818:1B C9_80 00 00 EB OA SA $AC4F 2E38:35 SF 1E 34 36 SA OE 20 $4697 2820:F4 00 00 F4 07 08 A2 OC $OCEO, 2E40:53 65 6C65 63 74 3A 20 $9C40 2828:20 22 00 00 E1 7A FA 20 $A507 2E48:0F 4A OE 20 OF 4B OE 1E $E688 2830:C6 01 18 60 20 A6 08 80 $072A 2E50:52 36 4F 70 65 6E 3A 20 $9954 2838:B9 20 E4 08 80 B4 1E 50 $023F 2E58:0F 40 OE 20 20 OF SF 1E $5AD6 2840:25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $800E 2E60:35 37 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C $4798 2848:1E 50 25 00 IE 4C 25 20 $A414 2E68:4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C $6768 2850:20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $6404 2E70:4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C $4718 2858:20 20 00 AD 04 09 85 EO $A251 2E78:4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C $6768 2860:AD 06 09 85 E2 E2 20 AD $53FF 2E80:4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C 4C $4718 2868:CC 09 18 69 05 80 8B 08 $890B 2E88:0E 1E 3C 24 5772 69 74 $BFF2 2870:80 95 08 80 99 08 C2 20 $E22F 2E90:74 65 6E 20 62 79 20 56 $65F1 2878:0A 5A F4.00 00 F4 89 08 $6B89 2E98:69 6E 63 65 20 41 6E 64 $290C 2880:A2 OC 20 22 00 00 E1 7A $4006 2EAO:72 65 77 73 1E 3A 26 40 $062B 2888:B7 EO 48 A9 00 00 E2 30 $3739 2EA8:65 60 62 65 72 20 6F 66 $E7AA 2890:68 FA C2 30 18 FA 20 23 $9546 2EBO:20 43 6F 60 70 75 74 69 $BCl4 2898:09 20 FO 02 AD C6 09 C9 $3AB5 2EB8:73 74 20 40 61 67 61 7A $7140 28AO:8A 00 FO 25 C9 8B 00 FO $27A9 2ECO:69 6E 65 1E 37 27 50 4F $OE8E 28A8:1B C9 80 00 00 EB OA 5A $B963 2EC8:20 42 6F 78 20 32 34 32 $7BD8 28BO:F4 00 00 F4 97 08 A2 OC $E1CC 2EDO:.2C 20 4B 61 70 6F 77 73 $DCA8 28B8:20 22 00 00 E1 7A FA 20 $086B 2ED8:69 6E 20 57 41 20 39 38 $2591 28CO:C6 01 18 60 20 C3 08 80 $7FFE 2EEO:33 34 34 20 30 32 34 32 $4F68 28C8:AF 20 01 09 80 AA 1E 50 $lCA1 2EE8:1E 36 2A31 32 2F 31 36 $FC52 2800:25 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $7E20 2EFO:2F 3931 20 76 31 2E 30 $093C 2808:1E 50 25 00 1E 4C 25 20 $3A8A 2EF8:20 20 20 53 74 61 72 74 $B1F7 28EO:20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $9A2A 2FOO:65 64 20 74 68 69 73 20 $A973 28~8:20 20 00 20 07 02 8E 21 $878C 2F08:70 72 6F 67 72 61 60 1E $40EE 28FO:09 B7 EO 50 05 B8 18 69 $9569 2FlO:36 2C 31 32 2F 32 31 2F $B056 28F8:63 00 1A CD 21 09 90 05 $70C5 2F18:39 31 20 7.6 31 2E 31 20 $A9B5 2900:FO 03 AD 21 09 97 EO 60 $A917 2F20:20 20 46 69 78 65 64 20 $E282 2908:20 07 02 8E 21' 09 B7 EO $AFC3 2F28:74 68 65 20 73 65 61 72 $985A 2910:5005 B8 18 69 04 00 1A $4455 2AC8:00 1E 37 2C 41 2 6F 75 $66EE ­ 2C80:65 73 00 1E 37 28 54 69 $C155 2F30,: 63 68 20 62 75 67 1E 36 $4937 2918:E2 20 CO 21 09 90 05 FO $00A4 2ADO:14 20 496E 66 6F 00 1E $38A6 2C88:60 65 20 53 61 70 73 00 $863F 2F38:2E 31 32 2F 32 33 2F 39 $AD98 2920:03 AD 21 09 97 EO C2 20 $65F7 2AD8:37 20 51 75 69 74 00 00 $050B 2C90:1E 37 29 51 75 69 74 00 $j63C 2F40:3Y 20 76 31 2E 32 20 2D $C5CC 2928:60 20 07 02 BE 21 09 B7 $0159 2AEO:00 1E 37 25 43 68 61 72 $6044 2C98: 00 00 08 00 05 00 OF 00 $A96E' 2F48:20 46 69 78 65 64 20 74 $8CDB 2930:EO 50 05 B8 38 E9 63 00 $3739 2AE8:69 73 60 61 00 1E 37 26 $EFC8 2CAO: 08 00 04 00 1E 35 20 20 $F9F2 2F50:68 65 20 57 65 61 70 6F $6BA4 2938:3A CO· 21 09 90 05 FO 03 $1290 2AFO:53 74 72. 65 6E 67 74 68 $C286 2CA8: 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $A952 2F58:6E 73 20 26 1E 46 2F 41 $C8B8 2940:A9 00 00 97 EO 60 20 07 $F2B8 2AF8:00 1E 37 27 41 67 696C $C70A 2CBO:20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $F9F2 2F60:72 60 6F 72 20 72 6F 75 $0392 2948:02 8E 21 09 B7 EO 50 05 $AE19 2BOO:69 74 79 00 1E 37 28 53 $5400 2CB8:20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $A952 2F68:74 69 6E65 73 1E 36 31 $7568 2950:B8 38 E9 04 00'3A E2 20 $F009 2F70:31 32 2F 33 30 2F 39 31 $6566 2B08:74 61 60 69 6E ~1 00 1E· $5692 2CCO:20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 $F9F2 2958:CO 21 09 90 04 FO 02 A9 $OA41 2B10:37 29 49 6E 74 65 6C 6C $AlA1 2CC8:20 20 20 20 20 OE 18 00 $5031 2F78:20 76 32 2E 30 20 20 20 $F6C9 2960:00 97 EO C2 20 60 00 00 $3960 2B18:69 67 65 6E 63 65 00 1E $OC11 2COO: lE 37 27 53 63 61 6E 6E $E848 2F80:52 65 77 72 6F 74 65 20 $9EFO 2968:0A 5A 08 AA EB E2 30 80 $OEF7 2B20:37 2A 51 75 69 74 00 00 $FOOD 2CD8 :69 6E 67 20 60 65 60 6F $404A 2F88:74 68 65 20 73 65 61 72 $A415 2970:7B 09 8E 7A 09 A9 00 90 $06EC 2B28:00 1E 37 24 4E 6F 6E '65 $25C6 2CEO:72 79 20 66 6F 72 20 74 $OC21 2F90:63 68 1E 46 32 72 6F 75 $2581 2978:02 A9 AO 80 70 09 A2 08 $F949 2B30:00 1E 37 25 44 61 67 67 $189E 2CE8: 68 6520 67 61 60 65 20 $FF3A 2F98:74 69 6E 65 73 20 20 28 $F5F2 2980:8E 7C 09 AO AF C2 20 AD $1E64 2B38:65 72 00 1E 37 26 48 61 $767F 2CFO: 6.461 74 61 OE 18 00 1E $764F 2FAO:66 61 73 74 65 72 21 29 $E908 2988:7A 09 38 C8 80 7A 09 FO $2345 2B40:60 6065 72 73 00 1E37 $B25E 2CF8:37 27 20 20 51 75 65 73 $4206 2FA8:0E 18 68 FA 85 F4 86 F6 $AB8F 2990:70 09 BO F7 E2 30 98 CA $3221 2B48:27 48 61 7463 68 65 74 $96BA 2000:74 72 6F.6E 20 49 49 20 $BOBO 2FBO:00 F7 09 01 00 00 00 11 $E88B 2998:30 11 C9 BO FO ·03 80 7C $584A 2B50:73 00 1E 37 28 53 74 61 $9911 2008:69 73 20 6E 6F 74 20 69 $7lEA 2FB8: 4C 4F 52 55 5A 60 94 9E $3255 29AO: 09 2C 7C 09 30 05 AD 70 $4376 2B58:66 66 73 00 1E 37 29 43 $5ACO 2010:6E 20 40 45 40 4F 52 59 $6C33 2FCO:A1 A4 A9 AE B6 BF C8 EC $08E7 29A8:09 10 03 20 70 07 CA 10 $F692 2FC8:F4 F9 1C 09 10 18 22 25 $9805 2B60: 75 64 67 6C 65 73 00 ~E -$ACCB 2018:20 20 20 OE 18 00 1E 35 $38FC 29BO:02 28 7A FA 60 01 00 OA $A7E2 2B68:37 2A 52 61 70 69 65 72 $7C8F 2020:20 SF 5F SF SF SF SF SF $B750 2FCO:2B 33 36 39 3C 3F 42 45 $912C 29B8: 00 64 00 E8 03 1027 00 $7FB6' 2B70:73 00 1E 37 2B 41 78 65 $9C1A 2028:5F SF SF SF, SF SF SF SF $87FO 2F08:48 4B 4E 53 60 65 68 86 $8393 29CO: 00 00 00 AD CA 09 OA AA $0901 2B78:73 00 1E 37 2C 46 61 75 $F89E 2030~5F SF SF SF SF SF SF SF $B750 2FEO: 99 AC C7 .CD 02 EO ED FC $OA4A 29C8:BO 55 OC lA 1A AA 18 69 $FE~8 2B80:63 68 61 72 64 73 00 1E $0023 2038:5F SF SF SF SF SF 5F 5F $87FO 2FE8:0F 04 1E 31 47 4C 51 72 $88DC 29DO:23 00 E2 20 80 61 OC C2 $3171 2B88:37 20 53 61 62 72 65 73 $E240 2040:5F 5F 5F5F SF 5F 5F 1E -$F670 2FFO:7A 98 AO B8 BB 03 DC E7 $4001 29D8:20 OA F4 00 00 F4 SF OC $6623 2B90:00 1E 37 2E 57 65 69 67 $6EF8 2048:34 21 OF 5A OE 20 OF 41 $212A 2FF8:EA 28 07 OC OF 14 17 1C $B25E 29EO:A2 OC 20 22 00 00 E1 CE $6956 4~ 2B98:68 74 65 64 20 53 70 65 $4EC4 2050:0E 20 51 75 65 73 74 72 $0222 3000:21 26 29 2E 33 36 iB $ACAB

14 Readers Data Exchange COMPunST #87 3008:45 48 40 52 57 SA SF 64 $OAC3 2000:B2 0148 A2 02 lA 22 00 $P636 strip the files' off the disk, you would not straightfolWard, "linear" code. You 3010:6A 60 70 74 7E 84 94 AD $6E35 .2008:00 E1 68 80 AE 01 68 80 $5DCE need to write a DOS which was: may recall that we described how to list 3018:BO 03 D9 DC E1 E7EA EF $1831 20EO:BO 01 ADBO 01 00 B2 01 $6166 1. DOS 3.3 compatible an RDOS Applesoft file in Basics 103 3020:F5 F8 FO 19 03 06 OB 10 $7550­ 20E8:DO 2A 20 72 01 C9 CC CC $0437 2. Asshortas RDOS ($B l00-$BFFF), (#3):reset,D6:00, C081, Ctrl-C,"LIST'. 3028:17 2C 36 49 63 89 8F 9F $2646 20FO:C5 C7 C1 CC AO C8 C1· CE $OSFE since the programs frequently use all of You will be immediately struck by a 3030:A5 AB BO B5 B7 'B9 BB BO $AOAC 20FS :C4 CC C5 Al AO C4 C1 AO $COEA .. the free space whole new list ofcommands that moth­ . 3038:BF C1 C7 07 EF FF 11 17 $1F15 2100:EE EF F4 AO E9 Em F3 F4 $138C 3. Capable of correctly interpreting etApplenevertold you about. These are 3040:27 3F 4F 67 77 8C 91 96 $187C 210S:E1 EC EC E5 E4 AE 8A 80 $CAE2 the ampersand commands which are ampersand (&}commands which have 3048: 9B AO A3 BB C3 CF DO FO $OOOA ~110:00 S2 39 00 AD BO 01 48 $7856 liberally sprinkled through all the Ap­ been added to im.plement the RDOS 3050:F517 05 OA OF 14 17 2F $85AD 2118:AD AE 01 48 A2 05 OF 22. $8F7F plesoft programs.' commands, and' they work as follows: 3058:37 43 51 64 69 79 7E 80 $8BF5 2120:00 00 El 20 72 01 8A 80 $D96C The amount of effort required to do Whenever the "&" is encountered, Ap­ 3060:82 8486 88 8E 9E B8 C8 $6662 2128:09 EF F5 AO EO El F9 AO $4187 this has kept Krackists at bay, at least plesoftjumps to location S3FS.looking 3068:0F EF 17 06 16 30 3C 3F $B9A9 2130:EEEF F7 AO EC E1 FS EE $3BC1 until now. at that location will tell you where the 3070:42 45 SE 67 70 91 96 90 $2202 213S:E3 E8 AO F4 ES E5 AO 01 $3EB6 ampersand evaluation routine is locat­ First, how to approach. this type of 3078:A3 A6 A9 B3 C2 C5 C8 OF $F90F ed; iQ this case, itcontains"4C03 B3"or 2140:B2 AE 03 09 03 B1B6 AO $S653 .Krackingjob?The seventhlawofKrack- 3080:EB FO F5 18 17 1C 23 29 $3047 2148:E6 E9 EC E5 00 20 72 01 $4FA9 JMP $B303. Examination of the code 3088:2C 2F 39 52 55 58 6F 7B $5ED9 2150: 8A8D 8A 80 DO F2 E5 F3 $3CAO 3090:80 85 A7 AA B7 BE C4 C7 $7E92 215S:F3 AO 02 CS 04 05 02 CE $C934 3098:06 OD E5 E8 F5 20 02 05 $764E 2160:AE 00 E2 30 AF 00 CO EO $9C43 "Krakowicz'~ 30AO: 14 2B 2E 37 3C 43 48 4B $FD32 2168:10 FAEB AF 10 CO EO EB $3B47 seventhlaw 30AS:5A 50.62 67 7F 84 90 99 $2910 2170:C9SD DO FO 20 72 01 80 $3170 30BO:A3 B4 BO PS DA DC DE EO $765E 2178:S0 00 C2 30 A9 00 00 22 $288F 30B8:E2 E4 E6 ES EA EC EE F5 $439C 2180:A8 00 E1 29 00 46 01 00 $C9ES of Kracking says: When 30CO:03 00 04 OA 55 OC F5 03 $E3B7 218S:00BO F4 00 00 00 00 00 $4384 30C8:00 00 OA OF OC FS 03 00 $51EO 2190:00 6B4S 20 72 01 8A80 $B20D you're totally lost, 3000:FC 09 9B OBFS 03 00 F8 $4153 . ~ 2198:01 F5E5 F3 F4 F2EF EE $2105 300S:09 E4 OA FS 03 00 F4 09 $67CO 21AQ:AE C3 C4 C1 AO f7. E1 F3 $5CE7 30EO: 9C OA F5 03 00 FO" 09 08 $68El 21AS,:AO EE .EF F4 AO E6 EF F5 $4913 bootcodetrace" 30ES:OA F5 01 FO 96 095F OC $9153 21BO:EE E4 00 66 82 96 FF C2' $7864 30FO:F5 01 FO 6C 08 97 08 F5 $7619 21B8: 21 ~3 01 lA, 83 01 E2 30 $FCSF there reveals that the accumulator is 30F8:01 FO 36 08 S9 08 F5 01 $08A6 21CO:AO 00 B3 01 FO 05 2089 $864C ingsays: "whenyou'retotallylost, boot­ comparedtoatableofnumbersin$B32o­ 3100:FO DC 07 07 08 F5 01 FO $71C5 21C8: 01 80 EC C2 3060 48 OA $S451 c~e trace". (I know, I promise that' I'll $B330, and the address ofthe routine to 310S:BQ 07/F9 07 F5 01 FO 20 $CFEF 21DO:5A OS C2 30 48 A2 OC 18 $82EA write a complete column on boot-trac­ F~ beexecuted is picked up from a table in 3110:07 49 07 F5 01 FO 03 07 $E51C 2108:22 00 00 E1 28 7A 68 $9855 ing soon. Ifyou justcan'twait, try to get $B331- $B3S2. You can easily see all 3118:1A 07 F5 01 FO DC 06 F3 $4OCO 21EO:60 08 E2 30 AO 03 B9 BS $C109 hold ofthe'Hardcore magazine update this code by resetting any ofthe RDOS 3120:06 F5 01 FO B5 ·06 CC 06 $CABD 21ES: 01 FO 06 20 89 01 C8 80 $2FB9 ·3.1, pages6-iS. It has a lucid, well­ SSI games, and ifyou're really interest­ 312S:F5 01 FO 8B 06 A2 06 F5 $6BD6 21FO:F5 28 60 00 00 00 00 00 $75SC exampled disCussion ofthe boot-tracing ed, you can contact yourlocal pirate for 3130:01 FO 34 06 60 06 F5 01 $C81B 21F8:00 00 00 00 00 OE 31 2F $08F1 process). When you load TO, SO into acopy ofthe source code listings, in Big 3138:FO CO 05 F9 05 F5 01 FO $08E2 2200:51 55-45 53 54 52 4F 4E $2B69 $800, you will immediately see the fa­ Mac fonnat, for both the original and 3140:64 05 7B 05 F5 01 FO 3C $OE16 2208:2E·43 44 41 F7 17 00 00 $08BE miliar "Brody Loady" (named afterthat DOS 3.3 compatible versions ofRDOS. 3148:05 53 05 F5 01FO 14 05 $S39C 2210:00 06 OD61 7478 7C 87 $EADC fun-loving bunch ofScandahoovians at The disk also contains object code for 3150:2B 05 F5 01 FO EC'04 03 $6B4F 2218:.8B97 9B 9E Al A6 DO 04 $0358 Btoderbund) .which moves the entire RDOS 3.3 and listings ofthe other pro­ 3158:05 F5 01 FO C4 '04 DB 04 $3F18 2220:0FOS.09 30 4F 82 A2 A7 $82E5 paged9wntopage2 andjumpsto $20F grams used for secondary protection 3160:F5 01 FO 8C 04 44 OE F5 $E46B 2228:F503 00 40 01 46 01 FS'$OFA6 to 'coniplete the boot. This is a- fairly and initializing. Ifthere's enough inter­ 3168:01 FO 60 04 6E04 F5 01 $CABF 2230:01 FO SE 00 B80100 $337E tricky'boot which has been used for all est, the sysop might be persuaded to 3170:FO 46 04 76 04 F5 01 FO $AB86 types ofprotection schemes, but ifyou include them on his Apple Trek Krack- 3178:29 04 7E 04 F5 01 FO AA $4903 puzzle overitlong enough, you'll see Krakowicz NY ing disk #2. . 3180:03 C1 03 F5 01FO 81 03 $C220 that the JMP ($OO3E) at location $343 Now we tre starting to make progress. 3188:98 03 F5 01 FO 90 02 AA $9019 doubles as' a jump to the~ sector read Each time the "&"command is encoun­ 3190:02 F5 01 FO 77 02 AA 02 $A64F routine, then as ajump to the urogram The Basics ofKracking tered, Applesoft obligingly jumps up to 3198:F5 01 FO A9 01 FS 00 F5 $BC52 startwhen allthe sectors are read in. The Part.#IS $B303 with the hex value of the next ­ 31AO:01 FO 96 01 50 00 F5 01 $0839 program start· in this case is $B300, basic token in the accumulator, arid then 31A8:F083 01 09 OC F5 01 FO $1782 which is a JMP.$B974 that drops you decides what to do next The tokens, 31BO:15 01 5F DC F5 01 FO 91 $9B6B Kracking SSI's RDOS into a discouragingly complex series of withtheirvalue,subroutine address start, 31B8:00 B2 OC F5 01 FO 50 00 $~024 JSR's and JMPts. It'sreallynot fair whenone publisher and function are shown in figure .1. 31CO:8B OC F5 03 00 10 00 77 $5DFC At this point, discretion is the better has a system that keeps their. software As you can see, not all have been 31C8:01 F5 03 00 OC 00 14 00 $3386 partofvalor (remember the second law: from being conveniently backed up, es­ chased down. Interested parties.are in­ 3100:00 $EOB3 There's always another way). What the pecially when so many of the other vited to investigate and share the results boot-trace has told us is that the DOS "protection" schemes have fallen to the with us all. QUESTRON.CHT growing corps of talented Krackists. code lives from $B300 to$BFFF, and is all 2000:37 02 00 00 ~O 00 00 00 $6BAO 'With that in mind, and because 'we 2008:C7 01 00 00 00 OA 04 02 $79C1 love' a challenge,' we will take a long 2010:00 00 01 00 00 10 00 00 $4BCA look at the approach used by Strategic Figure 1 Simulations, Inc. (SSI) inprovidingcopy 2018:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $3B6A & command ~ AWII Function jn RnOS 2020:00 00 01 00 0000 00 00 $690F protection for theirseries ofwar simula­ m Catalog (&C·AT) 2028:2C 00 40 00 51 55 45 53 $4186 tions and "rapid-fire" series, as well as C 43 67 'B353 2030:54 52 4F 4E 2E 43 51 55 $E90B some recent games which, have a little LOAD B6 182 B371 Load Applesoft rue 2038:45 53 54 52 4F 4E 2E 43 $E1F1 redeeming socialmerit: Epidemic, Ring­ ~UN AC 172 B446 Run Applesoft.file side Seat, and Galactic Adventures. 2040:F2 C7 01 00 00 82 17 00 $4657 GOTO AB 171 B44C Exec (?) 2048:56 69 6E 63 65 20 41 6E $62E1 As we've.discussed in the basics of Kracking series, you can eitherprotecta SAVE B7 183 B48D Save Applesoft file 2050:64 72 65 77 13 20 31 35 $69BO prog~ by various means, or you can STORE A8 168 B511 Bsave (withA,L) 2058:20 4A 61 6E 20 39 32 4B $3612 protect a disk full of programs with 2060:AB C2 30 F4 01 00 F4 00 $25A~ RECALL A7 167 B52B Bload, A optional some sort of DOS modification. DOS 2068: 00 F4 03 00 A2 OC 10 22 $F98B DEF B8 184 B544 . ? 2070:00 00 E1 F4 01 00 A2 OC $5E10 modifications are usually not too suc­ cessful, since some enterprising person PRINT BA 186 B56C Write to textfile '2078:1522 00 00 E1 F4 06 00 $F3SC READ 87 135 B582 Read text file 20S0:A2 OC 18 22 00 00 E1 F4 $8AEC Out in. pirate land will sooner or later 2088:00 00 F4 00 00 F4 00 00 $200A fi'gure a way to copy allthe files onto a END 80 128 B5A9 Close a file 2090:F4 00 '00 F4 00 00 48 A9 $0304 nonnal. DOS disk, making all· the disk DEL 85 133 B5AE Delete a file protection worthless. SSI'sanswer to 2098:00 50 48 A2 03 20 22 00 .$OOOE LEN E3 227 B5CD ? this problem was not only to write an 20AO: 00 E1 F4 00 00 F4 BS 01 $6BF2 extensively revised DOS, but to couple D 44 68 B620 Drive? 20A8:F4 00 00 A2 11 09 22 00 $13A6 it with ,"enhancements" to Applesoft S 53 83 B62E Slot? 20BO:00 E1 90 03 82 DB 00 68 $10FE using the ampersand vector (more on 20B8:80 B6 01 68 80 B2 01 68 $75E8 NEW BF 191 B64F ? this later). This way, even ifyou could 20CO:80 B4 01 68 68 F4 00 00 $F040 USR D5 213 B670 Change return from & 20C8:F4 00 00 AD B4 01 48 AD $C06A

.COMPunST#87 Readers Data Exchange 15 . Butthis, too, has only alimitedvalue, RWTS" (it goes into $8000 as the; de- . 0,,7, E, 6, D, -5, C,4,B, 3, A, 2,9,1, .entire 'track and obIi'terate data on any sincewe nmoutofinformativetokens at fault location). Next, BLOAD ,"RDOS 8, F. adjacent half-track. After reading in the about $B679 in a listing that continues . WRITE",A$7000, then'tnove~'it to the The second catalog sector, then,ap- data, the memory values are exclusive­ upto $BFFF. The only way to get there nonna! ~WTS locationslwith B700< pears to be sector 7. Ifyou intend to do - or'ed (XOR) with the address ($1000, istocanupthe infantry and slogourway 7000.78FFM (this is necessary because any amount ofplaying around with one contains $00.$1001contains $01. etc.). through the code, brute force. Since it's you're using the RWTs routinestf) read ofthese disks, use the "ROOS WRITE" and if an error is found, it reboots the a DOS, there must be read and write in the files; writing on top ofoperating, RWTSfromtheCOPYBdisk,orchange disk. Placing an RTS ($60) at the, entry code ofsome sort, solooking around for code can lead to very unpleasant re- bytes $BE2A-$BE2Dto $EA's with the point 'of $AOFO will avoid the entire disk accesses($C08C,X) is agood place suIts). Returnto BASIC, delete line five, Inspector. This omits the tablelookup issue and make the COpyAversion ron. to start. Thefirstencounterisat$BB6B, and type "RUN". answer the question and makes the sector numbers follow The fmal (I hope) hurdle to using which is clearly a "write" section- "13 sector", enter the appropriate slots the sequence as used by RDOS. ROOS 3.3 is the program which initial- $~8F,x =output; $C08E,x = sense and drives, and you're off and running Next, copy the file called RDOS3.3 izes a save game diskette in an ROOS write protect. It's followed by a read to create anRDOS 3.3 copy (whenyou're from the COPYB disk (ortrack 0 ofany compatible formal Itis called SSI.INIT seetorroutineat$BBFD-BC64, and read finished, you'll have a 16-sector dis- of the recently unprotected SSI series) and loads into $8OQ-$AFF (it is usually address routine at $BC65-$BCCO. On kette with only 13 sectors occupied per onto track zero, sectors 0-0. You would accessed via a "call 2800" from a basic closeexamination, itcanbe seenthatthe track, but you won't notice it in use). program). Since it only writes address fields, and not 'data sectors (with no verify), it is a very fast init. All that's' "Krakowic~'s necessary to generate a disk compatible second law of Kracking withROOS 3.3 is to replace the"04AA B7" (or "05 AA B5'') address marker says: There is always another way." byte with 05 AA 96: change bytes $8F5 to $D5 and $8FF to $96. Now for the bad news: while ROOS routines have been lifted almost verba­ Some· ofthe SSI games use the nor­ expect .to have a working copy of the is fast, primarily because all files are tim from DOS 3.2, with the address mal DOS 3.2 address marker bytes of game at this point, but there are still a storedinsequentialblocks,ROOS 3.3 is marker changed to "04, AA B7" (in "05 AA B5." These should be read in couple of surprises in" store for you (I slow.because of the· sector interleave most cases). Aha! Maybe we carl\sneak using the "DOS 3.2RWTS" file, butyou said it was a challenge!). There are sev­ used by SSI (the disk must 'make an in the appropriate routines from DOS still need to use the "ROOS WRITE'" eral different secondary protection almost an entire revolution for eachsec­ 3.3 and make it "DO D5 AA 96's1" To RWTS for the writing routine. schemes used to defeat various copiers, torthat is read in)~ It is fairly easy to add make alengthystoryshort, the answeris ROOS uses track 1 for the catalog, usually goingundertheinnocuousname an interleave lookup table to ROOS 3.3 yes, but. DOS 3.2 uses, as you probably and identifies fues via a' 24- character of"QWERTY". The most common of (it's called RDOS 3.3a onthe disk), but know, "6+2" nibblizing in storing data alphanumeric name, alengthin "blocks" these reads in an address field fromtrack bad·thingshappenedduringmy attempts on the disk, while 3.3 uses "5+3". The as in Pascal, and the location .of the 0, delays a bit, and looks for an $EE as to incorporate it into Ute.SSI.IN1T pro- , end result is that the pre- and post­ starting block on the 4isk:. the next byte on thetrack.Ifitfinds it, a gram. The code· from ~851to$86B nibblizingroutines must t>e transplant- needs more alteration than I h~. pa­ oed from DOS 3.3, as well as"both read tie,nce for(there~s room fora patch in and, write byte 'translatetables. The ad­ TRACK 01 SECTOR, 0 :SL,OT· ·6·:DR IUEl ~ $9D7-9FF)•. and:\\ioUld ..be·. ~orth Jhe dress m,atterS and'the size ofthe nibble -B-U,F~F;ER:',O 800 ,DOS: 1'6; '2 BCC' . effort if some ambitious ""Kliicldsf out ':;'·:there could fmdthe time;.. ',(' .'1 {:( l">uff~n;mustaIs() bea(tjlJSted.wllentfus ,"'--",,' ~;: =;==::'~~ =r,.~ i.s.done (with.much. wailing and gnash­ == .=::';=;::.==':;= =,=;.:=* ::;;';: ==::'=. :=-==,,:= =,= == =, === ...··';finany·as.at)'picalex~ple·ofMijr­ ~g,ofteeth)~.the.end resulti~ afunction- 0'1 2:.. '3' ·;~~:5;;6 7",;,Sc:9Phy;~ ~\v ("jf ~ytJlihg can go wfollg, .,:'}j~ ~~,~~,.~'W~'-'~~·WJ·~~'~J.l4~.:r..~.J.;d'~.'·~ ;r~' QQS. ~.~~oIqpa1i1¥~,~OS:~9S -,'.,.' • :' ',;, __ ":r"l \v,ill,;)~~tal.the: "~p~ Jio~~~~I~)~l~­ '3.3. " '.- . ' , "". - ~:IT31,0':71T- - ~T::S,T~?,~~ - tF :)Iiletlt}.thaihft~r ~oin'fau ~iJ ~ 'Ci!1 (jlfp'~T\'y'iR r"-,'GJ Jth1s' ebh- .. · (AsabrlefaSide. tlte essentialtoolsin ' -0,0 Ro.: 0 0, ,5 ,2", ), "Ve~hgsonie 20g3mes,uS<-, re­ LOCATION BLOCKS though it is a ProDOS program. member?). The answer to this problem Alternate Reality-the Dungeon (is­ was theprogramnowknown as COPYB ois stored in location O,othe-rwise the sue *52). I get an "Out ofData Error at _a highly modified version ofCOpyA The starting, block,. is equ~, to the disk,' spins forever. By changing' bytes 310" when I try to deprote~t my backup which does the RWTS swap for you, track number multiplied by 13 plus the firstblock($IAOOisreally$OOIA~\V~ich $28-$29 to "A900", this annoyance is copy -of thc·'game.'·When I softkey the and even initializes diskS as a bonus. reriloved.A 'similar'routine, 'seen .• only original disk; I getagrating sound inthe The versionofCOPYB ingeneral circu- is decimal 26, ortrack 2, sector0). Ifyou once or twice, is called 4 'QWERTY", disk'drive then the message uDiskDrive lation·-includesR 'routines' which .look'through the catalog track the wrs :wifu looks for'an$AA following'the address Err9r"~ havebeenll10dified.for· reading and •Irispectc)1', you find the,beginnmg ofthe Mex;pect~d i~Tt.S();~bking :field on.anytfack,andrebOots-ifit·sl1ot In addition, when I play this ,game, I iwriting ROOS.Reasonable directions catalog ,·'found.··.The·'remooyhere·i's to pUt "A9 find that when my character~getS:-ilo,a "'are inCluded oil thedisk. so it shOuld be for the'coritinuationm T1;Sl,·however, tOO~:>m'bytes·$20J$21. ce~aill~e'Yel, he keeps meetingthiscrea­ possible to back up yourown SSI diSks, bnngs you the ilext held by to sui:PRSe Recently, amuch more sophisticated turecal:led .the, devourer-there,are no using the'additional infonnation pro- RDOS:'fhere is no sector'lliterleaVitlg technique has beenused (Galactic·Olad­ encounters with othermonsters. Even if Videdbelow. in software; it is al1<1one:fiytheseCtor Gettysburg~.whiclHioes dUri!lgS~I :~irtlti~­ iators, Road to luse-tIle-APT to create a supercharacter Anned With RDOS 33and COPYB. numbersequencing the SSI equivalentof"quarte>r-traeking" he will be eventually worn down. .Is .. itisnow possible tobegin attacking one ize routine. The importan~e '. of~ector or"spiralling." This version ofQWER­ there·another way to'deal· with this crea­ oftheSSI protected disks. Since ROOS interleaving is discussed 1n ""Bag of TY reads··in four 'pages'of sequential ture or is it a bug in the program1 isbasedonOOS3.2,the disks are all 13- Tricks", and in a Softalk article abouta bytes from each of the fOUf adjacent Champions of Krynn (issue #77) by Isector fonnat, and since the DOS is all year ago by Worth and Lechner. (OOS half-tracks from $20.5 to $22.0, storing on track zero, you want to ,begin the uses a lookup table at $BFA8 to change Or. Crack. In his softkey, Dr. Crack them at·$lQOO-$IFFF. The three bytes gives instructions to edit sectors 18 and track copying process with track one. the sector number read from the value following the fou,r pages worth are used To reiterate the COPYB instructions, read off the disk,,("physical sector") to 19 ofaparticulartrack. My sectoreditor as the address marker for the data on the run COPYB, then type Ctrl-C or reset the number it thinks' it should be ("log­ only goes up to 16. Is this a misprint or next half-track (as with all these protec­ does this disk have 19 sectors pertrack? when the prompt for source disk comes ical sector"). SSI uses an "ascending 7" tion techniques, the "sectors"'areskewed up. Get into the monitor and type 22E:1 interleave scheme, whichmeans thatthe If it does, what procedure do I use to so that there is· nevervalid data overlap­ make the edits? to set the starting track to 1, then, ifthe sequence ofsectors on the disk, as read ping on adjacent half-tracks). This ap­ address marker bytes were 04 AA B7, by DOS 3.3 with its hex interleave table, My setup is: Apple Ilgs, ROM ver­ proach effectively defeats copiers like sion 1,1.25 Mbytes RAM. BLOAD the file called" "ROOS REAO is: NA II and Locksmith, which write an

16 Readers Data Exchange COMPUTIST #87 . WI tors, then reboot DOS and enter the 96FA:98 N9801 :4C 59 FF 11 8000879000 _Ri_·c_h_E_tan_"_.p______monitor. 9600G 03E800F74C C600G 9800<800.SFFM 1103B00010 Softkey for... CALL·151 985C:01 N9870:98 9DOO80ESDO Outpost A memory move routine must be 987D:A9 4C 80 00 05 A9 59 80 F7EE 1303EE 1603 AD 1603 Sirius writtento move $2800 back to $800 and :01 05 A9 FF 80 02 05 4C $2700 back to the zero page. Because :4604 C9COOOEA20 Just like almost every other Sirius 9600G ABBCAD81 CO disk, boot code tracing is -the key to the code begins at $2700 this cali -be written right before it at $26CO. COES AD 81 CO AD 83 getting Outpostinmemory. Once again, COAD83COBO it is the standard Sirius boot program so 26CO:A2 00 BO 00 28 90 00 08 . Allofthe program code is inmemory :E8 DO F7 EE C4 26 EE C7 at this point. but the title picture still 00409000 DO often seen when breaking into Sirius ESDOF7EE38 :"26 AO C4 26 C9 40 DO EA hasn't been loaded in. This is done at. _ disks. Seeing that I've documented this 0;3 EE 3B 03 AD :8000-27900000 E8 DO $BC03. A few modifications must be procedure in other softkeys I'll skip it 3B03C9FODO :F7 4COO 80 - .made to "bypass a check to track $17. this time. EAAD82COA9 Also, we want to load the picture into Powerup yourApple and let'sbegin! Finally, save the program to disk. 4C800003A9 $4000 instead of $2000 because the CALL·151 We '11 save $26CO through $8DFF. Pag­ -00 80 01 03 f:.S codethatruns at $400-$lFFFis at $2000 9600

COMPunST #87, R.ad.r~ Data Exchange 17 your sector editor. ~e original Snack ere Seven Cities of Gold is protected my ad inthe backofComputist. Pensate 1025 DM = TK / 2 = INT (TK / Attack disk is no longer needed.' much like most ofthe EOAgames I am isonastandard type DOS'3.3 fonnat but 2): POKE 47445,212 + DM What we need to do now is copy a' familiar with. Most of them contain a is a,little trickier than some protection 1030 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST nonna13.3 RWTS. to track $00 but save nonnal or slightly altered DOS 3.3 for­ schemes. To begin, the ,address marks = ST + 1: IF ST < DOS THEN sector SOC which is the real boot 1 mat withthe drea~ed uncopyable track 6 alternate between05AA 96 and 04AA 1030 sector of.Snack Attack. Boot 1 is nor­ which is used fota nibble count. Once 96 on even and odd tracks respectively. 1040 IF BF THEN 1060 mally found ontrack $00,sector$01 but finding the nibblecount routine, Ican be Also, Jhe DOS routines are encoded on 1050 ST = O:TK = TK + 1: IF Datamost' used about 3 decoy boot 1 disabled. This disk appears to contain 3 the disk makingthem abitmore difficult TK < LTTHEN 1025 sectors "to confuse boot code tracers. nibble count routines in different places to examine and modify. Let's begin and 1060 'GOSUB 490:TK = Tl:ST = This next step can be done one oftwo but I believe that only'two ofthem are I'll try to explain as we go along. o ways. You make the choice. used. We'll begin by copying both sides Being that Pensate is on a mostly 1065 P9KE 47445,213 1. Read track $00, sector SOC and ofthe disk. ; standard fonnat, it can be copied track 1070 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST ST + 1: IF ST < DOS THEN write itto track $12, sector SOC for safe You'llneed anonnal disk copierthat by track to a nonnal disk without too = keeping. Then take a copier that allows bypasses read errors such as the Lock­ much of a problem. This can be done 1070 1080 ST = O:TK = TK + 1: IF you to select tracks and copy track 0 smith fast disk backup. The only read with 'a Super lOB controller. Begin by . BF = 0 AND TK < LT THEN from a nonnal (non-master) DOS disk. errors will be on Track 6ofside 1. After installing the controller into Super lOB 1070 DON'T use the Apple master disk for copying the disk, run your sectoreditor. 'and copying the disk. The only tracks 1090 IF TK < LT THEN 1020 this. Then, with your sector editor, read It didn't take long to fmd 'the first containing data are $00 to $11. The 1100 HOME : PRINT track $12, sector SOC and write it to nibble count routine. It is on Track $1, controllerpokes inthe $D5 address mark "DONE-WITH-COPY" : END track $00, sector $01. . Sector $F and resides in memory at on even tracks and the S04 on odd 2. Indivi.dually copy sectors $00-09 $AOOO. 'You woUld .think that by just tracks. This is doneinline 1025 and line Checksums 1065 changes it to'.a nonnal $D5 for (on track 0) one at a time from a nonnal patching an RTS at the beginning ofthe 1000-$356B 1040-$57FB 1080-$3059 disk to the copy disk. This is much more routine,_ you could easily bypass it but writing. The rest ofthe controller is just 1010-$3222 1050-$5A21 1090-$2807 tedious than the first option. Then read EOA thought of that too. Somewhere, standard procedure. 1020-$84E4 1060-$E809 1100-$002C sector SOC from the Snack Attack copy cleverly hidden in the program code is a Now, run your sectoreditor. We need 1025-$4755 1065-$7991 and write it to sector $01. memory check routine that will cause to change their DOS to read the noimal 1030-$5154 1070-$7194 the program to c~h ifany changes are fonnat ofthe copy. TheirJ;:>OS i~ capa­ The fmal step of this Softkey is in­ made. Through the process of trial and ble ofreading either a $04 or a $D5 in Softkey for... stalling the sector skew into the RWTS error, I concluded that it adds up all of the address field because ofthe way it on the disk. Remember, when you write Where in the World is the bytes in the routine and checks the was programmed. Here is, an example: with an abnonnal skew, you must read Carmen Sandiego? result value. There is·a way around this with the same skew so the sectors are 1000- LOA $C08C.X Broderbund withouthaving tofind the memory check read in the correct order. The skew is 1003- BPl $1000 routine. Take the first three bytes ofthis Therehave beentwo.otherComputist found on track SOO, sector $09 at byte 1005- LSR routine which are $4C $69$AO. Add Softkeys for this game but this Softkey $B8. 1006- CMP#$6A them up like this: is for later releases ofthe game with a IrK ~ ~ Emm IQ. What this is doing is reading a byte, different copy protection. 'Where in the LDA #$4C from the'disk, jlerfonning an LSR bit 00 09 B8 ?? 0002040608 CLC World... ' appears to be the first Carmen OAOCOE0103 shift (which'divides the byte by two Sandiego disk released by Broderbund ADC #$69 leaving no decimal remainder) and com­ 0507090800 ADC #$AO and also may be the only'disk of the . OF paringthebyteto $6A. Because the LSR series that was released priorto the birth The result is $55. To bypass the nib­ After the 'skew has been entered, re­ ble count, we want to put,a CLC and an write thesectorand you're ready to play RTS (which wouldbean$18 and a$60) Lo ndo n Snack Attack! at the beginning ofthe routine. The trick 5aturda lJ.. 3 p.n1. CONTROLLER is changing the third byte also where the ~yteswill 1000 REM"SNACK ATTACK sum of the three new' also CONTROLLER equal $55. The third byte should be $DD 1010 TK = O:ST = O:LT = ($18+60+00=$55). 18:CD = WR IrK ~.~ Emm Io. 1020 T1 = TK: GOSUB 490: $01 $OF $00 4C69AO 186000 GOSUB .. 360: ONERR GOTO 550 Ifyou were to bootthe disk rightnow, 1030 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST you would make itjustpastthe title page = ST + 1: IF ST < 13. THEN until it checks the Qisk again-and crash­ 1030 es. This time, the nibble count routine is 1040 IF BF THEN 1060 encoded on the disk. In a case like this, 1050ST = O:TK = TK + 1: IF the best thing to do is halt the boot code TK < LT THEN 1030 after the program is'loaded and search 1060 GOSUB 490:TK = T1:ST = throughmemory to fmd the routine in its 0: GOSUB 360 decoded fonn. Ifound the program start .. leaves no remainder, $04 and $D5 will .0fBroderbund's 18 sectorpertrack for­ 1070 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST address at $A946 in an encoded table of both result in a$6A when bit-shifted mat. The only otherdisk I've seen from = ST + 1: IF ST < 13 THEN addresses. Ituses this table for aseries of right. Therefore, this part of the loader this series is 'Where in the USA is 1070 indirect jumps obviously meant to con­ need not be modified. Cannen Sandiego?' which is in the 1080 ST = O:TK= TK + 1: IF fuse the cracker. By changing this ad­ The only other difference between cursed 18 sector fonnat., By pressing TK = 1 THEN GOSUB 2000 dress to $FF59, I was able to enter the Pensate's DOS and nonnal DOS is that Reset on the game in such a way to 1085 IF BF = 0 AND TK < LT monitor and look at the program code the end marks have been changed from freeze the text screen, you'll see a mes­ THEN 1070 once it was in memory and eventually, I DE AA to DA AA. By changing their at the bottom ofthe screen stating 1090 IF TK < LT THEN 1020 found what I was looking for. The nib­ DOS to look for the DE AA, the copy 'ROLAND WAS HERE, BUT JfE 1100 HOME : PRINT ."DONE" : ble count routine was at $6100. Know:' will work. The problem is that the DOS LEFf... '. As far as I know, the wizard ~ END ing this was encoded on the disk, I is encoded, on the disk. By making a who devised the 18 sector fonnat for 2000 DATA 0,2,4,6,'8,10,12, searched for aJSR $6100 which I found quick modification to the boot ,code, I Broderbund is named Roland but the '14,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 at $6875. Even though the ~ctual nibble was able to lookatthe decoded DOS and message confuses me because I believe 2010 'FOR I = '1 TO 16: READ countroutine was encoded, surprisingly also find o~t how it.was encoded. ~ith that his disk protection·· was not used 5S: POKE 49079 +' I', S:S: the JMP was not. I found this on Track the needed tnfonnation at my, ,fing~rtips, until afterthe release ofthe first Cannen NEXT : RETURN $E, Sector $7. Change the '$2~to a $2C lcame up with the DOS modifications. Sandiego disk. Well. enough about de- . Checksums which will tum the JSR $6100 to a BIT and the encoded values for these chang- tails, let'8 get to the .Softkey! 1000-$~56B' 1050-$03BO 1090-$2825 $6100. es. This disk is,proteet~ muchlike Cap- 1010-$3222 1060-$4EFF llOO-$F064 IrK ~ ~ Emm IQ. IrK ~ ~ Emm]l tainGoodnighrwhich wasSoftkeyed in 1020-$1'6A9 1070-$BBBA 2000-$9E40 $OE $07 $75 20 2C $00 $OE$A6 13 17 Computist#82. Side 1isencoded in4+4 1030~$E75E as'~en 1080-$9128 2010-$16F3 ...and thattakes care ofthe protection $A7 OA OE and· quarter. tracked but fortu- 1040-$0070 1085-$9710 on Seven Cities ofGold! $00 $00 $0013 17 . nately, once'the program·;is loaded in, it $)E OA OE does not access side 1 again. To make i~ Softkey fc;>r... Softkeyfor... CONTROLLER things'even easier,side2 unprotected. By copying,side 2 arid bootcode tracing Seven •Cities ofGold Pensate 1000 REM "PENSATE CONTROLLER to getthe game program from side 1, this 1010 TK =O:ST = O~LT = Electronic Arts Penguin disk can be deprotected. 18:CD = WR Lis~ To begin,label a2sided copy disk (or Here is another Most Wanted This Most Wanted List member was 1020 T1 = TK: GOSUB 490: 2 single .sided disks). Using a normal disk sentto me by aComputist subscrib- sentto me by a subscriber who had read POKE 47426,24

18 Reade'rs Data Exchange COMPUllST #87 DOS copier, copy side 2 of Cannen Read track 0, sector 1 and at byte 00, $91 OF .- DE disk data. The Bytes ofLearning com­ Sandiego.Then,insertside 10fthecopy enter a routine to read in the game pro­ The altered address and data marks panyuses a differenttype ofdiskencod­ disk. Even though the main program·is gram. are not intact in the RWfS on the disk ing than normal DOS 3.3 does even quite large, it can still be saved without _ :rm .sg.em .Eam ]l but are stored there by a routine at though the disk is in a 3.3 fonnat. After having to boot code trace more than '0001 00 11 2093B7 AD81 $BED7. OnTrack 0, Sector 8, theJMP finding the addressepilogs (DEAA) the once.Thiscanbeaccomplishedbycaus- co AD 81 co AD $BED7 should be ch-anged to JMP read address routine reads two addition­ ingthe backupdisktohaltthe bootonce 88 co AD 88 CO $9084 which is where it goes after the al bytes that are used in the postnibble the RWfS is in memory. A90E8DECB7 marks are changed. routine to' decode the sector from the CALL·151 A9OF80 ED B7 raw diskdata. Theread translate table is B64A:4C 59 FF :rm .sg.em.Eam Io. A9EF8DF1 B7 $00 $08 $CF 07 84 also abnonnal. Thebestwaytocopy the INITHELLO A92080E1 B7 $DO _BE 90 disk· istodo a swapcopy. SuperlOBcan DELETE HELLO 2093B74COO be used,for this procedure. Finally, we have to disable a disk Once this is complete, insert 'Where 23 To start with, we need to get·our checkthatis donebeforethetitlepicture in the World... ' and begin boot code hands on SuperKey's DOS. It can be Move the cursor to byte $EB and loads in. This can be found on Track 6, tracing the disk. This is almostthe same found ontrack0, butmostofitisencod­ enter the lOB infonnation. Sector $D. change the JMP $35B to identical boot code as Captain Good­ ed. Instead of walking through the de­ Irk .sg.em .Eam Io. BIT $35B so it will not jump to the night. code routines one 'at a time, we'll just 00 01 EB ?? OOOC05FBB7 'crash' routine. 9600

COMPunST #87 Readers Data Exchange 19 6000G encode Boot Copy II Plus 9.1 (or any later MECC 5.25" disksoftkeys Cleanwater Detectives B7E1:01 write sector version that will copy3.Sn di~ks) .. Irk sg, ~ fnm ]l B7EC:0000 Straightcopy (diskwithfomiat) each Softkey for... 01 09 66 90034CAE 18EAEAEA B7FO:00 6000 00 02 of the four original disks. Ignore the Vacation Nation·Travel (5.25") 8960 EAOO B793G read error on Block 0308. Grammar Gazette (5.25") 03' OS' 28 90034C52 18EAEAEA ....and.you're finished! For each ofthe four disks: Time Navigator Around the 0360 EAOO CONTROLLER Scan for 20 C8 .OA FOD9 - .Worlct. (5.25") Paper Plane Pilot , 'Change to 20 C8 'OA EA EA 1000 REM "SUPERKEY Estimation Activities (5.25") Irksg~ Bytes were found as follows butmay Emm Io. CONTROLLER 'Woolly Bounce (5.25") 05 09 80 90034CD2 18EAEAEA be in a different location on other ver~ 1010 TK = l:ST = O:LT = Cleanwater Detectives (5.25") 8660 EAOO 34 :CD ',= WR sions: -Paper Plane Pilot (5.25") 07 OA 98 90 034C 52 18EAEAEA 1020 T1 = TK: GOSUB490: People.and Places The Living Cell (5.25") 0360 EAOO GOSUB 360: ONERR GOTO 550 BlueGrass Bluff (5.25") 1030 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST BJk ~. fnm . ]l The Living Cell = ST + 1: IF ST < DOS THEN 0310 076 2OCBOAFOD9 2OCBOAEAEA Littletown Zoo (5.25") Irk sg ~ Emm 12 1030 Problem Solving With Nim General Interest 01 09 66 90034C02 18EAEAEA 1040 IF BF THEN 1060 (5.25") 8260 EAOO 1050 ST O:TK TK + 1: IF BIk~fnm = = Io. MECC 07 OC A4 90034C52 18EAEAEA TK =. 17 THEN 1050 031E 076 2OCBOAFOD9 2OCBOAEAEA All ofthese MECC programs are on 0360 EAOO 1055 IF TK

20 Readers Data Exchange COMPUTIST #87 The Living Cell are you tryingto backup?There are 3. Move the RWTS to a safe place by 3. Makethe following seetoreditto your too many, titles for me to just send entering: disk. .elk Ibil fmm ]l youeverything. I haven'theardfrom 1900162 1030 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:ST people who did 2088:Cryllan Mission I 0038 198 90034C52 18EAEAEA. THEN PRINT CHR$(4) "BLOAD = ST + 1: IF ST < DOS THEN' &2. Itreportedlyhas similargraphicsto 0360 EAOO RWTS.PSAT WORD ATTACK 1030 CM2, and is played similarly. Grammar Monsters SKILLS"A$1900" 1040 IF SF THEN 1060 1050 ST = O:TK = TK +,1: IF aD1 Ibil fmm 12 Bug in Matchmaker World TK < LT THEN 1030 BBS #181 0082 OM 90034C7B 18EAEAEA Geograph.y Facts 1060 GOSUB 490:TK = T1:ST = ® Does anyone have a crack for the 9260 EAOO 0: GOSUB 360 In issue 62 the controller for Match­ 5.25 version ofChildren's Writing and' ooCA 184 90034C52 18EAEAEA 1070 GOSUB 430: GOSUB 100:S~ maker World Geography Facts Line , PublishingCenterfortheApple? I could 0360 EAOO = ST + 1: IF ST' < DOS THEN , 10010 should be: really use some help on that one! 1070 Cleanwater Detectives 10010 IF PEEK(6400)<>162 ® Does anyone know ifthere is any 1080 ST = O:TK = TK + 1: IF THEN PRINT CHR$(4) "BLOAD way to get ·Apple Ilgs programs, that I3Ik Ibil EImn IQ. BF = 0 ANDTK 162 Volume 3 &_4. Line 10010 should be: THEN-PRINT CHR$ (4) "BLOAD and willing to help out. Thanks Jack! .elk Ibil Enm1 IQ." 10010 I'F,'PEEK,('6400,)4>162 ORWTS.LEARNINGOWELL, Here'smyaddress ifyou canhelpme 002C 080 90034CD2 '18EAEAEA THEN PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD A$1900" withthe above questions. (Idon'tgeton 8660 EAOO RWTS.ALGEBRA,$1900" this board bJO often.) Checksums OO3B 198 90034C52 18EAEAEA I'm sorry ifthese errors caused any­ Ron Powers 0360 EAOO one problems. 1000-$356B 1040-$6342 1080-$6CA2 1607 Skeels Ave. 1010-$3565 1050-$ABA3 1090-$9DCA Littletown Zoo Eau aaire~ WI 54701 Softkey for... 1020-$6170 1060-$20CO 1100-$C97D 1030-$7771 1070-$28C5 10010-$2E37 (715) 834-8676 BIk Ibil fmm ]l Fact or Opinion: . 002C 0,60 90034C71 18EAEAEA Smart Shopper Blue Level Softkey for... SA 00 EAOO BBS #61 Fact or Opinion: Reading for Detail: Bluegrass Bluff Smart Shopper Red Level Race Track Red Level ®I have Skate or Die for'the IIgs, using the old;ROM version 1. Itdoesn't & fmm 12 · Cause Effect: Sequence: work with the version 3 ROMs. When I 90034CA1 18EAEAEA Mountain Climbing Blue Level What Comes First Red Level calledElectronicArts andinfonnedthem 7FOO EAOO Drawing Conclusions: Sequence: ofthisproblem,theysaid,'Theycouldn't 0018 1M 90034C52 18EAEAEA Chief ofDetectives Red Level What Comes First Blue Level help me, and that they are not going to 0360 EAOO Drawing Conclusions: Ge~ting the Main Idea: release a new version bJ accommodate Grammar Gazette Chief of Detectives Blue Level Around the World Red Level the new ROM version 3." Is there any Readi~g for Detail: Inference: way to rewrite the code so it could be IQ. aIk Ibil fmm Race Track Blue Level School Days Red Level used on the new ROM version 3'1 oo2C 080 90034cn 18EAEAEA 9160 EAOO Getting the Main Idea: Inference: 0038 184 90034C52 18EAEAEA ,Around the World Blue Level School Days Blue Level BBS #19 0360 EAOO Learning Well Following Directions: Requirements: Behind the Wheel Red Level Softkey for... , Rodney W Peterson The original disk(s) Context Clues: Superstar Ice Hockey A blarik initialized disk for each title HiddenTreasure Red Level , ® I deprotected Shanghai so That I ? A blank initialized slave disk Learning Well . could put it on my hard drive but it After someone telling me that the doesn't beep at the three second level Super lOB v1.5 Requirements: softkey I presented for Superstar Ice A way to reset into the monitor The original disk(s) when playing "Challange". Try it and Hockey was, in not so many words, you will see what I mean. Is there a fix These titles can be deprotected by A blank disk for each title ridiculous, I looked for other ways of ~ that corrects this? using Super lOB with the Swap Con- DOS 3.3 system disk deprotection. Since I don'townthe pro­ Are there any deprotects for MECC troller. Use the RWTS ofthe protected Any sector editor gram, this was tricky, but a softkey disk to read the original disk then use a All fth ,·tl be d t ted programs? These are'mainly education­ .. '. 0 ese 11 es can epro ec originallyappearedinissue71. Forthose nonnal RWTS to wnte the Infonna11on · th ~n · al programs. lank d· k In e J.O oWing manner. who don'thavethatissuebutwould still backto your bl IS . One last thing, do you have an ad­ liketo playthe gamewithoutthemanual ·an'• blankd· k( ) 1. BootyourDOS 3.3 systemmasterand dress for Brian A. Troha? I have written 1•INIT 1 ze your, IS s ' /. . checks, here is the softkey as it ap­ INIT HELLO ' . at the ] prompt enter. to him recently but have not received a peared. The credit for this one goes to DELETE HELLO POK~ 47426,24 ignore checksum and reply. epIlogs Brian Troha and'Stephen Lau. It's for sure that you are not a 2. Boot your original disk and at the RUN COpyA 111 Ibil fmm ]l regular subscriber. Softkeys for Applesoft. prompt reset into the mon- 2.opyC··youronglnat d·ISk to yourblank $9 $SF 2OA31A ADA31A MECC software are a regular fix­ IbJr. disk. $B $4 00 13 EAEA , ture at Computist. What program $C ooOB EAEA

COMPunST#87 Readers Data Exchange 21 $C . $11A 0500 0400 Okay, that's it Just hit return when DEBUG will display: -xxxx:8BD8 VYYY:CF3D IfDEBUG does not return $38 $87 DO 12 80 38 asked for the words from the map. CD-. Enter 'F8', and hit the space bar. this number, add another 1000 and $AS $87 DO 12 8036 DEBUG will display: 13- Enter '90', retry. I would like to take this opportunity IBM Softkey for... and hitthe space bar. DEBUG will dis­ -e yyyy:cf3d 90 90 90 90 90 Tell pro- to thank Mr. Troha, Mr. Lau, and all the Gauntlet! play: 73- Enter 'EB', and hit the space gram to skip copy prot. routine. bar, and then Return. -w Save the program with the changes. others who took th~,time to explainhow ? and why they did certain things while 5. Now, from the '-' DEBUG prompt, Writing lEOOO bytes DEBUG Use Norton to search the GPROG. deprotecting. Ithelpedme (and I'msure , enter'W',andhittheRetumkey.This displays this message. EXEfue forB4 t C (offsetshouldbehex others) a lot. will write the file backto disk. -q ExitDEBUG ?E5t). Change B41CCD218A07 3C That's It. Use 'COpy A:*.~ B:' to F8 75 to 90 90 E8 EF 01 31 COEB 04. 6. Enter'Q' toleaveDEBUG, and from moveallfiles toa fonnatteddisketteand Jack Moravetz Search for: 02 B8 (offset should behex the A> prompt, enter: you will-have the whole system unpro­ 8045). Change02B8003FCD217207 RENAME B:WAR.SAV WAR.EXE tected and copyable. . Al to OE IF BB EF FF B8 11 00 A3. , Your,working copy of WAR will Softkey for... H youarelikeme,andyoufollow the Searchfor O~ 06(offsetshouldbe 8050) now run, and can, itself, be backed' up Skills Bank abovedirectionsverbatim,youwmnever n and change to 89 IE. using·the DOS DISKCOPY or COpy succeed in unprotecting the AARD­ ? commands. VARKsoftware.Inthestepabovewhere Skills BankII is aneducationalpack­ IBM Softkey for... Note: ifyouuseWARona fixeddisk, you are waiting for the computer to agecontainingteacherdisks,classrecord Grave Yardage you will not be able to save a gam~ in ,return CF3D, it does NOT have to be disks, student disks, and various levels Activision progress, due to a .small bug - WAR CF3D. On my· software, it was some­ oflesson disks. When the lesson disks tests the defaultdiskforthepresence of thing totally different. So...the proper . are copied, the student disk accessing Use PCtools or other program and a file named"M",insteadoftheselected step, in my case, was to take the value them will say.that it is a copy and quit. edit GY.EXE. Go to sector 72, offset data disk, the intent being, to preyent returned: YYYY:CF3D , and type: a file called TUA.OVR. Using a block That's it! file. To disable this test, after complet­ -e yyyy:CF3D (or whatever value or sector editor (I use Glen Bredon's IBM Softkey for..~ ingstep4,patchthefollowing location: appeared above) Put90 90 90 90 Block Warden) to follow the file E3B1D 90 in place o/whatthe program TUA.OVR, search for the bytes $2041 GunBoat xxxx:3B1 D 08-31 tells you above. 77 and replace 'th~ $20 with $60 and Accolade ReplacesthelOB' with'31'.Thiswill ~ write the block back to the disk. It is in Use Norton and search file GB.EXE allow you to save a game on a floppy mM Softkey for... , the file atleasttwice. Youneed to p~ace (141,33303-09-90 1:12p) for 75 03'E9 diskintheA: drive; Note,-however, that the $60 at the first o~currence. ATI Training Software 8A(shouldbeatoffset27FFH). Change thisremovesa smallmarginofsafety(if IRE 75 03to9090. Now, whenyou'reasked you save anewcampaignand a gameto TimFurry to enter an answer, hit any number and thesamedisk,thegamereloaderwillget Thisinfonnationisprovidedtoallow the RETURN key. confused). legal owners of the above software to Notes on libemtethemselvesfromthedependence mM Softkey for... ' mM Softkey for... ofa single floppy diskette. Test Drive II cars disks Astrilis Aardvark McGraw-Hill Usingthe belowpatches, you willbe I just ran across this today. If you able to make wilimited backups of the Shaman Games FinandaI Software wantto haveonlyone datadiskfor your floppy, butmore impo~y,be ableto cars (supercars and musclecars), here's Use debug to load asmlis.com IRE , bootthe entire system offa bard disk. what to do: Copy all of your car files DEBUG ASTRIUS.COM Thisinfonnationisprovidedtoallow The copy protectionmethod used on from one disk to the other (i.e. from E79D1 legaloWDerstoliberatethemselvesfrom };~~pmgram,.expects.anunusually for­ muscle carsto supercars orviceversa). XXXX:7901 75.EB the dependence on a single floppy dis- ,mattedTrack2.Theeasiestwayaround Boot upa source code editor (such as E79E! kette. - this was to patch the &Verify. Track' QRCA/M) and edit the file "CARS XXXX:79EB 75.90 F2.90 Caution: It is highly recommended routine. .DAT" so thatitincludes the following: W that youusethisprotectionschemeona When you ron the unprotected copy CAMA Camaro_ZL-1 That'sall there istoitIfyoufind that backup copy of your software, incase of Chart Master, you will get an error DODG Dodge_Charger :.the address doesn't match then search you have aproblem. Underno circum- message..You can ignore this an just GOAT Pontiac_GTO for3AE075114Fandchangeto 3AEO stance shouldyouusethis routine onan press . I'm sure that this can GT50 Mustan~GT500 EB 114F. original floppy. I did, the routine on a be bypassed also, but after running the STNG Corvette_Stingray 3AEO CMP' AH,AL copy created by Quaid Software's prognun, I was disappointed and decid­ "Copyright" (A program I highly sug- .ed not to spend any more time debug­ That's all there is to it! 7511 JNZ 79E4 ;changesJNZ to J1t!P gest you purchase.)' ' ging it If you can eliminate this short- 4F OEC 01 Usingthebelowpatches, youwillbe coming, feel free tomodifythisroutine. Searchfor3C4D75F2BFOOOI and Unknown able to make unlimited backups of the PleasesendchangestoComputistRDEX change to 3C 4D 90 90 BF 00 01. floppy, bUtmoreimportantly,beableto edi;o~ethat you are familiar with IBM Softkey for... 3C40' CMP AL.40 bootthe entire system offa hard disk. The Faery Tale 75F2 JNZ 790F ;changes JNZ toHOP The copy protection method used on DEBUG (found on the 2nd DOS dis- BFOO01 MOV 01.0100 this program expects an unusually for- kette). Everything displayed below in ? mattedTrack7.The easiestwayaround. upper-~willbesuppliedbythecom­ A really easy doc check, it can be IBM Softkey for... this was to bypass the entire 'Verify puter; you must type everything that is bypassed in many ways. I put the alter­ Ancient Art ofWar Track 7' routine. in lower-case. Note that the '-' is DE- ations as deep as possible to avoid any Broderbund I assume that you are familiar with BUG'spromptand shouldnotbetyped. possible complications. The protection DEBUG (found on the 2nd DQSdis- Make a copy of the file 'ATI.EXE'; isinFrC.EXE andFTE.EXE whichare 1. Make a copy ofthe original distribu­ kette). Everything displayed below in never woIt. with you only copy· Place the CGA and EGA versions. tion diskette using the DISKCOPY upper-case willbesupplied bythecom- \ the program diskette in Drive A, and For Norton users, search FrC.EXE command. Put your original ,away, puter; you must type everything that is . Debug in Drive B. andFTE.EXEfOr thebytepattern85 CO and workonthecopy. Steps2 through in lower-case. Note that the '_' is DE- A> ren atLexe atl Debug can'tsave an 74239Aand changethe7423toEB2E. 6 assume that a disk containing BUG'spromptandshouldnotbetyped. EXEfile DEBUGmethod. DEBUGisassumed DEBUG.COMisindrive A: andyour Place the program diskette in Drive A, A> b:debug atl Enter Debug to be in the current path or directory. ' working WAR disk is in drive B: and Debug in Drive B. Thefollowing -s 0 fffO 81 eo ffOO 89 86 Search/or the First the CGA version. 2. From the A> prompt, type: . - routine to bepatched. REN FTC.EXE FTC.ZAP exampleappliesto 'EstateTaxPlanner' VYYY:21AF DEBUG should return this RENAME B:WAR.EXEWAR.SAV butthe sametheoryseems,to applytoall DEBUGFTC.ZAP Followed by, of course, hitting the ~ in the series. number. Ifnot, you have a different E352F EB 2E Return key. A> b:debug est1 Enter Debug .vers &should quit. W to save it -r Get CSfrom debug (always -e21af e9 79 00 Eliminate Floppy 3. Now, start up DEBUG with: cs Q to quit to DOS different) Verify routine. DEBUG B:WAR.SAV REN FTC.ZAP FTC.EXE CS XXXX Add1000 to the number -w Save the program with the changes. Now for the EGA version 4. From the '-' DEBUG prompt, enter: returnedby DEBUG. This becomes Writing 6800 bytes REN FTE.EXE FTE.ZAP E8BD8 . yyyy. -q ExitDEBUG xxxx:8BD8 CD-t=8 13-90 73-EB DEBUG FTE.ZAP Example: CS 2502, + 1000 =3502 A> ren atl aD.exe REName thefile to E3625 EB2E The 'xxxx~ willvaryforyoursystem, (yyyy) ifs original name W to save it but if'everything from the colon (:) on­ -syyyy:O ffff e8 a0755 ' Use above 'Ibat's It. Use © A:*.* B:' to Q to quit ward doesn't look the same, DON'T c~culatedyyyy in this line. moveallfilestoa fOlDlatted disketteand RENFTE.ZAP FTE.EXE continue - either you, have another you will have the whole·system unpro- version, orsomething is wrong. \ tected and copy~le.

-22 Reade,s Data Exchange COIIPunST1187 Wanted! Information 67 Falcons Piccadilly 62 Sea Stalker Broderbund unClassifieds on Cracking mMprotection. Also software 68 Factastics Trivia ~ Daystar 67 Serpentine Broderbund How to place an likeCopywritet LocksmithPCt CentralPoint 75 Final Frontier Softsmith 63 Sky Shark Taito Software's PC Option board andPC Watch. 73 Fisher's Cove Tom Snyder Productions 63 Sound Song &Vision Advanced Software UnClassified Ad Also send list ofApple IT items for sate. 69 Fit Wars : Sirius 67 Space Ark ~ ~ Datamost Send a typed sample copy with appropriate Joe Torzewski 74 Fraction Action ~~ Unicorn 62 Spare Change Broderbund instructions. (H possible, send text on a 5.25" 51625 Chestnut Road Apple format disk.) Use up to 40 characters per 69 Gemstone Healer SSI 62 Speedy Spides Readers Digest line,· we win adjust word wrap. Granger IN 46530 Special Graphics 'Instructlons: The frrst 73 Geometric Supposer (the) Sunburst 67 Star Cruiser Sirius three words ofthe flISt line are printed inboldfor 66 GEOS Berkley Softworks ' 63 StickyBear Math: Add &Subtract free. If you want other words balded, use 5 63 Gladiator Taito ...... Optimum Resources characters lessper line. Use 10characters less per line ifyou have a lot of uppercase bold letters. 73 Goodell Diamond Caper 68 Stickybear GS Versions 3.5 ~ Xerox Bold letters are wider than normal. H the typed ...... Tom Snyder Productions 67 Succession Piccadilly copy does not show bold, circle the words you RDEX Contributors 66 GradeBuster 123 Grade Buster 61 Superstar Indoor Sports Mindscape want balded and, on the side, write BOLD. Hyou Vince Andrews 7 ~ - want alinecentered, write CENTERnextto that 61 Gutenberg Sr Micromation LTD. 74 Surveys Unlimited ~ Mindscape , -BBS #181 21 line. There is no charge for centering any line. 65 Halls of Montezuma Electronic Arts 68 Talking Text Writer GS Scholastic You must check your ad for errors, the fust BBS #19 , 21 67 High Orbit SOftsmith 68 Tangled Tales Origin Systems time itnms. Errors onourpart will be corrected, BBS #30 21 then, for free. Errors orchanges onyour partwin 67 Horizon V Softsmith 69 Tetris (lie) Spectrum Holobyte BBS #61 21 be charged a $5 processing fee. 75 Hunt for Red OCtober GS Datasoft 72 Theatre Europe .....•.....•...... •...... • PBI Brian Coombs 16 New Rates (per line) **** **** Rich. Etarip 17, 21 69 Impossible Mission Epyx 74 The Other Side v2.0 Computist club member 25¢ 62 Indoor Sports Mindscape ...... Tom Snyder Productions All others ...... •...... 35¢ Tim Furry 22 68 Infocomics Infocom 81 Think Quick! v1.2 Leaming Company The mlnlmum order Is $S. James J.Harvey 20 66 Jane ...... •...... •...••...... •...... •...... ••.....••••••.••? 65 Thunder Chopper ..•..•...... •••...... •. ? o Ourliability for errors oromissionsislimitedto Jeff Hurlburt 4 the cost ofthe ad Krakowicz 15 63 Joker Poker ! Mindscape 63 Ticket to Washington D.C. o We reserve the right to refuse any~ad. Jack Moravetz 22 72 Kabul Spy , ~ Sirius ...... Blue Uon Software o Washington state residents add 7.8% sales tax. 68 Kingdom of Facts 74 Time Expiorers ~ Gameco o Send a check or money order (funds draWn on Unknown 22 US-bank only) for the entire amO\D1t to: Santa BarbaralThunder Mountain 74 Time Uner v1.1 Tom Snyder Productions 75 Kobayashi Alternative (The) 68 Tomahawk (1Igs) Datasoft COMPUTI8T unCLASSIFIEDS ...... Simon &SChuster 69 Track Attack Broderbund 33821 East Orville Road_ 72 lane Mastodon Infocom 68 Triad Thunder Mountain EatoD\'ille, WA 98328 Apple Most Wanted 67 lancaster ....•...•...... •...•.....•••.•.•...•.••.•.•• SVS 72 Triango (lIgs) CaUfomia Dreams ~ ln~ocom 63 ·Alcon ••..•.•...•••••...... •••...... •...... ••.••Taito 72 laser Force (1Igs) Britannica 68 Trinity •• u 0 WANTED 74 Algebra Shop SCholastic 81 Last Ninja. The (lIe) Activision 73 Unicorn 5.25 software Unicorn 63 Alien Mind ~ PBI Software 75 L.A. Land Monopoly a<>ftsmith 73 Vincent:s Museum Tom Snyder Productions "Most Wanted List" 73, American History Explorer series 66 Legacy of the Ancients Electronic Arts 68 Volcanoes v1.8 •Earthware Comp. services 65 Lost Tomb !' Datasoft 66 War in the Middle Earth Melboume •• io ~:. ••••••~.~••:. ••• Mindscape Software 75 Anchorman Virginia Reel 81 M-ss-ing L-nks:. Classics. old &new 63 .Wings of Fury Broderbund Need help to deprotect a disk 74 Animals of the Past Focus Media •...... ••...•.•...•••...••••..•.•••... Sunburst 63 Wizardry:Retum of Werda Sir-Tech. 74 Mammals - Reptiles &Amphibians 65 Works (the) Arst Star Software Softkey hobbist is interested in acquiring 72 Ankh !" ••n n ., ~ Data~~st .copyprotOOted80ftwareto~-Good ~ 73 Ant Farm ~ ~.' ~ ;..•• SunbUrst •...••....•.....•.•••••.••_•.•• FocUs Media 67 Zenith Softsmith track record,many successful .. attempts. ~ 65 Manhunter New York Ilgs .....Sierra On Line Original disk will be returned along with 67 Aquatron Sierra 65 Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing (gs) IBM Most·Wanted· softkey for COMPUTIST. Especially 63 Bad Street Brawler ~ Mindscape ...... Software Toolworks Interested in older software' (pre-1988) but 73 Bank Street Beginner's Filer Sunbursl 84 Ace of Aces •.•..•.••••. ~ ....•...... •.•.•. Accolade 'will give any disk a shot. -I'm especially 73 McGraw-Hili Problem-Solving Lvi 5&6 73 Bank Street SChool Aler Sunburst 84 Bar Games Accolade interested in: ...... Tom Snyder Productions 63· Beyond Zork Infocom 84 Colony ...... •...... ~ Mindscape -Drol---Broderbund 67 Microwave Cavalier Serpentine---Broderbund 65 Bilestoad Datamost 84 Don't Go Alone Accolade 73 Mind castlel MCE Inc. Spare Change---Broderbund 69 Blue Powder - Grey Smoke Grade 75 Empire ....•...... •....•.... Intersil 63 Modem MGR MGR Software Wings ofFury--- Broderbund 74 Birds - Trees &Rowers Focus Media 84 Anal Orbit ...... •...... Imerprise Star Cruiser---Sirius 68 Mr. Pixel's Cartoon Kit. Mindscape 63 Border Zone .--;- Infocom 72 GBA Championship Football Space Eggs---Sirius 73 Mystery of Hotel Victoria 67 BounCing Kamungas Penguin ••.•....•.••....•.•.•...... •• Electronic Arts Falcons---Picadilly ...... Tom Snyder Productions Microwave---Cavalier 'e6 Boxing ? 68 Graphitti ...... George Best Phillips Academy 63 National Inspirer ...Tom Snyder Productions System: Apple lIe, 128K. Send disk to: 65 Bureaucracy Infocom 63 Heros of the Lance SSI 75 Neptllne .•..•••...••....•• ~ ..•••..••.•.•.••.••.• Softsrnith . Rich Etarip 67 C'est La Vie Adventure International 84 Hardball II Accolade 66 Observatory (The) Mindscape 824 William Charles, Apt #2 69 Caverns of callisto Origin 84 Harmony .•..•...... •••.•••.•.••••••••••••..• Accolade 74 Ocean Life Focus Media Green Bay" WI 54304 69 Checker ;...•.•.••••...... ~ ..•.Odesta 84 Hat Trick ..•....•...... •.•••..••...... •Capcom 66 Odin •.•...... •...... •...•..•....Odessta 69 Chess 7.0·•••.....•••...... ••.•••.•.....•...... •..Odesta 84 Ishido ...... •....•.•...... •..•...••.••.•.••••.... Accolade 63 Operation Wolf ~ Taito Lode Runner Fun Club 81 Chessmaster 2100 lie .. Software Toolworks 84 Jetfighter Velocity 69 II SSI 1900 optional Lode Runner screens avail­ 75 Clue Master Detective Leisure Genius 84 John Elway's Quarterback 67 Phantoms 5 Sirius able for exchangewith youroriginal screens. 63 Cosmic Relief Datasoft . Melboume House 67 Pig Pen ~ Datamost Toshikazi Yamamoto 65 Crime &Punishment Imagic " 84 M1 Tank Platoon Microprose #706 Minami-Ikebukuro-Jutaku 74 Plants &Animals of the DesertFocus Media 81 Crosscountry USA SChool Edition. Didatech 84 Monty Python's Rying Circus 1-13-21 Minami-Ikebukuro, Toshima 75 Prince of Persia (5.25-) : Broderbund 69 Crossword Magic v4.0 ? •...... •.•...•...... Mastertronic Tokyo 171 Japan 67 Project: Space Station Avantage 69 Cybernation Nexa Corp. 72 Operation Wolf Taito - 75 Promethean Prophecy (The) 74 Decimal Dungeon .__ ~ ~.. Unicorn 84 Outrun ...... •...•.•.•••.•...••••.•.Sega Help! Looking for ..... ~ ~ Simon &SChuster 74 Decisions Decisions: Colonization v1.0 - 84 Rhantasm Exocet a workingcopyofEureka&TheGraph­ 67 Pulsar II Sirius ...... Tom Snyder Productions 86 Pirates! Microprose ics and Sounds Development System 68 Pure Stat Basketball ? 69 Delta Squadron Nexa Corp. 84 Povverdrome Electronic Arts from the book "Eureka" by Timothy 62 QUadratic Equations II 67 Desecration Mind Games 72 Radio Baseball Electronic Arts Knight published by Baen .Computer ...Olympus Educational Software , Books. Also seeking a copy of Super­ 66 Disk Optimizer System Nibble Notch 84 Sim City ...•...... •.•. Maxis 81 Quarter Mile lie ? works (Appleworks for IBM). 65 Dondra , Spectrum Holobyte 84 Stormovik Electronic Arts 68 Rails Wes~ SSI CKBevan 69 Dragon Eye Epyx 86 Sword of the Samurai Microprose 63 Renegade ...... ••...... •.•.....••.•.••.....•....•.. Taito PO Box 941072 69 Dueling Digits Broderbund 84 Test Drive III: The Passion Accolade 67 Rescue Raiders Sir Tech Atlanta GA 30341-0072 68 D&D-Master Assistant vol2 ~ SSI 84 Third Courier Accolade 63 Rocket Ranger (lIgs) Cinemaware 62 DROL Broderbund 84 Troika ...... •...... •...... •...... •..•...•Paragon 69·Roundabout Datamost 74 Exploring Tables &Graphs Level 2(SU) 84 Wayne Gretzky Hockey 2 Bethesda 75 Russki Duck Softsmith ...... Weekly Reader 84 World's Greatest Baseball Game 63 S.D.I. (1Igs) Cinemaware 67 Evolution Sydney ...... •.••••.•...•....•. EpyxlKeyptJnCl1

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