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megs - Mega STe 1- $659 wllh chips 2.$1\1- $1$7 4~f- 5229 Adspeed STE- $249 Z-Ram/2.5- 520 ST- $75 BI(DS i5'C(·6P(daJ • $995 Autoswitch Overscan· 5109 Priuter or Modem • $7 wllh chi". 2.91- $147 Blitz cable w/software - 546.95 Star NXI001 ·5155 2mrg.ISOBDIlAI\I Floppy • Z-Ram/Mega 11- 4Megs - $75 , wllh chips 2.91- $147 D.E.K.A. intert'ace- 595 Star NX·2420· $249 ST Book & FalCon- !!CALL!! • 1 Meg Chips $4.50 ea Drive Master - 532 ST/time (under rom clock) - $43 STe SIMMS Imeg each - $40 •..••. . Simms - $40ea Drive cable 6 ft $13.95 Supercharger W/IMeg - $289 SM147 14"· $199 • ..• JRl Board (uses simms)- $99 DVf·VCR hd backup· $69.95 Synchro 11- $59 SC1224 - $200 ••.•.••.••.• Xtra RAM ST Deluxe- $79 .. ""nllnv., lID TEC (Tos extension card)· 5135 Haud Scanner Mlg .. ph· lEC Mega bus- 51SS SC1435 14" color - $349 ').' (uses simms) Hand Scanner GoI4e"I",,,e 5llS :" TOS 2.06 • $70 1.4Meg floppy kit· $139 .: (I@JuU"JOJilUij UP Des~et 500 printer· $469 , .... , Puwl!r (Cor WM enu~alon)' ICD Adscsi Plus - 593.77 .,. Trackball(Krall)' 559 "aster ~ ~'!!!J ICD Adscsi (no clock) - 583.77 : •••• • Trackball(cordless)· $88 • • Master 5S (5.25") - $199 Adscsi Micro (Mega's) - 5": Turbo 20· 5299 SCSI dual drive cabl~ - $10 .: .. Turbo 25· 5359 upra au - 4 d ilINllliijillq_nmll'h ICD Cleanup ST • 525 ••• Tweety Board - 530.95 Supra 2400 Plus- $149 ." ••.. ·· 1Juantum s:megW~l:n" Lantech LAN- 5299 . ".' Vidi ST· 5124.95 Zoom 2400 - $74 •'.: Quantum 105Meg 17Ms ·$369 Mega Touch Springs - 59.49. •<, Vidi-<:hrome ST • $34.95 Zoom2400V.42bis- $146 ••••..•..• Quantum 170Meg 17Ms -$559 Monitor Master - $32 •.••.• Vidi RGB - $109.95 Zoom AFX 2400- $89 •••.••••• Quantum 240Meg 17Ms ·$699 Monitor Staud w/S outlets· $46 •••• Vidi Col~r Kit • 5259.95 Mouse Master - 526 .:",'.. Z,Keys (u.eIBM keyboard)' $59.95 •• ". mod"u wl%OObd ..udf"" 4800 receive .' ""'. Maxtor 65Meg - $269 •.... . Zoom FX9624 - $127 ••••• Maxtor 85Meg· $329 •. 2400 bd ",oele", wl_ud I recelverA' ;:', ... '" Maxtor 120Meg 15msec- $399 Mouse ~~,:!~:=~!I) .$37 . ... 'IRt"WN •• Straight Fax - $59.95 •.....•. . Ft .. 330 $1 6 Mouse (Opto-Mecb. wlDel,,~ pRiutr $45 ', onauza ~.~ (reql~red IOnWAre Cor olllisled FA. ",odc",o) .:. IJltsu Meg - 15 Mouse (Optical)· 553.95 ... • Cool Croc =Twins- - 541.95 .. .. Supra 9600 v32 WlFa.- $269 " Fujitsu 425Meg- $1219 Mouse (Cordless)· 580 .. < D/Generation· 529.95 .' Supra 9600 v32bis WIFA.- $349 Fujitsu 520Meg· $128 Mousestick (Gravis)· 565 .,. ....•. Lure or the Temptress· $48.95 . ZOOM 9600 V.32 -$285 .. Syquest 44M removable·$349 Multi Sync Switchbox· $53.95 ,...... Hook· 546.95 9600 Modftu wlV Albls 8< FA. '" carts·$77 Panasonic KPX·1l24i • $319.95 G-Man 3.0- 539.95 ZOOM 14400 V.32 -$309 •••..•• Syquest 88M removable-$469 Panasonic KPX·1l23 • $234.95 Utopia the New Worlds· 536.95 14400Modftn ..IVAlbIs 8< F"" . earts-$125 AT Speed C16 (16I\mZ)' $369

Complete assembled unit, using ICD ADSCSI Plus /ICD ADSCSI or Supra host(w/clock) and software, hard drive, SCSI cable, and fan! Ready to plug in and use . . All units have a one year warranty. (Syquest & Quantum drives 2 years). All available for 220V 50HZ. HD Size Case A Case B CaseC 50~egs $362 $382 $412 52~egs .$442 $462 $492 Case A: our budget Case $69 65~egs $432 $452 $482 85~egs $492 $512 $542 105~egs $532 $552 $582 120~egs $562 $582 $612 170~egs $722 $742 $772 210~egs $803 · $823 $853 Case B: our shoebox Case $89 330~egs $1319 $1339 $1369 425~egs $1382 $1402 $1432 520~egs $1452 $1472 $1502 44 Syquest $579 N/A $609 88 Syquest $729 N/A' $755 3.5" floppy in second opening- $90 Case c: our deluxe Case $119.95 Alar~ • August 1992

• Whole lot a shaking goin' on. .. V News & Stuff

We're waiting for the Big One. We felt the earth move in June Special Subscription Offer 4 and July as a series of record earthquakes rocked California Held over by popular demand! (coordinating editor Matt got a bump on his head and for the second time a Southern California quake kil led one of our office hard drives). In the meantime, we Atarians wait for the Big One AtariUser News 6 to be released by , in hopes of rocking the computer Top Stories ... And so much more ... landscape with new features and power. It's the "Falcon" we're taJking about here, the new machine to be unveiled this fall. But, as you expected, we have more than a RE:Views 15 hint of what to expect ftom the Falcon (or whatever it ends up Lynx Hydra, Arabesque, Lynx Casino, Lynx Hockey. being caJled) in this issue ofAtariUser. July and August vacationing takes its toll on everything in the Lynx 18 computer industry, and AtariUser is no exception. [Jut we are here Atari's now backing the Lynx with improved marketing. again, on time, this and every month, when some magazines toss in the towel and take a break. We think that you prefer it that way. Our outs1anding information this month includes an extended Q&A session on the Portfolio with BJ Gleason. LOls'a news, new V Features products, and our comprehensiveAVs AturiLand Calendar as usual. Add our Resource section with a directory of the member­ ship of the Independent Association of Atari Developers, and Portfolio FAQ 20 you've got another "keeper" issue ofA tari User for your future As a writer for AtariUser; a software developer; and reference. as a Sysop on CompuServe, BJ Gleason gets asked a We're adding new statrmembers at AtariUser, and will be re­ lot ofquestions. Not that he mind questions, but a organizing the opemtion to make it easier to gel in touch with us, to lot ofthem get asked over and over and over again. subscribe to us, and to pass us the information we all need to help keep Atari Users happy and productive. More on that next month. So here, for the first time anywhere, is your defini­ Also in the months ahead, look for our 8-bit Atari column to tive Porrfolio answer resource! In this colwnn he'll cover some exciting new software fhim Europe, and our MIDI these "Frequently Asked QueStions. " column will return with developer-by-developer analysis of the 're not in any particular order; and the names music software systems for the Atari. been removed to protect the (uh, not so) All in all, we think you' ll be pleased to know that our changes are taking our established efrorts and making them still more stable, at a time when stability is mre.

- John Nagy, Editor-in-Chiet; AtariUser Magazine ... AU Resource SpeciaL.! "Save this Page"... 24 Complete Listing of the Independent Association of Atar; Developers 1hel'e developers do something almost unheard ofin other computer markets: they share information. experiences, C\I Ol contacts, distribution information. and much more. The Ol members ofthe lAAD have found that generosity begets generosity. and that competition among comrades means improved sales and reduced costs for all. .. I) 26 I/) AU Classifieds ::l.. • Afar/User ~ AU's AtariLand Calendar 26 c( 5 AT OUR LOWEST PRICE IN A [

p •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • "'Iar ',', " GOOD ONLY FOR THE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES_ PAYMENTMUSTBE • • H ;, ., ~~~UDED . NO PHONE CALLS. GET 3rd CLASS FOR $15 OR 1.' CLASS FOR •

• NAME •


• CITY/STATE/ZIPCODE • 'omissions: '" _II/e reserve all rights. Reproduction by any means • PHONE • in whole or'part 'lIithout • • written permission from' the.. • CHECK D VISA D D MASTER CARD • publishers is prohibited: NUMBER I EXPIRATION DATE .. _ We assume no respon-, .. .. 'siOillty, "or advertlsers nor ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• their products. _ We'd like to hear 'rom youl Send your subscrip-tions, comments, sugges-tions, THIS IS YOUR ONE-TIME ONLY SHOT! OJ complaints and sub­ ::l Cl missions to AtarlUser at 113 ::l .. W.Coliege St.: Covina, CA SEND THIS COUPON WITH YOUR PAYMENT TO... 4( 91723. QUILL PUBLISHING CO. ! 113W. COLLEGEST. : DoIng our part... COVINA, CA 91723-2008 ~ {~ Completely prInted ! L~'" on recycled paperl L-______C_ O_ O_L_' ______--' C GEMULATOR The Atari ST Emulator for MS-DOS and Windows

1111::1.: With Gemulator, you can run Atari ST and DOS software on one PC. The screen on the left shows TOS ._.~ 2.06 running on top of Windows.

Turn your 386 or 486 based PC into an Atari ST clone. Introductory price: $199 u.s. When ordered before September 15, 1992.

Gemulator requires a PC with 8 megabytes of RAM. A 486 is required for full speed ST emulation. A 386 will run at half speed.

Gemulator will be shown at th~ Glendale show! Easy to install. Just plug it in to your Pc. Emulates a 2 megAtari ST. Reads all ST disk formats, even Twisted disks and TOS 1.0 formatted disks. Emulates all 3 Atari ST screen resolutions and the STe's 4096 color palette. Supports all versions of TOS (including TOS 1.0, TOS 1.4, and TOS 2.06). Multitasks ST software and PC software when used with Microsoft Windows. Hard disk support allows you to put your Atari ST programs on the PC's hard disk. Share text files, pictures, spreadsheets, and databases between ST and PC software. Fully compatible with: Pagestream, Calamus, LDW Power, ST Writer, GFA Basic, Neodesk, Prism Paint, Tempus, Word Writer, First Word Plus, Degas, Hotwire, Multidesk, Maxifile, GDOS/G+PLUS, Quick ST, Warp 9, Word Flair, Sudden View, Laser C, and many more programs.

If you missed the recent Gemulator demos at the Toronto ACE show in April, the Indianapolis MIST show in July, or the Connecticut show in August, then don't miss the Gemulator booth at the Glendale show, Saturday September 12, 1992. Come see Gemulator for yourself Using a PC was never so easy! To receive our newsletter and an order form for pre-ordering Gemulator, write to: Branch Always Software 14150 N.E. 20th Street, Suite 302, Bellevue, WA 98007 U.S.A. FAX: 206-885-5893 CIS: 73657,2714 GEnie: BRASOFT Delphi: DAREKM

All products mentioned are trademarks of their respective manufacturers. MS-DOS and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Gernulator includes a board which allows you to plug in any version ofTOS, from TOS 1.0, to TOS 1.4, to the new TOS 2.06. Two versions ofTOS may be plugged in at once for improved compatibility with some ST software. You can even run two different ST programs at the same time, each one using a different version ofTOS and running in a different screen resolution! Gemulator eliminates the need for having separate color and monochrome monitors and allows you to switch between color and monochrome modes without rebooting the PC_ MIDI software and some copy protected software is not currently compatible with Gemulator. List price of Gemulator after September IS, 1992 shall be $399. So order early! l\'£'Il'.\· & SII1/r Atari and Related Computer News

AtariUser News

Waiting for the """"" 030 Even though no official word is available, even Signal Processor has maintained a lid on details, and even though updatedTOS claim that the new computer to be unveiled this multitasking. the name FALCON, the rumor mill has and speculation, and pseudo-information on what is expected to be a machine. Corp in cooperation Atari held an Department at the designed the multitasking basis for MultiTOS, a and extensions on disk. running applications, ~Ulluw~nou~ processes in desk accessories are now and the ability to run making every application work like an accessory. Under ifone of many parallel running applications should crash, the others remain protected and safe. A more limited version ofMultiTOS for older ST computers is expected to be available as software. According to the Atari Advantage Falcon story, the Falcon case will be a to the color of the Portfolio and STacy. It will compatible LAN port plus an industry port, stereo microphone and ports, a DSP port, as the Falcon fir..t look almost came early, through the efforts of Atari Advantage Magazine. An exclusive Falcon story, complete with photogmphs of the outside and even the motherboard of the Falcon, was planned for their June issue. However, in production that issue to the June/July " and then negotiations with Atari Corp regarding non-disclosure matters caused the photogmphs to be dropped and the printing to be further delayed until • The Falcon ... late July. the photogmphs will instead be A 6B03O running at featured in an upcoming issue of'Atari Explorer CPU devices, such 16 MHz. in the 1040- style one piece cabinet, (see related story, below). 'Ihe Atari Advantage dmmatic speed and PC the Falcon features "more Falcon article remains gencmlly complete, and is a snap. Other internal items a fan and an internal hard colors than you can see, recommended reading, even getting "thumbs up" from disk-a 2.5" 40 meg unit in the one Advantage cracked open. more sounds than you can hea(', and uses a Motorola Atari officials. The Falcon issue should be availablt: at Atari A daughter board held 16 meg of RAM in a plug-in module. Digital Signal Processor dealers well into August. Price? It is said that the Falcon 030 will start at under 'in DSP 56001 (like in NeXT). $700. 0>" It will have an updated TOS SpeculatIve Specs « that will Watch this space-AtariUser will feature an official " include MultiTOS The Falcon 030 (it may ~till be called something else when fCature list and review as soon as Atari commits itself, probably •.. multitasking. released, but this name is now seeming to stick) wi ll fl:'dture a at the show in Germany in late Augu~t . : 68030 running at 16 MHz, in the I 040-style one piece cabinet, ~ and feature "more colors than you can see. more sounds than ~ • ATARIIN FORBES

The August 3, 1992 Issue of Forbes Magazine recounts the AIari IIIory In a article called Selr by Oyan famed annual company picnic, reporting headquarters in Sunnyvale, Califomi bIamM AlBri's elevated by frank and open discussions ofthe the Tramlel pinching. and the coming products. No, the press was not invited. that second- 992 financial (unavailable al will be far worse first qual18r when Lynx goes West $14 million on $44 In sales. Further, the As Atari gears up for the Jaguar game console to be released in says that Jack 1993, the Lombard, Illinois offices of Atari Entertainment are Tramlel has personally being relocated to Sunnyvale. Home of the Lynx development tskan over day-to-day operation of the company, team, Lombard will remain open as a programming center, but, moving his son Sam out of sales, rnarlceting, and support for the Lynx and soon the his former ofIIca. The will be part ofthe California operation under the article does mention the new line of Falcon Bernie Stolar. Leaving Atari are Larry Entertainment System due to an infiingement computsrs and the Jaguar Plotkin, who did not wish to by .. The judgment follows a July game console, but speculates that Alari has Gal00b had been wrongfully enjoined from less than half of the cash selling Game Genie for the NES, and the U.S. Court of needed to perform an Appeals unanimous decision in May 1992, affinns that ruling. appropriate roll-out of the new products. Alari oftIc::Ials ST-Book, Balks aren't happy with the Forbes article's tone:but The sexy ST-Book was expected to be available in quantity by some observers are saying, mid-summer, but still is out of sight. According to Bob "Any press Is mora press Brodie, part ofthe reason is the need to improve the sight of What ever happened than we have had. A lot of the screen. Test results from allover say that a backlight is raaders will discover that Alari Is not dead, at least" simply required, regardless of any loss of opercltion time that it to the AUA? creates. The ST-Book prototypes have operated for as long as Many individuals and Atari user groups sent money to the II hours on a charge, and a backlit screen would cut that by Atari Users Association in 1990 and 1991, and haven't heard more than halE And backlights seem to be an a11-Qr-nothing from the group since. Intended as a "unified voice" of Atari affair, screens that can be backlit can't be read without a usen;, the group offered a software library, a newsletter, and backlighl If Alliri does a retool for a light, the entire notebook high hopes, but suffered from lack ofrea! purpose and computer will become something else altogether. At a later direction. In mid 1991, theAUA took up the cause of working and later date. Another problem is the ever-tumbling prices of again~t pirciCy, a campaign that attracted positive attention and PC notebook computers. At the S2,OOO+ projected price of the more membership. However, shortly after the AUA took the Atari ST-Book, careful buyers could buy two reasonably anti-piracy stance, Derek Signorini, president ofthe AUA, competent IBM compatible unitr-with software. received a phone bill totalling almost S2,ooo, apparently performed by a "phreaker" as a warning to the AUA against further activity. Derek reportedly used the existing AUA finances as well as cash raised by the sale of all of his Atari • Some of AteriUsar's News and Press The Empire equipment to pay a settlement of 112 ofthe bill. According to information Is provided by Eric Lambeth, who wants to reorganize the AUA, no funds the ZONet Intemalional Alan whatsoever remain to make refunds to the 253 members who News SeNios, copyright ~ Strikes Back••. Ron Kovacs., P.O. Box 59, each paid SIOto SIS. ~• Nintendo and Atari Corp have jointly announced that Atari has Middlesex, NJ 08846, Since the reasons for the closing of the AUA have been (908) 968-2024 voice, (908) .. withdrawn its appeal ofajury verdict andjudgment in fcivor of made public, Derek Signorini released an 8-part "expose" on 968-8148 BSS, GEnie: Z­ ::I• Nintendo. Atari had sued in a long and expensive trial based • the problems he encountered while piloting the AUA In it, NET, CompuServe: 't: on antitrust grounds against Nintendo in Federal Court in San 71777,2140. Derek makes bitter accusations of political pressure and hidden ~ Francisco. In the end, the jury was unable reach a decision Sew\ & Slliff Atari and Related Computer News

AlarlUser News

agendas on the part of various media and Atari employees that allegedly led to suppression of the AUA as an organization. Calamus News Meanwhile, Eric is attempting to get the AUA back on its Nathan Potechin, President of ISO Marketing since 1987, feet, and is offering to reopen the software library, user group announced the formation ofOMC Publishing. Inc .. "In order directOly, and article exchange for user groups. He will honor to place a stronger emphasis on what has become the main paid memberships but asks for donations of$5 or more. For activity ofiSO - the Calamus SL product line - we've more information, contact Eric Lambeth, P.O. Box 1062, restructured to better address the needs of our many Calamus • ATARI EXPLORER Springfield, MO 65714-1062, GEnie: E.lAMBE1H customers," said Potechin in a July 9 press release. He plans TAKES ADVANTAGE for the new corporation to continue to woric for increased The publisher and editor of market share for Calamus as well as acting as an OEM Rcseller Alan Advantage (a new and Value Added Reseller (VAR). Alan ST magazine) have SPA Fights Piracy In late June, ISO Marketing. Inc. (now OMC Publishing. been hired to lake over Inc.) awarded ll1l\ior prizes in the 2nd Annual Calamus Family production 01 Alan's In­ An FBI raid on a Boston bulletin board system (BBS) yielded house magazine, Alan Creativity and Design Contest. First Prize Wmner of seizure of computers and records of operntions that show Explorer. Mike Lindsay and $1,500.00 worth ofAGFA Compugmphic fonts for use in both illegal distribution of software to users in 36 states and II Darren Meers are Outline Art and Calamus went to Dan Marusich of Absolute relocating to Sunnyvale to foreign countries, including Israel, Australia, Canada, Croatia, Visuals out ofTuscon, Ariwna. His submission was of pilot the glossy bi-monthly France, Germany, IrdQ, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Explorer altar their short multiple logo designs. Second Prize (an Atari SLM605laser stint producing their own the United Kingdom. The BBS was "Davy Jones Locker" and printer compliments of Atari) went to Rolf Berger of Images Atari magazine. According opernted by paid subscription, offering users access to over 200 Unlimited in Ottawa, Ontario, for a report cover design. Third . to Lindsay, inany pirated programs ranging up to the $3,500 AutoCAD system, Prize was a complete Calamus SL package won by Joey subscripllons were either and a number of prerelease versions of software that can't even not billed or charged in (REALM) Sherman, for his "Grog. Bob, and the Almost Oval­ be bought by the general public. No arrests were made yet, anticipation 01 the move. Looking Red Thing with No Real Purpose." Fourth Prize Paid subscribers will be pending further investigation of criminal charges. Civil suits went to Jamie Todd of Chimera for his cassette sleeve design. given options on conversion have been filed in Federal Court by the Software Protection to a subscription to Alari Jamie and his band, Radio Silence, also use their Atari Association on behalf of their member developers, charging Explorer. equipment for music composition and performance. Fifth Undsay and Meers board operntors with copyright infringement and seeking an Prize went to Steve KaIcita for his T-Shirt design, "Robot." were part 01 ST-Inlormer unspecified amount of compensatory damages. The SPA (an AtBri ST news lablold) estimates software pirdCY worldwide co~ts the computer lor lour years, and both lell Calamus SL Upgraded indu~1ry $10 billion to $12 billion a year. Inlormer in January 1992 A free upgrade for Calamus SL owners is now offered by over a dispula regarding In the Atari marlcet, some small developers have had OMC. Registered owners will receive upgrade instruction by ownership and control. pirdCY of their products make the difference between success Their own magazine, Alan mail, and there is only a $10 shipping and insurance charge. and failure of their companies. Advantage, had established Many of the features ofSL that were previously inactive or a respectable circulation, Other news from the SPA via surveys of over 1,000 home buggy are now up and running as they should be. In addition, but Alari Corp electad not to computer and users ... 40% of entertainment bring Advantage in-house Calamus SL now includes a new standard module, the software users in the survey and 26% of education software 86 an additional magazine. Focoltone color matching system. Focoltone Ltd. is a U.K.. users admitted to the SPA that they copy software from friends, Will Atari Advanlage firm that offers precision color modules for allll1l\ior OTP continue publishing uncler work, or from school. platforms and software. Available in addition to the software new management? At Education and recreation software rank nearly equal in use press time, nothing could (which is included with the upgrade) is a 763 color Swatch by those who use them, loggirig an average of four hours a be conlirmed, either way. Book ($79 US, $95 CON), a set of 16 Color Charts with The naming 01 editorial week per user. There are, however, many more game users. process color specifications ($1691200, also available on slaff lor Explorer ends Nearly 40"10 of entertainment software homcs have no children, months 01 conjecture about newsprint), and a Color Specifier Chip Book with 5 swatches while only 22% of education software is in childless homes. who would take over lor of each color ($2001240). Owners of Calamus 1.09N can still Personal productivity software comes out high~t in homes John Jainschigg. John upgrdde to the improved Calamus SL for $200 US, $229 declined to move to with no children, but not far above entcrtainment programs. CON. Sunnyvale Irom his New Personal productivity software users own an average of3.6 York offices where he progrdll1s, while entertainment users own almost ten. produced Explorer lor the More Modules for SL last two years. For those with a high school education, computer use is lbree new modules now join the availability list as add-ons for Bringing Alari Explorer less than one third that of video games. College degreed user's to the home offices is part 01 the modular Calamus SL. The OATAFORMER module PC use at home is about double their video game usage. PC an overall consolidation 01 comes in two parts - RASTER and VECfOR, used to use is also tied strongly to income, with 41 % of homes with executive efforts and convert Calamus grciphic fiames or pages to other file formats attentions at Alari. Over­ PC's having incomes over $50,000, versus only 23% for those for export. Raster will export to Degas (PI?), Doodle (PIC), seeing magazine operation with video games. will be Alari's Bemie Stolar. NeoChrome (NED), STAD (PAC), GEM Image (IMG), Enhanced Simplex (ESM), Block (BLK), PC Paintbrush .\'('\1'\ (~ SII1// Atar; and Related Computer News

AtariUser News

• NEW HOST BRINGS (PCX). IFFILBM (IFF), TIFF (TIF); Targa (TGA), Calamus Oxxi Inc., P.O. Box 90309, Long Beach, CA 9OIIO'M309, CD, FLOPTICAL (CRG), and GIF87a (GIF). Vector will export to Calamus USA, FAX (310) 427-0971 TOATARI (CVG), GEM Metafile (GEM), Autocad (OX F), HPGL ICD Inc. has announced a Plotfile (PLT), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) and PostScript new host adaptor that will (PS). There are choices of saving with Color, Grayscale or . enable standard ST can computers to use Industry Monochrome; you specifY ALL or STANDARD (VOl) Complete Mailing standard SCSI devices, colors and filled or outlined fill patterns. There are also options Including hard drives, CD to save 1-, 4- and 8- bit gmyscale or 8-and 24- bit color. For Solution ROM drives, and ftopticals PostScript files, the options include filled or empty fills and designed for IBM, MAC, Step Ahead Software, Inc. and Synergy Resources you may choose to save an ilTlllge with the file. For EPS you and . Pricing has not announced the release of neW versions ofTracker 1ST and been announced, but "The may choose to attach a TIFF with the converted file. GEMvelope!, and a working demo version of GEM vel ope! Link" will be a sell-powered Datafonner will not enable import of PS or EPS files into will be included free in future packages ofTracker 1ST. The molded cable-box a"air that Calamus SL. Dalaformer is $100, $120 CON. will connect to Atari's DMA teaming ofTracker/ST and GEMvelope! aids those who need The new MOUNT module ($50160) allows printing more (ACSI) port and plug to maintain a mailing list and want to print mailing labels and directly to standard 5O-pln than one page on each sheet of printed paper, handy for small bar-coded envelopes. The new version ofTracker 1ST, v3.04, Centronics SCSI ports, fonnat publications. giving instant and complete has a command which lets the user cut the current name and The BRUSH Module ($30135) is a ~ter gmphics editor access to virtually any address to the Atari Clipboard and paste the address into peripheral using SCSI, with that allows you to select from a palette of20 brush sizes and GEMvelope! (v2.84) for printing using a variety of different up to 8 devices at one time shapes (including variable) and then access the same color typefuces. The new Atari Font GOOS (not FSM GOOS) is being supported. Better table that is available in the other modules. yet, MS-DOS formatted also included on the disk, as are three fonts and printer drivers.. Previously available add-on modules include: Speed Line devices will read and write In addition, each copy ofTracker/ST will come with a coupon directly and trensparenUy Autotracer ($50/60) converts a rcNer' gnlphic to a vector for 1/3 off the retail price of GEM vel ope!. Upgmding to from the ST without gmphic within seconds; Color separation module ($50/60) modification, using lCD's Tracker/ST v3.04 is free for owners ofv3.0 or above. allows definition of separation filters, including undercolor driver software. CD-ROMs Registered users on GEnie may receive their updates through are now supported through removal and adornment (spot color); and the Vector Graphic e-mail, and those without GEnie accounts may upgmde by The Link's extended SCSI Module ($100/120) which allows the creation and editing of . sending a check or money order for $5.00 (shipping and commands, with a re­ monochrome or color vector grdphics. written MetaDOS driver to handling) to Step Ahead Software, 496-A Hudson Street, #F39 DMC Publishing, 2800 John St, Suite 10, Markham, support the SCSI-2 New York City, NY 10014, 212-627-5830. GEnie Address: standard for CD-ROM Ontario L3ROE2, phone 416-479-1880, FAX 416-479-1822 . . players. The ICD Link will NEVIN-S. Upgmdes from Tracker/ST v2.0-2.51 are $30.00, be premiered at the Atari and may be purchased by check, money,order, and all major Messe in Dusseldorf, credit cards. GEMvelope! comes with both a prognun and Germany in August. ICD is laking orders now w~h desk accessory version, and retails for $30 from Synergy shipments expected in micl­ NeoMovement Resources, 754 N. Bolton Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46219- August. For further 5902, 317-356-6946, GEnie Address: RRiCHARDS2. Information, contact GribnifSoftware, mailers ofNeoDesk, STalker, and importers Thomas Harker at ICD by of Ardbesque and Convector (and otht:r cool goodies) has phone (815) 968-2228 moved to new offices. New addn... ss and telephone numbers are extension 120, or FAX (815) 968-6888. effective immediately: GribnifSoftW'dI'C, P.O. Box 779, Northampton, MA 01061. Phone (including technical Moving Molrcules support): (4\3) 247-5620. Fax line (24 hours): (4\3) 247- Computer animations of cellular and molecular processes is 5622. available for use on the ST computers. The series consists of 34 full color animations developed for an introductory cell biology/molecular genetics course at the University ofWestem Ontario, London, ON, Canada by Drs. Alan Day and Robert Dean. Each animation is a complete mini-lesson and provides New SuperBase 15-20 minutes of stody time. A number of animations also present important biotechnological techniques such as PCR, Coming DNA sequencing, and cloning. The tutorial series is available ~ SuperBase database ~ystems for the Atari have been acquired for a fee by contacting Dr. Alan Day, Dept. of Plant Sciences, ~ by Oxxi Inc., who now offer upgrcldes for the popular line of University ofWestem Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7. Phone c( software. '[he charge to upgrclde either version ofSuperbase (519) 433-7145 or Fax (519) 661 -3292. Please specifY the • Personal to SB Pro 3 is $85, available only thruugh Oxxi. The Atari version. • j upgrclde includes full product, manuals and all. 1: A new product, Superbase 4, is expected in the near future. I m------~------~ 1-800-8 5-3070 Order Line Only For tech support call Micro Computer Depot 803-788-5165 Atan s largest dealer In the south east. We have been selling and servicing them Store/Order Hours since 1981. We are Sales and Service authorized for the complete Al{~ ri line. Mon-Fri 9:00-6:00 Call for current pricing on all machines.

:l .. :

Atari IIccessories PrtJductivity Golden image Calamus SL $699.95 Optical Mouse Calamus '139.95 Opt/Mech Mouse Outline $179.95 I.n. 3.5" DS/DD Drive Phasar 4.0 $79.95 Migraph Hand Scanner Data Manager Pro $114.95 w/1buchup DBMANV '159.95 Xwitchit (monitor switch) TW Publisher 2 5169.95 Mouse Master Pagestream 2 5189.95 Replay VIII Sound Sampler Home Accounts 2 $93.95 D.EKA. Pro Data $109.95 520STE 5349.95 Word Flair ll/FSM 5165.95 1040STE PLI CD Rom Drive (NEW) 5749.95 5379.95 Word Perfect 5169.95 MegaSTE/2-Color 51,099.95 Calligrapher Gold 5179.95 MegaSTE/4-Color $1,199:95 Entertainment SC1224 12" Color $224.95 546.95 SM147 14" Mono 5189.95 Falcon - Classic Collection $52.95 Utilities The Cryptographer 522.95 $324.95 Disciples of Steel $39.95 SC143514" Color DC Data Diet $52.95 TOS 2.06 Rom Set 555.95 Knights of the Sky . 554.95 Populous II (One-Meg Vers.) 552.95 DC Desktop $27.95 Lure of the lemptrcss DC Shower $19.95 SLM605 Laser 51,149.95. $49.95 DC Utilities 2.0 $29.95 Drum Kit 5179.95 Knightmare $52.95 Lotto-File 519.95 Toner Kit 528.95 Epic (includes 3D giasses) $52.95 Shadowlands (Totally Radl!) $49.95 Avant Vektor $524.95 Ask about the 520 STE Discavery Push-Over 544.95 Hotwire $29.95 Pack and the 1040 STE Family Deuteros Lookit/Popit $29.95 Curriculum Pack. 549.95 Railroad Tycoon 549.95 Maxifile III $29.95 Hook $46.95 Multi-Desk Deluxe 537.95 FII-Sf Hard Drives Sim City/Populous Pack 544.95 Newdesk Icon CPX $27.95 Diamond Back II $39.95 FA-ST $543.95 Legend (Awesome!) 545.95 40MB Crossword/Search II 529.95 FA-ST 5614.95 80MB UIS 3.3 $18.95 FA-ST 5689.95 130 MB Clli/d's Play WPSwitch 517.95 FA-ST 212MB 5936.95 Magic Storybook 542.95 Abrabesque Pro $159.95 FA-ST 340MB 51274.95 Mickey's Runaway Zoo $36.95 Sudden View Student $22.95 FA-ST 1.2GB 52479.95 Goofy's Railway Express $36.95 S'Jalkcr 539.95 We only use quality lCD cases, The Shoe People $42.95 STeno $23.95 power supplies, and host Numbers Count $27.95 adapter kits with Maxtor Letters for You $27.95 Proglamming Devpak ST . 599.95 drive mechanisms jor Math ntaster $23.95 > maximum reliability. Pepe's Garden $39.95 Oevpak TT $199.95 HiSoft COBOL C/PM $84.95 We import many European tilles. Four year warranty add S175!!! call for weekly specials. FTL Modula-2 '149.95 WERCS $79.95 FORTH $69.95 . 224 O'Neil Ct. Suite 14 Prospero C 5129.95 Mark Williams C $144.95 • Columbia, SC 29223 . , No sut'charge for credit card orders. High Speed PASCAL 5143.95 Ptospero Fotran-GEM $114 .95 " Free shipping on all software orders above $100! GI'A Basic & Compiler $129.95 I' " ~ ~ ButtonzBasic Shell 544.95 . ~ ~ With NPSI, save up to 25% off AT&T Card rates. NPSI FONECARD Nothing to buy, Long Distance Phone Calls No Fee. - COST COMPARISON - • Message Storage & AVERAGE 2 MINUTE CAU Forwarding No Install chargel No Monthly, You only pay lAY" m" IITI" • Conference Calling for what you Use. CO" SAYED COST SAYEI COST SAYED "" ,u. 2J ".12 21 '1.17 II • Voice Mail Billed directly to Your home/ acl ".14 It ".05 16 '1.10 12 business phone. Can be IPIIIIT S1.25 20 ".05 16 '1.11 II • Speed Dialing charged to MasterCard or Visa lIPS! '1.0. .. '0." ...... (optional). Works from any - ,.11 1IcW" tlllffell per-uI_cMrps • Inti'-Domestic-operator touch tone phone, .AT&T. IO,*", Assisted & Direct Dialing • Mel. 1S rMts INCLUDING PAY PHONES. • SPRINT. 1S rMts • Re-Origination .IPSI. 40 ..... Redial feature, Instant opera­ IPSI .aI, eMr,... 40 c.nl•• arcMr,. • Account/Proiect Codes tor for customer ...... 2r.. ... service. Personal 800 1. '01,. M-F 30 ...... • Business Related Services. numbers available. AI ...... 24c ..... NPSI Can SaveYour Family and Business Money on Your Calling Card and Long Distance Calls. Our Rates are 5% to 150/0 LESS than the UBig Three".

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I/w .....Iby .I~orfl' NPSI 10 H II, long .slIllCl carrI«. Mall to: Networkers Phone Systems Inc. P.O. Box 570051 (SlflCllur. of AppIic.t Dat. Tarzana, CA 91357-0051 - - -- .. Public Domain/Shareware Software BRE Software Games #130011301· Alari ST TopicslBook) Programs #1304· GFA Basic Utililies I Orders/Catalog Requests :~~6 '. ~~~~:~ ~~~I~/~t.j,~ ',~ri~~~~ ~714 #1305 . Gram~am Grammer Checke' V3.20 Used Lynx #835 . Advenlure Game T001~1 . A shareware pkg m~g :t?'':~~~~~~~r~H~~ercard) (I MeglDBLJ I id Ihal allows you 10 creale your own lop #1319 _ GFA Basic V2.0 IProg Rei Guide available) C artr g es quahalio'Ys StleXnlkeasdvBeanclku'Maegpasm,eosr'lJEeBlls)I.10 #1322· KAOS DESK · GEM Desktop Replacemenl I (800) 347-6760 #898 C o. #1367· Lalesl Super Hard Disk Utililles IDBLJ A.P.B. 19.95110.00 #993 - Monochrome Games: Pac Man & Columns #1370· Stock Smart V3.2· Stock charting program Bill & Ted's Exel. Adv. 19 ,951 10.00 Call for FREE Catalog :W:g : ~~~:nYi~~~i4S~y~~~~E; Only) #1385· Cal V6,O - The calendar accessory I 19.95110.00 #1220 . Telris . 1 or 2 players simullaneously #1400 . ST Wrller V~h5 '1Simple'd~as~~n:o~o~~ glff lighl~ngmes 1~49rs)~ ' ~~ ------#1252 · Caplive Help Files, ST Gaming Digesl 12191 ~i~~ew~. ~eskj;1 e~~~:. inc~~ed. I C~ ':~ Ft 1995110'00 SPECIALS #1255· Jeopardy V3 , Hearts ICoior Only) #1420· Super Bool V7.2· All in one bool up utilily cry~alrMine;H 29:95115:00 #1258· Llamalron VI.O . (I MeglClr) #1429 E I 'bl C I I Pa I VI 0 Elect 199511000 Alcon - Auto Duel - F-15 Strike Eagle - Gunship #1277· Myslic Well : Similar 10 Dungeon Masler IClr) #1441: Y~~;~:on~nG~A B~~'c :i.o Manual I Gal:~~endocon 19:95110:00 Lords of Conquest - Moebius - II m~~ :~1~1':?:. ·T~~~~~~xE~~~~~ro~ 1~~y~~Bl) #1442· GFA Basic Compiler Sheller Plus VI.O Gauntlel f9 .95110 .00 Pro Soccer - Renegade - RVF Honda - Silent Service #1366. Rolling Ronny· Super Mario Iype game (CIr) *1444 - Spellone Vt.I . Spell Check wilh dict ionary I ~~oDriV i n :~:~~:~ : ~~ Star Quake - Starglider - Super Cycle - Tetra Quest #1371· Blackjack Plus 3 Demo Desktop Pl.lblishing Klax 19,95110.00 Weird Dreams - Winter Edition #1389· GRAV: Greal rolale & Ihrusl game IColor) #737· Calamus VI.09 bemo· FU~ lunclional I Ms, Pac Man 14.95/8.00 #1409· ~~~~;~~I~~~o~~~~nn~y~ason & more #758175~~~~I,l~5gt,~53~~f7~/lca~m':'fo~r.ll Ninja Gaiden 24.95112.00 $9.95 Each #119011223/132911330· Calamus Fonls I Pacland 19,951 10 ,00 Buy 3 Get 1 FREE #1410 . ~~b~6e~0~d~i~;i~~aScrall~:~0~;1gl~rirs #935. Desktop Publishin9 Utililies Paperboy 19.951 10.00 SJpplies limited 10 stock on hand - mall orders musllis\ allematives #1411 . Dealhbringer Demo Igo or Only) #1028 - PageS/ream Font Editor VO.8 I ~x :~~~:~ . ~~ #1421 · Unnkulian Underwo~ d · Te xi Adv. (1 Meg) #1266· Silhcuett UG-DOS) Ro~g~g:ters 19:9511O:00 #1422· Baby Jo in ·Going Home· ·Super Mario Iype #1297 · FP Print· Output Robo 199511000 Adobe Type 1 Fonts Pkg . h d h'es! nd If ICII #1348· AVANT VE TO MO - A billmage I Iron ., #1440 . ~~~:n W~I olgl~~ Ml~fnt' Ca~~ls l~or;r\S r veclor Iracer and veclor grahics edilor. 19.95110 .00 Includes 9 Disks #1447 · Oem. ~an V2.0, Oh Crags, Poker NighllClr) From CodeHead Software IMono on~L ~Jri;'1 Dog :~ :~~ :~ : ~~ I $29.95 :::;~: ~lf~ifE6N'E~N5m~lv:~e~:~2rillen role m~~: ~~~,!ued'~e~~(~~~~lnlo~~,"8~~I) I ~ime Wo~d 19.95110,00 playing game. IColor/l Meg RAM/DBl) #143611437 - Megapainl Pro Demo 4.0 IMono/DBl) To~ 29,95115.00 I ------Utildies #1438· Genus Fonl Edilor Demo lor Calamus Fonls I +~:as:%nl ~~:~~:~:~~ ST Books #399. DegaS! Degas Elite Prinler Drivers #1461· Easy Texl Vl .2: Budgel Desklop Publisher UII. Chess Challenge 24.95112.00 I Alari ST Book $16.95 #400/800 ·31/2· Disk Labeling Programs PageS/ream Fon/s I Vi~n~ Child 19.95/10.00 Atari ST Subjects $16.95 #443 - Inlersecl RAM Baby, Amortizalion #599 . Binner, Fulura Black, Hal, lubalin, Wartlirds 19.95110 .00 I #68818661112611345 · H.P. DeskjetlLaserjelUtililies Futura Exira Bold Condensed I Xenophcbe 19.951 10.00 Atari ST Topics $16.95 #76819381116511308. NeoDesk Icons #870· Atari , Baby Teeth, lucida, Old EnQlish Xybols 19.95110.00 Calamus Guide to Desktop Publishing $34 .95 #801 label Prinling Programs #1044 , Adverse, Barnum, Bu~inglon, Oblique, Za~or Mercenary 19.95110.00 I C-manship with Disk $29.95 #829: Vanlerm V3.S· Shareware terminal program Caligraphy 2, Celtic, Chancery, Chicago, I All Used lynx Cart ridges must include $19 .95 #888 . Alan" ST Slibjecls (Book) Programs DMinQ,buaml ,' SoFlauvShe'nHa,rMrl0ede"'uOmIY[}'aPII,ica, Souvenir box and instructions. When selling back Concepts in Programming (GfA) #991 . label Printing for H.P, Deskjet & Avery 5260 edi II lynx can ridges, we only oller Siore Cfadil I GFA BASIC & Assembler User Book with Disk $39.95 labels, Desktop Formatter, Disk Sector Edit. 111094 - Architect, Avant Guard, Bookman, I :~~ ~~~:~ I~e ~i~e~U ~~lu~: y': Customer Service, Order Status. Inquiries. and Canadian Orders. call #1008 - ICONDESK - Set up different looking icons ~~~~~:,yp~~~~~e, ~e~~~~~al. Kibe, ;:~~~ ~~1I~p'U~:;r ~ta~i~ I j2l)9)432·3{)12. NoCrodil Card Surcharge. Visa/MC /Disco,,, $20.00 ::~~g/ i3~~\~;tm~~w r&.w , Utililies. Disk lull 01 #1336· PageStream V2.1: Roosth, Saint!, Sansser, I'aler dale lowa~~ , Lrnx or olher Minimum. Shipping: Public Domain Disks $3.50, Canada 55.00 per 15 Sh rid St I T I W' d Z I k videosame cartridges. Credit from Lynx I ~~ ; ~~:~~~~:/ap~e~~~ic~e~O~b~~ ~~~~~s~agaa~~~~~ #1 143 . stt~~~~li~~~t~~~i~~~~le Click Software. a S' ye, cu cuse, ISn so~ es I ca rt ri ges can not be used lowards the residents add 7.75% sales lax. Please allow 2 weeks lor personal #1175/1176/ 1177 Programmi~ in Assembly (DBL) 5T PO f hareware 0 are r~:g~~she Jo~,~T3jre~:9ttl~et~ ~~~~ checks 10 clear. Pnee· an d ava'lI a b'II 'IIV su b'lecl to ch ange WI' Ih ou I #1214· GFA Bas:lc Programs! lies 1 • 4 D,'sks $4 .99 Each I v:~~:~~eI , I'on, department, are handled please Ihrough call (209) our I ~g~~~;99~~~erl:1:::~p~~lgee~TO~a~~I~gWI~~~~~'~~Y , ::n~ ~~~l. :~~~i ~ ~:~~ ~~~~n~eH~~96i!~E(kllities 5· 14 Disks $3.99 Each 432·2684. For a complete current price Write 10: BAE Software. 35~ W. Bedlord. &rile 104. Flesno, CA 93711. 15 + Disks $3.49 Each ~~f~~ aC~~~ri:t& .vour name,. ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;~::::~~::::::::::::::::::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------.. -- Voice & Fax ATY COMPUTER (510) 482-3775 3727 13th Ave., Oakland CA 94610 We are totaUy committed to the Atari ST. STE. & TT computers orummeruO 2.~ Price Reduction on All Atari Computers

TT030, 2 meg, 1.44M drive, TOS 3.06 ...... $16.0 Mega STE 2 meg ..... $750, 4 meg ._ .. $850 Ask for our Mega STE plus monitor deal.

A!so ha~e in sto~k are m~th-c?processor ?AL chip, Ajax ChIP, and hIgh densIty drive PAL chIp for g Mega STE. MMU chip, DMA chip, and Video Shifter chip for 52011040 ST.

We build custom multisync switchbox for any multi sync monitor. Just send or fax the pin layout to us, we can turn out a switch box within 24 hours for just $69.

We can upgrade the memory, TOS, video, and disk drive in your 520/l040/Mega ST. And we can turn them around while you wait or within 24 hours for mail-in. TT030's Multisync Emulators Scanner MIDI drumtrack sequencer for VGACard Printers disk drive modems color/mono Atarl STITT computers Magazines Software Add-an's .,.many more • Convert tracks to any other hote mapping • Save patterns/songs as standard MIDI files • 9 levels of velocity. plus MIDI Start/sync Store Hours: M-F 10a.m.-7p.m .• Sat 12-6p.m. • Variable time signatures and tempos per song or Authorized )Il~' Dealer and Service Center

PfelJ~ send $1 (01 complete PfodJct istinQ Prices sdJieci 10 chtJnoe MIhout nolictJ ZOBOZIAN S~~xA~!, Grand Rapids, MI49516 THE GLENDALE SHOW th September 12th & 13 GLENDALE CIVIC AUDITORIUM"" Mountain Ave. SATURDAY 10:00 am to 6:00 pm SUNDAY 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 134 FWY Glendale Civic Auditorium 1401 N. Verdugo Road Glendale, California

ADMISSION $6.00 Across the street from Glendale College [ Special Two Day Pass $10.00 1 See Page 25-E2 of the Thomas Bros. Guide

COME SEE THE LARGEST SELECTION )1\ TT030 OF ATARI HARDWARE &. SOFTWARE )1\ STe/MEGA STe ON THE WEST COAST )1\ Portfol io For more information call )1\ LYNX John King Tarpinian at 818-246-7286. )1\ NEW MACHINES???


This year, the Glendale Show will be holding Desktop Publishing Classes. This has been a very popular feature at other shows. ISO Marketing will be holding Beginners and Advanced classes for owner and prospective owners of Calamus SL. Classes will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Classroom size is limited. There will be a $25.00 fee for these hands-on classes.

Please make your reservations by sending a check for $25.00 payable to H.A.C.K.S., 249 Brand BI. #321, Glendale, CA 91203. Be sure to state the preference of day and class level. A confirmation will be sent, about 2 weeks prior to the show, by return mail stating which class you will be enrolled in. Enrollment in the classes will also entitle you to admission to the rest of the show for the day of your class. JI\.Ri~l!!llY ~!~!HS?a!!!e~~~!S AlARI" .. ATARI HARDWARE! •••••••••••••••••• MultiSync TradeUp! : Trade Up! : Star"Sync Monitor .....•.... $449 • • Star"Sync Switch Box ...... $59 • If you own a 520 or 1040ST • Star"Sync System ...... $499 • consider trading up to an STE! • • They're really fast and fun . • The Mother of All TradeUp's! • • Three Resolutions, One Great Price! • Call us or better yet call me, • • Doug, and let me tempt ya! • Ed ~~!!~:!!!5;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~--':·~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~·~ MEGA STE! ... Mega STE 1MB RAM .. __ $819 SPECTRE GCR SALE! Mega STE 2MB RAM ____ $889 Productivity Spectre is one of the most impressive products $ 1st Word Plus 3 ...... $72 Lookit and Popit ...... $26 for the ST! With Spectre you can tum your Mega STE 4MB RAM __ __ 969 Arabesque Pro ...... 129 Mail Manager ST ...... 42 ST into an Apple Macintosh Clone! We MEGA OPTIONS Avant Vector ...... 459 MegaPaint II Pro ...... 165 made a great buy on ROMs, now you can too! Calamus ...... 159 Migraph OCR ...... 259 Spectre OCR & ROMS ..•.••. $449 1 Year Warranty ...... $FREE Cal-Assistant ...... 26 Multi Desk Deluxe ...... ~2 Card File 3 ...... 27 Multi GEM ...... 74 Spectre GCR ••••••. ...•.•.•.•.••• $219 2 Year Warranty __ . ______. $79 Cleanup ST ...... 24 MVG2.0 ...... 39 128K MAC ROMS •...... •...•. $249 A . TOS 2 06 $59 Datamanager Pro ...... 67 MVG Modules # 1/2 ..... 22 Douglas Hcxlson, Owner tan ...... dBMan 5.2 ...... 168 Newdesk Icon Editor ... 26 ~-~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 50 MEG Hard Disk •.... $99 DC Data Diet ...... 48 Page Assistant ...... 38 DC Shower ...... 19 Pagestream 2.10 ...... 179 ~ RECYCLED! 1.44 MEG Drive ______$99 DC Utiltties 2.0 ...... 25 Phasar 4.0 ...... 59 Diamond Back II ...... 37 Replica ...... 18 ' .\ Flash 2.0 ...... 39 Scan Lite ...... 19 520C~~.~~~.~~~89 Fontverter ...... 37 Silhouette ...... 69 \ 520 ST wlRF .... $99 GFA Basic 3.6 ...... 119 Stalker 3 ...... 34 \'v>.. \ 1040 ST ...... $229 Hard Disk Sentry ...... 33 Steno 3 ...... 26 MONITORS. Hotwire Plus ...... 45 That's Write ...... 159 SMi24 ...... $129 HyperLink ST ...... 99 Tracker ST ...... 54 STE COMPUTERS Image Cat 2.0 ...... 26 Universal Item Sel ...... 19 ...... \ SC1224 $179 LaserC ...... 115 Warp 9/ Quick ST ...... 29 ~ Misc .. STE 1MB RAM .. __ ...... __ $389 Ver. 5 ...... 199 Word Flair II w/FMS ... 139 SF354 (SS/DD) . $29 STE 2MB RAM ...... $489 LDW Power 2 ...... 109 Word Perfect ...... 159 Atari Mouse ...... $19 STE 4MB RAM .. ____ .. ____ .$589 Really Hot Games for the ST! MONITORS Adams Family ...... $39 Epic ...... $44 Ufe and Death ...... $37 Shadow of Beast 2 .. .. $38 SC1435 ...... $359 Air/Sea Supremacy .. ... 49 F-15 Strike Eagle 2 ...... 45 Loom ...... 39 Shadowlands ...... 42 Airbus A320 ...... 47 F-19 Stealth Fighter ..... 43 Lotus Turbo Chal. 2 .. ... 39 Sim City/Populous ...... 42 SC1435 w!Mega ______. ____ $249 Alcatraz ...... 31 Falcon ...... 38 M1 Tank Platoon ...... 42 Space Ace 2 ...... 38 Armour-Geddon ...... 37 Flight Of The Intruder .. 39 Magic Pockets ...... 37 Space Crusade ...... 36 SC1224 ...... $249 Blackjack Plus 3 ...... 32 Fools Errand ...... ,.37 Mega Lo Mania ...... 39 Space Quest 3 ...... 31 SC1224 w!Mega ...... __ ... $159 Breach 2 ...... 33 Gauntlet 3 ...... 39 Metal Mutants ...... 38 Special Forces ...... 47 SM147 __ . ______. __ . __ . __ ... $189 Chaos Strikes Back ..... 25 Gods! ...... 34 Microprose Golf ...... 53 Steve McQueen ...... 39 Cruise For Corpse ...... 39 Grand Prix ...... 46 Mig-29M Super ...... 54 Stratego ...... 44 SM147 w!Mega ...... __ .. __ $159 Curse Azure Bonds ..... 45 Hard Drivin' 2 ...... 37 Obitus ...... 37 Strike Fleet ...... 39 Deliverance ...... 36 Heimdall ...... 47 Pacific Islands ...... 42 Switchblade 2 ...... 36 HARD DRIVES Deuteros ...... 43 Hero Quest ...... 37 Populous 2 ...... 46 The Simpsons ...... 38 STAR 52 MEG ____ . __ .. ____ . $469 Diplomacy ...... 32 John Barnes Football .. 36 Powermonger ...... 44 Their Finest Hour ...... 45 Discovery ...... 41 Knights of the Sky ...... 47 Predator 2 ...... 37 Turtles 2 ..... 34 STAR 105 MEG ____ .. __ .. __ $569 Disciples of Steel ...... 35 Knightmare ...... 42 Psyborg ...... 35 U~ima 5 ...... 39 Dragons Lair 3 ...... 39 Leander ...... 35 Quest and Glory ...... 43 Utopia ...... 44 ,~ FLOPPY D RIVES ,~ Drakkhen ...... 39 Legend of Faerghail .... 42 Railroad Tycoon ...... 46 Volfied ...... 34 Moonlight (OS/ OO) ..... $99 Dungeon Master ...... 25 Leisure Suit Larry 3 .. ... 39 Realms ...... 47 Vroom...... 38 Elvira 2 ...... 34 Lemmings Complete ... 34 Robocop 3 ...... 37 Winter Supersport 92 .. 36 Moonlight (OS/ HO) ... $119 Mail Orders To: P.O. Box 20038 '* Dayton, OH 45420 WRITE FOR FREE CATALOG. If ordering by mail, ca ll ahead 10 gel 101"15. No exira charge forcredil card orders · APO & WE REPAIR ST's! FPO . Ohio resKJ ents add 6.5% sales tax · RetlDTlS subject to 200/0 restocking fee · Defectives require return authorization number for repair or replacement · Prices and availability subject to change without notice. We accept V1SA , MasterCard and Discover. ORDERING HOURS: Moo-Fri, 12PM - 8PM * ORDER STATUS HOURS: Moo-Fri, 6PM-8PM. New & Improved New.\· & Slutl

RE:Views ... Arabesque has unusual menus, but Bitmap and Vector sections are similar. Arabesque Professional ST, STe, IT. Gribnif Software has brought another German import to the USA in ARABESQUE PROFESSIONAL, a premium monochrome drawlpaint program. Like CodeHead's Megapaint (reviewed in the June AtariUser), Arabesque makes the mo!.t oftwo different graphics worlds-vector (draw) and ra!.ter (paint). It runs in any resolution of monochrome (STI Tn and requires at 1ea31 one meg of memory and a double sided disk. Arabesque Pro (there is no "vanilla" Arabesque in the USA) is supported by an excellent 172 page manual and a quick tour section that holds your hand while you get used to the different functions. The 3-ring binder and disk are housed kinds. Creating a bitmap image from a vector is a snap, in a professional-looking box. allowing conversions of clip art for use in some bit-only layout Arabesque presents a full-screen work area, plus a small programs. Further, the ability to hand tmce bitmaps with strip at the top with the cursor coordinates. lbe (many) vectors allows you to make jaggie-free blowups of any scan art. toolboxes appear only on command, saving screen space but Of course, that's a tedious proci:ss for large projects, and making it more difficult to maneuver in the beginning. After a Gribnifs CONVECIDR progmm (separdlely available ill somewhat steep learning curve, this system becomeS very under $1 (0) will quickly convert bitmapped files into vector efficient, and functions can be performed with the mouse or fbrmat, and will operdie as an integrated part of Ardbesque. keyboard equivalents. Ambesque allows you to use all of your tools in the Clicking on an icon or hitting the space bar toggles magnify mode, just as you would in your regular viewing between the mapped and vector parts of the program. Many mode. '1his is the first time I've seen this type of thing, and it's icons are ambiguous at tir..l, requiring extensive use of the a welcome addition to the progr.trn. manual. But the same icons are used with both the mapped You can load/save in all the ~tandard monochrome bit and vector menus when possible, making it easier to learn and formats, including the Ardbesque deFault gmphic form!ll use the functions in the pop-up menus. (.ABM), .IMG, .PAC (Stad), PI3 (un-compressed ), and .IFF, 'Ine Bitmap mode is the "paint" mode, with all the tools plus Calamus .CVG format and GEMl3, as well as .AOB and functions you'd expect. Also available are arc segments (Ardbesque OBJECI'), 'Ihe AOB format takes advantage of for both circles and ellipses, pamllelogmms, polygons, and all of Ambesque fl:atures, like placing bitmap images in a text Extra ~-pecial features include a way offilling shapes with vector drawing, and it's much smaller than other formats. either a gradient fill that can be rotated in 90 degree incre­ Ardbesque uses GDOS fonts but doesn't require GDOS ments, and the ability to till an irregular shape with whatever is itself, even for printing. Gribnif also says that Ardbesque will in the buffer, including graphics that can be loaded into any work perfectly with FSMGDOS but that you are not currently irregular shaped object. You can also loosely cut out irregular able to manipUlate the fonts as you might do with a progr.trn images and Ambesque will shrink the outer edge ofyour cut to like OUTLINE ART from ISD Marketing. Further, a font the shape of your image, allowing you to p~te it somewhere converter progr.trn for making GEMlGDOS files out of else without the area outside your image cutting into another SIGNUM format lonts is included. image. Special block functions allow you to manipulate the While it doesn't havt: the control over the minute details block in the buffer to invert, contour (outline), ~mooth, mirror, rotate, bend, pull (distort width and length) etc. You can undo • A demonstration of using the FIT function of one changes made from ju~t the I~t operdlion or from the last. time bitmap object into another. you accessed the pop-up menu. Vector ("drdw") mode presents the usual object-art stuff fig . 2 like circles, ellipses, arc segments, triangles, polygons, and bezier curves. 'Ine nature of vector dmwing takes advantage of abilities to ~1reteh, layer, and re-organize multi-part drdwings. The vector mode text function is more extensive than the ! bitmap mode text function, making it possible to edit text afler : it has been typed in. 2 Images can be copied between bitmap and vector S(,.'Ctions, ~ enabling creation and saving of art with components of both :\ '('11'.\ & Stll!t' New & Improved


that Megapaint does, Arabesque offers the ability to freely Most time is spent at the games, which are drawn with good experiment with the editing of files that you are working on. use of color and detail. Sound effects are not as interesting; a Different versions of a picture can reside in a number of variety of tunes play during the game, though they can be screens in memory at the same time. I can cut, paste or do tumed off if desired. Other than that, sounds are few and fuirly anything between screens, to experiment with as many simple. different combinations of effects as I can conjure up. Up to 20 Lynx Casino is a good, no-nonsense video version ofthe pages can reside in memory. Vegas experience. Ifyou want to refine your Craps straIBgem, All in all, this is a powerful, solid, productive tool that's or just enjoy blowing imaginary money, this game will easily great for someone who likes to take an idea and play with it, fit the bill. Atari Corp, $39.95. - Robert Jung changing it on a whim. But its professional-level power carries a professional-level price.· If you plan no more than simple manipulation of images that are created by other progmms, you might be served jw,t as well by some of the less expensive, simpler paint progmms on the market. For a graphic artist who Hydra is serious about the work, Arabesque will ~timulate and Lynx. You are known as accelerate the creative process, something money can seldom Hydra, though no government buy. Arabesque Professional, $199.95 from GribnifSoftware admits you exist. You are a (new address!), P.O. Box 779, Northampton, MA 0 I 061. mercenary whose ~ialty is Phone (413) 247-5620. Fax line (24 hours): (413) 247-5622. the transport of"sensiti ve" - S/f!V(! Blackburn and John Nagy packages, using your Hydrafoi~ a one-man speedboat There is danger from those who don't want your cargo delivered. Only the best survive, but you Lynx Casino are the best. Maybe. Lynx. Video gambling games This is Hydra for the Lynx, are hard to promote. While an adaptation ofthe Atari such a game lets players Games arcade title. From behind your boat, you pilot through experience the thrills safely, if nine levels of rivers and oceans, grabbing money bags for there are no real winnings, why bonuses and cry~laIs for fuel. There are gun embankments, bother! Lynx Casino doesn't enemy ships, jets and more, but you can fly temporarily to resolve this parddox, but it does escape. Finish a mission and you compete for money in a offer a risk-free alternative to bonus ~tage, then buy more weapons for the next job. Atlantic City. It's a collection A hit will de~troy your Hydrclfoil, but that's okay, as of five games: Blackjack, survival is measured in fuel; the game ends only when you run Craps, Roulette, Slot Machines, out. This version is slightly easier than the arcade, yet remains and Video Poker. You ~tart off of averdge difficulty and offers unlimited continues. Objects with $1000, and can get two appear in fixed orders, but later levels use a lot of enemies and loans of$500 each, but when the money's gone, the game a rarity oftile! as cballenges. The controls seem backwards; ends. You can also ComLynx with a fiiend for a mini-junket. you press down to accelerdte and up to decelerate, but this The ~t thing about Lynx Casino is that it accurdtely doesn't afIi:ct playability. Unlike Roadblasters, the steering is captures the experience of casino gambling. Authentic rules, grddual, making driving and aiming easier. odds, and payoffs are used, and each game allows the same 'Ibe digitized graphics of the arcade appear fine on the options that the real oners. For instance, CrdPS supports Lynx, though the colors make some items a little muddled. everything from Pass and No Pass to Hard Way and Hom bets, Judging collisions requires experience; initial fomys will have while Roulette uses a Double Zero wheel and allows numerous crdShes with obstacles you thought you avoided. Sounds are number combinations. The only discrepancy is that you're good, and consist ofyour engines, chimes when items are always the dice shooter on Crdps. Statistics are kept for each retrieved, assorted weapons fire, and lots of explosions. game session, allowing Lynx Casino Lo be played on two Hydrd borrows heavily from the earlier game levels: casual players can have fim making bets, while self­ Roadbla~ters, and offers little that's truly different. That proclaimed experts can develop and exercise strc!legies. doesn't make it any less fun, and this version is a good Grdphics in Lynx Casino are decent overdJl, with a touch adaptation that will be enjoyed by action players and funs of of cartoon whimsy as you guide your on-screen persona the original. Atari Corp, $39.95. - Robert Jung • among the tables, staff, and bystanders. You can talk to a few. Computer Games Plus

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Atari Backs-Up Lynx

The number two item on most Lynx The Taste ofChicago is THE big summer event here in Chicago. It's a 9 day food festival which attracts over a million owners' wish lists (with number one people. At the Taste, you can by out all kinds offoods from many of the best restaurants in the city. Along with all the being lots ofnew games) is that Atari food, there's plenty offree entertainment, and this year some of would start letting the public know that entertainment was provided by the Lynx. Atari had a tent with over 100 Lynx systems set up. 'about the Lynx. I'm extremely happy People got to play special short ver.;ions of Batman Returns, . to report that Atari is starting to m(lke Pinball Jam, Hydra, and NFL Football, and the people who had the highest scores on the games at the end ofthe day won a that wish a reality. Lynx. After.the second day they stopped using NFL Football. It seems quite a few people could only score 7 points in the time a1loted so there weren't any definitive high scorers. lbey The first step towards this was the acquisition of the used a random drawing on the rest ofthe days to determine "Batman Returns" license. This was the sort of high who would win a Lynx. visibility product that the Lynx has been lacking. As you left the tent, you got a Lynx sticker. A local TV has a strong stable of popular arcade titles, ~tation was picking out people at random to receive a Lynx uite a few home player.; (especially the system during the live broadcast of their afternoon cartoon ,nOF'r m,,,,,l, r!nn·' the arcades much and need some show. Sonic to get them Atari was expecting 90,000 people to pass through their tent by the end ofthe Taste, and jUdging by the lines on the last tie-in out in time day, I bet they got at I~'t that many. was going to record, this seemed HiStory Repeats Itself out of the hat with this A little more than a decade ago, the most popular arcade game shelves a week before around was released for play on home systems. Despite a steep price, the game sold like cmzy. The game, of course, was Pac the she! ves, you've got Man, and it came out for the for around $55 . . is where Atari really As I write this, the most popular arcade game oftoday has around. No sooner had the ju~t made its home debut, and it, too, is selling in huge were running on a regular number.; even with a big price tag. This game is Street Fighter programming such as "The 2 (sorry, for the Super Nintendo) and clocks in at $75. bought some prime time '[be similarities are interesting but it's the differences that and "Saturday Night Live." are ~'triking. Pac Man WdS an 8 kilobyte cartridge and was . Atari 's special promotion barely recognizable compared to the arcade original. Street . could get the Batman title for Fighter 2 is a 2 Megabyte cartridge and is a perfect audio­ high profile title to entice visual and gameplay clone ofits original. It's a good indication and the results are ~1arting to be of how far game sy~tems have come technically. Game prioes noticeable. nmmnltinn started, the Toys 'R Us I aren't too high when you think about it-ten years later, for frequent has been sold out or the Lynx. This 'Ioys 'R Us has only $20 more you get a game that has 256 times Jhe rnemoty. also ,1arted to use part of the wall space lor Lynx And ALL of the Lynx titles are cheaper today than Pac Man cartridges. Hopefully, this good marketing sense is a sign of good was years ago. ~inton Smith. things to come.

Atar! at the Taste of Chicago When Atari decided to not exhibit on the floor of the ~ Summer Consumer Electronics Show, I was disappointed. I -Vi figured that Atari had blown a great opportunity to show the ~ CI Lynx olno the public. Little did I know that they had bigger «~ things in mind. ... Clinton Smith lives for his Lynx. His APE • NEWSLETTER is published 5 times a year now. Contact i :::I Clint at APE. 2104 North Kostner, Chicago, IL 60639, or on GEnie at C .SMITHB9. ! ~------~------~------~ Full text database - Hypertext - Graphic Programing shell - Expert system shell AMAZING prices on Hard for Your ATARI ST Drives and Hardware tor ~\~ Version >V' . ... gf Summer 19921 ~\)~. ~~ ~\ <- . - .. t·"'" .A' ~ 1 2 :~ ;~c,~~~~ ~~ .' 8 • -5l ~~~~ ~~ o~ ,-' Mono Monitors! G~'~O .~~\~ ~.. ",

Full text-Database: Free positioning of data without fields or masks- Search for words or fragments of text in a tenth of a second! Create your own data networks! Hypertext: Make buttons and graphics to set up search paths, selectable via mouse click. Relate images to data by creating a link button on the image. Its easy, its fun, and makes your ST a remarkable information tool. Graphics: Place graphics freely in databaseS. Mix .lMG pictures with text for button selection and illustration. Program shell: TOS-, TTP-, & GEM programs can be run directly from within a database to add data, pictures or relate objects and complate training or questionaires. Expert system shell: Create an expert system which uses logic as well as tree nets to reach conclusions. Images as well as text can be related to logical nets of information. This is the program many of us have been waiting for on the SI You can create complex structures of data with and without graphics easily. Searches are lightning fast. German magazines have raved about 1st Card and you will too! 1st Card available now! Retail $199--$150 thru July, '92 Imported by Zephyr Distribution All Atari Software 300/0 off Everyday! for 1514 University Ave. Berkeley, CA 94703 Dealer Inquiries Welcome (800)759~1110 LogiLex (510)548-8999 4'1'0 credit card charge /20% restocking charge Fellture BJGleason

Portfolio F.A.Q.

Will the Pamllel pon ancVor Serim pon drain the batteries fin1er? Whenever using the serial or pardlld port, you should always use the AC adapter, These ports require about as much power as the Portfolio and will quickly drdin the batteries,

Will the Pon/olio run IBMJiles? Because of the unique design of the PortFolio, not all progrdmS designed for a PC will run it. 'Ine most common is that many progrdmS directly address the hardware, machine! Much of the Portfolio's hardwdre is slightly different and this will cause a conflict. 'Ihere are some other differences, but to make the Portfolio as compatible as possible with a PC, access the SETUP menu and under DISPLAY set EXTERNAL 'Inc computer will tum itsclfon ahout MODE to TRACKED, REFRESH to BOTH, and SPEED to minutes to check the alarms in the diary, FAST Note however, that the FAST S(.1ting will use up your batteries quicker, How often should the bl/nery iI/tile RAMmnl be repll/ced? 'Ine battery in a memory card lasts about one ycar, In Whl/t is the UPDATE program? order to make sure you replace the battery in time, write the Atari has relC'dSCd an UPDATE progrdm to fix some bugs replacement date on the card, You Clluld also sct the diary to in the Portlolio, 'Inc UPDAI'E progrdm is available from alert you in about a year, 'Iil replace the battery without losing scvcrdl sourees, You can get the progrdm from Atari on the your stored data insert the RAMcard into th~ I'ortluliu, and DOS Utility Card (HPC-701 $89,85) oron the File Manager! tum the;: I'ortluliu ON, 'Ihe I'urtfolio will powcr thc RAMcard Tutorial Card (HPC-704 $20,00), You ~-dn also download the whil<: th~ RAM~ard hallt:ry is pull<:d out

Clln I use NiCOlls in my Portfolio? It spossible to use rechargeable batteries in the Portfolio, but be warne~the discharge drop-oflon rechargeable batteries are much steeper than normal 1.J.., alkaline batteries, so you might not even see the LOW BA1TERY warning. Keep everything on a RAMcard is you want to use rechargables, (] -. N !::l ....:j -. ~ :::::~ .:::: ~ . (JQ <...... ~ Oo~N'"i:I~ -;::- ~ &V) ~l~ ~ i~~ C)C)a2~ ~ ~~JQ ~ ~ ~ - ~~~st:::: .., ~ ~ '"i::::l ...l (/J "" ~ '" 0'-­ ""d ..:%~ :: -- ~. !=: rO JQ:>C :::-: Ul ...... ~.s~ ~ c= ~ ~.:' ~ ~.J ~ ~~ ;:;- ~ '-l ~ ~ ~ 0 ;:::; -~ ~ _.~;:;: ..... =; '0~ -.. They're Both HOT & COOL! r. . ----f"o..-.:::::::~" -~ ~.., ~ ...... ~O ...... ~ ~~ '"'- [ DCIlaIaD;et $47 Atarlll1B STE $399 ~~ ::~&.:;~~ ~ c ~ ~~ IIuItidesk DelJxe $39 Atarl2IIB STE $469 OC) ::::-- c ::::-::::-::::-;::;-c:: ~ I~ o.~~ ~ IIOS Disk Utiities $49 Aat_STE $559 . ~"'-~~~ c::> r__ .Y" _ _ _ v,~-. .~~? ,---3 ~ ...... ::;-. ""d_ QC~\0 "' :;;-""'"~ PaaoSInan 22 $179 SllrJetSJ.<18 $299 __ "J. ~ ~ . ::_ :;:_ ...... -. ~~~ ...... -- CaBnus v 1.09N $109 Spectrw GCR & Roms $499 .... ""-:3 - . -.- r;, N", 5~ ' ~ '..., ~;;;~ 0 N~§ \ .J. CaIimus Fon1 EOIor $69 Spectre GCR $219 ~ ~~~ \,;~~ ~ss~ \0 CaI-AaIsIant $29 IIagaCaIk Boatd $279 150 15 a ,..., .... ~':T ;:::- ~~~ ~:(1] _ UI'JI Cl ""'-' IIIc 1291< OS ROMS $300 V) c::> - ' i>qi>qi>q , --~ ----~~ ~'~:;IPI..ts :;: !CD AdSDood ST $229 ~ ::::: ~v,V,W~ ~ --s:::...-- & o'~ 9 PagaStren Owiq~~ Hypor1ink ST $109 AatSUli05 $1049 I H;~ ""d N ...... OO '"CS LOW Power $109 Atari SUIi05 TOflOf $29 ,<.,.. aC)aa'O .::..:: . \0 T~(lDW) $28 Atari SUI904 Drum $154 ~ ~ aaaaa :-)6 ~. Cl::--..J~ 1'1-.4 $59 Atari SUI904 TOflOf $39 C)-- Vi a c: Tracbr ST $52 Atari TOS 1A $59 ~0 a C)8 t"""f'­ ~CaI $28 ·AlIrf TOS 2.06 Chips $59 8 ~ iIIgoPiInIli Prot. $169 lEe !StaImd) $129 ~ ~ AYIIIIVeax $479 lEe Br) $139 .., ~Prof. $129 lEe= $139 Wordftoi> I FSM $169 S4.Ipn FAX 9600 v 32 $269 rIJ vt.p9 $39 S4.Ipn FAX 14.4 v.32bis $329 IIVIPh OCR $189 STnight FAXI $69 =..HandScamef :: LIS.au.iII! U Hoyle'. Book at Games $19 Hoyle'. Book II $19 CanWoI $19 Blade CaJiion $19 KayoIdns ST $21 "leq:)Deq.pm ~~ ""UI'.a.~ .... ,'10 u,.. ~Iceman $19 ~ OUIAofW .au",~ fOuewa. Inmnoeq MU JO ewoe fO tdnMOQ 'MJeAet 110 .. tL&:)f1ll WanI-Up $59 006£-OOg (81,8) G lion GIlOS ~ $24 I,O~I,6 'v':> 'a/opua/e:> B~ver. l.l $39 "PAlg S>f0oua/e:> "M g091, =J86VME ::e .. On the two days prior to the WAACE At.arifest, >tJOMlaN f:;t. rome to our "Fest before the Fest" to take advantlge Jalndwo:) "1"<>.. of great deals OIl a vast pre-fest selection, participate ~ ~,~ ' a41 in classes and seminars, meet Dave Small, Bob tnl Brodie and Tom Harlrer, and to see America's only :WOJ::J ~f1(~ Atari Superstore - Toad Computers. We're centrnlly located between Baltimore (30 minutes 0 "C 'N:>l -1- ~PUQ!.Ij .InoA away), Annapolis (10 minutes away) and ...,'"' Washington (40 minutes away). Call for directions from anywhere! We'll be expecting you! .,. _~ _.r__ rIJ ·UOO~ noA QQS bflZOb VJ 'ryrJ7ptq ocr.TH .., n 'uOl-l-O-l-0N IQI~ ~ dlQ Q~od-lInj Z"/~ =.iJU"1A11!/fJ (J(}Oj') .I0j .IQlIl~ 0 ~! .I0HUOW· ,,6l ~,!.aO-l-V :01 ~ p;n.IJt4V1- ~'!C := puV ·Q.aOjQ9 UQQ~ .aQt\Q Qt\,noA Cl uOY-I- .aQ-I-~Oj Q.aOM-I-jO~ lS Plo 6~ .anoA ~un.l -1-1 i90'E 501 Y-I-!M Q"!.ap vsn AH~UQP Y~!Y I5Q~ vv'l MQU QY-I­ ~Dy -I-! -I-DY-I- -I-QI5.aOj -I-,uoQ i:lMaH ~,-I-I 'U! QWDO OEOll .anoA UQyM Toad Computers UOM 570F GOvernor Ritchie Hwy, . noA PU!WQ.a 0-1- ~n PQ-I- nOA Severna Park, MD 21146 '.aQ~n!.aD-I-V '.a~ .aOQQ MD Residents Add 5% Sales Tax Write your congressmanl Make the Toad your state bird! Feature BJGleason

Portfolio F.A.Q.

• Old you know you can place the UPDATE command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file Have your programs take-up less space. get a llat 0' 'llaname. so that it is activated when you reboot your machine. Disk space is a prime concern on the Portfolio. To make when you want to load a "Ie Into an application? progrnms smaller, there are two utilities, LZEXE and PKLITE, When a built-in application What are some o/the Bugs in the Porl/oiio? which will compress programs to' about 213 's their original asks for a filename to load, The number one bug, one that causes fiustl"dted new size. And the cool part is that they still run! type " to display a list of files for that owners to bring the machine back to the dealer more than any application. other: if you try to load a zero length file into one of the built-in Can I "In MSiDOS 3.0 or /aler on the POI1/0/i0~ applications, the Port will lock up. This is especially easy to No, The unit is MSIOOS 2.11 compatible in ROM. Due cause when first playing with the applications; if you save a file to the hardware differences and memory limitations, other with nothing in it, next time you load that application, you're versions of DOS will not run on it dead. Just reboot the machine, delete the zero length liIe, and you should be ready to go. Is a Technical Manual Available/or the Porl/o/Jo~ Then there's the "ShotGun" bug. When you power up the If you're an amateur or professional developer and want to Portfolio, it will write a random byte to a certain memory develop programs that take advantage of the inner workings of location. If an application is loaded, this can mangle the data the machine, a Tcchnical Reference manual is available from file. One way around is to exit any applications before the Atari for $60. Call Gail Bacani at (408) 745-2022 for more machine powers down, or enter the following lines in the details. The manual includes emulation software for the pc, CONFIG.SYS file: FILES=20 BUFFERS=32 What are .PGc, .PGF, and .PGX flies? 'The randomized memory location will then always be Don Messerli, of the Software Vineyard, has developed inside the file buffer area, and will not affcct the data liIes. the .PGC (Portfolio Graphics Compressed) standard. This Also, the Portfolio will lock up if you try to load a liIe into ~tandard, along with his excellent program, PGSHOW. allows the editor that ends with a . 'Ihe lor 9 frames per second of animation. It is very impressive. UPDATE program fixes this bug. PBASIC also supports the .PGC ~tandard. and allows up to about 4 frames per second, There was an earlier version called How do I reboot the Porl/olio? .PGF, where the files were always 1920 bytes in size. .PGC When the Portfolio locks up, there are three ways to reboot files are compressed to take up less space ..PGX files are part the machine. First try the "three finger salute," . of an Animation Package for the Portfolio. Depending on the . If this has no efli::ct, tum the complexity of the image, the package is able to display machine upside down, and aboY!; the Atari label, there is a anywhere from 16 to 20 images per second on the Portfolio's hole. Use a paper clip to depress the switch in the hole. If the LCD screen. To see the results of his labor, download Portfolio ~till .refuses to reboot, you will have to cold boot the PGFLlX, the animation package, and either DOMINOS.ZIP machine. Remove the battery cover. Use a paper clip to or HORSE.ZIP, the mini-movies. depress the small metal tab. 'Ihe cold reboot will take your Portfolio back to when you first got it. You will even have to What is a .HOO file? tell it what language you want to use. Everything on drive C: A .Hoo file is a progmm designed to run from inside the will belo~t . Portfolio's internal editor. Press inside the editor to get a list of .1-100 liles. Can ,lie ROM be upgrude(l? No. So there.

What is the APR? Atari has released the APB (Accessories, Peripherals Bulletin) for the Portfolio. N (l) This twenty page manual includes hints and tips, as well as listing third party (l) ~ vendors' hardware and software for the Portfolio. For a copy, see your dealer, or iii :l C> write to Atari, 1196 Borregas Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089-1302. The cover «:l price is $1.00. •.,.. :2• c! Can I attach a Hard There is finally a hard 14701 Candeda Place, Flashdrive hard disk unit. Interface. The 20mb

What is a .RUNfile? 'This is a prognun that can be run from the leaving all the memory free for your data. 'Ihe a special format, and have been specially written Portfolio. You can't always copy these files, since be ~tored in consecutive sectors on the memory card. a .RUN c-dI'd, the quickest way is to reformat the and then copy the .RUN file first. 'Ihis will assure stored on the card correctly. '10 execute a .RUN • Have your progrem. the command RI)N filename. RUN. the x-my take-up lea•• pace. security people will want to Disk space is a prime Whell usillg the F/uslu/rive, the M 0 cOm»Umd locks up the .. .. . since they won't recognize it When you concern on the Portfolio. To make programs smaller, computer. Why? . :i~ho(~il to them, they will ask you to tum it on, so it's best not there are two utilities, On some models of the Portfolio, there is a problem with' to have anything embarrdSsing on the sereen. Many ofthl~m LZEXE and PKLlTE, which the MKDIR (MD) command. The designers ofthe Portfolio will be very interested in the machine 'and will probably want will compress programs to about 2/3's their original never anticipated a hard drive connected to the unit. 'Ihe MD to know more about it. size. And the cool part is command cannot handle drives larger that 2mb. USE had to that they still runl create their own version of the MD command, called AIMD. WIIIIJ do I do whell tile P011/olio dies? to bypass this problem. It is included with the Portllllio driver. Atari has a trdde in progrdm lor dead Portlblios. '1hey' li exchange an old Port lor a new Port fllr $110. Ovemight Where calli get programs/or the POI1/olio? shipping is available at extm cost. Contact Atari before AIARI UUS; 408-745-2191; FII)O 13BS; 301-997-7204; sending the unit. Any PORT in a S'IDRM U13S; 919-598-5320; CompuServc; GEnic; IntcmetJUitnct: AIARI.ARCHIVE.UMICH.EDU ClIII I get a replucenumt BlIttery/Bus cover? Ilo~1 mille. btrd ~overs can be ordered from Atari for 5 dollars. Calli illcreuse the illtemuJ tnenUiry size o/the Pm1jiJ/io? Ycs. 'Ihere arc two approaches. A device available Will t/rere ever be a Pol1/olio II? outside the US called Memory Expander-+- will increase thl:: Who knows'! AIllIi has aI ways played close to the ehes t Port's internal memory to 384k, and add a second RAMcard on future developments. If you want to sc>(! an improved slot. It plugs in like the Pamllcl Port. Megabyte Computers in version of the Portfolio, you shou ld write to Atan and let them Texas will now upgmde the Portlolio to 512k of memory know you want one. - JjJ Gleason. internally. 'Ihe $299 modification includes a six month

(II wamillty for the work. For more information call, (817) 589- '" 2950. '" ... BJ Gleason is an instructor of Computer Science at Thl3 iii 6, Can I modify the POI1/o/iomyseifto 512k? American University in Washington, D.C . and he's been programming for over a decade now. He's the author of ~ Probably not. lhe Portfolio uses surface mount technol- over two dozen utilities and games. including PBASIC 4.9" • ogy for its chips, and the 512k chips require jumpers to be the 'freeware' BASIC interpreter designed specifically for II 1e : instaJled. Portfolio. His Email [email protected]­ erican.e du and his Compuserve 10 is 73500.2517. There :2 are even more questions and answers in the PORT.FAQ file j on Compuserve. Resollrce

The IAAD I raden! Association 0' Atari 'Developers

James CAllen K2J 3Z9 213 386 5735 (CodeHead) In September FASTTECHNOLOGY 613596 4081 (fax P.C. SoH) Tyson TGili GEnie: CHERRY.FONTS P.o. Box 578 6138256721 GTSoftware Ca132 Top27 1989, a groupo! Andover, MA01810 GEnie: P.COMEAUI 12114 Kirton Avenue 5084753810 (lax) Cat13 Taps7,20 Cleveland, OH 44135·36 t 2 Deron Kazmaier Atari developers 50847538tO 2162524272 SoH·Logik Publishing GEnie: J.ALLEN27 Jay Craswell GEnie: T.GILL7 P.O. Box 290070 met at the CalHapfl Dover Research Corp. CIS: 73467,777 St. Louis, 1.10 63129 321 W. 4th Street Cat17 3148948608 WAACE show in Todd Bane Jordan, MN 55352 GEnie: DERON.K SoH·Aware Unlimited 6124923913 Tom Harkar SOFTLOGIC RT the Washington, 334B North Euclid Avenue GEnie: J.CRASr'ELL ICD,lnc. Upland, CA 91786 CIS: 730t6,27 1220 Rock Street Gene Kane D.C area and 7149652348 (lax) Rocklord, IL 61101 Xerox Corp 7149828409 Craig W Daymon 815 968 6888 (lax) tOt Continental Blvd. MIS ESC1 ·945 formed what GEnie: R.SKRAL Y ICDlnc. 8159682228 EI Segundo, CA 90245 Cat6 Top4 1220 Rock Street GEnie: ICDINC 3tO 333 2707 would become Rocklord , IL 61 tOl ICDRT GEnie: GENEXRX Stevie Barker 8 t 5 968 6888 (fax) CIS: 70475,440 the Independant Flying Pigs Software 8t59682228 Doug Harrison P.O. Box 688 GEnie: C.DAYMON 1018 Quail Creek .303 Alex Kiernan Association of SI. rieorge, UT 84771 ICD RT Shreveport, LA 71105 HiSoH 801 6285764 (lax) 3188691292 The Old School, Greenfield Atari Developers, 801 6285713 John Eidsvoog GEnie: D.S.HARRISON Badlord, England MK45 5DE GEnie: STEVE·B CodeHead Technologies Cal2 Tap15 +44 525 713716 (fax) orthelAAD. BBS: 801 628 5773 P.O. Box 74090 +44525718181 Los Ang ales, CA 90004 Craig Harvey GEnie: HI SOFT Da',id Beckemeyer 2133865789 (f8K) Clear Thinking Cat3 Top", 14, 15/Ca12 Top30 It was a salf-help effort that Be'ckemeyer Development 2133865735 P.O. Box 715 has grown to includa Atari p.o. BoK21575 GEnie: J.EIDSVOOG 1 Ann Arbor, 1.11 48105 Hans·Peter Labude developers from widely Oukland, CA 94620 Cat32 3139718671 Managing Director diverse backgrounds with 51 0 530 0451 (fax) GEnie: C.HARVEY ICD Europe GmbH even wider ranging 5'105309637 Rick Flashman BBS: 313 9716035 PosHach 13 17 Am Goldberg 9 interests and projects. GEnie: D.BECKEMEYER Gribnif Software Cal2 Top40 6056 Heusenstamm Germany Engineers, programmers, Inltrnt: [email protected] P.O. Box 350 +496104 67581 (lax) marketers, and hardware C:al2 Top34 Hadley, MA 01035 John 'Hutch' Hutchinson +496104 6403 gurus have worked 4135842565 (lax) Fair Dinkum Technologies GEnie: ICD.GMBH together with one common Flobert M Birmingham 4135847887 P.O. Box 2 ICDRT goal--survival in the hostile 113630 SW 101 Lane GEnie: R.FLASHMAN Los Alamos, NM 87544 Alari market. I~iami, FL33186·2814 Ca117 505662 7366 Paul W Lee These developers do :305 385 1942 GEnie: FAIR·DINKUM Double Click Software something almost unheard 'GEnie: R.BIRMINGHA4 David Flelcher Cal29 Tap4 P.O. Box 741206 of in other computer CIS: 73637,1120 Dilek Inlernational Houslon, TX 77274·1206 markets: they share Ca125 2800 John Streel, Uni115 Hagop Janoyan 713 977 6520 (fax jack) informalion, experiences, Markham, Ontario Canada L3R OE2 PDC, Inc. 713977 6520 contacts, distribution Dorothy A Brumleve 4164791882 (lax) 515 Wing Slreel GEnie: DOUBLE·CLlCK information, and much D.A. Brumleve 4164791990 Glendale, CA 91205 CIS: 75300,577 more. The members of lhe P.O. Box 4195 GEnie : DITEK 206 348 4276 (18K) BBS: 713 9440108 IAAD have found that Urbana, IL 61801 ·8820 Cal6 Top91 Cal7 Top ' 818 242 5692 or 206 745 5980 Cal30 generosity begets 2173371937 GEnie: H.JANOYAN3 generosity, and lhat GEnie: D.A.BRUMLEVE George Geczy orPDC.SW Dave Link competition among Delphi: DABRUMLEVE JMG Software Inlernational, Inc. Cal13 TopsI2,21 ,22 HiSoH comrades means improved CIS:7 1451,1141 892 Upper James Slreel Call0Topll10lhers The Old School, Greenfield sales and reduced costs for Ca129 Top6 Hamillon, Onlario Canada L9C 3A5 Badlord, England MK45 5DE all. 416 575 0283 (18K) Charles F Johnson +44525713716 (fax) One of the most Gilbert Callaghan 4165753201 CodeHead Technologies +44525718181 successful projects of the Double Click Soflware GEnie: JMGSOFT P.O. Box 74090 GEnie: HI SOFT IAAD has been to secure P.O. Box 741206 BBS: 416 389 9064 Los Angeles, CA 90004 Cal3 Top" , 14, 151 Cat2 Top30 C\I international contacts for Houslon, TX 77274·1206 Cel6 Top32 2133865789 (fax) a> dislribution of Atari products 713977 6520 (fax jack) 2133865735 Bob Luneski a> worldwide. This effort has Keilh Gerdes GEnie: C.F.JOHNSON Oregon Research Associates 713977 6520 1;; been bi-directional; U.S. GEnie: DOUBLE·CLlCK Double Click Software Delphi : CFJ 16200 S.W. PacifIC Hwy. Suite 162 ~ C> developers have CIS: 75300,577 P.O. Box 741206 CIS: 76004,2232 TIgard, OR 97224 ~ established foreign markets BBS: 713 944 0108 Houston, TX 77274·1206 Cat32 5036386182 (fax) c( for their own products as Cat30 713977 6520 (f8K jack) 5036204919 •.. well as becoming U.S . 713977 6520 Todd Johnson GEnie: B.LUNESKII 1/ distributors for fine Phil Comeau GEnie: DOUBLE·CLlCK Cherry Fonts Cal2 Top42 ::l• Phil Comeau Software CIS: 75300,577 Unil M , 2250 Tyner Street ;: 43 Rueter Streel BBS: 713 944 0108 Port Coquitlam, B.C. Henry Murphy • Continued over there ... ! Nepean, Onlario'Canada Cat30 Canada V3C 2Z1 MSDesign c( 611 West Illinois Street lIeriin GrouP. Inc. Cal5 Top2 GEnie: R.TURNERID European products. Urban •• IL 61801 96 Hoyl Streel Nathan Potechln of 217351 6412 (tax) Kearny. NJ 07032·3311 John Stanley lIichael B Vederman ISO Marketing (Now 2173846469 201 9980932 (tax) DynaSoft Syslems Double Click Software OMC Publishing) was the GEnie: H.IIURPHY 2019984441 4157 Lyndale Avenue South P.O. Box 741206 first president of the Cat5 T0p2 GEnie: G.RICHARDSOI lIinneapolis. liN 55409 Houston. TX 77274-1206 IAAO. and last year Nevin 6128254215 713 977 6520 (tax) Shalit (Step-Ahead Tom Nielsen A Ridley GEnie:JLS 713977 6520 Software) was elected to eSTeem. inc. Canoe Computer ServiCIHI Inlernet: [email protected] GEnie: DOUBLE·CLlCK tead the group. 72 Shades Crest Road GEnie: A.RIDLEYI CIS: 75300.577 AlariUser is proud to Hoover. AL 35226·1014 Chuck Steinman BBS: 713 944 0108 present the latest 205 942 8390 (tax) Chris Roberts DataQue Products Cat30 membership roster of Answ.Serv.:205941491D OragonWare Software Inc. P.O. Box 134 members of the tAAO as GEnie: ESTEEII P.O. Box 1719 Ontario. OH 44862 Claylon Walnum this month's Ca129 Top7 Havre. MT 59501 ·1719 419529 5197 (tax) Taylor Ridge Books RESOURCE. We 4062659609 419529 9797 P.O. Box 78 encourage readers to Dave Nulkins GEnie: DRAGONWARE GEnie: DATAQUE.l Manch86ter .. CT 06040 patronize the members of HiSoft Call 3 Top4 CIS: 71777.3223 2036439673 the tAAO and lend your The Old School. Greenfield Delphi: DATAQUE GEnie: C.WALNUMI support to the interaction Bedtord. England MK45 50E Eric Rosenquist Delphi: ANALOG4 that is helping to keep +« 525 713716 (tax) Strala Software Darren Stevens Alari going in the USA. +«525718181 94 Rowe Drive Mind over MIDI Productions Chat Walters These developers GEnie: HISOFT Kanata. Ontario Canada K2L 3Y9 PO Box 56522 Lougheed Mall WizWorksl represent a united front Cat3 Top 1t .14.151 Cat2 Top30 6135911922 (tax) Postal Oullel P.O. Box 45 that is working together 613591 1922 Burnaby. B.C. Canada V3J 7W2 Girard. OH 44420 for themselves and for W. David ·Dr. Bob' Parks GEnie: E.ROSENQUIST 604 420 6266 (tax) 2165395623 each of us who own and WizWorksl CIS: 72711.2503 604 444 4424 GEnie: C.wALTERSl love an Atari product. P.O. Box 45 BIX: e rosenquisl GEnie: "!INDOVERMIDI Cal7 Topl3 For more information Girard. OH 44420 Call 7 Cal 10 Top 15 about the IAAO. contact 2165395623 Norm Weinr868 any member. • GEnie: W.PARKS3 Scott Senders Craig SThom Weinress Consulling Cal7Top5 Sott.vare Developmenl Syslems ICD.lnc. 3236 Velma Drive 996 Redondo Avenue. 1404 1220 Rock Streel Los Angeles CA 90068 WiWam Penner Long Beach. CA 90804 Rocklord.IL 61101 2138767704 Medical Designs Sott.vare 3109872205 (tax) 8159686888 (lax) GEnie: N.wEINRESS 3235 Wrighl Avenue 3105959799 815968 2228 Cal4 Top12 Bremerton. WA 98310 Orders: 800 237 4SOS GEnie: CRAIG.S.THOM 206 3734840 GEnie: S.SANDERS2 iCDRT Doug Wheeler GEnie: BPENNER CIS: 71760.2140 ICD.lnc. BBS:2064792157 Cat2Top39 David Thompson 1220 Rock Streel JMG Sott.vare Inlernational. Inc. Rocklord.IL 61101 Jay Pierslorff Lee Seiler 892 Upper Jam86 Streel 815 968 6888 (lax) Setari Fonts Lexioor Hamillon. Ontario Canada LSC 3A5 8159682228 6D6 W. Cross Streel 4154530271 416575 0283 (lax) GEnie: DOUG.w Woodland. CA 95695 GEnie: L.SEILER 4165753201 ICDRT 916666 1813 (lax) Cat25 GEnie: D.THOMPSON66 9166661813 BBS: 416 389 9064 Steve Whilney GEnie: J.PIERSTORFF Nevin Shalil CalS Top32 655 Soulh Fair Oaks Avenue. 1-103 Step Ahead Software. Inc. Sunnyvale. CA 94086 Nalhan Polechin 496·A Hudson Slree~ Suile F39 John Traulschold 8159686888 ISO Marketing. Inc. New Yorlt City. NY 10014 Missionware Sott.vare GEnie: S.wHITNEY. Call 3 Top14 2800 John Sireel. Unil 15 2126275830 .354 N. Winslon Drive lIarltham. Ontario Canada L3R DE2 GEnie: NEVIN-S. Cal6 Top23 Palatine. IL 60067·4132 Dan Wilga 4164791882 (lax) 708 359 9565 Gribnil Software 416479 1880 DavidM Small GEnie: J.TRAUTSCHOL P.O. Box 350 GEnie: ISO Gadgets by Small. Inc. BIX: jlraulschold . Hedley. MA 01035 CIS: 76004.2246 40 Wesl Littlelon Blvd .• 1210·21 I CIS: 73250.572. Cal8 Top2 413 584 2565 (lax) Delphi: ISOMARKETING Littlelon. CO 80120 413584 7887 N Cal16 Melinda Turcsanyi GEnie: GRIBNIF. Call 7 C!J 303 791 0253 (lax) • Please note: Most IAAO ~ 303791 6098 MUSICODE Software members support users Roger Richards GEnie: DAVESMALL 5575 Baltimore Drive. Suilel05·127 Paul Wu OJ through the bulletin board La Mesa. CA 91942 Omnimon Peripherals. Inc. :J Synergy Resources GADGETS RT areas on GEnie. Ol 6194697194 One Technology Drive. :J 754 N. Bollen Avenue References in this file to GEnie: M.TURCSANYI « Indianapolis. IN 46219 Carl Stanlord Bldg IE. Suile 301 "Car' or "Top· refer to the 3172314158 (lax) Irvine. CA 92718 MSDesign ST RT bulletin board area; •.. 3173566946 611 Weslillinois Sireel Ralph Turner 714 753 9255 (lax) other RTs are designated • GEnie: R.RICHARDS2 Urbana. IL 61801 Index Legalis Publishing Company 7147539253 ::l• by name. We welcome GEnie: WUZTEK.OPI -.: Cal2 Top19 2173516412 (lax) P.O. Box 1822·3 your comments and Delphi: OPI ..• 2173848469 Fairfield. IA 52556 inquiriesl C George Richardson GEnie: C.STANFORD 515472 2293 CaIHopsI2.17.31.32 • ...II .. ' .

"A HONEY OF A DEAU" BOX 1433, UPLAND, CA RACC Rocklord Alari software lor Alari XUXE Group. 4601 Denison Ave. Where else can you get 91766 more Inlo- (714) Computer Club 3693 Computer. Randy Jones , Cleveland, Ohio, 44102. exactly the PDlShareware 590-0071 BBS Ph# (714) Renlro Road, Cherry 1604 Fieldstone Court, Voice# 216-961 -5735 BBS programs and Iiles you 625-4251 40 mags, 3001 Valley, IL 61016 (615) 332- Arlington, TX 76016 [61 # 216-582-1196 Part-time want? Double-sided disks, 120012400 Baud, 24 Hrs. 5303 PROG. H. Jake 92] 3001120012400 bps Contact compressed liles, and your [6192] Olbrich Educational Brian K. Boggess [61 choices lrom our 1100 + K Programs lor Learning ATARI2600NCS 92] descriptive calalog make FREE COMPUTER CLUB Impaired Students. OWNERS: We are a Suzy B's Software your MEMBERSHIPI Yes that's [6192] newsletter-based User Alari Connection, Alari Age, best choice I Call 716-296- right. II you come to the Group/Club. For a sample, APX, Antic, Analog, & all 1966 [6192] August 20th 1992 meeting In Search of: Peachtree send $1 to: Tim Duarte, Video or Computar Game 01 The Hooked on Atari Accounting Software lor 2600 Connection, P.O . Box Magazines. Wanted to Acclaimed Brand NEW Computer Keyboard Atari BOO, NewlUsed wI 3993, Westport, MA 02790- Buy. Frank Polosky, PO 1992 KE-SOFT XLIXE Society ( HAC.K.S.) you docs-- Cash or 6-Bit equipl 3993, (506) 636-3674. Box 9542, Pgh., PA 15223 Commercial Gamea.JII will get a Iree, one year, trade-- Isaac Honor 716- [6192] [6192] Plus newl Classic ATARI 6- membarship to one of the 262-0217 Bit Public Domain most inlluential club's in the I Buy Your Unused 2600 For Sale: ICD FA-ST software .. I SASE lor FREE USA. Our membership For Sale: Complete ST Stuff: Starpath 50mb HD, wllCD under CATALOG. SOFTWARE includes Atari developers system $395., SC1224 Suparcharger lor Atari monitor case, ICD INFINITY, 642 East Waring and magazine writars and $195" Star NX10$95., VCS, VCS carts, also ADSCSI+ Host w/clock, Ave, State College, PA we are the sponsoring club Avatex 1200hc modem Texas TV99 Carts. Offers Latest ICD HD Utilities! 16601 [9192] lor the Southern Calilornia $55., other hardware & to : Paolo Caprotti, Via Manual, cables Inc. $375, Alari Computer Faire, AKA software, call 206-639- Bellini 40, 20052 Monze, FREE SHIPPING, call 906- Attention Westem Massi The Glendale Show. We 6513 for more info. (MI) Italy Thanks a lot. 572-2372 W.M.A.U.G. user group offer support lor both the [6192] [6192] here to serve you: Monthly novice and the advanced FOR SALE: Atari 520ST meetings, 24hr BBS user. We meet at 1605 W . Atari 520ST with SC-1224 WANTED: Bit-360 wI SC 1224 & SF354. $300 Support. Contact Dave Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, color monitor Excellent column board for the Atari OBO. Brian K Boggess Scarpa (413) 263-4967 CA at 7:00 p.m . II you have condition $150.00 706- BOO. Steve, 510-704-6211 4601 Denison Ave, BBS(413) 263-4967 [6192] additional questions please 669-2027 [6192] [6/92] Cleveland, OH 44102 give a call to John King [6192] ATTENTION :AA-AUG Tarpinian at 616-246-7266. Want to purchase Attention: N.0.A.H . 6 Atari Computer Club P 0 computereyes hardwarel Atari 6 bit Computer User

AtariLand Calendar

• August 15th-16th - The represented by MilAtari, Connecticut AtarlFeat '92 ltd., a local user group at the Sheraton Hotel at operates an all-Atari game Bradley International area at the show. Contact Airport, Windsor Locks, Lee Musial, 4 14-462· 7557 Connecticut. A joint effort for more information. of 16 or more Atari clubs, the sponsorship • September 121h-13th - organization is called the 1992's Southern Affiliated Connecticut Atari California Aterl Falre, Groups (ACT). This show also known as the is gaining rapidly in size Glendate. John King and numbers of Tarpinian is president of ' developers attending. The Hooked on ATARI Contact Brian Gockley, Computer Knowledge chairman , 16 Elmwood Society (HACKS) and Avenue, Bridgeport, CT =ordinator of the sho 06605, phone 203-332- The Glendale Show h 1721 . had the largest annual attendance of any '" ,.,," '.' • August 21 st·23rd - continuing show series'.a;;d" Germany's massive all- is expected to keep thlii , Atari computer event, the record this year. For more Dusseldorf Alarl Show. information about t . New products and trans­ Glendale , =ntact . San Francisco,'" ":"lllfninIA oceanic deals mark this King Tarpinian at ~ . Gind Is not operi.to the .' show as the Christmas of 7266. general public.. For more (II the Atari world. Information,c6niact AteA '" .Corporation. ..•. '" • September 16t~';29th- 1ii • August 20th-30th - The :;) Ol year's biggest (15,000 last ;:~iC~~~~i~:~:'~tIU;;~ • September 23 - T~; :;) year) gaming and roleplay platform Comp"'t~r fieilr , Aterl presentation at,the c( convention is GENCON, and has reserv8(j.' ~ . rii0m;,., Boston Computer., ••.• ...:.. •.. held annually in for Atari vendors. The San .SocletY meetll)g,. II Milwaukee, Wisconsin at Diego Computer S ociety in postponed from APril, i~ .· til the MECCA Convention =njunction with a regional now scheduled " n ·nr."i·ir:nrl ::C Y\1' ii'~ r.Ir4;:' rl Ann"w".",,"". :2 Center. Atari will again be computer magazine September 23 at 7:30 PM ~ Atari 1MB STE 1Year Warranty $ BeICMI LCMI Atari 2MB STE 1 Year Warranty $ BeICMI Lower Page Stream 2.2(PostBCl'lpt) $ 199 Atari 4MB STE 1 Year Warranty $ BeICMI Lowest Calamus SL (full color) $ 850 Alari Falcon Color System? $ Unbelieveable! Cal-Assistant (on-line help) $ 29 MegaSTE 1MB· $ Too lCMI Compo-Script (Postscripter) $ 276 MegaSTE 2MB $ Too lCMI,Too PageAssistant(on-line help) $ 39 MegaSTE 4MB $ Too lCMI Three ImageCat 2.0 (Pic Catalog) $ 28 Special LCMI n030 Packages $ Even LCMler 4U ~!;;:;im2'::;:':=~~i-+:~~!:-=-~ Dr. BOB's Modu!es(Got'em) $ Call 52 MB internal Mega H.D. $ 295 Migraph OCR (IMG.to Asci) $ 289 1.44MB Floppy Drive kit $ 149 Warp 9 v.3.60 (In stock) MegaPaint 2 Pro. $ 189 SC1435 14" Color Stereo $ So LCMI XBOOT (Easy ) Avant Vector (Bit-2-Vector+) $ 479 SM14714" Mono Full Screen $ Really LCMI DC Data Diet Arabesque Professional $129 SC1224 12" Colorful $ WoW ICD Clean Up ST Convector Pro.(BIt-2-vector) $106 f-f;~~~~~~~~~~~':""'-~~~~-l Disk labia"Maker $ 24 Sihlouette (Bit & Vector) $ 89 EdHak 2.3(edit anything) $ 22 Fontvert $ 34 Hard Disk Sentry $ 39 DeskJet Utilities Pack $ 28 Lattice C 5.5 $ 199 MegaKem $ 88 HiSoft Besic 2 $ ImageCopy $ 21 Atari SLM 605 Drum $ 129 PowerNet (Networking) $ 68 Alarl SLM 605 LaserPrinter $ LCMler Still TurbaNet (Nodes) $ 22 Atari SLM 605 Toner $ 29 FaetCopy Pro 47 Atari SLM 804 Drum $ 154 Ultimate Virus Killar(New) 29 Alarl SLM 804 Toner $ 39 Flash II 37 Alari TOS 2.08 Chips $ LCMler Yet AlariTOS 2TOS.06 1Extension.4,812 Chip Card(s) Set $ That:CMI:ho~~I.~iiii~~iii~~~~~149 ~~~~~~~~~! Installation for T.E.C.ard(s) $ 30m MC Systems 50 MB Hard Drive $ 475 Band in A Box Pro v.6 $ MC Systems 100MB Hard Drive $ 560 Cubase 3.01 $ 479 Digital Master EX (D-2-D) MC Systems 44 MB SyQuest $ 599 Cubeat $ 283 Notator 3.15 MC Systems 88 MB SyQuest $ 749 Cubase Studio Pac(Mldex) $ 1055 C-Lab Unltor 2 Xtra RAM SIMM Board $ 79 AVLON 2.0 $ 387 C-Lab Export SupraFAX 9600 v.32Modem $ 289 AvalonPaclw A to D board $ Call Take Note (Music Educ.) SupraFAX 14,400 v.32blsModem $ 389 MasterScore 2.0 (Notation) $ LCMlHyberswitch (Multi-Tasking) Supra 2400 Modem $ 89 EditTrack Gold $ 79 StereoMaster Sampling (STE) 88881 $ 99 SMPTETrack Gld. w/SMPTE $ 349 Roland Gear 10% overcost

2.97 7.95 Blockbulter Blood Money Scruplell 24.95 Ark.naid 3D Breaktbru Bride of the Sex Robot Bumper Sticker Maker Sinbad Ae,h Animator Art Library I Alcon Corruption Business Card Maker Super Hane On Fleet Street Publi.her Arl Library 2 All Aboard Darkllde California G a mes Third Courier GFA Object Axe O( Ra,e Artur.a De~ a Vu Captain Fizz Thunderblade Harmony Batman The Movie Bobo DeJa Vu 2 Clue Malter Detectivc Typcsctter Elite Kine' Que.t 2 Champion.hi p Wreatlin, Crash Garrell Ferrari Formula One Cornerman De.k Utility V ideo Titlin& Deli," K in e. Quest 3 Devon Aire Final Asaauh Fire And For,el Cyber Print Weird Dreams Leisure Suit Larry 2 Diamond Mike Firet Math Harlel{ D a vidlon ·Dark Castle Williom Tell Manhunter I : NY World Trophy Soccer Font Di.k 2 Ie Of Doom can Manhunter 2 : SF ~jN'r°8isitsc: Foundation. Waate rn1rone~l¥erm g:::~~rliDa:: WWF Wre.thn, Ome,1 Arcade Gauntlet Introduction Ij!o ST Lo,o De.ktop Publ~.her Lib Cash Diaburaementt Hcrocl Of Lance Human Torch/Thine Junler 2 Double D .. ,on 2 19.95 Petlonal Finance Mn" Indiana Jane. Into The Ea,lea Neat Last Crusade (Action) Dr Doom's Revenae 220 Tcrminal Emulator Police Que.t I Kin,. Que. t 3 loker Poker Miami Vice Dra(lx Dot Plotter Altered Beaat Kin,. Que.t 4 KOlmic Krie, Pawn Dragons Of Flame :::e~~&~~~~nf.1 Leisure Suit I Lenera Numbers cl Pinball F actory Elec tronic. Library ~~c~riJ''U~\~~ Plul Space Que.t 3 Maniac Manlion Warda Checker Balllehaw" 1942 Trimballc Databa.e Sh.do~,.lc Memory Master k~a~~:tnSpellinl ~~en~~iA~:rB::letl Blue Anee" Waterloo Spac e Quelt 1&2 Sex Olympic. GFA Artillt Damolclell Z.k Mc"kracken ~~n~aX~illealioD De tatdeve Home Catino Poker Paladin Quelt Dilk ~b~d~!:FiieFf~:n~fe~ce ~::!e'!'O( The Lance Jcwell Of Darkne •• Plutol Shadow,ate Hillahr l5:.rgn~l,~ho-~!:,) Metro Cro •• Q - Ball Shadow Ed"",,'ion Graphic:o (Tuncworb) Prilon Quink ~::~db~i{rier U~Pu':t4bx:t~he E ye Of Horus Projeci "Neptune Signl & Banners S'ar,lider Iron lord Fast/Desktop Or,anizer Rlmbo 3 Space CUller Strip Poker 2 Dau 'I Killlled Utilities Federation e Sierquake Strip Poker 2 Dill # 2 Ma,ic al Myth. Future Wars :tnF t.aod:da Super Cycle Sub Blltle Max i File G + Plua Sentry Swifter Supra ST Modem Mercenary Galactic Conqueror SVaco Station Oblivion Tau Ceti Total Eclip.e Mi· Term Terminal Pra G F A Companion T,tan The Game. Winter Ed Trailblazer Na vi,ltor Fit Planner Hyper(ont Tower Toppler Top Gun Trump Cas ino Gamblin& Nitro Tracker Utldium Types etter Omc,a Ter minal Pre liSD1:~ kpT::"Ri:r: lrii'a\ Wulock Veteran Video Ve,a s O v erlord Math Bla.ter Plus Were. File Editor Willa.... Pinball Wizard MI Print Windwal'ker 9.95 Pipe Dream Outrun W i ne/Bordeaux: 14.95 Pro Footbl ll Wizard Road Raiderll A Copier ST Pro Soccer Wine/Champacne Ae,cio Art P.k I 3D F ont. 2 Wine/Ch.,donnay Act ion Fi,hter purry·. Sa,a C a fe Alaen Syndrome Robocop: ~h~f'tepuck We accept all World Games Alt Macro Maker Advenlurel or Sinba d Star Command World Korate Champ Aesop. F.bles Rubber Slimp Timel Of Lore Balance of Power 1990 Scenery Dilk II Zero Grav i ty Bal1istix Aquanaut tTtilitie. Plu. major-credit cards Battlelhip Arabian Ni,ht. ~~~:bbre Di.k Japan Z ak Mckraeken Art Gall 1"2 and C.O.D. orders! Ie...... The wail is over.

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