GLOSSARY...... 2

SECTION 1: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES ARE THE NEW CORPORATE GIANTS...... 3 1. ...... 4 2. Apple...... 5 3. ...... 5 4. Alphabet...... 6 5. ...... 7 6. Alibaba...... 8 7. ...... 8 SECTION 2: THE RISE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY HAS IMPLICATIONS FOR THE GLOBAL DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE...... 9 1. The dominates big tech, followed by ...... 9 2. The asia-pacific region faces a digital divide...... 10 3. What does this mean for the global distribution of value?...... 12 SECTION 3: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES WIELD DATA AND INFRASTRUCTURE POWER TO EXERT ECONOMIC CONTROL...... 14




END NOTES...... 23

AUTHOR: Jai Vipra* DESIGN: roy+arati design PUBLISHED BY: Focus on the Global South, January 2021

Focus on the Global South is an activist think tank based in Asia providing analysis and building alternatives for just social, economic and political change. Contents of the report may be quoted or reproduced for non-commercial purposes, provided that the source of information is properly cited. Please note that for some images the may lie elsewhere and copyright conditions of those images should be based on the copyright terms of the original source.

*Jai Vipra is a technology policy researcher focusing on digital platforms in the Global South. INTRODUCTION Digital technologies feature in the most visible and powerful innovations that have occurred in the last few decades. Yet these new technologies preside over a world that is still partly mired in the old. The old world represents not only a lack of access to connectivity, or knowledge, but the conditions of staggering inequality and exploitation at a global scale. This is not to say that digital technologies have had no effect on the economy – in fact, they have led to a reorganisation of the world economy such that digital technology giants now sit at the helm of global value chains. In interaction with national policies, they have created the remarkable situation where corporations from the United States dominate in these technologies, challenged only by those in China.

It thus becomes important for progressive actors What is clear is that the concentration of data to map the growth of digital technology through in a few hands means that information is not the companies that have risen through the freely available in the market, assuring an application of such technology. These companies unfair and self-replicating advantage for the are now colloquially known as Big Tech. Big Tech Big Tech companies at the expense of newer derives its influence from the centrality of data to or smaller players. Big Tech players can offer the new technologies, and their exclusive control deep discounts to users that smaller players over large troves of data generated by their cannot afford, and supply useful data to their users. Big Tech has also achieved scale through subsidiaries that competitors cannot access. They its platform nature, which reinforces its data can buy out start-ups to acquire new technology capturing and use capabilities. and to make sure competitors do not emerge.

These capabilities are allowing Big Tech Through their influence within the US government companies’ value and influence to soar. By using and the World Trade Organization, many Big their users’ data for targeting, and Tech companies have succeeded in staving off Facebook have become the recipients of 65% regulations that would even the playing field and of digital advertising spending globally. Personal give consumers more control over their digital data has also been used by financial institutions futures. to predict loan repayments and by governments to predict where child welfare interventions will be As entire economies digitalise, they face a needed, raising fears of “rule by algorithm”. choice: whether to allow this digitalisation, and consequently the entire economic arrangement, Big Tech companies are heavily incentivised to to be carried out on the terms of Big Tech, or collect as much personal data as possible. The whether to develop democratic alternatives. more data you have, the better your algorithms; Democratic alternatives can range from and the better your algorithms, the better you regulations for privacy, competition, and taxation can attract more advertisers and users, who then to public participation, ownership, and control. generate more data. Years of experience collecting and managing this data have equipped a few Big This brief will provide company profiles of the Tech companies, including Microsoft and Amazon, largest digital technology companies, explain how to pivot to providing cloud and computing services they wield economic control, and discuss some to other organisations, from other companies to of the regulatory actions and proposals that government agencies like the Pentagon and the are available to progressive actors worldwide, CIA. The degree to which Big Tech firms use the especially in Asia-Pacific. Also included is a data they store for other entities for their own glossary of key terms. benefit remains an open question. GLOSSARY (AI) technological and social means to collect very large datasets very frequently, allowing us to make The definition of artificial intelligence changes correlations, predict changes, and affect behaviour. as does our understanding of what is artificial For example, how you like pictures or scroll on and what is intelligent. For the purposes of this contains clues about the content or document, we can understand artificial intelligence products you like, helping advertisers understand as a group of technologies that use digital data whether they should spend money on advertising to to make decisions at high levels of autonomy. One you or not. way of achieving artificial intelligence is through machine learning algorithms. An image recognition Enterprise Software or Enterprise Solutions example might help to understand how certain Enterprise software is software for (usually large) machine learning algorithms are different from organisations. This software helps organisations other simpler algorithms. Normally, we would tell manage business processes, plan for resources, our software that a baby is small, has two hands organise content, manage customer relationships and two feet, and is often crawling, and then hope and supply chains, and streamline administrative that the software learns to recognise when a picture functions. Common examples of enterprise software has a baby. Instead, a machine learning algorithm are Salesforce and Google Analytics. allows us to simply show the software millions of pictures of babies, through which it identifies by Platform itself what babies look like. When we show it a new A platform facilitates interactions among two or picture, AI will be able to tell us if the picture has a more groups of actors, such as buyers, sellers, users, baby in it. software developers, researchers, and financiers. In a more generalised form: to code a certain type For example, Amazon is a platform that facilitates of machine learning algorithm, instead of telling interaction among buyers, sellers, logistics providers, the software to “do x, y and then z”, we can tell and financiers (e.g., for purchases made using it to “achieve x result” and feed it troves of data monthly instalment payments). Platforms are often so it can identify patterns and figure out ways of referred to as multi-sided markets – the sides being achieving the result by itself. the different actors. As we shall see in this paper, the nature of platforms is often infrastructural. Cloud Venture Capital Servers are computers that provide various functions to other computers in a network. These Private equity refers to the financing of a company functions include file storage, sharing, computation, in exchange for an equity stake in it. This is done etc. The word “cloud” is a way to refer to servers outside the ambit of public stock markets, thus that we can access using the internet. A company these are private finance markets. Venture capital is may use cloud servers from a cloud service provider a type of private equity finance that typically seeks if it does not want to maintain its own servers for investment in early-stage start-ups with the aim storing files, using email, and running programmes. that, even with high risk, over the long term at least some of these start-ups will end up growing very Data fast. Data refers to qualitative or quantitative The goal for a venture capitalist is often to earn information that we can tie to people, things, or money by eventually getting the start-up acquired or phenomena. Big data is simply large amounts of publicly listed, so that they can sell their shares at a data collected through digital means. The phrase much higher price than the purchase price. has become popular because we now have the



For any activist or researcher interested in understanding the control of large corporations over the world, a recent change will be quite apparent. Rapid technological advancement has meant that digital technology companies are the new corporate giants controlling global value chains.

We should note that digital technology find themselves unable to retain experts in AI companies do not necessarily derive their value as Big Tech recruits them at very high salaries.1 from proprietary technology, unlike the giant Big Tech also acquires start-ups to gain access corporations that depended on intellectual to technology and talent. Their rapid acquisition property previously. The technology is often of AI start-ups has left researchers and open for anyone to access. Digital technology entrepreneurs concerned about the consolidation companies derive their value from the data of power.2 In fact, most technology start- that they collect. For example, Amazon is able ups backed by venture capital now aim to get to market its own products on its platform by acquired by an existing firm rather than to be analysing the sales data of all other products on publicly listed.3 its platform. Big Tech companies also derive value from Through the explanation of artificial intelligence network effects. Network effects refers to the idea (AI) in the Glossary, you will be able to see that that the more the users of a service, the better it more data means better accuracy in targeting, becomes. For example, if most of your family and predicting, and planning. Uber, for example, friends use Facebook instead of any other social collects data about the trips we take and uses network, you are more likely to join Facebook this data to determine pricing and routes. Uber instead of the other network. Similarly, if most can increase prices on routes with high demand; people use Facebook, advertisers will prefer to it can even track if your phone battery is low advertise on Facebook for its larger audience and and theoretically charge you a higher price for better targeting data than any other platform is your desperation. It shares this data with the likely to have. government or the public only when it wishes to, and only at the level of detail it wishes to. In It is no wonder then that seven of the top 10 effect, it encloses this data and builds powerful companies by market capitalisation are now algorithms with it. This data gives it a bird’s eye digital companies, as can be seen in the chart (on view of traffic flows, rider and driver motivations, page 4). and, in fact, of a city’s economy through its transport patterns. This ranking fluctuates often and has changed since the public listing in late 2019 of Saudi At the same time, it is not the case that the Aramco, which now stands as the most valuable technology itself is unimportant to these company in the world. Nevertheless, the list is companies. Digital technology companies can illustrative of the digital takeover of large global easily attract talent to develop new technology corporations. through higher pay. For instance, universities 3 FIGURE 1: The world’s top 10 companies by market capitalisation (in USD billion) as of March 31, 2019. Source: PwC4

The following section will provide brief company Adobe, for example, to get designers used to its profiles for all seven digital companies in the top products in universities. The same article also 10 as a quick overview of what is now called Big points out that Microsoft could integrate GitHub Tech. The first five are US-based, and the last two with its cloud platform Azure in the future, are Chinese companies. locking software developers and companies into using Microsoft software for various functions. 1. Microsoft Microsoft’s financial filings say: “The acquisition is expected to empower developers to achieve Microsoft has three business segments. The more at every stage of the development lifecycle, 5 revenue contribution of all three is nearly equal : accelerate enterprise use of GitHub, and bring • Productivity and business processes: Microsoft Microsoft’s developer tools and services to new Office, LinkedIn, and enterprise solutions. audiences.”10 They also say that, in the future, • More personal computing: Windows, devices, they want to focus on workplace offerings, cloud, gaming, and search products. artificial intelligence, and gaming.

• Intelligent cloud: Server products and cloud In Asia-Pacific, Microsoft is headquartered in services; related enterprise services. Singapore. Some policy decisions regarding Over a billion devices use Microsoft highlight US-China tensions in the 10.6 In comparison, Apple’s macOS runs on technology sector. For example, in December 110 million devices.7 Microsoft employs about 2019, the Chinese government ordered all public 151,000 people full-time worldwide, 59% of offices to remove foreign software and hardware, whom are in the US and 41% in engineering but Microsoft has said that this does not impact functions.8 its revenues significantly as it mainly serves Chinese businesses trying to expand globally.11 In 2018, Microsoft acquired GitHub, a platform Overall, Microsoft’s dominance is built on that many developers use to host the code that business software, personal computing, gaming, runs their programmes. GitHub has begun a major and a growing cloud segment. expansion in India by offering paid subscriptions to companies. As The Ken reports: “GitHub 2. Apple allows Microsoft to catch India’s coders young, get them used to its ecosystem, and make itself Apple sells both products and services. Its product indispensable.”9 This is the same model used by line includes the iPhone, Mac, iPad, Wearables, 4 Home, and Accessories (AirPods, Apple TV, Apple Apple is seeing declining revenues for Asia-Pacific Watch, Beats headphones, etc.). Its services as a percentage of total revenues. This is driven include digital content and streaming (e.g., by a decline in Chinese revenues, mainly due to iTunes), licencing, Maps, and other services that lower iPhone sales.16 The chart below shows are bundled for free. that APAC revenues for Apple have fallen from 37% of total revenues in 2016 to 32% of total Recently, Apple’s revenues from services have revenues in 2019. been increasing, and it is looking to diversify further out of products. It is attempting to focus 3. Amazon on revenues from iCloud, Apple Music, , and the App Store.12 This mirrors an overall Amazon’s business is formally segmented into two trend in technology companies that indicates geographies (North America and International) that the greatest value can be extracted through and its cloud offering (Amazon Web Services). streaming and platform services rather than However, a list of its products and services is through product sales. For example, in 2018 more illustrative of the range of its activities: streaming accounted for 75% of music industry revenues in the US.13 Google, Amazon, Microsoft • E-commerce: This includes manufacturing retail goods, marketplaces, logistics, warehousing, and Apple are all investing in streaming games delivery (including that of groceries), and from remote servers instead of selling game customer service. Amazon also has brick and downloads. mortar retail stores. To meet the goal of diversification, Apple acquired • Media: Amazon Prime, Amazon Publishing, Shazam (the app that identifies songs). Now, when Amazon Music, the Kindle Store, and Amazon someone uses Shazam to identify a song, they Studios. can add it directly to their Apple Music playlists. • Other: This includes manufacturing consumer Apple is also focusing on integration by acquiring electronics like Kindle, Echo, and Fire Stick; ’s modems business to decrease Amazon Web Services (AWS); and Amazon its reliance on Qualcomm.14 It aggressively Payments. acquires start-ups for their technology, at a rate Only the North America and AWS segments of one every few weeks.15 report a positive operating income, with the

FIGURE 2: Apple revenues by geography (% of total revenues). Source: Apple Earnings Statements

5 International segment reporting losses, although Asia-Pacific, including a 6% share in China’s these losses are narrowing as it gains market market. Amazon is in talks to acquire a stake share. Amazon pumps in large amounts of money in Gojek, a Southeast Asian platform for ride- into markets by offering discounts, sustaining hailing, delivery, e-commerce, digital payments, losses while growing its customer base. It does and other services. 23 this so it can gain market share and earn greater profits in the future. We can see proof of this in 4. Alphabet Amazon’s financial statements: its net income for e-commerce in North America used to be negative Alphabet is Google’s holding company. Its for several years until it started earning profits. business segments include Google and Other Bets. AWS contributes 10% of net sales, growing faster Google is further segmented into: than other segments; 27% of net sales are from the International segment.17 • Advertising: , YouTube Ads, and other ads. Marketplaces are Amazon’s standalone websites, • Cloud. such as,, and, • Other: YouTube non-advertising revenues. through which it sells products. Although Amazon has just 16 marketplaces, it ships to about 100 About 83% of Google’s revenues come from countries. Its marketplaces in Asia-Pacific include advertising, although the revenue share of Google the ones in , India, China, Singapore, and Cloud is increasing. Advertising works by tracking .18 Amazon has announced that it is shutting people’s browsing activity. Ads are placed to down its Chinese marketplace while keeping cross- target specific users, and companies pay per click. border selling to Chinese customers operational.19 The fees paid by advertisers are shared by Google Amazon’s exit from China is thought to be due and the websites where the ads are placed. to competition from local rivals, as it had a negligible market share.20 In India, Amazon Google controls 90% of the global internet has about 31.2% market share in e-commerce, search market.24 It has faced anti-trust action behind Walmart’s Flipkart and its sister sites at for abusing its dominant position, such as by the 38.3%.21 In Japan, it is the market leader with Competition Commission of India, which in 2018 more than 20% market share, while in Australia it ruled that Google was disadvantaging other travel stands in fourth place with 3% market share.22 platforms by showing search users its own flight In 2018, AWS had 11% of the market share in results.25 Russia ruled against Google for showing

FIGURE 3: Alphabet revenues by geography (% of total revenues). Source: Alphabet Earnings Statements

6 its own as the default on Android other websites where Facebook facilitates ads. phones (Android is owned by Google).26 The In 2019, advertising was 98.5% of Facebook’s European Commission has also fined Google for total revenue. This is what we mean when we say related abuses in search and advertising.27 that Facebook makes money from user data – it provides advertising services that are targeted “Other Bets” includes projects such as Loon, based on user data. which uses helium balloons to provide network • Other revenue: This includes revenue from connectivity in remote areas; Wing, for drone hardware sales, payments, etc., including from delivery services; Verily, for wearable devices Oculus virtual reality products.30 that can track health indicators; DeepMind AI; Access, for the provision of access to the More than 8 million businesses advertise with internet; SideWalk Labs, for sensor-based traffic Facebook. It controls 66% of the global social management; Waymo, for self-driving cars, and media market.31 This has led to other media so on.28 Google has strengthened its dominant outlets like newspapers seeing drastically position by making acquisitions such as Android, reduced revenues as Facebook locks in users YouTube, DeepMind AI, and Motorola Mobility. and advertisers. From the graph below, we can see that Asia- Asia-Pacific is Alphabet’s fastest-growing market, Pacific is Facebook’s fastest growing market, as the chart below illustrates. although the average revenue per user for Asia- Google Cloud in Asia still has a much smaller Pacific in Quarter 4 of 2019 was USD 3.57 as market share compared with Amazon and compared with USD 41.41 for US and . Microsoft. The notable exception to Google’s The Asia-Pacific growth is led by growth in India, dominance, of course, is China, which blocked Indonesia, and the Philippines. most Google services in 2010 and 2014. Facebook’s future plans include more advertising has 70% of the search market share in China.29 in Messenger, especially for small and medium 5. Facebook enterprises in Asia-Pacific. It also plans to venture further into payments and virtual reality, and to Facebook reports its revenue in two parts: integrate its family of apps (Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.) more closely such that it can have • Advertising revenue: This includes revenue better data and better customer retention. from Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and

FIGURE 4: Facebook revenues by geography (% of total revenues). Source: Facebook Earnings Statements

7 6. Alibaba 7. Tencent Alibaba’s business is divided into the following Tencent’s business segments are as follows: segments: • Value added services: This includes online • Core commerce: This includes both retail and gaming, and video streaming among wholesale commerce, its logistics service Cainiao, others. This segment contributes 54% to total local consumer services (including revenues from revenues. food delivery), etc. As of 2019, this segment • Fintech and business services: This includes generated 84% of Alibaba’s total revenue. payments (Tenpay, WeChat Pay, and QQ Wallet), Alibaba’s Taobao is the world’s biggest e-commerce cloud offerings, etc.37 website. 92% of its retail commerce revenue is generated from Chinese markets. International •: This includes targeted retail includes AliExpress and Lazada, among advertising on its offerings such as WeChat, others. Tencent Video and QQ (a social network). Revenues from this segment constitute 18% of • : This contributes 8% to total revenue and have been growing rapidly. Alibaba’s total revenue. • Others: This includes trademark licensing, • Digital media and entertainment: This includes software sales, software development services, etc. UC Browser, video streaming, Alibaba Music, Alibaba Pictures, etc. Tencent is the largest gaming company in the • Innovation initiatives and others: This includes world, operating the three most popular games in 38 products like smart speakers and mapping China. Its messaging and social network apps services.32 serve as distribution channels for its games. Its dominance is supported by its wide investments Only the core commerce segment reports a – Tencent Holdings has stakes in over 600 profit, with its digital media segment trailing companies worldwide.39 behind Tencent and Baidu.33 also owns Ant Financial, a fintech company offering Tencent’s major investments in Asia-Pacific payments and credit. Ant Financial’s Alipay include twelve Indian investments and six held 53.8 percent of the market share in China’s Southeast Asian investments.40 Tencent is mobile payments market.34 planning to increase advertising, expand globally, Alibaba Cloud is the market leader in Asia- diversify away from value-added services, and 41 Pacific, with 19.6% market share.35 Lazada, expand into cloud gaming. an e-commerce company acquired by Alibaba in 2016, has 20% market share in Southeast Asia.36 BIG TECH AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: A PRIMER


Having acquainted ourselves with some of the world’s largest technology firms, we may turn our attention to what their dominance means for the world economy. Where is value created, and where is it captured?

1. The United States dominates Big Tech, leads in business-to-consumer e-commerce.42 The rest of the world lags far behind these two followed by China countries. Another indicator is the list of the top As can be seen quite clearly from the list of social media platforms in the world as seen in th the largest technology firms, the US and China echart below. dominate the Big Tech sector globally. The US is responsible for 68%, and China for 22%, of Seven of these companies (Facebook, YouTube, the market capitalisation of the world’s top 70 Instagram, Tumblr, Google+, Reddit, and ) digital platforms. The US is the market leader are American-owned, while the rest are Chinese- in business-to-business e-commerce, while China owned.

FIGURE 5: Generated from Our World In Data

NUMBER OF PEOPLE USING SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS, 2018 Estimates correspond to monthly active users (MAUs). Facebook, for example, measures MAUs as users that have logged in during the past 30 days. See source (Statista and TNW 2019) for more details.

9 The economic relationship in the technology by acceding to content regulation conditions, sector between these two leading countries is but the plan was halted after an uproar and a fraught. The intensity of the US-China rivalry directive from the US vice president.45 This in technology can be gauged by the fact that reaction typifies the US attitude toward Chinese it is called a “digital cold war” by many technology companies alongside Chinese commentators.43 China’s Great Firewall, a term restrictions on US technology companies. The for different methods used by the government US has also instituted bans on doing business to block some foreign websites, has played with Huawei over allegations of spying and has an important role in ensuring that China is a opened a case on TikTok owner ByteDance over formidable rival to the US in digital technology. the same concerns.46 These methods include blocking IP addresses, filtering keywords and using DNS attacks. China 2. The Asia-Pacific region faces a digital considers the principle of cyber sovereignty divide central to its digital governance policies.44 Cyber sovereignty, like any sovereignty, is a double- Where do the Asia-Pacific (APAC) countries edged sword – but its non-existence means cyber stand in relation to the US-China rivalry? Let colonialism or subservience to foreign technology us start by examining the basics of digitalisation providers. The Firewall, and the subsequent and connectivity in the region. The APAC region policies to promote Chinese technology is rapidly increasing internet and telecom companies, allowed this cyber sovereignty to exist. connectivity but still needs to catch up with the Western world in this regard. In addition, there A few years ago, as China was at the cusp of its are disparities in connectivity among APAC digital transformation, it needed Google and its countries and within them.47 The following graph services. Today, it is commonly understood that explains the disparities in broadband internet the situation has reversed: Google needs China penetration rates among APAC countries and also and its large market. In 2018, it was revealed where they stand in relation to the world: that Google tried to re-enter Chinese markets

FIGURE 6: Generated from Our World In Data

BROADBAND SUBSCRIPTIONS PER 100 PEOPLE, 1998 TO 2017 Broadband subscriptions refer to fixed subscriptions to high-speed access to the public internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbits/s. Source: World Bank Note: For more details on the definition see the sources tab.

10 The disparities in mobile cellular subscriptions are less stark, indicating the APAC region’s connectivity story is largely mobile-led:

FIGURE 7: Generated from Our World In Data

MOBILE CELLULAR SUBSCRIPTIONS, 1998 TO 2017 Mobile phone subscriptions, measured as the number per 100 people.

Source: International Telecommunication Union

The following chart shows the percentage of population that lives within range of a high-speed mobile network (LTE) signal in APAC countries. It does not show the number of LTE subscriptions, but rather the extent of digital infrastructure present in these countries, revealing wide disparities:

FIGURE 8: LTE coverage in APAC countries. Data: ITU 2018 48 % of population with LTE/WIMAX coverage

11 The next chart shows that there are major differences in the percentage of APAC households that have internet access, with some countries far above the world average and others lagging far behind:

FIGURE 9: Percentage of households with internet access. Data: ITU 2018 49 % of households with interner access

Besides, there is a digital divide between urban economies that create value-added products out and rural areas, men and women, those who can of this data. As companies at the higher ends of and cannot speak English, etc. The digital divide the value chain are either American or Chinese, tells us populations that are better connected the bipolarity in the global technology economy and have more digital literacy will find it easier remains. European competitors are unable to to adapt to a changing economy. They will be in a capture markets as effectively, and developing position to make the most of digital platforms. countries, including India, seem to be stuck at the lower end of these value chains through work 3. What does this mean for the global like data cleaning.51 There are notable exceptions distribution of value? such as South Korea’s Samsung, which is an electronics company that is nevertheless entering In a globalised economy, digital infrastructure the market for enterprise solutions and big data and literacy by themselves cannot ensure that analytics.52 India’s Reliance is also likely on its a country will derive the full economic benefits way to becoming a market leader in e-commerce of digitalisation. We have seen how network through its partnership with Facebook.53 Even effects ensure that a few digital companies end this deal has spurred interest from Google and up becoming market leaders. UNCTAD has Microsoft to invest in Reliance and other telecom pointed out that these companies are now on providers in India.54 the way to leading not just domestic markets but entire global value chains. Deloitte foresees As every business, from the Fortune 500 company a transformation from traditional supply to the street hawker, necessarily digitalises, Big chains to “digital supply networks”, where Tech reaps ever greater rewards. The following every process in the chain is digitalised. This sections will explain how this dominance has been includes the digitalisation of planning, fulfilment, and will be built due to the nature of global digital manufacturing, and customer care. At the core – value chains. It will help provide a framework or top – of this chain is the entity providing digital to understand not only the rise of the current technology, which is the set of Big Tech firms we top digital companies but also the potential rise are now familiar with.50 This creates a difference of others, whether from the US, China, or other between economies that contribute data and countries. 12 BIG TECH AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: A PRIMER

SECTION 3: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES WIELD DATA AND INFRASTRUCTURE POWER TO EXERT ECONOMIC CONTROL Why are these digital technology companies valued so highly? What is the nature of their economic influence, and how do they maintain it? There are two interrelated levers that make these companies so valuable: data (and technologies built using data) and the platform or infrastructural nature of these businesses.

Data is important because of the uses to which agricultural marketing better. Data is being used is can be put. One kind of use for data is for to optimise manufacturing and supply chains and targeting. Facebook, for example, derives its to customise products cheaply. A good hybrid revenue from targeted advertising. It allows example is the potential use of data from an app advertisers to reach the audiences they choose, that uses image recognition to grade agricultural and these audience are categorised by their online produce for quality. Such data can be used not activity. For instance, a manufacturer of men’s only to automate parts of agricultural marketing shoes can choose to advertise only to men, based but also to optimise warehouse operations by on the gender information that Facebook users predicting the rate at which produce stored in provide. More sophisticatedly and worryingly, warehouses will spoil. advertisers can also advertise to people based on their browsing activity, their political beliefs, and The targeting and planning applications of data even their mood.55 Google and Facebook together make it an extremely valuable resource, and are recipients of 65% of digital advertising in the , data begets data. The spending globally.56 However, advertising is not more data you have, the better your algorithms, the only kind of targeting that data enables. Data as they are able to draw correlations with more allows targeting in finance, for example, to predict accuracy, thereby improving targeting. These loan repayment rates. Data can also be used better algorithms lead to services that are to target public welfare measures, though such targeted better, attracting more users, who then use has faced criticism of facilitating “rule by generate more data. algorithm” in welfare states.57 This brings us to the second lever that makes Another use for data is for planning. Data from digital technology companies valuable – their ride-hailing, logistics, and mapping platforms platform nature. As we have seen, platforms can be used for traffic management and urban are multi-sided markets with network effects. planning. It can even have unexpected uses in A platform’s value is higher when it has more healthcare, such as Uber data potentially being participants, increasing the probability that used to work out the fastest way to a hospital every participant finds what she is looking for. A at different times of day. Soil and weather data participant in a large platform finds it difficult are already being used for precision agriculture. to switch to another platform because the Data on sales and prices can also help in planning other platform has fewer participants. Thus, the

13 likelihood that she will find what she is looking without actually accessing that data. Reportedly, for (the right product, a cab nearby, pictures Amazon used the patterns of cloud usage among uploaded by her friends) falls. The likelihood its start-up clients to understand how fast they can only be matched if all or most users switch, were growing. For example, if a start-up needed and if past data is shifted as well. This means more server space in only a few months, this that users are, in a way, locked into the platform could mean that it was growing fast and would through what are called high “switching costs”. be a good investment. Amazon reportedly used The combination of switching costs and the this information, which was not available to other usefulness of data at scale makes dominant digital investors, to make investments in start-ups.60 technology companies incredibly valuable. Companies and governments that digitalise With the digitalisation of the entire economy, the also require software and enterprise solutions. value of these companies soars even more. They Microsoft is valuable partly because it services a become leaders in global digital value chains, large part of this segment: many companies use determining, through analysis of data, what and Windows and , including through how much should be produced and where. They the cloud. also provide the requisite infrastructure as every firm and government digitalises. Examples of such b. Retail in a digital world: infrastructure provisions include: As more businesses start selling online, they find 1. Data management and office functionality it easier to use existing e-commerce platforms not just for their marketplaces but also for their in a digital world: logistics services, such as packaging, warehousing, More and more companies are using data, delivery, and tracking. Cainiao, a logistics but buying and servers to store company launched by Alibaba, is a good example and process this data is expensive and time- of this. It has digitalised parcel tracking for consuming. It is also inflexible because companies logistics providers and is planning to digitalise the cannot increase and reduce server space quickly entire logistics chain, including warehouses and as their needs change. Cloud storage and transport.61 computing help by storing and processing this data on remote servers hosted on the internet. Amazon recently announced a USD 1 billion Cloud service providers provide easy, flexible investment to digitalise 10 million of India’s small options for storage: one can choose to contract or and medium enterprises. This makes it easier for expand storage space based on the growth of the these SMEs to join Amazon, directly expanding company. The result is economy-wide efficiency, the latter’s market share. What is more, it also but it comes with the danger of concentration of includes an initiative called “I Have Space”, ownership. Earlier, server space was owned by through which small neighbourhood shops can many companies themselves. Increasingly now, turn into delivery centres for Amazon products cloud service providers own server space and – a stark illustration of the future role such merely lease it out to companies with flexible small actors in the economy will play as mere contracts. The use of cloud services from Big Tech appendages of digital giants. A similar strategy, is not limited to private firms – Microsoft recently where customers can place orders online on Tmall won a contract to provide cloud and platform and collect them from physical stores, is used by 62 services for the Pentagon.58 Alibaba in China. Calling such strategies “new retail” or “online-offline integration” hides the There have been allegations that when increasingly subordinate role played by small organisations and individuals store their data on offline players in such arrangements. the cloud, the cloud service provider can access and use this data for its own benefit. Google and c. Digital infrastructure for automation: Amazon have both denied that they use data The automation of industries and functions also stored on their cloud services.59 However, there provides technology companies inroads into are still ways in which cloud service providers can providing infrastructural services. For example, benefit from data being stored on their servers Alphabet’s Waymo is projected to lead the 14 car market as the number of self-driving cars terms. Some scholars call them infrastructure grows. It is predicted to achieve this not by providers or utilities, similar to electricity or manufacturing cars but by providing self-driving water utilities in many ways.65 Some see them software and hardware to existing cars. This can as gatekeepers to other companies.66 Others turn car manufacturers into mere suppliers as even call them ecosystems,67 meaning that they Waymo collects data and improves its algorithms encompass a whole family of services. at a rate unparalleled by the car manufacturers themselves.63 We can see that this case mirrors It is by now evident that the concentration of the fate of small neighbourhood shops in a data in a few hands means that information retail market dominated by Amazon and its data is not freely available in the market. This collection. A less insidious case, where a company’s unfair advantage leads to a situation where automation depends on a digital giant, is that of markets cannot function optimally and become Uber. Uber uses data from through concentrated themselves. In other words, it Application Programming Interfaces (in this becomes more and more difficult for a new case, tools that pull or push data in real-time) for company to compete with a technology giant navigation and tracking. It has accepted that this because it is unlikely to have the same amount is the most efficient and cost-effective way for it to or quality of data, and for this reason is also access digital maps. Alibaba and other companies unlikely to attract users who generate data.68 are providing the technology for the digitalisation It has also become fairly clear that a few of agriculture, including through sensors to corporations with a lot of potential to impact monitor animals and to spray fertiliser.64 Similar social behaviour are under-regulated: Facebook’s examples abound in education, health, urban Mark Zuckerberg has himself called for more development, tourism and so on. regulation of Big Tech.69 The changes in economic relations wrought by Big Tech – whether between Because of the twin effects of data enclosure small actors and large technology companies and network effects, we can no longer view a or between different countries – are as yet large digital as just another understudied. But there are clues – particularly, business. More often than not, it is a platform for that global supply chains are increasingly being other businesses, or a platform for commercial led by these companies and technologies, and and other interactions. Digital technology that the ownership of these companies is far from companies are thus described through different geographically scattered. BIG TECH AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: A PRIMER


Speculative finance, that is, private equity including venture capital, is not a new phenomenon. Apple, Microsoft, and others attracted venture capital in the 1980s; the subsequent decade saw a rise in venture capital funding of technology start-ups, including Amazon and Google.

Recently, venture capital has gained notoriety for Alibaba Capital Partners, and others have all facilitating deep discounting by their portfolio made investments in new technologies. Alibaba companies. Deep discounting is the practice of and Tencent invest mostly in China and the rest providing unusually high discounts, often selling of Asia.72 When a technology giant invests in a at a price much lower than cost. Such discounting start-up, a few questions arise: One, are start-ups is aimed at gaining market share at the expense being bought or controlled by Big Tech before of other players. The expectation is that prices they can pose a threat as competition? Two, do will be raised later, and also that venture capital Big Tech companies use the data they control, investors will make capital gains due to the which is not available to other investors, to increase in the company’s value after gaining make beneficial investments through privileged market share. Amazon and Flipkart are facing information? Three, do Big Tech companies an investigation by the Competition Commission provide preferential treatment on their own of India for deep discounting practices, and infrastructure-like platforms to start-ups they Indian entrepreneurs have in the past complained invest in, thereby causing a disadvantage to start- about the dominance of large, foreign speculative ups they do not invest in? These questions provide finance that makes it impossible for them to directions for further investigation. compete with foreign technology companies.70 This crop of entrepreneurs has now benefited Beside equity investments, Big Tech companies from the same speculative finance, and those also provide other financial services such as complaints have consequently ebbed. Similarly, payments, lending, and insurance. Alibaba, restaurant associations have accused food Tencent, Apple, Google, Amazon, and Facebook aggregators of deep discounting.71 (through WhatsApp) all have very popular payments services. Apple has launched an Apple- In the last few years, Big Tech has also decisively branded credit card with Goldman Sachs.73 entered the world of finance. Many of the world’s Amazon and Alibaba both lend to sellers on their largest technology companies have their own platforms, particularly SMEs.74 Tencent, Ola, venture capital funds. Microsoft’s venture capital and Grab all provide credit to customers through arm M12 has made investments in logistics, AI, post-paid services with credit limits. The concern and 3D printing companies. Facebook has recently with these forays into finance, of course, is again invested in Reliance Jio, a move that raises the ability of Big Tech to leverage data. There concerns of vertical integration of platforms and were reports that Tencent and Alibaba refused to telecom. Google’s GV, the Amazon Alexa Fund, share loan data with the People’s Bank of China

16 and that Google had bought Mastercard data the future come to dominate rather than diversify to correlate offline purchases with online ads to the provision of certain financial services in some improve targeting.75 Facebook’s bet with Libra jurisdictions.” 76 as a private currency seems to have misfired for now, alerting regulators to the dangers of Big Tech was funded early on by speculative Big Tech’s ambitions in finance. The Financial finance, as we saw through the examples of Stability Board has stated that the resilience Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple at of financial institutions was at risk from Big the beginning of this section. Big Tech now Tech because “the financial services offerings has the potential to entrench its dominance of Big Tech firms could grow quickly given their through financial activity. Financial regulators, significant resources and widespread access to competition regulators, and privacy regulators customer data, which could be self-reinforcing should conduct deeper investigations into Big via network effects. An overarching consideration Tech’s financial activities. is that a small number of Big Tech firms may in BIG TECH AND THE GLOBAL ECONOMY: A PRIMER


The governance agenda of Big Tech itself has been presented through principles called the Digital 2 Dozen. These principles were drafted for the US Trade Representative through a revolving door of Big Tech executives.77 These principles include: making it illegal for governments to restrict cross- border data flows, making it illegal for governments to demand source code disclosures, making it illegal for governments to demand the use of local computing facilities, and privatising standard- setting functions, among others. Such measures restrict the ability of people in different countries to determine their own digital future according to their own priorities and economic standing. They also place Big Tech outside the scope of national law by disallowing source code disclosures.

But these are exactly the measures that Big are contained depends on different policies of the Tech and the US government have been pushing Chinese government. Strategic protectionism, at international fora such as the World Trade investment in research, and information exchange Organization and through regional trade in the Chinese technological sector have meant agreements such as the Regional Comprehensive that China is now the only significant counter- Economic Partnership (RCEP). More recently, weight to US technological companies.79 Some the stance of Big Tech has been changing as the Asian countries and entrepreneurs seem to want geopolitical priorities of the US are changing. To to follow parts of this model, with the relevant assure the US government of its bonafides while market being regional rather than national.80 making a bid for purchasing TikTok’s US assets, Microsoft promised that it would not engage In the Western world, the regulatory and polit- in cross-border transfer of Americans’ data.78 ical response to Big Tech has focused on three Big Tech has thus disproved its own sacred main approaches. The first is the well-known understanding that free cross-border data flows approach of privacy regulation, through laws such are absolutely essential for the development of as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation technology. (GDPR). The GDPR has some provisions that could potentially be used to limit the economic Many different approaches and regulatory actions power of Big Tech, such as data portability: the have been tried or proposed across the world to requirement that a user’s data generated on one rein in the power of Big Tech. By far the most platform must be portable to other platforms at controversial one has been China’s approach, the user’s request. Such a provision, if used at which was to block certain websites in the country scale, could be useful to break data-based mo- and allow local companies to grow. The state’s nopolies. Open Banking regulations in the UK are ability to enforce this approach, and the large a step in a similar direction, where a customer domestic market, have together meant that this of a large bank can ask for her banking data to approach has worked, at least to keep at bay the be transferred to a smaller competitor such as a excesses of foreign technology companies. How fintech company, which could build financial solu- the excesses of domestic technology companies tions based on that data.81 The GDPR has also set 18 the global standard for privacy regulation, which Taxation negotiations are complex because they could be considered an economic benefit to the involve tussles among countries about where EU. Overall, however, while privacy regulation is value is created in a digital economy. Some important to secure certain individual rights, it countries hold that value is created where data does not solve most of the economic and social is generated because, after all, it is this data issues caused by the dominance of Big Tech. that improves targeting, even in other countries. Some hold that countries should be able to tax Another approach is that of trying to ensure in proportion to the revenues generated on their adequately competitive markets, both territories. Many countries do not agree that the domestically and internationally. This includes country where profits are reported should be India’s e-commerce regulations that prohibit the one to tax because of several instances of online marketplaces and sellers being owned by technology companies reporting profits in low-tax the same company. It also includes competition jurisdictions, whereas most of their business exists probes in various countries, including from outside these jurisdictions.87 A global agreement the European Competition Commission, the on taxation is important because digital Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service, the US companies carry out a large amount of cross- , and the Competition border transactions. This means that there is a Commission of India.82 The solutions to twin danger in the absence of a global agreement: anticompetitive practices have ranged from that these companies are undertaxed due to fines to mandatory software changes, especially evasion, or that these companies are doubly taxed requiring the unbundling of services to provide for the same activity because countries could not consumers choice. In an as yet unusual move, come to an agreement. the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has mandated that Facebook and There are certain regulatory actions in the digital Google must share advertising revenue with economy that are under-explored. These include media companies.83 This regulation recognises regulatory actions concerning data. Under the that advertising revenue has increasingly been Open Banking regulations discussed previously, redirected to Big Tech, leaving media companies large banks were required to form an organisation and content creators in the lurch. There have also that would govern the data they were mandated been proposals to “break up Big Tech”, including to share with fintech players. This organisation by undoing anti-competitive mergers.84 Another decides the technical protocols and administrative proposal has been to disallow advertising based rules of sharing. Similar arrangements for on personal data and permit it only based on data sharing or pooling can be designed for the sharing of general demographic information other sectors. Entities that facilitate such safe of the users of a specific website.85 This would sharing and pooling of data on behalf of the make online advertising less prone to privacy and data generator are called “data intermediaries”. risks and more like traditional media Such intermediation efforts will be crucial advertising. because of the central role that data enclosures play in preserving the dominance of Big Tech The third focus of governments has been on firms. The important considerations in such ensuring that tax avoidance by digital technology arrangements will be maintaining the neutrality giants is minimised. There are ongoing digital tax and accountability of the data intermediary, negotiations at OECD through its Base Erosion ensuring privacy, and preventing the recapture of and Profit Shifting (BEPS) programme.86 people’s data. Some preliminary actions in this The major questions for digital taxation can direction include Barcelona’s DECODE project be summed up as follows: Which countries for digital participative governance88, the Account should have the right to tax cross-border digital Aggregator system of data fiduciaries created transactions? What proportion of profits should by financial regulators in India89, a mandatory each country be able to tax? How can taxes data sharing law for the automotive sector in on cross-border digital services be reconciled Australia90, and so on. More such arrangements with existing laws and arrangements? What need to be iterated so that context-specific, should the basis of taxing a digital economy be accountable, participative common data sharing – data, profits, revenue, or another parameter? structures can be built. Further, to be able to

19 enact regulations like these, it would be unwise precluding the provision of such infrastructure by for governments to agree to free cross-border Big Tech.93 These examples show that the public data flow provisions such as through the World sector can be strengthened by carrying out one Trade Organization’s e-commerce negotiation of its traditional functions, i.e., the provision of proposals. These proposals make it illegal for a infrastructure, even in a digital world. government to require that data generated within its borders be stored within its borders. The Digital technology companies are also being regulations discussed above cannot be effectively challenged by collective action by platform implemented if the government does not have workers. Amazon workers in the US have the right to mandate that the data, or a copy of organised strikes and demonstrations over it, should be stored within a country’s sovereign working conditions and the uses its technology borders. The alternative is that all countries come was being put to, and Facebook employees have to a data sharing agreement that respects every petitioned against its hands-off policies on country’s right to make its own regulations. misleading content posted by politicians.94 Google workers have demonstrated against discrimination Another under-explored solution is the public and sexual harassment.95 Drivers for ride-hailing ownership of digital infrastructure. There companies and food delivery companies have have been various proposals for creating a protested and carried out strikes in various digital commonwealth for establishing digital parts of the world, demanding employee status, infrastructure that is neutral to all suppliers and insurance coverage, decent and overtime pay, sick the people.91 The Labour Party in the UK also leave, and safety provisions. Attempts are being campaigned on the plank of publicly owned full- made to consolidate these efforts and expand fibre broadband.92 The state of Kerala in India traditional labour organising to the gig economy. has perhaps gone the farthest apart from South Organised and engaged platform workers will also Korea in terms of implementing such a policy. make it easier to demand that workers, who also The state government will lay out the fibre optic create data, get a say in managing the digital firm network for the state, using whichever internet and in implementing worker-controlled digital service providers can supply their services, company models in the future.96



The rise of Big Tech indicates new challenges public decision-making and therefore more public born out of new forms of economic organisation. ownership of resources that underpin the digital Data and networks are the building blocks of economy. Data sharing, public platforms, platform these forms of economic organisation, and co-operatives, and public digital infrastructure historical particularities along with policy choices are all examples of such policies. Countries, have resulted in the US and China leading the particularly in the global South, need to design digital sector. As the entire economy digitalises, digital policies that do not relegate their own progressive actors need to design broad-based economies to exclusively low-value parts of the responses that are ideal for their own countries global digital value chain. To make this possible, and constituencies. To that end, it is crucial cooperation among these countries, especially to to understand the approaches that have been keep at bay the global free-for-all for Big Tech, is tried before and other potential regulatory necessary. and organisational choices. These include more


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