Scientific and beneficial aspects of tantra cult Ratan Lal Basu Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara Artículos atravesados por (o cuestionando) la idea del sujeto -y su género- como una construcción psicobiológica de la cultura Articles driven by (or questioning) the idea of the subject -and their gender- as a cultural psychobiological construction Vol. 1 (2), 2016 ISSN 2469-0783 SCIENTIFIC AND BENEFICIAL ASPECTS OF TANTRA CULT ASPECTOS CIENTÍFICOS Y BENEFICIOSOS DEL CULTO TANTRICO Ratan Lal Basu
[email protected] Presidency College, Calcutta & University of Calcutta, India. Citation: Basu, R. L. (2016). «Scientific and beneficial aspects of tantra cult». Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara, 1 (2), 26-49. DOI: 10.32351/rca.v1.2.15 Copyright: © 2016 RCAFMC. This open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial (by-cn) Spain 3.0. Received: 01/04/2016. Accepted: 01/05/2016 Published online: 20/07/2016 Conflicto de intereses: Ninguno que declarar. Abstract This article endeavors to identify and isolate the scientific and beneficial from falsehood, superstition and mysticism surrounding tantrism. Among the various ancient Indian religious and semi-religious practices, tantra cult has got the most widespread recognition and popularity all over the world. The reason for this popularity of tantra has hardly been from academic, spiritual or philosophical interests. On the contrary, it has been associated with promises of achievements of magical and supernatural powers as well as promises of enhancement of sexual power and intensity of sexual enjoyment, and restoration of lost sexual potency of old people.