Persistent Political Engagement: Social Interactions and the Dynamics of Protest Movements Leonardo Bursztyn Davide Cantoni David Y. Yang Noam Yuchtman Y. Jane Zhang* September 2020 Abstract We study the causes of sustained participation in political movements. To identify the per- sistent effect of protest participation, we randomly, indirectly incentivize Hong Kong univer- sity students into participation in an antiauthoritarian protest. To identify the role of social networks, we randomize this treatment’s intensity across major-cohort cells. We find that in- centives to attend one protest within a political movement increase subsequent protest atten- dance, but only when a sufficient fraction of an individual’s social network is also incentivized to attend the initial protest. One-time mobilization shocks have dynamic consequences, with mobilization at the social network level important for sustained political engagement. Keywords: Political movements, social interactions JEL Classification: D74, P0 *Bursztyn: University of Chicago and NBER. Email:
[email protected]. Cantoni: Ludwig-Maximilians- Universitat¨ Munich, CEPR, and CESifo. Email:
[email protected]. Yang: Harvard University and NBER. Email:
[email protected]. Yuchtman: LSE, NBER, CEPR, and CESifo. Email:
[email protected]. Zhang: University of New South Wales. Email:
[email protected]. Helpful and much appreciated suggestions, cri- tiques and encouragement were provided by Dan Berkowitz, Andrei Shleifer, seminar participants at Amsterdam, Cambridge, Columbia, Harvard, Heidelberg, IIES, Imperial, INSEAD, Mannheim, Northeastern, NUS, Oxford, Pom- peu Fabra, Sussex, UC Berkeley, Yale, Zurich, and conference participants (ASSA, NBER SI, SITE, Bruneck, Munich). Raymond Han, Moritz Leitner, Jackson Li, Glen Ng, Aakaash Rao, Vanessa Sticher, and Meggy Wan provided excel- lent research assistance.