Organizing Authority: Postal Address: French Bay Yacht Club, PO Box 60-012, Titirangi, Otitori Bay Road, Titirangi Auckland Email: Web:
[email protected] 2015 JOLLYBOAT AUCKLAND & FARR 3.7 MANUKAU CHAMPIONSHIPS 14th & 15th November 2015 NOTICE OF RACE The contests will be hosted by the French Bay Yacht Club, racing on the waters of the Manukau Harbour, Auckland. ORGANISING AUTHORITY: French Bay Yacht Club Inc.. 1. RULES: The contests will be governed by the rules as defined in Racing Rules of Sailing 2013-2016, the prescriptions of NZYF, the respective Class Rules, the appropriate YNZ Special Regulations and the Sailing Instructions. Boats may be subject to measurement before or after racing. 2. CHANGES TO RACING RULES: The Racing Rules will be changed in the Sailing Instructions in accordance with Rule 86, Changes to the Racing Rules, as follows: 2.1. Rules 35 and A4.1 are changed to read “Boats failing to finish within 15 minutes after the first boat sails the course and finishes, will be scored, Did Not Finish”. 2.2. The time limit for the first boat to complete the course will be 60 minutes. 2. ELIGIBILITY: All competitors including crew must be financial members of a yacht club affiliated to Yachting NZ (Overseas competitors to their National Authority). Each competing yacht’s skipper must be a member of the respective Class Association. 3. ENTRIES: Entries should be on the attached Official Entry Form and posted with payment to: The Secretary French Bay Yacht Club Inc., P O Box 60-012 Titrangi, AUCKLAND 1 | P a g e Organizing Authority: Postal Address: French Bay Yacht Club, PO Box 60-012, Titirangi, Otitori Bay Road, Titirangi Auckland Email: Web:
[email protected] Or email your entry to:
[email protected] and make payment directly to: French Bay Yacht Club, BNZ, #02-0184-0017957-000 Please ensure that you include your name, class, and sail number with the payment 4.