Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIII (2002) 1284.pdf LUNAR MARE VOLCANISM IN THE EASTERN NEARSIDE INFERRED FROM CLEMENTINE UVVIS DATA. S. Kodama and Y. Yamaguchi, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan,
[email protected],
[email protected]. Introduction: The lunar mare basalts cover about the central northern Serenitatis. Se5 is exposed in the 17% of the lunar surface, but occupy only about 1% of east and west margins. Ejecta and/or floors of Bessel the total volume of the lunar crust [1]. In spite of their crater and Deseilligny crater, both located in Se3, indi- small proportion, they play a very important roll for cate higher contents of TiO2 than Se3. These materials understanding lunar thermal evolution, because mare are probably mixtures of Se2 and Se3, and this fact basalts are the results of lunar volcanism which was suggests that Se2 is distributed in the whole mare and caused by thermal evolution of the lunar interior, and is covered by Se3 and Se4. Stratigraphy and chemistry their composition reflects distribution of their source of the mare basalts in this region suggest that the vol- region. Information about spatial and temporal changes canism migrated from south to north, and TiO2 content of mare volcanism allows us to constrain the composi- decreased with time. tional distribution of lunar interior and thermal evolu- Mare Tranquillitatis. Mare Tranquillitatis lies in tional history. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the center of the study area (center: 7N, 40E; diameter: local and regional stratigraphy of mare basalts.