Grid Ref: 510531 280785

Date of Registration: 20.06.2019



This application is referred to the Development Management Committee (DMC) as Winwick Parish Councils recommendation of Refusal is contrary to the Local Planning Authorities recommendation of Approval.


1.1 The site comprises a redundant Coach Yard with two large outbuildings, concrete structures, hardstanding and grassed area. The site is situated within the built-up area of Winwick and is surrounded by residential properties and gardens. The site is accessed via a road bisected around an island which connects Hamerton Road with the junction of Main Street with Gidding Road.

1.2 The site is within a sensitive location in close proximity to a scheduled ancient monument and All Saints Church which is a grade ll* listed building and there are several ponds close to the site.

1.3 This application seeks the approval of reserved matters namely; appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following the approval of outline planning permission for the erection of three dwellings with all matters reserved except access.

1.4 For clarity and to aid consideration of the application, the definitions of the reserved matters are as follows (source: Article 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) () Order 2015: • 'Appearance' - the aspects of a building or place within the development which determine the visual impression the building or place makes, including the external built form of the development, its architecture, materials, decoration, lighting, colour and texture. • 'Landscaping' - the treatment of land (other than buildings) for the purpose of enhancing or protecting the amenities of the site and the area in which it is situated and includes: (a) screening by fences, walls or other means; (b) the planting of trees, hedges, shrubs or grass; (c) the formation of banks, terraces or other earthworks; (d) the laying out or provision of gardens, courts, squares, water features, sculpture or public art; and (e) the provision of other amenity features; • 'Layout' - the way in which buildings, routes and open spaces within the development are provided, situated and orientated in relation to each other and to buildings and spaces outside the development. • 'Scale' - the height, width and length of each building proposed within the development in relation to its surroundings.

1.5 The application has been amended several times during the course of the application in response to concerns received from local residents, Parish Council, HDC Officers and consultees.


2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2019) sets out the three economic, social and environmental objectives of the planning system to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development. The NPPF confirms that 'So sustainable development is pursued in a positive way, at the heart of the Framework is a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The NPPF sets out the Government's planning policies for: • delivering a sufficient supply of homes; • achieving well-designed places; • conserving and enhancing the natural environment; • conserving and enhancing the historic environment. 2.3 Planning Practice Guidance is also relevant and a material consideration.

For full details visit the government website National Guidance


3.1 's Local Plan to 2036 (Adopted 15th May 2019) • LP1: Amount of Development • LP2: Strategy for Development • LP4: Contributing to Infrastructure Delivery • LP6: Waste Water Management • LP9: Small Settlements • LP11: Design Context • LP12: Design Implementation • LP14: Amenity • LP15: Surface Water • LP16: Sustainable Travel • LP17: Parking Provision and vehicle movement • LP25: Housing Mix • LP30: Biodiversity and Geodiversity • LP31: Trees, Woodland, Hedges and Hedgerow. • LP34: Heritage Assets and their settings

3.2 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) and Guidance: • Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD 2017 • Huntingdonshire Townscape and Landscape Assessment SPD 2007 • Developer Contributions SPD 2011 • Flood and Water SPD 2017 • Annual Monitoring Report October 2019 regarding housing land supply.

Local For full details visit the government website Local policies


4.1 16/02038/OUT - Outline application for the erection of three dwellings with all matters reserved except for access - Approved 03.03.2017.

4.2 0403242S73 - Renewal of permission 0102062 for erection of three dwellings and garages - approved 17.01.2005.

4.3 010206S73 - Renewal of permission 9801057 - for erection of three dwellings and garages - Approved 01.11.2001. 4.4 98/01057/OUT - Renewal of consent Ref: 95/0552 for the erection of 3 dwellings & garages - Approved 10.09.1998.

4.5 95/00552/OUT - Erection of three dwellings and garages - Approved 21.09.1995.

4.6 95/00177/OUT - Erection of four dwellings and garages - Refused 11.04.1995.


5.1 Winwick Parish Council recommends refusal (copies attached).

5.2 CCC Local Highway Authority (LHA): No objections or recommendations.

5.3 The Wildlife Trust - None received.

5.4 HDC Conservation - No objections.

5.5 HDC Trees & Landscaping - No objections

5.6 HDC - Urban Design (UD) - No objections and commented: the amendments address previous UD comments, whilst the application is now acceptable in design terms, I recommend the following minor amendments are sought before presenting at committee - • submission of a site section and a reduction in the ridgeline over the garage to Plot 2 is amended and arranged north-south (parallel with the southeast site boundary) to reduce the apparent scale adjacent to Loneacre. Recommend conditions in regard to materials, architectural details, levels, hard and soft landscaping, obscurity of balcony screens.

5.7 HDC Environmental Health - No objections and commented; This application does not affect the requirement for a contamination investigation condition (condition 4 of the outline approval) so we have no comment to make.

5.8 HDC Operations (Bins) - None received. 5.9 Historic England - No comment.


6.1 Representations were received from Dalkieth Cottage, Horseshoe Cottage, Laburnham Cottage, The Cottage, Old Post Office Hammerton Road, The Old Vicarage Main Street and The Barn raising the following objections to the proposals: - The plans do not accommodate the seasonal pond - Drainage issues - Potential contamination of surrounding properties during clearance of the site - Overlooking and loss of privacy from windows, balconies and rooflights - Out of keeping with the character of the area, materials, design and scale - Noise impacts from the use of the balconies and residential use of the site - Planting of trees will impact on our vegetable patch, drawing water away and adding shade. - Overshadowing and overbearing - Overdevelopment of the site, density - Impact on wildlife, newts and trees - No notification of proposal - Finished floor levels - ground levels - Location of bin collection points and access issues - Burning of waste - Air pollution issues due to local straw burners the proposals will add to this


7.1 The main issues to consider in the determination of this application are: • The Principle of the development and design • Impact on the character and appearance of the area • Residential Amenity • Access and Highway Safety • Ecology, Biodiversity and protected Trees • Infrastructure requirements and Planning Obligations • Housing Mix

The Principle of the Development 7.2 The principle of residential development for the erection of up to 3 dwellings and access has already been established through the granting of Outline Planning Permission reference 16/02038/OUT therefore, the main issues to be considered are the reserved matter details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, including whether the proposal complies with the Policies of the adopted Development Plan. These include consideration of the proposed layout, housing density, building scale and form, parking, refuse arrangements and landscaping and taking account of how these function in the context of the area in general, having regard to the existing character of the area, and impacts upon residential amenity.

Impact on the Character and Appearance of the Area 7.3 This part of Winwick is characterised by a range of two storey dwellings set close to the road and constructed with a mixture of materials predominately light painted render and painted brick with pantile roofs. There are two main clusters of development in Winiwick centred around the Green and Old Weston Road junction and Hamerton Road and Old Weston Road junction where dwellings are more densely positioned, with surrounding dwellings more sparsely positioned on larger plots.

7.4 The site lies within the built up area of Winwick and is bounded by Loneacre to the east, Horseshoe cottage to the north and the Old Post Office to the west. Mature tree planting exists to the south of the site within the neighbouring garden of The Old Vicarage; a tall Leylandii hedge exists on the south eastern boundary, separating the site from Loneacre.

7.5 Whilst the proposals are in close proximity to a scheduled ancient monument and All Saints Church which is a grade ll* listed building, the proposals are considered to have no impact on the setting of these heritage assets and will preserve them.

7.6 The impact of the submitted reserved matters details on the character and appearance of the area are considered in the following order below, Appearance, Layout & Scale and Landscaping.

Appearance, Layout and Scale 7.7 The application follows approval of 16/02038/OUT, for the demolition of the existing buildings on the site. The application was in outline for the erection of three dwellings with all matters reserved except for access. The accompanying elevations and floor plans submitted with the outline application proposed 3 dwellings (2 x 5-bed and 1 x 4 bed), each with a double garage. These plans provided an indicative layout and design to demonstrate how three dwellings could be incorporated into the site, but subject to submission of further details via a reserved matters application.

7.8 Throughout the course of this reserved matters application, the appearance, layout and scale of the dwellings have been amended several times taking into account the recommendations of officers and consultee comments. This submission is now considered to reflect the broad arrangement of units and garages proposed with the original outline application and the proposals now sit well within the plot and the surroundings. The dwellings have also been reduced in size slightly from approximately 306sq.m to 287sq.m - a reduction of approximately 6.6%. The massing of the units has been broken up, with lower height subservient single storey and 1.5 storey 'wings' proposed to the side and rear of the plots:

7.9 The amendments have also resulted in the following further changes to the scheme:

7.10 Plot 1 - the reduced depth and revised massing of the plot is supported. The unit is arranged such that the single storey 'garden room' is located adjacent to the rear garden boundary with The Old Post Office

7.11 Plot 2 - the reduced depth of the unit is supported, the dwelling is now located outside of the Root Protection Zone of the retained trees located adjacent to the southern site boundary.

7.12 Plot 3 - The dwelling and garage have been handed and more closely resembles the arrangement proposed with the outline application.

7.13 The proposed appearance, layout and scale of the scheme are considered to be appropriate for this location and responds to the opportunities and constraints of the site. The proposed materials comprise buff facing brick, flat grey roof tiles and black board cladding and dark grey windows are considered to be acceptable in this location however, the final materials (including samples and details of manufacturer) will required to be agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority and therefore a condition will be added to the decision notice in this regard should members recommend approval of the application.

7.14 To ensure that the architectural details (window and door reveals, location of flues/vents, colour of meter boxes and cast stone porticos) are appropriate for this development and location, a condition is recommended to be added to the decision notice in this regard.

7.15 Whilst some section plans have been provided to support the application, further details are required in regards to the finished floor levels and site levels are required to ensure the finished buildings will fit in well with their surroundings. It is considered that these details can be secured by way of a pre-commencement condition attached to the decision notice should members recommend approval of the application.

7.16 Notwithstanding the above required condition, the submitted scheme is therefore considered to meet the aims and objectives paragraphs 127 and 170(b) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2019) and Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 (adopted May 2019) Policies LP2, LP9, LP11, LP12, and LP34 and the place making principles as set out within chapter 3 of the HDC Design Guide SPD 2017 which seek to ensure that a development protects the existing character of the area, responding to positively to its local context.

Landscaping 7.17 In terms of the hard and soft landscaping works detailed on the submitted amended plans and supporting documentation are considered to be acceptable. Should members decide to approve the application in line with the officer's recommendation a condition will be added to the decision notice to ensure the landscaping is secured.

Residential Amenity 7.18 The NPPF paragraph 127(f) and the Council's planning policy LP14 of the Local Plan to 2036 seeks to protect the amenity of neighbouring properties. The policy also seeks to ensure residential amenity is not harmed as a result of development; the NPPF, within its core principles states that planning should "always seek to secure high quality design and a good standard of amenity for all existing and future occupants of land and buildings".

7.19 It is considered that the submitted drawings demonstrate that the site could accommodate the amount of development proposed without having an adverse impact on neighbouring residential amenity however; it is acknowledged there is local concern raised in regard to the first floor balconies of the proposed dwellings and the potential for overlooking.

7.20 The proposals have been amended taking into account these concerns and privacy screens have been included to the sides of the balconies closest to the neighbouring gardens. The screens will prevent any oblique views from the first floor to the neighbouring gardens and the private amenity areas will be protected from any overlooking. Given the presence of boundary treatments and the orientation of the buildings, the proposed fenestration and balconies are not considered to result in any significant overlooking or loss of privacy.

7.21 To ensure that the balcony screens are retained throughout the lifetime of the development and they are of sufficient level of obscurity, a condition should be added to the decision notice in this regard, should members recommend approval of the application in line with the officer recommendation.

7.22 The scale and positioning of the dwellings and garages are such that they are not considered to create an unacceptable impact in terms of overlooking, loss of privacy, overshadowing/loss of light or overbearing to the neighbouring properties.

7.23 It is noted that the existing site is redundant and any development in this location would result in an increase of noise, however given the proposed residential use of the site, any associated noise attributed to a residential use is considered to be acceptable in this residential location.

7.24 It is concluded that the proposal is satisfactory in terms of its impact on amenity of the neighbours and the amenity of the future occupiers of the proposed dwellings. The proposals therefore meet the aims and objectives of paragraph 127(f) of the NPPF 2019 and Policy LP14 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 and Huntingdonshire Design Guide SPD (2017).

Access and Highway Safety 7.25 Paragraph 109 of the National Planning Policy Framework sets the test that "development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of the development would be severe".

7.26 The main issue is whether there would be any severe adverse effects on highway safety and traffic flow arising from the proposed development of three homes in this location. In determining whether the development would have severe residual cumulative impacts, Cambridgeshire County Council (CCC) has been consulted and has not raised any objections to the proposals as this matter was agreed at outline stage.

7.27 Whilst the matter of access and highway safety has already been agreed under the outline application in consultation with County Council Highways Authority, the Local Authority has considered the level parking provision within the site and if vehicles can turn within the site. The submitted layout confirms that there will be sufficient parking and turning areas provided within the site and cycle parking is provided within the garages.

7.28 The proposals are therefore considered to meet the aims and objectives of paragraph 109 the NPPF and policies LP16 and LP17 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 (HLP) which seek as a basic requirement of any successful developments provide a safe physical access from the public highway to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles have access as required.

Ecology and Biodiversity 7.29 Chapter 15 of The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2019 and the National Planning Practice Guidance (para 10 - 35) set out the responsibilities regarding protect and priority species and habitats. The guidance goes on to state that 'proportionate' information and assessment is required on biodiversity impacts.

7.30 Para 25 (Ref. ID 21a-025-20140306) of the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG 2019) confirms that the only conditions which can be imposed when the reserved matters are approved are the conditions which directly relate to those reserved matters. Conditions relating to anything other than the matters to be reserved can only be imposed when outline planning permission is granted.

7.31 It is acknowledged that concerns have been received in regards to the potential for protected species to be present within the site, and that protected species may be harmed as a result of the development however, this application submission comprises the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (reserved matters) for consideration. The definitions of the reserved matters (given above) as set out in Article 2 of the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 and as such the ecological impacts of the proposals do not form part of the reserved matters assessment therefore, the Local Planning Authority cannot require any further assessments in regards to the ecological impacts of the proposal.. Notwithstanding the above, the developer does have a legal duty to ensure that there are no impacts on protected species throughout the course of the development.

7.32 Should members decide to approve the application; an informative should be added to the decision notice to inform the developer of their legal obligations in this regard.

Impact on Trees 7.33 Policy LP31 of HLP states that a proposal is required to demonstrate that the potential for adverse impacts on trees has been investigated. The revised Arboricultural Implications Assessment report and revised Tree Protection Plan [Caroline Hall September 2019] is acceptable and its recommendations and tree protection measures should be carried out in full. Should members decide to approve the application in line with the officer recommendation, the tree protection measures must be secured via a condition attached to the decision notice. 7.34 Notwithstanding the recommended condition, the proposals are considered to meet the aims and objectives of Policy LP31 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036.

Infrastructure Requirements and Planning Obligations 7.35 The Infrastructure Business Plan 2013/2014 (2013) was developed by the Growth and Infrastructure Group of the Huntingdonshire Local Strategic Partnership. It helps to identify the infrastructure needs arising from the development proposed to 2036.

7.36 Statutory tests set out in the Community Infrastructure Regulations 2010 (Regulation 122) require that S106 planning obligations must be: • Necessary to make the development acceptable in planning terms; • Directly related to the development; and • Fairly and reasonably related in scale and kind to the development

7.37 The outline application was accompanied by a satisfactory completed unilateral undertaking for the provision of wheeled bins, the proposals as submitted at outline stage met this requirement in accordance with Policy LP4 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 and the Developer Contributions SPD (2011) no further information is required in this regard.

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL): 7.38 As this planning application is for a minor development, the development will be CIL liable in accordance with the Council's adopted charging schedule; CIL payments will cover footpaths and access, health, community facilities, libraries and lifelong learning and education.

Housing Mix 7.39 Policy LP25 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036 states that a proposal that includes housing will be supported where it meets Building Regulation accessibility standards (or replacement standards) as set out below, unless it can be demonstrated that site specific factors make achieving this impractical or unviable:

f. ensuring 100% of new dwellings, across all tenures provided, meet Building Regulation requirement M4 (2) 'accessible and adaptable dwellings' (or replacement standards).

7.40 Should members agree to approve of the application in line with the officers' recommendation; a condition will be added to the decision in this regard, in accordance with Policy LP25 of Huntingdonshire's Local Plan to 2036.

Consideration of Conditions 7.41 Para 25 (Ref. ID 21a-025-20140306) of the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG 2019) confirms that the only conditions which can be imposed when the reserved matters are approved are conditions which directly relate to those reserved matters. Conditions relating to anything other than the matters to be reserved can only be imposed when outline planning permission is granted.

7.42Progress with conditions of 16/02038/OUT: The outline conditions attached to the outline application continue to apply.

Conclusion 7.42 As set out within this report, Officers considered that the proposals do not conflict with the individual policies within the Development Plan or the National Planning Policy Framework (2019). Officers also consider that the proposal does not conflict with these documents when taken as a whole. There are no other material planning considerations which lead to the conclusion that the proposal is unacceptable. It is therefore concluded that the details should be approved.

8. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVAL subject to conditions to include the following

• The development to be constructed in accordance with the approved plans • Details submitted in writing to the Local Planning Authority in regards to 1) Materials 2) Architectural details, 3) Levels. • Hard & Soft Landscaping to be undertaken in accordance with plan 1559_SLP received 1.11.19 and the Soft Landscape Strategy (received 1st November 2019) • Tree Protection in accordance with the Arboricultural Implications Assessment report and revised Tree Protection Plan [Caroline Hall September 2019) • Balcony screen retention throughout the life time of the development and fitted with obscured glazing meeting Pilkington level 3 of obscurity. • Accessible and adaptable dwellings

If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to


Enquiries about this report to Debra Bell Senior Development Management Officer 01480 388139 Brown, Sheila (Planning)

From: [email protected] Sent: 05 October 2019 12:25 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: Comments for Planning Application 19/01276/REM

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 12:25 PM on 05 Oct 2019 from Mr Graham Evans.

Application Summary Winwick Garage Hamerton Road Winwick Address: PE28 5PX Application for the approval of reserved matters Proposal: (appearance, access, layout and scale) of application 16/02038/OUT for the erection of 3 dwellings Case Officer: Debra Bell

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Graham Evans Email: [email protected] Westbrae, Old Weston Road, Winwick, Huntingdon PE28 Address: 5PR

Comments Details Commenter Town or Parish Council Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Again I make comment on behalf of Winwick Parish. In the latest iteration of this application we seem to be going round and round with small changes without really addressing the bigger issues! Yes, the height of the garages has been reduced, and presumably there is now no upper floor, though this isn't totally clear. Chimneys have been added to the houses and some sections have been provided, though not through Plot 3 which has caused most disquiet to date. However, the houses are still very significantly bigger than the outline planning approval - if I read the earlier council comments correctly some 287 sq m as compared to the 206 sq m of previous approval. This has caused the site to be much more crowded and out of keeping with the spacious aspects of the village in general. If houses of this size are to be built on this site perhaps there should only be 2 and not 3. Balconies have been only partially screened, still overlooking neighbours.

1 Comments about site protection, wildlife etc are still not addressed. In summary, the view of Winwick Parish is still that the planning application is unacceptable and should be rejected. The proposal causes overbearing, overshadowing and overlooking/ harm to neighbour amenities and is not in keeping with the surrounding village. We again urge the developer to work with the neighbours and village in general to find acceptable solutions to the issues raised by myself and others before any resubmission.

2 Brown, Sheila (Planning)

From: [email protected] Sent: 02 September 2019 13:28 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: Comments for Planning Application 19/01276/REM

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 1:28 PM on 02 Sep 2019 from Mr Graham Evans.

Application Summary Winwick Garage Hamerton Road Winwick Huntingdon Address: PE28 5PX Application for the approval of reserved matters Proposal: (appearance, access, layout and scale) of application 16/02038/OUT for the erection of 3 dwellings Case Officer: Debra Bell

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Graham Evans Email: [email protected] Westbrae, Old Weston Road, Winwick, Huntingdon PE28 Address: 5PR

Comments Details Commenter Town or Parish Council Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Winwick Parish Comments on application No 19/01276/REM, application for the approval of reserved matters for the Winwick Garage Site on Hamerton Road - Revised Plans - Part 1

I am the Chairman of Winwick Parish, and these comments again represent views of those members of Winwick Parish that I have been able to gather in the limited time I have had since receiving notice of revised plans.

Whilst I appreciate that the time given for comments was apparently the statutory minimum, in high summer with villagers away on holiday, a longer time should have been allowed; 2 of the previously objecting householders have been away in Singapore and in Australia, and I have myself only just returned from holiday abroad. In addition, the planning portal was down for upgrading for

1 part of the allowed time, making it impossible to view the drawings. This is not an acceptable way of asking for comments.

Many of my comments are repeated from the objections raised to the original submission, and it is a great shame that this revision has been submitted without any consultation as was promised between developer and neighbouring villagers.

Continues in Part 2

2 Brown, Sheila (Planning)

From: [email protected] Sent: 02 September 2019 13:30 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: Comments for Planning Application 19/01276/REM

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 1:30 PM on 02 Sep 2019 from Mr Graham Evans.

Application Summary Winwick Garage Hamerton Road Winwick Huntingdon Address: PE28 5PX Application for the approval of reserved matters Proposal: (appearance, access, layout and scale) of application 16/02038/OUT for the erection of 3 dwellings Case Officer: Debra Bell

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Graham Evans Email: [email protected] Westbrae, Old Weston Road, Winwick, Huntingdon PE28 Address: 5PR

Comments Details Commenter Town or Parish Council Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Winwick Parish Comments on application No 19/01276/REM, application for the approval of reserved matters for the Winwick Garage Site on Hamerton Road - Revised Plans - Part 2

This site has had a history of planning applications dating back to the 1995 original application for 3 dwellings (95/0552 subsequently renewed by application 98/1057, 01/02062 and 0403242S73). Villagers have long been of the opinion that a sensible development of this brownfield site was acceptable in principle, although previous applications have been commented on with some reservations. This applied to the outline planning application 16/02038/OUT. In particular I note comments and conclusions at that time that whilst the proposed layout was not considered to be in keeping with the character and appearance of development in the village that as the layout was indicative only, all matters

1 but access were reserved and the applicant had agreed that they could be excluded from approval at that time. It was also concluded by county planners that whilst the site was suitable to accommodate three dwellings, the future reserved matters application should be for suitable design and layout to avoid overbearing, overshadowing and cause overlooking/ harm to neighbour amenity. A foul water drainage scheme condition could be imposed as no details had been supplied and a condition could address any fuel contamination issues. These conditions do not seem to have been observed.

Before I go into detail, let me make it very clear that the revised design and layout as shown in the new set of drawings are still unacceptable to every member of the Parish who I have contacted for the following reasons.

Whilst the layout of the site is better than the previous submission, it is still significantly different to the outline layout application.

Continues in Part 3

2 Brown, Sheila (Planning)

From: [email protected] Sent: 02 September 2019 13:39 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: Comments for Planning Application 19/01276/REM

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 1:38 PM on 02 Sep 2019 from Mr Graham Evans.

Application Summary Winwick Garage Hamerton Road Winwick Huntingdon Address: PE28 5PX Application for the approval of reserved matters Proposal: (appearance, access, layout and scale) of application 16/02038/OUT for the erection of 3 dwellings Case Officer: Debra Bell

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Graham Evans Email: [email protected] Westbrae, Old Weston Road, Winwick, Huntingdon PE28 Address: 5PR

Comments Details Commenter Town or Parish Council Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Winwick Parish Comments on application No 19/01276/REM, application for the approval of reserved matters for the Winwick Garage Site on Hamerton Road - Revised Plans - Part 3

The revised layout has moved away from the site boundaries, but the orientation of houses seems to have been chosen to minimise views of each other whilst ignoring the overlooking of adjoining properties. Balconies and Velux windows give views straight into neighbouring gardens and bedrooms/living spaces. The size of the revised application houses has been reduced, as far as can be judged from non-dimensioned drawings. However, the revised garages are not drawn on any of the revised drawings supplied, and the previous drawings are not on the site. As far as can be judged they are significant double-storey buildings, and Plot 3's garage in particular overshadows Horseshoe

1 Cottage and The Barn, with its Velux windows looking into gardens at very close range. I note that the houses have reduced in height to just less than 8 ms. However, nowhere on the plans can I see provision for chimneys for any purpose, whether cooking or central heating. This implies that the actual houses when built may be higher than shown.

Turning to the detail in the plans, I have additional comments. Roof tiles are shown as flat grey roof tiles. In general houses in Winwick are either red mostly pantiled, slated or thatched. Velux windows in roofs and upstairs balconies are not present. The extensive black boarding is very rare in the area. Thus, features are not in keeping with the character of the village.

Continues in Part 4

2 Brown, Sheila (Planning)

From: [email protected] Sent: 02 September 2019 13:40 To: DevelopmentControl Subject: Comments for Planning Application 19/01276/REM

Planning Application comments have been made. A summary of the comments is provided below.

Comments were submitted at 1:40 PM on 02 Sep 2019 from Mr Graham Evans.

Application Summary Winwick Garage Hamerton Road Winwick Huntingdon Address: PE28 5PX Application for the approval of reserved matters Proposal: (appearance, access, layout and scale) of application 16/02038/OUT for the erection of 3 dwellings Case Officer: Debra Bell

Click for further information

Customer Details Name: Mr Graham Evans Email: [email protected] Westbrae, Old Weston Road, Winwick, Huntingdon PE28 Address: 5PR

Comments Details Commenter Town or Parish Council Type: Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application Reasons for comment: Comments: Winwick Parish Comments on application No 19/01276/REM, application for the approval of reserved matters for the Winwick Garage Site on Hamerton Road - Revised Plans - Part 4

Although the proposed balconies are now smaller, their revised positions achieve a worse result as far as the overlooking of properties outside the development is concerned. I particularly note that Plot 3 could be improved by mirror-reversing the house so that the balcony and Velux windows face away from outside neighbours. This is an example where developer consultation could possibly achieve a more acceptable result.

I can still find no detail in the application of either a foul water disposal scheme or a proposal to deal with site contamination (oil, fuel and asbestos), both required in

1 the approval of the outline proposal. There is also no detail of how the proposal will deal with the great crested newts which live all over Winwick. The existing drainage on Hamerton Road is very old and struggles to deal with existing building run-off; Hamerton Road below this site is usually wet/icy in winter due to the overflowing drains. This proposal, and in particular the size of the houses, is very likely to make this worse if not addressed at planning application stage. It is not clear whether these houses would be connected to mains sewage or have some form of on-site treatment plant.

In summary, the view of Winwick Parish is that the planning application is still unacceptable and should not be approved. The proposal causes overbearing, overshadowing and overlooking/ harm to neighbour amenities.

We again urge the developer to work with the neighbours and village in general to find acceptable solutions to the issues raised by myself and others before any resubmission.

2 Winwick Parish Comments on application No 19/01276/REM, application for the approval of reserved matters for the Winwick Garage Site on Hamerton Road

I am the Chairman of Winwick Parish, and these comments represent views of those members of Winwick Parish that I have been able to gather in the limited time I have had since becoming aware of this planning application.

Neither myself nor the Parish Clerk had been made aware of this application by email as we normally are by Huntingdonshire Council. No site notice has been seen, and no site notice is on the website either. Thus I have had only 4 days in which to gather comments. This is considered unacceptable.

This site has had a history of planning applications dating back to the 1995 original application for 3 dwellings (95/0552 subsequently renewed by application 98/1057, 01/02062 and 0403242S73). The village has long been of the opinion that a sensible development of this brownfield site was acceptable in principle, although previous applications have been commented on with some reservations. This applied to the outline planning application 16/02038/OUT. In particular I note comments and conclusions at that time that the proposed layout is not considered to be in keeping with the character and appearance of development in the village but the layout is indicative only, as all matters but access are reserved and the applicant has agreed that it can be excluded from approval. It was also concluded by your planners that the site is suitable to accommodate three dwellings & the future reserved matters application can secure suitable design and layout to avoid overbearing, overshadowing and cause overlooking/ harm to neighbour amenity. A foul water drainage scheme condition can be imposed as before as no details have been supplied and a condition can address any fuel contamination issues.

Before I go into detail, let me make it very clear that the proposed design and layout as shown in the current set of drawings is unacceptable to every member of the Parish who I have contacted for the following reasons.

The layout of the site is significantly different to the outline layout. The houses have moved significantly to the boundaries of the site, in the case of Plot 3 very very significantly closer to the existing Horseshoe Cottage. Judging the significance of this is not helped by neighbouring buildings being inaccurately sited or sized on the plot drawings. Significant overshadowing of gardens is occurring where such overshadowing was minimised.

The size of the application houses has very significantly increased. In the outline application the houses were approximately 210 sq m in size, about 7.5m high. This application has houses of 306 sq m (50% increase), with balconies and velux windows in roofs. The houses are 8.5m high. They are overbearing and out of scale on this site, dominate surrounding buildings, and significantly reduce green space around the houses.

Winwick as a village is a mixture of 19th and 20th workers cottages with a few larger properties. Very very few approach the size of the houses in this proposal. Those that do are set in large curtilages of 1 or more acres; this proposal is more 3 times as dense, and is out of keeping with the character of the village.

Unlike the outline plan, this application, in part due to the size, height and angle of the houses, causes significant overlooking of neighbouring houses and gardens. Turning to the detail in the plans, I have additional comments. Roof tiles are shown as flat grey roof tiles. In general houses in Winwick are either red mostly pantiled, slated or thatched. Upstairs balconies are absent. These features are thus not in keeping with the character of the village.

The proposed garages have also grown in height from the outline approval, going from 5m to 6.2m high and incorporating upper floors with velux windows. These contribute to the overbearing and out of feeling scale of this proposal.

I can find no detail in the application of either a foul water disposal scheme or a proposal to deal with site contamination (oil, fuel and asbestos), both required in the approval of the outline proposal. There is also no detail of how the proposal will deal with the great crested newts which live all over Winwick. The existing drainage on Hamerton Road is very old and struggles to deal with existing building run-off; Hamerton Road below this site is usually wet/icy in winter due to the overflowing drains. This proposal, and in particular the size of the houses, is very likely to make this worse if not addressed at planning application stage.

In summary, the view of Winwick Parish is that the planning application is unacceptable in its current form and should not be approved. The proposal causes overbearing, overshadowing and overlooking/ harm to neighbour amenities.

We urge the developer to work with the neighbours and village in general to find acceptable solutions to the issues raised by myself and others before resubmitting any application. In particular the size of the buildings should be reduced to an appropriate scale to suit the character of the village, and details should be in keeping with existing buildings. Development Management Committee

Scale =1 :1,250 Application Ref:19/01276/REM

Date Created: 04/12/2019 © Crown copyright and database rights 2019 o Location:Winwick Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322

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