1 The book is published Книгата се печати со with the blessing of His благослов на Неговото Eminence the Metropolitan of Високопреосвешенство Veles and Vardar Valley Митрополитот велески и and Exarch of Ohrid повардарски и Егзарх kyr kyr Jovan (John) охридски г. г. Јован English translation: Превод на англиски: presbytera Elena Vitanova презвитера Елена Витанова Valeria Kjulumova Валерија Ќулумова Language correction: Јазична коректура: Igor Radev Игор Радев Correction of the Коректура на English text: англискиот текст: Vasa Stojanovska Васа Стојановска Editor and Уредник и computer processing: компјутерска обработка: presbyter Borjan Vitanov презвитер Борјан Витанов © Православна Охридска Архиепископија e-mail:
[email protected] www.poa-info.org 2 ZARADI IDNOTO CARSTVO 3 FOR THE KINGDOM TO COME VOLUME I Published by: Orthodox Ohrid Archbishopric 4 ZARADI IDNOTO CARSTVO TOM I издава: Православна Охридска Ахиепикопија 5 CONTENTS: A Prologue and a Blessing by the Patriarch Pavle (Paul) ....................... 24 Мetropolitan of Veles and Vardar Valley and Exarch of Ohrid kyr kyr John (Jovan): The Theological and Historical Aspect of the Schism ..... 28 The Nis Agreement ............................................................................... 108 The Agreement of the Clergy from the Metropolis of Veles and Vardar Valley for Accession into Liturgical and Canonical Unity with the Serbian Orthodox Church .............................116 A Summon by His Holiness the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Patriarch of Serbia kyr kyr Paul to the Bishops, the Clergy, the Monasticism and the Faithful in the Republic of Macedonia for Accession to Liturgical and Canonical Unity with the Serbian Orthodox Church ............................ 122 The Response of the Metropolitan of Veles and Vardar Valley kyr John (Jovan) to the Summon of His Holiness the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade and Karlovci and Patriarch of Serbia kyr kyr Paul to the Bishops, the Clergy, the Monasticism and the Pious People in the R.