David Carlson | 164 pages | 11 Dec 2012 | BIS Publishers B.V. | 9789063693046 | English | Amsterdam, Netherlands Explainer: what is Mao's Little Red Book and why is everyone talking about it?

The online shopping site co-founded in by Charlwin Maowhich connects overseas merchants with local buyers, becomes China's newest billion- dollar startup. The investments will help bankroll the Shanghai-based startup's expansion. Xiaohongshu -- which calls itself RED and stresses its name bears Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. relation to Mao Zedong's book of quotations -- works by letting its mostly younger female users post pictures of favourite products. It then connects them with sellers abroad of everything from Body Shop anti-dandruff shampoo to Lotte peach liquor. Its fundraising comes as venture capital firms grow more cautious about valuations in China, an economy forecast to grow this year at its slowest pace in a quarter-century. Three-year-old Xiaohongshu, which claims 17 million registered users on its LinkedIn page, specialises in cross-border e-commerce, marketing foreign brands to increasingly wealthy Chinese shoppers. That's a Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. forecast to reach 6. It didn't elaborate on that figure. The company says its name has nothing to do with Mao's famous tomeconsidered one of the most-printed works in history and known to English-speakers as the "Little Red Book. But anyway, our name isn't because of Hong Bao Shu. The Sydney Morning Herald. Red tome Three-year-old Xiaohongshu, which claims 17 million registered users on its LinkedIn page, specialises in cross-border e-commerce, marketing foreign brands to increasingly wealthy Chinese shoppers. The Little Red Book | Art Blart

As a lifelong learner, I turn to books whenever I want to expand my thinking or improve my performance. And for leveling up your sales skills, Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. beats one of the best sales books. I pulled together the top books from a range of sales disciplines to give you the information you need to stay relevant, lead conversations, understand the trends — and of course, improve your game. This list is not endorsed or sponsored in any way. No one rises to the top of their game without intentional growth and learning. If you truly want to be a better leader, better salespersonbetter speaker, better writer, or just a better person, you need to study the craft. Others are new, and they can fill you in on the approaches and mindsets that are working today. Get under the hood and explore all these books have to offer. You stay ready by reading. Here are the best books on selling and related disciplines that can help you hit your goals and develop your career. Todd Caponi. It may be hard to imagine, but something as counterintuitive as leading with your flaws can result in faster sales cycles, increased win rates, and makes competing with you almost impossible. Leveraging transparency and vulnerability in your presentations and your negotiations leads to faster buyer consensus, larger deals, faster payments, longer commitments and more predictable sales forecasts. In this groundbreaking book, award winning sales leader Todd Caponi will reveal his hard-earned secrets for engaging potential buyers with unexpected honesty and understanding the buying brain to get the deal you want, while delighting your customer with the experience. Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson. Based on an exhaustive study of thousands of sales reps across multiple industries and geographies, The Challenger Sale argues that classic relationship building is a losing approach, especially when it comes to selling complex, large-scale business-to- business solutions. The things that make Challengers unique are replicable and teachable to the average sales rep. Once you understand how to identify the Challengers in your organization, you can model their approach and embed it throughout your sales force. Keith M. Applying a sales methodology to your selling gives you a tried and true advantage, and enables you to plan your work and work your plan. Among the popular methodologies, this happens to be a favorite. This is an absolute must-read for all salespeople at any experience level. There are laws for every discipline physics, civil, criminal, mathematical, economic. If particular conditions are present, the laws will always occur, plain and simple. This book deeply explains the essential laws of our craft — selling. Whether or Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. you learn them and follow them will make or break your career. How did forget? When we break the Laws, we pay the price. Our sales suffer. Our bank account Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. a hit. Robert B. Miller and Stephen E. This is the modern edition of a business classic, confronting the rapidly evolving world of B2B sales with real-world examples, new strategies for confronting competition, and a special section featuring the most commonly asked questions from the Miller Heiman workshops. Jill Konrath. To this day, she sheds value on the sales industry like a bright, warm sunshine. Konrath shares techniques and tactics to help salespeople adapt to these changes and arrive at the desired outcome. Everything she writes here is reinforced in her blog, eBooks and kits, and videos. SPIN Selling is essential reading for anyone involved in selling or managing a sales team. By following the simple, practical, and easy-to-apply techniques of SPIN, readers will be able to dramatically increase their sales volume. And, you never have to lie! The result is a simple three-level approach characteristic of the Insight Selling framework: connect, convince, collaborate. If you need Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. selling template to start with, the tactics described in the book fit the requirements of most B2B sales organizations. Jamie Shanks. The ultimate account-based sales guide for the modern, digital seller, SPEAR Selling is the battle-tested process for both sales leaders and sales professionals to leverage in their pursuit for greater account-based sales results. The key to account-based sales results is the focus on upfront planning that leverage key competitive differentiators, used to significantly improve account activation and opportunity creation. Hilmon Sorey and Cory Bray. Fast growth is the name of the game, right? But long-term success depends on your team having core skills and tactical frameworks that drive repeatable results. Regardless of existing sales methodology, market, and company size, Triangle Selling empowers salespeople, managers, and executives to quickly adopt the fundamentals necessary to fuel consistent growth within their organization, onboard effectively, and remain agile in an ever-evolving profession. Like doctors, lawyers, and engineers who learn fundamental skills and frameworks to drive their work, salespeople will perform at a higher level with the fundamentals. Mike Weinberg. Can you handle the truth? Can succeeding in sales be as simple as hooking up the latest CRM tool or perfecting your social media profiles and waiting for qualified leads to automatically show up in your inbox? Welcome to the world Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. sales, where the one constant you can bank on is the noise from so-called experts and thought leaders who want to convince you everything has changed and that you need their latest toolstoys, or tricks to stay even or get ahead of the pack. Yet, ironically, it seems that the more of these new miracle solutions you adopt, the harder it is to get results. This book is a blunt wake-up call to salespeople who are chasing bright shiny solutions — and refocuses your attention on a proven approach that actually drives results. Get past the noise, and bring back the sanity. Weinberg gives you proven, powerful principles that help you master the fundamentals of selling. Thomas Williams and Thomas Saine. Buyer-Centered Selling provides sellers strategies and tactics that help the buyer address eleven dilemmas likely to slow and obstruct the buying process. The reader will discover quickly that buying and selling are inextricably connected in their focus on helping the customer buy. Russell Jay Williamson. This book contains a set of hard-and-fast rules and techniques that will propel you out of your engineering comfort zone and into the exciting world of sales. Before working in technical sales, Russell Jay Williamson had many years of design engineering experience. Experience in both a large multinational corporation with overemployees and a small company with only 11 employees has provided him with a great perspective on how Engineers work in this industry. Since switching into sales, he has developed the skills described in this book over many years from trial and error. Ron Willingham. This book represents an upgrade of the popular sales framework for business professionals in the new digital economy. As its name suggests, expect to read compelling insights on why ethical values — not your quota — should drive the way you engage and sell to customers. Max Altschuler. A good sales team makes or breaks a business. Which is why this pioneering guide shows you how to build a fully streamlined sales engine that uses modern techniques and technologies. This Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. resource goes in-depth into the human aspects of Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to., as well, because there is a point where you have to let go of technology and rely on your ability to sell. Altschuler showcases over sales tools throughout the book, enabling you to build the ultimate sales stack to support a fully efficient sales machine. David J. Technology has fundamentally shifted how prospects buy… which means that salespeople have to catch up and change how they sell. With the right approach, integrating technology into your daily sales activity multiplies your ability to engage and provide value. But no matter how much technology we put in place, at its core selling is a human-to-human activity. Tony J. Joshua Peters is a salesman in crisis — after losing a key deal his boss threatens him with the sack and he has doubts concerning his choice of career. His father is a sales veteran who progressed all the way to CEO but with their relationship is at an all time low and he struggles to help. He applies the principles to the biggest and most complex deal of his life and his mentorship culminates with a powerful meeting that finally reveals The Joshua Principle. Anthony Iannarino. Most salespeople work in mature, overcrowded industries, your offerings perceived often unfairly as commodities. Growth requires taking market share from your competitors, while they try to do the same to you. If you act like a Mafia don, you only make yourself difficult to trust and impossible to see as a long-term partner. Instead, this book shows you how to find and maintain a long-term competitive advantage. This book shows you how to create a long-term competitive advantage that you can sustain. Setting up meetings with corporate decision makers has never been harder. They never return your calls. And if you do happen to catch them, they blow you off right away. Use the sure-fire strategies in this sales book to crack into big accounts, shrink your sales cycle and close more business. Check out the Account Entry Toolkit for ideas Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. how to apply this process to your own unique business. Tyler Menke. In a business world that rapidly and exponentially adapts to change, our selling methods fail to keep up with human expectations. This book pulls from the pulled from other great thinkers in sales, then put together to create an easy-to-read and easy-to-apply sales guide. No fluff or theory. Mark Roberge. Often, the biggest challenge they face is the task of scaling sales. Best Sales Books for Boosting Your Skills & Performance in

On hiatus from The Show and shortly after screening Time Piece for the first time, Jim decided to document what he had done thus far, starting a regular record of his life and work moving forward. In a small cloth-covered blank book, he noted professional activities and personal highlights. His hectic schedule was slightly lighter heading into those summer months, perhaps giving him a little more time at home to enjoy his recently born fourth child, John Paul, and his Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. Great Dane puppy, Troy, and to go back through his calendars and desk diaries to make the entries in his red book. It was also a way to organize all the information and memories in his brain, freeing him to fill it with new ideas and inspirations. Intrigued by thought processes and the source of ideas, Jim wanted to somehow visualize these on film. One of his earliest efforts was a combination puppetry and film presentation that aired on The Show during a week in July It starred Limbo, a character created around consisting of foam rubber eyes and mouth that seemed to float in the air while manipulated with strings from below. Limbo was superimposed over a film of plumbing, strings, smoke Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. photographic images meant to evoke the inner-workings of the mind. Jim, speaking for Limbo and accompanied by electronic music by Raymond Scott, described how he had his thoughts filed away — as you might imagine, it was pretty crowded in there! Raymond Burr, the host, introduced what looked like a pile of garbage. Not only had his grouch found a home in a garbage can on Sesame Streetbut on Fraggle RockMarjorie the Trash Heap was the source of great wisdom and sage advice. When putting Muppets in outlandish situations, great preparation is in order. To return to the US after solving the mystery of the great baseball diamond heist, Kermit and the gang fly back in the cargo hold of a jetliner. They are jettisoned out of the plane wearing parachutes and as they float toward the ground, the last jokes are cracked and the credits roll. A July 15, memo from Caroly Wilcox of the Muppet Workshop made it clear why they waited until the last days of filming to shoot this scene. The possibilities she outlined included using costumed parachutists wearing Muppet masks, using oversized dummies carved to look like the characters, or shooting a scale model of plane with miniatures in a wind tunnel. Jim went with her last suggestion — to wait until the end of the shoot and use real puppets in weighted harnesses. The close ups were done in the studio and then for the long shots, the puppets were thrown out of the plane. Selected storyboards from the parachute sequence drawn by Bill Stallion, By his January 17, appearance on the last season of The Ed Sullivan ShowJim was a seasoned veteran, having appeared more Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. twenty times before. The Sunday night audience enjoyed the Muppet interludes which included musical numbers, parodies, monsters, reindeer, and Kermit. Jim tried out new material and also Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. back to tried and true bits he had performed on other programs. Almost a decade earlier, on March 30,Jim juxtaposed the staid world of classical music with the anarchy of his early Muppet characters for The Today Show. Kermit tries to organize a classical quartet with Harry the Hipster, and Theodore graduates of only to be frustrated by the lack of a fourth musician Mildred kindly offers violets when violins are requested and the unwillingness of the group to all play the same piece of music. The Sullivan version was a much more polished piece but had many of the same conceits and bad jokes. In this bit, he is called Harry, perhaps in homage to the original script, and despite the need for a violinist, is a drummer. His exuberant playing anticipates from and is a neat contrast to the refined world of classical music. Using opposites is an easy way to make a joke, and it always seems to work for . In the end, despite the best efforts of the leader, the group is won over to the groovy side and they happily make music together. Jim was always on the look out for talent, whether for performers or for his workshop. He took time to learn about people personally rather than depending on the judgment of others. Taking advantage of a rare extended stay in New York Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. JanuaryJim met with two people that would prove to be major Make Design Matter: A Little Red Book About How to. to his team. , performer of and Ernie for the past twenty years along with his own characters like Rizzo the Rat, was a young puppeteer from Atlanta working at The World of Sid and Marty Krofft, a local theme park. Steve, then a very green 18 year old, flew to NY and spent a good part of the week talking and trying out puppets. He performed a huge range of characters that first year, mostly in the background, and Jim was really pleased with his progress. If you get a character that you can actually believe is a living, thinking, reacting creature, once you can work at that sort of level of believability, then it can grow from there. The core creative team was coming together in New York where designer Brian Froud would arrive for meetings starting on January 16th. The previous December, Jim had received an intriguing gift from his colleague Michael Frith: an exquisite Japanese-style marionette made by a young artist recently moved to New York, Wendy Midener. They talked about the project, and she was invited back for the first development meetings with Brian. Today, the Frouds live in Devon, England in a 15th century house where they continue to make art. A Muppet Show recording session with l. Wendy Midener working on a Gelfling, c. The Christmas-dated issue was to feature Jim surrounded by Muppets as a newsstand draw and would have been the first Time cover for the Muppets since when Big Bird was featured. Photos were taken and mock-ups were sent to Henson Associates; all were excited by the prospect of such great exposure and recognition. The Muppet series is seen by at least million people in countries. A huge accomplishment in international diplomacy for the President, the news merited a cover and took precedence over the examination of our shared popular culture. Jim and the gang pose for the Time magazine cover, All Right Reserved. Use of this signifies your agreement to the terms of use. 's Red Book. Skip to content. Historical information provided by Archivist: On hiatus from and shortly after screening Time Piece for the first time, Jim decided to document what he had done thus far, starting a regular record of his life and work moving forward. Limbo puppet aka Nobodys. BeautifulMuppetsRaymond Burr. Historical information provided by The Jim Henson Company Archivist: When putting Muppets in outlandish situations, great preparation is in order. Page 1 of 3. Page 2 of 3. Page 3 of 3. Page 1 of 4. Page 2 of 4. Page 3 of 4. Page 4 of 4. The Muppet String Quartet, Historical information provided by The Jim Henson Company Archivist: Jim was always on the look out for talent, whether for performers or for his workshop. Time magazine cover, December 25, Older posts. Search for:. The Jim Henson Co. Twitter Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page.