CEU eTD Collection Second RoumenDaskalov Reader: Professor Supervisor: Professor Marsha Siefert THE IMPORTANCETHE OF ACTION YOUTHLABOUR In fulfillmentof the partial

(1948 “BROTHERHOOD - 1950) Central European University

History Department : A CASE STUDY OF MOTORWAY: A STUDY CASE THE Budapest, Master of Arts Sasa Vejzagic Submitted to Submitted

2013 By requirements for thedegree of




CEU eTD Collection with accordance in made copies Further such instructions may bemadepermission ofthe thewritten Author. without not made. copies such any of and part Author a form the must t by pagefrom obtained given be may instructions Details the Library. European with Central the accordance in in lodged only made be may part, or full in either process,by any Copies the Author. with rests thesis thisof text the Copyrightin STATEMENT OFSTATEMENT COPYRIGHT

he librarian. This librarian. he

CEU eTD Collection all three levels, from the highest official, to th to official, highest the from levels, three all between ties close the on reflects This Leader. and Partyof love express to enthusiastic youth 5 existing of those with themselves aligned often objectives uncer an in objectives ideological and economic political, own its of light loyal maintain to wished mobilization, development, labou as such youth this which in ways concepts the assess to possible be will key it stabilization, and homogenization Utilizing period. postwar the in youthparticipation involunteer action. labour P the during support governmental enjoyed Unity” and “Brotherhood Motorway The importance. primary of became l Split, the after and During year 5 particular with interrelationship and on, impact its of importance understudied the on spotlight a uncertaineconomicand ideological valuable provides study the 2 its of course the over of Motorway project the whose building Unity”, and “Brotherhood action labour youth the of study a provides (1948 Split Abstract: art

Archives of Yugoslavia of Archives y , as well as thanks to its potential as a project a as potential its to thanks as well as , r action gained significance. It will be shown that the Communist Party of Yugoslavia Yugoslavia of Party Communist the that shown be will It significance. gained action r This thesis a thesis This Labour Youth of role important The

- 90 i udrtde, n dsre te teto o shlrhp Ti thesis This scholarship. of attention the deserves and understudied, is 1950) - plan project and project plan ims to tell the untold story of this youth labour action, and its importance its and action, labour youth this of story untold the tell to ims -

ty among its diverse population diverse its among ty year existence. Based upon an examination of archival materials at materials archival of examination an upon Based existence. year new

in in oyalty to Tito and the Communist Party of Yugoslavia quickly Yugoslavia of Party Communist the and Tito to oyalty insight into a into insight - Belgr

crisis the Youth Labour Action that Action Labour Youth the ty in the history of Yugoslavia. At the same time, it shines time, it thesame At Yugoslavia. thehistoryof in ty d bgn n 98 n ivle oe 3000 youth 300,000 over involved and 1948 in began ade

n ag pr because part large in and the Croatian State Archives State Croatian the and n aspect of a of aspect n

cin drn te eid olwn te Tito the following period the during Actions

lne rjc,t h niiulyuh It youth. individual the to project, planned e

of mass of s, and crafted policies and projects in in projects and policies crafted and s,

well - - -

mobilization of youth through through youth of mobilization Year researched period of political, political, of period researched f t smoi vle o the for value symbolic its of saw it come to completion. to come it saw - Plan projects, as well as well as projects, Plan

in Zagreb in tain period. Such Such period. tain continued continued

this case case this ,

a -

CEU eTD Collection youth. e were actions labour youth that stressed be will stablished

u , eu pafr o mobilizing of platform seful

increasingly desirable support support desirable increasingly quickly

recognized by official bodies official by among

Yugoslav as an an as CEU eTD Collection 3.5.1. 3.5. 3.4. 3.3. 3. 3.1. Motorway“Brotherhood 3. 2.4. 2.3. 2.2. 2.1. 2. 1.3. 1.2. 1.1. 1. Introduction Abbreviations: ofTable Contents Bibliography Conclusion


Building new Yugoslavia and the role of youthBuilding new theYugoslavia actionslabor of and (1945 role Formingamet “Wearebuilding themotorway, themotorwayis building us!”

“Thenotpaverstop!”must Pre “Theway”right Mobilizingyouththe thefor Motorway Organizingactionthe Tito‟s“” Motorwayof Rec TheNew System wereWhattheyouth labour actions? Resea Periodization and Yugoslaviain1948 in historiography 1948 Competitionsloyalty asTito theexpression and of the Party for - onstruction and external onstructionand relations

militarytraining ......

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...... hodology

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Unity”(1948 Agitprop and otherAgitprop extracurricularYLA activities theMotorw on




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Youthbuilding theMotorway - 1950) ......






...... - Youth Labor Action theLabor Youth ...... - 1950) ......

...... ay ......


83 80 70 69 65 56 50 48 47 39 30 25 23 22 15 12

8 8 2 1


– –

– – – – – Central CommitteeCentral The ArchivesThe ofYugoslavia – –

– The Croatian State Archives Croatian The PartyCommunist Yugoslavia of Peoples‟ Youth ofYugoslavia Peoples‟ youth action labour Pre

youth labo

Federal Peoples‟ Republic ofYugoslaviaFederal Republic Peoples‟ League of Socialist YouthLeague ofYugoslavia ofSocialist – – -

United Nations Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation Nations Relief United - State Youth Construction Motorway” Youth Construction “the Enterprise State Unified military training

u LeagueAnti of r actions

- Fascist Youth of

Administration Yugoslavia


CEU eTD Collection Unity” as well as on the youthUnity” as onthe ofthe as well efforts that action built vice it; and labour Five affected Tito the by caused crisis how demonstrating image an creates levels three those between interrelation The developm ground. the on personalities single lowest the of experiences a to through context, political broadest the from line a draw to attempt the is It important. was whyit and they did, that work the Mukić, like individuals young about is thesis This 1950. and 1948 between Motorway the of building brigade is working hard!” thirsty,the are and others talk, to time have not Ido reporter: “Comrade, a to explained troop, ol year 16 flag”, Headquarters‟Section Third “the prize, their on comment the give to Asked site. construction “Brotherhood Motorway the (YLA) action Introduction 2 1 the and highly a in country unfavorable the put which West, the with relations bad had Belgrade when time a at Bloc Eastern the from Yugoslavia “isolated” temporarily leadership Yugoslav and Stalin produced political, ideoSplit a Yugoslav the by intersected was Yugoslavia and of period development and reconstruction the during years high a build

“ Maglajissmalla in cityRepublic I Autoput jeAutoput I škola In July 1948, the 1 the 1948, July In h yuh aor cin n h Five the on action labour youth The Communist Communist

- pos - - pe mtra cnetn Belgrad connecting motorway speed Cominform Year Plan projects and impacted spe impacted and projects Plan Year ition. Since the Yugoslav partisan movement during the Second World War War World Second the during movement partisan Yugoslav the Since ition. d Bosnian Suleiman Mukić, who performed the duty of a water carrier in his in carrier water a of duty the performed who Mukić, Suleiman Bosnian d ” [The Motorway is also a school],[TheisMotorwaya” also

Party 2


of Yugoslavia (CPY) Yugoslavia of st Mukić was but one of approximately 320,000 youth work to ofapproximatelyone 320,000 was Mukić but

Maglaj o

logical logical Yugoslavia.and in crisis economic Differences between f

BosniaHercagovina.and only few months after the YLA started. As is well known, the known, well Asis YLA started. the after months onlyfew 1

brigade won a ten a won brigade - Unity” for their extraordinary work efforts on the on efforts work extraordinary their for Unity” - Omladina er rjc “Brotherhood project Year

membership afterwards cultivated almost the almost cultivated afterwards membership ad arb Te rjc lse fr two for lasted project The Zagreb. and e cifically on the Motorway “Brotherhood Motorway the on cifically

, July1948. 10, - day competition on the youth labour labour youth the on competition day n poet dw t the to down project, ent

- tln pi i 1948 in split Stalin - Unity”, worked to to worked Unity”, - versa.

on the on the 2 -

CEU eTD Collection Motorway project even less of a necessity in the conditions of economic blockade. Despite blockade. economic of conditions the in necessity a of less even project Motorway Zagre and Belgrade low a been have should Motorway a building account, into taken is 1950 and 1946 between Yugoslavia was economics when time a at value economic limited representing despite state, the by supported ways different Motorway“Brotherhood The abandoned. and stopped eithe were 1948 in projects Many that questions direct important my research. countries. background This raises Cominform the with exchange ofYugoslavthirds economic Five First the of projects All worsened. situation the blockade, economic an impose to decision with division possible bya threatened was CPY the Stalin, and Tito both towards sentiments same and thevoluntary were after actions the days although Additionally, Resolution? 15 its launched only Cominform visited himself Tito that important so YLA Motorway the made re this heart of the at is of crisis, period this during itself manifested importance this how and important, were actions labour youth why and how actions labour youth popularity of and growingimportance the to related requires end explanation. its to forced was project developmental particular this Why logic. different fe was project finished the this, w months‟ delay. It is evident that the CPY and their economic planners were led by a a by led were planners economic their and CPY the that evident is It delay. months‟ w - Cominform the With population. general the of parts some among and Party the in er ln (1947 plan Year isl, ut o dd h cii i 14 afc poet o te is Five First the of projects affect 1948 in crisis the did how just Firstly, uh f h jsiiain ie a tetm fr epn te Motorwa the keeping for time the at given justification the of Much -

roiy betv. utemr, te ra ad ala cnetos between connections railway and road other Furthermore, objective. priority wr rpie ad ee ucinl fe 14, hc mks the makes which 1945, after functional were and repaired were b -

91 wr srosy eprie b te lcae f oe hn tw than more of blockade the by jeopardized seriously were 1951) ups t mte te ot I ol te ubr f eils in vehicles of number the only If most. the matter to suppose –

even in the absence of all the required materials ofall it absence even the in r forced to slow down their operations or were completely were or operations their down slow to forced r

search. What else besides its economic role economic its besides What else search. - Unity”, however was preserved, and in and preserved, was however Unity”,

(YLAs) y alive directly directly alive y . Addressing . - -

er plan? Year with onlywith a o 3

CEU eTD Collection organizations and produced throughout the socialist period from 1945 until 1991, YLAs were were YLAs1991, until 1945 from period socialist the throughout produced and organizations their or Party bythe sponsored books, memorial the in described Though Yugoslavia. century twentieth of history the in mentioned marginally remain they present, At deserve. they that treatment historical the received not have they However, history. Yugoslav of phenomenon action. labour youth Motorway the on influence their and factors ideological and political changing economic, between relationship the on focus a with motorway, the constructing of project “Brotherhood Motorway the of study case the on of focusing By Archives (Zagreb). Archives the State Croatian in the and actions (Belgrade) Yugoslavia labour youth to relating materials original of consideration (PYY) ofyouththese in form this circumstances? preserve program Peoples the and CPY the made that it was What high. substantially of free service labour a provided youth use ofprimary focus was on as not the actions sources themselves. ofresearch materials, the the on unfounded project particular a on workers youth volunteer to references vague include topic the on briefly touched have articles historical 1945 period the from YLAs the of analysis theoretical short the offers in perspective who sociological Supek Rudi is exception The volunteer. to youth motivated what explain to attempting and exploring on focus a with largely however, actions, labour an general containing youth researching in albums” interest an developed sociologists period, same the “photo During information. anniversary the of part occasionally - 1952

YLAs, in terms of both their domestic and international popularity, were a a were popularity, international and domestic their both of terms in YLAs, n re t d jsie o h tpc m research my topic, the to justice do to order In -

though without reliance on primary source materials. More recently, only a few a only recently, More materials. source primary on reliance without though -

nt” I Unity”, charge, the expense of having them on the action was action the on them having of expense the charge, ana lyze f ot lbu atos Tee mostly These actions. labour youth of


involved intensive and careful careful and intensive involved

influence of the crisis on the the on crisis the of influence

ot o Yugoslavia of Youth

al 16is from 1960ies early biased d


CEU eTD Collection lot nhree ae i Yugoslavia‟s in area unchartered almost an explore to attempt the is thesis this hand, one the On Yugoslavia. in youth of thousands of lives everyday the of aspect unexplored an on crisis the of effects the into insight provide its t on lens fresh light a offers shed but period, only early this not during importance does footnote historical the of confines the from out actions with country‟s Cominform and the evolving changing relationship its the crisis, Yugoslavian internal the of discussion a involve necessarily will 1940s, late the the of phase first the of context treat political and economic social, wider the of part a and as action labour youth Motorway Supek of work the on build to order In historiography. very a supplement also will thesis this so, doing Instudy. case a as Motorway an largest the with War, World Second the of aftermath the in actions labour youth of beginnings very the a among onthe action samelabour project. Five particular a on impact at look broadest very metho the from beginning funnel, a of form the takes It questions. of set known one. bo well is thesis very this Consequently, a within situated be to have actions labour youth unexplored the of experiences the hand, other the On treatment. comprehensive researched dology and approach, to a discussion of Yugoslavia‟s position in 1948 generally, its its generally, 1948 in position Yugoslavia‟s of discussion a to approach, and dology osqety i is explorati its in Consequently, The thesis itself is broken down into 3 main chapters that each deal with a particular a with deal each that chapters main 3 into down broken is itself thesis The Tito the and 1948 on written been has Much limited limited

ms sgiiat cin t h tm, h bidn o te Zagreb the of building the time, the at action significant most d historiography. Because so little has been written on the subject, it looks at looks it subject, the on written been has little so Because historiography. - Year plan project and finally to the internal workings of the youth the workingsof internal the finally to and project plan Year h h tlig f nw tr ad dfeet ih o a well a on light different a and story new a of telling the th

n f ot lbu atos ti tei tks t place its takes thesis this actions, labour youth of on

itr, sn piay ore ta haven that sources primary using history, - tln pi. rwn yuh labour youth Drawing Split. Stalin ruh hc t omn and comment to which hrough - discussed political context. context. political discussed

international relations.international well - developed - Belgrade


5 -

CEU eTD Collection Motorway project and defines the economic interrelations between the youth and the the and youth the between interrelations economic the defines and project Motorway the of organization the explores it Importantly, works. of executor and organizer technical motorway the and planned to come to focus its lowers “Brotherhood steadily It created. and preceded which genera the explaining 1950, and and process reconstruction 1945 the YLAs, with interrelation its and system new the of between emergence history Yugoslav of aspects ideological and the describes thes the throughout on relied it sources the importantly, on comment Most critical offering before existence. used, approach their methodological during actions labour youth the youth of treatment historical of (lack) the the concerning discussion the on upon expands chapter focus The period. the with of historiography 1948 in crisis the during Yugoslavia describes one Chapter built was youth effect. the what to and labour shaped it not or whether crisis, political the of context broader the of affects the for looking am I particular, in chapter two final these In situation. political given the of benefit the for thes how and site construction the on brigades between competitions of pre and systemthe on programsfocus with site, construction the on youth of performance the militarytrainings, agitprop as such attributes key several includes mobilizatio also the It how went. and process youth the coordinated how and who of discussion a involves This analyzed. are youth of mobilization the and action the of organization the first which Enterpris l te cnmc oe f Ls uig h pro 1945 period the during YLAs of role economic the lly In order to understand the widest widest the Inconte understand to order e. The final chapter goes deeper into the analysis of the YLA on the Motorway, in in Motorway, the on YLA the of analysis the into deeper goes chapter final The e. - brings in the State Youth Construction Enterprise “the Motorway” as the the as Motorway” “the Enterprise Construction Youth State the in brings nt” s scn lvl Ti scin xmns o te oowy was Motorway the how examines section This level. second a as Unity” is. The second chapter introduces the widest context of economic, politicaleconomic, contextof widest the introduces chapter second The is.

labour actions. It also provides a provisional periodization of periodization provisional a provides also It actions. labour

xt in which the Motorway inxt the which “Brotherhood - 97 n etra relations external and 1947 e systems were used were systems e - Unity” Unity” n 6 -

CEU eTD Collection stories deserveTheir treatment, historical is thesis step this and that direction. in youth. of thousands affected alone affection labour youth Motorway The War. World Second

One ilo yuh atcptd n ot lbu atos n h fv yas fe the after years five the in actions labour youth in participated youth million


CEU eTD Collection 1. of historythein point turningand milestone the representssplit the Moreover, 1945. in power first the represented crisis omnipresent the CPY, the For Yugoslavia. in Party the of authority the sustaining columns base the were A economy. after the the and establishment political t the Yugoslavia, in spheres important (1948 years five than F and Cominform the between divorce official the before even started period. War World Second post the in crisis political major first the among ransformation of its ideological platform and a disturbance in soci in disturbance a and platform ideological its of ransformation information pertinent pertinent of theinformation to YLA case the Motorw building ofthe sub this This a be will wrong. that dilemma and right, both be would conclusion a Such 1948. June in split Tito the following blockade economic and Resolution the after especially countries, Cominform and Yugoslavia between relations unstable of dynamics the by affected highly vi of point political and economic an both from was, YLA Motorway the that concluded be could it Therefore, Belgrade. in byofficials created atmosphere political the to connected F 1948 for project Plan Year 1.1.

ederal ederal Formingmethodology a

h slt ewe to omns laes Jsp rz io n Jsf tln was Stalin, Josef and Tito Broz Josip leaders, communist two between split The “Brotherhood Motorway the Action, Labor Youth The inhistoriography1948 Yugoslavia and in1948 - shock. Four elements; political power, economy, ideology and support of the masses, political power,Foursupport ofthe shock. economy, ideology and elements; P - eoples‟ eoples‟ hpe „uolva n 98 wl bify nrdc iprat contextual important introduce briefly will 1948‟ in „Yugoslavia chapter R epublic of epublic - 1953). The initial shock of the split quickly affected the two most most two the affected quickly split the of shock initial The 1953). leitmotif - 1949, and was tightly related to the shape of the economy of the the economyof the of shape the to related tightly was and 1949, Y in forthcoming chapters, but before attempting to resolve it, it, resolve to attempting before but chapters, forthcoming in ugoslavia (FPRY) ugoslavia

opeesv edrne et fe ter ezr of seizure their after test endurance comprehensive osqety hspriua L was YLA particular this Consequently, .

- nt” a te igs Five biggest the was Unity” al stability came as part of part as came stabilityal ay. PRY

The crisis, which which crisis, The , lasted for more more for lasted ,

rsns a presents - Stalin ew, 8

CEU eTD Collection PY cnieal cagn te oiin f hs akn tt ad rmtn i fo a from it promoting state border marginal and state Balkan this of position the changing considerably FPRY, 5 pp.245 2000), 4 3

Ivo Banac, Ivo John R. VladimirDedijer aa‟ book Banac‟s geo of the theory with thesis economic the “eclipsed” authors of group second a However, footnotes. confirmed. be Soviet of majority the ended factors. other account into takes also he though Lampe; R. byJohn accepted gradually and economy Yugoslav the finances companies‟ the coordinate to supposed companies joint formed Soviet joint of case the book, his In FPRY. and Union Soviet the between differences economic irresolvable to due was split the that position the defends He arguments. of group first the of exponent main the is 1954, groups three general divided into ofarguments. be can debate The countries? communist Eastern the of rest the and Yugoslavia Socialist “strugg academic and debates famous most The parties. interested other and journalists, scientists, Vladimir Dedijer, a Yugoslavpolitic a Dedijer, Vladimir Tito The Dedijer‟s Dedijer‟s Lampe, e” etr n t cue I ohr od, ht ntae te ofotto between confrontation the initiated what words, other In cause. its on center les” With Stalin against WithStalin Tito The Battle St Battle The - 249 YugoslaviaasHist ,

- Wi The Battle - oiia bplrzto. hs ru eegd n h lt 18s ih Ivo with 1980s late the in emerged group This bipolarization. political tln pi hs en well been has split Stalin hoy a nvr niey bnoe ad perd gi i historical in again appeared and abandoned entirely never was theory h tln gis Tito. against Stalin th

of Eastern the alin Lost, alin StalinLost - - uolv companies. Yugoslav

which were dominated by Soviet personnel and the bank that was that bank the and personnel Soviet by dominated were which

ory - (It Yugoslav economic agreements, this assumption could never could assumption this agreements, economic Yugoslav haca:Cornell Press,University –

published in 1978, Dedijer focuses on failed cooperation incooperation failed on focuses Dedijer 1978, in published

(Nottingham: 1978), Spokesman, Twice There wasTwiceThereCountry a B loc into respectable a voiceloc in relations.international

5 u i udr t dmnne Ti ter i partly is theory This dominance. its under it put

aa bss i agmn o Tt‟ geo Tito‟s on argument his bases Banac ian and Agitprop official in charge of media until media of charge in official Agitprop and ian - xlrd y itras scooit, political sociologists, historians, by explored 3

i ter i ta truh h strategically the through that is theory His -

the Soviet Union planned to monopolize to planned Union Soviet the

(Cambridge:UniversityCambridge Press, 198 8), pp.3 8), pp.73 - 96. - 44.


Since the split the Since - political


CEU eTD Collection at o Ygsai t te xet ht uolva and oto oe Cominform. over a rather late, debate the enters 1992 in argument control gained Yugoslavia that extent the to Yugoslavia of Party Communist of power the strengthened and secured “below” from Front Popular the forming article, his in Swain, Geoffery policies. Parties‟ the in Yugoslavia and Union Soviet differences the ideological between on is here focus The later. escalating but War, World Second the (Cambridge:Cambridge1992) Press University, 7 p.41. 1999), 289 pp. 6 in period postwar the for Data caused. blockade the damage of amount the about data reliable is neglected still is aspect economic the why reasons the of One explored. insufficiently remain Yugoslavia in life of aspects other blockade, economic the of effects the for hunt witch politica the Besides consequences. political degree, certain the to and, economic geo

Geoffrey Dušan in the literature. the in geo the and historians) Serbian and Croatian ar of kinds same The conflict. new provoking and England with agreements Stalin‟s with interference as perceived was War Civil Greek the during movement communist the assist to FPRY new a of emergence the and threat cen communist a as perceived Stalin claims he which Albania, and Bulgaria with Federation Balkan the of formation the with region the in aspirations - political theory.political - 298; Bilandžić, The third argument sees the split as only gradually cultivated from from cultivated gradually only as split the sees argument third The What is less represented in the debate surrounding the causes of the split are its direct its are split the of causes the surrounding debate the in represented less is What l opponents, their imprisonment on the Marble Isle and often vague information about information vague often and Isle Marble the on imprisonment their opponents, l The Cominform: Tito's International Tito's Cominform: The Swain, Swain,

Branko uet spot ua Blnžć n Bak Ptaoi wrs (respectively works Petranović Branko and Bilandžić Dušan support guments ' The Cominform: Tito's Cominform:International?”, The Hrvatska modernaHrvatskapovijest e i the in ter 6 Petranović

VelikaŠizmačetrdesetiosma B o. n diin o ht ruet Bnc ds ht i sn by sent aid that adds Banac argument, that to addition In loc.

[CroatianHistory]Modern ,

pp. 641 pp. , argues that Ti that argues , - political thesis is generally the most accepted most the generally is thesis political - nd can be perceived as an addition to Banac‟sto addition an as perceivedbe can nd 663 The HistoricalJournalThe

[The Great Schism Fortyeighth][TheGreat .

to's Second World War strategy of of strategy War World to'sSecond

(Zagreb: Golden Marketing, 1999), Golden(Zagreb: Marketing, , Vol. 35, No.1992),3 Vol.(Sep., 35, , the period during period the due to a lack of lack a to due (Podgo rica : CID, CID, : 7

His 10

CEU eTD Collection gradually opened itself towards the West, a move which ultimately saved their economic and economic their saved ultimately which move a West, the towards itself opened gradually Jakovina. Tvrtko of research efforts comprehensive recent the complement arguments His support. financial foreign first the of source the and West the towards turn sharp Yugoslavia‟s concerning information Tom However, crisis. the endured Motorway, the as such market the goods in of flow the or production industrial conditionsof the into delvingfurther without Economy, article, his Yugoslavia in blockade. bythe caused da economic of degree the detailing numbers certain provides (1952) Yugoslavia of military onby Dedijer. reported Vladimir crises, 1953. in only work its started FPRY of Statistics for Bureau Federal the because incomplete is Yugoslavia 2003). [AmericanTito‟sCommunistYugoslaviaAlly., States ofUnitedAmerica],(Zagreb:and SrednjaEu 12 89 CentralEast in SocietyEurope 11 10 Tito] Broz 9 SocijalistiĉkaFederativnastatistiku,zaRepublikaJugoslavija 1989) Saveznizavod 8 intern the for framework existing an the endure 1948 in YLAs of able role the importantly, more Even was followed. that blockade economic project Motorway the how present to order in Yugoslavia in crisis Motorway the YLA the of analysis “Brotherhood an mind, in backdrop this With position. political

Vladimir Jugoslavija1918

Tvrtko Jozo Kongres VI. KPJ - 130

. Tomasevich,

Nevertheless, in his report for the Sixth Congress of Communist Party Communist of CongressSixth the for report his in Tito Broz Josip Nevertheless, –



Dedijer important factors in understanding how the big Five understandingimportant in factors big the how Vol.

ulse i 1982. in published - 8 3 Unity” will reach deep into a d a into deep reach will Unity”

Another hindrance is the deliberate des deliberate the is hindrance Another , (Belgrade:107 in:Ban 1984), Rad, -

1988. Statistički godišnjak1988.Statistički AmeričkikomunističkiJugoslavijaisaveznik.Američke Titova Sjedinjene Države,Hrvati, JosipaNoviprilozizabiografiju BrozaTita [The Sixth CPY Congress], (Beograd: Komunist,[TheSixthCongress],(Beograd: CPY1952) “ Immidiate Effects Cominformofthe YugoslavImmidiate the Resolution of Economy


, vol.ed. Wayne , X. Jozo Tomasevich also offers useful data about economic conditions economic about data useful offers also Tomasevich Jozo meit Efcs f oifr Rslto o te Yugoslav the of Resolution Cominform of Effects Immediate 12

uig h Yugosla the During 11

h atce el wt geo with deals article The , [Yugoslavia1918 l oiiain f support, of mobilization al Vuchinich ac, xii. ac, iscussion of the period during the Cominform the during period the of iscussion 9

(New York: York: (New cii wt te oifr, h CPY the Cominform, the with crisis v

[New Attachments[New for Biographythe of Josip - 1988. 1988. troying of data during the 1948 the during data of troying StatisticalYearbook - svc de poie important provide does asevich Year Plan construction projects, construction Plan Year Columbia pp. 1982), Univestiy Press,

- political economic economic political

ooeiain and homogenization ], (Beograd: ” , in , Warand relations, - 1949 as as 1949 - mage 1953 1953 ropa, ropa,


CEU eTD Collection first emerged as a form form a as emerged first (1970s 1980s). and self of phase second the 1952), development, reconstruction, of phase first the as: YLA of phases (1941 existence their during underwent YLAsthe transformations important distinction chronological a by simply organizational, determined not are phases These their phases. three on into divided Based be can YLAs needed. the purpose, political is and economical ideological, organization of kind this of periodization carefully be will examined. leadership, Yugoslav the of disposal the at asset defensive major a as youth, of stabilization 1982) Politika, 13 majorit vast the units, military partisan in were gun a carrying of capable males all Since warfare. guerilla to particular situations unpredictable of theneeds the to war,answering of onlyconditions operated youthand in organization mass bridges. demolishing even or fields grain burning youth brigades diversions conducted wartime, also the in enemy action behind including lines, helping med permanently were brigades Such enemy territory. in night the during grain secretlyharvesting by food with army the supplying with tasked were brigades youth organized occasionally 1.2.


Wartime actions (1941 actions Wartime a Actions, Labor Youth of analysis an into deeper going Before Periodization Dragosavac ,pp.9 ical centersical wounded. caring forthe Besides medical providing help and logistical s

were borne from the inheritance of war (1941 war of inheritance the from borne were - ed. , 16.


of background support for the partisan movement. In this period period this In movement. partisan the for support background of –

lds nš zemlje naše Mladost

- 1945) can be considered as a “zero stage” in which the YLAs the which in stage” “zero a as considered be can 1945) - aaeet (1958 management

[YLA 13

In this stage YLAs were not not were YLAs stage this In oiia ad dooia saiiy (1945 stability ideological and political y of wartime YLA brigades were young were brigades YLA wartime of y - – 96) ad h tid hs of phase third the and 1966/);

ot o or Country] our of Youth - 1945) and can be categorized categorized be can and 1945) , but also according to to according also but , - (Be 1989). The three The 1989). ga: Poslovna ograd: yet part of a a of part yet provisional decline 12 -

CEU eTD Collection s wl age cm t sre s mcaim o bt hmgnzto ad social and homogenization both for mechanism a transfor inner the and as phase first this of analysis deeper A stabilization. serve to came argue, will I as Tito the After ways. many in YLAs affected YLA power major projects. 70 and over on economic participated the young million a both than More from perspectives. role; important an played YLAs b In Yugoslavia. of Party Communist the of power the strengthen and to system served communist new of establishment the concerns, of part economic a as obvious pursued Besides was reconstruction country. the over all launched were that projects of form the in developed Yugoslavia of and Republic People‟s Reconstruction Federal established end. its after later, and war of months last the in territory liberated of expansion the during period the encompasses stabilization to heroic past.genesisas their referred and their found actions later which on base heritage a was YLAs of stage this Therefore, girls. 16 Yugoslavia] 15 ofSocialistYouth FileofYugoslavia] Fund 114, 4. Yugoslavia 14 cen administrative youngYugoslavs. amongthought of formation (1945 period first the Yugoslav of Communists of League the of Program the 1958, in However unprofitable. financially considered were they since presented the in be last chapter.

Ibidem. “ I Knrs aea ouit Jugoslavije Komunista Saveza Kongres VII S aitĉi oai aon Oldn Jgsaie a oge 1953” Kongres za Jugoslavije Omladine Narodne podaci tatistiĉki h frt L pae f eosrcin dvlpet ad dooia ad politica and ideological and development, reconstruction, of phase YLA first The After 1952, YLA projects were almost completely shut down for economic reasons, economic for down shut completely almost were projects YLA 1952, After

14 Congress in 1953 in Congress ,

However, the period was interrupted by the Cominform Resolution in 19 in Resolution Cominform the by interrupted was period the However, (Belgrade:71. Kultura,1958), tralized planning system into workers‟ self workers‟ into system planning tralized

- 1952), the Party insisted that the YLA the that insisted Party the 1952), ] .



rchives of rchives

ia demanded the reactivation of YLA programs. YLA of reactivation the demanded ia

Y Te Seventh [The ugoslavia

- Stalin split, YLAs gained a new a purpose and, purpose a new a gained YLAs split, Stalin 16

The shift of CPY‟s official ideology from an an ideology from CPY‟sofficial of shift The ,

Savez socijalistiĉke omladine Jugoslavije [League [League Jugoslavije omladine socijalistiĉke Savez

oges of Congress s -

management affected economic economic affected management should once again influence the influence again once should [ ttsi dt fr epe‟ ot of Youth Peoples‟ for data Statistic

development the

ege f omnss of Communists of League mations of YLAs will will YLAs of mations

- f h newly the of t processes oth strengthening sre of series a 48, which which 48, 15

As in in As 13 l

CEU eTD Collection However, the number of smaller projects ofsmaller However, number high.was the still economically as not were eighties s and seventies the in Projects dedication. and ideals ofthe ofmost YLAabandonment values, the such as: importance ofwork, discipline, socialist by directed ( and secureenterprises to funds expenses. fororganizational Yugoslavia of Youth Peoples‟ more organization project autonomous. and decentralized more and more became gradually making brigad but country, the for benefit economic their lost projects YLA decentralization. and y of organization the including Yugoslavia in life of sphere every consequently and structures, Collective](Zagreb: 18 Psycho 17 Introduction. the posed in launched. was Resolution the started, construction after long not and significance; political and economic Five a was project Motorway The phase. first the Zag and Belgrade between Unity” Sreća pojedinca pojedinca Sreća giiat s hy ee n ale pros n te rqie mc ls o a ok force. work a of less much required they and periods earlier in were they as ignificant outh outh

Rudi Milivoj

- e l Supek, Supek, sociology of a labouraction]sociology ofa abor abor The last stage, the phase of decline, is convincingly staged in the movie movie the in staged convincingly is decline, of phase the stage, last The n em o ti sgetd rvsoa proiain h Mtra “Brotherhood Motorway the periodization provisional suggested this of terms In ‟ ap rmie a shos f dooy rpgtd y h Pry Sil decisio Still, Party. the by propagated ideology of schools as remained camps s‟ P uhlovski, uhlovski, a 17 Omladina na putu do bratstva. Psihosociologija radne akcije radnePsihosociologija bratstva. do putu na Omladina iio Phosi n 1983. in Puhlovski Milivoj ctions. Hence, the second phase was characterized by widespread liberalization widespread by characterized was phase second the Hence, ctions.

Therefore, an analysis of its dynamics will present conclusions to the questions to conclusions present will dynamics its analysis an Therefore,of For example, the responsibility for financing projects was transferred to the the to transferred was projects financing for responsibility the example, For Za – S.P.U.K. greb filmKinematografi1983). Zagreb,i greb

uspjeh kolektiva kolektiva uspjeh

Sea pojedinca (Sreća

(Beograd: Mladost,1963), pp.7 (Beograd: . The The . reb, with all its particular characteristics, is an example of example an is characteristics, particular its all with reb, [Happiness of an Individual an of [Happiness PYY – 18

sjh oetv [niiuls happiness [Individual‟s kolektiva uspjeh had to apply for project permission at the the at permission project for apply to had

In a satirical manner, the movie presents the the presents movie the manner, satirical a In - er eeomna poet ih major with project developmental Year

- 35.

[Youth on the path to brotherhood. to path the on [Youth –

Success of a Collective]) a of Success –

ucs o the of Success S.P.U.K youth state 14 n - -

CEU eTD Collection and and a as both approached be must YLAs duality, this of light In an political “mainstream” of implementation the as well as autonomy, of level certain a both running started project the once that confirm all request, General of minutes the reports, Agitprop and Headquarters‟ of processes ideological and social economic, political, all to related closely was which project or organizationyouth a as and Yugoslavia of life the inside world separate 20 the to the on conclusions generally or offering approach, theoretical methodologicaland bydevelopinga YLAprojects, of overview chronological full a providing minimally by either subject, the on elaborated opportunities of multitude a present constructed. orkilometers they project, work ofsoil tones ofrailway brigadiersdug shared, forcertain they volunteer of hours actions, the with involved youth of numbers notable about data contain purpose propagandistic a had publications these Since participated. youth which in projects the of descriptions superficial forms other 1.3. as a as a

th From the outset, the From sourcesResearchand The League of Socialist Youth of Yugoslavia of Youth Socialist of League The

century. However, official documents reveal that YLAs can be considered both as a as both considered be can YLAs that reveal documents official However, century. part of part

Radne akcije Narodne Omladine Hrvatske Hrvatske Omladine Narodne akcije Radne f ulctos n ot Lbu Atos ms o wih r ilsrtd with illustrated are which of most Actions, Labour Youth on publications of official structures. pic. YLAs are footnote in comprehensive works on Yugoslav history of history Yugoslav on works comprehensive in footnote are YLAs pic. y outh outh -

l popularizing YLAs or marking different anniversaries anniversaries different marking or YLAs popularizing abor abor

a o rsac. h YA hv nt en systematically been not have YLAs The research. for ctions in Socialist Yugoslavia as a subject of analysis, of subject a as Yugoslavia Socialist in ctions

(LSYY) [Labour a [Labour d structural decisions, were present. were decisions, structural d

produced memorial books and and books memorial produced semi S af etns ad etr of letters and meetings, taff ctions of Peoples‟ Youth of Youth Peoples‟ of ctions - autonomous

the time. YLA time. the

particularity -

most most 15

CEU eTD Collection however they illustrate however there howyetjust they much illustrate is uncovered about be to youth actions. labour research, present the of scope the beyond is questions these answering Unfortunately, target? YLAs promote Yugoslavia of Youth Peoples‟ the Non a of formation the and World Third the in influence and interest Yugoslavian growing of evidence any 1952 in Delhi New in YLAs describing yeasame that projects YLA stop to decided CPY the when 1952 in propagated English they were Why an questions: raises this Immediately, in publication. language 1952 as early as Dehli provide New in they promoted being were actions, YLAs Interestingly, the popularize to used was material bulletin, short its as such abroad, agency YLAbooks examples onspecific are ofsuchpublications. projects and Yugoslavia] ( 21 20 Zagreb, SSOH 1984). ed., RadmilaZdjelar, 1985); Beograd, SSO konferencija ed. Golubović, Jovan zemlje (Zagreb: 19 occasions different from speeches compilationofTito‟s approach,the critical and scientific a book lacks the though Even youth. with relations Tito‟s on focus a with 1970s, of end the until actions Spasović. Grujica and Mihailović Srećko sociologists, poleta neodoljivog Beograd: IICSSO, 1980)IICSSO,Beograd:

Srećko PredragAnastasijević, ed. Vera

[YLA Hafner,

Among extant propagandistic propagandistic extant Among Yugos the YLA, in participated also who youth foreign in interest its to Due Tanjug etan kmtt aon oldn Hvtk, 99; Toma 1949); Hrvatske, omladine narodne komitet Centralni Mihailović -

on YLAs or Party Congres PartyYLAs or on –

ed. ed. ot o or country] our of Youth produced similar propagandistic publications issued in foreign languages and and languages foreign in issued publications propagandistic similar produced Radne akcije Narodne Omladine HrvatskeOmladineNarodne akcije Radne ORA ORA and Grujicaand Spasović,

, [Creators of irresistible enthusiasm], published in 1980 and edited by two two by edited and 1980 in published enthusiasm], irresistible of [Creators

Beograd .

– ,

Voluntaryactivitieslabor Yugoslavof Youth Mladost naše zemlje naše Mladost –

rd akcijaša grad

Voluntary labor activities of YugoslavYouth. of activities labor Voluntary Bord Novinarsko (Beograd: ed. ed. s meetings meetings s Stvaraoci neodoljivog poleta Stvaraocineodoljivog ieaue pras h ms ueu is useful most the perhaps literature, [Belgrade [YLA ORA ORA -

provides a valuable image of how the Party howthe of image valuable a provides [Labour actionso [Labour - zaak rda raiaia Maot, 1983); “Mladost”, organizacija radna izdavaĉka u o te onr ad hr dd they did where and country the of out – –

c ot forcuty n memorial and country] our of Youth [YLA Sava] [YLA t o wr activis work of ity - 21 Aligned movement? How much did much How movement? Aligned r? Is the existence of a publication a of existence the Is r?

h bo flos ot labour youth follows book The Dragosavac

(New Delhi (New

[Creatorsirresistible of enthusiasm] 19 f Peoples‟ Youth of Yugoslavia]of Youth fPeoples‟ limited trustworthy data. data. trustworthy limited

(Zagreb: Gradska K Gradska (Zagreb:

ed. , : Tan : ts] ts]

ORA ORA jug,1952) Bord Gradska (Beograd: 20

– Since all this all Since

Mladost naše naše Mladost Stvaraoci . onferencija lav news news lav

16 -

CEU eTD Collection oiiain no ot lbr act labor youth into mobilization forcedof caseswith article opens herauthor YLAs, thethe not researchwasher subject of the 1944 Yugoslavia, article, Lily‟s S. Carol YLAs. of categories organizational or structural the comprehending assist not does offers it data the and sources secondary on entirely based was article the However, visit. to never likely they have most otherwise would their country which of parts explore and travel to possibility the providing as reasons, other among youth, to attractive were YLAs the that concludes and youth Yugoslav of motivations the on elaborates Popovic Holiday time. leade the between relations the how and camps, in appearances unplanned Tito‟s to the responded themselves youth how into look useful a presents also It projects. labour youth perceived leader its and 1944 23 CEU UniversityKarin, 2010) (Budapest: Press, Yugoslavia’sSide Sunny 22 sufficiently is not that with the complexity familiar their context. and actions ofthe YLA with dealing works historical rare among articles two these of example The policy. official PYY was mobilization forced that claimed be cannot it words, other In them. prevent to how and mobilization forced with a voluntarily, YLA the joined whoyouth of percentage the statistics, the neglects Lily efficacy, propaganda YLAs‟ of evaluation her in However, Yugoslavia. Socialist in propaganda failed about point

CarolS. Dragan - 1948, in 1948,

Dragan Popović‟s recently published article, article, published recently Popović‟s Dragan

- Popovic

Making Lilly,“ : Slavic Review Slavic : d etos f h rprswee Y (n h hget ee) ics problems discuss level) highest the (on PYY where reports the of sections nd rbes f esain Communist Persuasion: of Problems Problems of Persuasion: Communist Agitationinof Persuasion:Problemsand Communist Propaganda Post , “Youth LaborAction“Youth (Omladinskaradna, akcija,as ORA)Ideological Holiday

(2010), - 1948, r of the country and “conscious” youth were officially represented at the at represented officially were youth “conscious” and country the of r


AHistoryTou of

published in 1994, has many of the same limitations. same the of many has 1994, in published 53, No. 2, (Summer 1994), p.395 No.2,(Summer 53, 1994), puts the Actions into a completely new framework, that of tourism. of that completelyframework, new a into Actions putsthe

os Se ss uh ae a eape t spot wider a support to examples as cases such uses She ions. rismin Socialism(1950s ,

pp.279 - 302. –

clearly illustrates a gap in a historiography historiography a in gap a illustrates clearly

- gtto ad rpgna n Post in Propaganda and Agitation 413. ot Lbr cin s Ideological as Action Labor Youth –

1980s) ,

ed.GranditsTaylor Hannes and have had the chancethe had have - war Yugoslavia 23

Even though Even - Making”, in:Making”, -

which which ”, ”, - war are 17 22

CEU eTD Collection or er eaiig h scn pae (1958 phase second the examining years four systematic, a in historicallocated analysis postwar period. of the convin not are conclusions his youth, motivating factors on remarks elaborate offers YLA.the on course a finishing possibilityof the and actualization, self for life, collective l of the about kind curiosity specific a of pursuit the volunteerism: youth behind reasons five youth.”for the reasons. patriotic for worked and actions the joined voluntarily youth YLAs postwar first the during that claims 1978, in akcijama radnima na učestvovanje sociologist, Serbian a Kuzmanović, Bora labor. hard to time free their dedicated voluntarily Yugoslavs young of thousands why words, other in or motivation, YLA 27 26 25 in:actions], 24 life.” for reshaping performance, work or “production be can action the of aim the that claims Supek thought, FollowingMarxist life.” human of form dynamic most “the is it general in that states and action of meaning the on comments offers author the lines Psycho brotherhood. to path the on [Youth book, 1963 a in published was “Brotherh

Supek ( Supek Ibid Ibid Bora s , pp. 670 pp. , 671 p. ,

Kuzmanović,“Motivacija radnimnaparticipationforuĉestvovanje za akcijama”labor [Motivation on who ones only the were sociologists discipline, historical the Outside ih ytmtc nlss Hwvr te wr msl itrse i qetos of questions in interested mostly were they However, analysis. systematic with Croatian sociologist Rudi Supek and his students from the Zagreb University spent spent University Zagreb the from students his and Supek Rudi sociologist Croatian 1963)

However as he notes, actions can also serve unproductive, non unproductive, serve also can actions notes, Howeverhe as ood Gledišta

- . 671. -

Unity”, and conducted a broad analysis of the period. The result of their work their of result The period. the of analysis broad a conducted and Unity”, 25

As as beingwell motivated Kuzmanović by additional an presents patriotism, –

Časopis za društvenu kritiku i teoriju,i Časopis kritiku zadruštvenu

ife in YLAs, recreational YLAs, in ife 24

According Omladina na putu do bratstva. Psiho bratstva. do putu na Omladina [Motivation for participation on labour actions], published actions],published labour on participation [Motivationfor to Kuzmanović, this kind of attitude was “reserved was attitude of kind this Kuzmanović, to - oilg o a aor action]. labour a of sociology - entertaining activities doing the actions, desire actions, the doing activities entertaining - 92 o te rjc bidn te Motorway the building project the of 1962) nr. 7 nr. - 8,July - August1978, the nature or creating means means creating or nature the

in his article his in - sociologija radne akcije radne sociologija - vital objectives,suchvital pp. 26 27

655 While the author the While

n h f the In approached the approached - Motivacija za Motivacija 675.

rt few irst cingly cingly 18

CEU eTD Collection almost all social groups. But, once revolutionary enthusiasm subsided, youth found a new new a found youth subsided, enthusiasm revolutionary once But, “revolutionary groups. social all calls almost Bilandžić Dušan historian Croatian enthusiasm” what of period the during abilities. creativewith people” young conscience the for creating mechanism a as also but habits, work socio YLA sense, that In production.” “material its through society, socialist of build wider the for strived autonomously youth YLAs the in participating in “completed”, Yugoslavia. wer 1950s of beginning the in and 1940s of half second the in YLAs his the that before emphasizes more He period. or decade a from those and research his conducted he which on actions the as describes author the ofnature.” “humanization which cases culture, of monuments great of erection the as 31 30 29 28 an of pre less of 1948 after therefore arguably was actions a more and byyouth, out labour carried pursuit and role autonomouslyclaimed youth these of continuation The three shorter the to opposed (as 1955 to 1945 from lasted ofearlyLabourFirstly,Actions. period his elaboration in reconstruction technicallyYouth the society. and new socialist man a forming also but country the rebuilding only not on continued and actions, the in purpose

Bilandžić Ibidem. Ibid, Supek -

educational educational p. , Furthermore, While pro While


8. , p. 240. p. ,

7. pr o a usig f wdr oil cin” n eulig n modernizing and rebuilding in actions” social “wider of upswing an of part e

29 31

wr pr o a onpeet “reconstru omnipresent an of part were , Moreover, according to Supek, though physical reconstruction was more or lessor more was reconstruction physical though Supek, to according Moreover,

- viding an important contribution, Supek overlooked three important points important three overlooked Supek contribution, important an viding existing material and ideological trends for new recruits. Secondly, the role role the Secondly, recruits. new for trends ideological and material existing importance”, not only for teaching youth discipline and developing strong strong developing and discipline youth teaching for only not importance”,

Supek importantly offers a short, but useful differentiation between the between differentiation useful but short, a offers importantly Supek



Using Marxist language, Supek argues that the YLA the that argues Supek language, Marxist Using to mvmn” hc icue the included which movement” ction - year period supposed by Sup by supposed period year

of a “socialist community of community“socialist of of a de facto de s

gained “ gained

continuation distinctly ek). ek). ing ing 19 s ,

CEU eTD Collection important for understanding administrative understanding for important between correspondence and reports various transcripts, Congress Actions, Labor Youth as: such units specific on focus a with ”, of Youth Socialist of “League and Yugoslavia” of Youth rigor to fonds subjected were understanding five and archival nuanced is especially more a important, in, YLAs participated Lenewspapers of official and Archives State Croatian Yugoslavia, of Archives the from sources primary on of case the examinewill project research t with is It stabilization. social of immense mechanism ofYLAs namely and yet period, in the facet that in factor to another Supek fails crisis, 1940s late the of context economic and political the neglecting by Finally, al left is denounced) gradually later was (which all ideology of practice their Yugoslavia, of Party Communist the of cross major a Motorwaywas the Since institutions. state other YLA and the between links the on analysis in caution requires analysis. descriptions, biased its of spite In headquarters. and sites construction camps, brigadiers‟ from interviews and reports hand, other the On practice. decision between comparison for as well as responsibility, of fields different their represent to required are “Brotherhood Motorway the Since the building of the Motorway was the biggest and the most complex project the project complex most the and biggest the was Motorway the of building the Since h daiy f YLA of duality The

ihr n lwr ees f h ognzto. l tee ouet poie data provide documents these All organization. the of levels lower and higher - country infrastructural traffic project, documents of the Federal Ministry of of Ministry Federal the of documents project, traffic infrastructural country ague of Socialist Youth ofSocialist of Yugoslavia,ague - making on the highest level and the implementation of those decisions in decisions those of implementation the and level highest the on making Omladina

- “League were Socialist fonds identified core of The ous analysis. s

nt” Eape fo bt te eea ad eulcn level republican and federal the both from Examples Unity”.

Omladina introduc he aim of addressing these critical points that this current this that points critical these addressing of aim he serves as a window into the YLA Motorway, though though Motorway, YLA the into window a as serves ed ed ,

the s h LY ofca publicatio official LSYY the as - earlier organizational and ideological sphere of sphere ideological and organizational YLA the Motorway “Brotherhood Motorway YLAthe

marks a starting point for expanding an an expanding for point starting a marks Omladina. most entirely out of the equation. equation. the of out entirely most - rsn cnrl n official and control present

n, offers numerous numerous offers n, - Unity”, based based Unity”, the the YLA 20 s

CEU eTD Collection ofthe project conditions consequentlyand ofstate influences policies the project. onthe other and staff accompanying between links these Besides with Motorway. the of works machinery construction conducting heavy providing and financing, projecting, enter This “State of fond archival the from come institutions state the with Action Labour Youth this connect that sources valuable most Mi Federal and Traffic

state institutions, SCYEM documents highlight the complexity of the economic economic the of complexity the highlight documents SCYEM institutions, state prise was established by the government in mid 1940s for the purposes of planning, of purposes the for 1940s mid in government bythe established was prise nistry of Construction have to be taken into account. However, the the However, account. into taken be to have Construction of nistry




The Motorway the ” (SCYEM). (SCYEM). ” YLA and and YLA


CEU eTD Collection consequently impacted upon the structures in youth labor action projects. These connections These projects. action labor youth in structures the upon impacted consequently polit the affected strongly Blocs Eastern and Western two the and time, Yugoslavia between same relations the international evolving At dynamically Yugoslavia. modernizing and rebuilding on work voluntary for need process reconstruction the in part integral an played They period. postwar the in CPY the from support of amount unprecendented an enjoyed YLAs relations. international changing and process reconstruction the (CPY), Yugoslavia establishm the including Yugoslavia; in 1940s late the in introduce developments contextual important the will of some of exploration an to turning before generally, it Firstly, discussion. of groundwork the of much th end, this To period. postwar the in importance their considering before is action labour youth a what of understanding clear a develop first to important is It described. 2. of political, broader affects a economic and ideological onyouthcontext actions. labour t evidence to which within example concrete a provides completed, and preserved, was that particular this project history.its fact The part final The Unity”. Motorway “Brotherhood of the case specific the of exploration an in clear most made be will

(1945 and Yugoslavia of Building labor role the youth actions new From the very beginning, beginning, very the From

- 1950)

of this chapter will introduce the Five the introduce will chapter this of y outh labour actions (YLAs) should be clearly defined and and defined clearly be should (YLAs) actions labour outh ical and ideological climate in the country, and and country, the in climate ideological and ical -

and the youth labour action that worked on it youth that workedonit the and action labour , and their existence was justified with a with justified was existence their and , - n o te omns pry of party Communist the of ent Year plan Motorway project and Motorwayproject plan Year y outh outh is chapter will lay will chapter is l abour abour a

ctions 22 he - -

CEU eTD Collection 1946, the basic basic units1946, the tasks oflabour were: the to According instructors. and commanders troops, to according organized was camp the in life and action the of organization Internal project. construction a of aspect particular a on time of period designated a for worked “brigadiers”) as to referred “briga units, working into up broken Omladine[Leagueof SocialistYouth Hrvatske of Croatia]File Fund1231, 202. work camps, the 32 to transportation their organized youth, the mobilized organization T project. the for finances and machinery heavy experts, other and engineers provided former The enterprise. construction state and ministry interested the by prepared were on worked YLAs projects the country, the for performed

2.1. “ Pravilnik radnih brigadaPravilnikradnih 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Youth labour actions were essentially organized pools of free labour. Each Action was Each labour. free of pools essentiallyorganized were actions labour Youth Whatyouthlabourwere the actions? From the list it can be seen that there was a wide spectrum of activities youth brigades activities of spectrum wide a was there that seen be can it list Fromthe trg mcie, aig a mtras t wr oetm ad ok o fe on free for work and overtime work to Sundays. materials, raw saving machines, storage obli are enterprises in Workgroups organize To devices and workshopsworkingrepair tools, tools useful create to welfare for poor,especiallysocial the orphans; self their With of forestation and land surfa bare the irrigating or draining for actions perform and initiate To poorfamilies families help and To ofthe who soldiers fell the in cooperatives; apply and find To homes, perform to permanent help worksTo new as plowing, harvesting sowing; and of construction and demolished raising roads, bridges;schools, enterprises, of work the in participate To network. raising economy, our reviving on work To

mltr heacy wt trs uh s haqatr, eatet, brigades, departments, headquarters, as: such terms with hierarchy, military a

32 ces;

e et a i hns f epe‟ ot o Yugoslavia of Youth Peoples‟ of hands in was rest he

- ” initiative to assist national authorities in organizing and carrying out out carrying and organizing in authorities national assist to initiative

[Rule book for work brigades] work forbook [Rule oen ehd o pouto a wl a t ass te ok of work the assist to as well as production of methods modern

ouain n ter ot ognzto. h reconstruction The organization. youth their and population des”

(units) ged to increase the production of training and and training of production the increase to ged .

, in which participating youth (henceforth (henceforth youth participating which in , C roatian nuty n rcntuto o Transport of reconstruction and industry

Rule Book for Work Brigades Brigades Work for Book Rule S tate tate A rchives,Savez Socijalistiĉke

Liberation War


; . The The .

from from 23

CEU eTD Collection certain number of youth for a certain action, they would do their best to carry out the orders. the out carry to best their do would they action, certain a for youth of number certain branche mobilization. forced accomplishmentsmajor also were 4000village halls. regul river and soil infertile of reclamation on worked cities, student and […].‟ Vinodol Zenica, in factoryfac steal Ribar”, Lola “Ivo machines heavy for factory objects: industrial “Brotherhood Motorway The roads: 6 […]; „11 built: in participated youth 1,020,300 work voluntary specialization programs, s cultural and sports education, programs, including life camp whole the schedules, 37 mobilforplan the 36 35 34 YugoslaviainCongress 1953 33 ta simple a not was brigade a mobilizing youth. more even provide to levels district their ask to forced was branch republican the thus and villages, from especially mobilized be to brigadiers 5,000 further a universities. in brigades 9 and schools high in brigades 37 villages, in mobilized be to supposed were brigades 113 number that From “Brotherhood Motorway the was which among YLAs federal for brigadiers 39,750 159 provide to Croatia in branch its asked PYY the 1949, in example For

Ibidem. “ Lilly, Ibidem. “ Godišnji izvještaj o izvršenju mobilizacijeizvještajGodišnjio naplana radnesavezne akcije S tory for hydraulic machines in Zagreb […]; 5 hydropower 5 […]; Zagreb in machines hydraulic for tory aitĉi oai aon Oldn Jgsaie a oge 1953” Kongres za Jugoslavije Omladine Narodne podaci tatistiĉki

p. p. Despite their popularity as volunteer Actions, however, sources do indicate cases of of cases indicate do sources however, Actions, volunteer as popularity their Despite s on regional and district levels. When these local levels received orders to mobilize a mobilize to orders received levels local these When levels. district and regional on s

395. alas Brĉko railways:

33 izingfederallaboron actions],

Besides these strategically important objects youth also built river channels river built also youth objects important strategically these Besides were


eulc rnhs epnil fr h rcutet f ot hd local had youth of recruitment the for responsible branches Republic ey oua. n h pro bten 96 n 15 a ubr of number a 1952 and 1946 between period the In popular. very ca ad elh nuac. n h woe te Ls s organized as YLAs the whole, the On insurance. health and ocial ] .

A - Y aoii Šamac Banovići, ,

F 114, File F114, 4. y outh outh l abor abor

sk. Parents would often forbid their children to go to to go to children their forbid often would Parents sk. CSA, F 1231, FCSA, F 1231, 36 - Unity” [Belgrade Unity” a

ctions on over 70 major projects. YLA brigades brigades YLA projects. major 70 over on ctions - In September of September In aaeo Bna Luka Banja Sarajevo, 34


- - [ plants Jablanica, Mali Zvornik, Mali Jablanica, plants Zagreb], Potiska Zagreb], the same year, it was asked for asked was it year, same the ” ttsi dt fr epe‟ ot of Youth Peoples‟ for data Statistic

[Annual - oo, Nikšić Doboj,

Report on Report

brigades containingbrigades ation. Among their Among ation.

37 - Ĉoka […]; 14 […]; Ĉoka executionfor

n practice, In - Titograd Titograd - Unity”. Unity”. 24

CEU eTD Collection Ls o sae n Pry eae nraigy vdn a te vns f h lt 1940s late the of events the unfolded. as evident increasingly became Party and state for YLAs life‟ camp the living and together working are units working when develop discus various oral papers, and written lectures, of variety a groups, reading courses, alphabetic in participating as manifest can which work, educational and cultural for opportunity an youth provide units particip how on information provides also Party.the as for well state, as participant,thebenefits for the multiple for with forciblyyouth. mobilizing lower pressures, such Under duty. their performing not for answer to center branch republic the in distric a if and estate. own their on working for need was family the of member every where parts rural in especially country, the of part distant a Omladine[Leagueof SocialistYouth Hrvatske Fof 202. Croatia] 1231, F. 39 38 a of formation the governance: of scheme Liberation same the National followed the they result, as a known As Struggle. be to came what during practice communist Soviet the before Moscow in schooled been either had communists Yugoslav Nonetheless, help. Soviet external, without power to come having in Union) Soviet

2.2. “ Lilly Pravilnik radnih brigadaPravilnikradnih -


ee ofcr wud xli al osbe f etn qoa; hc smtms m sometimes which quotas; meeting of possible all exploit would officers level p. 397. p. oee, ae o fre mblzto aat big at f vlner cin came action volunteer a of part being apart, mobilization forced of cases However, The The TheSystemNew


t was incapable of mobilizing that many, their representatives would be called be would representatives their many, that mobilizing of incapable was t

ifrd rm h ohr atr Erpa Pris ecp te n i the in one the (except Parties European Eastern other the from differed

” in rus tiil ru. hs ok n atclr a ad should and can particular in work This group. trivial groups, sion

[Rule book fobook [Rule

r work brigades] work r


A brigade was supposed to contain 250 brigadiers, 250 contain to supposed was brigade A ation in YLAs benefited a young person: „Working „Working person: young a benefited YLAs in ation .

C roatian S tate tate

A War rchives,Savez Socijalistiĉke

or accep or 39 ted and glorified glorified and ted . The benefits of benefits The . The Rule Book Rule The eant 25

CEU eTD Collection it was that the communists managed to bring six republics together. republics six bring to managed communists the that was it howsurprising notedhe when puzzledYugoslavwas former politician, historian and Croatian why explains This conflicts. ethnic serious with riddled be would War, credetentialswartime in Party. orinfluence the positions in installed inevitably were they enterprise. an manage or villagemunicipality, city, a govern to how of knowledge semi often and to 16 between of youngpeople predominantly were hand, other the on Communists, experience. of yearswith intelligentsia the of members short, in lawyers; economists, politicians, educated well bourgeoisie, were most Croatia, of State Independent coll wartime or Yugoslavia of Kingdom interwar from Whether positions. former of limitation the certain rightscivic single 42 41 40 governme a of creation co promoting by fascism against independence national preserving defenders; of role the assume could Communists sentiment, patriotic harnessing exp the enabling system dynamic a was front popular the McKenzie, E. Kermit to According 1945. after peoples Yugoslav of unity the preserving in crucial prove to continued which war, the during communists by Front) as partisana movement ofthe representation was the

Ibidem. Ibid, Bilandžić,

- p. 214. p. party centralist party It was to be expected that a new Yugoslav society, after mass after society, Yugoslav new a that expected be to was It their claiming from prevented were elites economic and political prewar the of Most

p. 204. p.


ieae r lieae ms cmuit cm fo rrl ra wt little with areas rural from came communists most illiterate, or literate

- planned system, the abolition of free market free of abolition the system, planned nt in which they might participate participate might they which in nt


such as freedom ofspeech. as freedom such loitation of the language and imagery of patriotism. In patriotism. imageryof and languagethe of loitation demanding such skills, mostly according to their their to according mostly skills, such demanding

popular front (called National National popular (called front Liberation - – prto bten ate ad the and parties between operation

without directly pursuing the end end the pursuing directly without

40 25 years old. Poorly educated educated Poorly years old. 25

and private property and and property private and 42 - killing during the Civil the during killing

One unifying strategy unifying One

Dušan Bilandžić, a a Bilandžić, Dušan 41

However, aborative 26

CEU eTD Collection and by, the youth in the projects. On one occasion, a youth on a YLA sent a letter to Josip to letter a sent YLA a on youth a occasion, one On projects. the in youth the by, and bonding ofa “Brotherhood Yugoslavia. idea The of Youth Peoples‟ the by organized projects reconstruction on together worked country the over all from Yugoslavs young YLAs, On society. Yugoslav new the of pillar a but slogan, for another just become not would idea the that guarantee helped also It youth. among Unity” and “Brotherhood of idea the spread to power its consolidating of period initial an during CPY the helped YLAs country, the over all from youth Hosting that political crisis and after the emerged Tito period reconstruction the during especially ended, war the after time long for motto the kept Yugosla new in rightspolitical equal their as well as Republics and ethnicities its all of recognition official with Yugoslavia prewar in case the been had what of image” and str motto Their people. among popularity significant gained way that in and occupation remedy. final a as capitalism of December 45 123;2003),Prometej, see: Lampe, 44 Columbiap. 159.York: New 1964), University Press, 43 but directly newspapers, or leaflets from idea the about reading just not were backgrounds ethnic of to developingourselves nations challenges same the Tito: Broz

“Pismograditelja autop Dean KermitMcKenzie, E.

ategy was “Brotherhood and Unity” which was supposed to represent a complete “mirror complete a represent to supposed was which Unity” and “Brotherhood was ategy t he he

glorious Jović, , In this context youth labor actions found their first important role in New in role important first their found actions labor youth context this In living ethnic 2, 1948. 2, "

We have come have We Jug

it together together working siteit camps while in and onconstruction ities oslavija država koja je odumrladržavaoslavijaje koja struggle

and national minorities national and

Comintern and World Revolution, 1928 CominternWorldand Revolution,

utaMaršalumotorway [Letter Marshal of Titu” thebuilders to Tito], and and

of our peoples our of brotherhood and unity,and brotherhood rejoicing from all over the over all from p. p.

236. 43

Yugoslav communists united all parties willing to resist the resist to willing parties all united communists Yugoslav

in in . " uul successes mutual 45

[Yugoslavia,Countrywitheredthe that away] socialand different youthenvironment, from this In

of our country our of

- Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of Republic Federal Stalin split 1948. in Stalin

the and Unity” was constantly promoted among, constantly promoted Unity”and was

most precious most - 1943: 1943: The

, … side […] we everywhere we Shaping of aShaping of Doctrine

achievement gotten pre gotten

y side by s. ,

at every step, every at - -

election political election

Members of all all of Members and via.

Omladina, and


(London and(London

Yugoslavia. 44 are


The CPY The defying

keep 27

CEU eTD Collection uolva eprtl rqie assac i a ubr f ils Te a hd destroyed had war The fields. of number a in assistance required desperately Yugoslavia eitheryouth actions, through labor practice sites. onconstruction courses orin industr into youth peasant transferring with villages, helping collectivization, and as such programs and ideology cities Party implementing and propagating in engagement political their including youth, concerning programs ( the were youth for bodies Party important most police secret polic and Army Yugoslav The religion. even and education, media, Government. Federal the of work the conducted Politburo Party the and Assembly National the to counterpart the was Central CPY The power. of instruments actual the were bodies Party the while charge, in nominally only were Assembly, National the like institutions, official the which 50 49 48 47 46 that estimated War World Germany. Soviet Union and the behind just casualties, human of number highest third the suffered Yugoslavia countries, stolen e of transportation means with centers;all major between disconnected were networks Traffic capacities. industrial other and production food prewar of half practically L

Ibid Ibid, p. 192. Ibid, p. Jugoslavija1918 Ibid, Bilandžić, CYY) and and CYY) , pp. 235 pp. , 214. y occupying by h Cmuit at fcd grata ts we te a i Erp ended. Europe in war the when task gargantuan a faced party Communist The The political organization of the country was based on a dual system of governance ingovernance systemof duala on based was countryof the organizationpolitical The

p. p.

- 231;Lampe, 236. - the the Ured državne bezbednost državne Ured

material damage amounted to amounted damage material 09 ecn o is oa population. total its of percent 10.9 -

1988. Statistički godišnjak1988.Statistički PYY

ocs iety o b ter diitaie esne. mn European Among personnel. administrative their by or directly, forces -

p. p. which in 1945 had 106,000 members. had106,000 1945 in which 46 234.

Soon the Party was in control over all spheres of life: industry, industry, life: of spheres all over control in was Party the Soon 48

Accordingstatistics, to , ,

p.191. –

UDBa y, and more. All these programs were included in included were programs these All more. and y,


) protected the existence of the system. The system. the of existence the protected ) League of Communist Youth of Yugoslavia of Youth Communist of League

billion dollars billion 1,706,000 Yugoslavs died in the Second Second the 1,706,000 Yugoslavsin died 49

detailed A 47

They were in charge of all the all charge of in They were , according to 1938 prices. 1938 to according

it of list e forces (especially its its (especially forces e

ither destroyed ither or atm damage wartime

Committee 28 50

CEU eTD Collection suffered most; with 57 percent of that industry‟s fixed capital either destroyed or displaced to displaced or destroyed either capital industry‟sfixed that of percent 57 with most; suffered damaged. 1,316 another de completely were sawmills 1,150 total In forces. plant occupation numerous by and nurseries forests of hectares 300,000 well as destroyed, and cut was forest of 48.7 that estimated wasIt war. by the affected notably Herzegovina,was the whowasfood forthose secure were means to without ofproducing it. pigs. pe 53 and sheep of percent 63 cows, of percent 56 with same the stolen, or killed were horses of number total the of percent 62 vineyards, of percent 39 trees, fruit of percent severel or destroyed completely either were farms 290,000 Around impact. economic largest the had destroyed.households were a without were people million 3.3 Around 54 53 52 51 damaged rebuild areas,to prisone and unemployed, the youth, and exhausted was country The population. its of needs the satisfy even was government the war of the aftermath in destroyed industry its of half with backward, and poor already been had percent. capacities 49.8 with industry metal the and lost, capital r was industry textile The Europe. of parts other the

Ibidem. Ibid Ibidem. Jugoslavija o nuty a sae te a dsrcin Frsr, seily n ona and Bosnia in especially Forestry, destruction. war the spared was industry No 52 , p. 193. p. ,

With half its agriculture destroyed, one of the main priorities for the new government new the for priorities main the of one destroyed, agriculture its half With y damaged. A high percentage of agricultural capacities were also destroyed: 24 24 destroyed: also were capacities agricultural of percentage high A damaged. y Since Yugoslavia was primarily an agricultural country the damage to fields and farmsandfields to damage countrythe agricultural Yugoslaviaprimarily wasan Since

1918 - 1988. Statistički godišnjak1988.Statistički


to feedhouseto and homeless, help to the the and helpless in general. Thanks most probably to strategic targeting, the chemical industry industry chemical the targeting, strategic to probably most Thanks 51

rs (including prisoners of war) of prisoners(including rs , ,


further from being able to produce enough to to enough produce to able being from further eln aoe hi has a 2 pret of percent 28 as heads, their above ceiling gt eid ih 34 ecn o fixed of percent 53.4 with behind ight 54

vn huh rwr industrial prewar though Even


became part of the effortsof the part became everyone

million cubic million

- toe, while stroyed,

men, women, women, men, cn of rcent

meters 29

CEU eTD Collection h pro bten 95 n 14 wr, hrfr, ny pr o bodr reconstruction, broader of part a only therefore, were, 1948 and 1945 between period the traf and people the feeding for grain possible: as soon as operational be to supposed were which fields important most two were there state, Forthe war. the after country reconstructing the of logic the strategyand the ofthe springimportance was specially sowing highlighted. Zagreb railway the aims important most were: roads, repairing the (ULAYY) Republic. every the by organized were actions The needed. were they where rebuildingwar in countryhelp the to over all organized country. the for labour free provided youth which on action Brĉko famous The reconstruction. 58 57 andPYY InLeague1948 aFront. ofof into YugoslaviaSocialistYouthsingle merged organization. 56 55 Union Soviet Stalin‟s the of “school” the to dedication of result the were developments speedy Such years. few first their only in Yugoslavia in accomplished were extent significant p and the reconstruction, securing industrialization, rapid ideology, its propagating nationalization, as: Soviet All such processesthirties, throughmodels. the Union went and the during twenties the development and industrialization processes communists‟ lead. the under

2.3. Ibidem. II/46 DP People‟sULAYY, later wasyoutha of Yugoslavia Youth (PYY), organizationof Nationalaspart Liberation Dragosavac

The new communist system in systemin communist new The ot lbr cin pae a ao eooi rl fo te ey tr of start very the from role economic major a played actions labor Youth Reconstructionexternaland relations

, CSA, F 1231, F,CSA,202. F 1231, 56 ,

sent to its local branches a plan for federal projects for the coming year. coming projects forthe branches plan a forfederal local its to sent p. 11. p. wr f h Pry wt te xeto o cletvzto) bgn n t a to and began collectivization), of exception the (with Party the of ower In February 1946 the the 1946 February In

- Belgrade and forest railways, and rebuilding dams on the river Sava. The The Sava. river the on dams rebuilding and railways, forest and Belgrade

fic network for logistics of distribution. Youth labor actions in actions labor Youth distribution. of logistics for network fic - Banovići railway in 1946 was the first first the was 1946 in railway Banovići Yugoslavia was highly efficient in implementing Soviet Soviet implementing in efficient highly was Yugoslavia nfe Lau f Anti of League Unified

building a railway in the Lika repairing region, the building railway in a

- affected areas and build newfacilities build and areas affected 58

The list ofprojects also list The uncovers PYY 55 - acs ot f Yugoslavia of Youth Fascist

rm hn n YA were YLAs on, then From

which had its branches in branches its had which

ao voluntary major


Among . For . 30

CEU eTD Collection p Postwar Yugoslav the Moscow, war the though even Union, Soviet the in days 12 for stayed They war. the of beginning the since time first the for Stalin meet to Moscow to went co was cooperation official although war, a as follow to determination Moscow‟s practice. Yugoslavia perceived countries Western reason, this p.2005),(Zagreb: SrednjaEuropa, ih 63 62 61 60 59 undeveloped was agriculture backward transform to supposed was that model a force. work doubled a with 1.8 times, income national the and times, 1.5 production agricultural fivefold, production industrial increase to sky ambitious, economy repared Five repared

Igor 238. p. Bilandžić, F AY,KMJ, F 836, AY, Jakovina [In Pursuit[In Well of

Duda, Kancelarija oncin bten ocw n Blrd eitd rm h vr bgnig f the of beginning very the from existed Belgrade and Moscow between Connections uolv ieiy o ocw s vdn i is at t luc te is, clumsily first, the launch to haste its in evident is Moscow to fidelity Yugoslav

Cooperation , pp. pp. – U potrazizablagostanjem.U povijesti O potrošačkog dokolicei društv

as well as within other spheres of social life life social of spheres other within as well as 232 - Year plan in 1947. Lack of experienced, educated experts in all branches of the of branches all in expertseducated experienced, Lackof 1947. in plan Year - cooperation depended and was onthat based onit. Five with first Eastern Bloc. tied cooperation the to be the Therefore, that clear organization new contract it For us t high prognoses of development. In only five years (1947 years five only In development. of prognoses high Maršala(KMJ)[Marshal F Jugoslavije Yugoslavia FundCabinet] 836, of

- 233. il be will -

Being. OnandBeing. LeisureHistory inConsumer Society1960s inof Croatia 1950sand the I - 1/3

between his contract is his contract .

is eeain signed delegation Yugoslav reconstruction and and reconstruction Yugoslav

delightedly n of one 44. –

Yugoslavia andthe into industrial, using the strategy of forced growth.” forced strategyof the using industrial, into

of peace of

h ot solid most the the basis for the

ecmd y all by welcomed

ncluded later. later. ncluded in Central in h Treaty The 59


Igor , a Croatian historian,wasstates: Croatian “It a IgorDuda,

foundations peaceful

USSR giutrl countries agricultural modernization projects were planned to planned were projects modernization

of Friendship, of In April 1945, Tito and hisdelegation and Tito 1945, April In

. 60 uolv peoples Yugoslav

- building of On that occasion Tito said:On that

and the Balkans the and officially

- in

resulted in a plan containing containing plan a in resulted

h nw Yugoslavia new the Sve frn pn fr its for pin” firing “Soviet

a u Hrvatskoju 1950 a

our future - uul Assistance Mutual

a nt e wn In won. yet not was - 195 . . ‟ –

I [ 1), they planned planned they 1), 61

- .] o u t us For ...] 1/3 n hc even which in

From this it is is it From this

and therefore therefore and .

- 63 Year plan plan Year - ih i 1960 i ih

And the the And and

] and the the


31 -

CEU eTD Collection Moscow started to develop cracks develop to started Moscow War divide. growingthe Cold to due 1947, in Plan Marshall bythe offered investments developmental the wound.‟ on the balm „the only UN that extensive so was war of consequence a as suffered damage the eyes, his UN in althoughYugoslavia, of areas devastated most the in people feeding that and reconstruction said Tito Congress, CPY Sixth the at speaking when period. this in UNRRA from country European any to offered sum feet. own its on stand could economy the as time such until population, bas the meeting and reconstruction its towards go to dollars million 415.6 Relief and Rehabilitation Nations United to able be would everything,produce locomotive “from that capacities industrial building goal: same the for aiming was CPY 68 67 66 65 64 Meanwhile, providing without delegation exp diplomatic Yugoslav meaningful a with agreement trade new a sign to rejected Soviets the when worsened Yugoslavs with relations sensitive already 1947 of end join realized Yugoslavs Five Yugoslav into investments Soviet for channel a be to supposed were that companies joint Yugoslav

VI. Kongres VI. KPJ Dedijer, 49.Vuĉetić, p. Radina Jugoslavija1918

However, despite the Yugoslav loyalty to the Soviet Union, already during 1947 1947 during already Union, Soviet the to loyalty Yugoslav the despite However, the signed who countries of number a of one was Yugoslavia hand, other the On Vuĉetić, pp.74 67 in February 1948 Stalin summoned the Yugoslav and Bulgarian delegations to to delegations Bulgarian and Yugoslav the summoned Stalin 1948 February in

- - 96. er projects. Year , Koka - aain Five lanation. p. 52. p. godišnjak1988.Statistički

- kola socijalizamkola

t - companies would be highly unfavorable for their economy. At the the At economy. their for unfavorable highly be would companies

68 66 - er rjcs n uolva ee id o hs agreement. this to tied were Yugoslavia in projects Year

y h bgnig f 98 te ln wr aadnd when abandoned were plans the 1948, of beginning the By Even though Yugoslavi though Even

[Coca in relations with Belgrade. It began with plans for Soviet for plans with began It Belgrade. with relations in s to a needle.” s a to , , -

ColaSocialism] p. 191.


(Beograd: Službenip. (Beograd: 2012), glasnik, a needed more help, the CPY rejected the help, more needed a

URA ad ray n received and treaty aid (UNRRA) RRA 65

Only a few years later, years few a Only

i ws rca for crucial was aid 64

It was the largest the was It ic needs of its its of needs ic RRA

49. aid was aid

32 -

CEU eTD Collection letter on May 4 with an even harsher attack saying that CPY was conducting conducting was CPY that saying attack harsher even an with 4 May on letter [….]‟ USSR 12 April on held meeting the on CC CYP of Members […] attacked. were politics foreign and socialist practice. into Marxist from deviation serious anti an having of accused were leadership and organizations its party, later. days eight CC CPY and Tito to addressed latter famous the by followed was which 19, and 18 March on isYugoslavia from instructors civil and Stalin military withdrawing which with horse” “Trojan a is jeop Bulgaria that explanation the with project Committee their to home countries, CPYreturned Central and Federation. conclusions Balkan a of formation the discuss 74 73 72 71 70 69 could onlycommunists seriously been provoked and have bysuch assertions. offended on. standing was Yugoslavia occupation. German resisted never have would Yugoslavia Army Red the of intervention military the without Stalin mistake, crucial a maybe of successes was the discredited what in And, Union. Soviet against propaganda

Bilandž Dedijer,pp. Bilandžić, Lampe, Ibidem. Bilandžić, - 3 98 ee orfe, eas fr eae te blee i “tra finsi” with friendship” “eternal in believed they decades for because horrified, were 1948 13 riig uolv independence. Yugoslav ardizing iadi sae: Te otn o th of content „The states: Bilandžić

ić, p. p.

249. p. p. p. p.


72 297. 296. 294.

n pt o Yugosla of spite In - 115.

although delegations promised to solve the federation issues as soon as they as soon as issues federation the solve to promised delegations although


ih hs at ttmn Mso dpeitd vrtig New everything depreciated Moscow statement last this With the National Liberation Front in Second World War, saying that saying War, World Second in Front Liberation National the

Proud of their efforts during the Second World War, Yugoslav War, World Second the during efforts their of Proud - Leninist positions with its incorporation of capitalist elements capitalist of incorporation its with Leninistpositions dsisl f l Sve acstos Sai sn another sent Stalin accusations, Soviet all of dismissal v 70

h Sves epne t ti acsto frt by first accusation this to responded Soviets The e letter was shocking: the whole Yugoslav inner inner Yugoslav whole the shocking: was letter e 69

h meig ne wtot definite without ended meeting The


on March 1again delayedon March this - Soviet attitude, and of and attitude, Soviet 71 defamatory

Yugosl 74

av av 33

CEU eTD Collection articles supporting CPY among which was the letter from supporting from YLAarticles letter CPYthe the among was which Belgrade: New youth, for newspapers days these During Tito. and CPY defending all processions rallies, organized telegrams, sending Thousand disposal: massfortheir mobilization own support. internal their at had they weapon only the used and fast very reacted CPY position unfavorable this June on public became and place one in up summed were letters Stalin‟s from accusations the all which in Resolution the produced meeting Cominform The Bucharest. to delegation a send to or go to refused and scenario a such anticipated Tito However, attack. their finalize force internationalized with and meeting the to associates his and Tito drag to was goalHis June. of end the at Bucharest in meeting a for parties Cominform all summoned Fifth a to members their Omladina, wavepre of 75 joined countries Cominform other Resolution the after However, agreement. trade Yugoslav So unsigned an with 1948 of beginning the Economic at established partially already was strategy. blockade another use to forced was he wrong, were pressure internationalized

“Moćniizraz ljubavijetalastakmiĉenjanašeipretkongresnog Tituprema omladine Partiji” drugu [Powerful ot lbr cin sre a a efcl etbihd ltom o sc strategy. such for platform established perfectly a as served actions labor Youth called they and ranks their rearrange to needed CPY the dispute, the of side one On ic Sai‟ epcain ta te P laesi wl fl udr h Cominform the under fall will leadership CPY the that expectations Stalin‟s Since July1948. 8, - s of youth from all over the country expressed their support in different ways, by ways, different in support their expressed country the over all from youth of s Congressisyouth‟scompetitioncomrade love our expression and of Party], the Tito towards glorious past party our our our building of work the struggle liberation socialism firmly are We


and comrade and

of our of our […] Party Congress in the second half of July. On the other side, Stalin side, other the On July. of half second the in Congress Party


CC, because these because CC, Omladina


convinced better Central Committee Central s well as

present. . Our

future. Tito lives and lives


75 s we as

ie ot f te Ygsa nwppr, publi newspapers, Yugoslav other of most like .

in With

This path This your

deeply defamations our disapprove and disapprove


and nobody and




only possible only




can separate us separate can

reject all reject directed towards our towards directed

in are inextricablybound are

you n h struggle the in

under the leadership the under

uig the during


from the path the from

28, 1948. In 1948. 28,


o build to national national


viet shed with with

34 of to to -

CEU eTD Collection will help country help will the planned the Five fulfill to the efforts their through that pledged They machinery. modern of lack a for compensated work youth enormous An significance. greater acquired between Yugoslaviaexchange Resolution. countries before after the and Cominform and East. the from support economic of forms other and machinery on depended they as measures these with jeopardized were projects Year obligations contractual of negligence their in Moscow F836,F I 25.VIII.1952.)], Informationthe about 78 CCCPY], telegramto 77 76 its Bulgaria. on and Hungary, with Romania borders army Soviet the of concentration the and threat military a by worse still made was

“Informacije o dogaĊajima“Informacije vezanimzemaljao IB kampanjuza protivJugoslavije (4.VI.1948. “BratstvoTelegram graditelja autoputa K VI ongres n ht es, h eooi bnft f ot poiig re aor n h actions the on labour free providing youth of benefit economic the sense, that In Ahighly

KPJ tomorrow of realization the Party, the thousands other t are There countries before and Cominform in after the Resolution millions of , p. p. unfavorable

events relatedthe to 54 Omladina

Peoples' - Table 1.International exchangeTable between Yugoslavia and 3 - Total Romania Bulgaria Hungary Poland USSR Czechoslovakia

C18 .

77 [the youth] [the who housands

, July , 1948. 8,


Yugoslav position caused by the Cominform economic blockadeeconomic Cominform by caused the Yugoslavposition

will will

ot lbu actions, labour Youth

(Source: (Source: - h Fv Year Five the join them in them join jedinstvo”CKKPJ” [TheMotorway“Brotherhood

and campaignofCominformcountries


thousands VI KongresVI KPJ Resolution Before the Before the 6,708 2,641 2,700 78

- 150 192 425 600

unseen Year projects:Year this

Because of the disagreement over Trieste and Trieste overdisagreement the of Because


ln and Plan task


e thousands new

, p. 54) p. , mass towards Yugoslavia towards

[ ...] Thanks to a to Thanks ...] Resolution After the - - workers force, in the majority of cases, cases, of majority the in force, 2,122 1,500

labor none none none 300 322

n h fight the in 76

against Yugoslavia against

1 Table heroism




shock youth tracks international tracks

. Most of the Five the of Most . in the struggle the in o our for - -

unity”builders‟ 25.VIII.1952.)”[ of management

a materials, raw


railroads okr and workers (

4.VI.1948. dinars.

better a

and - for for 35


CEU eTD Collection Yugoslavia, but none of them were taken seriously. John Cabot, U Cabot, John seriously. taken were them of none but Yugoslavia, and USSR the between relations” “cooler describing Moscow and Belgrade in ambassadors pin firing “Soviet the t branded embrace to ready completely not was however West The West. the towards turn sharp a involved path survival logical only the Therefore, scene. political Yugoslav the from removed all were they until settled considered be not would Cominform i the side, Soviet the from that clear was It to. turn to friends less or few be the with Westterms even and worse East, relation is the important. with 1952. in wheni all, explaining carry at to howmanaged just Yugoslavia operations any out percent 21.4 greater even an to 1949 in percent the borders, per the on army Cominform the of swelling continual a with and resolution, the Following defense. country‟s the on budget its of part substantial a spending and mobilized p a and Istria, 81 80 79 formally use to agreed US the 1948 July In resolution. Cominform the after days few a only w Yugoslavia‟s and follow lead geo two. the situ Yugoslavia‟s on maximize should West the that suggested immediatelyand Union, Soviet the with affairs of state its future the predicted almost he which in Yugoslavia in situation the of analysis comprehensive a 1947 in wrote

Ibid Jakovina,232 pp. Tomasevich, etg o ttl ugt pn o dfne ai rs fo 95 ecn i 14/, o 12.6 to 1947/8, in percent 9.5 from rose ratio defense on spent budget total of centage - oiia ad dooia eape o ohr aelt countries satellite other for example ideological and political , pp. 229 pp. , Tito and his party colleges realized very quickly that after Stalin‟s attack, there would there attack, Stalin‟s after that quickly very realized colleges party his and Tito The United States began to play a major role in preserving Tito‟s and CPY‟s position position CPY‟s and Tito‟s preserving in role major a play to began States United The 81

In that scenario, a Yugoslavia torn away from the Eastern the from away torn Yugoslavia a scenario, that In - 230. p. p. ossible invasion from the West, the FPRY was constantly keeping its army army its keeping constantly was FPRY the West, the from invasion ossible 103. -


eaken the monolith communist union. . ” 80

hr wr mn rprs oig rm ntd States United from coming reports many were There ation by further “driving a wedge” between wedge” a “driving further by ation 79

In light of these increases, increases, these of light In S dispatcher in Belgrade, Belgrade, in dispatcher S B - they which country he

loc could be used as a as used be could loc

h i ftr, could future, in who ssues with the the with ssues t was in bad was bad t in 36

CEU eTD Collection military until Westofthe end crisis, lasted 1953 the support from the 1956. between and France. and Kingdom United the States, United the from arriving 1950. March in again and materials, raw and machinery importing Export the when for foreign loan guarantee a as and imports for payment continued in crucial was US the from dollars million 47 Hence, reserves. their in left oil of days more 10 only had Yugoslavia imposed, coming.‟ forth be not would Union Soviet the and Czechoslovakia Poland, from expected machinery Five the straits: of gravity the of aware keenly „ noted: politician, Yugoslav Dedijer, Vladimir As economy. the into currency York. New from back dating gold of reserves blocked 85 84 83 82 w government the circumstances, these In exchange. foreign its unbalanced Yugoslavia livestock, and grain were affected products export main the of some As project. collectivization its stop to leadership Yugoslav the forced and crisis, heigh 1952 and 1950 in droughts by caused Famine Cominform. the by Five of continuation the enabled also aid foreign Moscow, with relations in position defensive

Ibidem 197. Dedijer,p. 101. Tomasevich, p. Tomasevich, p. 109.Tomasevich, p. - Year Plan projects despite Yugoslavia suffering under an economic Blockade imposed Blockade economic an under suffering Yugoslavia despite projects Plan Year h U ad h FR satd ytmtcly iig uolva n etme 1949 September in Yugoslavia aiding systematically started FPRY the and US The As well proving to be of significant political importance in maintaining the maintainingin the importance political significant of be to proving well As .


82 eie c Dedijer s.

The 47 million dollars generated by the gold was a lifesaving influx of a hard hard a of influx lifesaving a was gold the by generated dollars million 47 The

- er ln a aray en anhd mn fcois ee af ul, but built, half were factories many launched, been already had Plan Year - Import Bank gave a first loan in the amount of 20 million dollars towards towards dollars million 20 of amount the in loan first a gave Bank Import

oncludes dramatically by pointing out that when the blockade was was blockade the when that out pointing by dramatically oncludes

uolvas iuto. cnmcly e ee n desperate in were we Economically situation. Yugoslavia‟s the time of the , kept in kept Yugoslavia, of Kingdom the of time the as forced to ask for additional help from from help additional for ask to forced as 85 84

ned fnnil and financial Indeed,

i ws frequently was Aid ee te financial the tened e ee all were We option of a a of option


CEU eTD Collection projectswhen so stop industrial manyorbe wereto other abandoned forced altogether? finished, be project particular this that important so it was it was Why circumstances? such kilometer 382 a that possible was it How schedule. the behind months “Brotherhood Motorway raw of exchange the on blockade a it with bringing importantly interest), foreign of generosity blockade. dolla billion a half West, the from Plan Marshall the of credits dollars and grants in 553.8million received 1952,Yugoslavia By of recipients. end the one became Yugoslavia and approved, was request The West. the 86

Tomasevich materials and machinery from 1948 from machinery and materials soihnl, t s n hs lmt o eooi ucrany wt a eine n the on reliance a (with uncertainty economic of climate this in is it Astonishingly, 86

, p. 102. p. ,

- Unity” between Zagreb and Belgrade, was finished with only few few only with finished was Belgrade, and Zagreb between Unity”

s ht hlee i fo feig h fl fre f the of force full the feeling from it sheltered that rs - 1950, that the biggest Five Year traffic project, the project, traffic Year Five biggest the that 1950, - long road was was road long built in built


CEU eTD Collection thus faster), and more traversable, while still connecting bigger settlements between the two the between settlements bigger connecting still while traversable, more and faster), thus (and shorter connection this make to how on suggestions possible several offered Panjkovic mountains. its over climbing and , of heart the through 470 a was Yugoslavia of Kingdom former the of heritage The Zagreb. and Belgrade between connection road the strengthen and address to proposed had 19 as December connectingbuilding road wish ofa Belgrade ofTito‟s personal Zagreb a and as early been had “Brotherhood 90 89 40 društvazaputove stateBelgrade[Constructionroads oftwo 88 1980),IICSSO, (Beograd:p poleta Stvaraocineodoljivog 87 existi the than shorter kilometers to planned post the planning centers

2.4. “GraĊenje Autoputa Beograd“GraĊenjeAutoputa “Ibidem. MilanPanjković, godinaakcija20 omladinskihradnih

. However, Tito‟s wish for the motorway‟s construction was not the first the not was construction motorway‟s the for wish Tito‟s However, number the on Based Tito‟s“Brotherhoodof Unity”Motorwayand nie ajoi, uolv engineer Yugoslav Panjkovic, Unlike 89

avoid - Unity” was the biggest YLA from 1948 to 1950. Some records suggest that the that suggest records Some 1950. to 1948 from YLAbiggest the was Unity” , and be will only not will we become To Stanislav 45, when he hosted hosted 45, whenhe delegationa Ministry the from said: and ofConstructions “UreĊivanje Beograd dvaju državnih cesta -

war traffic link betweenBelgrade link traffic war

l bge stlmns psig ny hog pan a wl a big 90 being as well as plains through only passing settlements, bigger all on what paths on what

linked to the Motorway the to linked

start , our two our Josifovic, ed., nr. 5 ed., Josifovic,

77. [Creatorsirresistible ofMih enthusiasm],ed.

- an advanced an Zagreb”[Buildingthe MotorwayBelgrade

the construction of construction the

f atcpns n te cp o te rjc, h Motorway the project, the of scope the and participants of

most most

[20 YearsLaborActions],79Youth [20 in of p. 1967),(Belgrade: Mladost, ng one. ng will develop - Zagreband gi beautiful

country - 6, May 90

This plan was also largely descriptive, without too without descriptive, largely also was plan This

- new Yugoslavia [ ving work to unemployed], to vingwork June s a decade later took different approach in in approach different took later decade a s

, we need to to weneed , cities ...] the Motorway Belgrade Motorway the

through work we work through

(Belgrade: Štamparija Drag. Gregorića, 1937), p. Štamparija(Belgrade:Gregorića, 1937), Drag. - , but but , Zagreb. A new, “modern” Motorway was “modern” Anew, Zagreb. –

Zagrebinezaposlenima” davanjerada many of many build

ailović, Srećko and Srećko Spasović, ailović, Grujica, - . 87 Zagreb], AY, F 114, FAY,152. F Zagreb], 114,

kilometer new and modern roads modern new and

our regions our 88

need to show to need n 97 egne Milan engineer 1937, In Glas - Zagreb nik Jugoslovenskognik - long road passing road long , with and thus and

time anyone time which

roads that roads


steps steps First link, 39

CEU eTD Collection ao atr i te e Ygsa tafc netwo traffic Yugoslav new the in artery major repaired. as well as modernized be to was kilometers 1,000 ofwar km 1,650 repairanother roadsand new modern of km 1,100 percent. 30 by fall would vehicles motor other and cars for expenses maintenance the motorway, new a with that projected Nearlović road. the over passing while damage suffered vehicles where amortization high against measure preventative a as also but them, maintain Low road. modern a building of benefit economic the of aware also were They network. traffic vehicles.” motor of usage growing endure cannot base the without or rocks large of base the on stone Under technical economic. and technical into divided were Motorway the building for reasons view, of point engineering the From Panjkovic‟s. that upon elaborated more though details, precise many 94 93 92 91 on and expertise the Ministry Constructions, the of and 9000 ofaround day. traffic per and cars hour per kilometers 150 of speed the sustain could which width, in meters 12 together lane, initially was road for The Odessa. aimed and Bucharest plans network end, Belgrade the at while Europe, Central towards connection motorway the of end Zagreb The .

Ibidem. Ibidem. Ibidem. “GraĊenjeAut - quality roads were a significant expense, not only because of the cost of having to to having of cost the of because only not expense, significant a were roads quality codn t te is Five first the to According While the orders for the building of the Motorway came from the Ministry of Ministry the from came Motorway the of building the for orders the While 92


In other words, Yugoslav experts were aware of the backwardness of the exist the of backwardness the of aware were experts Yugoslav words, other In oputa Beograd oputa


engineer M.engineer - Zagreb”[Buildingthe MotorwayBelgrade

- er ln (1947 Plan Year Nearlović stated that: “roads made of crushed and paced and that: stated ofcrushed Nearlović made “roads 94

planned to have two lanes with one auxiliary one with lanes two have to planned k oncig lvna Cota eba and Croatia, , connecting rk -

n h drcin f of direction the in - 195 - site construction works were providedwere works construction site ) Ygsai ws en t build to meant was Yugoslavia 1), 93 - Zagreb], AY, F 114, FAY,152. F Zagreb], 114,

h Mtra ws o e the be to was Motorway The - damaged roads damaged

costs, in cases cases in costs, -

of which which of -

Traffic Traffic was a a was ing 40

CEU eTD Collection ih t with workers. and experts of numbers insufficient to thanks 70 initial an completing at aimed planned a of two first the on labour of distribution the site. construction organized enterprise the support technical Besides “Brotherhood motorway‟s the following dis was it which after 1950, July until Construction, of Ministry the of jurisdiction the of authority the under stabilized SYCEM the over twice. Serbia of Republic the and government Federal ch it thebetween exchanged wasEnterprise the authoritytimes;control several over administrative which after 1947 18, March on founded was It history. short a (SYCEM).Motorway”“The EnterpriseConstruction Youth State the by 99 98 97 Motorway”],Catalog.AY, F 61, 96 F4. 61, omladinskograĊevinskopreduzeće“Autoput” 95 were build to required derivates and materials raw of kinds different of amount enormous an words, other needed. were oil and gasoline of tons 2,500 and bitumen, of tons 4,400 gravel, and sand wago 47.000 cubes, stony small of pieces million 45 timber, of meters cubic 25,000 steel, reinforcing of tons 1,600 cement, of tons 65,000 road lengthof that for plan, this According to Zagrebside. the from kilometers

Ibidem. Beograd“GraĊenjeAutoputa Ibidem. “Državno omladinsko “Ugovor izvršenjuforo ConductinggraĊevinskih[Contract Constructionusluga” Services], e noneet f pand 160 planned a of announcement he

Already in 1946 “preparations” for the Motorway started near Zagreb, and in 1947 the 1947 in Zagreb,and near Motorwaystarted the for “preparations” 1946 in Already

- nt” splig h st wt co with site the supplying unity”,

less final half ofthe than Motorway.

graĊevinskopreduzeće„Autoput‟” 11 - completion.


etos f od ee ne cntuto. osrcin n 1947 in Construction construction. under were road of sections

ns of crushed stone crushed of ns kilometers 97 [State Youth [State Construction Enterprise“The Motorway”]

The kilometers e MotorwayBelgradee

SYCEM was conducting work on the Motorway the on work conducting was SYCEM before the end of the year, but managed only 28 28 only managed but year, the of end the before

[StateYouth Construction“The Enterprise nstruction materials, tools and machinery. machinery. and tools materials, nstruction

and breakstone, 800,000 cubic meters of meters cubic 800,000 breakstone, and

98 ht er 10 rm egae n 40 and Belgrade from 120 year, that 96

However in 1948 building continued continued building 1948 in However . Finally, on April 6, 1948, control control 1948, 6, April on Finally, . eea gvrmn ad ne the under and government Federal - Zagreb], AY, F 114, FAY,152. F Zagreb], 114, 95 ne is ae and name its anged

The Enterprise had had Enterprise The Državno , AY,F ,

solved solved 99

41 In In

CEU eTD Collection below. below. Enterprise the lac beginning construction, the of before months few only 1947, December In required. was machines of amount huge a 1948, F118. F 13, 101 forconstructionmachines completingneededthemechanization in AY, FF13, 118. the 1949], 100 Germany. and England States, United bought be to was which of 95% abroad, 1948. in needed machinery totally the of short far remained thus and for, asked had it machines 241,585,000 at valued 1949, for machinery required of list the by Judging machinery. of worth dinars 306,634,000 receive to planned and spend, [Requirements of main[Requirementsofconstructionfor kilometres machines160 ofon

“Uvoz “SpisakimajunabavitigraĊevinskihmašinasekojelist mehanizacijeradi kompletiranja [The 1949” u of Table 2.Some ofmachineryTable of construction forthe requirements (Source: (Source: 100 capacities) load (different Trucks Small Small Pavers for7,5m Mixer pumps Water Locomotive Small Dredgers (floating) Dredges kinds) (different Rollers Tractors Bulldozers kinds) (different and cars transport Jeeps Cisterns in Motorway the on works construction start to needed materials raw the Besides In order to acquire the machinery still needed in 1948, the Enterprise would have to have would Enterprise the 1948, in needed still machinery the acquire to order In

1948], AY,Ministarstvo GraĊevina1948], FNRJ[Ministry ofConstruc – Type of machine or vehicle Type orvehicle ofmachine In 1949 only allocated the purchasing of 70,000,000 dinars worth of machinery machinery of worth dinars 70,000,000 of purchasing the allocated only 1949 In

GraĊevinsko preduzeće“Autoput”

“Iskaz„Bratstvoglavnihpotreba izgradnjukm 160 Autoputa strojeva za


101 -

Required 1949”[Inports

hs en ta ms o te eann machinery remaining the of most that means This n etr cutis uh s Iay Blim the Belgium, Italy, as: such countries Western in 2600 192 120 18 26 67 36 29 12 36 36 84 ked many machines, as can be seen in Table 2 Table in seen be manyked as can machines, 3


– On stock dinars the Enterprise did not receive the receive not did Enterprise the dinars

Stateenterprise “The Motorway” 600

the Motorway “Brotherhood Motorwaythe 12 64 24 33 18 60 16 29 22 tions of FPRY] F 13, FtionsFPRY]118) F 13, of 5 4


On stock the Motorway - Jedinstvo“1948“u 15 26 13 2

needed Still Still 2000

- in 1948. in 113 214

1949], AY, 1949], 13 14 20 11 60 20 50 - Unity” inUnity”

3 8 7


CEU eTD Collection provide them with a number a with ofdifferentprovide them specialists: Enterprise the 1948 in and strategy same the employed SYCEM The gap. technical important this fill and high cases, many In fields. economic all in experts of need constant in was Yugoslavia Socialist generally, site. 11,000 and youths average 1949,an the in 30,000brigadier ofNovember 1948,and ofaround end in until enormous an with for compensated was machinery of lack a and 1948 1, April on started construction setbacks, technical/financial Despite Split. the after conditions political and economic the to according Minis on Federal save the to sites that construction and Yugoslav spending, other from relocated be to asked was required 102

“Raspored dolazaka“Rasporedincoming youthofiandFomladine vojnika”AY,11. F soldiers], 61, [Schedule 102

eie mciey Etrrs as lce eprs I te al post early the In experts. lacked also Enterprise machinery, Besides

(Source: (Source: Yugoslav Army Yugoslav Table 3.Required numbers ofimprisoned SYCEMTable 1948. forthe in experts “PotraživanjeMinistartsva struĉnjakaod unutarnjih1948.” [Demandfrom u ofposlova experts Director Mihailo Švabić asked the Federal Ministry of Internal Affairs to to Affairs Internal of Ministry Federal the asked Švabić Mihailo Director - educated war and political prisoners were called to provide to called were prisoners political and war educated work force. force. work

the Ministrythe inFofAY,11.)Internal F Affairs 61, 1948], Locksmiths Auto electricians Dredger drivers Car and Economists accountants Draftsman Technicians Engineers Electricians Tinsmiths soldiers served as the work force on the Motorway construction Motorway the on force work the as served soldiers

Approximately e Approximately - mechanics


try of Construction was already orientating itself itself orientating already was Construction of try

very 6 weeks, between the beginning of April April beginningof the between weeks, 6 very

Number 20 12 16 50 12 20 10 6 6 8

their expertise their - war period period war


CEU eTD Collection and youth their camps at the Fromand in hosted is obvious expense. were it the that document this was when madedifference during period works motorway the down, onthe orslowed stopped planned. was than more dinars million 72 was which brigades, youth the on dinars 454,187,000 spent had they atmosphere” “unfavorable an of Because 1949. beginningof the in and 1948 youthin brigades the of expenses the cover to Roads of Directorate Federal the from refund a demanded Enterprise the 1949, June In youth. and soldiers both for insurance social and health transport, clothing, food, financing brigad youth every for day per dinars 93.5 around spent Enterprise the calculations, their By SYCEM. dailymonetary theytheir prize if work quota. fulfilled rewar be to were prisoners Council, Economic Government‟s Federal the frominstruction theto according 1948, April Howeverin hardest. was work wherequarries in mostly site, construction the on work the in joined prisoners soldiers, and youth as numerous kilometers160 inFMotorwayofAY,the118. F 13, 1948], 107 106 105 soldierFday],AY,11. a F 61, 104 103 had. Yugoslavia duri Motorway the of construction the affecting partially blockade atmo economic Cominform the was to “unfavorable referred the and high very were costs brigades‟ youth

“Glavne potrebe za izgr“Glavnezapotrebe Ibidem. Ibidem. “Kalkulacijajednogiomladincavojnikakorištenjajednog youth na and dan“[Calculationof oneusing one za “Upotstvo nagraĊivanje ratnihza ng the blockade is because most of the raw materials the project required, listed earlier, listed required, project the materials raw the of most because is blockade the ng h wr o slir ad outr yuh brigade youth voluntary and soldiers of work The as nearly not While labour. free a as also but experts, as used only not were Prisoners Among one of the reasons why the Motorway was able to continue with construction with continue to able was Motorway the why reasons the of one Among


though not enough to halt the entire project. the enoughentire not though halt to e ad 6 ias o eey soldier. every for dinars 26 and ier 107

Moreover, in the case of the Motorway, the Enterprise controlled several controlled Enterprise the Motorway, the of case the in Moreover,

adnju 160 kilometara Autoputa uAutoputa 1948“kilometara for160 [Mainadnju construction the requirements of

robljenika” [Instructionrewardingforrobljenika” prisoners],AY,war F 61, F 11.


104 codn t Etrrs argum Enterprise to According 103

h Etrrs ws epnil for responsible was Enterprise The

a not was

sphere” the Enterprise Enterprise the sphere” free - of e wt a small a with ded - hre o the for charge ns the ents,

105 44

CEU eTD Collection question. Just who,forwhat and Just purpose, question. Motorwaywas for? the built Yugoslavia in ofmotorization another raises question ofindustry The development general. in 1950, and 1946 between period import oil the its increased Yugoslavia In statistics. these from drawn be can conclusion another Yet material. raw this of shortages supply no were there thus and needed, it what show as Yugoslavia into imported oil of amount ofYugoslav number total imports. ofthe 98percent 95and made upbetween materials all. at roads) year per tons thousand several amounts small very produced Yugoslavia that indicate statistics General shortages. any complainingof records no are there however affected, been have might that variable only mater construction needed the of most producing for facilities and quarries 111 110 109 Motorway”],AY,F 61 108 The registered. vehicles specialized 1,170 and trucks 13,922 buses, 751 automobiles, passenger brand the use

Ibid,286. Ibid,308. Statistiĉkigodišnjak “Državno omladinsko

same year, the General Directorate for Motor Vehicle Production planned in the next ten next the planned in Production Vehicle forMotor Directorate General year,the same When

Table 4.Yugoslav Table oil ofraw its importsand total in import share (1946

109 the Motorway was opened for use in June 1950, there were not not 1950,there were Motorwaymanythe June vehicles forusein was opened to - e Mtra. n 97 uolva a ol 1,8 mtryls 6,634 motorcycles, 10,984 only had Yugoslavia 1947 In Motorway. new

n h pro bten 97 n 15, h ipr o idsra ad raw and industrial of import the 1950, and 1947 between period the In , Catalog. ,

[Statistic Yearbook] [Statistic


(Source: (Source: 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 Year

- f i drvts n 1946 in derivates oil of

Statistiĉki314) [Statistic Yearbook], godišnjak s, which alludes to a rising motorization in the country or or country the in motorization rising a to alludes which s, , 258. , Imported oil in tons in oil

405,139 278,415 57,339 3,425 4,982

raw n in Table 4 indicates that it was bringing in in bringing was it that indicates 4 Table in n

[StateYouth Construction“The Enterprise

total total imports Share in in Share

and no bitumen (needed to lay on on lay to (needed bitumen no and (%)

4.2 4.2 0.9 0.1 0.1

ial. 108 -

1950) i i the is Oil 110 -



111 45 -

CEU eTD Collection (Croatia and Serbia), with plans to spread onto two more (Slovenia and Macedonia). Its name, (SloveniaMacedonia). and two more onto spread Serbia), to plans and with (Croatia Yugoslavi inside republics conflicting most the of two connected physically it 1950 In task. ideological political and very yet important Motorway another purpose,the economic fulfilled pr the that indications no were there but down, slowed maybe was It blockade. economic the of threat the under was finished. diffi the that in anticipated itself found have would not Yugoslavia could planners the and Split the before years two planned was Tito the after slowed vehicles presuma East, the with relations to tied closely were projects industrialization also but construction, only not Since vehicles. 50,000 than more of number totalareached whenthey together fifties,late thesubstantially until not rising motorway were users main the been year. have would per which cars cars and trucks passenger buses, of 20,000 number the of However, rate production domestic a reach to period year [GeneralMotora FederalforF108, F.30. Motors] Directorate Industry of 112 Motorwaythe was shot down not during blockade? project the why reasons additional as qualified be it can and manifested support that was How support. ti a at youth homogenizing and mobilizing in role Tito after period the During do? to Motorway was intended everything ethnicities. But that the their was Yugo all between link the materialize and strengthen to plan ideological “Brotherhood

“Plankapitalneizgradnje”Capitalfor [Plan With basic machines, huge work huge machines, basic With - Stalin split the youth labor action constructing the Motorway played a significant significant a played Motorway the constructing action labor youth the split Stalin -

nt” ws o cicdna, u rte rpeettv o a well a of representative rather but coincidental, not was Unity”,

oject would be stopped or abandoned in the process. Also, besides its its besides Also, process. the in abandoned or stopped be would oject

- Stalin split. It has to be taken into account that the Motorway the that account into taken be to has It split. Stalin - force and enough raw materials the Motorway was not not was Motorway the materials raw enough and force Construction], AY,Generalna Construction], DirekcijaIndustrije Savezne cult economic position it did once the Motorway the once did it position economic cult me when the CPY very much needed their needed much very CPY the when me

bly the production of domestic domestic of production the bly lv eulc and republics slav - conceived 112 46 of a

CEU eTD Collection significant moment did Tito visit a youth camp? What was so important on the m the on important so was What camp? youth a visit Tito did moment significant grievously this in Why, Congress. CPY Fifth the on talking him hear will they that youth Motorway condi the on appeared unexpectedly Tito “Brotherhood Broz Josip Yugoslavia, over all read 3. “MarijanBrigadeBadel 113 critically will importancethis examine YLABelgrade Motorwayofthe example Usingthe actions. labor youth of importance the behind lies questions these to answer The countries? “fraternal” its from overnight lost Yugoslavia when moment the in had after the see to Tito Cominform had just Communist CPY International, the expelled from

Brigadni dnevnik Brigadni ZagrebačkeX.Badel” radne brigade “Marijan (1948 - building are “We motorway the motorway, is building the us!” You tions of life there and, following a request to give a speech, said to gathered cheerful cheerful gathered to said speech, a give to request a following and, there life of tions Only 15 days after the Cominform Resolution was published in the daily the in published was Resolution Cominform the after days 15 Only th Labor Action the Motorway “Brotherhoodth Labor Motorway the Action - 1950) - Unity”. He visited the camp on the 44 the on camp the visited He Unity”. Zagreb Brigade commander) ZagrebBrigade commander) because chanted squeezed officers approaching youth of mass a already and with headquarters the to entire 1948: 14, July

jumped ”]

camp. ,


CSA,F mn them among to to oe n more and More through

Tito to to In a the

1231, F212. 1231, This day This the gate the

Cnrl omte, to Committee, Central ,

rgdes rm neighboring from brigadiers fternoon

hr ws h soul the was there .


From the construction site construction Fromthe remain long will

a cry a

on people young

113 at : Here


ot of most

is comrade Tito comrade is

th and 4 o‟clock

kilometer of the motorway, inspected motorway, the of kilometer in the memory the in


f h woe country, whole the of u Party our came ahrn aon a around gathering t pltcl n eooi support economic and political its



n joined and Journal of

towards the camp the towards

! t te Fifth the to , brigadier We stared for stared We

, of our of - Zagreb, what follows Zagreb,what who 10 - th Unity” Unity”

Zagreb Labour ZagrebLabour h crowd. the came came

enthusiastically brigade couple

otorway that otorwaythat TITO

Borba running in

a moment moment a Congress there was there

f high of and .


and and We the 47 th ,

CEU eTD Collection the responsibility of ensuring that both technically and logistically youth brigades operated operated brigades youth logistically and technically both that ensuring of responsibility the department Agitprop the decision pre brigades guests, and d courses, youth education, physical propaganda, and foragitation its seven had General also Headquarters which into ownthe departments division numerous were there which under camps. their into distributed be could they so headquarters, section motorway‟s the of one at arrived girls in action labor youth biggest April the of days first In operations. Committee, its started Yugoslavia Central CPY and Tito to letter first his 3.1. 116 executivesconstructionthe on “BrotherhoodMotorwayof the 115 AY,F 61,F 11. 1948], 114 Army.Yugoslav pre the of instructor head the for except PYY, of members also were executives, departments‟ other as well as deputies, His action. the was Yugoslavia, of Youth instructor Peoples‟ of the Committee Central Blanuša, the by delegated Ilija 1948 In responsibilities. and duties their about information a political all monitoring and organizing of charge in was department Agitprop the smoothly, d dooia ise aiig o te cin Yal rprs rm h to ois provide bodies two the from reports Yearly Action. the for arising issues ideological nd

Ibidem. “ dolazaka“Raspored incomingi[Scheduleomladinevojnikayouth ofAprilaprilandforza 1948” soldiers Spisak omladinskih rukovodioca na gradnji autoputa „Bratstvo naSpisakomladinskih gradnjiautoputa rukovodioca

Among the seven departments, two of them played key roles. The first was the main the was first The roles. key played them of two departments, seven the Among sent Stalin after days four and resolution Cominform the before months three Almost Organizingtheaction - making body, the operational headquarters, and the other was the Party “watchdog”, “watchdog”, Party the was other the and headquarters, operational the body, making


In the first project year, the construction site was divided into four sections sections four into divided was site construction the year, project first the In 116

Since PYY was the CommunistYugoslavParty of the PYYwas Since

epartment fororganization, operational and headquarters.epartment . While the head instructor and his team of deputies were tasked with with tasked were deputies of team his and instructor head the While .

youth camps. youth - military training department who was sent from the from sent was who department training military 115 -

Unity” Sections were under the management of management the under were Sections - 1948, around 30,000 young boys and and boys young 30,000 around 1948, Jedinstvo“ –

Headquarters], AY, F 114, FAY, F Headquarters], 114, 152. - military training, international international training, military –

Glavni ia youth organization, it youthorganization, ia

Štab ”

[ List List of

head of the of head youth


CEU eTD Collection Even though the headquarters headquarters the though Even hair. their cut to girls forcing or brigadiers, their attacking physically commanders brigade th incompetent. proved with soon commanders bring brigade and Motorway to supposed were they Many tools in1949. the Staff without General came the brigadiers for experience chaotic a proved brigades 140 of shift first the of arrival The headache. real first its faced Action the for Headquarters Operational period. whole the during months two least at for worked youth peasant while break, summer during month a stay to supposed were students university 6 periods time by organized were background.Shifts their to according Action the stayedon and shifts six in coming were part republics Yugoslav all from the under eye Party.watchful of the well were time, that from others as well as YLA, particular this that evident is 119 118 F152. FAY, 114, 117 staff of bring not do of number a of site construction the brigade staff of competent absence the troubles. their of end the not was that commanders, aggressive with meetings held and tools of procurement th

Ibidem. Ibidem. Godišnji organizacionimizvještaj„Bratstvonapo izgradnji Atuoputa pitanjima October In 1949, between April and November, 830 brigades with 138.144 young brigadiers brigadiers young 138.144 with brigades 830 November, and April between 1949, In According to the annual report, the lack of discipline among youthamong discipline of lack the report, annual the to According , without without ,

- November

the list of list the


– members of the of members

in which (according to rules laid down by the PYY) high school and school high PYY) bythe down laid rules to (accordingwhich in

1 , and and ,


shift April shift cptd n h osrcin f h Motorway. the of construction the in icipated “ often incomplete, often atl responded hastily

youth -

brigade with them with brigade af - fected theofconstruction: start fected

May; 2 May; brigades nd

June; 3 June; comes

so ”

it takes few days few takes it o uh incid such to ,

rd organizational then they then

118 July; 4 July; 119

n h vr frt day first very the On

There are reports of some some of reports are There - th Jedinstvo“godini, 1949. u

come without come August; 5 August; ents, organized the the organized ents, “

unstructuring - Upon the arrival Upon the to to

mostly caused by caused mostly emselves to the the to emselves gather them gather 117 th

September; September;


members , The The , , they they ,


49 at

CEU eTD Collection 3.2. youth.mobilizing the step,the first waswhich problematicof most tasks,ofthosethe leastone at completeto failed commanding section. Motorway the to assign trip their organize and officers tools, necessary with them provide brigadiers, 250 containing each brigades, of number certain mobilize to organizationslocal their to orders the distributed they for plan the received branches republic Once plan. the actualizing of charge in those were branches republic However, organization. federal PYY the in created was Action un was Committee, Central PYY the from delegated Headquarters, General the and Action, the for site. the over inFMotorwayAY,152. F Belgrade114, and 1949], 122 121 F152. FAY, 114, 120 it in socialism and country b was 1948 in split the after East the from faced it pressures the resisting in CPY the helped organization youth Yugoslav the which in way The PYY. the by directed labor youth organized of importance the of question the langua communist propagandistic This Belgrade. New and Motorway the 1949, in actions labor youth federal two for youth Yugoslav of mobilization

Analiza mobilizacijeomladine Analiza na Autop Pravilnikbrigadaradnih Godišnji organizacionimizvještaj„Bratstvonapo izgradnji Atuoputa pitanjima

able to prevent them before the start. The mobilization and organization plan for the for plan organization and mobilization The start. the before them prevent to able This quotation was taken from a part of the Introduction into a report on the the on report a into Introduction the of part a from taken was quotation This Mobilizingyouththefor the Motorway ” 120 peoples Communist and Union, Soviet the Despite

hs ognztoa polm wr te osqecs f or preparation poor of consequences the were problems organizational These

r mkn get efforts great making are

for the freedomfor the a [Rule book for workforbrigades], [Rule book FCSA,202. F 1231,

at o Yugoslavia of Party economic -

our huh o js ay oils. n 98 Ygsa yuh were youth Yugoslav 1948, In socialism. any just not though

working people working ut i Beogradut i 1949

blockade nd


mblzn te ot twrs eulig the rebuilding towards youth the mobilizing y o build to

and ae by made

and [Analysismobilizationyouththefor of of the


our organization our socialism 121

of the country.of the ,

o achieve to Cominform ge hints partially at the answer to answer the at partially hints ge In

most cases, local organizations local cases, most

ne te edrhp of leadership the under

- Jedinstvo“godini, 1949. u


as a whole a as 122 countries better

uue for future mobilization

e by led have made have

our the the 50

CEU eTD Collection eitain campaign. registration so on 1949 in reports by evidenced as commitment, a taken was Registration classes. in students for campaign registration the came YLA of subject the on homework for essays assigned teachers their sharing YLA expe an on been already had who girls and boys with newspapers, wall on abilities their duty and honor Communists “ schools, in example For numero conducted level local and republican practice? in call towards such a How themselvesyouth call? this respond to did and independent was Commun the and Tito to solely that answered one communism, towards road” “transitional new a building 125 124 138. 123 distant those villages1950,targeted were for mobilizationthe for plan departmental Agitprop Croatia of Youth Peoples‟ the in Included on. work would they activ lectures, project the these of importance the and During participants the for action parents. the of importance the their explained and youth the for lectures held agitprop site wereconstruction considered as cases subversion.of deliberate o appeared not had sickness) even reason, whatever (for later and YLA

Ibidem. Ibidem. agitaciji1949.Izvještajzaradneo akcijeu

ine ad edn prs f hi dais uig vnn parties. evening during diaries their of parts reading and riences When the mobilization campaign started, Peoples‟ Youth organizations on both the the both on organizations Youth Peoples‟ started, campaign mobilization the When In the villages from where the majority of the youth were coming to the YLA the to coming were youth the of majority the where from villages the In

, students were spoken to about to spoken were students , . ” 123


In a second wave of campaigning in schools, YLAs were promoted widely promoted were YLAs schools, in campaigning of wave second a In every goodevery


Cases in which a student, or group of students, signed up for the the for up signed students, of group or student, a which in Cases first,


through lectures through

to participate to [Report on agitation for labourfor agitation[Report actionson inF CSA, F 1231, 1949], ist Party of Yugoslavia. How were youth mobilized youth were How Yugoslavia. of Party ist the importance the s ciiist pplrz yuh ao acti labor youth popularize to activities us , meetings, and and meetings, ,

in the building of their buildingof thein - called “enemy activities” during the the during activities” “enemy called

of labour actions labour of s . Following all these activities these all Following . personal from urban areas or those to to those areasurban or from

interpretations of interpretations country according tocountry according 124 te ri fr the for train the n

n oe cases, some In

and about about and serious s s the , ons.

ists the the the 51

CEU eTD Collection Herzegovina on to on Herzegovina YLAs. two the q the breaking achieved, was number that year, the of end the By brigadiers. 171,500 receive to supposed year. la they which after mobilization. YLA for mobilization for it when most the contributed campaignsdefinitely organized Extensive, actions. labor youth popularizing and propagating of means possible disposable all use to department Agitprop the enabled villages their in youth the an organizations youth engage between and Cooperation programs. Yugoslavia of corner every to reach to wanted PYY the YLA. the joining for calls initial during responded poorly had youth the which 1949 given is but data extentthe the of the what 129 128 inFMotorwayAY,152. F Belgrade114, and 1949], 127 measuresmobilizationforpropaganda youthonF CSA,of138. thisyear'sF 1231, actions], 126 re the When mobilization. youth to relating oversight youthof organizational significant arrivals problems. caused number higher a youth, its and Yugoslavia for success a major as statistics the characterized wit evd aa rm oa branches, local from data ceived

It would haveIt bemore preciseon usefuldata exact number the of to brigadiers from coming every republic, Ibidem. mobilizacijeomladine Analiza Beograd na i Autoput 1949 mjerapropagandnihzamobilizaciju Planagitaciono naomladine ovogodišnjeakcije 37 percent. 3.7 h [Analysismobilizationfor youthMotorwayofthethe of inFand AY,152. F Belgrade 114, 1949], 127 n aur 14, l rpbia PY eta Cmite ertre hl a meeting a held secretaries Committee Central PYY republican all 1949, January In Unplanned

According to the plan for 1949, federal YLAs, including the Motorway, were were Motorway, the including YLAs, federal 1949, for plan the to According s

, explaining why these campaigns were considered as a crucial stage in organized organized in stage crucial a as considered were campaigns these why explaining ,

uota by 16 percent with a final number of 197,302 brigadiers participating in participating brigadiers 197,302 of number final a with percent 16 by uota 128 129 - l rpbis et oe rgdes hn ee nurd wt Bsi and Bosnia with inquired, were than brigadiers more sent republics All p, breaking the planned quota planned the breaking p, o icesd atcpto ws n motn iiil organizational initial important an was participation increased for

nhd h mblzto pa fr eea yuh ao atos o that for actions labor youth federal for plan mobilization the unched

ept te at ht ubr wr mt n te eta Committee Central the and met were numbers that fact the Despite

report provides. report ay br many comes to accounting for the many youth volunteering youth many the for accounting to comes

nhs rsne their presented anches Analiza mobilizacije omladine namobilizacijeomladine i Autoput Analiza Beograd

by 27 percent, and Slovenia at the bottom the at Slovenia and percent, 27 by [Anal PYY ysis of the mobilizationysisyouththefor of of the d party organizations in schools and and schools in organizations party d eta dprmn fr planning for department central



126 capacit


- y

52 as as

CEU eTD Collection complaining about the poor organ poor the about complaining the reports, these In campaigns. mobilization the during quotas, w planned own their fulfilling in succeed not could they reason some for lest numbers, realistic giving ofafraid wereorganizationslocal likelythat isbranches. is What more oflocal incompetence the not were finally estimates those false for, and provided brigades of number planned the between discrepancies the by judging However, expenses. higher produced ultimately which maneuvers logistical and financial planne than brigades more mobilized they announced year. the of end unsurprisinglyestimates planners. local problems organizational Once forthe caused branches the until 11 of total a sent but brigades, 2 with YLAs of city the that stated they First branch. Niš the with case the was same The end. the in sent they7 the of instead brigades, 3 only send to able be will they that e highamongAY,and brigades], F school university152. F 114, 132 131 inFMotorwayAY,152. F Belgrade114, and 1949], 130 Slo notion the created which brigades, between conflicts about complained Headquarters General the Motorway the on brigades university and school prejudice interethnic YLAs the join not that excuse the with neglected, deliberatelywere Macedonia and Serbia Croatia, in minorities national of members youth potential when cases were There areas. different xcessively

“ Ibidem. “ venians. Izvještaj o politiĉkoj srednjoškolskihIzvještajo situaciji i kod brigada sveuĉilišnih AnalizaimobilizacijeAutoput1949 naomladine Beograd gi, ept ter paet ucs, eot as rva css f mismanagement of cases reveal also reports success, apparent their despite Again,

” small. For instance, the Kragujevac branch at the beginning of the year claimed year the of beginning the at branch Kragujevac the instance, For small. 132

h wud o te eod ol Wr ee tl feh n i wud be would it and fresh still were War World Second the of wounds The hich would create negative a hich ofthe image branch.


s . Other incidents confirm attitudes among youth. In the report on high high on report the In youth. among attitudes confirm incidents Other . ” 131

These cases suggest not only negligence, but also still also but negligence, only not suggestcases These ization and preparation for the mobilization campaigns in in campaigns mobilization the for preparation and ization

eut f nxetdy nhsatc ot o the or youth enthusiastic unexpectedly of result ”

[Analysismobilizatthe of among certain brigades that “ that brigades certain among d, the central organization had to make make to had organization central the d, PYY ”

Central Committee is mostly mostly is Committee Central [Report politicalon [Report situation

Niš will supply federal federal supply will Niš ionyouththefor of 130

ae o false of Cases “ they would they hate Serbs - present present 53

CEU eTD Collection y h Mnsr o Euain ih h ecs t excuse the with Education of Ministry the by stud several forbade body same the Dubrovnik, In in participation of note confirmation a bring not do they if grade higher a into progress to able be not will students that decision official Bjelo in school high one in Youth Peoples‟ the of Secretariat The note” “written a with night the during mobilized severa were brigadiers of percent listed 60 (Croatia) Slatina Motorway from brigades In examples: the YLA the of Headquarters General the PYY, of Committee Central the to reports their In administratively. conducted mostly was mobilization Forced t once but warned, be would methods such applying branches those and rules YLA the against was mobilization Forced brigades. joining into youth force to organizations local some propelled ethnicities was accepted degreeeverywhere same the ofenthusiasm. with Yugoslav all between unity” and “brotherhood of ideology CPY a that assume to unrealistic F152. FAY, 114, 136 135 134 inCSA,schoolF brigades1231,FMotorway the212. 1948], onBelgrade New and 133 three a on going be would they that story false the with mobilization during deceived been had they that complained number in brigade was 3 the and 40; the 3 the in wishes; their to contrary Motorway the to sent were 90 brigade, Belgrade forcefully of majority a with site construction further

“Godišnji organizacionimizvještajpo p Ibidem. Ibidem. “ Izvještaj o radu srednjoškolskih brigadaIzvještajo Auto na oe rgdes rie a ter etos hy ol nt e se t lae h camp. the leave to asked be not would they sections their at arrived brigadiers hose

During months During rm h 216 the From oiiain of mobilization

th of preparation, the pressure produced by the Central Committee plan Committee Central the by produced pressure the preparation, of

rain rgd 4 biair deserte brigadiers 40 brigade Croatian - youth. week scout camping trip in the woods, organized by the Center for Center the by organized woods, the in trip camping scout week


” in other words, with an official call for joining the action. the joining for call official an with words, other in 135 itanjimana

n 99 eea biae wr sn t Motorway to sent were brigades several 1949 In rd

Sarajevo brigade, 83. - putu i putu Beogradu Novom

izgradnji“ Atuoputa an

mobilized youth. Of the 128 youth in the 6 the in youth 128 the Of youth. mobilized YLA, signed by their brigade commander. brigade their by signed YLA, a ter eatr wud ae “ have would departure their hat ents to go on a summer vacation organized organized vacation summer a on go to ents Bratstvo 136


d the Motorway. They They Motorway. the d ”


Jedinstvo“ 1949. godini,u [Reporthigh work of on a (rai) ae an made (Croatia) var

rd hindered

Vranje Vranje 134 133 5 th 4 l

CEU eTD Collection time. Local branches were subordinated to the Central Committee, but theybalanced but Committee, Central the to subordinated were branchesLocal time. the of logic operational the understand to help rules YLAofficial the from deviation of Cases but praise, than branches local of work the about complaints more offer Reports branches. local from activists on depended success the of most but planning, of charge in was Committee Central sanctions ofradical forofficialsrecords whoofficial violated rules. deserters stopping forcibly mobilization, o youth where cases Howeve YLA. the desert to not youth convince to tried representatives brigades when words, other In meetings. holding and propaganda through prevention was desertion against YLA. Motorway the deserted percent, 2.1 or youth, 2,940 Headquarters pre 139 izgradnji„BratstvoAtuoputana organizacionim pitanjima 138 F152. FAY, 114, 137 ofthousands ofyouth tens where on ended “Brotherhood Motorway YLA the for success major a was result The mobilization. forced of forms different to theyresorted cases, other in and plan, the of fulfillment guarantee underestima deliberately would they cases, some In campaigns. mobilization upcoming any of results the of predictions their about organization central the informed they year the of beginning the At ground. the on capabilities their and plan CC the

Ibidem. Even states they that Headqarters think desertion w “Godišnji organizacionimizvještajpo p - iiay training. military uig 19 During n the roads and train stations and drawing them back to the camps. the to back them drawing and stations train and roads the n

those same records reveal how preparations and initial organization operated. operated. organization initial and preparations how reveal records same those

brigade commanders on their own forcible returning deserters by chasing the the chasing by deserters returning forcible own their on commanders brigade

first 8 n 14 mblzto cmags o te oowy L, h PYY the YLA, Motorway the for campaigns mobilization 1949 and 48

137 came

codn t te ttsis o 14 poie b te General the by provided 1949 for statistics the to According

o h cntuto site construction the to itanjima na izgradnjiitanjima“ naAtuoputa

a aant fiil L plc bt hr ae no are there but policy YLA official against was

the construction site construction buildingthe road. the as morerepresentedinas 1949. - Jedinstvo“ u 1949. godini 1949. Jedinstvo“u

n h itoutos h agitprop the introductions the in Bratstvo e hi aaiiis o s to as so capabilities their te

Godišnji izvještajGodišnji po - Jedinstvo“ 1949. godini,u , AY, F 114, F F,AY, 114, 152. 138 r, there are reported are there r,

The official policy official The 139

As w As

ith forced ith

between - Unity” Unity”


CEU eTD Collection motivation of“internationalmotivation brigades” join to YLAs experiences? their and wa What countries? foreign in propaganda actions‟ labor youth PYY of influence the was What as: such questions they raise since examined be to yethave that fields the among is numerous asnot Motorwaythe were on brigades International Headquartersreported that General report conditions. Yugoslavian new into reintegrate to way a as action Motorw the joined also countries other many and ItalySwitzerland, Argentina, from emigrants or minorities national Yugoslav of Representatives days. 40 or 30 for brigades other with together Motorway the m the were Nekse” Danish Andersen “Martin and brigadiers 79 with brigade student Swedish the to next States United the and Argentina India, Zealand, New Jamaica, England, from brigadiers 63 with brigade English s countries, different from coming brigades self or enthusiasts yet PYY, the by mobilized not were brigades These 143 F152. FAY, 114, 142 141 Unity], 140 it was Why confusion. is resolution Cominform the reading after organization youth inside and “surprise a as received 3.3.

“Godišnji izvještaj po organizacionim pitanjima na izgradnji “Godišnjiorganizacionimizvještaj„Bratstvonapo Atuoputa pitanjima Bilandžić, Ibidem “Bratstvo“Inostrane nabrigadeAutoputu

Omladina, uolv ot wo ae to came who youth Yugoslav h cnlc bten h CY n te oifr ws n uolva o many for Yugoslavia in was Cominform the and CPY the between conflict The theMotorway “Theway”right

as they were the year before. year the were theyas p. p. 291.


ay action, but in much smaller groups and in some cases using the the using cases some in and groups smaller much in but action, ay

absurdity Agitpropotherand extracurricular onYLA activities

- .” Jedinstvo”[InternationalMotorway the brigadeson “Brogherhood

ost represented with foreign youth. foreign with represented ost 142 h cntuto st jie “i joined site construction the 143

The international dimension of the Motorway YLA MotorwayYLA the of dimension international The Perhaps the best word for the describing the state the describing the for word best the Perhaps mtms ihu pir ann. n 98 h I the 1948 In warning. prior without ometimes 141

- In 1949 in their annual annual their in 1949 In Jedinstvo“ 1949. godin u trainl brigades.” nternational 140

- organized student student organized

They worked on worked They the s i, 56 -

CEU eTD Collection Central Council of the People‟s People‟s the of Council Central in future “isolation” thefor a from of rest communistworld. the desire its in Stalin to loyaltyits prove attemptingto and itself Party officiallythedefending was same as thetime at Resolution, the after months first the in Hence, population. Yugoslav whole the to expanded no were measures These ranks. own its cleanse and consolidate to started Party the precaution, of matter a as Second, Moscow. of example the to commitment their prove to campaign collectivization stronger launch to decided CPY exam For practice. Soviet followed loyally always had they that prove to trying dismissively, and defensively responded Party the Yugoslavia, in activities anti of accusations Stalin‟s to First, position. their preserve to Yugoslav attacked Cominform why understand i processes two completely opposite Partystarted The Second,immediately leadership. not do they how emphasized all they Tito and Committee Central CPY to support of telegrams their to according First, confusing? regarding Informbiroa” 144 for wait to having its by explained be can which gap a resolution, Cominform the to respond weekly a in published youth, for

“RezolucijaomladinevijećaCentralnog JugoslavijePredsjedništva rezolucijeNarodne povodom It took 20 days for the officials from the central Yugoslav youth organization to to organization youth Yugoslav central the from officials the for days 20 took It young people actions, initiative efforts their its their organizations Presidencyof The The following extract was taken from a part of the Resolution of the Presidency of the Presidencyof the of Resolution the of part a from taken was extractfollowing The


eta Committee Central

[ Cominformresolution unity Resolution

in factories, in fgtn for fighting ,



live and work.live and and members of members and

of the Presidencyofthe of to get back on friendly terms with Moscow, it simultaneously prepared prepared simultaneously it Moscow, with terms friendly on back get to

to fulfillment of fulfillment

stand together stand the Central the

enterprises, schools enterprises,

], ], e by led better Omladina, Omladina ot o Ygsai rgrig h Cmnom resolution, Cominform the regarding Yugoslavia of Youth


July 15,1948

the Five the Council of Council fulfillment ord Tito Comrade the National the

the Central the


Julyp.3. 1948, 20, :

- Year

glorious , cooperatives, ,

Councilof the People's the t applied only within CPY membership, but but membership, CPY within only applied t f daily of )


Youth of Yugoslavia of Youth ; plan,



the People's the bring

n monthly and l te youth the all

Youth of Yugoslavia of Youth

in the countryside the in more - ple, as evidence of this, the this, of evidence as ple, oit n anti and Soviet

Youth ofYugoslaviaYouth

Party of Yugoslavia of Party creative

f uolva to, Yugoslavia of tasks furth to

enthusiasm n h labour the on er


communist - calls on all on calls strengthen


n ordern

and and

57 in

CEU eTD Collection the most important aspect of camp life. In this regard, agitprop activities are the most valuable most the are regard, Inthis agitprop activities ofcamp life. aspect important most the fo providing and progress work maintaining of job department‟s organizational the After level. camp and level section department, central the departments: other all and Headquarters as hierarchy same the had three „agitation sectors: into divided was Motorway the at department Agitprop The them. propagating and sense, that In place. one in performed projects. dedication and unity political uniformity, ideological expressed: be to supposed was loyalty this how highlights quote The Tito. leader their and Communist International loyal and of expression the for text Stalin the in space most the Union, reserves but movement, Soviet the towards hold youth Yugoslav C Central dis the document their In directions. their and CPY the of consolidation the 146 [ 145 and groups. reading and informing political stay their During upbringing. ideological and political for sector agitprop the of work the through controlled ontheideological effect youth attitudes of camps. its in Tito of period the in Motorway YLA the of analysis the for Report on

Ibidem “Izveštajagitaciono o iss l acstos f anti of accusations all misses proper interpretation of interpretation proper h peerd nepeain f h Rslto o te uolv ot i YLA in youth Yugoslav the on Resolution the of interpretation preferred The

ot lbr a labor Youth

agitation - propaganda

at the Motorway YLA thi YLA Motorway the at and

- propagandnomu 1949. godini”omladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu tos ee fr o organization of form a were ctions

press, r the basic needs of brigadiers, political and ideological work was work ideological and political brigadiers, of needs basic the r work

Marxist ideological upb ideological

inyouth the - S - oviet activity, lists examples of the friendly attitude attitude friendly the of examples lists activity, oviet Leninist the the ” 146

labour brigades labour YLA agitprop played a major role in coordinating coordinating in role major a played agitprop YLA

The purpose of these lectures was the was lectures these of purpose The s sector organized a series of “ of series a organized sector s ringing,

thought among the among thought

and cultural and and cultural and

o ad ok n h Five the on work hard to on a highwaya on

hr al hs ky ees were tenets key these all where - Stalin split and its political its and split Stalin


in1949 educational work.‟ educational

masses of masses ], AY, FAY,114, ], political lectures, political ty to the CPY, CPY, the to ty -

“ er P Year youth spreading

F152. ouncil s


was [as] and lan lan


It It

CEU eTD Collection ap wud en neesr rptto. n ofcr o euain n clue rm a from culture and education for officer One repetition. unnecessary mean would camps universities. much need not would brigades university and school high for dispute” the of “clarification on lecture projects. planned “Five the to changes made also They lecture. first verythe in “clarification” such including curriculum, and „ providing topics no included cooperatives. on lectures: six had youth peasant le the to According other. the on youth university and school high and side, one on youth peasant for programs specialized with lectures organized had brigades part integral an 151 highamongAY,and brigades], F school university152. F 114, 150 149 [ 148 sector 147 stu and peasant both with topic “clarification” the including plan lecture new the out carry to suggestions) Headquarters the to (contrary decided they Therefore, false. were they concluded and claims for sector the objections, these of light Croati Report on

Ibidem. Ibidem. “ “ “ zetj agitaciono o Izveštaj Jugoslavije omladini Narodnoj pri predavaĉa aktiva rad za Uputstvo

zjša o oiikj iucj kd rdjšosi i vuiinh brigada sveuĉilišnih i srednjoškolskih kod situaciji politiĉkoj o Izvještaj te Party‟. [the] at Peoples‟ the ofYugoslaviaYouth an In contrast to the concerns of the agitprop, the General Headquarters assumed that the that assumed Headquarters General the agitprop, the of concerns the to contrast In

agitation student - er ln tpc wih o i now which topic, plan” Year 150 148 space, as the issue was considered sufficiently covered in schools and and schools in covered sufficiently considered was issue the as space,

tdn biae fies iial age ta gig hog te oi i the in topic the through going that argued similarly officers brigade Student

et tem, xet n h suet ae ised f ois n agricultural on topics of instead case, student the in except streams, dent However, what concerned the sector for upbringing was that the program program the that was upbringing for sector the concerned what However, - of propaganda brigade 149



rpgnnm au oldikm radnim omladniskim u radu propagandnom ec, rm uut 99 nad, h sco itoue a new a introduced sector the onwards, 1949 August from Hence,


blandly work

clarification of the es the of clarification

inyouth the o build to stated that to his brigadiers this matter is matter this brigadiers his to that stated o te oi o Five of topic the on e ], AY, F 114, F 79. FAY,79. F 114, ],

political and ideological upbringing investigated such investigated upbringing ideological and political


cue te fet o te cnmc lcae on blockade economic the of effects the ncluded labour brigades labour

sence ”


on a highwaya on uig hi fe tm i te camps, the in time free their During

- of the dispute the of Year Year briga ”

[ aa a uouu 14. godini” 1949. u autoputu na dama p Instructions lan and five on agricultural on five and lan ”

in1949 ctures‟ program for 1949 for program ctures‟ Rpr o political on [Report

between the between ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ],

o work for

“ all clear.”

f lecturers‟ of


situation 151 (

59 b In )

CEU eTD Collection best to find out if someone is an enemy of the state, most of the cases where groups or or groups where cases the of marked asindividuals were most state, the of enemy an is someone if out find to best Serbo in Cominform Informbirovci were enemies Such Resolution. Cominform the supporting to came it when lectures, ideological desirable a on youth Unsurprisingly,them. advocatedlatter. lecture the the Resolut the of accusations the supported they whether decide to had they which in situation given the with confused were youth Yugoslav that suggests and lecture, ideologicalsit and political the following closely were agitprop the by organized Motorway Marxist teaching on centered program the cooperatives, 155 154 [ 153 highamongAY,and brigades], F school university152. F 114, 152 cases in or Action, the from removed completely were them of some that except attitude”, War. World complaint, emphasizing a in attitude” “hesitatant a of because position her from removed was officers “Ura”. of instead “Ua” yelling was he practices pre One “ about because they camp the behavior protested in Report on

uation in Yugoslavia. The very title of the topic “clarification” provides the purpose of the of purpose the provides “clarification” topic the of title very The Yugoslavia. in uation Ibidem. “Ura”andrepresenting “Ua” deprecat support agitaciono o “Izveštaj “ zjša o oiikj iucj kd rdjšosi i vuiinh brigada sveuĉilišnih i srednjoškolskih kod situaciji politiĉkoj o Izvještaj F keeping at directed measures other implemented Agitprop the courses, as well As r xml, Lulaa tdn biae a acsd f eoaiig n unruly and demoralizing of accused was brigade student Ljubljana a example, or


military training officer tried to mark a brigadier as an an as brigadier a mark to tried officer training military a lctn pltcl nme, r n te wrs epsn toe h “hesitated” who those exposing words, other in or enemies, political locating was agitation 155

e bcgon a mdcl esne i a hti cm durin camp Chetnik a in personnel medical as background her


There are no records detailing the fate of those accused of having an “enemy an having of accused those of fate the detailing records no are There - Ibeovci propaganda

- - . Croatian rpgnnm au oldikm anm rgdm n atpt u 99 godini” 1949. u autoputu na brigadama radnim omladniskim u radu propagandnom (Cominformists) coming from the word the from (Cominformists) coming work Informbirovci

inyouth the - political path. The most important task, besides organizing besides task, important most The path. political

ion, Since there was no prescribed methodology of how of methodology prescribed no was there Since

were of a questionable ofa were nature. labour brigades labour Ibidem. 154

poor nutrition

n h Aipo dprmn, n o the of one department, Agitprop the In

on a highwaya on - eiit thought. Leninist Informbiro

and ”

in1949 Rpr o pltcl situation political on [Report Ibeovac Ibeovac

hard physicalhard

], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ], 152 , the name f name the , dismissed or ion, derisively called called derisively

because ore o the on Courses te Second the g

work.” during during or theor

153 60

CEU eTD Collection Action, stability thus threatening and the Action‟s the community. of were individuals or groups small t attention even unwanted drawing potentially of where capable considered period, the of situation political the of light in stress especial given were uniformity and stability conclusion, In stability. preserving mea were enemies potential against acts the while Cominform, with conflict the inside ideological and CPY‟spolitical the supposed advocate to were lecturesThe camps. the aim policies back intoPYY.accepted the being for precondition a was YLA Motorway the to Coming Yugoslavia. of Youth Peoples‟ protests, the After Motorway. the to coming (Serbia) Caribrod in protests duringResolution the and Stalin to support their declared 10 of group a of case one was were There camps. different in them spread suspicious a was there where 158 [ 157 highamongAY,and brigades], F school university152. F 114, 156 music their of part major a lost selection. station radio Motorway the and banned were records Eastern the from Yugoslavia Radio problems. operational had sector distanced Resolution the Since motorway. the along areas all reach to unable were broadcasts this works construction the of beginning the radio „ covered They action. labour youth Motorway Report on

Ibidem. “Izveštajagitaciono o “ Izvještaj o politiĉkoj srednjoškolskihIzvještajo situaciji i kod brigada sveuĉilišnih

station and h sco fr gtto ad rs ws lo n hre f h pplrzto o the of popularization the of charge in also was press and agitation for sector The clearly were state” the of “enemies the against actions and “clarification” of Lectures

agitation 158

ed at the homogenization and stabilization of the ideology and politics of youth in of ideologypolitics the and of stabilization homogenization and the at ed A small number of staff in charge of the station could not keep a long program long a keep not could station the of charge in staff of number small A - correspondence propaganda

- propagandnomu omladniskimradu work 156

B group

loc in almost every po every almost in loc

inyouth the ;


the headquarters would order t order would headquarters the

labour brigades labour

film work and political and work hy ee retd n eple fo the from expelled and arrested were they , exhibitions.‟ , radnim brigadama na autoputu u 1949.godini”brigadamau radnimna autoputu

ssible sphere, even Soviet gramophone Soviet even sphere, ssible

on a highwaya on ” 157 o the conditions of life in the in life of conditions the o [Report politicalon [Report situation

However, even a year afteryear a However,even

agitat in1949 o break up the group and and group the up break o

ion ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ], - 15 brigadiers who brigadiers 15 ; public relations public ue for sures before

61 ;

CEU eTD Collection ec a ie raesi tak t dsrbto dly. eas ee feun occurrence, frequent a were Delays delays. distribution to thanks readership wider a reach Bilten to order quality. in higher a of board, papers produce editorial its for finances and people more them allow to four organization a only with dissatisfied was the department outside events the from on news commenting important most and the Motorway providing for used was It week. a twice issued and publications. Motorway completely press and agitation for Soviet moviesabandoned switched and ones to domestic only. sector the 1949, of end the At barrier. language the you Peasant screenings. film in breaks complete or interruptions repeated caused reels film handle to inability staff and projectors movie of lack a side, other the On 1949. in purpose intended its serve completely Agitp the to according therefore, and going 161 160 [ 159 themselvesinform by publications, was other this necessarily not and reading papers case the to opportunity had they as world”, “outside the in happening everything about informed well Yug important most remained along incomplete. situated were which of many road the while camps all to distributing be publicati all because ironically Report on

Ibidem. Ibidem. “Izveštajagitaciono o

that contained achievements from all over the Motorway, though sometimes it failed to failed it sometimes though Motorway, the over all from achievements contained that eie rdo racss n fl projection film and broadcasts radio Besides

agitation 161

eetees cms o te ot at ee eual sple wt al the all with supplied regularly were part most the for camps Nevertheless, - propaganda

- were brigadiers that suggest might this While publications. news oslav propagandnomu 1949 omladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu rtto Jedinstvo i Bratstvo work th preferred Yugoslav war movies over Soviet ones because of because ones Soviet over movies war Yugoslav preferred th

ons were printed in Zagreb, and therefore sometimes could not could sometimes therefore and Zagreb, in printed were ons

inyouth the 160

Brigadiers were Brigadiers

labour brigades labour Bohrod n Unity] and [Brotherhood o dprmn, h rdo tto dd not did station radio the department, rop - ae ulcto ad se te central the asked and publication page hs etr a as i charge in also was sector this

also provided with a with provided also on a highwaya on Motorway. However, in 1949 the the 1949 in However, Motorway. 159


was four pages long long pages four was ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ],

short newsletter, short . godini” .

f the of

62 .

CEU eTD Collection oowy irr cnitd f 000 ok dsrbtd i distributed books camps. 70,000 of consisted the library Motorway in offered course analphabetic the completed them of successfully all Action, the in participated had who brigadiers illiterate 8,277 the of stopped, of case the in particularly Slovenian. and required; the know always not would teachers as co offered students the as language, the with problem a generate surrounding often then would This area substitutes. local the from teacher a or brigade, another from student literate a provide only often could headquarters teacher, without arrive would percent. 70 or 60 to up reaching sometimes youth, illiterate of rate highest t had Herzegovina and Bosnia and Macedonia so. do to failed several brigades, Motorway the of case the in though from; coming were they area the from teacher own their bring to All courses. analphabetic prioritized ha brigades and conducted programs other among education, generations [ 166 1948. December2, 165 164 [ 163 162 agitp the by officially or initiative, own their through brigades camp. youth as lively a were that entertainments the of several ran education and culture generally those to literature. in interested site. Report on Report on

“ “PismoMaršalumotorway graditelja[Letter Marshalautoputa of Titu” thebuilders to Tito], Ibidem. “ “ Izveštaj o agitaciono Izveštajo Izveštajo nakilometru“ logor 144 camp [Youth Omladinskion 144 the 166

eie poiig ces o eoddmsc n poetn fls te department the films, projecting and music recorded to access providing Besides society Yugoslav in problem major a was Illiteracy The books were used in reading groups for illiterate brigadiers, but were also available also were brigadiers, but illiterate for groups reading in used were books The

agitation agitation d the same motto: “Nobody will return illiterate!” return will “Nobody motto: same the d agitaciono

– his pas n vros id o sca events social of kinds various and plays Choirs,

essig fe te a. hrfr, h YA gtrp eatet for department Agitprop YLA the Therefore, War. the after persisting - - propaganda propaganda

- - propagandnomu 1949. godiniomladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu propagandnomu 1949. godiniomladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu w work 164 ork

n oebr 98 we construc when 1948, November In inyouth the inyouth the

labour brigades labour brigades labour th

kilometer], on a highwaya on highwaya on cms l oe te construction the over all camps n 162 rop department, receiving help help receiving department, rop were either organized within within organized either were

Every brigade was supposed supposed was brigade Every Omladina, -

in1949 in1949 in ok fr ht year that for works tion especially among older older among especially ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ], F152. FAY, 114, ], 163 May1948. 8, srcin ie as site, nstruction pect of life in the in life of pect 165

When a brigade a When

Omladina, In 1949, the the 1949, In

” ”


63 he

CEU eTD Collection meant a special honor for all its members. its all for honor special a meant flag headquarters the with YLA the from returned who brigades those and brigade perfect shock of flag headquarters‟ the for compete theprog extracurricularon thosewithsummed be would site construction the on Achievements workloads. required beyond activity optional in involved brigadiers possible manyas as have to everybrigade of interest the in was It camp. the of life 15days).around was usually (which them of asked time of length full the stayfor to failed or camps, in appear ag of complaints the by judging double “a from: either group cultural representative a of members 30 of maximum a send Yout Peoples‟ the 1949 July in example, For were country the of branches. local its and parts republic certain a of Youth Peoples‟ the with all cooperation in organized from clubs cultural various by Visits headquarters. from 170 169 [ 168 167 shock of flag headquarters‟ the claim to closer brigade the bring would training) site construction in and the “physical culture” trainings. on especially program, YLA the of sphere every in brigade best the be constantly to referred figh continue will "We added: commander brigade his and commune.” our to back it take and it keep only could we when beautiful, is flag “The said: he flag earned recently their about thinks he what Ćiro old years Report on

Ibidem. “Nosiocištaba” [Carriersflag],Glavnoga zastavice the Headquarters‟of “ FCSA,214,5790/49. F 1231, Izveštaj o agitaciono Izveštajo

h bde of badge The extrac the in engage to encouraged strongly were brigadiers time, free Intheir octet,



a - 168 propaganda reduced

- propagandnomu 1949. godiniomladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu fiskulturnika

choir with choir work

ig o ep t n h brigade" the in it keep to ting

inthe itprop reports, such groups occasionally ignored requests to to requests ignored occasionally groups such reports, itprop

fr h biair h bece te ut i physical in quota the breached who brigadier the (for

a youth folklore group,folklore

labour brigades labour - When brigade. Shock brigade. o Ygsai rqetd ht t bac in branch its that requested Yugoslavia of h Omladina


on a highwaya on

a tamburica - brigades represented an image of image an represented brigades brigadeswould best theand rams

reporter in May 1948 asked 16 16 asked 1948 May in reporter 169 Omladina,

By fighting the commander commander the fighting By



May1948. 3, ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ], a. ” 167 - brigade.

However, urricular ”

170 64

CEU eTD Collection than their (flawed) celebrations,than specific rally that made the successful. badly were acts the of most If success. complete a was rally the participants, the of performances the in errors frequent and For trainings. morning actions.” labor on fiveof a us]. is t chanting:“Tito formation in marched brigadiers 6000 rallyparade, the Tito.During for foremost CPY, the for support loyaltyand their of expressions symbolic with c Croatian the and half Belgrade Motorway, the on city Serbian a Ruma, in rally its held section III the for youth took instructors their and culture, physical for department the by organized was culture Physical 173 172 171 military byArmy training(PMT)conducted attention. and organized the special deserves YLA East, the from invasion of threat a with crisis military a emerged there Split, the during that fact that account into Taking program. youth entire the to dimension new whole 3.4. ii ad e dy atr h Ffh P Cnrs, h biair‟ efracswr filled were performances brigadiers‟ the Congress, CPY Fifth the after days few and risis

Ibi Ibidem. “Tito

dem. 172

The presence of the Yugoslav Army on the YLA Motorway (in any period) adds a a adds period) any (in Motorway YLA the on Army Yugoslav the of presence The Pre – -

to smomi” to [Tito smaller surroundeda youth star” grouppointed of “symbolizing working the heroism form “in the brigadiers with demonstration, a with rallyopened the beginningof The - militarytraining morning gymnastics and trained them for rally performances. In august 1948, august In performances. rally for them trained and gymnastics morning 173

te biae as perfor also brigades Other Omladina, -

that is that us], - Serbian border. Serbian

performed it seems it was the themes of the occasion, rather occasion, the of themes the was it seems it performed

Omladina, Omladina, in spite of a complete lack of synchronization of movementsynchronization of of lack complete a of spite in 171 August 3,1948. August

Since it was only a month after the Resolution the after month a only was it Since med gymnastic routines prepared during during prepared routines gymnastic med

o smo mi” mi” smo o - way between between way [Tito [Tito -

Pre that 65 -

CEU eTD Collection iiay instructor. military army with person one least at with Motorway war.But possible preparing fora program how this did workYLAs? in wa Yugoslavia that proves Regulation Government‟s the fact, of matter a As coincidence. a be cannot period this in PMT Yugoslav popularizationthe of the chapter) previous the uponin (already Federal budget,elaborated the departments. Headquarters‟ non compulsory participants. t open and service, active in enlist to about those for advised pre (voluntary) had actions service. army regular in enlist to having before PMT in participate to obliged 17 youth, all which to according Regulation, Government‟s 10,1948. August 178 177 militaryMotorwaythe trainingon 176 10,1948. August 175 ofyouthPeoples‟conductingtasks on Pre the 174 of purpose main The in: knowledge basic topography.” and rule offered service garrison training, technical rule, theymachine infantry “shooting, together and part, practical a and educational an into their with Motorway the at arrival upon knowledge their spreading for prepared were they where Army, Yugoslav the by given

„Pre Ibidem. “GodišnjiizvoĊenju izvještaj o naobuke predvojniĉke Autoputu i„Predvojniĉkaobukana omladina [Pre Autoputu“ “Onekimvezi predvojniĉkojzadacimau omladine NarodnesasomesprovoĊenjem Zakona o [About obuci” dvojniĉka obuka iobukanadvojniĉka omladina [Pre Autoputu“ As with the case of the literacy program, every brigade was supposed to arrive at the at arrive to supposed was brigade every program, literacy the of case the with As mid In

175 -

June, the Peoples‟ Youth of Yugoslavia Central Council supported the Federal the supported Council Central Yugoslavia of Youth Peoples‟ the June,

codn t te fiil eot te M ws h ms pplr non popular most the was PMT the report, official the to According - work activity in 1948 and 1949 among all those organized by the General the by organized those all among 1949 and 1948 in activity work 177

hs nmntd niiul wud ae at n dctoa seminars educational in part take would individuals nominated These the training was to introduce the basics of military training to youth youth to training military of basics the introduce to was training the 176 - - military training even before the Regulation, which was much much was which Regulation, the before even training military

1949], AY,F F152. 1949], 114,

With major funds being alloca being funds major With

brigade. The PMT program on the Motorway was divided was Motorway the on program PMT The brigade. - militaryTraining Law], etniey eraiig hi dfne ocs and forces defense their reorganizing extensively s - - militaryyouthon Motorway],training theand mil experience who would serve as a brigade Pre brigade a as serve would who experience itary training and youthon itaryMotorway],training theand

1949.” [Year conductingreport on Pre the Omladina, - year ted for the country‟s defense in defense country‟s the for ted o both female as well as male male as well as female both o - old and above, w above, and old

July1948. 13,


Youth labor Youth ere legally ere Omladina Omladina 178 66 , , - - -

CEU eTD Collection directly experi directly without ground, the on theory with dealt other the while aircraft from jumping practiced half brigades. of top on instructors. training, PMT military as Action the after 2 with training, communities intense had unit this Consequently, home their to return to students p this of aim The nineteen. to sixteen of ages the between site, construction motorway the of areas surrounding the from youth up made militarypolice. and paratroopers unit, school high a as such units marks. excellent with finishing 15,000 around with participated, youth 29,435 of total a 1948, in course shooting the of months three first the only During practice. shooting was attendance highest the with course PMT The brigade. preparatory experience. of degree certain a with them provide to as so service, army regular the joined they before 184 183 182 181 militaryMotorwaythe trainingon 180 10,1948. August 179 [bullets].” mm 7.5 origin, use. in not when weaponry gu and trainings PTM during discipline maintain to was purpose Their YLA. the on stay their during training intensive had also therefore and service, army regular in served not had

Ibidem. Ibidem. Ibidem. Ibidem. “Godišnjiiz i„Predvojniĉkaobukana omladina [Pre Autoputu“ M ws at f h atvte‟ ceue raie tre ie a wee a times three organized schedule activities‟ the of part was PMT 181

h Prtopr nt wt is 0 mmes ws iie it to rus One groups. two into divided was members, 600 its with unit, Paratrooper The vještaj o izvoĊenju vještaj o naobuke predvojniĉke Autoputu

encing parachuting. encing

184 183 -

was rifle single a not that states 1949 in PMT on report The 1949], AY,F F152. 1949], 114, the 7 hours spent on the construction site helping regular regular helping site construction the on spent hours 7 the For shooting practice, brigadiers used “871 rifles of French French of rifles “871 used brigadiers practice, shooting For 182

The military police unit mostly consisted of youth who who youth of consisted mostly unit police military The articular unit was to prepare selected highselected school prepare to was unit articular - militaryyouthon Motorway],training theand 179

h nx yea next The

- 3 hours every day dedicated to their pre their to dedicated day every hours 3 –

1949.” [Year conductingreport on Pre the PT raie specialized organized PMT r 180

The high school unit school high The fr every for k Omladina

was ard ard 67 , - -

CEU eTD Collection camps. the in compulsory oflife major, 1948,a feature after Motorway say,PMT became, to onthe it study. of this Suffice beyond scope further exploration requirethe would correct is conclusion an not, had who those were YLA the YLA affected almost From before all youth only that 1949. the in appears it brigadiers this, on YLA. Motorway the PMT in participated youth female 70,000 and male 210,000 around 1949 In youth. among PMT towards attitude serious a promote to helped have must units army the of presence actual The youth. the to maneuvers tactical presenting by PMTs the helped often but camps, own their in settled were They Motorway. orthe disciplined, military unit was Motorway doing police onthe job its well. used. improperly or stolen F152.statistics],AY, F 114, 186 militaryMotorwaythe trainingon 185

“Izvještaj o provoĊenju“Izvještaj o predvojniĉke obuke “GodišnjiizvoĊenju izvještaj o naobuke predvojniĉke Autoputu As previously mentioned, Yugoslav Army units worked beside youth on the the on youth beside worked units Army Yugoslav mentioned, previously As


Based on these numbers, it seems that the Regulation from the year the from Regulation the that seems it numbers, these on Based 185 -

This could have meant two things; either brigadi either things; two meant have could This 1949], AY,F F152. 1949], 114, wr nt evn i te arm the in serving not were d -

statistike” conducting[Report on Pre -

almost 95% of the total number of parti of number total the of 95% almost

1949.” [Year conductingreport on Pre the y. - mil

Whether or not this this not or Whether itarytraining

ers were self were ers cipants in cipants -

68 - -

CEU eTD Collection oty rud h tee f eoc ot promn etariay ed. hl the While deeds. extraordinary performing day ofthe many greatmany in were respects, achievements ofYLAs youth heroic of theme the around centered YLAsmostly the on conditions the about read could public Yugoslav the What YLAs. t covering media in evident certainly were camp his Motorway new of the into happenings arrival brigade‟s the after days several fire camp a around sitting were they as reporter 3.5. 189 188 187 task specified teamwork. with brigade disciplined organized an of part as not field, and a on work hard used to all were Theyexperience. disorientating and new water. large a on finding day first the youth, peasant 250 of consisted in and camp, the in themselves orientating simply in difficulties enormous caused lamps and petroleum of lack a how and camp, the in night praise from far were

Ibidem. Ibidem. “Prvidani

The kinds of omissions Commander Rodoljub complained about to an an to about complainedRodoljub Commander omissions of kinds The “Thepavermust notstop!”

189 –

prva iskustva“ [First daysiskustva“ prva[First

brigades gained on achievements newspapers the day next the onlywere fora looking me to seemed for ground heap moment. first very one And

drinking water […] water drinking


in the camp the in

and and -

oty Cmadr oojb et n o ecie i biaes first brigade‟s his describe to on went Rodoljub Commander worthy. next to next

they had to be to they had was here was . ,

We all have all We that

n outstanding and the barracks the

on the on

here they here

o read you . the first the (3 […] [F]or […] – In front of the of front In

rd firstexperiences],

or they were they or Takovo brigade Commander Takovo brigade Commander

bed distributed. X -

Yout differently section


to rest to did not find not did without blankets. without

about example

about this little this about h buildingtheMotorway h on people, young

we arrived late arrived we after a after a long trip leadership


running Omladina,

understood h successes the , brigadiers‟ things were were things brigadiers‟ ,

- what theywhat expected scale construction site was an entirely an was site construction scale


around in around

appeared Spetember1948. 7, Others

, al qoa ad constant and quotas daily s, is

from the from u aot h eprec of experience the about but . life on the labour the on life . written. Apart from Apart And the Rodoljub

- in the dark were dark the in


f different of empty several problems several - 188 day lived experien lived day


. beds ic the Since That evening


Milovanovic laydown our Omladina

we scattered


actions. made brigades

looking looking brigade Then

on the the on at the at news

only only they in a in

) not not ces 187

he he 69

In it ,

CEU eTD Collection tegh os o increase.” not does strength immed Luka Banja to back her send to doctor the with The pregnant. be arranged “I incident: the to on commented sarcastically Džankić, out Fikret commander, brigade‟s turned who cook a including examination, physical their after action. the for signingup when age their about lying youth of instances were there mobilization, premature of cases as well As numbers. arrivingsignificant in still yet were YLAs, the on participate allowed to not were 16 o age the under Youth quotas. theirfulfill to order in everybodysent had could they branches sub previous in upon (elaborated mobilization planned in problems to Due sent were 45 other vaccinated a brigade underwent youth the day,in next The 259 Ruma. the 10 brigade, His Motorway. the on days few first their about reflections personal some as well as camp, their visited Tito when returndfromwer Motorway?],the 192 inFMotorwayAY,152. F Belgrade114, and 1949], 191 “MarijanBrigadeBadel”] 190 of second the route, Motorway the planning of charge in first troops, three for designated brigadiers 3.5.1. brigades, in financialmoral costs upped and forHeadquarters.

„Zašto su 62 brigadistasu62 „Zašto izbanjaluĉkevraćeni I mobilizacijeomladine Analiza Beograd na i Autoput 1949 dnevnik Brigadni ZagrebačkeX.Badel” radne brigade “Marijan

One brigade Commander recorded in his brigade journal his thoughts about the day day the about thoughts his journal brigade his in recorded Commander brigade One On the construction site, brigades were divided into troops of between 60 and to 80 to and 60 between of troops into divided were brigades site, construction the On Competitionsof the expression l as -

fe wih ny 1 biair wr alwd o eun o hi camp. their to return to allowed were brigadiers 214 only which after

home because they were deemed to be too young, weak or sick to remain. to sick or weak young, too be to deemed were they because home

, CSA, F 1231, FCSA,212. F 1231,

different tasks. For example, 1 example, For tasks. different 192 Omladina, Omladina,

edn uft rgdes oe fe ngtvl afce the affected negatively often home brigadiers unfit Sending th 191

Zagreb, arrived on June 2, 1948 after a long train ride to ride train long a after 1948 2, June on arrived Zagreb,

July1948. 17, In1

s Auto s st

Banja Luka brigade, 62 Lukabrigade, Banja oyalty puta?“frombrigadiers[Why 62 1

for Tito and the Party [Analysismobilizationyouththefor of of the iately with the others, so the brigade the so others, the with iately [BrigadeJournal10 of st

Valjevo brigade was divided into divided was brigade Valjevo

physical examination physical were and

brigadiers were sent back back sent were brigadiers

st laying the railway the laying th


- Z anja Lukaanjabrigade hpes, local chapters), agreb L agreb abour abour 190

The The 70 f

CEU eTD Collection responded wit responded then brigade every which to Tito, and Party the of name the in commitment greater for call order proper a not was It every in camp. all levels on spread were will YLA norm the “hunt” Motorway whole the that announced Headquarters General When flourished. and functioned have never could competitions of systems these propaganda, omnipresent Tito. and CPY towards loyalty and love further fostering with combination in socialism, building of honor and stabilization the and prize symbolic for brigades between social spirit competing a creating was work of system of mechanism actual cr Resolution the the during actions labor youth on homogenization were competitions of sub Systems Headquarters‟ General the by invented hou competitions free of thousands dedicate to youth Motivating hours onthe 10ormore spent construction depending weather site, and task onthe conditions. sand. with railway the filling of third the and Motorway the to next tracks 1948. Centralbuilders fromof BelgradeNewto of Committee CommunistParty ofYugoslavia], 195 Omladina, wavepre of 194 Tito‟sbirthday], 193 F the of start the before results better producing them, towards with compete and join projects YLA major other inviting and project, their competition within a about them informing Committee Central CPY to telegrams sent Belgrade He General the instance, For project. YLA one of initiative the on organized were competitions level Federal levels. brigade and section project, federal,

“TelegramCentralnom Beograda Komunistiĉkegraditelja Novog partijekomitetu [TelegramJugoslavije” “Moćniizraz ljubavijetalastakmiĉenjanašeipretkongresnog Tituprema omladine Partiji” drugu [Powerful iznad“800 ĉast normeprocenata roĊendanau Tita[800 druga

There were different levels of competition on the YLAs, and these can be divided into: divided into: be can these and YLAs, levels different ofcompetition onthe were There July1948. 8, - Congressisyouth‟scompetitioncomrade love our expression and of Party], the Tito towards h enthusiasm. Omladina, 194 -

or in other words, other build or in ihu te iiay organ military the Without


1, 1948. 1,

more than it was originally it than more planned ization of the whole structure of brigades and and brigades of structure whole the of ization percent s n ad aor ee numerous were labour hard in rs fh P Congress. CPY ifth

abovecomrade norminthe honor to - eatet o competitions. for department adquarters of the YLA New New YLA the of adquarters isis. The ultimate goal of this of goal ultimate The isis. per se per , but rather an officialrather an but , 193 Omladina,

Sometimes they Sometimes -

these “orders” these 195


May 29, e other he 71

CEU eTD Collection better socialist future.better a building of goal in belief genuine a and feeling bypatriotic justified was work to dedication thei various to according badge. snail a receive for truck a of an image plane; a of image an with badge a earn would day the of result best the with members 1 organization. internal compe next the during onto hold and defend to try then would they which flag”, Headquarters‟ “General the earn temporarily and or twenty results best the the promoted to with wouldofshock be status days brigades flag.” Committee participate. to willingness their of affirmation an with responded brigades, Motorway the were which among YLAs, Tito‟sbirthday], 199 198 197 1948. 196 Central CPY On the subjectCommittee. ofthe Congress, Mot the the to letters Stalin‟s was convened was it reason the that know yet not did immediatelyr

“800 procenata iznad“800 ĉast normeprocenata roĊendanau Tita[800 druga “Nosiocištaba” flag],Generalglavnog zastavice [Carriers ofthe Headquarters‟ Ibidem. Petog„Takmiĉenje kongresaĉast u KPJ“[Co wgs ol dpn o te aia etnin f hi efrs Sc volunteer Such efforts. their of extension maximal the on depend would wages r

h cneig of convening The

ecognized as a “historic moment” “historic a as ecognized Omladina, hearts persistent the of year second the convening The 197

Project and section competitions wer competitions section and Project

with records; h second the

st 199 June1948. 1,

Valjevo brigade developed their own competition, in which the troop which troop the competition,in own their Valjevobrigade developed

ept te at hr ws o aeil rz fr h brigadiers, the for prize material no was there fact the Despite 196 mes joy immense h Fifth the


of the Fifth the of The prize for the winners was the permanent “PYY Central Central “PYY permanent the was winners the for prize The ot to bt hi tss n opttos seriously competitions and tasks their both took youth

- the Five the best troop; and finally the least efficient members would would members efficient least the finally and troop; best

CPY o build to tition. mpetitionin honor ofFifthCPY Congress],

n pride. and Congress of Congress - Year Congress two months months two Congress 198

, despite the fact that that fact the despite , Brigade

socialism Plan orway state YLA headquarters

, [ ...]

percent when the Communist Party Communist the - ee cmeiin wr a ma a were competitions level

e constantly ongoing and every ten ten every and ongoing constantly e Tasks n Yugoslavia in

abovecomrade norminthe honor to our

n honor in people working Omladina, before its opening was was opening its before -

representatives of PYY of representatives ,

f h Pry Fifth Party the of il our fills

Omladina, of Yugoslavia of May1948. 3,

dedicated d:

builders‟ -

June 1, June1, brigade brigade tr of tter -

s if as

72 in to to

CEU eTD Collection telegram they explain how will they express their loyalty: “From now on, through our our through on, now “From loyalty: their express they will how explain they telegram of became Party the and Tito the Party a sent YLA Motorway the te of Headquarters General the increased 1948, gained 2, July competition On Congress significance. the silence, of days few a following However, largest, first, of the post background political true the knew organization youth any suggestthat that indications no are directlyins they ornot Whetherwere Tito. and YLA federal the CPY the to organize youth of loyalty the of to expression an as discussed) (earlier time, competition Congress this at important be would instruction an such why CCCPY], telegramto 201 1948. 200 cultural, educational, and Ideological gym exceeded. and educational be to have they met were they where and met, be to have they achieved not were norms previously Where hands. our under grow faster, built rat work be to have to machines have route the along levees life, new a flow to needs site construction legram to the CC of the CPY: “Serious accusations “Serious CPY: the of CC the to legram

“Telegram„Bratstvo graditelja autoputa “

Takmiĉenje u ĉast Petog kongresaĉast u Takmiĉenjein KPJ“honor [Competition ofFifth CPY Congress], Motorway

, headed by headed , instruct CPY the of CC the that possibility a is There After the Cominform resolution reached the Yugoslav public, no one initially reacted. reacted. initially one no Yugoslavpublic, the reached resolution Cominform the After , the the be will Congress to build to

its Communist Omladina

Central Committee Central atc ok e ae o otne eeoig n mk dee, richer, deeper, make and developing continue to have we work nastic

- our future, our war gathering ofYugoslavwar communists. , July , 1948. 8, ionally and with fewer breakdowns, bridges, passes, […] have to to have […] passes, bridges, breakdowns, fewer with and ionally

utmost Party

a new a

to build to -

and jedinstvo‟ importance to the YLA headquarters. At the end of the the of end the At headquarters. YLA the to importance

proof of the love the of proof

comrade Tito comrade is going is


CKKPJ”[TheM tructed to organize the competitionortheorganize to tructed

the right way right the

in our country our in . 200



otorway “Brotherhood otorway

ed the PYY, without explaining explaining without PYY, the ed devotion of our heroic our of devotion

. shake us shake Led by Led

.” 201

the Party the

Exp in the in ressing loyalty to to loyaltyressing Omladina, -

unity”builders‟ belief , we came came we ,

not there not

youth to youth

that our that June 1, June1, 73 to

CEU eTD Collection “The the of director the with meeting its held headquarters pre of public relations the response in across all party organizations. period a as understood be can silence of days few first those Therefore, CPY. the of leadership bythe „above‟,from coordinated was partyorganization its in – Resolution the behind background political whole the of unaware remained organizers youth reasons. two for important Komsomol.” heroic and SKP(b) “glorious the of examples the following, by and of, light in themselves educate and raise will they that out point also headquarters the waybecame the and loyaltyParty. Tito their to ofmanifesting versatile.” more kmMotorwayofthe until29], November 204 203 CCCPY], telegramto 202 site? construction for practice in mean commitments of kinds these did what But cease. 1948 for works site construction the when 29 November before Motorway the of kilometers 105, Headquartplanned the of instead General 120, complete will brigadiers the that announced Blanuša Ico commander actions, the on you of loyalty the expressing as targets work competitions. discussed they which

importantly from where the accusations against CPY originated originated CPY against accusations the where from importantly

“ Ibidem. “Telegram„ graditelja autoputa their telegram. Secondly, it is clear that the official attitude towards the Soviet Union and and Union Soviet the towards attitude official the that clear is it Secondly, telegram. their Umjesto 10 Umjesto Motorway” he dy bfr te pnn o te oges o Jl 1, h Motorway the 18, July on Congress, the of opening the before days Three par small a in Nevertheless,

5km izgraditćemo 202

(SYCEM), motorway engineers and representatives from all brigades, at at brigades, all from representatives and engineers motorway (SYCEM), Omladina For youth, hard work and fulfillment of the daily and weekly assignments assignments weekly and daily the of fulfillment and work hard youth, For

, July , 1948. 8, Firstly, it confirms that, like most of their Party representatives, representatives, Party their of most like that, confirms it Firstly, Br

120 km120 Autoputa29.Novembra”do

atstvo Omladina, 204 - jedinstvo‟

In light of an already tried and tested method of higher higher of method tested and tried already an of light In

t of the telegram, builders represented by their their by represented builders telegram, the of t

July 1948. 20,

CKKPJ”[The“Brotherhood Motorway

tt Yuh osrcin Enterprise Construction Youth State

[Instead of 105 kmofwill[Instead105 we build 120

- , a fact they state blandly state they fact a , aig coordinated a paring 203

This statement is statement This the youth on the on youth the - unity”builders‟ ers‟ 74

CEU eTD Collection ass vr t ih h apat Hwvr te ae‟ feun brea frequent paver‟s the However, asphalt. the with it over passes layer. final a as asphalt laying by 10 ways. height. in meters 4 or 3 reaching piles onto sometimes wagons, onto cargo of kilos hundred several tr were brigade morni the in o‟clock 2 At tasks. dangerous and difficult performing were brigadiers hours, “voluntary” and hours working their during Both work” “voluntary extra up take to able also were brigades whole day, per hours 8 to 6 in conducted troops the work the Besides snail” t with intensified. system competition internal an implemented significantly Motorway the on works opening the Congress 209 208 207 206 “MarijanBrigadeBadel”] 205 their tempo. follow th falter, to appear would paver the operating stop!” not must paver their “The effect was: this motto to and signature morale boost to situation possible every used they Nonetheless, the when and variable, important most the was efficiency competition Inthe efficiency. its and machinery reliability their the of on depended brigadewas the of success the Therefore, days. for sometimes hours, for sometimes progress;

Ibidem. Ibidem. Ibidem. Ibidem. “ Brigadnidnevn 207 – The pressures of competition affected brigadier morale in bo in morale brigadier affected competition of pressures The 10 of journal the to According


for the troops. They were also offered the chance to perform “voluntary work”. work”. “voluntary perform to chance the offered also were They troops. the for

Zagreb brigade mostly worked with the paver, the machine which finishes the road road finishes the which machine the paver, the with worked mostly Zagrebbrigade nprig ala tak o te osrcin ie Ter oe a t load to was role Their site. construction the on tracks railway ansporting ik X. Zagrebaĉkeik brigadeX. radne „

, CSA, F 1231, FCSA,212. F 1231,


during Sundays, night shifts, their free time in general. in time free their shifts, night Sundays, during

Their task was to do the groundwork before the machine the before groundwork the do to was task Their th

Zagreb brigade, already in the days leading up to the to up leading days the in already brigade, Zagreb MarijanBadel e brigade pushed them to work harder and to to and harder work to them pushed brigade e ng on July 25, two troops from 10 from troops two 25, July on ng rgd ws nfiin, oae ol fall. would morale inefficient, was brigade heir own symbols own heir 209 ‟ ”

[Brigade Journal10 [Brigade of When workers from the SYCEM SYCEM the from workers When th positive and nega and positive th -

“plane, car, horse and horse car, “plane, kdowns often halted halted often kdowns th

205 ZagrebLabou

h brigade The th

Zagreb r tive 206 75

CEU eTD Collection journal: Comman Their shift. their of beginning the for waiting while Congress the on speeches Tito‟s and radio the listen to barrack brigade Belgrade around gathered camp the before day next The camp. the near passing and delegates the and 20, July On Congress. c a for camp AMPM 6:00 until 211 “MarijanBrigadeBadel”] 210 10 Moto the on stays prolonged promoted department agitprop the Therefore, YLA. the on longer on stay to brigadiers ask to was option Another work”. this achieve to way One workforce. the of efforts the in increase considerable a needed road of kilometers 120 of assignment” 29 “November major new the and assignments competition Congress the of cou the towards obligation loyaltyand of expression an was work where attitude, working new a created brigades which in policies

th “ Ibidem. Brigadnidnevn

Zagreb brigade stayed for 2 months, from July 1 until August 31, 1948 even though they they though even 1948 31, August until 1 July from months, 2 for stayed brigade Zagreb The Commander‟s thoughts represents an example of successful YLA competition competition YLA successful of example an represents thoughts Commander‟s The staff technical for works paver fails paver thoughts these With results. they therefore and us behind is road finished only and progress 6:00 from hours straight 12 for paver the with worked they day Congress first the On

P Cnrs ad ree te rcsin f rcs n pvr cryn their carrying pavers and trucks of procession the greeted and Congress CPY eremony farewelling their delegates on their way to Belgrade for the Fifth CPY CPY Fifth the for Belgrade to way their on delegates their farewelling eremony there Belgrade In ik X. Zagrebaĉkeik brigadeX. radne„

as usual as -

as they had lost most of the previous day on cleaning and decorating their decorating previous and oncleaning of the day theymost lost had as how we are fulfilling are we how . , a t ecuae h ipeetto ad atcpto i “voluntary in participation and implementation the encourage to was 211

CSA, F 1231, FCSA,212. F 1231, they wrote slogans all over the camp with messag with camp the over all slogans wrote they

0 fields 30 210 ?

Party organization Party

is ,


n we and

we are are we chart ntry, the Party and their leader. The rush for fulfillment for rush The leader. their and Party the ntry,

where Congress delegates Congress where


our on through going more


and sections and hn anyon than ‟ ”

[Brigade Journal10 [Brigade of

. Our first s first Our . [delegates] will be looking at our at looking be will [delegates] h cntuto site. construction the work, those troops who stayed in in stayed who troops those work, rway among the brigades. . The . brigades. the among rway else e

will mobilize will

are able are il help will ection is almost done, almost is ection es of support for Tito for support of es der recorded in his in recorded der th

all Zagreb Labour to see our see to

and forces so the the so forces

What if What

uh the push daily

the the 76

CEU eTD Collection PYY officials, The Motorway YLA headquarters and Vlada Zeĉević (the FPRY Minister of Minister FPRY (the Zeĉević Vlada and headquarters YLA Motorway The officials, PYY finalof1948,impressive. account the in rallywere, At ceremonial Mitrovica, the Srijemska in 4 3 the motorway ofthe parts unfinished on were there suggests worksthat 1949 for the in built. actually were kilometers many how exactly f Motorway the on achievements brigadiers‟ summarized Omladina in articles no were there that given unsuccessful, presumably were they However, months. were kilometers many congress. how on before data precise days no few is there a Unfortunately, meeting the on announced kilometers 15 additional those November. the until stay their prolonged shift fifth the from youth 17,000 when 1949, in case days. 30 than more no stayed have should and brigade student a were – 215 year],offorconstruction this works 214 [ 213 “MarijanBrigadeBadel”] 212 […] embankments, of meters construct cubic 2,800,000 built humus, of meters cubic 1,280,000 “unearthed brigades The language: communist famous in Motorway the on achievements Construction Report

th The biggest labouractionThe biggest ofYouth], Peoples‟

“Dogradnja Autoputa “GraditeljiproslaviliAutoputa ovogodišnjih suzavršetak [TheMotorwaybuildersradova” endcelebrated the “ “ sections. Izveštaj o agitaciono Izveštajo Brigadnidnevn

on Whether 120 kilomete 120 Whether constructing in not or succeeded brigades the whether unknown remains it end the In

ed 440,000 square meters of concrete road, […] 64,000 square meters asphalt road, asphalt meters square 64,000 […] road, concrete of meters square 440,000 ed agitation with sensational titlesaboutwith any which Motorway.In such success onthe article the 213 215 s) hosted brigades coming from the last shift. Ministers) last brigades hosted major The spokeabout the coming from the

ik X. Zagrebaĉkeik brigadeX. radne „ - propaganda

- – propagandnomu 1949. godiniomladniskimradu brigadamau radnimna autoputu ,

CSA, F 1231, FCSA,212. F 1231, Najvećaakcijaovogodišnjaradna omladine”Narodne Motorwayof the[Completion work Motorway the on youth of efforts the not, or completed were rs Omladina, Omladina,

inyouth the December1948. 2,


labour brigades labour MarijanBadel February1948. 13, 214

Furthermore, the article about the plans the about article the Furthermore,

‟ on a highwaya on ”

[Brigade Journal10 [Brigade of or 1948, there were no records on records no were there 1948, or

in1949 212 ], AY, F 114, F152. FAY, 114, ], iihd n hs 7 those in finished

The same was the was same The th

Zagreb Labour

n of end rd ”

and and


CEU eTD Collection age of 17 is taken out of the total number, because they were unfit for the positions opened in opened positions the for unfit were they because number, total the of out taken is 17 of age under those and youthfemale of proportion the if higher even be could ratio the that suggests youpeasant 84,706 of percent 19.2 military as industry. well as industry light and heavy mining, in mostly YLA, Motorway the from in Bureau Yugoslavia, Work of Federal the Youth with Peoples‟ coordination of the sort 1948, a For as youth. served peasant YLA for office The employment Motorway. the on volunteering finished they after had […]” meters closedcommander the ceremony the with following words: 810 of length in bridges concrete 16 […] 219 , courses] 218 217 – 216 excuses with brigadiers former groupsof rejected whole enterprises cases, Insome poor. was enterprises state and department employment PYY the between coordination Secondly, factory, the to directly head and camp your leave to matter simple a always not was it Firstly, youth. st mines,

The biggest labouractionThe biggest ofYouth], Peoples‟

Ibidem. “Ukljuĉivanjeiinyouthomladineprivredu u struĉnekurseve” economy [Engagingthe specializingand Ibidem. “Dogradnja Autoputa Sharing their newly their Sharing comrades Motorway, the on life, had you one cultural the and like political your in successes better even and same the create villages cooperatives initiators Our there. you Though successful, the employment process was sometimes rough and unpleasant for unpleasant and rough sometimes was process employment the successful, Though

AY, F 114, FAY,152. F 114, 218 eelwork factories and eelwork and factories of military most where youththe factories went. hc was which

The plan was fulfilled and even surpassed with 14,319 youth employed, a total of total a employed, youth 14,319 with surpassed even and fulfilled was plan The You , . 217 raies of organizers

are now going to your to going now are .

– Do your best your Do often situated in different regions and even in a different republic. republic. different a in even and regions different in situated often

Najvećaovogodišnjaradn youth organizations have big expectations about you about expectations big have organizations youth

- acquired exper acquired

on people young

for th who had participated in the Motorway YLA. The report The YLA. Motorwaythe in participated had who th

a hasty a Omladina,

houses iences and knowledge was not the only path youth path only the not was knowledge and iences a akcijaa omladine”Narodne Motorwayof the[Completion

socialist lne t epo 1,1 non 14,117 employ to planned share your knowledge and knowledge your share

February1948. 13, o work to in

y our villages our


n h dvlpet of development the on 216

h Grea Headquarters‟ Gerneral The

. Major tasks are waiting for for waiting are tasks Major .

of your villageyourof

experience . 219 You should be should You - tdn youth student

. In your In . agrarian

to your to

such 78

CEU eTD Collection oiie te ags aon o youth of amount largest the mobilized link the strengthen to and “Brotherhood Motorway The Party.youth and between support, garner to way best the was project construction the the was Tito them, For extension leader. the Party, Communist the of Yugoslavia‟s embodiment see to opportunity the have would they first the be would it day, that Motorway for journals, brigadier in reports the from Judging there. working youth the among Party the for support strengthen to Motorway the to came Tito there? be to him for important so it was why and Resolution the after days 15 Motorway the on doing an helping transform economy to agrarian industrialized an into country ofworkers. program PYY some in participating up end did individuals these of majority the incidences, home. back return to money no with doors, find to closed only country the across traveled girls and boys unfortunate some go, to decisions factory.” our to coming are youth 500 that us informed “Nobody as: 221 F,AY,152. F courses] 114, 220 forhomogenization platform and ofyouth. stabilization inner a as serve and 1950, and 1948 between crisis the survive to able was it factors, ideological

Ibidem. “Ukljuĉivanjeiinyouthomladineprivredu u struĉnekurseve” economy [Engagingthe specializingand hs eun t te usin oe a te einn o te hpe: Wh chapter: the of beginning the at posed question the to returns This

- Tak t a ait o pltcl eooi and economic political, of variety a to Thanks .

and most likely the only the likely most and

of themselves. His physical presence on presence physical His themselves. of 221 - Unity” was a project that successfullythat project a was Unity”

u, vn fe sc di such after even But,

the majority of youth on the on youth majorityof the -

time in their lives when lives their in time 220

After making their their making After t a Tito was at scouraging


CEU eTD Collection and unity”, by using YLA to teach Yugoslav yo Yugoslav teach to YLA using by unity”, and an youth rolecreated important forthe actions. labor the through of country development and reconstruction system, communist new the of establishment the Yugoslavia in period postwar the of dynamics The projects. YLA Yugoslav major first the F context. a postwar broader within YLA situating by start very the at beginning and the methodology with a of one”, introduction “square from depart to had research this Therefore, YLA. the examining the in absent entirely i almost Yugoslavia is of subjecthistoriography the with dealing literature source Secondary sources. primary of analysis systematic through accomplished be only can period, socialist Conclusion Five all affected Cominform the and CPY the significance. Tito the following crisis social and economic of half unfo As1940s. decade the second the in YLAs by played role economic undeniable the represents fact This Five major 70 around on force work the as participated youth a projects same the in participated the alleviate interethnic to attempted actions labour youth in population youth the among Diversity h nw ytm teghnd hi ms iprat dooia pla, “brotherhood pillar, ideological important most their strengthened system new The importance the on research Historical The effects of the political and economic crisis caused by the disagreements bet disagreements the by caused crisis economic and political the of effects The

esos egtnd uig h War. the during heightened tensions

h frt Five first the lded, and brought with it the political, it emergence ofthe with lded, brought ideological,and or the same reasons, this research focused on a case study among among study case a on focused research this reasons, same the or - te 20 the n Year plan projects, and complex international relations relations international complex and projects, plan Year d okd sole t shoulder”. to “shoulder worked nd th

century, as is any developed methodology for for methodology developed any is as century,

- of youth labor actions, at any point during the the during point any at actions, labor youth of Year plan projects and therefore the Motorway the therefore and projects plan Year - tln pi i 14, Ls and increased gained YLAs 1948, in split Stalin uth what that meant in theory and practice. and theory in meant that what uth rgds rm vr cre o Yugoslavia of corner every from Brigades

- Year plan building projects. projects. building plan Year oe hn a than More

million ween 80 – –

CEU eTD Collection directions, from the highest to lowest level and vice versa. Firstly, the project depended on depended project the Firstly, versa. vice and level lowest to highest the from directions, action labour youth c the were levels three those between interrelations The it. building and Motorway, the of project the top, the at structures political the between link strong a was There period. postwar Yugoslav in YLAs the of importance by regardless government expenses. ofits the supported was project the why reasons the of one as taken be can This most. it needed CPY t in mobilization internal for platform established as served youth of concentration huge a such However, high. significantly were brigades having of costs the calculations SYCEM the to according merit, economic having prisoners and soldiers also but youth, the place first the in force; labour human a with manyreplaced in cases were machines Therefore, ordered. were they amount the in arrived never motorway the of building the for suppos were that machines The project. the down sloweddisagreements, the “Brotherhood among support in articles propagandistic did only Not leadership. loyalty their express work hard through and harder work to youth the motivate to meant were site construction Motorway the on competitions of systems which in campaign a of part was youth the of front in appearance His coincidence. no was Resolution ofcrisis, time support. the their during increasingly but power, economic voluntary youth‟s both needed leadership Yugoslav the of needs the to according changing were YLA the on conditions the Secondly, force. work youth‟s and support government the both hrfr, h eape f h poet oowy “Brotherhood Motorway project the of example the Therefore, In that sense, Tito‟s visit to the Motorway only 15 days after Cominform launche Cominform after days 15 onlyMotorway the to visit Tito‟s sense, that In - Unity” and youth labor actions. The economic blockade, as a consequence of consequence a as blockade, economic The actions. labor youth and Unity”

youth, but so too did the journals of brigade commanders themselves. On the the On themselves. commanders brigade of journals the did too so but youth,


oehr rud 40, around together he service of expressing support and loyalty when the when loyalty and support expressing of service he

project and political circumstances. Thirdly, the the Thirdly, circumstances. political and project Omladina 0 pr n two one per 000 write about t about write onstant, and they went in both in went theyand onstant, and support to the CPY the to support and - - ot sit Despite shift. month Unity” he enthusiasm and and enthusiasm he ed to be provided be to ed

eeld the revealed d the d 81

CEU eTD Collection debates opening onYugoslavan youth forfuture actions. labor actions labor youth pre the that clear is it conditions) different completely under performed action and upgraded was Motorway the (when 1960s of beginning and 1950s late the in part acthe of part important Pre and brigades international the as such features certain with deal extensively to unable was thesis the focus the of constraints the of Because 1950. the concerning documents of examination the resistance to competition, confirming stabilization that the mechanism workedas well. e rare were there actions labor youth machines was successfully andeconomic aspectsubstituted the was therefore satisfied. On the of lack The worked. motivation of mechanisms these that is conclusion the and clear very 29” “November and Congress” “Fifth the of examples

sent a vast field of research opportunities. In this respect, I hope that this research will be be will research this that hope I respect, this In opportunities. research of field vast a sent hs eerh n h Mtra yuh ao ato icue comprehensive included action labor youth Motorway the on research This tion. Taking into account that only this particular action had its secondhad its action particular only this that account Takinginto tion.

ape ad eot o “dooia dvain” or deviations” “ideological of reports and xamples otx o te hr pro i bten 98 and 1948 between in period short the of context competitions, the whole process was was process whole the competitions, - military training that were an an were that training military


CEU eTD Collection s Savez 1231, Fund Croatia] of Youth Socialist of [League Hrvatske Omladine Socijalistiĉke Savez GraĊevinaFPRY]MinistarstvoFNRJ of F [MinistryConstructions AY of 13, Maršala Kancelarija Jugoslavije [Marshal Fundof Yugoslavia Cabinet], AY 836, of Industry Federal for Directorate [General Motora Industrije Savezne Direkcija Generalna Enterprise Construction Youth [State „Autoput‟ preduzeće graĊevinsko omladinsko Državno Sources: Croatian The ArchivesThe (AY) ofYugoslavia Archives: Primarysources Bibliography Omladina, Publications: Jugoslavija Jugoslavije Komunista Saveza Kongres VII KongresVI. KPJ Publishedsources: Puhlovski, Milivoj Movies: cjlsik oldn Jgsaie Lau o Scait ot o Ygsai] Fund Yugoslavia] of Youth Socialist of [League Jugoslavije omladine ocijalistiĉke

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