Présentation du Plan Directeur Détaillé de la GVdB Services de Conseil en Urbanisme et Planification Urbaine Plan Directeur de Bujumbura,

Avril 2015

Ministère de l’Eau, de l’Environnement, de l’AménagementAvril, du Territoire 2015 et de l’Urbanisme Plan d’Occupation des Sols Actuel Vers Kigali Vers Bukavu Bujumbura Aujourd’hui Superficie totale des Terres: 913.41 km2 La GVdB a une population de 862,550 (est. 2015) Densité Brute: 905 hab/km2

Distribution de l’Occupation des Sols Actuelle 13% Espace Naturel 70% Terres Agricoles Vers Gitega

17 % Espace Urbain Vers Uvira

Résidentiel de faible hauteur Résidentiel de grande hauteur Résidentiel en maisons individuelles Peuplements informels Usage Mixte Usage mixte informel Hôtels Commercial général Commercial bureaux Bureaux Gouvernementaux Etablissements civiques Etablissements scolaires Vers Gitega Etablissements religieux Industrie légère Industrie lourde Entrepôts Forêts Terres agricoles Plantations Espaces ouverts et parcs Installations de sports et loisirs Cimetière Zones humides Rivières Zone de défense Aéroport Port Carrière Vers Gitega Site réservé Terre vacante Prison Route Transport Transport (espace ouvert) Equipements Limites proposées pour la GVdB Avril, 2015 Limites existante de la VdB Frontière internationale avec la RDC Vers Rumonge Processus de Planification de la GVdB Accueillir 4.1 millions de personnes dans la GVdB Créer 2.4 millions d’emplois pour une population de 4 millions d’ici 2045

Stratégie de Vision et de Considérations pour la Croissance Planification Plans de Répartition Application du Modèle

Développement Compact Plan de Structure Répartition des / Concept / Arrondissements Occupation Générale des Sols Transit Oriented Vision de Development Développement Répartition de la Plan Détaillé & Population d’Occupation des Stratégie de Croissance Sols Modèle Régionale pour la GVdB d’Arrondissement Répartition des Plan de Zonage Emplois Distribution de la Hiérarchie Urbaine

Avril, 2015 Bujumbura 2045 Un Pôle Effervescent au Bord de l’Eau Au Cœur de l’Afrique Région des Grands Lacs Régiondes Grands que en tant Promouvoir Bujumbura Burundi un Etablir Bujumburacomme Pôle Pôle Touristique Pôle Industriel Industriel Pôle Bujumbura Naturel et Bâti Protéger le une une Ville il où fait vivrebon Définircomme Bujumbura

en commun et la marche priorisant Bujumbura,Ville une Ressources Gestion des Un Cadre Patrimoine pourle de les transports dans la dans

Durable de

Avril, 2015

Stratégie de Croissance Régionale Plan de Structure Proposé Vers Bukavu Vers Kigali Terres urbanisables dans la GVdB Redévelopper les peuplements informels actuels de forte et faible densité Permettre des espaces résidentiels de haut-standing et faible densité, des espaces récréatifs et agricoles dans les secteurs appropriés des zones Nord-est & Sud-est Gamme résidentielle mixte autour des centres de croissance Revitaliser le centre ville actuel pour devenir un lieu attrayant pour les affaires, les loisirs et l’habitat Décentraliser les bassins d’emplois

Vers Uvira Vers Gitega Créer des attractions touristiques au bord du Lac Etablir un pôle logistique intégré à l’aéroport, au port et aux installations industrielles Etendre la base industrielle au nord et développer la ZES Promenade en bord de lac, croisière et marina Développer une promenade thématique en bord de Lac Vers Gitega Conserver les espaces naturels existants comme le Parc Naturel de la Rusizi, les terres forestières, les zones humides et la végétation le long des cours d’eau Conserver les terres agricoles importantes dans les limites de la GVdB, champs en terrasses

Vers Gitega Vers Rumonge

Avril, 2015 Concept Structurel Choisi Ville Jumelle

Vers Bukavu Vers Kigali

Vers Gitega

Vers Gitega

o Croissance décentralisée et répartie autour de 2 nouveaux centres Vers Gitega régionaux Vers Uvira o Opportunités pour le Gouvernement de créer une banque foncière Résidentiel en maisons individuelles stratégique pour les développements futurs, tant économiques que Résidentiel de faible densité Vers Gitega Résidentiel de densité moyenne résidentiels à Résidentiel de forte densité Commercial Usage Mixte Développement Touristique o La proposition permet une croissance progressive de la Ville de Etablissements scolaires Industriel Vers Gitega manière phasée Espaces verts protégés Forêts existantes Terres agricoles o Conservation des zones protégées, rivières, zones humides et terres Zones humides et rivières Aéroport agricoles dans la plaine de l’Imbo Port Transport en espace ouvert Vers Gitega Zone de défense o Aéroport, Gare ferroviaire, pôle logistique et port lacustre sont Lac Tanganyika Ligne de rail proposée planifié ensemble pour former un pôle de transport clé pour la GVdB Ligne 1 du BHNS proposée Ligne 2 du BHNS proposée Boucle du Bus proposée o Possibilité pour l’utilisation de systèmes de transport légers et peu Limites proposées pour la GVdB Vers Gitega Limites existantes de la VdB Frontière internationale avec le Congo Vers Rumonge onéreux de Bus à Haut Niveau de Service (BHNS)

Avril, 2015 Organisation de la GVdB Zone de Planification / Organisation des Arrondissements

Vers Bukavu Vers Kigali Caractéristiques de la Zone de Planification o Développement Compact: Limite d’Urbanisation inférieure à 36% o TOD : développement favorisant les transports en commun et la marche piétonne o Arrondissements: Organisation des espaces de croissance existants et nouveaux en arrondissements o Hiérarchie Urbaine: Stratégie claire de répartition et de développement pour les différentes zones de la Ville o Développement Thématique: Rôles uniques pour les différentes

Vers Gitega zones de planification/secteurs Vers Uvira 1 Centre Ville Nature & Heritage 2 Centres Régionaux

Vers Gitega 2 Arrondissements Industriels 6 Arrondissements de Banlieue de densité moyenne à

Vers Gitega forte 6 Arrondissements Périurbains de densité moyenne à CBD Arrondissement Résidentiel faible Zone Industrielle Arrondissements périurbains Autoroute nationale Vers Rumonge 4 Arrondissements Ruraux et de faible densité

Avril, 2015 Regroupement Thématique Organisation des Zones de Planification en Secteurs Thématiques

Vers Bukavu Vers Kigali 5 Secteurs Thématiques Secteur Central (CBD) Secteur Nord (Industriel) Zone 2 Secteur Sud (Tourisme) Stratégie de Croissance Secteur Nord-ouest (Eco) Régionale Zone 3 Secteur Nord-est (Agro)

Zone 1

Vers Gitega Vers Uvira Contexte Zone 4 Zones de Contexte Planification Économique Social

Vers Gitega

Zones de Vers Gitega Planification/ Zone 5 Arrondissements Contexte Environnemental Secteur Nord-ouest Secteur Nord Secteur Nord-est Secteur Central Secteur Sud Vers Rumonge

Avril, 2015 Secteur Central

1 Vision 5 Stratégies 6 Projets de Transformation

Avril, 2015 Secteur Central Plan d’Occupation des Sols proposé

o CBD et les clusters industriels forment des bassins d’emplois clés

o Densification des arrondissements de banlieue alentour avec la ville I 2 o Arrondissement rural dans la périphérie Est de la ville, T8 protégeant les collines pittoresques de la ville.

, Arrondissements Résidentiels, Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles CBD 5 Résidentiel Densité Faible T9 Résidentiel Densité Forte Peuplements Informels 1 Arrondissement Industriel & 1 Arrondissement Usage Mixte Usage Mixte Informel S4 Hôtel T7 Périurbain Commercial Général Commercial (Bureaux) Bureaux Gouvernementaux T10 Etablissements Civiques 1.3 Mil Habitants en 2045 Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé Etablissements Religieux Industries Légères Industries Lourdes CBD 1.2 Mil Emplois en 2045 Entrepôts Espaces Ouverts et Parcs Installations de Sport et Loisirs INFRASTRUCTURE ROUTES Forêts S Plantations 4% Terres Agricoles (Général) 1% Zone Humide ÉTABLISSEMENTS Rivière CIVIQUES Cimetière RÉSIDENTIEL Espace de défense 11% 34% Aéroport T11 Port ZONES Carrière NATURELLES Site réservé Terre vacante 24% Prison Route Transport INDUSTRIE Transport (Espace ouvert) Equipement 15% BHNS USAGE MIXTE Ligne de Chemin de Fer proposée Limites de Zone 3% ÉTABLISSEMENTS COMMERCIAL ZONE SCOLAIRES 3% Plan d’Occupation des Sols Détaillé du Secteur Central 5% TOURISTIQUE 0% Avril, 2015 Secteur Nord Industriel

1 Vision X Stratégies 2 Moteurs Economiques 3 Projets de Transformation Avril, 2015 Secteur Nord Plan d’Occupation des Sols Proposé o Les clusters industriels et le centre régional forment un bassin d’emplois clé

o Densifications des peuplements actuels de Bubanza et T1 & T4

o Nouveaux arrondissements résidentiels, T1 supports des industries

Centre Régional,

Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles 1 Arrondissement Industriel Résidentiel Densité Faible I 1 Résidentiel Densité Forte Peuplements Informels Usage Mixte & 4 Arrondissements résidentiels Usage Mixte Informel Hôtel T2 Commercial Général Commercial (Bureaux) 1.5 Mil Population en 2045 Bureaux Gouvernementaux Etablissements Civiques Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé Etablissements Religieux 800 000 Emplois en 2045 Industries Légères ETABLISSEMENT AGRICULTURE, Industries Lourdes ROUTES, 0.1 Entrepôts S CIVIQUES, 4.4 2.1 Espaces Ouverts et Parcs T3 Installations de Sport et Loisirs Forêts ZONES Plantations Terres Agricoles (Général) NATURELLES , RESIDENTIEL, Zone Humide 33.4 37.2 Rivière Cimetière Espace de défense T4 Aéroport Port Carrière INDUSTRIEL, Site réservé 18.3 Terre vacante Prison EDUCATION, USAGE MIXTE, Route 2.0 1.4 Transport ESPACES COMMERCIAL, Transport (Espace ouvert) TOURISTIQUES, Equipement 0.9 0.1 BHNS Ligne de Chemin de Fer proposée Répartition détaillé de l’occupation des sols Limites de Zone

Octobre, 2017 Secteur Sud : Divertissement Zone 5

1 Vision 6 Stratégies X Moteurs Economiques 3 Projets de Transformation Octobre, 2017 Secteur Sud Plan d’Occupation des Sols proposé o Les installations touristiques de luxe et le Centre Régional intégré formeront des bassins d’emplois clés

o 3 nouveaux arrondissements résidentiels soutiendront l’industrie touristique T12 o Le couloir du BHNS formera l’axe principal du secteur

o Les parcs luxueux au bord de l’eau, les hôtels, le golf, le parc d’aventure, le parc à thème, l’aquarium et le centre de sports aquatiques sont des attractions touristiques clés Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles Résidentiel Densité Faible Résidentiel Densité Forte Peuplements Informels 700 000 Habitants en 2045 Usage Mixte Usage Mixte Informel Hôtel Commercial Général Commercial (Bureaux) T13 360 000 Emplois en 2045 Bureaux Gouvernementaux Etablissements Civiques Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé Etablissements Religieux INFRASTRUCTURES, 0.2 ROUTES, 0.6 Industries Légères ETABLISSEMENTS CIVIQUES, 10.2 Industries Lourdes Entrepôts USAGE MIXTE, 1.1 Espaces Ouverts et Parcs RÉSIDENTIEL, 19.7 Installations de Sport et Loisirs COMMERCIAL, 1.0 Forêts Plantations Terres Agricoles (Général) INDUSTRIEL, 0.8 Zone Humide T14 Rivière Cimetière Espace de défense ZONE TOURISTIQUE, 0.9 ZONES NATURELLES, 65.5 Aéroport Port Carrière Site réservé Terre vacante Prison Route Transport Transport (Espace ouvert) Equipement BHNS Répartition détaillée de l’Occupation des Sols Ligne de Chemin de Fer proposée Limites de Zone

Octobre, 2017 Secteur Nord-ouest Zone de Conservation de la Nature et d’Eco Tourisme

X Vision X Stratégies X Moteurs Economiques 3 Projets de Transformation Octobre, 2017 Secteur Nord-Ouest : Eco-Tourisme Plan d’Occupation des Sols proposé o Les attractions d’éco-tourisme telles que la plage de Kajaga, la réserve naturelle de Rusizi, le zoo, le parc des oiseaux et XX Ha d’espace pour des éco-parcs, forment les nœuds économiques clés o Densification des peuplements de Kajaga et Gatumba en arrondissements de densité faible à moyenne o Conservation à 100% de la réserve naturelle existante, des rivières et zones humides S1

Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles Résidentiel Densité Faible Résidentiel Densité Forte 420 000 Habitants en 2045 Peuplements Informels Usage Mixte Usage Mixte Informel Hôtel Commercial Général 150 000 Emplois en 2045 Commercial (Bureaux) Bureaux Gouvernementaux Etablissements Civiques Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé Etablissements Religieux Industries Légères INFRASTRUCTURES, 8.8 Industries Lourdes Entrepôts ROUTES, 0.6 TERRES AGRICOLES, 16.7 Espaces Ouverts et Parcs INSTALLATIONS Installations de Sport et Loisirs RÉSIDENTIEL, 7.4 CIVIQUES, 2.3 Forêts USAGE MIXTE, 0.6 Plantations Terres Agricoles (Général) Zone Humide COMMERCIAL, Rivière 0.2 Cimetière Espace de défense INDUSTRIEL, 2.0 Aéroport ZONES NATURELLES, Port T5 60.8 ZONES TOURISTIQUES, Carrière Site réservé T6 0.6 Terre vacante Prison Route Transport Transport (Espace ouvert) Equipement BHNS Ligne de Chemin de Fer proposée Répartition détaillée de l’Occupation des Sols Limites de Zone

Octobre, 2017 Secteur Nord-Est Zone de Conservation Agricole Périurbaine

1 Vision 6 Stratégies 2 Moteurs Économiques 5 Projets de Transformation Octobre, 2017 Secteur Nord-est Plan d’Occupation des Sols Proposé Detail Landuse distribution o Protection et expansion des terres agricoles et palmeraies existantes comme moteurs économiques clés pour le secteur o Densification des peuplements de Mpanda, Kigwati, Ruyange and comme centres périurbains clés o Conservation à 100% des réserves naturelles existantes, rivières, zones humides et pentes supérieures à 40%


Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles Résidentiel Densité Faible 100,000 Population en2045 Résidentiel Densité Forte Peuplements Informels Usage Mixte Usage Mixte Informel Hôtel 25,000 Emplois en 2045 Commercial Général Commercial (Bureaux) Bureaux Gouvernementaux Etablissements Civiques Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé INSTALLATIONS INFRASTRUCTU Etablissements Religieux Industries Légères CIVIQUES, 0.6 RES, 0.8 Industries Lourdes S3 Entrepôts Espaces Ouverts et Parcs ZONE Installations de Sport et Loisirs Forêts NATURELLE, Plantations 36.4 Terres Agricoles (Général) TERRES Zone Humide AGRICOLES, Rivière Cimetière 55.1 Espace de défense Aéroport ZONE Port TOURISTIQUE, Carrière Site réservé 0.0 Terre vacante INDUSTRIE, 0.5 Prison Route Transport USAGE MIXTE, Transport (Espace ouvert) 0.7 RÉSIDENTIEL, Equipement 6.0 BHNS Ligne de Chemin de Fer proposée Répartition détaillée de l’occupation des sols Limites de Zone

Octobre, 2017 Plan Directeur de la GVdB 2045

Octobre, 2017 Vers Kigali Plan du Réseau de Transport Vers Bukavu

o 2 couloirs pour BHNS connecteront les divers arrondissements aux bassins d’emplois principaux

o Répartition modale de 70-30 entre transport Public et Privé

o Un Réseau Piéton et Cycles a été intégré le long des artères et des nombreux espaces verts de la GVdB

Vers Gitega Artère Autoroute Nationale Vers Uvira

Vers Gitega

Couloir du BHNS Marina

Vers Gitega

Route Nationale proposée Route majeure proposée Route mineure proposée Vers Gitega Route collectrice proposée Ligne de rail proposée BHNS proposé Aéroport Port Limites proposées pour la GVdB Espaces partagés Cycles et Piétons Rail International Limites actuelles de la VdB

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Vers Kigali Plan de Répartition Economique Vers Bukavu Répartition des Établissements Commerciaux et Industriels TC Revitalisation et Expansion du CBD RC TC


TC 2 Centres Régionaux

TC Vers Gitega Vers Uvira TC TC TC TC 12 Centres d’Arrondissement TC


BUREAUX TC Vers Gitega LOGISTIQUE COMMERCIA COMMERCIA & L GENERAL, UX, 2.8 ENTREPOTS, 7.7 8.6 TC INDUSTRIES LÉGÈRES, Vers Gitega 40.8 Usage Mixte TC Hôtels Commercial Général INDUSTRIES Commercial Bureaux LOURDES, Tourisme (parcs) Industrie légère Vers Gitega 40.1 Industrie lourde Entrepôts RC Ligne de rail proposée Ligne de BHNS proposée Limites de la GVdB proposées Répartition du Commercial et de l’Industriel 2045 Limites existantes de la VdB Frontière Internationale avec la RDC

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Vers Kigali Plan de Répartition Economique Vers Bukavu Répartition des Établissements Commerciaux et Industriels Cluster Industriel 2680 Ha Industrie Lourde 1

Export 3D views 2725 Ha Industrie Légère


Industriel Vers Gitega

580 Ha Clusters d’Entrepôts Vers Uvira 2

BUREAUX Vers Gitega LOGISTIQUE COMMERCIA COMMERCIA & L GENERAL, UX, 2.8 ENTREPOTS, 7.7 8.6 INDUSTRIES LÉGÈRES, Vers Gitega 40.8 Usage Mixte Hôtels Commercial Général INDUSTRIES Commercial Bureaux LOURDES, Tourisme (parcs) Industrie légère Vers Gitega 40.1 Industrie lourde Entrepôts Ligne de rail proposée Ligne de BHNS proposée Limites de la GVdB proposées Limites existantes de la VdB Répartition du Commercial et de l’Industriel 2045 Frontière Internationale avec la RDC

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Plan des Installations Résidentielles et Vers Kigali Communautaires Vers Bukavu Bâtir des Communautés Inclusives

Des communautés de Export 3D views Densité Forte à Moyenne ont été prévues le long du couloir du BHNS

Vers Gitega

Vers Uvira

Des communautés de Densité Faible ont été prévues dans les

périphéries Lac Tanganyika RÉSIDENTIEL HABITAT USAGE Vers Gitega DE DENSITÉ RURAL, 8.0 MIXTE, FORTE , 7.7 3.2 RÉSIDENTIEL Résidentiel en maisons individuelles Résidentiel de faible densité DE FAIBLE Résidentiel de densité moyenne DENSITÉ, 33.3 Résidentiel de forte densité RÉSIDENTIEL Habitat rural Vers Gitega Bureaux Gouvernementaux DE DENSITÉ Etablissements Civiques MOYENNE, RÉSIDENTIEL Casernes et Commissariats 27.2 EN MAISONS Institutions scolaires Etablissements de santé INDIVIDUELLE Etablissements religieux Vers Gitega S, 20.7 Ligne de rail proposée Ligne de BHNS proposée Limites proposées pour la GVdB Limites existantes de la VdB Répartition des installations résidentiels et civiques 2045 Frontière Internationale avec la RDC

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Plan de Gestion Environnemental Conservation à 100% des zones naturelles Cours d’eau : conservation des berges, des tampons le long des cours d’eau et de la biodiversité aquatique Gestion des bassins versant Tampon de 50 à 100m autour du lac Tampon de 50 à 25m le long des rivières Tampons de 15m pour le zones humides

Zones Naturelles : Aucune perte nette des forêts existantes, zones humides et refuges de la biodiversité Limites claires de démarcation des zones naturelles Stratégies de gestion et tampons

Zones vallonnées : gérer les pentes raides face à l’urbanisation, aux pratiques agricoles, aux glissements de terrain, et à l’érosion du sol

Agriculture : Conserver les bassins agricoles importants de la GVdB Pentes> 40% agriculture conditionnelle et reforestation Pente15% à 40% forêts et forêts agricoles

Pente < 15% pratiques agricoles modernes Boisement, forêts et agro forêts Aires urbaine – Forêt urbain & agriculture communautaire Parc naturel de la Rusizi Plantations Terres agricoles Parc Golf et parc d’aventure Zone développable Autoroute nationale Artère majeure Limites proposées de l’urbanisation Limites proposée pour la GVdB Frontière internationale avec la RDC

Octobre, 2017 Vers Kigali Plan du Réseau Vert et Bleu Vers Bukavu 64% des terres sont conversées comme zones naturelles Ligne verte Primaire Ligne Verte Secondaire

Vers Gitega

Vers Uvira

Nature & 4 nouveaux Bassins de Heritage Rétention Zone Site réservé, Rivière, 1.5 Zone Vers Gitega Protégée 0.1 Humide, 3.2 (Plantation), Développem 20.6 ent Urbain, 36.0 Vers Gitega Zone Terre Liveability Protégée, Agricole 10.6 (Général), 13.0 Vers Gitega Parc Naturel, Plantation, 1.2 Tampon 4.2 Forêt, 5.6 Vert, 3.9 Répartition, Vert et Bleu 2045

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Vers Kigali

Plan Touristique Vers Bukavu Le Lac Tanganyika : Destination Première 7 types d’attraction touristiques à thème offriront aux touristes et habitants une grande variété de loisirs à travers la GVdB

Agro Tourisme Divertissements

Culture & Vers Gitega Vers Uvira Patrimoine

Sports & Loisirs

Vers Gitega Bords du Lac

Développement Urbain Vers Gitega Installations d’éco tourisme Installation d’agro tourisme Eco Parcs de nature et loisirs Tourisme balnéaire Tourisme Sports et loisirs Vers Gitega Parcs Autre vert Autoroute nationale Naturels Artère majeure Limites proposées pour la GVdB Frontières internationale avec la RDC

Octobre, 2017 Vers Rumonge Plan d’Occupation des Sols détaillé Vers Kigali GVdB en 2045 o 21500 Ha ont été délimités pour 14 arrondissements urbains et 4 arrondissements périurbains à même d’accueillir 4.1 millions d’habitant en 2045 o 2000 Ha ont été alloués aux activités commerciales créant plus 1.4 millions d’emplois d’ici 2045 o 6000 Ha ont été alloués aux activités industrielles créant plus d’1 million d’emplois d’ici 2045 o 15000 Ha ont été protégés pour les plantations et les terres agricoles

Vers Gitega o Conservation à 100% des réserves naturelles existantes, rivières, zones humides, et pentes supérieures à 40% Vers Uvira

INSTALLATIONS INFRASTRUCTURES, ROUTES, 1.0 Résidentiel Maisons Individuelles CIVIQUES, 5.6 2.8 Résidentiel Densité Faible Résidentiel Densité Forte Nature & Peuplements Informels Usage Mixte Heritage TERRES AGRICOLES, Usage Mixte Informel 17.2 Hôtel Commercial Général Commercial (Bureaux) Bureaux Gouvernementaux Vers Gitega Etablissements Civiques RESIDENTIEL, 17.9 Institutions Scolaires Etablissements de Santé ZONES Etablissements Religieux NATURELLES, 46.8 Industries Légères Industries Lourdes Entrepôts Espaces Ouverts et Parcs Installations de Sport et Loisirs Vers Gitega Forêts Plantations Liveability Terres Agricoles (Général) Zone Humide USAGE MIXTE, Rivière 1.2 Cimetière Vers Gitega Espace de défense Aéroport Port ZONE TOURISTIQUE, COMMERCIAL, 0.8 Carrière 0.3 Site réservé INDUSTRIEL, 6.5 Terre vacante Répartition détaillée de l’occupation des sols 2045 Prison Route Transport Transport (Espace ouvert) Octobre, 2017 Equipement Vers Rumonge BHNS Proposed Plans for Bujumbura


ZONING PLAN for CITY of Bujumbura

Octobre, 2017 What Is Zoning Plan Zoning Plan is a GAZETTED PLAN to regulate the development of each land parcel within the city. It could include the permitted land uses of the parcel, density, building height, and other control guidelines.

In Singapore, China and many Asian American/Japan System (Euclidian Bujumbura countries: Proposed LU plan are System) gazetted to be Zoning Plan Strengths -Flexible (allowing & acknowledging the Euclidian System - Detailed (parcel by parcel) importance of public participation) - Clear cut (no grey areas is allowed) - Easier for planners to justify zoning by area than parcel by parcel. Weaknesses -Rigid (less public participation, planners/ government dictate the -Approving planners need to assess, zoning) considerate every application (grey areas) - Tedious if the data is not available/ - Could give way to corrupt practices. sufficient.

Octobre, 2017 GCoB Zoning Plan & Regulations Proposed Zoning for GCOB Zoning Classification Zoning Overlays

Octobre, 2017 GCoB Zoning Plan 4 Residential Zoning Single Family Residential Zone (R1) Rural Residential Zone (R1A) Low Density Residential Zone (R2) Medium Density Residential Zone (R3) High Density Residential Zone (R4)

4 Commercial Zoning Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1) Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1A) Community Commercial Zone (C2) Medium Density Commercial Zone (C3) High Density Commercial Zone (C4)

2 Industrial Zoning Light Industrial Zone (I1) Warehouse Retail Zone (I1A) General Industrial Zone (I2)

4 Parks and Open Space Zoning Passive Recreational District (P1) Active Recreational District (P2) Agricultural District (P3)

ProtectedOctobre, Area 2017 (P4) Zoning Classification-Residential Single Family Residential Zone (R1) To create a high- end single family housing area, characterized by large plots, and quality housing.

REGULATIONS Single Family Residential Uses Permitted Use (Detached Houses only)

Semi-detached and Attached houses, Residential Prohibited Uses apartments, General commercial use, Industrial uses, Major infrastructure

Standalone food outlet with less than 50 seats Conditional Uses Hotels (incl. its ancillary uses), Public facilities, Convenience stores not exceeding 60m2 of floor area, Home Office Height G+1+P (Ground Floor Max 4m, above max 3.6m) Coverage 35%, 25% landscape coverage

Plot Ratio 0.8 max

Set Back Front 7m & Rear / Sides 3m

Min Plot Size 450 m2

Car Park Villa –2 Parking Lot per unit

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Residential Medium Density Residential Zone (R3) To create medium rise housing and apartment complexes with ample open spaces.

REGULATIONS Ancillary Building • Low and medium rise apartments Permitted Use Landscaping • Clubhouse within apartment complex

Primary Building Prohibited Uses Industrial uses; Major infrastructure; General commercial use

Hard Paved Standalone food outlet with less than 50 seats Hotels (incl. its Conditional ancillary uses); Public facilities; Convenience stores not exceeding Uses Parking Lot 60m2 of floor area or 5% of GFA; Home Office; Single family


Car parking garage, Guard house, Maids’ quarters, Outdoor Ancillary Uses kitchen, Store rooms Height G+4 (Ground Floor Max 4.5m, above max 3.6m)

Coverage 30%, 30% landscape coverage Apartment Plot Ratio 1.6 max Building Front: 5 m Set Back Side: 3 m (min) Rear: 3 m (min) Ancillary Landscaping Building Min Plot Size 1000 m2 Parking Lot Hard Paved Area • Apartment – 1 Parking Lots per 1 dwelling units • Food Outlet -1 Parking Lot per 10 seats shall be provided Car Park • Hotel - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 shall be provided • 1 disabled Parking Lot shall be provided for an apartment complex with more than 20 units.

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Residential High Density Residential Zone (R4) To create high-end high rise housing district at the prime areas in the city by allowing taller building & encouraging more integrated open spaces, greeneries and facilities.


High rise apartments Permitted Use Shop within apartment complex not exceeding 60 m2 of floor area or 5% of GFA

Prohibited Industrial uses; Major infrastructure; General commercial Uses use; Single Family Residential developments Conditional Standalone food outlet with less than 50 seats Hotels (incl. Uses its ancillary uses); Public facilities; Convenience stores not exceeding 60m2 of floor area; Home Office Height G+11 (Ground Floor Max 4.5m, above max 3.6m) Coverage 35%, 30% landscape coverage Plot Ratio 2.4 max • Front: 7 m (min) Set Back • Side: 5 m (min) • Rear: 5 m (min) Min Plot Size 4000 m2

• Apartment – 1 Parking Lot per 1 dwelling units • Food Outlet -1 Parking Lot per 10 seats shall be provided • Hotel - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 shall be provided Car Park • At least two disable parking lot to be provided within the apartment complex.

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Commercial Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1) The Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1) is an area established to create housing development with commercial development at the ground level to ensure continuity in the ground level commercial activities. The Zone offers spaces for goods and services as well as living quarters to create a vibrant mixed use commercial district.

REGULATIONS Permitted Use • Commercial/retail use, eating establishments and other activity- generating uses on the 1st floor • Residential/ home office use above the 1st floor • Multi-family residential apartments

Prohibited Uses • Large scale commercial complex • All type of industrial uses • Major Infrastructure Installations • Commercial uses that cause or are likely to cause disamenity to the residents are not allowed. For example, nightclubs and karaoke lounges may only be allowed on a case-by-case basis.

Conditional Uses Public Facilities, Service apartments, Petrol stations, Hotel Height G+4 max Coverage 70% maximum, 10% landscape coverage Plot Ratio 2.0 max Setback Front: 0m (min); Side: 0 m(min) for 6m after the front setback, beyond 6m from of the building frontage setback line the setback shall be 3m (min); Rear: 3 m (min)

Min Plot Size 500 m2 Car Park Commercial – 2 Parking Lot for the first 200 m2 of commercial space and 1 Parking Lot per subsequent 200m2 commercial space Food Outlet -1 Parking Lot per 10 seats shall be provided Residential – 1 Parking Lot per dwelling unit

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Commercial Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1A) The Mixed Use Commercial Zone (C1A) is an area to be used mainly for mixed residential and commercial purposes, which can have up to 40% GFA used for commercial purpose.

REGULATIONS Commercial, retail and Office use on the 1st floor or first 2 Landscaping Permitted Use • floors • Maximum commercial quantum control of 40% of the total Hard Paved allowable GFA • Multi-family residential apartments above 1st or 2nd floor • Home office Parking Lot Prohibited • Large scale independent commercial complex Uses • All type of industrial uses Ancillary Building • Major infrastructure installations • Commercial uses that cause or are likely to cause disamenity Primary Building to the residents are not allowed. For example, nightclubs and karaoke lounges may only be allowed on a case-by-case basis. Landscaping Conditional Public Facilities, Service apartments, Petrol stations, Hotel Uses Height G+11 max Coverage 35% max, 10% landscape coverage Plot Ratio 2.4 max Hard Paved Setback Front: 5m (min), Side: 0 m(min) for 6m after the front setback, Parking Lot beyond 6m from of the building frontage setback line the setback Primary Building shall be 3m (min), Rear: 3 m (min) (Residential Use) Min Plot Size 2500 m2 Car Park Commercial – 2 Parking Lot for the first 200 m2 of commercial Rooftop Green space and 1 Parking Lot per subsequent 200m2 commercial space Ancillary Building Food Outlet -1 Parking Lot per 10 seats shall be provided (Commercial Use) Residential – 1 Parking Lot per dwelling unit

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Commercial High Density Commercial Zone (C4) The High Rise Commercial Zone (C4) is an area established as a commercial and financial hub to meet most of the retail, office and servi ces needs for the larger community, usually in Town Centre or CBD area. The minimum plot size is set at 2500 m2 to allow for well design ed commercial buildings and to ensure that each development will be able to comply with C4 parking requirements.

REGULATIONS Permitted Use • Shopping malls • Offices • Hotels / Service apartments • Leisure and entertainment centres (e.g. cinemas, bowling alleys) • Galleries • Commercial schools • Restaurants Prohibited Uses • All types of industrial uses • Major infrastructure Conditional Uses Public facilities, Petrol stations, Mixed use developments, Transport Interchange, Club house, Health management agencies

Height G+11 max Coverage 60% max, 20% landscape coverage Plot Ratio 3.5 max Setback • Front: 5 m (min) • Side: 3 m (min) for attached 0 m(min) • Rear: 3 m (min)

Min Plot Size 2500 m2

Car Park • Commercial –1 Parking Lot for 200 m2 shall be provided • Apartment – 1 Parking Lot per 1 dwelling units • Food Outlet -1 Parking Lot per 10 seats shall be provided • Hotel - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 shall be provided

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Industrial Light Industrial Zone (I1) The Light Industrial Zone (I1) is specialised land areas carefully located close to residential area with easy vehicular access to offer residents proximity to a range of non-polluting industrial services. It is also established to create a clean and light industrial environment that could blend with the surrounding residential area.

REGULATIONS Permitted Use • Petrol stations, Car wash, Minor automotive repair shops • All type of clean and light industrial • Business Parks, Science Parks • Warehouse (not integrated with commercial) • Utilities/Telecommunication • Test laboratory/Product design & development Prohibited Uses • All types of residential uses, • Major infrastructure • All type of commercial uses Conditional Uses Religious facilities, Workers’ accommodation, Sundries / grocery shop, Fast food outlet ( 200 seating) , Child care centre Electrical substation (ESS), Refuse area, Management Office, meeting room, Sick Ancillary Uses room/first aid room, Display area (own products) Height G+3 max Coverage 60% max, 10% landscape coverage Plot Ratio N/A Setback • Front: 7 m (min) • Side: 4.5 m (min) for attached 0 m(min) • Rear: 4.5 m (min) for attached 0 m(min) Min Plot Size 250 m2 Car Park • Light Industrial Use – 2 Parking Lot per the first 200 m2 shall be provided and 1 Lot per 200m2 subsequently • Light Industrial Use – 1 Lorry Parking Lot per 3000 m2 • Commercial - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 for Light Industrial Use (for office space in excess of 25% of the industrial use)

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Industrial Light Industrial Zone (I1) The building form can be Detached/Semi-detached/Attached Buildings(can also be flatted) or attached buildings.

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Industrial Warehouse Retail Zone (I2) The General Industrial Zone (I2) is specialised land areas strategically located close to expressways for easy access for heavy vehicles. As it is a district that can generate noise, traffic and pollutants, it is kept away from residential areas. It is established to create a consolidated industrial zone for employment in manufacturing and logistics industries, with imposed nuisance buffer for noise and health safety. It is established to create a consolidated industrial zone for employment in manufacturing and logistics industries, with imposed nuisance buffer for noise and health safety.

REGULATIONS Permitted Use Petrol stations, Oil Depots, Bus Depot, Pollutive industrial uses, Warehouse, Manufacturing, Utilities, Telecommunication, Industrial training Prohibited Uses All type of Residential Uses, Major Infrastructure Installations, All type of commercial uses Conditional Uses Religious Facilities, Workers’ Accommodation, Sundries / grocery shop, Fast food outlet ( 200 seating), Child care centre, Health Clinic

Electrical substation (ESS), Refuse area, Management Office, meeting room, Display Ancillary Uses area(own products) Height G+3 max

Coverage 60% max, 10% landscape coverage

Plot Ratio N/A

Setback • Front: 7 m (min) , Side: 4.5 m (min), Rear: 4.5 m (min) Min Plot Size N/A

Car Park • General Industrial Use – Parking Lot per the first 200 m2 shall be provided and 1 Lot per 200m2 subsequently • General Industrial Use – 1 Lorry Parking Lot per 3000 m2 • Commercial - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 for General Industrial Use (for office space in excess of 25% of the industrial use)

Octobre, 2017 Zoning Classification-Parks and Open Spaces Passive Recreational Zone (P1) To create a very calm and serene green environment for passive recreation around moderately sensitive areas and to preserve the existing fragile eco system.

REGULATIONS Permitted Use • Botanical gardens, arboretums and conservatories. • Outdoor recreational facilities, such as hiking and bicycle trails, greens and commons, sitting areas and picnic areas. • Park related public facilities such as public toilet/ changing room. Prohibited Uses All types of industrial uses, All types of residential uses, All types of commercial uses, All types of major public facilities, Major infrastructure installations Conditional Uses Minor Public Facilities, Restaurants, Small kiosk not exceeding 100 m2 (Development shall be allowable in only 10% of the plot area or 500 m2 (which ever is smaller)

Car Park • Commercial - 1 Parking Lot per 200 m2 • Cultural centres – 1/50 m2 of GFA • Parks and Open Space – 1/1000 m2 of park area. • Tourism and culture related commercial uses – • 1/50 m2 of GFA

Octobre, 2017 Présentation du Nouveau Pôle au Bord de l’Eau

Octobre, 2017 Bujumbura 2045 Un Pôle effervescent au bord de l’eau Avec des activités commerciales, divertissantes et de

loisirs… de Développement Objectifs 1 2

3 Le centre Dynamique 4 Le Centre Accessible 5 Extérieur Le Centre Vie de la en Urbaine Le Centre Vie de la Touristique Le Centre Animéet

Octobre, 2017 Plan Directeur Revitaliser le Centre-Ville en pôle emblématique de front de lac

Zone commerciale du Centre-ville Vers Bubanza Vers Kigali Zone centrale de bureaux Zone mixte Zone de loisirs en bord de lac Vers Gitega Pôle d’affaires en bord de lac Zone résidentielle Industries Sports, parcs et loisirs de plein air Espaces de promenade en bord de lac Plage Corridor du BHNS Principale artère commerçante Vers Gitega Rue effervescente de bord de lac Boulevard vert

Activités du Centre-Ville

Vers Rumonge

Octobre, 2017 Plan Directeur Revitaliser le Centre-Ville en pôle emblématique de front de lac

Vers Bubanza Vers Kigali

Vallée du Pôle de loisirs autour du commerce et Port du Vers Gitega divertissement

Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte

Vers Gitega

Pôle d’affaire en bord de lac

Vers Rumonge

Octobre, 2017 Plan Directeur : zoom sur la zone d’aménagement Revitaliser le Centre-Ville en pôle emblématique de front de lac

Vers Bubanza Vers Kigali

Vers Gitega

Une proposition d’aménagement urbain détaillé a été préparée pour la zone indiquée ci-contre, regroupant les espaces-clés du développement futur

Vers Gitega

Frontière de la zone d’aménagement urbain détaillé

Vers Rumonge

Octobre, 2017 Identifier les projets prioritaires du Pôle au Bord de l’Eau

1. Pôle de loisirs autour du Port • Hypermarchés • Entrepôts • Pôle de divertissement– Casino, Night-clubs • Jardin Thématique/Parcs • Commerces pour tous et espaces de 1 divertissements

2. Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte • Hôtels abordables • Appartements avec services • Cafés et restaurants • Centre de sports aquatiques • Sports & Loisirs • Parcs & Plage 4 • Musée de la Vie Vie Marine 2

3. Pôle d’affaire en bord de lac • Parc de bureaux • Hôtels de luxe • Palais des Congrès • Espaces de shopping • Parc des zones humides

4. Vallée du commerce et du divertissement • Rues commerçantes et piétonnes • Nouveau marché adossé à un terminal de transport • Parcs e espaces ouverts 3 • Commerces de rue

Octobre, 2017 Proposition de Plan de Zonage pour le Pôle au Bord de l’Eau Occupation du Sol

Terrain Constructibilité Emprise Hauteur % de la au sol No Occupation du Sol Code Surface SHOB SHON max. surface COS max. (ha) (m2) (m2) (étages) totale (%)

1 COMMERCE GENERAL 47.00 23.5 1.2 564,000 451,200 80% 2 - 12 2 BUREAUX 7.00 3.5 3.2 224,000 179,200 80% < 20 3 HOTELS EXISTANTS 3.20 1.6 1.5 48,000 38,400 80% < 8 4 USAGE MIXTE 10.70 5.4 1.5 160,500 128,400 80% < 8 COMMERCE GENERAL 5 EQUIPEMENTS PUBLICS 3.60 1.8 0.8 28,800 23,040 80% < 2 EQUIPEMENTS SPORTIFS ET DE BUREAUX < 2 6 LOISIRS 4.40 2.2 0.5 22,000 19,800 90% HOTELS EXISTANTS PLAGE ET ESPACES 0 7 OUVERTS 4.30 2.2 - - - 0% USAGE MIXTE 8 PARCS 37.80 18.9 - - - 0% 0 EQUIPEMENTS PUBLICS ZONE HUMIDE/MANGROVE/PAR 0 EQUIPEMENTS SPORTIFS ET DE LOISIRS 9 C NATUREL 36.00 18.0 - - - 0% PLAGE ET ESPACES OUVERTS 10 ZONE VERTE TAMPON 9.00 4.5 - - - 0% 0 PARCS 11 INFRA 37.00 18.5 - - - 0% 0 ZONE HUMIDE/MANGROVE/PARC NATUREL

Total 200.00 100.0 1,047,300 840,040 ZONE VERTE TAMPON

Octobre, 2017 Plan Directeur Illustré du Pôle au Bord de l’Eau MASTERPLAN














Octobre, 2017 Projet 1: Pôle de loisirs autour du Port Plan Illustré




Plan Général



Octobre, 2017 Projet 1: Pôle de loisirs autour du Port






Octobre, 2017 Projet 2: Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte Occupation du Sol



Plan Général

• Fort de sa position centrale, elle interconnecte le Pôle de Loisirs, le Centre d’Affaires et la vallée du commerce

• Ce Couloir offrira des activités de plage, des sports nautiques, un musée de la Vie Marine, des zones de divertissement et de restauration avec une vue imprenable sur le Lac Tanganyika

Terrain Constructibilité Emprise Hauteur % de la No Occupation du Sol Code Surface au sol max. C surface COS SHOB (m2) SHON (m2) (ha) max. (%) (étages) totale B 1 COMMERCE GENERAL 6.50 18.1 1.2 78,000 62,400 80% 2 -4 2 COMMERCE (GARE ROUTIERE) A 4.00 11.1 0.3 12,000 9,600 80% 1 COMMERCE (MARINA/SPORTS 2 3 NAUTIQUES) B 2.10 5.8 1.0 21,000 16,800 80% 4 HOTELS EXISTANTS 3.20 8.9 1.5 48,000 38,400 80% - 5 USAGE MIXTE 2.60 7.2 1.5 39,000 31,200 80% 2 -4 6 EQUIPEMENTS PUBLICS 2.30 6.4 0.8 18,400 14,720 80% < 2 7 MUSEE DE LA VIE MARINE C 1.10 3.1 0.8 8,800 7,040 80% < 2 EQUIPEMENTS SPORTIFS ET DE < 2 8 LOISIRS 4.40 12.2 0.5 22,000 19,800 90% 9 PLAGE ET ESPACES OUVERTS 4.30 11.9 - - - 0% 0 10 PARCS 5.50 15.3 - - - 0% 0 Total 36.00 100.0 247,200 199,960

Octobre, 2017 Projet 2: Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte Plan Illustré









Octobre, 2017 Projet 2: Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte





Octobre, 2017 Projet 2: Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte



Plan Général USAGE MIXTE






Octobre, 2017 Projet 2: Couloir de loisirs et d’usage mixte


Plan Général





Octobre, 2017 Projet 3: Pôle d’affaire en bord de lac Occupation du Sol


Plan Général

• Le Pôle d’Affaires est proposé sur les meilleures parcelles du bord de lac, bien connectées au Centre-Ville actuel

• Le Pôle verra s’ériger des tours de bureaux de premier ordre auxquelles seront intégrées des zones de shopping, des hôtels de luxe, du logement social et un palais des congrès

Terrain Constructibilité Empris Hauteur % de la e au sol No Occupation du Sol Code Surfac SHOB SHON max. surface CO max. e (ha) (m2) (m2) (étages) totale S (%)

COMMERCE GENERAL 2 -12 1 (CONGRES) 9.50 14.2 1.2 114,000 91,200 80% 2 BUREAUX (CBD) 7.00 10.4 3.2 224,000 179,200 80% <20 3 EQUIPEMENTS PUBLICS 0.20 0.3 1.0 2,000 1,600 80% <2 4 USAGE MIXTE 8.00 11.9 1.5 120,000 96,000 80% <8


Total 67.10 100.0 460,000 368,000

Octobre, 2017 Projet 3: Pôle d’affaire en bord de lac









Octobre, 2017 Projet 3: Pôle d’affaire en bord de lac






Octobre, 2017 Projet 4: Vallée du commerce et du divertissement Occupation du Sol



• La Vallée du Commerce et du Divertissement permettra de connecter A le front de lac au Centre- Ville actuel

• La Vallée sera une promenade commerçante et piétonne accueillante et continue, avec des restaurants et des lieux de divertissement Terrain Constructibilité Emprise Hauteur % de la No Occupation du Sol Code Surface au sol max. surface COS SHOB (m2) SHON (m2) • La cure de jouvence du (ha) max. (%) (étages) Marché Central offrira de totale

meilleurs espaces de 1 COMMERCIE GENERAL (BOUTIQUES) 2.90 22.8 1.0 29,000 23,200 80% <2 COMMERCE (MARCHÉ ET POLE marché intégrés au pôle < 2 multimodal 2 MULTIMODAL) A 3.50 27.6 0.8 28,000 16,800 60% 3 USAGE MIXTE 1.00 7.9 1.0 10,000 8,000 80% 2 - 6 4 PARCS ET ESPACES OUVERTS 5.30 41.7 - - - 0% 0 Total 12.70 100.0 67,000 48,000

Octobre, 2017 Projet 4: Vallée du commerce et du divertissement Vues le long des rues commerçantes

Plan Général

Octobre, 2017 Projet 4: Vallée du commerce et du divertissement



Plan Général


Octobre, 2017 Implementation Plan for GCoB Key objectives

• To create a management entity ( Master Plan Implementation Unit ) to coordinate GCoB Master Plan and Implementation Plan.

• To consolidate key authority and responsibility to make decisions, enter into contracts and be empowered by provincial and communal Councils and other decision- making bodies to act regarding GCoB Master Plan Development

• To build leadership, innovation and organizational capacity among City departments and staff to ingrain and implement the policies of the Master Plan.

• To develop confidence amongst investors and developers by providing an effective decision making entity that is committed to establishing an environment for change.

Octobre, 2017 GCoB Development Phasing

Octobre, 2017 Development Phasing Short Term 2015 - 2025 Focus on economic diversification and prioritize investments in key industry, trade, tourism and infrastructure projects

1. Reserve land for BRT and start implementation of red line up to city centre and green line up to airport

2. Select and initiate development of key infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects

3. Select and initiate development of key Catalytic projects

4. Give special emphasis on waterfront CBD expansion and tourism development projects

5. Focus on redevelopment of pilot priority informal settlement project in Butere as a model for redevelopment and upgrading of other informal residential areas in the city.

6. Select site for pilot new township project

Octobre, 2017 Development Phasing Medium Term 2025 - 2035 Focus on social projects to improve quality of life and decentralize economic development to distribute growth.

1. Initiate development of 2 regional centers to distribute growth

2. Continue city centre revitalization and waterfront CBD catalytic projects

3. SEZ phase 2 and industrial area near airport.

4. Complete red and green BRT line, transport and freight hub projects.

5. Begin all priority informal residential development projects in city fringe areas. 6. New integrated township projects

7. Continue tourism and waterfront development related projects

8. Begin Medium Term Infrastructure Projects in various areas to complement urban growth

Octobre, 2017 Development Phasing Plan to be updated Long Term 2035 - 2045 Complete developments recommended in social, economic and environmental sectors to promote Bujumbura as a Vibrant Waterfront Hub of lake Tanganyika

1. Integrated townships

2. Complete public transportation network including city bus network

3. Airport expansion

4. Golf course & adventure resort

5. Complete all informal settlement rehabilitation and integrated township development projects

6. Complete development of SEZ and other industrial areas

7. Tourism areas in the northern areas

8. Complete all infrastructure project

Octobre, 2017 Priority 10 Years Plan Implementation Action

Capital improvement Projects Adopt and gazette GCoB Major Infrastructure + transport projects Zoning Plan

Catalytic Projects Urban projects like housing, employment Establish Masterplan centres, tourism and other public interest Implementation Unit projects

Ongoing & proposed projects Establish Land implementation & Asset Management Unit management Projects Land pooling, land sharing, in different urban development sectors to land swap, land acquisition be identified by local authorities

Specific Purpose Projects GC0B Master Plan Strategies to deliver environmental, Detail technical, feasibility community related projects study, revenue strategy ( eg: disaster management, health, and business plan for wellbeing, detail commune planning priority projects strategies )

Octobre, 2017 Focus for the first 5-10 years Short & Medium Terms Projects

• “Handholding Programme” for the master plan/zoning plan review & implementation • Recommendation of setting up a Land Consolidation Task Force, Affordable Housing Department, Integrated Township Development Unit & Reorganization of OSC • Proposing 5 catalytic projects • Proposing 9 Capital Improvement Projects


Government or Public-led transport/infra projects to initiate a virtuous circle in the GCoB

Demonstrates an impactful urban solution to deal with the pressing urban infrastructural issues.

Opens up growth areas identified in the master plan.

The project is possible to be implemented within the short time frame of 5-10 years. 9 CIP Projects Projects 9 CIP

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 1 – Bypass road & expressway Objective: • To improve connectivity between Central Business District (CBD) and Northern Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

Scope: • Construction of a new 18.3km dual 4 highway between CBD and Northern SEZ. • Upgrading of 18km of existing major arterial road to be bypass road • Construction of new 40km dual 4 highway as bypass road

Cost: 145million USD*

Implementation Model/ Agency: L’Office des Routes (ODR) under the supervision of Ministry of Public Works

* Unit rates based on Africon, 2008, Unit Costs of Infrastructure Projects in Sub- Saharan Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 2 – Road improvement projects Objective: • To improve traffic flow in the area. • Create a pedestrian friendly environment.

Scope: • Upgrading and widening of 11km of major arterial, 65.1km of minor arterial and 146.5km collector roads. • Constructing new 29.3km of major arterial, 48.3km of minor arterial and 128.2km collector roads. • Improving streetscape (widening of pedestrian pavements, plants, street lighting)

Cost: 433million USD*

Implementation Model/ Agency: L’Office des Routes (ODR) under the supervision of Ministry of Public Works

* Unit rates based on The World Bank Road Cost Knowledge System

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 3 – BRT Phase 1 Objective: • Provide public transport alternative to private vehicles. • Improve connectivity between Northern zone and Central zone.

Scope: • 66km of 2-way BRT line. • 30 Stations are located every 1km in Phase 1 area • 2 BRT depot (1ha each)

Cost: 180 million USD (including road works, stations, and depots).*

Implementation Model/ Agency: A new public transport authority under the regulation of the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications

* Unit rates based on benchmarking of Dar es Salaam BRT project

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 4 – Freight & transport Hub, Phase 1 Objective: • Consolidation of goods before distribution by smaller vehicles. • Provide better integration between different modes of transport.

Scope: • 3 public transport hub (1 ha each) • 1 freight hub (2 ha)

Cost: 20 million USD

Implementation Model/ Agency: A new public transport authority under the regulation of the Ministry of Transport, Post and Telecommunications

* Unit rates based on benchmarking of a logistic hub in Kenya

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 5 – Water Supply Objective: To provide water supply to the new developments

Scope: • Construction the first phase of water treatment plant at Zone 3 (Capcity 20,000 m3/d) • Design and construction of 15 nos. of WDC • Laying water mains in Short-Term Priority areas

Cost: 168.9 million USD

Implementation Model/ Agency: • Ministry of Infrastructure • Director of Infrastructure Planning and Management • Water Supply Planning and Management

* Unit rates based on benchmarking against water supply planning guidelines in Singapore and South Africa. Unit Costs of Infrastructure Projects in Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 6 – Sanitation Objective: To provide sewerage system to the new development

Scope: • Construction of sewage treatment plant STP-2 Phase 1 (Capacity 7,600 m3/d), STP-5 Phase 1 (Capacity 12,800 m3/d), and STP-6 Phase 1 (Capacity 2,160 m3/d) • Construction of sewer lines in Short-Term Priority areas

Cost: 117.8 million USD

Implementation Model/ Agency: • Ministry of Infrastructure • Director of Infrastructure Planning and Management • Sewerage Planning and Management

* Unit Costs based on benchmarking of Infrastructure Projects in Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 7 – Solid Waste Objective: • To provide solid waste treatment system to new developments in Southern Zone with recycling industry • To provide solid waste collection system to new developments

Scope: • Construction of landfill (size: 154 ha) • Design and construction of 8 nos. of Resource Recovery cum Transfer Station

Cost: 36.9 million USD

Implementation Model/ Agency: • Ministry of Infrastructure • Director of Infrastructure Planning and Management • Solid Waste Planning and Management

* Unit Costs based on benchmarking of Infrastructure Projects in Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 8 – Power Objective: • To provide enough power supply to planning area

Scope: • Design and construction of 220kV transmission line • Design and construction of 110kV transmission lines • Design and construction of 220/110kV substation • Design and construction of 110/70kV substation • Design and construction of one power house at south part of planning area

Cost: 42.3 million USD Implementation Model/ Agency: • Ministry of Infrastructure • Director of Infrastructure Planning and Management • Power Planning and Management * Unit Costs based on benchmarking of Infrastructure Projects in Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Project Project 8 – Storm water Objective: • Provide drainage system

Scope: • Drainage lines in Short-Term Priority areas

Cost: 15.0 million USD

Implementation Model/ Agency: • Ministry of Infrastructure • Director of Infrastructure Planning and Management • Storm Water and Drainage Planning and Management

* Unit Costs based on benchmarking of Infrastructure Projects in Africa

Octobre, 2017 Capital Improvement Projects

Implementation Actions

Establishment of a designated Master Plan Implementation Team to take charge of development and implementation of CIP and Catalytic Projects.

Establishment of a designated Land Consolidation / Acquisition Unit to assist in acquisition of the land for public infrastructure improvements.

Conduct detailed technical/ financial feasibility studies for the Capital Improvement Projects.

Preparation of PPP tender for land survey studies / proposal /developing of the required public improvements


Displays an impactful integrated solution for the government to deal with the particular present urban issue such as housing , urban regeneration and transportation etc.

Large-scale and bankable as a potential PPP projects

Can be implemented within the short time frame of 5 -10 years

Can be adopted as a model for solving similar issues in the planning area

Octobre, 2017 8 Catalytic Projects Catalytic Projects Project 1- SEZ Phase 1& Pilot Township in Gahanga

Objective: • Shift main industrial base to Colline Mayaga and establish SEZ to create industrial focus second economic centre of Bujumbura with more employment opportunities. • Projected Jobs: 45,000 • Projected Dwelling units: 67,000 Existing Landuse Plan Scope: • Carryout feasibility study to formulate development model • The development program shall include industrial zone with warehouse, light and heavy industrial plots. Residential neighbourhood near Gihanga.

Site Area : 495 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 to 15 years Implementation Model/ Agency: Public Private Partnership (PPP), International Donor Agency (ADF,AFD, USAID, etc)

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 2- Logistic & Transport hub

Objective: • Develop a logistic & transport hub integrated with port, airport, rail, public transport and industrial facilities

Scope: • Carryout feasibility study to formulate Existing Landuse Plan development model • Reserve land for rail track, station and yard • The development program shall include intercity bus terminal, BRT interchange, public car park and logistics with value added services such as packaging, labeling and assembly industries etc.

Land Area :371 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 to 15 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, International Donor Agency (JICA,UNDP, USAID, etc)

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 3- Business Hub ( Phase 1)

Objective: • Decentralize the existing city centre and establish waterfront business hub accommodating the needs for international and national organizations, businesses and commerce. Scope: Existing Landuse Plan • Carryout feasibility study to formulate development model. • Business park -7 hectares, 179,000 sqm GFA of office and retail. • Commercial – 9.5 ha , 91 000 sqm GFA of shopping mall, hotel, restaurants, service apartments, conference and convention centre facilities. • Mixed use – 8 ha, ground floor commercial and high density residential above

Site Area: 8.1 ha (phase1 ) Estimated Timeframe : 5 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Private Investments, International Donor Agency Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 4- Waterfront Development

Objective: • Revitalize and create thematic areas along the waterfront for community interaction. • Provide the Bujumbura waterfront with a distinct identity that will commercially benefit the waterfront mixed use zone Existing Landuse Plan Scope: • Redevelopment of strategic vacant/partially developed parcels into vibrant mixed use nodes • Attract private investments to develop these parcels

Site Area : 10.3 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Private Investments/Funding, International Donor Agency (ADF, UNDP, USAID)

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects TO BE UPDATED Project 5- Port Expansion

Objective: • Expand and upgrade existing port facilities for serve the other coastal cities along lake Tanganyika Scope: • Redevelopment and up gradation of existing Existing Landuse Plan port . Site Area : 19.2 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Private Investments/Funding, International Donor Agency (JICA, ADF)

Conceptual Plan for Bujumbura Port, JICA Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 6- Central market Redevelopment

Objective: • Redevelop Central market to offer retail integrated with bus terminal and public spaces.

Scope: • Carryout feasibility study to formulate Existing Landuse Plan development model • Total commercial GFA: 8,160,000 sqm • Street improvement • Infrastructure network & utilities

Site Area : 3.5 ha Estimated Timeframe : 3 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Private Investments, International Donor Agency (ADF, UNDP, USAID)

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Node 4: Retail & Entertainment Valley




Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 7 - Resort & Theme Park

Objective: • Develop a new mixed use tourism and recreational themed regional centre south of Kabezi • Brand the regional centre as progressive & vibrant city to attract private sector investments in real estate sector and tourism + facilities Existing Landuse Plan Scope: • Development of Regional Centre & related amenities and housing • Develop supporting Infrastructure

Site Area : 68.2 ha Estimated Timeframe : 5 years Implementation Model/ Agency: Public - Private Partnership (MPIU, MEEATU),

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 8 - Integrated township

Objective: • Expand and formalize the existing settlements along RN9 in close proximity to the existing City Centre. • This township will support the population growth in Bujumbura Mairie and adjoining SEZ • Projected Dwelling units: 205,000 Existing Landuse Plan Scope: Information required from the drawings • Restructuring of existing informal settlements • Adopt an appropriate land acquisition and 1. Key Plan base resettlement process 2. Project boundary on existing Landuse 3. Project boundary on proposed Landuse • Developing infrastructure and public amenities 4. Project boundary on satellite base to support a high density settlement • Attract private and public residential projects 5. Proposed Landuse type areas within the township Site Area : 756 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Public projects, Private Investments, International Donor Agency (JICA, AFD, ADF, etc) Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Project 9 - Integrated township

Objective: • Expand and formalize the existing settlements along RN3 in south of the existing City Centre. • This township will support the population growth in Bujumbura Mairie and the new CBD expansion • Projected Dwelling units: 61,000 Existing Landuse Plan Scope: • Adopt an appropriate land acquisition and resettlement process • Developing infrastructure and public amenities to support the township • Attract private and public residential projects within the township Site Area : 212 ha Estimated Timeframe : 10 years Implementation Model/ Agency: PPP, Public projects, Private Investments, International Donor Agency International Donor Agency (JICA, AFD, ADF, etc)

Proposed Landuse Plan

Octobre, 2017 Catalytic Projects Priority List

Priority 1 Project 1: SEZ Phase 1& Pilot Township in Gahanga Priority 1 projects will become Project 2: Logistics and Transport Hub key economical drivers for Project 3: Business Hub (Phase 1) Bujumbura by thriving and expanding the existing assets of Project 4: Waterfront Development Bujumbura Mairie

Project 5: Port Redevelopment/Upgradation

Priority 2

Project 6: Central Market Redevelopment Priority 2 projects will become Project 7: Resort and Theme Park key economical drivers down the line while providing a strong Project 8: Integrated Township residential base for the growing city. Project 9: Integrated Township

Octobre, 2017 Land Management

Octobre, 2017 Land Issues There is limited government-owned land and City needs to secure land for


830 ha of land 1947 km of roads 5110 ha of land 365km2 Open Space •Airport Expansion • Drainage •154 km Expressways •Schools • P1 - 1550 ha •Lake Port • Sewerage •709km Arterial Roads •Police Stations • P2 - 795 ha •Reserve Sites Treatment Plant •74 Km of BRT •Fire Stations • P3 - 33480ha •Electric Sub Stations •Health Center • P4 - 22180ha •Hospitals

Octobre, 2017 Land Management Strategy Key Strategies for Land Consolidation Land Pooling Land Sharing Land Swap Strategic land Strategy Strategy Strategy Acquisition

For areas designated for For redevelopment of For Individual plots, disaster prone areas and For areas designated for future urban areas with high agriculture lands for public interest projects development urbanization pressure strategic projects

Government authority to Private or government Private or government Government or Public identify strategic lands for initiated project initiated project sector initiated project acquisition Densification and The purpose mostly for Owner voluntarily give the reconstruction prime urban Owner voluntarily swop the strategic infra and public land for development land or squatter land for redevelopment interest projects settlements

Developing agency builds all land owner / developer Public notice and resolve develops economically the basic infrastructure Same size and value of land objections attractive part of the plot is provided to the owner in and the dwellers build After completion small other part of the city as houses on the other part Appropriate compensation portion of the land will be compensation with full or limited land to land owner returned to the owner ownership.

Octobre, 2017 Land Management Strategy Key Strategies for Land Consolidation Land Pooling • In rural or greenfield areas small rural land parcels can be assembled into a large land parcel Strategy • The development agency redraw the cadastral after setting aside land required for the critical infrastructure For areas designated for such as roads, green and other key utilities. future urban development • After completion return the reconstituted land to the owners, after deducting the cost of the provision of infrastructure and public spaces by the sale of some of serviced land Private or government initiated project

Owner voluntarily give the Benefits of LPS land for development • Economical and no financial risk for the municipalities as they do not have to purchase and to finance the Developing agency builds all original plots. the basic infrastructure • Can privatize new plots After completion small portion of the land will be • The land value increase from agricultural to urban land. returned to the owner The cost for infrastructure can be compensated by sell of new plots

Octobre, 2017 Land Management Strategy Key Strategies for Land Consolidation Land Sharing Strategy • In existing urban region land readjustment for small and medium size areas. For redevelopment of areas • Good for densification and reconstruction of squatter with high urbanization settlements pressure • Can be used for public housing schemes in locations near income-generating activities, and resettlement is Private or government unacceptable method to clear land for development initiated project projects.

Densification and reconstruction prime urban Benefits of LSS land or squatter settlements • Both the landowner and the squatters benefit from land land owner / developer sharing. Squatters get to stay on the land legally while develops economically the land owner can sell or develop a portion of the land attractive part of the plot and and avoid long legal battles the dwellers build houses on the other part with full or limited land ownership.

Octobre, 2017 Land Management Strategy Key Strategies for Land Consolidation Land Swap Strategy 1.Land swap strategy can be applied to Individual plots in urban areas where Masterplan has identified location public projects For Individual plots, disaster 2.For agricultural land, where government needs to prone areas and agriculture acquire land for strategic development such as major lands for strategic projects industrial areas, the existing farmers can be given the substitute government land for farming Government or Public sector 3.Land swop between the government and residents in initiated project the natural disaster prone areas like flood, land slide etc. Owner voluntarily swop the land for redevelopment

Same size and value of land is provided to the owner in other part of the city as compensation

Octobre, 2017 Land Management Strategy Key Strategies for Land Consolidation

Strategic land For existing urbanized areas where compensation Acquisition needs to be provided for the land taken for infrastructure development, and for strategic areas such as BRT/ MRT nodes For areas designated for public interest projects Challenges to implement land acquisition model • The Land Acquisition process encompasses the Government authority to sovereign right of the Government to take over identify strategic lands for parcels of land for public purpose. acquisition • Potential conflict between land owner and The purpose mostly for government if the compensation is not attractive strategic infra and public interest projects • Lengthy approval process • Can be very expensive for the government Public notice and resolve objections Identify the lands which needs to be safeguarded for Appropriate compensation to long term public and infrastructure projects from the land owner master plan

Octobre, 2017 Establish Land Management Unit Key Responsibility

• Develop an extensive database on the state-owned land inventory within the GCoB and its neighboring Districts

• Develop database on the land needed or affected for infrastructure development and other public use

• Develop integrated strategy on land consolidation for GCoB and it’s procedures • Develop land consolidation programme and budgeting • Develop and implement schemes on land consolidation • Monitor and liase with related authorities on the province and commune owned land issues within the GCoB

Octobre, 2017

Masterplan Management & Implementation Framework

Octobre, 2017 Existing Governance & Urban Development Process 3 Level Institutional Setup to Manage Urban Development Projects

National TP Commission involves in national importance Consultative Authority in charge Official TP catalytic projects from Commission of TP plans various sectors

National TP Appoint National TP Council Produce National TP • Ministry of Water, Environment, Commission TP Department Masterplan Territorial & Urban Planning • ( MEEATU) Provincial TP Appoint Provincial TP Council Produce Provincial TP • Ministry of Commission TP Department Masterplan Transport, Public Works and Facilities (MTTPE) • Ministry of Trade, Communal TP Appoint City Council Produce Communal TP Industry, Posts and Commission TP Department Masterplan Tourism (MCIPT).

Each Ministry disposes of its own National Fund for the funding of large projects

Octobre, 2017 Existing Urban Development Process Urban Development Control, Application & Approval Process Urban Development Schemes

National/ Provincial TP Department Communal TP Department Ministry of Water, Environment, Officially regulated document requires Territorial and Urban Planning (MEEATU) public consultation

General Directorate for Urbanism and Housing (DGHU) Detail Landuse planning schemes & for large scale building permits Development Projects within communal territory

property General planning schemes with broad Urban Renewal New Detail Rehabilitation, Landuse restructuring & planning Schemes restoration & consolidation Large Development Projects Subdivision

Issues & Challenges • No clear definition for large scale projects • Public consultation is only conducted for communal TP schemes • Unclear process of Masterplan management at national & provincial level • Unclear process for Zoning Management /Implementation • Lack of policy framework to legalize the Zoning Plan

Octobre, 2017 Existing Urban Development Process Standard Urban Development Application & Approval Process

Development operation Application Process Issues & Challenges Urban renewal, restructuring, urban consolidation, property restoration, rehabilitation & subdivision • Approval delays as it requires national Private State UD authority endorsement on local matters Commune Stakeholder Ministry • Development control regulatory issues Submits Application for the Development • Implementation challenges with the Provincial & Communal TP Authority building permit issues Approval • Time consuming process, so Property 1 Month Public Enquiry Owner does not follow regulations Collection of Remarks

Communal UD Commission- 15 days • National & provincial TP department have examination of remarks little contribution & control over developments Revision by Developer According to Commissions Notice • Communal TP department is overburdened with routine development Communal Commission – 30 days applications Exhibition in the Concerned Communes – 30 days • Limitation of institutional capacities

Project Execution Authorization by Ministry

Octobre, 2017 Existing Urban Development Process Institutional Setup within GCoB Master Planning Area

3 Provincial Councils Bujumbura Bujumbura Bubanza shall maintain current roles and Marie Provincial Rural Provincial Provincial responsibilities for what Council Council Council concerns urban planning.

The Communal Councils 3 Communal 9 Communal 5 Communal remain in charge of approving Councils Councils* Councils** planning related activities outside the GCoB Planning Area

Octobre, 2017 Proposed Urban Development Process Institutional Setup within GCoB Master Planning Area

National/ Provincial TP Department National/Provincial TP Department Ministry of Water, Environment, Territorial and Urban Planning (MEEATU) Shall oversee the activities of the MPIU General Directorate for Urbanism and Housing (DGHU)

Master Plan Implementation Unit (MPIU) for Greater City of Bujumbura MPIU 17 Communes can be in charge of urban planning This joint planning authority shall be appointed by the national town planning related activities within GCoB planning council to manage the cross cutting projects within the GCoB Planning Area area.

3 Provincial Councils Bujumbura Bujumbura Bubanza shall maintain current roles and Marie Provincial Rural Provincial Provincial responsibilities for what concerns Council Council Council urban planning.

The Communal Councils 3 Communal 9 Communal 5 Communal remain in charge of approving Councils Councils* Councils** planning related activities outside the GCoB Planning Area * With 4 communes within the panning area (Mutimbuzi, Isale, Kanyosha, Kabezi) ** With 4 communes within the planning area (Bubanza, Gihanga, Mpanda, Rugazi)

Octobre, 2017

Existing Infrastructure Development Schemes

Leading the overall policy formulation and Ministry of Water, Energy administrative functions of the central and Mines(MWEM) government as they relate to the WSS sector


Water and Water policy and strategy Coordinates and Rural drinking manages rural water service electricity service Urban sanitation development; Oversees provider, primarily WSS Sector; municipal water providers; not-for- service provider services profit associations responsible for Supports RCEs with urban areas technical issues Issues & Challenges • Nine government ministries are involve in the management of water resources which causes poor coordination and planning • The existing institutions structure creates competition in the allocation of water among sectors. • Poor financial sustainability • REGIDESO has a monopoly over public drinking water and electricity supply.

Octobre, 2017 Proposed Infrastructure Development Schemes

Ministry of Infrastructure

Director of Director of Monitor and review the works of Infrastructure Infrastructure infrastructure Planning and Assessment planning department Management

Water Supply Sewerage Storm Water and Solid Waste Power Supply Planning and Planning and Drainage Planning Planning and Planning and Management Management and Management Management Management

Manage all water Manage all storm Manage all power Manage all sewerage Manage all solid waste supply relevant water and drainage supply relevant relevant development relevant development development relevant development development

Advantages: • A centralized and integrated management institutions • An independent department is set up to audit the management institutions’ works.

Octobre, 2017 Proposed Work Flow of Institutional Development

Individual planning department receive new development applications from developers

Possible Upgrading direct Review actual demand required connection

Propose new infrastructure Propose upgrading of existing development infrastructure

Update director of infrastructure on upgrading /new development requirement

Director to review And submit proposal to ministry for fund/approval

Approved by ministry

Individual planning department to implement the approved development

Octobre, 2017 Establish Masterplan Implementation Unit Key Responsibility of MPIU Centre • Monitor, report and evaluate the progress achieved by the MPIU to the corresponding authorities to ensure a successful implementation of the MP over the long term. • Establish a centralized database for the Master Plan and update it on a regular basis; supervise land use changes on the ground within the GCoB. • Promote a costumer-attitude/service; develop accountability measures to build trust and transparency towards society and investors. • Support investors in the identification of opportunities & direct investments in strategic areas • Assessment & certification of major developments applications, TPs, Change of Use & grant construction permits etc. • Conduct expert review to evaluate rezoning proposals & submit recommendations to the provincial councils • Coordinate with other services/ utilities providers & advice them on crosscutting issues such as provision of water, power, solid waste, etc.

Octobre, 2017 Structure of the MPIU

Inter-Ministerial Commission Political level (Potentially the National Town and Planning Commission)

Provincial Councils Executive Secretariat Executive Communal Councils (Buja Mairie/Rural, Bubanza) (Permanent Secretary level)

MPIU Technical Advice and Monitoring & Evaluation (Head/Chief) Capacity building

Strategic Urban Design Technical Implementatio Planning and Zoning Control GIS and Built n Support to Patrimony Investment

Cadastral, register Experts in GIS Project manager Develoment Planner Architect(s) and data bases (4+) (economist) experts Lawyer Draftsman

Field supervisors (x4)

Civil Engineer

Octobre, 2017 Description of Roles of MPIU Staff


Commission (interministériel) de Direction Rôle : Prendre des décisions à niveau politique pertinents pour la direction du Plan Directeur et sa mise en ouvre Composé par: Des Ministres Pertinentes Secrétariat Exécutive Rôle : Exécuter les décisions de la commission et de la représentation interinstitutionnelle de l’Unité du Plan Directeur. Composé par : Secrétaire Permanent Bureau de Suivi et d'Évaluation Rôle : Suivi et control du travailles effectues pour l’équipe du Plan Directeur, et préparation de rapports réguliers. Composé par : Fonctionnaire Conseille Technique Rôle : Clarifier ou nécessaire les taches techniques de l’unité et renforcer la capacité technique du staff. Composé par : Consultant externe, expert en planification urbaine et renforcement de capacité. Unité du Plan Directeur Rôle : Développer las opérations pertinentes pour la gestion du Plan Directeur, pour sa bonne mise en ouvre, et la performance de l’équipe de l’unité. Géré par: Chef d’Unité (Exemples de profile Professional : Génie Civil, Urbaniste, Planificateur) Composé par : -Maître d'œuvre d'exécution -Expert cadastral et base de données -Expertes en SIG (4) -Génie Civil -Architect -Avocat -Superviseurs de terrain (4+) -Planificateur de développement (responsable de développement et de relations avec les investisseurs) -Planificateur stratégique (économiste)

Octobre, 2017 Key Institutions and Potential Pool of Staff for the MPIU

MEEATU Ministère des Ministère de Provincial Communal Ministère du Transports, des Travaux I'lntérieur Councils Councils Commerce, de Publics et de l'lndustrie, des l'Equipement Postes et du Tourisme -Direction Générale de -Direction Générale des -Direction -Bujumbura -Muha -Direction l’Urbanisme et Habitat Transports - Direction Générale de Mairie -Mukaza Générale du -Direction Générale de Générale de la l'Administration -Bujumbura -Ntahangwa Tourisme Ressource en Eau et Coordination des du Territoire Rural -Mutimbuzi Assainissement Equipements -Bubanza -Isale -Direction Générale de -Kanyosha l’Aménagement du -Kabezi Territoire et Protection -Bubanza du Patrimoine Foncier -Gihanga -Cadastre national -Mpanda -Encadrement des -Rugazi constructions sociales et amenagement des terrains -Institut Geographique du Burundi

Octobre, 2017 Proposed Improvements in Urban Development Process Interim Recommendations for GCoB Masterplan Management and Implementation

City Concept Plan City Master Plan City Zoning Plan

• GCoB Concept Plan • Detailed Master Plan is • A Zoning Plan is a Role 2045 provides a long- a “local area plan” that gazetted plan term ‘Vision’ for the translates the broad translated from the City. long-term strategies of Detailed Master Plan the Concept Plan into to regulate the detailed land use plans development of each to guide the urban land parcel within the development. City.

Responsible Role of MPIU needs to be expanded Agency

Establishment of Dedicated Zoning/ Strategic Planning Team Development Review Proposed Team Improvements Recommended Recommended Recommended Review – As Review Period Review Period deemed necessary for 8 to 10 Years 3 years to 5 Years Atypical Dev. Applications, and 5yrs for Zoning Plan Cannot view the attachment before the submission

Octobre, 2017 Implementation Action Plan Octobre, 2017 GCoB Zoning Plan Land Issues Adopt and gazette GCoB Zoning Plan Period Urban Planning Instruments (directly relevant for the Legal status GCoB) 1982 Schéma Directeur de la ville de Bujumbura Not adopted

1986 Code Foncier (loi n°1/008) de 1986, articles clés: 392 à Enacted 406 2000 Décret n° 100/111 du 31 juillet 2000 (portant Enacted reclassification des centres urbains). Délimitation des périmètres de 68 centres urbains ou à Enacted vocation urbaines par le décret n° 100/140 du 07/11/2000. (La classification et la délimitation de ces centres n’ont jamais été actualisées alors qu’elles devraient l’être tous les deux ans). 2011 Decree 14-11-2011, Delimitation of a National Park Enacted and 4 Natural Reserves 2012 Code de l’Eau, la loi n°1/02 du 26 mars (specifies the Enacted buffers to the Lake and rivers) 2013 Schéma Directeur d’Aménagement et d’Urbanisme de Not adopted la Ville de Bujumbura 2014 Étude du Schéma d’Amenagement de la Zone Littorale Not adopted du Lac Tanganyika dans la Partie de Bujumbura

2016 Code de l’Urbanisme, de l’Habitat et de la Construction Enacted

2016 Code deOctobre, l’Amenagement 2017 du Territoire du Burundi Enacted Making it happen - Funding and Investment

1. The master plan is an asset... Tap on it ! (1) attract investment: use the model, panels, launch, media coverage. (2) Build a central data base for improving expenditure efficiency and prioritization for action. (3) Spatial analysis to scan infrastructure investment opportunities.

2. Consolidate the cadastral registry to kick-start taxation (tap on the data-base of the MP).

Short Term 3. Land value capturing → Levying the estimated land-value increase of infra and transport projects + Land Pooling, etc = Land Management Strategy ! 4. Foster a secure environment to leverage funds from development banks and donors. 5. Public investment based on Infrastructure Priority Programming and PPPs for catalytic projects. 5. Mobilize private capital by tax and spatial planning incentives (e.g. ‘’Pioneer Incentive’’ and SEZ), and maintaining business-friendly climate (e.g. Guichet Unique du Permis de Construire). Medium Term 6. Participatory development... Harness personal/corporate contribution for urban improvement: • Tapping financial remittances for community projects (e.g. 3x1 Programme = 3USD of public

investment for each 1USD contributed from remittances on infra/transp projects). • Promoting microcredit options for informal residents and entrepreneurs. Long Term • Increasing the taxpayer base by educating and incentivizing contributors who formalize their situation, offering further transparency, and reducing bureaucracy. 7. Pension funds or municipal funds to develop infra and housing. Build it, and they will fund...

Octobre, 2017 Way Forward

Octobre, 2017 Summary of Implementation Action Plan Land Issues

1.- Gazette the GCoB Zoning Plan

2.- Establish Land Management Strategy

3.- Consolidate a Land Management Unit

4.- Establish Master Plan Implementation Unit

5.- Make it Happen - Funding

Octobre, 2017 Merci

Octobre, 2017