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Thrill-seeking souls enter the eight-acre Clifton Haunted Trail on Oct. 24.

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First-hand Lesson on Holocaust News, Page 3

Photo by Tim Peterson/The Connection online at www.connectionnewspapers.com www.ConnectionNewspapers.comOctober 29 - November 4, 2015 Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 1 2 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Connection Editor Kemal Kurspahic News 703-778-9414 or [email protected] First-hand Lesson on Holocaust Expressions of the Holocaust: GMU group gathers Photos by survivors to share memories. Andrea Worker By Andrea Worker The Connection

n the seventy-seventh anni- /The Connection “ versary of when supposedly Ocivilized nations lost their collective minds, we are here to learn the lesson – first hand - of what can happen when people just stand by and do nothing.” That was how George Mason University President Dr. Angel Cabrera de- Taking the stage for a group photo with the honored guests Holocaust Survivors up front and the students scribed the Expressions of the Holocaust ambassadors and members of Mason Hillel in the back at the third Expressions of the Holocaust: Memories event, organized by Mason Hillel, the event at George Mason University. school’s Jewish life organization, at which he was a guest speaker on Sunday, Oct. 25. As he greeted the assembly of thirty Ho- locaust survivors, families, friends, Hillel members, students and community guests, Cabrera was referring to the upcoming an- niversary of Kristallnacht (The Night of Bro- ken Glass), the night in 1938 when mob violence (later aided by Nazi Storm Troop- ers, members of the SS and Hitler Youth) broke out across Germany, Austria and other Nazi controlled areas. By morning, untold numbers of Jews were beaten or murdered. Jewish homes and businesses were looted Holocaust survivors Felix Nicinski and Dr. Maria or destroyed. Hundreds of synagogues were Dworzecka with student ambassador Brian Garrett- vandalized or burnt to the ground, and Glazer. Garrett-Glazer, a May graduate of George some 30,000 Jewish men were arrested to Mason University, was ‘honored to be given the oppor- be later sent to concentration camps. Many tunity to facilitate the conversation’ at the table at historians view Kristallnacht as the public which Nicinski and Dworzecka shared their stories of ignition point of the Nazis’ determination the Holocaust. "We are so bombarded with the break- to rid the Jewish presence from anywhere ing-news syndrome. This is a chance to hear the within their sphere of control and influence. personal story and feel its powerful impact.” Nicinski, Groups like Mason Hillel are determined who lost his family during the Holocaust, described that the lessons of the past are not lost. “This trying to readjust to “normal” life after being liber- Anna Grosz tells her story at the Expressions of the is our third program dedicated to Holocaust ated. “I hadn’t held a toothbrush in my hand in 5 Holocaust event. Grosz volunteers at the United education and remembrance,” said Taylor years. I hadn’t sat down to eat a meal in all the time. States Holocaust Museum “to help keep the past Kreinces, chair of the event. “We will hear It took awhile before things started to feel normal.” alive, but from happening again.” memories of our honored guests to better understand their lessons of the ness were confiscated under Hungary’s anti- Praust, leaving Anna behind since she was Maria Dworzecka was another Holocaust Holocaust…to share their experiences and Semitic laws and Samuel was conscripted “unfit” after breaking her leg. Sister Eliza- survivor at the same table. She made light wisdom for future generations.” Kreinces into the Hungarian Labor Service. The fam- beth was shot and killed during that evacu- of her experiences, saying she didn’t have asked participants to take a memory from ily received a few letters from Samuel at ation march, but Anna was reunited with it as bad as others like Felix. After hearing the event and share it, hoping that they, too, first, then nothing. Samuel Seelfreund never Gisella and Clara after Soviet troops liber- how she never knew her father or found will share. “It’s the only way to ‘never for- returned home and was never heard from ated the prisoners at Praust. out what happened to him when her par- get.’” again. At another table, Felix Nicinski described ents were unable to flee Warsaw, or how Anna, her mother and her sisters were his internment at Dora when he was just she was left in the streets at less than three AFTER THE KOSHER LUNCH plates eventually forced into the Satu-Mare ghetto. twelve years old. The camp was mostly un- years old when her mother was suddenly were cleared away, student ambassadors From there they were moved to the con- derground, safe from Allied air raids, and away to a camp, her table compan- started the conversations at each of the centration camp at Auschwitz. Anna and her the prisoners tasked with digging tunnels ions couldn’t bring themselves to agree with round tables with group introductions. Then sisters Gisella, Clara and Elizabeth were into the surrounding mountains for subter- her. Three years later Maria’s mother was the survivors began to tell their stories. selected for forced labor after their hair was ranean weapons and missile production. able to return home, looking for her daugh- Anna Grosz, born Anna Seelfreund on cut and they were disinfected. Her mother “There were 12,000 people held in those ter, but it took months before Maria could April 20, 1926 in Racsa, Romania, was the and sisters Margaret and Violet did not sur- tunnels,” recalled Nicinski. “For six months re-bond with her mother and they could daughter of Samuel, a vineyard owner and vive their first night at Auschwitz. They we did not see the light of day. Can you become a family again. Sadly, only 3 years wine merchant, and Ilona, who cared for were sent to the gas chambers almost im- imagine that?” But the worst part for this after their reunion, Maria’s mother was Anna and her five sisters. When Anna was mediately. survivor was having everything taken from killed in a car accident, and Maria was again 14, her town of Racsa suddenly became part Anna survived life in Auschwitz, then him upon his arrival. “They took everything adopted by a Jewish family. of Hungary, separated from Romania by Stutthoff, and then the Praust subcamp. In we had. They took the pictures I had of my “But good can come from bad, “ she re- arbitration between the Axis partners Ger- 1945 the sisters were separated when the family. I lost them all and that hurts, that I minded her listeners. Maria earned her PhD many and Italy. The vineyard and the busi- SS evacuated most of the prisoners at have no pictures of them.” See Memories, Page 6 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 3 News Cook, Kincaid and Silverthorn Host Domestic Violence Awareness Event

airfax County reports nearly 160 domestic vio- F lence arrests are made each month in the county. To bring more attention to this issue and in light of October being declared Domestic Violence Awareness month in Fairfax County, supervisor John Cook (R- Braddock) hosted his third annual Stop Domestic Violence Commu- nity Awareness Event on Oct. 15 at Chuy’s restaurant in Fairfax. Fairfax Mayor Scott Silverthorne and Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey Photo courtesy of John Cook Kincaid were co-hosts of the event, From left, City of Fairfax Mayor Scott Silverthorne, City of which also featured executive di- Fairfax Council member Michael DeMarco, Fairfax County rector and chief executive officer Sheriff Stacey Kincaid, supervisor John Cook (R- of Shelter House Joe Meyer. Braddock) and executive director and chief executive “Fairfax County is committed to officer of Shelter House Joe Meyer met at Chuy’s restau- helping those affected by domes- rant in Fairfax on Oct. 15 to raise awareness for stopping tic violence,” Cook said in a state- domestic violence and providing support services for ment. “As a community, we are all domestic violence victims. working hard to shed light on the issue of family violence in an ef- who work very hard behind the County, additional awareness fort to reduce its occurrence within scenes and I want to especially events and other resources, visit our county and to provide those thank them for all that they do for www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ affected with knowledge on where this cause.” domesticviolence. they can get much needed assis- For more information on domes- tance. There are so many people tic violence statistics in Fairfax —Tim Peterson

4 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News SoberRide for Halloween he Washington Regional ropolitan area provide this no-cost TAlcohol Program will pro- service to local residents age 21 vide free cab rides to and older who otherwise may at- would-be drunk drivers through- tempt to drive home after drink- out the Washington metropolitan ing. SoberRide is offered in the: area on Halloween evening, this District of Columbia; throughout Saturday, Oct. 31. the Maryland counties of Mont- Offered by the nonprofit WRAP, gomery and Prince George’s; and the Halloween SoberRide program throughout the Northern Virginia will go into operation at 10 p.m. counties of Arlington, Fairfax, east- on Saturday, Oct. 31, and operate ern Loudoun and Prince William. until 4 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 1, as “The scary fact is that nearly half a way to help keep local roads safe of all U.S. traffic deaths occurring from impaired drivers during this during Halloween are caused by traditionally high-risk holiday pe- drunk drivers,” said Kurt Gregory riod. Erickson, WRAP’s President. During this six-hour period, area Last Halloween’s SoberRide pro- You Can Make a Difference residents ages 21 and older cel- gram provided nearly 300 free cab ebrating with alcohol may call the rides home to would-be drunk toll-free SoberRide phone number drivers in the Washington Metro- 1-800-200-TAXI for a no-cost (up politan area. to a $30 fare), safe way home. Since 1993, WRAP’s SoberRide AT&T wireless customers can dial program has provided 62,773 free #WRAP for the same service. cab rides home to would-be drunk Local taxicab companies drivers in the Greater Washington throughout the Washington Met- area. Cats benefit from being in a foster home. We need long- and short-term Your Home…Your Neighborhood… fosters for cats of all ages, mothers with litters and kittens on their own. visit our website, Your Newspaper Consider Fostering click on Participate www.connectionnewspapers.com Adopt/Donate/Volunteer at www.lostdogrescue.org

www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 5 News

Photos by

Andrea Worker

/The Connection

Mason Hillel’s mission in organizing the Expressions of the Holocaust event is to ensure that the memories and the lessons are not forgotten, but instead passed to the next generation. Looking at the faces of those listening to the story of Irene Weiss, showing a picture of the moment when her family was separated at Auschwitz and her mother, older brother and three younger siblings were shot and killed, it would appear that the mission is being fulfilled. Memories of Holocaust From Page 3 you were in the middle of it.” Echoing GMU in Physics in 1969, and has been teach- President Cabrera’s remarks, Michel re- ing at George Mason University since 1982, sponded that perhaps the most shocking holding the post of Senior Associate Dean, thing of all was that this could all happen College of Science from 2006 until 2011. in “civilized countries.” She is also the adoptive mother of daugh- Prompted by the student ambassadors ter Anna. “That just feels right,” she says. and interesting questions from their tablemates, the memories continued to flow, AROUND THE ROOM the stories contin- but eventually talk turned to how these ter- ued, like that of Michel Margosis, born in rible lessons of yesterday could be used to Belgium to Russian-Jewish parents who had better circumstances and situations of to- fled there after Michel’s father escaped im- day. prisonment in Siberia. Michel’s family left “As painful as it might be, take ‘Never Belgium for southern France when he was Forget’ to heart,” said Grosz. “Share your 14 years old, four days after the Germans stories, like we are doing today,” said Michel invaded Belgium. They escaped from a Margosis. “Listen. Learn. Take action,” said French internment camp, hid with friends student ambassador Brian Garrett-Glaser. for a year, then walked across the Pyrenees “Pass it along and don’t let the stories die mountains into Spain, where they stayed with this generation,” said Leonie until Michel was sent to the United States Vandersee, newly arrived from Berlin to via Portugal, where after 3 years in foster work with the American Jewish Commit- care he was finally reunited with his fam- tee via the Action Reconciliation Service for ily. Peace. “How did you handle the shock of all that, “And don’t forget,” said Dr. Maria moving, hiding, separated from your fam- Dworzecka, “the real evil is to just stand by ily and coming to the US all on your own?” and think this can’t happen, or I can’t do asked one of Michel’s listeners. “I don’t anything. Remember that Hitler was cho- know,” he answered. “I think after a while sen in a democratic election. Everyone nothing was shocking at that time, when needs to stand up, not stand by.”

Leonie Vandersee, only a month in America from Germany, talks with Holocaust survivor Michel Margosis and Bahador Nezhad, who intro- duced himself at the table as “not Jewish, but privileged to be here and be part of this moment. I was pleased to be invited.” 6 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Area Roundups

In-Custody Death Of Inmate Investigated aul Guida, a 68-year-old and found him to be unresponsive. Pman, was arrested on Oct. At 11:01 p.m., staff announced a 1 and brought to the medical emergency and called for Fairfax County Adult Detention Rescue and Police. ADC medical Center (ADC) on the charge of vio- staff and deputies administered lating a protective order three life-saving procedures until Rescue times within 20 years, according arrived at 11:06 p.m. and took to the Sheriff’s Office. He did not over the scene. At 11:28 p.m., Res- have a bond. Immediately after he cue transported Guida to Fairfax was booked, he was moved to a Hospital. At 11:48 p.m., Guida was cell in the ADC’s infirmary due to pronounced dead by hospital staff. his medical conditions. The infir- Sheriff’s Office policy dictates mary houses inmates with medi- that this incident is classified as an cal conditions that require fre- in-custody inmate death. The quent observation and treatment Fairfax County Police by medical staff. Department’s investigation is now On Oct. 17, at 10:58 p.m., the underway, and the Sheriff’s Office deputy on duty checked on Guida is fully cooperating. Hunger Walk to Help in Disaster Relief The Burke Area CROP Hunger Walk will be held on Sunday, Nov. 22. Area residents of different faiths, cultures, and ages, will be walking together (6K/3.7 miles or shorter Golden Mile) to support local and global efforts to fight world hunger and bring disaster relief to victims of recent disasters. Nonperishable food will be collected for ECHO. Shuttle buses are available and no entry fee is required. Walker enve- lopes for sponsor donations are available prior to the walk or at the 1:30 p.m. registration. Walk begins 2:00 p.m., Living Savior Lutheran Church, 5500 Ox Road, Fairfax Station. www.burkecropwalk.org, 703- 455-9025, [email protected] or [email protected].

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8 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News

Photos by Ken Moore/The Connection

Gerald O. “Jerry” Peters, Scott Cameron, Mount George Lamb IV Great Falls Vernon Conservation Begins at Home NNNOVEMBEROVEMBEROVEMBER 5–75–75–7 Three spots open to four running for key environmental and conservation board. IVE TAR EWELERS By Ken Moore day, Oct. 19. F S J The Connection The Great Falls Citizens Association hosted and ran and Gemological Laboratory the candidate’s forum at the recently renovated www.fivestarjewelers.net hree of four candidates will be elected as Grange, which is now ADA accessible. Burke Centre Shopping Center directors to the Soil and Water Conservation “Real conservation, the important work in conser- T 5765-S Burke Centre Pkwy., Burke, VA 22015 District on Nov. 3. vation happens on the ground, happens locally,” said Three of the four candidates, Scott Cameron and Cameron. 703-239-1300 incumbents George Lamb IV and Gerald O. “Jerry” Peters, of Great Falls, is an incumbent on the Soil Hours: Tues, Thu, Fri 10-6; Wed 10-7; Sat 10-5; Closed Sun & Mon Peters Jr., debated at the Great Falls Grange on Mon- See Conservation, Page 19

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www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 9 Fairfax Station, Opinion Lorton & Clifton

Read Election coverage at www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Vote Nov. 3 @LFSCConnection www.ConnectionNewspapers.com. An independent, locally owned weekly f you live in a district with a hotly con- newspaper delivered to tested race, you definitely know from the didate questionnaire responses, from incum- Fairfax County Board of Elections, homes and businesses. contents of your mailbox that bents and challengers including third party 703-222-0776, http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ Published by I Local Media Connection LLC there is an Election coming up. Don’t candidates. elections/upcoming.htm miss your chance to vote. Go to www.ConnectionNewspapers.com and 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, 1606 King Street Alexandria, Virginia 22314 Many races in Northern Virginia of- click on Elections on the horizontal Suite 232, Fairfax, 22035; FAX 703-324-2205; fer very distinct choices between can- navigation bar. [email protected] Free digital edition delivered to Editorial your email box. Go to didates with strikingly different views If you need information on how to connectionnewspapers.com/subscribe on topics that matter, like school fund- vote, contact your electoral board. City of Fairfax General Registrar, 703- ing, guns, social safety net, taxes and more. For More Election Information 385-7890, http://www.fairfaxva.gov/govern- NEWS DEPARTMENT: You can find coverage of many races, plus State Board of Elections, 804 864-8901 ment/general-registrar [email protected] short biographies and questionnaires completed Toll Free: 800 552-9745 FAX: 804 371-0194 10455 Armstrong Street, Sisson House, Kemal Kurspahic by the candidates themselves on our website. email: [email protected] Fairfax, 22030; FAX 703-591-8364; Editor ❖ 703-778-9414 You’ll find many interesting ideas in the can- http://www.sbe.virginia.gov [email protected] [email protected] Amna Rehmatulla Editorial Assistant 703-778-9410 ext.427 Vote Yes for the Fairfax County School Bond Referendum [email protected] Tim Peterson Community Reporter By Len Forkas region’s economic success. Nearly community organizations utilizing among the top 1 percent of coun- 703-314-0789 Chairman 75 percent of high school gradu- FCPS facilities every year. ties with the highest credit rating [email protected] Fairfax Citizens ates in Fairfax County schools at- Bonds are the means by which possible for a locality. Of the Jon Roetman for Better Schools tend some form of post-secondary we provide the funding necessary nation’s more than 3,000 counties, Sports Editor ❖ 703-752-4013 [email protected] education. Many of these students for our students’ facilities. The use Fairfax is among only 40 that have @jonroetman n Nov. 3, please vote Yes return to Fairfax County to find of bonds avoids diverting funds the highest credit rating possible for the $300 million in work after graduating. that are critically needed for class- for a local government from all ADVERTISING: O For advertising information infrastructure improve- FCPS is the largest public school room instruction. They also spread three rating agencies. e-mail: ments for Fairfax County Public system in the Commonwealth and the financing of required school Fairfax County is home to 10 [email protected] Schools (FCPS). the 10th largest school system in construction over the Fortune 500 company headquar- 703-778-9431

Fairfax County residents enjoy the nation. Recent significant in- improvement’s usable life, diver- ters, more than 300 trade associa- Steve Hogan the benefits of having one of the creases in student enrollment have sifying the contribution through- tions and professional societies, Display Advertising, 703-778-9418 best school systems in the nation, pushed some schools far beyond out several years. and nine of Inc. magazine’s 500 [email protected] but with over 196 schools serving capacity. In addition, it is important to fastest-growing privately-owned Andrea Smith over 187,000 Since the 2008-2009 school note that the School Bond will not companies. To continue the excel- Classified Advertising, 703-778-9411 [email protected] Commentary students, its year, enrollment has increased by increase county taxes. The sale of lence in education and business aging infra- more than 22,000 students and bonds avoids taking funds that are that Fairfax County is known for, Debbie Funk National Sales structure is in continued strong growth is antici- critically needed for classroom in- our schools need to be modern- 703-778-9444 dire need of improvements. Vot- pated. On top of that, existing struction. ized. [email protected] ing Yes on the school bond refer- classrooms are in dire need of The use of bonds will not affect Together, we can pass the David Griffin endum will allow the county to renovations to assure student the county’s coveted bond rating. 2015 School Bond to make the Marketing Assistant maintain the “world class educa- safety. Not only are interest rates for tax necessary investments for a 703-778-9431 [email protected] tion system” which FCPS provides. FCPS facilities also act as com- exempt bonds at a near all time brighter future for our students This is a driving force behind our munity centers with nearly 2,000 low, but Fairfax County is also and our county. Editor & Publisher Mary Kimm [email protected] @MaryKimm

Domestic Violence Includes Financial Abuse Executive Vice President Jerry Vernon [email protected] affected by domestic violence. This The intertwinement of domestic violence and is an addition to Shelter House’s Editor in Chief Steven Mauren transitional and permanent sup- Managing Editor homelessness in Fairfax County. portive housing services – pro- Kemal Kurspahic Photography: grams that also see a large amount Deb Cobb, Craig Sterbutzel By Joe Meyer ter, Artemis House. This past year, lifetime. Chances are you either of cases where families are af- Art/Design: Executive Director & CEO Laurence Foong, John Heinly Artemis House increased its bed have been or know someone who fected by domestic violence. Production Manager: Shelter House, Inc capacity from 34 to 42 trying to has been in a situation of domes- Why are so many families who Geovani Flores meet the needs of the 60-100 in- tic violence. And in 2015, 41 per- are homeless affected by domestic Special Assistant to the Publisher hat if you wake up one dividuals who call the Artemis cent of adults in families who were violence? One big reason is 98 per- Jeanne Theismann day in fear of your House hotline on a monthly-basis. homeless reported that it was be- cent of domestic violence cases in- [email protected] W @TheismannMedia physical safety? What One recent Artemis House resi- cause of domestic violence. This volve financial abuse. Many fami- would you do if you had absolutely dent “had no access to the family is an alarming increase from 33 lies who are homeless have expe- CIRCULATION: 703-778-9426 no access to any of your bank ac- account, credit/debit cards. [The percent in 2014. rienced having an abuser control Circulation Manager: counts? What if you found your- abuser] did not even give her, as Because of the overlapping cir- their access to accounts, imposing Ann Oliver [email protected] self completely isolated from your we often see, an ‘allowance.’ She cumstances of homelessness and a strict allowance of funds or co- friends and family and had no re- could not even ask for feminine domestic violence, Artemis House ercing them into signing docu- sources? Unfortunately, these are hygiene products. He made all the isn’t the only safe-haven for vic- ments for loans or leases. The ways the very real situations that victims financial decisions and still ac- tims of domestic violence. Shelter in which financial abuse occurs of domestic violence find them- cused her of stealing money,” says House operates two other family varies, but is a consistent threat selves in before they seek out sup- Suzanne Pigg, director of Artemis shelters–Katherine Hanley and and serves as an effective and dam- port and shelter. House. Patrick Henry Family Shelters— aging way for an abuser to keep a Shelter House, Inc. operates Statistics show that 1 in 4 that house an overwhelming victim under their control. Fairfax County’s only 24-hour women and 1 in 7 men will expe- amount of homeless families who emergency domestic violence shel- rience domestic violence in their have also experienced and been See Violence, Page 11

10 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Letters

Experience and Results To the Editor: neighborhood that brought people State. Sen. George Barker isn’t together, saved the taxpayers a party politician. He brings sides money and saved the natural char- together, and looks at each issue acter of our road. individually to see how it affects During his two terms in office, Virginians in our district and Sen. Barker has continued that across the Commonwealth. As a work. He has sponsored more bills result, he has proven himself to be on education than anyone in the a thoughtful, effective leader for Senate, and was a key player in Northern Virginia. passing transportation legislation Even before being elected to the that is helping to improve our Senate, Barker was working hard roads and reduce congestion. and delivering results for our com- Sen. Barker is the candidate who munity. As a PTA president and has the experience and the ability chair of the Fairfax County Trans- to get things done for Northern Vir- portation Advisory Commission, ginia, and he has the track record he led numerous efforts to im- to prove it. He is truly committed prove our schools and fix our to serving people and I am proud transportation system and was to know him. This is why I am sup- named Fairfax County’s Citizen of porting Sen. George L. Barker for the Year for his service. I am per- reelection this November. sonally grateful for his significant contribution to the positive out- Raul Tuset come of a VDOT project in my Fairfax Station Distasteful Campaign Literature To the Editor: erature is unfair, at best, and at As a mother, wife, sister and worst, reprehensible. It also is ex- Navy Veteran, I am sickened that tremely insensitive, particularly to Bryan Wolfe, candidate for Fairfax the African American community, County Sheriff would exploit the who has historically (and dispro- death of an African American portionately) been the victims of woman who died in police custody police brutality and violence at the for political gain. This is downright hands of police around the coun- despicable and goes directly to the try. Given the increasing national heart of his character. Natasha dissatisfaction with local police McKenna’s death was tragic and forces, which in some cases has led unfortunate, which everyone has to riots and other unrest, these INTENSELY acknowledged, including current “pamphlets” do little to diffuse the Fairfax County Sheriff Stacey situation and promote a positive, INTERESTING Kincaid, who is actively investigat- constructive dialogue. ing the matter. But for Wolfe to I implore you Mr. Wolfe, if you COMMUNITY include the photograph of this are truly the better candidate, to young woman on his campaign lit- find a better way to plead your INVOLVED erature, I feel, is distasteful and case to the voters of Fairfax disrespectful to her memory. County. I served in the military just OMMITTED Reminding voters of McKenna’s as you did and there is nothing C untimely death in a Fairfax County honorable about the campaign you TO EXCELLENCE jail does not automatically trans- are currently running. late into Wolfe being a better can- didate. The fact that he would in- Kia Thomas Hamel sult the electorate by his misuse U.S. Navy Veteran and Fairfax of her picture on his campaign lit- County Voter

to your community Domestic Violence www.connectionnewspapers.com • Alexandria Gazette Packet From Page 10 long awareness and fundraising • Arlington Connection campaign held in October aimed • Burke Connection Domestic violence and the at promoting financial empower- • Centre View • Chantilly Connection homelessness that it can lead to are ment. But much like homelessness • Fairfax Connection not separate or isolated issues. and domestic violence, our out- • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton They are intertwined issues that reach does not end in October. Connection affect individuals and families and Help us raise awareness and make • Great Falls Connection communities. It is up to us as a an impact by visiting • McLean Connection community to speak out against www.shelterhouse.org and find out • Mount Vernon Gazette abusers and stand in solidarity ways you can get involved. • Oak Hill/Herndon Connection with those who have been victims • Potomac Almanac of domestic violence and financial If you or someone you know is experi- • Reston Connection abuse. Part of Shelter House’s out- encing domestic violence, contact the • Springfield Connection 24-hour county hotline or Artemis House • Vienna/Oakton Connection reach efforts this year have in- hotline to discuss: 24 hour hotline/ cluded participating in the Purple helpline: 703- 360-7273, TTY: 703-435- Great Papers • Great Connections • Great Readers! Purse Challenge, a national month- 1235 Artemis House: 703-435-4940. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 11 These questionnaires have been edited for length. For complete questionnaire responses Election ’15 and full Election coverage see www.ConnectionNewspapers.com and click on Elections. Candidates for State Delegate in 43th Distirict Paul J. McIlvaine (I) Mark Sickles (D) Anna Urman (R) Independent Challenger for Delegate in Incumbent Challenger, Delegate District 43 District 43 Town of residence: Alexandria Town of residence: “Groveton” - Town of residence: Franconia Age: 58 Alexandria, VA Age: 66 Education: Delegate Sickles has two Age: 38 Family: Married, 3 sons, 2 daughters- Masters Degrees from Georgia Tech Family: Married, 2 daughters in-law, 2 nieces, 1 grand nephew & and a B.S. from Clemson University. Education: Graduate, Hofstra niece, & 1 grandson - all Virginians! Offices held, dates: 43rd Virginia University (BA), Georgetown Education: Bachelor of Electrical House of Delegates District – 2004 – University (JD), post-graduate work, Engineering; Villanova University, Present George Washington University Master of Science in (Business) Occupation and relevant (LLM). Administration; George Washington experience: As a part-time Occupation and relevant University; Master of Science - legislator, Delegate Sickles works experience: Director, Virginia National Resource Strategy; National full-time for a national marine Procurement Technical Assistance Defense University construction company based in Program, George Mason University. Offices held, dates: National Board Metropolitan New York. Small business owner/counselor, of Directors, Society of Logistics Engineers (SOLE); National Board Community involvement: Fairfax County Library Board, serving government contract law expert, homeowner. of Governors, American Guild of Musical Artists for 11 years and one term as Chairman. Oversaw the opening of a Community involvement: (1) Training and counseling small Current Union member. new library in Kingstowne and the development of a 10-year CIP businesses in government procurement; (2) Dog rescue volunteer. Occupation and relevant experience: Electronics Engineer, with renovation of the Richard Byrd and Martha Washington Website: http://www.annaurman.com Naval Air Systems Command, A-6, P-3, S-3 and E-2 aircraft. libraries. Former President of United Community Ministries. Email address: [email protected] Acquisition Project Officer, Headquarters, Marine Corps, ground- Aerospace Advisory Council and the George Mason University of Twitter handle: @AnnaUrman based Tactical Command & Control Systems. Management Conflict Analysis and Resolution’s (S-CAR) Advisory Board. Active Name three favorite endorsements: Republican Liberty Caucus Professor; Department Chairman; Associate Dean; and Director of member of the Bioscience Caucus. of Virginia, VA NextGen GOP, Sen. Mark D. Obenshain Corporate Planning – Defense Acquisition University, Fort Belvoir. Website: www.marksickles.com Professional Opera Singer - Virginia Opera, Washington National Email address: [email protected] QUESTIONS: Opera, Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia & others. Appeared as Twitter handle: @MarkSicklesVA 1. What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why Scrooge in A Christmas Carol at McLean’s Alden Theatre. Name three favorite endorsements: Virginia Education does it matter, and how will you tackle it? Community involvement: SOLE Logistics Education Award; Navy Association, Virginia Professional Fire Fighters, Northern Virginia We came to the US for the American Dream — economic oppor- Meritorious Civilian Service Medal; Army Commander’s Award for Technology Council TechPAC tunity, religious liberty, and individual freedom. I want to ensure that Distinguished Civilian Service; Defense Superior Civilian Service 1. What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why this dream remains alive for my daughters’ generation. I see more Medal & Hall of Fame, Defense Acquisition University. Washington does it matter, and how will you tackle it? government, less liberty; we are over-taxed and over-regulated. I’ll National Wagner Society Meistersinger Award for excellence in I was born and raised in Northern Virginia and observed first hand fight for a transparent, accountable, limited government that spends performance, dedication & community spirit. a dynamic region that grew faster than public infrastructure could money frugally, and honors our Constitutional principles. Website: http://www.paul4delegate.com sustain. The fight to ensure that Northern Virginia gets its fair share 2. What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and Email address: [email protected] in order to catch up has defined my service. It is my hope to keep why should voters choose you? Name three favorite endorsements: Independent Green Party Virginia the type of place that anyone would want to call home. My I believe that individuals are in better position to govern their lives QUESTIONS: family built a life here and I want ensure that it continues to be the than bureaucrats. I believe in parental rights, in reducing bureau- best place to work, play, and to educate the next generation. 1. What is one issue that defines your call to serve, why cracy, in reducing taxes instead of burdening us and our children with 2. What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and does it matter, and how will you tackle it? Legislative Eth- further debts to pay for unnecessary government programs — why should voters choose you? ics. Virginia is the 47th worst state for ethics, received a failing grade. whether it’s expanding a broken Medicaid system or adding My Republican opponent claims that she will represent the views Despite Governor McAuliffe calling for the strictest ethical standards, unaffordable tolls to roads that we-the-taxpayers already paid for. and interests of every citizen of the 43rd District, but her personal ide- the General Assembly still loves their perks and has done virtually 3. Given the political makeup of the state legislature, ology is fundamentally at odds with most of the core beliefs of my nothing. By replacing an entrenched career incumbent politician with what examples from your own experience suggests you constituents. Her complete lack of respect for the institution of gov- me, no legislator can expect re-election by ignoring this issue. can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences ernment makes me seriously question her commitment to protect and 2. What distinguishes you from your opponent(s) and there? As much as it may benefit some to exacerbate the appear- fight for critical services like Metro Reform, pre-k through 12 and why should voters choose you? I’m proposing term limits and ance of a partisan divide — there isn’t enough time to point fingers higher education, and public safety. not accepting campaign contributions. I’ll do what works for the citi- and cast around blame. As a working mom, a business owner, I fo- 3. Given the political makeup of the state legislature, zenry without a myopic focus on re-election or subservience to cus on solutions. I study problems, operate on facts, and create what examples from your own experience suggest you can lobbyists/donors. strategy to get things done. successfully bridge the intense partisan differences there? 3. Given the political makeup of the state legislature, 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities. My recent appointment to the Appropriations Committee by what examples from your own experience suggests you A. Decrease / eliminate taxes and regulation that hurt small busi- Speaker Howell, arguably Virginia’s most prominent Republican, is can successfully bridge the intense partisan differences nesses. B. Create meaningful contracting parity for veteran-owned a clear vote of confidence in my ability to work across the aisle. Al- there? Independent Candidates don’t have partisan agendas. I don’t business. C. Make Virginia a “No Kill” state that doesn’t kill healthy, though we may disagree on some fundamental issues, I believe my lean to the left or right - I lean forward. As an engineer, my political adoptable animals in our public shelters. D. Ensure that Fairfax Republican colleagues and I have respect for each other, which al- ideology is to do what works! I trust in God — all others bring facts, County gets an equitable share of state funding for our roads and lows us to work together to pass substantive legislation, such as the figures and data. schools proportionate to our needs, and our contribution to the state. landmark 2013 transportation bill. 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities. E. Ease regulations for “tech transfer” from public universities, which 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legislative priorities. 1: My 7 point comprehensive Ethics program: a. Outright gift ban; will ensure that scientific and technological developments are more 1. Closing the Medicaid Coverage Gap. 2. Expanding access to pre- b. Limiting Virginia campaign spending to the job’s salary; c. Term easily developed into new products and services — creating technol- k for at-risk children, by reforming the Virginia Preschool Initiative Limits; d. Halt Million Dollar Inauguration Ball “Contributions;” e. ogy, jobs, and wealth. and increasing funding for the program. 3. Diversification of Oath of Office Disclosure; f. Independent Statewide Ethics Enforce- 5. How has your district changed in the last 10 years? Virginia’s economy. 4. Increasing access the ballot. 5. Fighting for ment Commission; g. Replace Political Gerrymandering with Citizen What caused those changes? transportation priorities and improving Metrorail’s performance. Redistricting. 2: Increasing Virginia’s Economic Growth 3: Improv- The decline in our schools is evident in increased class sizes and 5. How has your district changed in the last 10 years? ing Virginia Citizen’s Healthcare 4: Ending Virginia’s Senior Tax falling scores. The increased congestion is indicative of inadequate What caused those changes? Ten years ago, we had many more Discrimination 5: Strengthening Election accuracy attention and lack of planning by current elected officials. High com- trailers serving as classrooms in our schools. We did not have Jeff 5. How has your district changed in the last 10 years? mercial vacancy rates and flight of businesses is a testament to our Todd Way, turn lanes at Harrison Lane, and a functioning intersec- What caused those changes? It’s gotten more crowded and regulatory quagmire and irresponsible tax policies. tion at S. Kings and Telegraph Road. The Commonwealth’s 16 congested due to incumbent politicians at all levels ineffectively 6. Will you support legislation restricting high interest four-year institutions of higher learning have built the capacity to dealing with transportation and growth. lending including car title loans? handle the numerous students from N. Virginia. We have made a big 6. Will you support legislation restricting high interest No. I believe that adults should have the right to make their own difference in the lives of many more families with disabled children. lending including car title loans? I will support common-sense financial decisions. Our goal should be not to regulate, but to edu- 6. Will you support legislation restricting high interest legislation fostering transparency and sensible restrictions without cate, so that consumers can make informed financial choices. lending including car title loans? One thing we can do is pass putting an industry and its jobs out of business. Other states have 7. Will you support funding for Fostering Connections HB 2011, a bill that would have prohibited “a licensed motor vehicle successfully addressed this issue. which would result in an influx of federal funding for fos- title lender or third party from making loans under the chapter re- 7. Will you support funding for Fostering Connections ter children aging out of foster care? regulating consumer finance loans at any place of business where a which would result in an influx of federal funding for fos- No. With federal debt careening towards $20 trillion, “influx of licensee conducts the business of making motor vehicle title loans.” ter children aging out of foster care? Yes federal money” means a greater debt burden to all Americans. Fur- 7. Will you support funding for Fostering Connections 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Af- thermore, 18-year-olds are legal adults and as such, should be able which would result in an influx of federal funding for fos- fordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make to participate in society. If they aren’t ready to take on adult respon- ter children aging out of foster care? I would very likely that happen? I’m committed to improving healthcare for Virginia sibilities at 18, we should ask what’s wrong with the system, not support a program that improves our essential foster care system. citizens. Providing the wrong insurance for people in an arbitrary throw more money at the problem. 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Af- coverage gap “donut hole” created by federal legislative “gobbledy- 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid under the Af- fordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make gook” won’t work. Patients without insurance now visit the fordable Care Act, and if so, what would you do to make that happen? Closing the Coverage Gap is one of my top legisla- emergency room for their care — patients under a Medicaid expan- that happen? No. I would not advocate investment into an infra- tive priorities. Partisan gridlock has prevented the Governor from sion will also visit the emergency room because they can’t get a timely structure for a healthcare system that may be proven accepting Virginia’s own tax dollars for routine care of her poorest doctor’s appointment. However, Medicaid expansion will improve unconstitutional. Furthermore, the fundamental premise of forcing citizens by a Medicaid managed care company, or from using Med- for-profit-hospital financial “bottom lines”, which is why hospital citizens to buy health insurance is flawed, and I oppose it categori- icaid funds to purchase insurance on the exchange. In furtherance campaign contributions are pouring into compliant candidates. We cally. The goal of Medicaid expansion is to provide taxpayer-funded of our reputation as a well-managed state, we need to accept our own were told lies to originally pass Obamacare: fool me once, shame on benefits to able-bodied adults who are above federal poverty level; tax dollars back so as not to deny healthcare for up to 400,000 of you; but fool me twice, shame on me. I will thoroughly explore al- such an expansion is enormously unfair to all taxpayers. our fellow working Virginians that live below the poverty line. ternatives other than Medicaid expansion. 12 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Election ’15 Candidates for State House District 41 Delegate in 42nd District Eileen Filler-Corn (D-41) Incumbent, unopposed 3. Given the political eryone who knows her says Town of residence: Springfield makeup of the state legisla- David Albo (R-42) she is very nice. As for why Age: 51 ture, what examples from your should voters choose me? I Family: Married to Bob Corn, two own experience suggests you Incumbent children: Jeremy and Alana deliver real results for our can successfully bridge the in- Town of residence: South County / Education: B.A. Ithaca College, neighborhoods. Just take a tense partisan differences Fairfax Station J.D. American University there? Age: 53 look at my answer on #1 for Offices held, dates: Member, some concrete examples. While currently serving as the Family: Wife, Rita and 10 yr. old son, House of Delegates, 2010-present House Democratic Whip, I also be- Ben 3. Given the political Occupation and relevant lieve in finding common ground in Education: UVA BA Economics. Law makeup of the state leg- experience: Director of Degree U.R. islature, what examples Government Relations, Albers order to achieve results. I believe in Offices held, dates: House of Delegates from your own experi- and Company. Member: bringing all sides of an issue to the 1994-present ence suggests you can Commerce and Labor Committee, table. When developing legislation, Occupation and relevant successfully bridge the Finance Committee, I often focus on building coalitions experience: Attorney. 1988 – intense partisan differ- Transportation Committee, Governor’s Climate as we strive to find commonality and present. (Former Prosecutor City of ences there? Change and Resiliency Update Commission, compromise. A reasoned approach and willingness Fairfax, Guardian for Abused Children. Partner I always look for a solution that both sides can Health Insurance Reform Commission, Joint to hear all sides is critically important in develop- at Albo & Oblon, LLP. 1994 – present.) live with. A compromise means that you have to Commission on Technology and Science, Joint ing and passing quality legislation. Community involvement: Past President West take some things you don’t like, in order to get Commission on Transportation Accountability, 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- Springfield Civic Association, Fairfax County things you want. That is why, unlike the Federal Virginia Commission on Intergovernmental lative priorities. Transportation Advisory Committee. government, we deliver balanced budgets every Cooperation. 1. Education; 2. Economy; 3. Transportation; 4. Website: www.DaveAlbo.org year. Another example would be the 2013 Trans- Community involvement: Current Chair of Jobs Public Safety, including Gun Safety; 5. Advocating Email address: [email protected] for Virginia Graduates, Virginia State Director, portation Bill I co-authored. 37 Republicans and 23 for the Disability Community Twitter handle: Twitter.com/DaveAlbo Women in Government. Member, Women’s 5. How has your district changed in the Three favorite endorsements: Humane Democrats voted for it. Did I like all of it? No, but Legislative Network Board for National I liked delivering the first bill in three decades to last 10 years? What caused those changes? Dominion (an animal protection association), Conference of State Legislators (NCSL). Center st fix roads and rail. Over the past 10 years, the 41 District has con- Northern VA Technology Association, Fairfax for Public Policy Innovation’s (CPPI) Board of tinued to be a great place to live and raise a family. County Chamber of Commerce 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- Directors and the Jewish Foundation for Group While sequestration continues to affect our region, lative priorities. Homes’ Board of Directors.ºPast Member, Board QUESTIONS: Providing more in-state slots for VA colleges, re- of Directors for the 2015 World Police and Fire we have made great strides since the recession. 1. What is one issue that defines your paving residential streets, keeping flow of money Games in Fairfax County. Looking forward, it is important to me that we call to serve, why does it matter, and how to Fairfax Schools, continuing to keep government Website: www.eileenfillercorn.com continue to diversify our economy and continue to will you tackle it? spending at 2007 levels so we don’t have to raise Email address: [email protected] fight for our quality schools, including the four high My “call to serve” comes from the fact that I grew taxes, and keeping violent criminals in prison. Twitter handle: @EFillerCorn schools in the district: Lake Braddock, Robinson, up here in West Springfield (Rolling Valley Elemen- 5. How has your district changed in the Name three favorite endorsements: Virginia West Springfield, and Woodson. tary – West Springfield High School), live in South last 10 years? What caused those changes? Education Association, Sierra Club, Northern 6. Will you support legislation restrict- County, have a 10-year-old son at our local Fairfax Lorton Prison was closed and we built SCHS, Virginia Technology Council Tech PAC ing high interest lending including car title loans? Yes, I would support such legislation. County public schools, and have had my law prac- SCMS and Laurel Hill Elementary! West Spring- QUESTIONS: tice in the heart of West Springfield for 25 years. field is still the same, just like it was when I grew While there are not many car title lenders in the 1. What is one issue that defines your st My campaign may not seem too exciting because I up here. 41 District, there’s been an increase of them in call to serve, why does it matter, and how don’t have any controversial issue to push. Rather, 6. Will you support legislation restrict- Northern Virginia. Consumers need to be well will you tackle it? One of my proudest legisla- I want to make government work. For example, ing high interest lending including car title aware of what they are agreeing to in the contracts tive achievements was the Achieving a Better Life getting our roads paved. I co-authored the 2013 loans? It is a free country. Government should they sign, and they should not be burdened with Experience (ABLE) Act, which establishes 529-like Transportation Bill that for the first time in three not tell people what loans they can accept. unnecessarily high interest rates and fees. savings accounts for families of people with dis- decades delivered more funds for transportation. 7. Will you support funding for Fostering 7. Will you support funding for Fostering abilities. This bipartisan bill passed both chambers But with the non-negotiable rule that 100% of the Connections which would result in an in- Connections which would result in an in- of the General Assembly earlier this year and was money raised in NOVA stays in NOVA! This has flux of federal funding for foster children flux of federal funding for foster children signed into law by Gov. McAuliffe. The federal already delivered results for our area. Old Keene aging out of foster care? Yes aging out of foster care? I would be interested version of the bill originated from the late Stephen Mill Rd. and Rolling Rd. finally got paved. The Mt. 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid in looking at potential legislation. Related bills Beck who was also a resident of the 41st District, Vernon Hwy and Rt. 1 Interchange finally got re- under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, have been proposed in the Senate in 2014 and and is considered to be one of the most important aligned. And Rolling Rd. is now on the list for what would you do to make that happen? 2015, but I have never had the opportunity to vote disability rights bills passed since the ADA. I was widening to four lanes. I have helped increase the First of all, anyone who is poor, and either (a) on them. While they passed unanimously out of the proud to patron the first state bill passed after the number of in-state college slots. Collectively, I was disabled, (b) a child, or (c) elderly, already gets Senate, the bills died in committee in the House. federal law was enacted. Making a difference in the able to get UVA, W&M, JMU, CNU, GMU, VCU and Medicaid. This plan seeks to do is give free medi- 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid lives of so many families remains my goal in office. VA Tech to add over 3,500 new slots in the past two cal insurance (Medicaid) to working age people under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, 2. What distinguishes you from your years. And I am not done! By standing up for NOVA 19-64. While it would be nice to take care of ev- what would you do to make that happen? opponent(s) and why should voters choose residents, who pay most of the taxes in this state, eryone, we cannot afford it. Expanding Medicaid Yes, I wholeheartedly support closing the cover- you? While I do not have an opponent this year, I I was able to acquire an additional $816/yr./stu- will cost $230 million/yr., and since Medicaid has age gap. I have spoken out vigorously on the Floor have a long history of service to Virginia and dent for our Fairfax County School students. All the gone up 300% over the past 10 years, it could rise of the House of Delegates several times in support Fairfax County. Since being elected in 2010, I am while, I have helped keep VA taxes low. Virginia to $720 million. To pay that, the state would have of Medicaid expansion. Virginia is clearly in the proud to have earned a reputation for working has the 8th lowest combined state and local tax rate to increase taxes. minority of states who have not expanded Medic- across party lines, while focusing on our schools, in the U.S. aid. It’s the right thing to do for Virginians and it’s roads and maintaining public safety. Experience, 2. What distinguishes you from your the right thing to do for our economy. The money knowledge, and strong relationships are critically opponent(s) and why should voters choose Joana Garcia (D) is there. All we have to do is say yes. important in this position. you? I don’t know much about Joana Garcia. Ev- No response received.

lowed to vote a provisional ballot and will “Valid” is defined as a genuine document, Information on Voting have until noon on the Friday after the elec- bearing the photograph of the voter, and is tion to deliver a copy of identification to not expired for more than 12 months. Virginia Law allows voters to vote absen- House of Delegates district, Clerk of the their locality’s electoral board in order for Any registered voter may apply for a free tee if they could be “working and commut- Court, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Sheriff, their provisional ballot to be counted. Photo Virginia Voter Photo Identification from any ing for 11 or more hours between 6 a.m. Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, Dis- ID requirements also apply to absentee vot- general registrar’s office in the Common- and 7 p.m. on Election Day.” trict member of the Board of Supervisors, ers who vote in-person in all elections. wealth. Voters applying for the Virginia You’re allowed to count your worst pos- Fairfax County School Board at Large (vote Here are the “acceptable” forms of iden- Voter Photo ID Card will have to complete sible commute in estimating how many for 3); District School Board member; Soil tification: Valid Virginia Driver’s License or the Virginia Voter Photo Identification Card hours you might be working and commut- and Water Conservation Board (vote for 3); Identification Card; valid Virginia DMV is- Application, have their picture taken, and ing on Election Day. If you qualify, you can School Bond for $310 million, Public Safety sued Veteran’s ID card; valid U.S. Passport; sign the digital signature pad. vote early in-person, see sidebar above. Bond for $151 million. http:// Other government-issued photo identifica- On Election Day, Nov. 3, polls are open www.fairfaxcounty.gov/elections/ tion cards (U.S. government or Virginia); For More Election Information upcoming.htm Fairfax County Board of Elections, 703- from 6 a.m. - 7 p.m. valid Virginia college or university student 222-0776, http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ You can check your registration status It’s also worth noting that new, more re- photo identification card; employee identi- elections/upcoming.htm online by going to www.sbe.virginia.gov. strictive voter identification regulations fication card containing a photograph of the 12000 Government Center Parkway, Fairfax, Each voter in Fairfax County can make took effect last year. Voters arriving to the voter; Virginia Voter Photo ID Card obtained Suite 232, Fairfax, 22035; FAX 703-324-2205; email [email protected] choices in one State Senate district, one polls without required photo ID will be al- through any local general registrar’s office. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 13 Election ’15 Candidates for State Delegate in 37th District

ample, this past year I not “enemies.” As a Capitol David Bulova (D) teamed up with Governor Sang Yi (R) Hill aide, I endeavor to engage McAuliffe and Delegate in bipartisan cooperation and Tim Hugo to pass a Vir- civil discourse on many mat- Incumbent ginia Solar Energy Challenger, House District 37 ters of national importance. As Town of residence: Fairfax Development Authority Town of residence: City of Fairfax a Delegate, I will put people Age: 46 that will remove barriers Age: 34 over politics, and always keep Family: Married to Gretchen with three to creating new jobs in Family: Wife Sarah, Daughter Evelyn in mind what is best for Fairfax children (Alex, Josie, and Grayson) this rapidly expanding in- Education: B.S. Logistics & Intermodal rather than partisan politics. Education: BA, Government, College of Transportation – U.S. Merchant Marine dustry. I am proud of my 4. In order, list your top William and Mary; Master of Public Academy; M.A. National Security & Administration, Virginia Tech reputation as a consensus Strategic Studies – U.S. Naval War 5 specific legislative pri- Offices held, dates: Virginia House of builder, which has re- College; J.D. George Washington orities. Delegates, 2006-present; elected member, sulted in my appointment University Law School a. Stand against tolling I-66 Northern Virginia Soil and Water to several commissions Occupation and relevant commuters up to $17 per day. Conservation District, 2004-06. that deal with issues directly affecting Fairfax resi- experience: Senior aide on Capitol Hill; With an increased tax burden already being footed Occupation and relevant experience: Project dents, including the Joint Commission on Health Lieutenant Commander, U.S. Navy Reserve by Fairfax residents, the 2013 landmark transpor- Manager, Amec Foster Wheeler Environment Care, State Water Commission, and Virginia Hous- Community involvement: Board Member & tation funding bill raised taxes to improve our and Infrastructure ing Commission. City Representative, Fairfax ASAP Policy Board; infrastructure. Now, we potentially face more bur- Community involvement: Board member, Brain 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- Former 2nd Vice Commander, American Legion dens on our household budgets, while not Injury Services; board member, City of Fairfax lative priorities. Post 177; Fairfax Lions Club; Past President, alleviating traffic congestion. Band; honorary member, Rotary Club of My priorities include: (1) continue to diversify Cameron Glen HOA b. Help alleviate traffic congestion by promoting Centreville; co-chair, Middleridge National Virginia’s economy and create an environment Website: www.SangYiForDelegate.com more teleworking, improving use of technology, Night Out, 2002-08; former coach, Fairfax Little where small businesses can thrive; (2) ensure that Email address: [email protected] access to mass transit, and focusing on investing in League; past chair, Fairfax County Consumer new transportation revenue is used effectively and Twitter handle: @SangYi high impact areas. Protection Commission, 1997-2004; former oppose efforts to toll I-66 inside the Beltway with- Name three favorite endorsements: Former c. Reformulate the Local Composite Index (LCI) member and treasurer, Rotary Club of out adding capacity; (3) continue to reform the Congressman Tom Davis; Congresswoman to achieve fair funding for our students. Annandale, 1999-2002. SOLs and change state formulas to ensure that our Barbara Comstock; Delegate Tim Hugo d. Streamline and clarify business regulations to Website: www.davidbulova.com schools get their fair share of funding; (4) protect make it easier for small businesses to understand Email: [email protected] QUESTIONS: Twitter handle: @DavidBulova our natural resources for future generations; and, 1. What is one issue that defines your and comply with them. Name three favorite endorsements: Virginia (5) give law enforcement the tools they need to call to serve, why does it matter, and how e. Increase government accountability by re- Education Association; Virginia League of combat human trafficking and identity theft. will you tackle it? forming the Joint Legislative Audit Review Conservation Voters; Fairfax County Chamber of 5. How has your district changed in the I want to preserve the American Dream and Committee (JLARC). Commerce last 10 years? What caused those changes? grow opportunities for everyone. As an immigrant 5. How has your district changed in the My district has changed both geographically and last 10 years? What caused those changes? QUESTIONS: from , my family and I benefited from demographically. During the 2011 redistricting, all that our nation has to offer. In order to keep The 37th district has seen tremendous growth. 1. What is one issue that defines your my district changed to include areas such as the opportunities available for future generations, we With more young families seeking better home call to serve, why does it matter, and how Government Center and parts of Centreville. My must ensure that our schools remain adequately prices and quality schools, the 37th is a wonder- will you tackle it? There is no greater respon- district has also become much more ethnically di- funded and prepare our students for higher edu- fully local and diverse community just miles away sibility than for elected officials to leave our verse. One of my priorities is to ensure that these cation and the workplace. To properly fund our from Washington, D.C. democracy stronger for future generations. Unfor- new immigrant communities feel welcome and schools, as Northern Virginians, we need to fight 6. Will you support legislation restricting tunately, extreme gerrymandering has resulted in become civically engaged. for more of our share from Richmond and boost high interest lending including car title few swing districts in Virginia, which means that 6. Will you support legislation restrict- our economy as a whole. loans? We should find a balance that protects bor- many elected officials are more concerned about ing high interest lending including car title 2. What distinguishes you from your rowers from predatory practices while also keeping primaries than general elections. This has contrib- loans? Yes. As the former chair of the Fairfax opponent(s) and why should voters choose various loan mechanisms accessible to those who uted to political gridlock. I support taking politics County Consumer Protection Commission I believe you? As a government professional, officer in the need them. out of the redistricting process through the creation that there is no place for this type of predatory Navy Reserve, and community leader, I have 7. Will you support funding for Fostering of an independent redistricting commission so that lending that traps individuals and families in a brought people together from diverse backgrounds Connections which would result in an in- the voters choose their elected representatives, and cycle of debt. to accomplish common goals. If elected to the flux of federal funding for foster children not the other way around. 7. Will you support funding for Fostering House of Delegates, I will use my political and aging out of foster care? 2. What distinguishes you from your Connections which would result in an in- government experience and leadership skills to Improving educational and health outcomes for opponent(s) and why should voters choose flux of federal funding for foster children actively promote the interests of the people of the foster care children is an important concern. I am you? I am a consensus builder with a record of aging out of foster care? Yes. The transition 37th district. Recently, I reviewed the proposal to open to supporting funding for Fostering Connec- achievement on important community issues, in- from foster care is extremely important to the long toll some I-66 commuters $17 per day, and along tions while keeping in mind limitations on cluding working in a bipartisan manner to pass term success of the child. For similar reasons, in with House Leadership, stand opposed to this un- Virginia’s budget requirements. new funding for transportation and to reform our 2014 I supported legislation to allow Court-Ap- workable plan that will burden our families’ 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid education Standards of Learning (SOLs). During pointed Special Advocate volunteers to continue budgets and not alleviate our traffic congestion under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, the past 10 years, I have worked hard to be open assisting youth in foster care past the age of 18. problems. We need fresh ideas and new energy to what would you do to make that happen? and accountable to district residents through town 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid advocate for us in Richmond. According to reviews of some Medicaid expan- hall meetings, constituent surveys, and informal under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, 3. Given the political makeup of the state sion states under Obamacare, enrollment numbers coffee hours. what would you do to make that happen? legislature, what examples from your own greatly surpassed projections. Especially given the 3. Given the political makeup of the state Yes. Virginia is already sending our taxpayer experience suggests you can successfully eventual phase down of federal funding for expan- legislature, what examples from your own dollars to Washington to pay for this expansion. bridge the intense partisan differences sion, the current statistics should alarm Virginians. experience suggests you can successfully Nearly 15% of Virginians under age 65 do not have there? Virginia cannot afford hundreds of millions or even bridge the intense partisan differences insurance. When these individuals do need care, I believe it is important to keep in mind that in the billions of dollars in overruns that some other there? I take very seriously the expectation of my they use expensive emergency services or let the political parties may have opposing ideas, but are states already face as enrollment states. constituents that when I am in Richmond I will problem get worse. We should get our money back work for the common good and look for ways to to help up to 400,000 Virginians get the health care improve the quality of life for all Virginians. For ex- that we are already paying for. Gandee and Storck Vie for Hyland’s Seat Storck cites son Morin and her family moved to Gandee touts business went to Rising Hope Church.” Laurel Hill from Burke. Morin created Dougherty called Gandee a “very dynamic experience. a South County Middle School solu- background. individual” who is “really fun to be around, tions group, which is when she first with a good sense of humor.” By Tim Peterson with Mount Vernon School Board mem- olly Dougherty, executive director Among Gandee’s other community lead- The Gazette ber Dan Storck. of the Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber ership positions which include chairman of “He made sure he was committed to of Commerce, said Jane Gandee is the Alexandria Salvation Army, Board of Di- helping us get the middle school and H hristine Morin of Lorton re the reason that organization be- rectors of the Chamber’s Education Partner- members when South County he never looked back the rest of the came involved with helping the homeless along ship and Legislative Committee, and serv- Secondary School opened in way,” Morin said. “He didn’t back down Richmond Highway. ing on the Fund Development Committee C from the administration and knew it 2005. She found out Fairfax “She brought it to our attention,” Dougherty for Rising Hope Mission Church, Gandee is County said they had no plans to build a was in the best interests of the com- said. “It’s something she’s very passionate about. also vice president of the Mount Vernon- South County middle school, as the system munity, the kids, what made the most Last year for the holiday party, she spearheaded Lee Chamber. had previously promised, which was a rea- See Storck, Page 15a drive to collect new coats and winter wear that See Gandee, Page 15

14 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Election ’15 Candidates for State Senate in 37th District Dave Bergman (R) Dave Marsden (D-37) Challenger, Senate in 37th District not professional politicians; and Incumbent I have a long history of success- Town of residence: Centreville they all have day jobs. I think an Town of residence: Burke fully working with Democrats and Age: 46 open mind and a willingness to lis- Age: 67 Republicans to get things done. I’ve Family: Wife and two kids ten to other points of view is Family: Wife, Julia, and three sons led efforts to build consensus to bal- Education: Annandale High important in any legislative body. I Education: W.T. Woodson High ance the Commonwealth’s budget School – 1987, BA - James have spent my career working with and Randolph Macon College without raising taxes. Every year you Madison University – 1991, JD - both parties to pass legislation and Offices held, dates: House of can find multiple examples of my Widener School of Law – 1995 I will bring that to my job as your Delegates, 2006-2010; Virginia efforts to put progress above parti- Offices held, dates: Never held senator. Senate 2010-present sanship. Three examples from this office before, first time candidate Occupation and relevant last year include: 1. SB1314 with Occupation and relevant experience: Technical experience: Vice President of 4. In order, list your top 5 Assistance Director for DSG Republican Delegate James Legal and External Affairs and specific legislative priorities. º working to reduce youth LeMunyon, prioritizes congestion Chief Legal Officer for the Keeping taxes low. Improving violence across 10 major U.S. relief when VDOT is choosing trans- National Board for Certified transportation. Working to make cities. Former Director Virginia portation projects instead of a Counselors our schools better and college in Vir- Department of Juvenile Justice, probation legislator’s “pet” project. 2. SB1102 Community involvement: Youth Soccer Coach ginia more affordable. Improving the mental health officer, and Superintendent of Fairfax County with Republican Senator Mark Obenshain, allowed of 11 years system. Preserving human freedom and curtailing Juvenile Detention Center. Uber to legally and safely operate in Virginia. 3. Website: www.bergmanforsenate.com the excesses of government. Community involvement: Board Member SB1235 with Republican Delegate Dave Albo, is Email address: [email protected] Fairfax County Court Appointed Special landmark legislation that allows someone suffering Twitter handle: twitter.com/DaveMBergman 5. How has your district changed in the Advocates (CASA), former President of the from intractable epilepsy to utilize non-psycho ac- Name three favorite endorsements: Sen. Dick last 10 years? What caused those changes? Enterprise School and the West*Lynch tive medical cannabidial oils. Black, Del. Tim Hugo The dirty little secret in the Virginia Senate is Foundation. Started Virginia’s first local secure 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- mental health/substance abuse program for QUESTIONS: that in 2011 the Democrat majority in the senate lative priorities. gerrymandered the district lines to protect their young offenders. Former coach and referee for 1. Improving funding for and reforming our edu- 1. What is one issue that defines your majority. That’s why this district begins in Lake youth baseball, basketball, football, and soccer. cation system. call to serve, why does it matter, and how Barcroft, snakes through 5 magisterial districts, and Website: www.marsdenforsenate.com 2. Diversifying our economy so we are less de- will you tackle it? ends up near Dulles Airport. Ten years ago the 37th Email address: [email protected] pendent on the federal government spending. Twitter handle: @sendavemarsden I feel strongly about a lot of issues, but issues senate district was a lot more compact. I grew up 3. Fighting against unfair tolling and continuing Name three favorite endorsements: Fairfax come and go. What is important in the long run are here, and like anyone else who has been here this to invest in our transportation system to ease con- the principles I would bring to the task of repre- County and Virginia Education Associations, long, I have seen major good and bad changes. Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce, and gestion. senting the people of Fairfax County in the state What hasn’t changed is what the people want – 4. Strengthening our juvenile justice system to senate. I believe government should be the court Fairfax County Professional Firefighters good jobs, a good education for their children, safe Association ensure our communities are kept safe and advanc- of last resort; many problems can be solved by streets and less traffic. ing evidence based adult re-entry programming. people working together. I believe the more free- QUESTIONS: 5. Continuing mental health system reforms so dom and the less regulation, the better. I believe 6. Will you support legislation restrict- 1. What is one issue that defines your all those who need care receive it. in lower taxes, more jobs, and a robust economy. ing high interest lending including car title call to serve, why does it matter, and how 5. How has your district changed in the I believe religious liberty is essential to our democ- loans? I dislike car title loan companies as much will you tackle it? last 10 years? What caused those changes? racy. My call to service is driven by these principles as the next person. However, these businesses I’ve dedicated my career to keeping Fairfax Fairfax County has long been a growing commu- that I will apply to any issue before the General would not exist if there were no customers, so they County and Virginia safe through numerous lead- nity, that growth has brought new needs and new Assembly. are filling a need. It seems our job is to make sure ership positions in our juvenile justice system. As opportunities in transportation, education, and these companies are properly licensed and regu- a legislator, I’ve continued that service by working human services. I was glad to support the Silver 2. What distinguishes you from your lated and determine if there are better ways to fill to strengthen the juvenile justice system, starting Line and am currently looking at all alternatives to opponent(s) and why should voters choose the need. an adult prison re-entry effort that will reduce re- I66 tolls. We’ve invested more in education, pub- you? cidivism and improve public safety, and cracking lic safety, and human services. Because of the great We have policy disagreements in a number of 7. Will you support funding for Fostering down on sexual predators. people who have made Fairfax County home, this key areas. I am adamantly against McAuliffe’s plan Connections which would result in an in- 2. What distinguishes you from your is one of the best places to live. to put tolls on I-66. He voted to take money from flux of federal funding for foster children opponent(s) and why should voters choose 6. Will you support legislation restricting the roads and put that money into sidewalks (SB aging out of foster care? I am whole-heartedly you? high interest lending including car title 932) and I think that’s nuts. And on crime, there for any program that will encourage adoption. I’m pleased put my record of leadership and his- loans? Yes is vast chasm between our positions; I support truth tory of dedicated service to this community to the 7. Will you support funding for Fostering in sentencing and no parole for violent offenders, 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid test for re-election. From my career choices to the Connections which would result in an in- and Marsden doesn’t. I also support school choice under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, number of hours I’ve spent volunteering in our flux of federal funding for foster children for our families, while Marsden voted against edu- what would you do to make that happen? neighborhoods to every vote I’ve taken as a mem- aging out of foster care? Yes cational savings accounts for disabled children. When the government starts shelling out money ber of the General Assembly, I’ve always put the 7. Do you support expansion of Medicaid Dave Marsden is a good citizen; he’s just wrong on somebody, somewhere, has to pay for it. Right now people of Fairfax County first. I’ve worked with under the Affordable Care Act? some important issues. the feds are offering to transfer money from their Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to Yes, I will continue to work with legislators from treasury to Virginia’s treasury to put more people issues, I’ve worked to bring back our tax dollars for both parties and Governor McAuliffe to forge a 3. Given the political makeup of the state on Medicaid, but there is no guarantee the money our schools and roads, and I’ve fought for the val- solution to this impasse. Expanding Medicaid will legislature, what examples from your own will continue to flow. And considering that the US ues that we share here in Northern Virginia. provide health coverage for close to 400,000 Vir- experience suggest you can successfully government is running a deficit the size of the ga- 3. Given the political makeup of the state ginians and it is estimated to create $1.9 billion in bridge the intense partisan differences lactic empire, at some point the largesse will end, legislature, what examples from your own economic impact and 30,000 jobs. This issue is too there? which means hard-working Virginians will end up experience suggests you can successfully important to our community and Commonwealth The Virginia General Assembly is nowhere near with higher taxes. There is no pot of gold at the end bridge the intense partisan differences to allow us to forgo $1.8 billion in federal funding as partisan as many other state legislatures because of the rainbow, and the unicorns are not interested there? that Virginia taxpayers are already paying. we have a part-time legislature; its members are in paying our debts. Gandee and Storck Vie for Hyland’s Supervisor Seat

From Page 14 Photos by “I think we have a problem in Mount private and public.” Gandee Vernon: It doesn’t look like the rest of the As a person, Cleary says Gandee is “out- “She’s a natural leader,” Dougherty said. county — the roads, schools, economic de- going, just a very friendly, warm person. ... “It’s been interesting for me to watch other velopment is worse,” Gandee said. “We need She’s always, always received well and is business owners here respond to her, her Tim Peterson new leadership, new ideas, to work together open to hearing other people’s opinions.” leadership, the way she motivates people.” to get the problems solved.” The Rev. Lorenzo Hill is the pastor at Gandee is a business owner herself, run- Retired physician and Mount Vernon resi- Cranford United Methodist Church, where ning a ServiceMaster Restore franchise. dent since 1970, Dr. Thomas Cleary met Gandee is a member, teaches Sunday School However she said she stepped away from Gandee through the Chamber of Commerce and serves on the nurture outreach com-

/The Gazette the company entirely in April to devote her 10 years ago. Cleary said he’s impressed mittee that ministers to members who are full attention to the supervisor role. with Gandee’s long-hours work ethic and sick, shut in or haven’t been to church for a “It will get my full attention, I’m anxious how successful she’s made her business. He period of time. “She’s an above average to get started,” Gandee said at the Oct. 15 also appreciates “her knowledge of the member, very committed, dedicated and in- meet the candidates event hosted by the Jane Gandee is the Republican workings of the government and what’s nec- volved,” said Hill. “she’s honest, fair, and Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce candidate for Mount Vernon essary for changes in the way projects in not changed. She’s consistent with the per- at the South County government center. District supervisor. the community can be accomplished, both son I met 10 and a half years ago.” www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 15 Election ’15 Candidates for State Senate in 39th District

experience suggests you can successfully George Lincoln Barker (D) Joe Murray (R) bridge the intense partisan differences there? I spent nearly a decade on Incumbent Senate District 39 still run from house to house Challenger, Senate District 39 Capitol Hill working with elected Town of residence: Clifton throughout the district and ask vot- Town of residence: Alexandria officials and staffers from many dif- Age: 64 ers what are their priorities and Age: 40 ferent and competing political Family: wife Jane; son Erik and his what do they want me to do; and I Family: Katie (wife), Ella philosophies. My ability to forge wife Mahjooba and two show up, such as at a recent debate (Daughter, 8 years old), AJ (Son, agreements through compromise grandchildren; daughter Emily before Hayfield seniors, where I an- 22 months old) comes from growing up in a large and her husband Jeff swered their questions alone for an Education: family of seven siblings. I learned Education: Harvard College, A.B., hour because my opponent reneged J.D., Catholic University of America through experience that you can dis- Economics and Public Health; on his commitment to participate. Columbus School of Law, Harvard School of Public Health, Washington, DC agree with someone, and still respect 3. Given the political M.S., Health Policy and Bachelor of Arts in Political Science their opinion. Through my work ex- makeup of the state legisla- Management (Minor: Economics), Rutgers perience, legal education training, ture, what examples from your Offices held, dates: Senator, University, New Brunswick, New service to my community, and being own experience suggests you 2008-present Jersey a father to a special needs disabled can successfully bridge the in- Occupation and relevant Offices held, dates: N/A daughter, I have demonstrated the tense partisan differences experience: Executive Director, Greater Prince Occupation and relevant experience: willingness to listen to other people and respect there? William Community Health Center, 2015; Current: Director of Government and Legal Affairs their opinion while solving vexing problems. My record shows that I frequently work closely Consultant, 2000-2015; Associate Director, for a national rare disease non-profit called 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- with Republicans, often jointly sponsoring bills, Health Systems Agency of Northern Virginia, debra, the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa lative priorities. Reduce government red tape 1975-2009 and bridge any partisan divide to get things done. Research Association, a disease that afflicts my to create more high paying jobs. Repeal the “King’s Community involvement: Member, Education Allowing Virginians to keep their health insurance, daughter Ella. Dominion” law and give local school boards more and Health Committee, General Laws and prohibiting censorship of sermons of chaplains, Previous: 10+ years experience on Capitol Hill, control. Encourage Public-Private Partnerships to Technology Committee, Rehabilitation and texting while driving, giving Virginians a tax refund including a wide array of legislative policy and expand the transportation grid and ease conges- Social Services Committee, Small Business check rather than a debit card, giving protective leadership roles with an emphasis in health care, tion. Increase the number of charter school to Commission, Housing Commission, Joint orders to those threatened by former intimate part- entitlement, and educational areas. improve education through competition. Simplify Commission on Health Care, Substance Abuse ners, and putting more money in the Rainy Day Community involvement: Active member and and streamline our tax code Services Council, Metropolitan Washington fund, and shared work programs are examples. former senior officer of our home civic 5. How has your district changed in the Council of Governments Board, Virginia Health 4. In order, list your top 5 specific legis- association. Proud participant of my daughter’s Workforce Development Authority public school Parent Teacher Association. last 10 years? What caused those changes? lative priorities. Website: senatorbarker.com Deacon and Sunday school teacher at our The district has seen an incredible amount of Transportation, Education, Economy/Jobs, Mili- Email address: [email protected] church. Co-Chair of our neighborhood’s snow growth in the past 10 years, from the West End of tary and Veterans, Those Who Need Help Name three favorite endorsements: Fairfax and debris removal association. Alexandria all the way down to Prince William 5. How has your district changed in the Chamber of Commerce; Virginia Education Website: www.murrayforvirginia.com County. People were drawn to the area because it’s last 10 years? What caused those changes? Association; Virginia Police Benevolent Email address: [email protected] a great place to raise a family. Unfortunately, that There is greater racial and ethnic diversity, with Association Twitter handle: @MurrayforVA growth has side effects from congested roads to housing integration rather than segregation Name three favorite endorsements: overcrowded schools. We need to deal with those QUESTIONS: throughout the district. This has happened because Congressman Tom Davis; Delegate Tim Hugo; side effects now. we have opportunities here, people want to live 1. What is one issue that defines your Springfield Supervisor Pat Herrity 6. Will you support legislation restricting here, and we appreciate both differences and our call to serve, why does it matter, and how high interest lending including car title common humanity. QUESTIONS: will you tackle it? loans? On a bi-partisan basis, the Virginia General 6. Will you support legislation restrict- 1. What is one issue that defines your Mental health care. It matters because many Assembly acted to reform the industry practices. If ing high interest lending including car title call to serve, why does it matter, and how Virginians with mental health problems suffer more work needs to be done to ensure the law is loans? will you tackle it? As a father of two young chil- needlessly and sometimes die because we are not followed where consumers are protected from un- I will support legislation that restricts unfair dren coming up through the public school system, doing enough to help them. I worked on the issue lawful or immoral business practices, I will work lending practices and that provides people with improving our school system is a top priority for before I was elected and have helped improve our with my colleagues on both sides of the political limited options the ability to get loans, as we did me.There are a couple of improvements we can system since I took office, but much more needs to aisle to ensure protections are put in place. with payday lending a few years ago. immediately enact. First, I think the local school be done. After similar bills had been repeatedly 7. Will you support funding for Fostering 7. Will you support funding for Fostering board, not Richmond, should determine when the killed, this year I got a bill passed to help get im- Connections which would result in an in- Connections which would result in an in- school years starts for testing preparation of our mediate support to college students contemplating flux of federal funding for foster children flux of federal funding for foster children students; that’s why I would repeal the “King’s suicide. I serve on a legislative study committee aging out of foster care? aging out of foster care? Dominion” law. I would also work to get more taking four years to propose a revamped and ad- I am open to federal support for Fostering Con- My wife and I were foster parents to 13 children education funding directly into the classroom. equately funded system that will meet the needs of nections. Providing a social safety net for those in over many years. I have already supported this leg- 2. What distinguishes you from your people with mental health problems rather than need is an important role of government, and our islation. opponent(s) and why should voters choose putting them on a waiting list. foster care system is critical to the future develop- 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid you? My family faces a lot of the same challenges 2. What distinguishes you from your ment of our childrens’ and community’s well-being. under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, as families throughout the district. I’ve felt the eco- opponent(s) and why should voters choose 8. Do you support expansion of Medicaid what would you do to make that happen? nomic crunch from the high cost of living and a you? under the Affordable Care Act, and if so, I will support any reasonable proposal to get sluggish economy. I have spent too much time com- I have a detailed knowledge of most issues ad- what would you do to make that happen? insurance for those eligible under the ACA, muting to work on public transportation for years dressed in the General Assembly; I understand the I do not support expansion of Medicaid to able- whether its expansion of our highly regarded Med- in gridlock, and I worry about the education my different issues of people in different parts of the bodied adults. There are better ways to reform our icaid program or an alternative, such as a private kids and all of those in Northern Virginia are receiv- district; I have a record of getting results, getting health care system to help increase health insur- insurance plan that we passed in the Senate. I am ing. There are real solutions to improve our more bills passed than almost any other Senator; I ance access and affordability. As a health care happy to help negotiate a deal that addresses con- communities but it’s going to take the political will consistently work with Republicans to find com- public policy professional for a rare-disease non- cerns of some while getting coverage for those who and bi-partisan leadership to make them happen. mon ground and compromise to get things done profit organization and a father of a special needs rather than simply spouting partisan platitudes; I are eligible. 3. Given the political makeup of the state legislature, what examples from your own daughter, I bring a unique perspective on this im- portant topic.

in the Fort Hunt area and West Potomac High School Parent Teacher Association Gandee and Storck Vie president, at an Oct. 15 meet the candidates work, you’d always get a call from him, he event hosted by the Mount Vernon-Lee Storck would touch base with you to go over the Chamber of Commerce at the South County government center. From Page 14 issues in their entirety with him. I was very grateful for that.” Storck highlighted his “willingness to lis- sense.” Bradsher also recalled a controversial ten” and experience in spending “thousands Storck, working with then-Lee District boundary change the two worked on affect- of hours” attending board meetings, bound- School Board representative Liz Bradsher, ing students at Annandale and Woodson ary meetings and other community meet- was able to get support from the board to high schools. “That was a tough thing for ings as a member of the Fairfax County move forward with the middle school plan- Dan,” she said. “He hated to pull people out School Board. ning and construction, which was com- of their home community and understand- Holly Dougherty, executive director of the Dan Storck is the Democratic pleted for the school to open in 2012. ably so. But we all had to work on that is- Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce. candidate for Mount Vernon Dis- “I don’t agree with everything he says, sue as a School Board.” has known Storck since he was elected to trict supervisor. he’s very much to my left, but sees the Storck referenced his more than a decade the School Board in 2004, and through his middle ground when he has to,” said representing Mount Vernon on the School businesses he has also been a member of his way to try to understand concerns Bradsher. “Sometimes he would come in Board, as well as his previous roles as presi- the chamber. “He’s given a lot of time, with people have. Everything he does on the late on an issue, but once he did his home- dent of Good Shepherd Housing, a coach service on the school board and goes out of board has impacted our community directly 16 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News

School Notes

School Board Promotes Dyslexia Awareness Send notes to the Connection at [email protected] or call 703-778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Dated announcements And adopts two-hour delay for March Primary. should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the event. Photos courtesy of Fairfax County School Board By Tim Peterson Joshua Blaz, a graduate of The Connection J.W. Robinson Secondary School, received the Tyree/Parajon, First ine-year-old Max- Year Merit Scholarship at Denison University. The Tyree/Parajon well Gebharts stood Scholarship is based on academic N confidently on a achievement, leadership and per- stepstool to address sonal merit. the Fairfax County School Board Six students in Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) have been Oct. 22. “My old school didn’t named regional finalists in know I was dyslexic,” he said. “I the 2015 Siemens Competi- was very sad and felt like I wasn’t tion in Math, Science, and keeping up with everybody.” Technology. The students, who attend South County High School Gebharts was one of several in- and Thomas Jefferson High dividuals to speak at the board’s School for Science and Technol- Thursday night business meeting ogy (TJHSST), are part of a group on behalf of Decoding Dyslexia of 97 regional finalists who will compete in one of six regional Virginia, the local chapter of a na- Members of Decoding Dyslexia Virginia came out in support of the Fairfax County events in November. tional grassroots organization ad- School Board recognizing October as Dyslexia Awareness Month at the Oct. 22 meeting. Finalists include five TJHSST vocating for better teacher train- students — Daniel Chae, Kelly ing and resources for dyslexic stu- Cho, Harriet Khang, Christina Oh and Michael You — as well as dents, as well as connecting par- Megan McLaughlin before she Edward Oh, South County High ents with existing resources. read the proclamation. School. “I hope you can make it so kids She described Decoding Dys- Brendan Richard O’Connor of Fairfax Station has like me don’t have to leave their lexia as being led by “by extraor- accepted membership in the Na- friends, don’t have to struggle,” dinary women who have really tional Society of Collegiate Gebharts said. Board members helped to shape not only better Scholars. NSCS is a member of and dozens of Decoding Dyslexia practices here in Fairfax County, the Association of College Honor Societies and is the the nation’s members and supporters ap- but within the Commonwealth of only interdisciplinary honors or- plauded him when he finished Virginia. To all of you, thank you ganization for first-year and speaking. so much for what you’re doing to second-year college students. High school senior Calvin Rizek Kate Hanley of the Fairfax County Electoral Board Office improve the lives of our children.” Membership is by invitation only, based on grade point average and spoke next, explaining that he is of Elections, formerly chairman of the Board of Supervi- A workshop hosted by the Of- class standing. He is a sophomore currently taking all his remaining sors and School Board representative from the Provi- fice of Special Education Instruc- at the College of William and classes at Northern Virginia Com- dence District, spoke to the significance of the later tion for parents of elementary Mary. munity College. “The way you school start times for the Presidential primary on March school students with dyslexia is William Douglas Krawczak of Springfield has have failed me is not approaching 1, 2016. scheduled for Nov. 13 from 10 been recognized by George Ma- dyslexia properly,” he said. Rizek’s a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Dunn son University on the school’s mother got him a tutor in elemen- Loring Center, 2334 Gallows Road. dean’s list for his academic tary school after he was “not achievement during the spring se- mester. William graduated from taught the correct way to learn to WITH LOCAL ELECTIONS West Springfield High School and read” in Fairfax County. LOOMING, the board voted is double majoring in English and “I’ve been in the school system unanimously to have schools start Economics at George Mason Uni- versity. Recognition on the 15 years,” Rizek said, “and I’ve two hours late on March 1, 2016, George Mason University dean’s been dyslexic the whole time, and to accommodate the presidential list is reserved for students who not seen any change. Please act primary voting. were registered for 12 or more fast so you don’t fail anyone else.” Kate Hanley of the of Fairfax semester hours and received a grade point average of 3.2 or The speakers came to the meet- County Electoral Board Office of higher with no grade below a C ing to coincide with the board rec- Elections, formerly chairman of for the previous semester’s work. ognizing October as Dyslexia the Board of Supervisors and Katie Bershadsky, born and Awareness Month. School Board representative from raised in Burke, has been selected to the Delta Epsilon Iota Aca- Board members typically don’t the Providence District, spoke to demic Honor Society in the local respond to citizen participation, Nine-year-old Maxwell Gebharts (left) was one of several the significance of the later school chapter at Kennesaw State Uni- though chairman Pat Hynes has individuals to speak at the School Board’s Oct. 22 busi- start times. versity. Delta Epsilon Iota was acknowledged professional devel- ness meeting on behalf of Decoding Dyslexia Virginia Hanley reminded the board “Su- established to recognize and en- courage academic excellence in opment for teachers could be more per Tuesday” is a dual primary, all fields of study. Bershadsky is focused in the area of dyslexia, and with both parties fielding candi- expected to graduate in 2018 with that the school system’s Strategic dates for voting on the same day, a major in public relations. Her Plan calls for “getting tighter on at the same locations. “The whole parents are Scott and Kim Bershadsky. Her grandparents early literacy.” thing is coming to town,” she said. Malcolm and Marcia have lived in Superintendent Dr. Karen Garza According to Fairfax County, 165 Burke for more than 30 years. has taken action including requir- of the 196 schools and centers in Jacob M. Sage, of Burke, Junior, Pre-Construction Engr ing elementary school administra- the system are used as polling Mgt. has made the Scholastic tors and instructional staff be places. Honor Roll Fall term at the Or- trained to recognize dyslexia “Voters must have free access to egon State University. A total of symptoms and warning signs. polls,” Hanley said, adding that 861 students earned straight-A (4.0). Another 3,598 earned a B- “I’m extremely excited to see the starting later “will mitigate many plus (3.5) or better to make the progress that we have going on not of our problems,” such as parking listing. To be on the Honor Roll, only in Fairfax County but in the Calvin Rizek started working with an outside tutor in congestion during pickup and students must carry at least 12 Commonwealth of Virginia,” elementary school to help him overcome dyslexia and dropoff times that coincide with graded hours of coursework. Braddock District representative learn to read. heavy voting waves. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 17 Entertainment

Send notes to the Connection at Halloween Calendar [email protected] or call 703-778-9416. The deadline is the Friday prior to the next paper’s publication. Halloween events in the area Dated announcements should be submit- ted at least two weeks prior to the event. THURSDAY-SATURDAY/OCT. 29-31 Haunted Trail “Carnivoreal.” 7:30 p.m. Rizer Pavilion, The Workhouse Arts Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. The signature piece of “31 Nights of Ongoing Frights” Seasonal Campaign, The Haunted Trail will challenge you and your friends to immerse yourselves into an unfolding story of horror and Paintings of the Potomac adventure. As you traverse our trail, an interactive story begins to take Valley Watercolorists. shape around you-casting you in a leading role. $10. https:// Through Nov. 7 at McQuire Woods reservations.workhousearts.org/Info.aspx?EventID=9 Gallery, Bldg 16, The Workhouse FRIDAY/OCT. 30 Arts Center, 9518 Workhouse Way, Halloween Dance with the Sixth Generation. 8 p.m. W-16, The Lorton. Gallery hours: Wed.-Sat.: Workhouse Arts Center, 9601 Ox Road, Lorton. Their crowd pleasing performances bring back fond memories for baby boomers and a surprising 11 a.m.- 6 p.m.; Sunday: 12-5 p.m. appreciation of good music for younger generations. $10. https:// The exhibition brings together reservations.workhousearts.org/Info.aspx?EventID=9 some of the area’s top painters in FRIDAY-SATURDAY/OCT. 30-31 watercolor, acrylic and mixed me- The Haunted Lab. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Children’s Science Center Lab, Fair Oaks dia, presenting 100 original works Mall, 11750 Fair Oaks Mall, Fairfax. A fun, not scary, just spooky family including landscapes, florals, still event, to enjoy hands-on STEM activities while celebrating Halloween. Children’s storytime at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. followed by a costume contest life and abstracts. for children ages 2-6 and 7-12. THROUGH SATURDAY/OCT. 31 WEDNESDAY/OCT. 28 Hillbilly Horror Halloween Haunt. 7-9:30 p.m. Creepy Nights on How Do Plants Get Ready for Calamo, 7104 Calamo St., Springfield. For teens, escape rabid rednecks, Winter? 11 a.m. Lorton Library, angry moonshiner ghosts and a giant spider-infested graveyard. For all 9520 Richmond Highway, Lorton. ages, nightly family friendly spooky tunes light show. Free but bring food Stories, songs and finger play. Age 3- donations for ECHO food bank. 5 with adult. SATURDAY/OCT. 31 Blossoming Babies. 10:30 a.m. Burke Centre Library, 5935 Freds Oak L.A. Theatre Works’ “Dracula.” 8 p.m. George Mason University’s Center Road, Burke. Songs, rhymes, stories for the Arts, 4400 University Dr, Fairfax. L.A. Theatre Works brings this and activities for infants less than a chilling story to life with live readings and creepy sound effects made “the year old. Birth to eleven months with old fashioned way.” 888-945-2468. cfa.gmu.edu. adult.

FRIDAY-SATURDAY/OCT. 31-30 Compania flamenca Jose Porcel per- The Haunted Lab. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. forms at GMU’s Center for the Arts on Children’s Science Center Lab, Fair Friday, Nov. 6, bringing passionate Oaks Mall, 11750 Fair Oaks Mall, rhythms and enchanting movement. Fairfax. A fun, not scary, just spooky family event, to enjoy hands-on This important orchestra has The Robinson Marketplace. 10 Laurel Garden Club and The STEM activities while celebrating enriched the cultural life of Bavaria a.m.-4 p.m. 5305 Sideburn Road, Springfield Acres Halloween! Children’s Storytime at SUNDAY/NOV. 1 with its unparalleled performances of Fairfax. Shop at over 80 vendors at Garden present a program of fabulous 11 am and 2 p.m. followed by a Taste of Greater Springfield. 3-7 symphonic concert pieces, opera and the Holiday Market, raffle and silent flower arranging with Laura Dowling, Children’s Costume Contest for p.m. Waterford of Springfield, 6715 operettas, musicals, ballets, oratorios auction sponsored by the Robinson former White House floral designer. children ages 2-6 and 7-12. Commerce St., Springfield. Features and church music. The orchestra is Secondary School PTSA. Visit $10. 703-451-5922. cuisine from over 20 local area joined by Spanish classical guitar www.robinsonptsa.org. SATURDAY/OCT. 31 restaurants. Sponsored by the West virtuoso Pepe Romero for solo work. Hula Performance & Dinner. 2-4 Springfield Rotary Club Foundation. $42-$70. 888-945-2468. p.m. 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton. MONDAYS/NOV. 16 AND 23 Hillbilly Horror Halloween Haunt. $30. www.togs.us. cfa.gmu.edu. Hula has been featured at many Journaling Classes. 5-6:30 p.m. 7-9:30 p.m. Creepy Nights on Trio Sefardi. 7 p.m. Jewish festivals and events throughout the Green Acres Center, 4401 Sideburn Calamo, 7104 Calamo St., Community Center of Northern region. The evening’s program Road, Fairfax. Class in cultivating Springfield. For teens, escape rabid Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, SUNDAY/NOV. 8 features the Hulau group performing and expressing a grateful heart with rednecks, angry moonshiner ghosts Fairfax. Trio Sefardi is a confluence Railroad Collectibles Special Sale. songs and dance of the Islands as two journaling workshops. During and a giant spider-infested of three performers who share a love 1-4 p.m. Fairfax Station Railroad well as dinner of Hawaiian chili and the second session, a Thanksgiving graveyard. For all ages, nightly of, and a wide-ranging experience Museum, 11200 Fairfax Station rice to enjoy. Tickets: $10-$15. banner or centerpiece will be family friendly spooky tunes light with, Sephardic music as influenced Road. Railroad collectibles, antiques, www.workhousearts.org. constructed to encourage family show. Free but bring food donations by La Rondinella, the Western Wind, railroad memorabilia, toys and art. members or visitors to share their for ECHO food bank. and National Heritage Fellowship Soundscapes Healing Meditation. gratitude list. Register 703-385-7858 L.A. Theatre Works’ “Dracula.” 8 winner Flory Jagoda. $14-$24. 2 p.m. Accotink Unitarian SATURDAY-SUNDAY/NOV. 14-DEC. 6 or visit http://www.fairfaxva.gov/ p.m. George Mason University’s www.jccnvarts.org. Universalist Church, 10125 FCPS Art Teachers Exhibition. 9518 government/parks-recreation/ Center for the Arts, 4400 University Lakehaven Court, Burke. Come, bring Workhouse Way, Lorton. Artworks by recreation-classes-and-programs/ Dr, Fairfax. L.A. Theatre Works a blanket or yoga mat for lying on art teachers in Fairfax County are adult-classes. brings this chilling story to life with FRIDAY/NOV. 6 the floor, and enjoy the gift of letting exhibited. The exhibition give a great live readings and creepy sound Compania Flamenca Jose Porcel. 8 go and being connected to deeper opportunity to discover the talent effects made “the old fashioned way.” p.m. George Mason Universty’s peace. Healthy snacks will be found in the county by viewing their SATURDAY-SUNDAY/NOV. 21-22 888-945-2468. cfa.gmu.edu. Center for the Arts, 4400 University provided afterward during work. www.workhousearts.org. 24th Annual Gem, Mineral and Fall Festival. 4-7:30 p.m. Burke Dr, Fairfax. Passionate rhythms and Fellowship time. Free to church Fossil Show. Saturday, 10 a.m.-6 Community Church, 9900 Old Keene enchanting movement of flamenco members, $15. 703-503-4579. p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. George Mill Road, Burke. Attractions for dancing. 888-945-2468. cfa.gmu.edu. SUNDAY/NOV. 15 Mason University, The Hub Ballroom, preschool to sixth grade including Table Top N Gauge Model Train. 1- 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. $free games, inflatables, pony rides, FRIDAY/NOV. 13 4 p.m. Fairfax Station Railroad to $6. http:// puppet show, laser tag and paintball SATURDAY/NOV. 7 Small Plates: Choreography Museum, 11200 Fairfax Station www.novamineralclub.org/events/ gallery. Join in non-scary costumes Rang de Nila. 8 p.m. Jewish Festival. 8-10 p.m. 9518 Workhouse Road, Fairfax Station. Table Top N 2015-show. and enjoy the fun, candy and prizes. Community Center of Northern Way, Lorton. At the festival, a Gauge model trains will be on display Free. 703-425-0205. Virginia, 8900 Little River Turnpike, curated dance showcase features and running. Free for museum Fairfax. Performance piece that groups and solo pieces from regional members and children under 4. $2 SATURDAY/NOV. 21 SATURDAY-SUNDAY/OCT. 31-NOV. 1 combines music and dance with the dance companies, one of them being ages 5-15, $4 16 and older. Bollywood Masala Orchestra and art of Siona Benjamin. In the Beth Elliott Dance Group. [email protected]. Dancers of . 8 p.m. George 8th Annual South Run Art and performance, the dancers assume the www.workhousearts.org. “La Boheme.” 8 p.m. George Mason Mason University’s Center for the Craft Show. Saturday, 9 a.m.-4 roles of the subjects of Benjamin’s University’s Center for the Arts, 4400 Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. South paintings. Through movements University Drive, Fairfax. Virginia By combining traditional Indian and Run RECenter, 7550 Reservation infused with elements of traditional FRIDAY-SUNDAY/NOV. 13-15 Opera, the Official Opera Company Western instruments, “The Spirit of Drive, Springfield. More than 50 Indian dance, modern dance, and Cabaret Series: Dueling Divas! of the Commonwealth of Virginia, India” presents Indian music and experienced artisans will tempt jazz, the dancers explore themes of Time varies. 9518 Workhouse Way, brings Puccini’s classic tale of love dance as it has never been heard or shoppers with everything from identity and what it means to be a Lorton. Dueling Divas performs songs and loss. $48-$98. 888-945-2468. seen before. Seventeen professional beautiful jewelry to intricate Jewish Indian woman. $14-$24. made famous by the Broadway stars cfa.gmu.edu. artists, including outstanding woodworking. Other crafting http://www.brownpapertickets.com/ and bring humor and laughter to musicians, singers and dancers, lead categories include photography, profile/190347. audience. Tickets: $30. a musical journey to Mumbai and painting, knitting, glasswork, Munich Symphony Orchestra with www.workhousearts.org. MONDAY/NOV. 16 beyond, filling the stage with vivid clothing, dolls, pottery, and more. The Romeros. 8 p.m. George Laura Dowling Program. 7-9:30 colors, mesmerizing movement and $3, free for children 12 and under. Mason University’s Center for the p.m. White Oaks Elementary School, hypnotic rhythms. 888-945-2468. www.nvhg.org. Arts, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax. SATURDAY/NOV. 14 6130 Shiplett Blvd., Burke. The cfa.gmu.edu. 18 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News Conservation Begins at Home From Page 9 news updates. and Conservation District Board. “I want to in- crease the sense of personal stewardship that people PETERS WAS APPOINTED by the Virginia Soil and who own the land have for the land,” he said. Water Conservation Board in March 2015 to be a Lamb has been the chairman the last four years. director; he has been an associate director since 2009 He thanked GFCA for hosting the forum and giving and has represented NVSWCD on the Fairfax County candidates in his race, usually overshadowed by races Tree Commission since 2012. for supervisor, House of Delegates, state senator and Peters is retired after a 30-year career as an envi- the sheriff, among others, an opportunity to inform ronmental scientist and engineer, including being the citizens of the board’s work. Education efforts are first full-time employee of the Occoquan Watershed top priority of the Soil and Water Conservation Board, Monitoring Laboratory in 1972. he said. Stephen L. Pushor, who is In retirement, he has focused on on the ballot, did not attend. natural resource stewardship, he The three were asked questions “I want to increase said. Peters is a Certified Master about fertilizers, deer manage- Naturalist and member of the Ba- ment, and the responsibility and the sense of sic Training Committee of the partnership between urban, sub- Fairfax Chapter of the Virginia urban and rural districts in Vir- personal Master Naturalist program. ginia. “I am also a Tree Commissioner,” stewardship that he said. FOUNDED IN 1945 by citizens concerned about conserving natu- people who own the LAMB HAS SERVED on the ral resources, the Northern Vir- board since January 2009 and is ginia Soil and Water Conservation land have for the currently the vice chairman and District is one of 47 conservation land.” treasurer. districts in Virginia and approxi- Lamb, of Falls Church, serves as mately 3,000 nationwide. “Soil — Gerald O. “Jerry” Peters, an at-large appointee on the and Water Conservation Districts Great Falls Fairfax County Environmental (SWCDs) were established in the Quality Advisory Council (EQAC) 1930s to develop comprehensive programs to con- and is the lead author on the Interrelationship be- serve soil resources, control and prevent soil erosion, tween Land Use and Transportation chapter of the prevent floods and conserve, develop, utilize and EQAC annual report. He was a co-founder of the Special thank you to dispose of water,” according to its website. Fairfax League of Conservation Voters, and repre- Although not a regulatory agency, the group col- sented the environmental community on the Tysons laborates with Fairfax County and other partners to Corner Land Use Task Force. He serves as the chair- provide conservation information, technical services, man of the IT Committee for the Virginia Associa- educational programs and volunteer opportunities tion of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. to residents on many aspects of water quality, COMMUNITIES nonpoint source pollution and stream health. CAMERON, A BIOLOGIST who also has a M.B.A., They help connect residents with environmental has worked 36 years in environmental policy, includ- initiatives and opportunities through the Watershed ing 20 years of federal service in natural resources Calendar, Green Breakfast and Conservation Currents OF WORSHIP programs at the Department of the Interior, Office of Management and Budget, Congress, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Cameron, of Mount Vernon, founded Why This Matters his own organization, Reduce Risks from Invasive The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District Species Coalition. He is an environmental policy Looking for a New Place of Worship? was founded in 1945 by citizens concerned about conserv- advisor to the governor of California, director of ing natural resources. They were established to develop Visit Antioch Baptist Church! programs to conserve soil resources, control and prevent soil Conservation Policy for the National Fish and Wild- erosion, prevent floods and conserve, develop, utilize and life Foundation, and serves on the board of advisors All Are Welcome! dispose of water. The group collaborates with Fairfax County to the Wildlife Alliance. “We have 30 watersheds in Sunday Worship 8, 9:30 & 11:30 a.m. and other partners to provide conservation information, tech- Fairfax County, about a third are in good shape, a Sunday School for Children & Adults 9:30 a.m. nical services, educational programs and volunteer opportunities to residents on many aspects of water quality, third are in really bad shape,” he said, with the oth- Married Couples Sunday School 11:30 a.m. nonpoint source pollution and stream health. ers in between. “I’ve always wanted to get involved 703-425-0710 • www.antioch-church.org See www.fairfaxcounty.gov/nvswcd/ where it counts, locally,” he said. 6531 Little Ox Road, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Home of the $6,850 Bathroom Remodel 9800 Old Keene Mill Rd. From Now to WOW in 5 Days Guarantee Jubilee 703-455-7041 Select your Christian Center 10% down “Loving People to Life” Sunday School TWO POOR TEACHERS products from 9:15 AM nothing until the job Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Worship Gathering – Sunday 8:45 & 11 AM isis completecomplete forfor thethe our Mobile Sunday School 10:10 AM Worship Service past 17 years Showroom Sunday Evening - Realtime Worship & Youth 6 PM 10:30 AM and Design Family Night - Wednesday 7:15 PM Home Life Groups & College/Young Adult Ministries Center visit our website: www.jccag.org www.calvaryfamily.com Fully Insured & 4650 Shirley Gate Road, Fairfax “Continuing the ministry of Class A Licensed Bill Frasnelli, PASTOR 703-383-1170 Christ on earth” Since 1999

Free Estimates To Advertise Your Community of 703-999-2928 Visit our website: www.twopoorteachers.com Worship, Call 703-778-9418 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 19 Sports Hayfield to Face Fellow Conference 6 Contenders Hawks tied with the field, we’re not as good [as we are] with “We needed that game him on the field. He’s what we do offen- Madison for first sively.” against Yorktown. Clearing the way for Ross is an offensive place at 5-0. line composed of junior left tackle Greer We’ve been either Jones (5-10, 285), senior left guard Adam Johnson (6-5, 330), junior center Jack By Jon Roetman winning lopsided or Blevins (5-10, 260), junior right guard KD The Connection Diokane (6-3, 300) and senior right tackle losing lopsided and Juan Cruz (5-8, 250). or the first seven weeks of the 2015 “They’re a real physical bunch,” season, the Hayfield football team I felt like we needed to Henderson said. “They remind me of some Fwon or lost by a margin of 15 battle though something.” of the crews I had at West Potomac — kids points or greater. While the Hawks that like to get after it. They work well to- won more than they lost, posting a 5-2 — Hayfield football coach gether. They communicate well.” record, Hayfield never found itself in a pres- Eric Henderson Hayfield is No. 9 in the latest VHSL 6A sure-packed end-of-game situation. North region power rankings. Madison is That changed on Oct. 23, when the No. 4 and South Lakes is No. 10. The top Hawks traveled to Arlington and needed a 16 teams make the playoffs. fourth-and-goal stop in the final minute to Henderson said the Hawks divided the secure a victory against Yorktown and re- season into three parts. The first part was a main tied for first place in Conference 6. Photo by Louise Krafft/The Connection tough three-game stretch during which The Hayfield defense came through, with Hayfield head football coach Eric Henderson, seen last season, has the Hayfield battled injuries and struggled senior cornerback Terrell Wheeler intercept- Hawks tied for first place in the Conference 6 standings. against some tough opponents. After a 21- ing a pass in the end zone to clinch a 21-14 0 season-opening victory against Edison, victory. at 6-2 overall and 4-1 in the conference. Myles Ross and let the senior make plays. Hayfield lost to Tuscarora 40-14, and was “We needed that game against Yorktown,” Kickoff is at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 30. The Ross is Hayfield’s all-time leading rusher. blown out by South County 70-29. Hayfield head coach Eric Henderson said. following week, Hayfield will travel to This season, he has carried 176 times for The second part was a four-game stretch “We’ve been either winning lopsided or los- Vienna to face a Madison team that has won 1,486 yards and 17 touchdowns. Last week where the Hawks tried to figure out what ing lopsided and I felt like we needed to seven in a row and is currently tied with against Yorktown, Ross had 37 carries for they do well. Ross was the answer, and battle though something.” the Hawks atop the conference standings 276 yards and two touchdowns. Hayfield defeated Washington-Lee, 35-16, For the Hawks, the fourth-quarter test of at 5-0. He also plays defense and has three in- McLean, 43-28, Fairfax, 40-20, and Langley, fortitude might have arrived at just the right While Hayfield will be tested, the Hawks, terceptions. 39-21. time. who are on a five-game win streak, will pro- “I think he’s one of the best players I’ve The third part is a playoff push during Hayfield, now 6-2 overall and 5-0 in the vide their own challenges. ever coached,” said Henderson, whose the final three games of the regular season. conference, will wrap up the regular sea- “I think we’ve kind of found our formula,” Northern Virginia coaching stops include The Hawks survived a tough test against son by facing the other two teams in con- Henderson said. “It took us a couple of Lake Braddock (assistant), West Potomac Yorktown, winning 21-14. Hayfield’s next tention for the Conference 6 title. This week, games.” and T.C. Williams. “He goes both ways, he two games will determine if they are con- the Hawks will host South Lakes, which sits That formula: Give the ball to running back doesn’t get a lot of breaks. … If he’s not on ference champions.

Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/The Connection Robinson running back Roman Lowery reaches for the goal line during the Rams’ 39-3 victory over Herndon on Oct. 24 at Herndon High School.

Robinson Football Improves to 5-3 Photo by Craig Sterbutzel/ The Robinson football team defeated rankings. The top 16 teams make the Runner-up in Conference 7 The Connection Herndon 39-3 on Oct. 24, improving its playoffs. Emma Vinall (13) and the Woodson field hockey team finished runner- record to 5-3 overall and 3-1 in Confer- The Rams will host Broad Run at 7 p.m. up in Conference 7, losing to T.C. Williams 3-0 in the championship ence 5. on Friday, Oct. 30 and will close the game on Oct. 26. The Cavaliers faced Langley in the opening round of Robinson is tied for No. 7 in the regular season with a road game against the 6A North region tournament on Wednesday, after The Connection’s latest VHSL 6A North region power Centreville on Nov. 6. deadline.

20 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com News

Photos courtesy of Robyn W

Photo by

Tim Peterson

/The Connection


Clifton residents Aaron and Tracy Kuzemka, Josie Layfield, Alexis Pol- lard and friends ran a “Children of the Corn” scene during the 2015 Thrill-seeking souls enter the eight-acre Clifton Haunted Trail on Oct. 24. Clifton Haunted Trail. Scare Tactics Clifton Haunted Trail Civil War era when it was known as Deveraux Station. Katie Pline unites town, frightens Having the trail in addition to an annual (left) and car show, arts and crafts vendor fair at Keeler thousands. Clifton Day, and homes tour, the Haunted Lambertson Trail allows Clifton to “address different (right) of By Tim Peterson focus areas,” said Lovett, whose husband Clifton acted The Connection William Holloway is the town’s mayor. “It in a scene brings different kinds of people to see our depicting the strobe light pulses through dense community and draws people together to Salem witch fog, briefly illuminating rabbit volunteer.” trials, burn- Acorpses hung upside down under The trail walk itself is unguided, but lit ing and the arch of a bridge. As vines are with real torches suspended in trees, some- lynching. brushed aside, a tall, white, hairy figure times illuminating severed heads, massive passes by quietly. spider webs or the occasional zombie. The Bunny Man, a decades-old suburban Scenes this year included the Salem witch legend of Fairfax County, was among nearly trials, a takeoff from the sci-fi-horror movie two-dozen elaborate scenes and tableaus set “The Purge,” a deranged animal hospital up by volunteers from and around the town and zombie dance party, among many oth- of Clifton as part of their annual fundraising ers. Periodic shrieks and squeals of delight coming back.” among two mothers and their daughters event the Clifton Haunted Trail. and horror mingled in the crisp fall air with Good weather and a strong social media who came to visit an aunt who lives in The trail, spread out over eight acres of the sounds of revving chainsaws and Bruno campaign helped make the night even more Clifton. When answering how they liked it park woods drew 2,800 guests in 2014, ac- Mars. successful, Bittner continued, but he em- afterwards, Keene said, “Let me put it this cording to tickets organizer Phyllis Lovett. Steve Bittner of Clifton coordinated the phasized the trail wouldn’t be possible with- way, three out of the four of us wet our By 9 p.m., two-thirds of the way through more than 100 volunteers for the event and out the volunteers it brings together, includ- pants.” the night on Oct. 24, Lovett said over 3,450 organized the trail. “It’s exciting,” he said, ing a planning committee that began meet- Luke Dietrich of Fairfax Station had a tickets had already been sold. At $15 per looking at the hundreds of people in line to ing in March. “The Community of Clifton similarly frightful experience on the trail. ticket, the all-volunteer event is a boon for walk through the trail. “This is a testament really bands together,” he said. “A huge spider fell on my head,” he said. “It the town that dates its history back to the to the trail being a thing that keeps them Kimberly Keene of Fredericksburg was was awkward.”

RJ Carey, Eric and Amanda Hencken, Steven Parrot, Chip McIntyre, Dwayne Nitz and Martin O’dea of Clifton managed a scene playing off the sci-fi horror movie “The Purge” where all laws in a fictional United Cindy Sealy, Michael Anton and Dawn Huss of Clifton put together a States were suspended for a brief period of time. “Walking Dead” scene for the 2015 Clifton Haunted Trail. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 21 Zone 2: • Burke 703-778-9411 • Fairfax • Springfield Home & Garden Zone 2 Ad Deadline: Employment • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton connectionnewspapers.com CONTRACTORS.com Tuesday Noon

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22 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Bulletin Board Zone 2: • Burke 703-778-9411 • Fairfax • Springfield Zone 2 Ad Deadline: Classified Send notes to the Connection at bags are in support of Scouting for Food 2015. • Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Tuesday Noon [email protected] or call 703- Help those less fortunate by filling the bags with 778-9416. The deadline for submissions is the non-perishable food items and leave the bag out Friday prior to publication. Dated announcements for collection a week later by Boy Scout Troop should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the 1346 the morning of Nov. 14. 26 Antiques 26 Antiques 101 Computers 101 Computers event. [email protected].

We pay top $ for STERLING, DEADLINE SATURDAY/OCT.31 SUNDAY/NOV. 8 MEN'S WATCHES, HDI COMPUTER SOLUTIONS Poetry Contest Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter, Complete the Circle Foodraiser. 1-2:30 p.m. JEWELRY, COSTUME JEWELRY, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Arts and Fairfax High School, 3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax. FURNITURE, PAINTINGS AND CLOCKS. JENNIFER SMITH ❖ Serving the Area Since 1995 Letters Committee is sponsoring a poetry contest LCAC and Our Daily Bread’s annual foodraiser Schefer Antiques ➣ for Fairfax County Public Middle School and hunger awareness event. This family- Speed Up Slow friendly, volunteer event is held at Fairfax High 703-241-0790 Computers students. The poetry title is: Silhouette of a [email protected] Woman: An Influential Female in My Life. The School’s practice field. Bring a bag of food and ➣ Virus Removal submissions will be reviewed for awards of $125 help feed your neighbors. More information and for first place, $75 for second place, and $50 for to register, go to https://www.odbfairfax.org/ 21 Announcements 21 Announcements ➣ Computer Setup third place. www.fcacdst.org. Poetry Contest CompleteTheCircle. Preemie Conference. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Inova ➣ Help with Windows 8 deadline for submission is October 30th. Email entries and inquiries can be sent to: Fairfax Physicians Conference Center, 3300 21580 571-265-2038 [email protected]. Mailed entries must Gallows Road, Falls Church. Preemies Today will be hosting a parent and provider conference Atlantic Blvd. [email protected] be postmarked by October 30th and sent to: Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter - Delta Sigma entitled, Navigating the Journey Through #120 Theta Sorority, Inc. P.O. Box 221224 Chantilly, Childhood. $25. Sterling, 21 Announcements 21 Announcements VA 20153-1224. [email protected]. 703- VA 20166 283-8007. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL 703-444-7804 CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR SUNDAY/NOV. 1 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY MONDAY/NOV. 9 www.VAGoldBuyers.com JUVENILE DIVISION IN THE INTEREST OF: "Raising Children in the 21st Century - Free FFN: 515760 CASE ID: Range: Child Neglect or Positive "Using the Internet to Build an Audience.” 7- Latinos como tú sirviendo a nuestra comunidad T.R. 03/25/2014 14-289 Parenting?” 2 p.m. Stacy C. Sherwood 9 p.m. Gunnel House at Truro Church, 10520 Child DIVISION: D Community Center, 3740 Old Lee Highway, Main St., Fairfax. author Stephanie Buckwalter • We are Local NOTICE OF AN ADVISORY HEARING ON Fairfax. Hear from the experts. Opening will explain how to use social media, online • We Buy Gold, Silver and Diamonds A TERMINATION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS networking and search engine tools to build an • Over 40,000 Satisfied Customers PROCEEDINGS Remarks by Fairfax County Superintendent FAILURE TO PERSONALLY APPEAR AT THE ADVISORY Karen Garza. www.chabadva.org. 703-426- audience. Free. 703-803-9447. • We are Licensed and Specialize in State Sales HEARING CONSTITUTES CONSENT TO THE TERMINA- 1980. TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS OF THE ABOVE-LISTED Not Ready to Sell? Please call us CHILD. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR ON THIS DATE AND TIME THURSDAY/NOV. 12 for our Lending Options! SPECIFIED, YOU MAY LOSE ALL YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS AS A PARENT TO THE CHILD NAMED IN THE PETITION MONDAY/NOV. 2 Keeping Your Loved One Safe. 3 p.m. Insight ATTACHED TO THIS NOTICE. Keep GMU Blue Rally. 4-5:30 p.m. North Plaza, Memory Care Center, 3953 Pender Drive, Suite TO: Matthew Francis George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, 100, Fairfax. Join us to discuss various options 2987 District Avenue to keep your loved one with dementia safe in Apt. 601 Fairfax. Congressman Gerry Connolly will join Fairfax, VA 22031 the George Mason Democrats and the candidates the home. Free. 703-204-4664. RSVP. *YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE *that a Petition for Termi- running to represent George Mason University nation of Parental Rights has been filed in the Circuit Court of to reiterate, for the last time, the stakes of this the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for SATURDAY/NOV. 14 Hillsborough County, Florida, Juvenile Division, alleging that election and the reasons to vote Democratic on the above-named child is a dependent child and by which the Election Day. [email protected]. Future Quest 2015. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. George Petitioner is asking for the termination of your parental Mason University in the Johnson Center, 4400 rights and permanent commitment of your child to the Depart- University Drive, Fairfax. Future Quest is a free ment of Children and Families for subsequent adoption. THURSDAY/NOV. 5 college and career forum for students with *YOU ARE HEREBY *notified that you are required to appear disabilities, parents and professionals. http:// personally on *November 23, 2015 * Aldi Hiring Event. 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Courtyard *at 9:00 a.m., before the Emily A. Peacock, *800 E. Twiggs Marriott, 4641 Kenmore Ave., Alexandria. ALDI futurequest.gmu.edu. Street, Court room 310, Tampa, Florida 33602, to show cause, will host two hiring events for its Alexandria and if any, why your parental rights should not be terminated and Springfield area stores. why said child should not be permanently committed to the WEDNESDAY/NOV. 18 Florida Department of Children and Families for subsequent adoption. You are entitled to be represented by an attorney at Care for the Caregiver. 1:30 p.m. Insight this proceeding. SATURDAY/NOV. 7 Memory Care Center, 3953 Pender Drive, Suite DATED this _____ day of ______, 2015 Scouting for Food. Burke Centre Shopping 100, Fairfax. Bring your questions and join us PAT FRANK Center, 5649 Burke Centre Parkway, Burke. Cub for a panel discussion with the help of dementia CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT care professionals on how to care for yourself. By Scout Troop 1346 will distribute plastic :______shopping bags to Burke Centre residences. The Free. 703-204-4664. RSVP. Deputy Clerk

HOW TO SUBMIT ADS TO 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Faith Notes

Tibetan Buddhism. The center emphasizes Send notes to the Connection at Newspapers & Online working with the mind and learning how to [email protected] or call 703- understand the workings of the mind, CLASSIFIED 778-9416. Deadline is Friday. Dated overcoming inner causes of suffering, while DEADLINES announcements should be submitted at least two cultivating causes of happiness. Under the Zones 1, 5, 6.....Mon @ noon weeks prior to the event. Zones 2, 3, 4.....Tues @ noon direction of Lama Zopa Rinpoche, the center is a E-mail ad with zone choices to: place of study, contemplation and meditation. classified@connection Visit http://www.guhyasamaja.org for more newspapers.com SUNDAY/NOV. 8 information. or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411 Soundscapes Healing Meditation. 2 p.m. Accotink Unitarian Universalist Church, 10125 Lord of Life Lutheran offers services at two EMPLOYMENT Lakehaven Court, Burke. Come, bring a blanket locations, in Fairfax at 5114 Twinbrook Road DEADLINES or yoga mat for lying on the floor, and enjoy the Zones 1, 5, 6.....Mon @ noon and in Clifton at 13421 Twin Lakes Drive. Zones 2, 3, 4.....Tues @ noon gift of letting go and being connected to deeper Services in Fairfax are held on Saturdays at 5:30 E-mail ad with zone choices to: peace. Healthy snacks will be provided p.m. and Sundays at 8:30 and 10 a.m. Services classified@connection afterward during Fellowship time. Free to in Clifton are held on Sundays at 8:15 and newspapers.com church members, $15. 703-503-4579. 10:30 a.m. 703-323-9500 or or call Andrea @ 703-778-9411 www.Lordoflifeva.org. ZONES 21 Announcements 21 Announcements 21 Announcements Zone 1: The Reston Connection SATURDAY/DEC. 5 First Baptist Church of Springfield offers The Oak Hill/ Book Reading, “Blessed are You.” 12-3 p.m. Sunday school at 9:15 a.m., followed by a 10:30 Herndon Connection The Paschal Lamb, 11214 Lee Highway, Fairfax. a.m. worship service at 7300 Gary St., Zone 2: The Springfield Connection The Burke Connection Author Melanie Rigney will read from her new Springfield. 703-451-1500 or The Fairfax Connection book. Free. 703-863-3940. www.fbcspringfield.org. The Fairfax Station/Clifton/ Lorton Connection Clifton Presbyterian Church, 12748 Richards Zone 3: The Alexandria Fairfax Baptist Temple, at the corner of Fairfax Gazette Packet Lane, Clifton, offers Sunday worship services at The Mount Vernon Gazette County Parkway and Burke Lake Roads, holds a 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Nursery care is provided. Zone 4: Centre View North bible study fellowship at 9 a.m. Sundays Christian education for all ages is at 9:45 a.m. Centre View South followed by a 10 a.m. worship service. Nursery 703-830-3175. Zone 5: The Potomac Almanac care and children’s church also provided. 6401 Zone 6: The Arlington Connection Missionary Lane, Fairfax Station, 703-323-8100 St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, The Vienna/Oakton or www.fbtministries.org. 6720 Union Mill Road, Clifton, conducts Sunday Connection The McLean Connection masses at 7:30 a.m., 8:45 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and The Great Falls Connection The Guhyasamaja Buddhist Center, 10875 12:30 p.m. It also offers a Saturday vigil at 5:30 Main St., Fairfax City provides free classes to p.m. and a Thursday Latin mass at 7 p.m. 703- both newcomers and advanced practitioners of 817-1770 or www.st-andrew.org. www.ConnectionNewspapers.com Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 ❖ 23 POTOMAC 3750 Jefferson Davis Hwy. RIVER Alexandria, VA 22305

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24 ❖ Fairfax Station/Clifton/Lorton Connection ❖ October 29 - November 4, 2015 www.ConnectionNewspapers.com