Guantanamo Daily Gazette
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Tomorrow's flight Water Usage 727 Friday, Jan. 25 through Sunday, Jan. 27 NAS Norfolk, Va. 8:00 a.m. Storage: 10.3 MIL-74% (Fri.), 10.9 MIL - Guantanamo Bay 11:30p.m. noon Kingston, Jamaica 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 75% (Sat.), 9.5 MIL-68% (Sun.) Production: 1.3 MIL Guantanamo Bay 2:15 p.m. 3:20 p.m. (Fri.), 1.3 MIL (Sat.), 968 NAS Norfolk, Va. 6:15 p.m. K (Sun.) Consumption: See page 3 1.1 MIL (Fri.), 1.5 MIL (Sat.), 1.5 MIL (Sun.) 1 Guantanamo Daily Gazette Vol. 47 -- No. 018 U.S. Naval Base, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Monday, January 28, 1991 Defense Secretary Cheney says ground assault comih ig Best of the best AP - Defense Secretary comforts were mission g. For, Dick Cheney is leaving little example, their favorite ibrands doubt of a ground war against of brew were not to be found, Iran- The official Iranian news Iraq. Acknowledging that only nonalcoholic beer was agency reports that Libyan leader U.S. officials always assumed available. There was alllso a Moammar Gadhafi has lodged a ground forces eventually nagging pre-game queststion: protest to Turkey for its stance on would be used, Cheney says Would there be a SCU the war. Gadhafi reportedly warns mis- that a possible opening of asecond U.S. troops in the Gulf will be sile attack during the conntest? front against Iraq by Ankara could ready for a ground assault Fans at the game in Taampa, lead to World War mI. before the end ofBCee next month. Fla.a.Src were alsoeuiywsi affected bItriwdoby the in ef- Philippines -A bomb explosion said U.S. troop strewn in the fect to guard against po in the Philippines rocked a radio ssible stationtoday in an apparent terror- region is near a-half million. terrorstattacks and fans head- ist attack stemming from the war Operation Desert Stonm's ing into the stadium were in the Persian Gulf. Police say a commander says only lime searched or checked by x-ray man riding a three-wheeled mo- will tell if a U.S. bombing runs machines and metal detec- torcycle tossed a bomb into the on a Kuwaili oil complex has tors. Inside the stadium, radio station about 200 miles there southeast of Manila. The blast stopped the flow of oil into were also reminders oof the causedheavy damage but no casu- the Persian Gulf. General Nor- troops overseas. Fans wwaved Fireman Hope M. Wood (left) and PO1 Stephen L Harris, alties. Authorities say the attack- man Schwarzkopf says that, flags and sang patriotic ongs. with COMNAVBASE, Capt. Bill McCamy, show off their era left a note saying "Long live o h dieo i n ni n h afieso was plaques after being honored as Naval Station SaIlor and Saddam." ronmental officials, U.S. dedicated to the Desert Storm Petty Officer of the Quarter for October through Decem- ber 1990. Woods works in Port Services Service Craft Somali - Rebels say they have warplanes blew up pipeline troops. the Division, while Harris is the Leading Petty Officer overthrown Somali President Mo- complex to stop Iraq from Iraq is blaming U.N. for the the Intelligence Department. hamedSiadBarre after amonthof pumping millions of gallons secretary general for wIhat it fighting for control of the capital, of crude into the Gulf. Sch- calls the ugly crimes agagainst Mogadishu. Barre had been in power for 21 years. He fled the Javier capital and his whereabouts are the spill site suggest less oil Perez De Cuellar, Iraq'ss for- Iraq says Mubarak will die not known. In the last decade, the flowing into the waterway. eign minister accuses U.S.- AP - Iraq is warning 1981 by Muslim terrorist ex- African nation has had at least For the U.S. troops in led forces of waging ag ggres- Egyptian President Hosni tremists. three rebel movements. They Saudi Arabia, yesterday was a sive, indiscriminate raids could notform alliances with each super Sunday like none be- under the veil of Sec Mubarak that he faces assassi- The curity radio report said other because the only thing in nation for his alliance with the Mubarak was a frightened common was their opposition tole to watch Council resolutions. Penez De Barre. the NFL Championship Cuellarhas not commentted on U.S.-led coalition battling coward, who is lacking in game, but many of the usual the message. Iraq. manliness. In last night's broadcast on Another report suggests (Continued on page 3) Report says war damage over estimas tes Baghdad radio, Mubarak was Iraq will soon begin attacks AP - A report in today's last Friday. accused of betraying Islam. with chemical and biological Washington Post says dam- The report also sayss that The report said the same fate weapons. Iraqs new Mother of SUSA age assessments from the first although nearly all of the: Iraqi that befell Mubarak's prede- Battles radio 10 days of allied bombings air defense radar was takes said the allies en out cessor will happen to have not yet begun its light- News indicates some important in the first week of atitacks, Mubarak. ning and painful strikes that ck in Washington - President Bush parts of the Iraqi war machine about 20 percent in ba Anwar Sadat was killed in will burn their forces. has dispatched a special team of have escaped damage. operation. And Iraq's 8,C00 to U.S. environmental experts to Citing well-placed sources, 9,000 pieces of high- grade Saudi Arabia to help the kingdom the Post says about 65 percent anti-aircraft artillery II minimize the environmental ofr have damage from the oil spill. The been largely unaffected bby the Ship trip to Jamaica head of Iran's Environmental rational. allied air campaign. I Protection Organization appealed The newspaper also says The Pentagon has dec lined I USS Tortuga will head for Montego Bay, Jamaica, the I Sunday for more international there's no photographic evi- comment on the report. The I evening of Friday, Feb. 19 ,returning the morning of I help to control the slick. dence that any mobile missile commander of U.S. force I es in Tuesday Feb. 19. There is space for 200 males and 200 fe-I I males. R&R paperwork should be turned into the Opera- I Arizona - Autopsy results launchers have been de- the war says the U.S. is going I expected today to determine if the stroked. Only eight of 30 to be deliberately conserve native tion office by 3 p.m., Wednesday Feb. 13. FMI call 4366. 1 remains found this weekend are launchers had been hit as of in reporting bomb damagge. I those of a missing Northwestern I University medical student. Lynda Singshinsuk, 24, of Robin- Officer's Wive's Club a son, Ill., was last seen in Chicago .nnual auction set for March in April. Authorities say a body Guantanamo Bay - The auction has been increase ingly found in a grave about 30 miles Guan and groups within your com- participation is strictly gov- west of Flagstaff, Ariz., may be ontin- mand are also encouraged to erned by the Standards of the missing woman. Her ex-boy- Wives Club (GBOWC) is ued success of this ever nt de- donate to this worthwhile Conduct, SECNAVINST friend is being held by authorities plans its 5th Annual Scholar- spends heavily upon the sup- event. Many possess special 5370.2J. Therefore we must in Flagstaff on charges of trying to ship Auction for St. Patrick's port of the Guantanamo Bay talents in cooking, sewing, comply with the law and the extort money from her family. Day weekend Saturday, community and the va Authorities said Don Webber, Jr., y rious sports, arts and crafts, and en- directives. To avoid any legal admitted to killingthe woman. March 16 on the patio of the commands basewide. I In the tertainment. Others have skills problems, any participation, Officers' Club. past, 80 percent of all servevices in such areas as diving, boat- support or contributions must U.S.- Gasoline prices have been This year's scholarships and items donated came from ing, flying or playing tennis. be cleared by the Staff Judge falling during January. The Lund- will be awarded to deserving these two sources. These skills and items just sit- berg survey says retailers have seniors atW. T. Sampson High Gitmo's support is ne Advocate. For advice, call the been passing on savings from eded ting around the house can be SJA office at 4821. lower crude oil prices.So ofa ar action turned into "pots of gold" that For donation forms infor- and civilian dependent of an item or service unique to can be donated to the worth- mation call CBOWC coordi- (Continued on page 3) spouses on board the base. your command would greatly while auction. nator Susan Jordan at 3671 or Each year, the scholarship be appreciated. Individuals Command or departmental Lynsie Hall at 2727. PAGE 2, MONDAY, JMUARY 28, 1991, Gu TmAMAo DAIRY GAZETTE for fear lest by rendering them LIFE'S evil, we should fall into the Tax dollars wasted, moose drives car same vice." AP - Some residents of some people wind up in prison thefrontseat,withit'sheadout The true measure of a St. Paul, Minn., are not en- because they can't act respon- the window. A state trooper SECRETS man's stature is calculated by thused that up to $110,000 of sibly and prison romance is said it looked like Mr. Ed, his ability to dispense justice Justice the state's tax dollars are going just another case in point.