Chawanmushi 10 Edamame 6

Dashi Steamed Egg Custard Steamed Edamame with Sea Salt Topped with Marinated Salmon Roe

Vinegared Grilled Eel 10 Cold 10

Grilled Marinated Sea Eel and Cold Tofu Served with Bonito Flakes Sliced Cucumber in Vinegar Aoi Nori Japanese Scallion Miyoga Ginger

Nuta Vinegared Miso 10 Grilled Nato Wrap 10

Scallops Squid Steamed Japanese Scallion Grilled Nato and Japanese Scallion and Wakame Seaweedin Sweet Vinegared Miso Wrapping in Fried Bean Curd Skin

Shumai 10 Okizuke Squid 10

Steam Pork and Shrimp Shumai Thinly Sliced Frozen Soy Marinated Served with Mustard Vinegared Whole Squid Stuffed with Squid Guts

Kuruma Ebi 12 Tsukune 12

2x Salt Grilled Kuruma Shrimp Yopparai Classic Grilled Chicken Meatball In sweet and savory tare sauce

Smoked Duck 12 Smoked Mentaiko 12 Yopparai Classic Yopparai Classic Grilled In-House Smoked Duck served with In-House Smoked Spicy Cod Roe Smoked Salt and Yuzu Pepper Paste

Sashimi 3 Types 20 Japanese Turban Shell 15 Chefs Choice Grilled Japanese Turban Shell Three Kinds of Thinly Sliced Fish Soy and Sake Broth Served with Soy Sauce and Wasabi

Wagyu Hoba Miso 20 Miyazaki Wagyu Beef with Sliced Scallion Mushroomsserved atop a rehydrated Hoba leaf in our House Blend Miso

Yopparai Ronin Midnight Diner Trout Ikura Ochazuke 12 Soy Yakionigiri 7

Rice in Hot Broth Soy Sauce Flavored Topped with Trout and Salmon Roe Grilled Japanese Style Rice Ball

Pickled Plum Ochazuke 10 Pickled Plum Onigiri 7

Rice in Hot Dashi Broth Japanese Style Rice Ball Topped with Pickled Plum With Pickled Plum Center Filling

Mentaiko Ochazuke 12 Mentaiko Onigiri 10

Rice in Hot Dashi Broth Japanese Style Rice Ball Topped with In-House Smoked Spicy Cod Roe With In-House Smoked Spicy Cod Roe Center

Iwanori Ochazuke 10 Yakioni Ochazuke 10

Rice in Hot Dashi Broth Grilled Japanese Rice Ball Topped with Toasted Seaweed in Hot Dashi Broth

Unagi Ochazuke 15 Trout Ikura Hiyajiru 15

Rice in Hot Dashi Broth Grilled Japanese Style Rice Ball Topped with Steamed Sea Eel In Cold Miso Dashi Broth

Trout Seiro Meshi Set 20 Chilled Tanuki Soba 15 House Blend of Seiro Ricetopped with Mixed Cold Buckwheat Noddle in Dashi Broth served Vegetables Salt Grilled Trout Flakes with Fried Spicy Tempura Batter Seaweed Marinated Salmon Roe and Miso Soup / Japanese Scallion and Fish Cake

Yopparai Ronin Midnight Diner