IUIV- ,'*»*j" _•«»• Sunrise: 7.07 a.m.—Sunset! 6.13 p.m. LIghtlng-up time: 5.43 p.m. Bole of road: KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE BIGHT



DIPLOMATIC CONVERSATIONS R.B.Y.C TO COMMISSION CHAMBERLAIN DOUBTFUL MCDERMOTT AND DE • THEY SAY • NEW BUILDING ON OF U. S. RECOVERY PLANS VALERA DISAGREE OVER ON LEAGUE AND SATURDAY REPUBLIC That the House is gradually getting Hopes For Their Success But towards night sessions. # 9 9 DISARMAMENT The Royal Bermuda Yacht DUBLIN, Dec. 8 (CP)—Frank Sees no Grounds For. Optimism McDermot, ona of the leaders of the That 2 p.m. was convenient when Club's new building on Albuoy'| members had very little to do Point will go into commission United Ireland Party, which com­ De Valera's Republic Still a Dreamland Product BIRMINGHAM, England, Dec. prises the unified opposition to the in business. on Saturday next, the 16th, *8 (CPj—Hopes and doubts about * * * at 12.00 noon, when His Excellency De Valera Government, tonight re­ the American monetary plans to That 4 p.m. suggests that tea should —Pan American Conference Considers Anti- the Governor will hoist the Club's jected tha President's demand for raise internal prices and lift the an Irish Republic . Sooner or later be served as members assemble. War Pact—Gaol Break Averted in Illinois Ensign. The flag pole which will nation from depression were ex­ be used on this occasion is a sub­ the destiny of Ireland is to be * * * pressed tod^y by Neville Chamber­ united, he declared in his speech, That it may also mean a prolonged —"America's Sweetheart" Sues For stitute for the flag pole which is lain, Chancellor of the Exchequer. being built for the Club, but the but to remain an equal partner in lunch hour for a privileged few. He also maintained in his speech the British Common wealth of * * * Divorce—Bennett Asks Inter­ large pole with yard and gaff can­ that peace cannot be achieved "by not be erected until the wharf has Nations. That cosmetics came in for the national Consciousness—U. S. throwing away our weapons while Meanwhile, the Free State Ex­ annual argument. been completed, which will give everybody else remains armed." sufficient ground to stay the pole. ecutive Council on Friday declared * * * Happy Over Billion Dollar He described as unfair competition the Young Ireland Association, That unemployment created quite Invitations for the hoisting of the quotas, special taxes and sub­ the Club's colours have been issued j unior branch of the United Ireland a debate. Loan—Spain Nears sidies "against our goods which are * • 9 to the Admiral, Capt. Walker and Party, to be an illegal organisation. not imposed upon goods from other Almost immediately, howevsr, That judging by the way some mon Revolution Capt. Blagrove and the officers countries." work, unemployment isn't con­ of the H.M.S. "Norfolk" have the Party and the Association is­ "We all hope that may succeed, sued a joint statement that mem­ fined to the men out of work. presented the Yacht Club with although I am bound to say they an electric light fixture for tbe maiji bers of the latter body would con­ NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA SEEN AS do not appear to [have achieved tinue to work for the fulfillment That ever since the saw for two men hall and a lantern for the vestibule much success," he stated regarding was invented labour has been leading from che hall to the ver­ of tneir aims. REFUGE FOR JEWS the Americans monetary operations. Blue shirts were worn by the leisurely here. andah. These fixtures are very "But in the meantine," the Chan­ * * # handsome, and have been mad«j organisation headed by General cellor added, "these constant fluc­ Eoin O'Duffy. Outlawed ai an That many advise the members REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT especially for the Club. ANTI-WAR PACT BEFORE PAN tuations of the dollar,and constant armed menace to the Government, of the Womaft Suffrage Society AMERICAN CONFERENCE UNDER WAY IN SPAIN The Commodore hopes that all uncertainties add anxieties spread to make themselves "unpleasant,' members will be able to be present they then merged with the Cos- throughout the rest of the world grave Party and the Centre Party but few say how this is to be done. MADRID, Dec. 8 (CP)—The long on this occasion. MONTEVIDEO, Dec. 8. (CP)—A are bound of course, to shake con­ to form the United Ireland Party * * * expected revolutionary movement movement to have all members 00 fidence, and to slow down trade re- to fight De Valera. That others charge that individual sign the Saaverdra Lama's anti­ is apparently under way in Spain, "vlval." members of the society are un­ with many attempts to cripple Friday's ban was based on the pleasant. war pact, which six have already WOMEN WILLING TO PAY ——00 Public Safety Act, and came as a signed, was begun today in the international communications and * * * with open outbreaks in Barcelona. LEAGUE AND ARMS PARLEY sequel to raids on the home of peace committee of the Pan- THEIR TAXES O'Duffy and the Party headquar­ That as a matter of fact the chief American Conference. The extremists' action has been SUBJECTS OF DIPLOMATIC objection to woman suffrage is expected since last month's gen­ ters, when the police claimed they Court Cases Arise From found treasonable documents and the hatred of change, JOILET GAOL BREAK NIPPED eral election which turned the CONVERSATIONS ... government sharply to the right arms. IN THE BUD Misunderstanding . 00 That the grandiloquent warn and was scheduled to begin with Disarmament Paramount Issue is against changing the Institution. JOILET, 111.. Dec. .


"A DEBATE AT THE FORTY CABLE NEWS CLUB" MONARCH of Continued from Page 1 BERMUDA ixnb (Eflimtiat iBatlg 22,424 GALA " MONARCH" SHOW REID HALL INCORPORATING (by Gray Robinson) Cross Tons THS ROYAL OAZETTB C>Oe»)<3<)<3C>c»>C«>e»)<=><)C><>CS<>CS<«J» Whose sunny warmth might well of Henry Fitzroy of Northampton, contrive and she married the fourth Earl Us of our welfare to deprive. of Rosslyn in 1866. She was a great- The Diary I grandmother and had more than Then Gibbons, fraught with preg­ seventy descendants. She was the A MtttMK S last great Victorian who was a of \ nant phrases, Painted Nassau 'Km to Blazes'— personal friend of both Disraeli '_: AeTHUR $0M\Z R0CHK-- ^~ \ SA Ml 'EL PEP VS TEUCER J Declared that Tourists soon would and Gladstone.

«^X=X>C><>C>O<>C*>0<>O<>«><»«$» see The present Earl of Rosslyn, her Our Isle's superiority— eldest son, has been married three Dec. 9th. Two years ago we'd missed our times, having divorced his first Plagued with a vile attack of chance, wife and been divorced by his distemper this day, the result, I Through apt Exchange, to gain second, Anna Robinson of Min­ WHovtm verily believe, of departing from a advance, neapolis. strictly vegetarian diet and par­ So now for Cruises we should cater * * 4 taking of a small portion of flesh. Or we would find our losses THREAT OF "LIVE STEAM" SUB­ Yet so much had been said in and greater. DUES FRENCH CONVICTS /VWNA toy out of our Honourable House of Superb! In his first •grga-^'WAiu.i-^-i^^ ALGIERS, Dec. 8 (CP)—The lead­ Assembly annefft the meat trust, Then solemnly did Vail reproach ers of the short-lived mutiny aboard MGM picture! that I felt it my duty to lend a All those who'd let Nassau en­ the convict ship "La' Martiniere" hand to that abused body wherever croach were chained to the bars of their 10.30 p.m. or whatever it is. Upon our trade with our own boats- 7.00 p.m. 8.15 p.m. cages today, their chief being Alas the result is a sleepless He shuffled then his copious notes 3.00, 8.30 consigned to a pitch black dungeon. Last showing night and a sleepy morning so I And with their aid a picture drew CAROLE MGM'S The steamer proceeded steadily shall refrain in the future from the Of desert Nassau's empty view New MGM Shorts towards the French Guiana con­ LOMBARD "THE MUMMY" flesh-pots of Egypt. Into a most entrancing sight Technicolour Of beauty transformed overnight. vict colony with the cargo of more With ... than 600 prisoners. m Much concern here lest the KARLOFF THE Gate-crasher'd planned his time to A threat of scalding by live steam "WILD PEOPLE" 8.45 Only Pi Irish Free State declare a Republic use was sufficient to squelch the out­ 'BRIEF MOMENT" UNCANNY and so convert Irishmen willy- In contradicting Zulu's views— break which was the result of dis­ nilly into enemies of the State. BERMUDA- Their arguments indeed were content over the food rations. For there are Irishmen of high and sparse, These include bread, soup, potatoes honourable estate in our beloved Special at 11.30 And so his speech turned out a or beans and a pound of meat daily. NASSAU PICTURES Island and I tremble lest they soon farce. Choice Selections "KING OF JAZZ" with be declared outlaws and outcasts. FRENCH CABINET GIVEN I no wonder, for instance, how His brother said that he agreed SWEEPING CONFIDENCE JOHN BOLES and BING CROSBY our Lord Chief Justice would fare With Gibbons" and his brother's VOTE an some vile offender appear before creed—• him and refuse his right to try His time of speech scarce half PARIS, Dec. 9 (CP)—Premier him on the ground that he was an elapsed, Camille Chautemps' Cabinet is enemy of the State. A legal member's seat collapsed—• showing surprising strength in fac­ Worse than that, I do wonder The bar's upholder clawed the air— ing attacks from many sides. It THE BERMUDA RAILWAY CO., LIMITED what would happen to our club The Speaker then resumed his won an overwhelming vote of con­ were our Irish steward suddenly chair. fidence in the Chamber of Deputies R. Commencing Tuesday the 12th, the undermentioned trains deported. today, the standing being 403 to 63. a will be run at Statutory rates, for the convenience of Public wish­ I verily believe he would take the A Mr. Smith, the next to rise, This was a vota on the vital measure ing to attend theatres, movies and other amusements:— Club with him and so make matters With ardent words sought to in the Government's programme to TUESDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAYS worse in Ireland. apprise balance the budgetand protect tbe fpz^g&^s So I do pray that De Valera will The members—of misguided zeal franc, also calling for a reduction 6.45 p.m. ex St. George's come to his senses and remain And biased views that made of pay for functionaries. GOVERNMENT 7.40 p.m. ex Somerset loyal to the Empire. No one should men feel Dsspite the apparently sweeping 10.40 p.m. Hamilton-St. George's know better than he that though Their native land's attractions far victory, however the Government NOTICE 11.30 p.m. Hamilton-Somerset England can tolerate a disloyal Beyond that of the brightest star. is still faced with many dangerous Tbis service will be introduced for an experimental period of subject, she has little use for a traps in its progress toward the pas­ Notice to Mariners one month and if successful will be continued. turbulent enemy. Then Evans depicted each hotel sage of the Cabinet's measures. ... A den of theives sent up from Hell No. 15/1933 Chautemps seized a favourable F. R. STEMP, Much talk in our city anent the To grab a fortune in a day, moment for the vote after he had General Manager. price of the dollar and the alleged And drive our trade into decay. made a stirring appeal to the pat­ Mariners are hereby warned that high cost of living. And I do find one of H. M. Ships will carry out Fred Hamilton then described our riotism of theDeputies in what he 7452tnl. that whereas all settlers vow tha gunnery practices during day and Isle termed a "grave situation abroad." cost of living is not high, all buyers night on llth, 12th and 13th Decem­ A jungle full of stenches vile The large* vote was attributed gen­ declare it reaches the heavens, or, erally to the political aspects in­ ber, off St. David's Head. as one man put it, "it's hell:" But Where two years' growth of weeds o'erhung volved instead of any real sentiment for my part I hold that there is of approval for the policy of the DONALD C. G. NEISH, much ignorance on the subject Bad roads knee-deep in horses' dung Cabinet. King's Harbour Master. of costs. Our people, for example, ... are not content with baying salt, MATRIMONY GROWS MORE they want Chloride of Sodium. So The Lawyer made a lengthy speech, H. M. Dockyard, it comes about that though a Of which this phrase is all I got POPULAR IN ENGLAND Bermuda. merchaot would sell salt for a few 'This they say and why should they LONDON, Dec. 9 (CP)— The bach­ 7th December, 1933. cents a tin, he makes a heavier not?' elor in Britain is on the run. Not charge for selling Chloride of Then Toby made a brave attempt CLAR-O-TYPE for many years have the Churches By Command, sodium since he charges for his To prove Hotels from blame and registry offices been so besieged ana knowledge that the two things are exempt with couples marrying as at the E. J. WADDINGTON, identical. Told of crimes to which they were present time. The figures today Colonial Secretary. oo — prone, showed that the past three months CANT SLIP • Damned the others but saved his produced 85,000 more bridegrooms Colonial Secretary's Office, WESTERN CONTINENT MUST own. than in the previous three months, and 6,000 more than in the same 9th December, 1933. fo? Typewriters FURNISH JEWISH REFUGE The suming up was aptly done— period of 1932. It seems the opposition won 7459fm. Continued from Page 1 oo Economists see in the figures in­ 3/- bottle dication of valuable improvement man, said "We think that the coun­ LATE DESPATCHES in trade as so many marriages tries of North and South America naturally contribute greatly to TYPEWRITER OIL who have few refugees can now MOSCOW, Dec. 9. (CP)—Aroused such improvement. 78,000 more Southampton Parish carry the torch." by the continued failure of Soviet workers are employed in house­ 1/6 bottle Doctor Joseph Perkins Chamber­ industry to improve its products, building than a year ago. lain, delegate from the United particularly in branches of pro­ ... Spates, gave assurance that his duction of means "for the defence CUBA IN STATE OF CALM BE­ A meeting of the qualmed parish­ countrymen would respond gen­ of the country," the Soviet Central FORE STORM ioners will be held at the Parish erously to appeals for large sums Executive Committee today de­ Vestry Hall, Southampton, on Thursday, 14th December, 1933, at needed to solve the problem. creed criminal prosecution for HAVANA, Dec. 9 (CP)—An at­ THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. 8 p.m., for the purpose of electing officials and employees found guilty mosphere of intense expectancy a Parish Vestry, Overseers of the Reid Street SIBERIA RULED OUT of producing inferior materials. hung over Havana today as the Poor and other annual Parish Russia's unofficial offer of a The penalty is five years imprison­ movements towards a settlement of Officers to serve for the year 1934. home for German Jewish refugees ment. Cuba's political strife progressed at Birobidjan. eastern Siberia, * * * along many fronts. Secrecy shroud­ found no favour today among the PARA, Brazio, Dec. 9. (CP)—The ed the outcome of the meeting of By order of the Parish Vestry. M Jewish leaders who attended the Lindberghs decidedly definitely the revolutionary junta which NOTICE conference on refugees. The today to fly into the interior of placed President Grau San Martin L. DUNBAR BELL, Sandys Parish parley adjourned with the ex­ Brazil. They will take off tomorrow in power. On all sides, however, Parish Vestry Clerk hortation for refugee Jews. * • 9 arose rumours that the meeting 7429fi.m.*r. The Jewish leaders said that WASHINGTON, D.C., Dec. 9. was called to discuss a possible HamiltonParish The qualified parishioners of even Russian Jews shrank from (CP)—TheUnitedStates Reconstruc change in the Government. The Sandys Parish are hereby notified meeting was held at Camp Colum­ gong to Birobidjan because of tion Finance Corporation gold The qualified voters of the above that a meeting will be held in the bia. tbe cold climate and sterility of price was unchanged today at parish are hereby notified that a St. James School Room on Thurs­ the region. $34.01 per ounce for newly mined The president, despite his deter­ The Medical Superintendent meeting win be held at 8 o'clock in day, the 28th inst., at 8 p.m., for ——oo • domestic metal. mination not to submit to the de­ of the Mental Hospital will the evening, on Thursday, the 14th the purpose of electing Parish FORECAST INCREASE OF BASIC 9 9 9 mands of the oppositionists who. Instant, at the "Lyceum," Bailey's Vestry, Overseers of Poor, and SHIPPING RATES PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Dec- are seeking to overthrow him, has be glad to receive any con­ Bay, for the purpose of electing a other Parish Officers to serve for LONDON, Dec. 8 (OP)—It is au­ 9. (OP)—The Legislative Council frequently said that his resignation tribution which will be of Parish Vestry. Overseers of the Poor the ensuing year. thoritatively stated here that all passed the Rent Restrictive Law, is in the hands of the original and other Parish Officers to serve interest to the patients, such By order of the Overseers of Poor, basic rates will be subjected to a effective 1st July, which provides junta and he would follow its will. for the year 1934. small general percentage increase that all dwellings rented at less As the talk of bis possible over­ as books, games, illustrated By order of the Parish Vestry, 0. G. GILBERT. as a result of the agreement than fifteen dollars per month, throw increased it was learned that papers, gramaphone records, Parish Vestry Clerk. brought about by the North At­ within- a radius of six miles of the Carlos Mendieta, a powerful Na­ H. K. E. OUTERBRIDGE, Sandys, lantic Shipping Conference. The city, cannot be rented at more than tionalist, had said he was willing etc . Parish Vestry Clerk. Dec. 8th, 1933. details, however, are not yet an­ ten per cent in advance of thoir to accept the presidency provided nounced. present; prices. Grau abdicates. 744Sfm.w. 7451tm. 74S3tm.w4. THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933

This Extraordinary Film by the makers of &At'^ 9 •ii« m "KING KONG" opens Reid Hail—Friday ETC m MECHANICS HALL THEATRE m -«$.. §The m ay Together at last — the incomparable team. The •4- -*.^ •*, •ii. j]! mighty Robinson and the divine Francis* You 1 Theatres 1 expect to be thrilled when these two act together. MECHANICS HALL THEATRE THE MIGHT OF ALL THE SLASH­ The vivid drama of the rise s#u Robinson Again Has Role Of ING DRAMA ^ Historical And Romantic Sweep "UTTLE CEASAR" and fall of an empire of trade, YOU'D EXPECT • THE ZEST OF the love and unfaithfulness "I Loved A Woman," the First WHEN A MAN National production starring Ed­ "FIVE STAR FINAL of a woman who inspired the ward G. Robinson—wi'h Kay Fran­ LIKE HIM GOES ..THE SWEEP OF • Si ( cis and coming to vhe Mechanics FOR A WOMAN merchant, and the wife who Hell Theatre. I Loved a Wcman is #i SILVER DOLLAR"! LIKE HER! • the life-drama of one John Hayden, waited twenty years for her (son of a millionaire meat-packer) Sil whose sensitive and arListic nature revenge are dramatically infinitely piefers the fragrant antiq­ uities of Greece, vo ohe malodorous blended in this amazing story. eJM stockyards from which the family fortune grew. TJ. ihappily married to the daugh­ ter of one of his fello*-pack6is, Hayden meets an ambitious young For the first time in her ca­ Terrific encounter between a monster python and a singer with whom he fans in love reer, Kay Francis sings in and whose career he willingly backs tiger in "BRING 'EM BACK ALIVE" with his money. this picture. You will like When, in turn, he discovers that the cpera singev Sa:; oiade him her voice. Robinson proves CLARK GABLE—HELEN HAYES only one of many mei in l>er life, ROBERT MONTGOMERY — LIO­ Hayden cuts himself off from her, himself the great actor he is NEL and JOHN BARRYMORE and throws himself with fieiy en­ in his first romantic love thusiasm into a career of i„thless business aggrandizement. Helping story. The picture had a to ctoate the Beef Tiu^t <3eopi.e the opposition of tho Federal Govern­ tremendous reception in ment, he gee? from success to suc­ cess, culminating in winning huge New York and London. war contracts with the AUies dur­ ing the Great War. When, however, he attempts to reach out and control food sources on a world scale,his colossal schemes TODAY at 3, 7 and 9 p.m. No advance in prices. The Bermuda Opera and topple of their own weight, and 7455C«f*. to avoid criminal prosecution, he L5 forced to flee as an exile to Greece. Dramatic Club Kay Francis has the role of the present opera singer, who despite her casual Some elephants—"rogues," they The Gilbert and Sullivan Opera infidelities to her benefactor, proves are called—cannot be equalled for to be his only loyal freind at the savagery. As a class, elephants are «s> "PRINCESS IDA" close of the drama. Genevieve Tob­ tractable; but to say that they are on in plays the part of Robinson's all playful, friendly beasts is ridicu­ vindictive wif a. lous, according to Mr. Buck. WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, 1933 at 8.15 p.m. Other members of the unusually By the same.token it cannot be THURSDAY, 14th DECEMBER, 1933 at 8.15 p.m. large caet are Murray Kinnell, Rob­ said that every tiger is a man eater. ert Barrat, George Blackwood, Rob­ As a matter of fact, man-eating FRIDAY, 15th DECEMBER, 1933 at 5.45 p.m. ert McWade, , Walter tigers are perverts :either they have Walker, J. Farrell MacDonald, E. been made insane by some acci­ THE OPERA HOUSE, Hamilton J. Ratcliffe, Paul Porcasi, William dent, or at some time in their V. Mong, Morgan Wallace and history their food supply was cut Lorena Layson. off and they seized a toddling in­ Dramatis Personae oo— fant. Once a tiger has tasted hu­ King Hilbe brand C.Q.M.S. Charles Chislett man flesh, he never again is highly Hilarion (his Son) Harry Seston REID HALL pleased with anything else. All Cyril Hubert Nieberlung this is not to say that a tiger will not Hilarion's Friends') GALA SHOW WITH SOUVENIRS kill a man when aroused. He will. Florian .. .. Peter Bartrum IN HONOUR OF MEN AND But he does not seek human flesh CASHMERE King Gama Fred GiJes OFFICERS "MONARCH OF until after he has tasted it. In­ Arac Billy Williams BERMUDA" AT REir HALL deed, the tiger, like most other Guron this Sons) Bob Clarke TONIGHT jungle animals, detests the hu­ For a Man there is nothing he Scynthius Sgt. Don Evans man scent. will appreciate more than a Princess Ida Gama's Daughter) Gia Bartow Special Showing of Bermuda "Bring 'Em Back Alive," directed Lady Blanche (Professor of Abstract Science) Ann Hathway Nassau Film wiith Showing of by Clyde E. Eliott, is set for its handsome Cashmere Sweater. Lady Psyche (Professor of Humanities) Beatrice Trimingham MGM's "Penthouse," "Brief screen debut in this city at the Melita Lady Blanche's Daughter) Barbara Spurling Moment," "The Mummy" Reid Hall Theatre next Friday. Ever so smart, so soft and Sacharissa Marion Christensen and "King of Jaz." Chloe • Ruth Masters .——oo warm and definitely masculine. Ada Girl Graduates). Nella Astwood Even though a number of fea­ Soldiers. Courtiers, "Girl Graduates, REID HALL 'Daughters of the Plough" ture pictures tbat have been shown &c. before will be showo for the benefit Tickets 4 -, 3/-, 2/- can be obtained at Offices of The Royal of the officers and men of the Love, Betrayal, Exciting Ingre­ SWEATERS Gazette & Colonist, Reid Street. School Children 1/6 on Friday. Monarch of Bermuda tonight at dients of Arthur Somers Roche's SPECIAL TRANSPORT ARRANGEMENTS Reid Hall in a speciaUy arranged "Penthouse" In the more mannish colours By arrangement with the Railway Company HOLDERS OF show, a full 2 hour show of brand A Manhattan cocktail of whoopee TICKETS for the Opera performances may have the following new pictures will start at 8.30 p.m., parties, love, hate and disillusion privileges. consisting of special Bermuda- is masterfully mixed for the motion On production of Opera Ticket: Nassau pctures taken under the picture public in Arthur Somers 27/6 Statutory fares on the following trains on Wednesday and direction of Mr. Eric Holmes Roche's "Penthouso," the Metro- Thursday: popular social director on the Goldwyn-Mayer Cosmopolitan 6.45 St. George's to Hamilton Monarch; Warner Baxter's sensa­ production which opens today at 6.50 Somerset to Hamilton tional MGM picture "Penthouse" the Reid Hall Theatre. Statutory fares on Friday: which has been acclaimed one of The picture is a vivid portrayal of 4.15 St. George's to Hamilton the real hits of the season and a modern life in New York, of life in 4.15 Somerset to Hamilton series of new MGM shorts of which Mad Manhattan's love nests on the YOUNG BROTHERS On the return journey. there are none better. roof-tops, of political plotting, clan­ The "Stub" half of the Opera Ticket must be produced" and The return pictures are being destine romance—daring revelation " The Be^t for Slightly Less." Statutory fares will be charged on the following trains: shown at the odd hours that is of the merry-go-round of life in the WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY "Brief Moment" will go on at 7.00 world's wickedest metropolis. 11.30 p.m. Hamilton to Somerset p.m., "The Mummy" at 10.30 and "Penthouse" features Warner *10.43 p.m. Hamilton to St. George's the gorgeous Technicolour musical Baxter, who gives one of his finest i * (.This train will wait for the conclusion of the Opera.) "King of Jazz" at 11.30 p.m. The screen portrayals as Durant, the ^m^sm^^9%^g9%^c^^c0^:^f^<^^i^mie4 j FRIDAY show starting at 7.00 p.m. and society lawyer, and Myrna Loy, 8.48 p.m. Hamilton to St. George's 8.30 p.m., is brand new and regular one of the lovliest bits of fem­ ; 11 ii der consideration) Hamilton to Somerset. patrons will see a complete and ininity seen in many a day, for new show by coming at those whom stardom is predicted within Qood News for Penmen . . . popular theatre hours. a very short time. —00— Myrna Loy Scores Rich ooloura, full body, ANIMAL FILM Xmas Presents at Your Own Price Miss Loy is seen as Gertie Wac- PARKER makes your pen travel ted, glamorous night club girl who twiftly and smoothly, A Wins the love of Baxter, and is su­ WiU Wild Beasts Attack? They produot of the Parker For Sale by WiU: perb in her interpretation of her exacting role. QUIN K {fountain Pan Oo., Ltd.. PUBLIC AUCTION There is one question which Phillips Holmes, the son of the Oanada Frank Buck, noted collector and stage and screen veteran, Taylor TOMORROW leader of the "Bring 'Em Back Holmes, is fast following in his Alive" expedition, has had to an­ father's footsteps as a sterling The New In the Burnaby Building swer so many times that he can actor of the silver sheet. His part always toll when it is coming. as Siddal, gay, devil-may-care Fountain Pen Ink commencing at 1030 a.m. The question is: Will animals at­ man-about town who is caught in tack a human being without provo­ the web of a murder frame-up ,1s LINENS, SILKS, TAPESTRIES, ORIENTAL CURIOS, cation? one of the best he has thus far Dries ^ 1 ^b Quicker on P.\pn Mr. Buck has boiled his answer given. KIMONOS, GENTS' DRESSING GOWNS, LADIES* down to one word: Yes. 0. Henry Gordon scores in the Writes Smoother—Makes Permanent Records In tho twenty years of bringing part of OreUiinah, the gangster UNDERWEAR and PYJAMAS—PRINTS, TABLE jungle animals back alive which chiof who meets his expected end qualified Mr. Buck to lead the ex­ in conflict with Gazotti, rival un­ 2 oz. bottle 6d. 4 oz. bottle 10d. COVERS and NAPKINS, Etc., Etc, Etc pedition which filmed the beasts in derworld chiof, portrayed by Nat their native habitat, for RKO-Radio Pendleton. J. CRITCHLEY, release, he has learned several car­ Charles Butterworth supplies his dinal points about animals. One is expected amount of whimsical Auctioneer. that it is foolish to generalize about humour as Layton, Baxter's but­ THE BERMUDA PRESS, Ltd. II 7456 r .w. animals. It is just as folish to say ler, and other exceptional perform­ m that aU elephants are kind as it is ances are given by Mae Clarke and to say that aU Scotsmen are thrifty, Martha Sleeper. Page 4 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933

atss YOUR GOOD HEALTH Explaining the Purpose of Christmas Seals and t****> How Sick Are Aided By CLAUD NORTH CHRISMAN, M.D. UBERCULOSIS is the health HE curative methods are san- For Baby's sake Tproblem of the depression. T atortex and hospitals; tbe The children are the ones who preventive are clinlce, where it must pay, not only now bus for can be detected in its early years to come. Nation, state and stages, tuberculosis nurses for cities, in teaching and care of patients in w& their relief their homes, open air schools for M programs children under par and bringing have failed them up to par; educational m to support an measures are for both the pa­ a d equate tient and members of their fam­ health pro­ ilies, and for those of the com­ tone/ gram. Gov­ munity. They must be taught ernment and the danger.of careless coughing local author­ and sneezing. You can save regularly and invest securely—and so ities are no­ • • • kill two birds with one stone—with a Maritime Life toriously E MUST furnish these things policy. Shortsighted. W with trained nurses, always, Because they to teach even those who axe well It is undoubtedly the easiest way to accumulate have provid­ io do financially how to obtain a reserve lund—and the surest way to protect your ed food and these necessary things. Tuber­ savings. shelter for culosis is a disease of the young, 03. CHRISMAN many, they mostly from the ages of 20 to 30. For Maritime Life premiums can be arranged to seem to think It, attacks the best, tbe ambi­ suit your convenience—and the soundness of the that they have done an there is tious, studious, refined, progres­ policy is amply guaranteed. to do to meet the health needs. sive, those who strive too hard but they have not. As a result for advancement and leadership of the depression the deaths A |f "The Maritime Life Saver" teUs what to do from tuberculosis in my com­ but neglect some of the things I . inan emergency. Write for free copy. that produce strong vigorous munity have increased from 84 bodies. Tuberculosis is curable if in the first nine months of 1932 discovered early. Hence tbe ne­ to 13S in the first nine months cessity of regular systematic ex­ of 1933. aminations of school children, mm H&! ... and the following up of suspi­ HI fed Erf I HY? The allowances for the cious cases by a visit to a clinic, W board of health bave been where X-ray examinations and Protection,. ^^z^S'C^r/ttf cut to the bone. We did not buy ether tests can be made. MEAD OFFICE - HAL! FAX , CANADA Christmas seals. Where in 1930 * * • && the receipts from sale of seals EALTH advocates are asking F. F. FALL, General Agent supported two full time nurses Hyou to spend some of your in the county and three for the Christmas money, that you A. E. NICHOLL, Special Agent, Hamilton, Bermuda. city, this number has been cut VERY mother should ensure that she is able to feed to one half time nurse in the would spend for fancy stickers, county and two one fourth time fcr these seals. They are almost E baby herself. Upon this may depend his health, ones for the city. Tuberculosis as ornamental as the others and and well-being, now and in the years to come. is one of the oldest known dis­ when you paste one on your BtU«Vt eases. It is spread directly from Christmas card or your bills or Maternal milk is the one perfect food for baby. It is your letters starting, "please find naturally constituted to suit his delicate digestion. It one human being to another by check enclosed", you will be ad­ inhalation or swallowing of the vertising that you have done contains, in the correct proportions, every nutritive germs. Tuberculosis can be pre­ something to help eradicate one element essential for healthy growth and development. vented in three ways, curative, of the greatest scourges of man­ preventive and educational. kind. Doctors and Nurses testify to the exceptional value of laMW M "Ovaltine for nursing mothers. Taken regularly before and after baby comes, " Ovaltine " not only promotes a rich and ample supply of breast-milk, but also maintains the mother's strength and vitality. jssgs MAKE-UP HINTS THAT AID "Ovaltine" is scientifically prepared from the highest qualities of malt extract, creamy milk and new-laid YOUR QUEST FOR BEAUTY eggs. Unlike imitations, it does not contain household By JACQUELINE HUNT shadow. If they are rather dark sugar to give it bulk and to reduce the cost. Nor does it DOUGE, eye make-up and per- use a new bronze or a blending contain a large percentage of cocoa. Reject substitutes. riChLY-SAFElY ** fume are the finishing of bronze and green. touches that will make you rav­ Women no longer confine Yot. always turn to quinine when you fall a ishing when you slip from your themselves to the use of black or Drink delicious victim to Malaria. But remember, Genasprin evening wrap at the dance or brown mascara either. They may will help vou too — it will relieve those party. Be use a dark, rich blue or a dark 1RISKS-JA«E sure that green that is positively devas­ distressing pains in the muscles and joints. rtg&MASPRIN they give the tating under the artificial lights. Two Genasprin tablets in water bring almost • ' §§§l ^ip£ effect you After you have applied the lash instant relief — pain simply fades away. .^which^ O,Q0D > Jkigk want before color, rub a little oil or brilliant- OVrUTINE' Genasprin cannot harm heart or digestion. doctors jscolulentJ you leave ine between your fingers and your dressing pinch the lashes to make them Enables Mothers to Breast Feed their Babies glisten. All Chemists sill Genasprin in bottles of 35 tablets. If :$:SHB?&3JES£ zmmm table, how­ Sold in air-tight tins by all Chemists and Stores. ever. If you Finger tips may be tinted with PC.83 j sour Chemist is out of stock, write now to the vividest shade of red if your K1CHOLL& ASHTON, P.O. Box 529, Hamilton. know that .•it/-, . every thing gewn is black or white or grey; a about you rich rose if it is a soft blue or W. S. PURVIS. Bermwla DM riH.itnr Genasprin relieves the pain of breathes ro­ tan if you go in for exotic make­ HEADACHE, MALARIA, NEURITIS, mance, you up you can have your nails black HHHM will be genu­ or purple or green or even gold TOOTHACHE, RHEUMATISM, inely gay and or silver. And finally perfume for ro­ SUNSTROKE, NEURALGIA, and interesting. Dissolve Genasprin in a little MISS HUNT Your choice mance. A party is not a party *t>:ckh checks COLDS and CHILLS, voter for tbe best results. without perfume. Use an atomiz­ of rouge and lipstick for the er and do try to select an odeur evening party depend to some that seems to belong to you. A degree on your clothes. If you simple flower perfume if you are It doesn't merely mix wear green or blue or gray—col­ young and appealing; a sophis­ ors that seem to drain some of ticated bouquet if you are like the color from your skin, then that and an oriental scent if you ASPRI-IM use a brighter rouge and a are exotic and striking and un­ Mad* by Genatosan Ltd.. Loughborough, England. brighter lipstick to give you viv­ usual. Spray it on your hair and idness and make the colors be­ on your skin so ft will really BRAND OF -ASPIRIN coming. Reds, pink, oiange and seem to emanate from your per­ purples with reddish tones cast son. IT a rosy glow onto the skin and Be careful about using it on you can use lighter or cooler fabrics; it becomes stale so easily shades of makeup. You can al­ and it loses some of its quality. ways use more make-up at night LENDS! "Heavy" perfumes like musk and than during the day, however, ambergris are sometimes thrill­ since artificial lights seem to ing when used on furs—the only take the color out of your skin. exception to the rule about using "Special" parties not only jus­ perfumes on materials of any Until you make up a highball with tify but demand eye make-up. kind. Eye-shadow on your upper lids When you are getting ready The Champagne of Ginger Ales, F to emphasize the natural shad­ for a party you hate to be re­ you don't know how good they ow reflected there and to make minded that it will soon be over, apMM smu P your eyes seem bigger and but alas I all good things must can taste! Whether it's rye, scotch, brighter. The color of the eye end. so let me remind you that shadow is determined by the col­ no matter how tired you are or rum, or cognac, there's a particular or of your costume and the nat­ how many thrilling 'things you virtue to Canada Dry that brings ural skin tones. If the natural have to talk over with your best FORT FOR skin tones are slightly bluish or friend or houseguest, you must out the best of them. Gives them transparent in this area use a take time to cleanse your skin blue or blue-green or violet eye of its party make-up. an added smoothness, and a subtler, CHILDREN more delicate flavor. TIDE TABLE FOR DECEMBER Mean High Water Spring Tides— 4 ft. 1 in. For Canada Dry blends . . i it 'or more than sixty years Mean High Water Neap Tides— doesn't merely mix. Its flavor, its High Water Sun­ Sun­ physicians have prescribed Date A.M. P.M, 3 ft. Sins. extra sparkle, and above all its set set Mean Tide Level—-2 ft. 4 ins. CASTORIA for children's com­ 9 Sa. 1.00 1.15 7.08 5.13 balance, are so delicately propor­ 10 Su. 2.00 2,14 7.10 5.14 N.B.—All heightB are given above tioned that this ginger ale is more mon ailments. It regulates 11 M. 3.01 3.15 7.11 5.14 soundings on charts. their sensitive systems by set­ 18 Tu. 4.05 4.19 7.11 5.14 H.W.F. & C. 7 hours 59 minutes. like a fine old wine when you com* 13 W. 5.01 5.16 7.12 5.14 Age of Tide assumed to be Jd ay. pare it to other ginger ales. tling the stomach and gently 14 Th. 5.55 6.10 7.13 5.15 Sunset and sunrise refer to upper stimulating the bowels. 15 F. 6.50 7.04 7.13 5.15 limb of Sun touching the horizon, Moreover, Canada Dry makes a 16 Sa. 7.38 7.54 7.14 5.15 height of eye being 20 feet above sea very delightful and cooling drink 17 SU. 8.29 8.45 7.15 5.16 level. Castoria tastes so good that 18 M. 9.16 0.35 7.15 5.16 Times are Standard Times. all by itself. Sold at most hotels, children like to take it. It is 19 Tu. 10.05 10.25 7.16 5.17 restaurants and bars. 20 W. 10.55 11.20 7.16 5.17 a harmless, effective remedy SI Th. 11.47 7.17 5.17 for even the smallest infant. 22 F. 00.20 12.40 7.17 5.18 23 Sa. 1.24 1.39 ?.18 5.18 Eat Mild and gentle in action, 24 Su. 2.25 2.41 7.18 5.19 Castoria never gripes. 25 M. 3.30 3.44 7.19 5.19 26 Tu. 4.34 4.45 7.19 5.20 CANADA DRY Buy a bottle today. 27 W. 5.30 5.45 7.20 5.21 Quaker Oats 29 F. 7.05 7.20 7.20 5.21 The Champagne of Ginger Ales 30 Sa. 7.45 8.00 7.20 5.22 31 Su. 8.21 8.36 7.21 5.23 For Health BEDROOM SUITES Never have we offered such Values. Nine Piece Suits From £13.10.O WALNUT, IVORY, WHITE, MAPLE Cash Discounts Always Allowed

73905*>.f.m.tp. CHESLEY E. WHITE mm


occasionally meeting a truck it COLONIAL becomes dangerous. I think every hon. member will agree to that. Is Baby PARLIAMENT (Question.) Mr. A. W. BLUCK:—Mr. Chair­ man , it seems to me that the hon. Backward OFFICIAL REPORT member who made this motion desires to achieve the object of reducing the size of the motor in Teething ? Proceedings of the trucks. (Mr. Vesey:—I did not to Honourable House say that.) I gather that from your YOtJ <—* ^ ff remarks: that you thought the of Assembly size of the motor trucks too large ^oftroublea-d^. and that you wanted to put the SESSION 1933-34 thing in the hands of the Goveruor- in-Council or a licensing authority DAY Ho. 19—Monday, December, 4, so that they can reduce the size of U perfectly .—* ^ the trucks. There is no doubt « 1 1 resistant 1933 about it that it is very much more developed ** ** Continued from Saturday's issue economical for the country to use to decay- three-ton trucks than to use two- Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Ohair­ ton trucks. The trucks of the man, I am very surprised at the Corporation of Hamilton, I think, hon. member for St. George's, Mr. are 2J ton trucks and they find Toddings. Apparently he has no them more economical to use than faith in the Governor-in-CounciL I Grandmother the smaller truck. I do not think ^ - ^ s-Slfc have. I do not think they would we want to make it difficult for jVitaEninU— ««*- do something radically wrong. I these two bodies to use trucks feel that if the Board of Works which are more economical for the says: ** - ^p-^;; wish to have new lorries as the country than any other. I have old ones become obsolete they will not any special reason to vote "I've used Sunlight Soap assist -i f"£ not allow cars of that size to come against this motion, except that here, if necessary. They will not I think in the interest of the Colony ur make a regulation that they have it is an unnecessary motion. for fifty years . . . THE *AUe^ 2* to dispose of them now, as Mr. *' My linens have given the longest wear possible Wei B-A. ^ «~ Toddings says. Mr. H. T. NORTH (Hamilton Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, I quite because they have always been washed with Sunlight Mr. S. S. TODDINGS, Jr.f—iHas agree with the hon. member who Soap. The rich, plentiful lather of Sunlight does the Governor told you what he is has just taken his seat that this is going to do? unnecessary. I shall have to vote the work itself without it being necessary to rub against it. Regarding the new the clothes hard and thereby damage them. Clothes Hon. W. J. H. TROTT (Smith's truck the Works Department have Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, about a put on the road, I presume that last longer when washed the gentle Sunlight way." year ago when the Estimates for no member of the House comes into Never use wasteful, impure soaps which wear your 1933 were under consideration a contact with that truck more than ^^^%eoW question arose when the Board of I do. It passes my door all time, clothes away with hard rubbing. Always insist on Works estimates were up, and I and as far as I can see there is Sunlight—the soap which cannot harm your clothes. think it was said then that the no difference whatever in that Write fo» free m»5y of "lnfa.it Feeding Board proposed to purchase a three- truck or the two-ton trucks. I by the 'AJBenburys' Foods." ton truck. We have one three-ton have not measured it up. It may truck, and some of our trucks are be one or two inches more in width, Alien&HanburysL.tcI., London getting very old and it is the in­ but I do not think it is. It seems tention to purchase another truck to go along very nicely and it does SUNL Special Reptesentativc for B. W. I. next year. That three-ton truck not bother me to get by it in any H. S. HALSALL. is enabling the Board of Works to way at all. I think it is doing good reduce very materially the cost work, and the sooner we can get —for quicker, of road construction, because you all three-ton trucks and do away are only consuming the same time with the two-ton trucks the better and you have only got the one man, for the Oolony. safer and you are taking about 50 per cent more material every time. I Mr. R. C. CRAWFORD (Pembroke have not heard any complaints. Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, it seems washing I drive over the country and I have to me that there is a very divided met this three-ton truck on several opinion on Mr. Vesey's motion, and occasions, and I have had no the contention seems to be on the difficulty. Frankly what I should point of size. I am going to offer like to see is a fleet of three-ton an amendment to his motion to trucks gradually replacing the other see how it suits the committee of LEVFR BROTHERS LIMITED trucks as they get old and unfit for the House. PORT SUNLIGHT, ENGLAND Buy safety use. I would like to ask Mr. Vesey whether there have been any com­ Mr. CRAWFORD moved to amend with the plaints about the large truck, be­ Mr. Vesey's motion by striking EV*EE>UJU>fegeA»^&lHg3^a3«SgBg«aP<^ nickels that cause I think it is no wider than out the words "size and" where the other trucks we have. It is a they occur. slip away bit deeper, and that is how it is abie to carry the additional amount Mr. S. S. TODDINGS, Jr.:—Mn of stone, but it does not take up Chairman, I will second that with any more space on the road. These a greiat deal of satisfaction, because HEnickclsyou allow to slip two wheels, I think do not do any Tthrough your fingers for I think if the speed of these trucks more harm than a single one, can be curtailed the size had better trifles can buy comfort and se­ because the weight is distributed curity for your old age. v be left in the hands of those who better. know more about it than we or A few cents a day will pro­ thiB Govemor-in-Council do. vide you with a guaranteed Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:-Mr. Chair­ trouble-free income commenc­ man , m reply to the hon. member Hon. G. S. PATTON:—Mr. ing at age 60 (or any age you Mr. Trott, I have heard numerous Chairman ,if I may say another word prefer) and payable as long as people complain of the size and say or two. I said at the beginning you live. they are too wide, but perhaps if that this was a consolidating Ask the Crown Life Man they went at a slower speed thfe measure, and so far as I know it IF your dog is under ft»j width would not be noticed so about the many attractive makes no changes in the existing weight, feed him on SU EN -L- RATI ON contains all the neces- features of the Crown Life much. I think we can safely leave law except in the schedule, which •H»> y elements for keeping dogs in it to the Governor-in-Council to KEN-L-RATION and see how rap­ sar Income Bond. I will refer to when we come to good condition—clean, lean meat, ce­ make some regulations as will be it: that is to say, section 7 of the idly he will improve. No dog will for tbe good of the community. reals, and cod liver oil—making the schedule about the use of a motor thrive on scraps—he must be fed lorry for the War Department. With perfectly balanced food. Mr. F. C. MISICK:—Mr. Chair­ that exception so far as I know there regularly on a well-balanced diet. Sole Distributors NICHOLL & ASHTON CROWN man, this whole discussion seems is not a single change in the existing to me very much like a storm in a law, but if it is possible to make any Feed KEN-L-RATION to your dog regularly and note his improvement... Your dealer stocks it teacup. The hon. member for improvement in the existing law, CHAPPEI BROS., LTD. • • PENDLETON - MANCHESTE R LIFE St. George's, Mr. Toddings, fears this, of course, is a good opportuni­ & that the licensing authority may ty to do it. If hon. members have INSURANCE COMPANY abuse the powers which will be JAS. W. FRITH, General Agent, Warwick any amendments to make to the vested in them by virtue of the Bill which they think will be an motion at the present time in your improvement in the existing law hands. (Mr. Toddings:—I did not it is quite right that they should call it abuse.) Call it what you be moved and considered by the like, in substance he fears they House. As far as I am concerned may take some step which would I have no particular objection to render overnight obsolete the these amendments being offered present equipment of the Oolony, except that I do not like super­ or that they would so restrict the fluous legislation, and I think size of motor trucks that might be this is unnecessary because what imported into this island as to would be the effect of adopting seriously handicap the activities either of these amendments? The of these departments of Govern­ Chief of Police would be the licen­ ment and municipalities. I do sing authority and he would make not think the hon. member has his regulations subject to the 4^<* any particular cause for alarm, approval of the Governor-in- for the simple reason that, leaving Council, and publish the regula­ out any question of faith in the tions. Very well. Where are the TDaekame! Governor-in-Council, this is an Governor-in-Council going to get authority which is creating a their information? They are going O YOU FEEL despondent, licensing body, and if that licensing to get their information from the tired and run down—back body does not function as this Corporations as to the type of D aching, limbs aching, muscles House see fit, this House has it vehicle it is important for the aching ? Do ycu suffer from within its power to transfer to Corporations to have for their urinary disorders, dizzy spells and some body that licensing authority, purposes., and the Governor-in- M rheumatic twinges ? If so, ask your­ or tell that licensing authority Counoil are going to get their self the question, "Amla needless just where they get off, whoever information from the Board of victim of kidney s+jain ? ** they may be. After all, in the Works as to the type of vehicle that Defective kidney action permits final analysis this House happens is suitable for the work to be done uric acid and other harmful impuri­ to be the boss, and I shall be glad by these lorries of the Board of ties to remain in the blood and work to support the motion. Works. That is the only inference. havoc in the system. Each day My natural inference is that the makes matters worse and the im­ Dr. L. D. BELL:—Mr. Chairman, Governor-in-Couneil is going to mediate use of Doan's Backache I think the clause is necessary. take the advice of these bodies that Kidney Pills is called for. During Take the Board of Works' new truck. have the work to do as to what fifty years this special kidney tonic I think the hon. member forSmitb's type of vehicle they require for it. has been relieving lumbago, sciatica, Parish, Mr. Trott, says it is as So I think this legislation is super­ rheumatism, backache, dropsy and wide as the two-ton truck. I fluous now, It is admitted that urinary and bladder weakness. think it is a lot wider. These it would be better not to interfere lorries are stock designs of Scottish with the size of the vehicles and to All dealers sell Doan's, 2/9 per bottle. manufacture, Albions, and I regulate the speed. I do not know prop. rssUr-UcOelUm Co., 8, Wslls St, London, WX believe the depth of that body could that there is any particular harm Stocked by Every Grocer — Nothing furt her need be said easily be very much more.. If you i in that, but you must bear in had the general use of cars tn the ' -mind that these drivers are licensed Islands it would not matter so Continued

with reference to medical prac­ COLONIAL PARLIAMENT titioners. Only this past week I was taking the 11.30 train back to THE ARRIVAL OF Somerset, and on the train was I Continued from page S the health officer for the Western District. When that train arrived by these respective bodies, that is at Evans* Bay someone boarded to say, by the Board of Works and the train and asked the doctor if by the Corporation, and if anybody he would go back to the lighthouse has a complaint to make as to to attend some urgent case. There excessive speed or dangerous driv­ was no train back to Evans' Bay Hear Ye I Hear Ye! Hear Ye! ing, particularly with respect to that night and no means for him to dangerous driving, the proper return home after he had attended thing for him to do is to report it that case. That la the sort of to the proper authority, that is to condition that arises all the time, it ff say, either the Board of Works and I do not think it requires a or to the respective Corporations, great effort of imagination to and I have not any doubt that SCANDAL know there is a genuine need where any driver is proved to be among medical fraternity to use guilty or dangerous of reckless motor cars, not but that some speed STEAMERS . driving he would be disciplined, limit should be imposed on them, Sealed in an exquisite black bottle, the probably by dismissal. Lord notwithstanding tho urgency of celebrated House of Lanvin of Paris knows I am as much opposed to some cases. Trom NEW YORK motor cars and to these motor capture this subtle haunting fragrance for Bring you the latest lorries as anybody in the Colony, your pleasure. but I think they are doing the work Mr. H. T. NORTH:—Mr. Chair­ they have to do pretty satisfactorily man, my colleague Mr. Wilkinson PAPERS and without much complnint on spoke about Paynters* Vale Nill Also other luxurious flower perfumes: the part of the public. As far as I and the rate the motor trucks go and am concerned I do not think there there. I will tell the committee is any need for the Chief of Police that that is a very hard hill. It is MY SIN-GERANIUM- to make any more regulations. a short hill but very hard, and MAGAZINES unless they do get up some speed PETALES FROISSES At the Mr. F. C. MISICK:—Mr. Chair­ they cannot get over that hill. If man who has just taken his seat you go ahead and put this thing in Toilet Waters of unusual fragrance has shown very conclusively the and have a speed limit, these men PHOENIX baselessness of those fears which cannot get over that hill. He is As a safeguard against substitutes, Messrs. some hon. members entertain lest quite right when he says that Lanvin's products are distributed in Ber­ The Rexail Store this licensing authority might be the trucks have torn the road up unreasonable. Having shown that, there a little, but it is the only muda by Smiths only and each package Hamilton he goes on to ask the question why place, I think. I have watched bears our name. this enactment is necessary, and them and that is the only place I states that this is a superfluous happen to know where the public clause. Well I submit that this is roads are cut up, and it is done by not a superfluous clause, when the drivers putting on spded to H. A. & E. SMITH, LTD. hon. members bear in mind that get over that hill. We do not the hon. member making this want to restrict the drivers so they The Queen Street Store motion—I refer to the hon. member cannot make the grade and get for Southampton, Mr. Vesey—had over the hill. (Question.) BRITISH SPORTS DEPARTMENT-Queen Street in contemplation a later motion TREASURE CHEST -St. George's which would extend the use of —which was negatived. motor cars to registered medical practitioners in the Colony. That Ayes 5: Nays 81. being the case, and if the House agrees to that motion, certainly Mr. Vesey's motion W6B affirmed. some restriction upon the size of vehicle that is to be used is absolu­ Ayes 15: Nays 11. tely necessary, just as some re­ striction upon the speed of those Mr. PATTON moved Clause 9 vehicles is absolutely necessary. (8 as printed). =55 As I said just now, the hon. mem­ ber for Warwick, Mr. Patton, has Mr. B. C. C. OUTERBRIDGE:— shown that the licensing authority Mr- Chairman, I notice there is RINGLETTE and BONAT are apt to be influenced and guided some anticipation of tbis War very largely by the Departments of Department cair. If there is a War CHRISTMAS Permanent Waving Colonial and Municipal Govern­ Department ctii I suppose it should by Anthony ment in respect of the size of come in the schedule. (Members: trucks, so we have got nothing —There isop.e in the schedule.) to fear on that account, but it is CARDS Betty's Beauty Salon imperative that this clause in its —which was agreed to. original form should be enacted Opp. Bermudiana Hotel if the majority of this House is Mr. PATTON moved Clause 10 Phone 1128 going to agree to permitting licen­ (9asns.-inted). sed medical practitioners of the We have a new stock of very island to use motor vehicles. I -^-which was agreed to. beautiful cards covering a wide cannot conceive of this House allowing them to Import any size Mr. PATTON moved to fill the range of subjects in fancy motor vehicle they might desire. first blank "ten." I certainly would not agree to it boxes containing 15, 16, 21, under those conditions, and I will —which was agreed to. only agree to the proposal that An early call will ensure 24 and 25 cards ana priced licensed medical practitioners shall Mr. PATTON moved to fill the have the use of motor cars provided second blank "ten." your choice of the best from 1/9 to 3/6 per box. they are used under rigid restric­ subjects. tions both in respect of speed and —Which was agreed to. size. I think the motion as made by the hon. member for Southamp­ Mr. PATTON moved Clause 11 ton should pass, and that the (10 as printed). committee should reject the amendment proposed by the hon. Mr. A, C. SMCTH:—Mr. Chair- member for Pembroke, Mr. Craw­ \ man, it seems no me we need a The Bermuda Press, Ltd. ford. ' slight amendment to that clause. We have put in Clause 8 allowing Dial 1052 Reid Street the Governor-in-Council or the Hon. G. S. PATTON:—Mr. Chair­ *854ltu.eitp. man, may I suggest that this is the Chief of Police to make regulations wrong place to put that in? "The as to size and speed, and I think lawful use on the highways of we need to put in as Clause 11(1): these Islands of the motor cars "Any person who shall commit a detailed in the first schedule to breach of thus Act or the regula­ this Act is hereby authorised." Now tions made thereunder shall be you have a schedule, if you turn liable to a penalty ..." C.QM, Tricycles and Fairy Cycles to the back page, which says not more than five motor lorries and Mr. A. C. SMITH moved to amend 25/** to 50/- one motor sprinkler for use by the Section 11 (l) by inserting the Department of Public Works, not words "or the regulations made more than five slow moving cater- thereunder" after the word "Act" pilla motor dump trucks for use in the second line of the said sub­ New-Hudson Children's Bicycles by the Department of Public Works section. and so on, but if the hon. member £5. 10. O and £8. 5* 0 wishes to make his amendment —which was agreed to. about the Governor's car or cars for doctors the proper place is to The clause, as ame&aded, was move it as an addition to the agreed to. schedule, which is done with respect to other people operating cars. Mr. PATTON moved Clause 12(11 as printed.) J. B. ASTWOOD & SON Mr. J..E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ 7388<£<{w.eitp. man. I do not agree with the hon. •—which was agreed to. member Mr. Patton. I think the Mr. PATTON moved the First clause should go in as clause 8. Schedule. When we come to the schedule, if the House wishes to allow medical Hon. G. S. PATTON":—Just two practitioners to have cars that can comments there, Mr. ChairmiMl, ^THEKIDDI^ IMMEDIATE RELIEF FOR be put in, and if they do not see the first one with resr.ect to "5*; PILE SUFFERERS There is no satisfactory sub- ij fit they can cut it out. If we do One motor ambulance for use in stitute for this famous British s connection with King Edward preparation. not agree to allow medical prac­ ^P While they fast! Don't experiment with an titioners to have cars that clause VDI Memorial Hospital." As a untried remedy. Use PAZO Get a bottle to-day. will not harm anybody. matter of fact that are two ambu­ OINTMENT, a scientific pre­ lances at the Hospital but one is paration, which has brought Sole Distributors: in use at a time. I understand Mr. S. S. TODDINGS, Jr.:—Mr. r relief and comfort to thous­ NICHOLL S ASHTON the question of having the use of ands of sufferers during tbe Chairman, what I am wondering the second one authorised was is that if we give medical men motor past 85 years. For sale at all PO. Box 529 Hamilton' under consideration by the Hospi­ Chemists. cars in order that they may get tal Board but they thought that on W /") AA MICKEMICKEYY MOUSE OR A to their objectives expeditiously, the whole it was unnecessary MINNIE MOUSE MASK what effect a speed limit is going to have the two of them authorised, FREE WITH EVERY TUBE OF The large juicy thin-skinned to have on them. It is hardly as only one would be in use except seedless oranges you have sound to give them this conven­ in very exceptional circumstances, -YOUR EYES*- ience if they cannot use it to get and that if the Hospital authorities remarked on are around as quickly as possible. I were only authorised to use one LISTERINE shall, however, support the motion it would perhaps remove any W. H. WATLINGTON, O.D. TRADEWHSTD of the hon. member for Pembroke. possible temptation to use the Office, Miles Building, Front St., (Question.) second one except in cases of real TO OTH PASTE Hamilton OR WITH A emergency. Eyes carefully examined. Lenses ORANGES Mr. F. 0. MISIOK.—-Mr. Ohair­ used—Super Select (the best) man. before you put the question Eye Glass Frames—Latest Ask for them by name I will just give the hon. member Sir HENRY WATLINGTON:—Mr. for St. George's, Mr. Toddings, a Ohairman, I will second it, and I am TOOTH BRUSH styles. A can la always wel­ concrete instance of the scrrt of going to ask the hon. member if he comed. iJjL&ifrtti/ftS TOO A? 667St*.tp. 'SSSjS* thing thai very fre'qnentj^ occurs Ca(jt«iie4 oft tm1 m :JSBSC *mm:—mm—^ — - i^- ' . .-^ ^m\ --^- TOE ROYAT GAZETTE AND COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY^ DECEMBER 11, 1933 Page 7

but anyone who has a motor truck Agents information whether they gested that it would be much COLONIAL PARLIAMENT with an air compressor on it can would agree to an extension of the better to fund this and pay it right obtain a permit under' clause 5 to time limit on the amount due on off instead of paying annually the take that truck with the air com­ the dredger. I will read his reply. small amount that is paid. It Continued from Page 6 pressor on it to the job. It will (Having read the Governor's Mess­ has been figured up. It will not age No. 32.) I might say that one of b« £70, but it might also be made will report progress because I require a permit in each individual case. the conditions of the other loan to cover a piece of Glebe property would like to ascertain about allows this Government to pay off sold out in the same way. This pro­ the vehicles for the city of Hamilton Mr. E. V. FRITH (Paget Parish): any amount it can find itself able perty at present is occupied by Mr. definitely. I did not think we would to do. In other words, if at the end Tucker at the Lane. £70 might get so far as this today, there were —Mr. Chairman, I quite agree with what Mr. Spurling said. I do not of the year it Is found that W9 have a cover both items, I am not sure. so many orders, and I hope the greater balance in hand than was The idea is to Gover this item far hon. member will move that the mind telling the committee that I have seen motor trucks with anticipated, the Crown Agents the acre af the Admiralty House pro' committee report progress so that would be perfectly willing to accept perty. I can look into the matter. compressors on them going by my house on Sunday afternoon loaded £5,000 or any amount in excess of that. Hon. W. J. H. TROTT.—Mr. down with sightseers. They were —which was agreed to. Chairman, I would also like to ask certainly not intended for that the hon. member in charge, and purpose. Mr. TROTT moved that it be re­ Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved to the House, whether they would commended to the House that amend the Schedule by inserting agree to having two motor sprink­ Mr. F. C. MISICK:—Mr. Ohair­ the following Message be sent to the following item and amount lers for the Works Department. man, I take it that the hon. mem­ His Excellency the Governor: under the heading "Works Depart­ ment." During the last two years the one ber in charge has some reason for motor sprinkler of the Department that motion. I do not know what (No. 10) ot Works has been called upon to it is. He has not said what the May it please Your Excellency: "Compassionate allowance to J. deliver thousands and thousands reason was. I wonder if he would J. A. Smith for injuries received in of gallons of water around this be good enough to state his reason The House of Assembly has the fall while passing along a right of wa country, with the result that th© for moving that the committee honour to acknowledge receipt of y mo o o" road rollers are not being properly rise, report progress and ask for Your Excellency's Message No. 32 taken care of with regard to water. leave to sit again. It seems to me and is pleased to note the ready Mr. O. G. GILBERT (Sandys While we have not any grant, at that we had better get through with acquiescence of the Crown Agents Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, I might some time or another we may get it. to extend the loan in question. just ask if we have sufficient money enough money for another sprink­ for 1933 to cover this £8,000 odd The emphasis on femininity is apparent in this dainty hand-mad'3 ler and I think it will be good Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ The House desires to extend the pounds. underwear of pure dye silk and real non-shiftablc lace: policy for us to have it. man, I also object to that. I think said loan for a period of nine years we had better get through with it. but retaining the privilege of pay­ Mr. E. H. TRIMINGHAM:—Mr. "STEP-INS"—so beautifully designed and finished as to bo ir­ Mr. J. E. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ ing off at any time a larger instal­ Chairman, I think we have enough Hon. G. S. PATTON:—Mr. Chair­ ment than due. by giving requisite to cover this (laughter) and a little resistible. Some modeal in tea-rose with rich ecu or white lace man, I shall move the following and lovely fine embroidery—others bound in blue silk. as Section 8 of the First Schedule man, I made the motion at the re­ notice to that effect. more. I expect that at the end of the year we should have some­ of the Bill entitled "The Motor quest of the hon. member for De­ 13/6,15/6 and 32/6 Oar Act, 1933": 8. One motor car vonshire, Sir Henry Watlington. The House respectfully requests where in the vicinity of 116,000; for each licensed medical prac­ In addition to that I think there is that Your Excellency will be pleased possibly a little more. titioner of t hese Islands for use in a reason for the committee rising to have a Bill prepared to give effect SLIPS—cut on the bias, stressing the silhouette. Some tailored his or her professional services and reporting progress. In view of to this new arrangement. Mr. 0. G. GILBERT:—Mr. Ohair­ in white, with shadow-proof hems. Also evening slips of soft pink only," this proposed amendment I think man, on current revenue, or is the with deep insertions or real ecru lace. it would be a very good thing for Sessions House, Suspensory Account from last year '•: Hon. S. S. SPURLING:—Mr. the House to have an opportunity 4th December, 1933. included? (Mr. Trimingham:— 15/6 and 22 6 Ohairman, before that is seconded of considering these various amend­ That includes the Suspensory Ac­ i wish to offer an amendment ments that have been moved. •—which was agreed to. count for last year.) to sub-section 2 by moving to sub­ NIGHTGOWNS—exquisitely handmade—colours confined to "lin­ Mr. S. S. TODDINGS, Jr.:—Mr. stitute the following: "8. Any road The House resumed, and adopted —which was agreed to. gerie shades"—generously trimmed with ecru or white lace and Chairman, there is a good repre­ roller or fire engine." I wish to pre­ the resolution of the committee. embroidered in pink or blue. sentation here today aad I would vent if possible wangling the use Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved to like to see Mr. Vesey's amendment 25/- and 30/* of a motor veheicle here by having THE SUPPLEMENTARY APPRO­ amend the Schedule by substitut­ voted on. I am going to support a stone cutting machine attached PRIATION RESOLVE (No. ing 239 0 0 for 39 0 0 as the it because I think that by doing so to it. That clause was put in 'way 5), 1933 total appropriation for Works De­ I shall earn the undying gratitude back in 1908, when a gentleman in Second Reading partment. of every man, woman and child the community named Mr. Mus- in the community. I think if son patented a stone cutting mac­ On motion of Mr. Trimingham —which was agreed to. medical men are allowed motor hine which he had designed, and the Resolve entitled "The Supple­ cars it will relieve a great deal of the which had Its own propelling power mentary Appropriation Resolve The Schedule, as amended, was congestion at the Hospital. It is to take it about the country. That (No. 5), 1933," was read a second agreed to. going to save this Colony a lot of H. A. & E. SMITH, LTD has not been a success and there time and committed. the expense in connection with the are none In Bermuda at the pre­ The House resumed. Hospital if doctors have means of sent time, and there is no good Mr. COOPER in the Chair. THE BRITISH SPORTS DEPARTMENT getting to their patients expedit­ leaving a loophole in the Act for iously and economically. Theii The CHAIRMAN reported the abuse of the privileges of having Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved the main idea now seems to be to con­ Resolve, and it was adopted and a motor vehicle on the roads. While adoption of the Resolve. centrate all their patients in one ordered to be printed. I am anxious to havo a certain spot under one roof so they may get amount of motor vehicles in Ber­ —which was agreed to. to all of them easily. If they had THE CUSTOMS TARIFF ACT, 1933 muda, I am not anxious to open it other means of getting to these First Reading to vehicles getting in under a pre­ Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved the patients it would relieve a lot of text like that. Schedule. that congestion at the Hospital. Mr. COX moved for leave to in­ troduce and read a first time by Mr. SPURLING moved to sub­ Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved to its title a Bill entitled "The Cus­ Sir HENRY WATLINGTON:—Mr. stitute the following as sub-sec­ amend the Schedule by inserting toms Tariff Act, 1933." Chairman, I hope the committee tion 2. .-. the following item and amount un* will agree to the motion that the "2. Any road roller or fire engine.' der the heading "Administration of —which was agreed to. committee report progress. When Justice" I asked the hon. member in charge Hon. G. S. PATTON:—Mr. Chair­ The Bill was read a first time by to do that Mr. Vesey had not made man, I will second that pro forma, "Expenses of Supreme Court its title. GLOVES his motion. I asked on behalf of the and then move that the committee 35 0 0" Corporation so that I could decide rise, report progress and ask for THE APPROPRIATION ACT, 1933 exactly what vehicles the Corpora­ leave to sit again. Mr. E. H. TRIMINGHAM (Pom- First Reading tion needed. I cannot tell you broke Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, this for Christmas giving now because I do not know,and I Registrar of the Supreme Court Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved for The CHAIRMAN:—Before you hope th* committee will agree to pointing out that they have about leave to introduce and read a first With Christmas very much in our minds, dp that I will put Mr. Vesoy's mo­ report progress so that I may get over-expended their appropriation time by its title a Bill entitled tion; time to consider it. It was not under "Expenses of Supreme Court" we would like to say the word "Gloves," done with aay idea of killing motor "The Appropriation Act, 1933." Mr. VESEY moved the following due to the length of the Assizes. then add "English Doeskin," and the cars for doctors, although I shall This is to pay the Assistant Justice as Section 8 of the First Schedule —which was agreed to. words will take on positive magic. vote against it," true. for the months of November and of the Bin entitled "The Motor December, and the amount will Oar Act, 1933"— The Bill was read a first time by We gave particular attention to the buy­ Mr. J. X. P. VESEY:—Mr. Chair­ probably be £30 to £35. its title. man, I think the hon. member ing of Gloves this year and believe you will 8. One Motor Car for each licens­ ed medical practitioner of these can fill in the number of the third Mr. S. S. TODDINGS, Jr. (St. NOTICE OF MOTION appreciate our choice selection of Sylke Islands for use in his or her pro­ reading without any difficulty, and George's [Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, Amendment of "The Supplemen­ doeskin gloves, ranging from 8/6 to the leave it blank now. I will second that motion. I had a fessional services only. tary Appropriation Resolve new gauntlet at 17/6. talk with the Registrar last week (No. 5), 1933." and I believe that out of the £1,000 , Mr^*|E.TTON- moved that the Mr. F. 0. MISICK:—Mr. Chair­ voted only 16/-is left with which to committee rise, report progress man, I think if there is going to be Mr. TRIMINGHAM gave notice White, Yellow and also Tan, carry on to the end of the year. I arid ask for leave to sit again. any question of the committee re­ that at the third reading of the porting progress, the logical ame believe that the cost of jurymen Supplementary Appropriation Re­ Grey and Brown in this last session amounted to Mr. C. G. GILBERT:—Mr. Chair­ to report progress is after progress solve (No. 5) he will move to amend £200, which is a very large amount man, before the motion is put I has been made, and progress would the Preamble by substituting "years and no doubt it has been caused would like to ask what would hap­ come after the motion of the hon. 1932 and "for the word "year." through the practice of accumul­ pen in the case of the Dockyard fire member for Southampton, Mr. ating all these cases for the regular engines if they are wanted at some Vesey, has been put and adopted. Mr. E. H. TRIMINGHAM (Pem­ session. I am hoping that the hon. other place. They do not seem to (Laughter.) I suggest that that broke Parish):—Mr. Speaker, that and learned member for Devon­ be on the. schedule here. There is motion should be dealt with, after was made necessary by the amount TRIMINGHAM BROTHER shire, Col. Dill, will be along very a. clause in connection with tho Cor­ which the hon. member in charge paid to the Belmont Hotel in respect shortly with some legislation to poration but it does not mention might well propose that the com­ of the year 1932. facilitate the carrying on of speedy the Admiralty. mittee report progress. trials. ADJOURNMENT ' Mr. A. C. SMITH:—Mr. Chair­ Mr. Patton's motion that the th7mll. —which was agreed to. man, I shall have to object to the committee rise, report progress and The House adjourned to Wednes­ motion of the hon. member for ask for leave to sit again was day, December 6,1933. Mr. TRIMINGHAM moved to St. George's, Mr. Spurling. This affirmed. amend the Schedule by inserting Act is a consolidating Act and this the following item and amount right of people to use stone cutting Ayes 14: Nays 11. before the heading "Police" machinery on a motor car is one which was given them by the. Old The House resumed. Act. It has been abused, as far as "Miscellaneous. my knowledge goes, in only one The CHAIRMAN reported pro­ Payment under the Glebe Act, instance. That one instance in gress and obtained leave to sit 1931, to fee simple a portion of the lands at Admiralty House, £60 which It was abused was the case again. of the Railway'Company using a and expenses £10 70 0 0" The Rapid caterpillar tractor to tow a trailer GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE No. 32 <* Mr. E. H. TRIMINGHAM:—Mr. with baulks of lumber on it, and CONSIDERED Ohairman, if any other explana­ in order to get by the Aot they had Extension of period for repayment tion is needed in connection with a piece of an air compressor on the of loan from Grown Agents Contract Bridge Tally back of it. (Laughter.) As far as this amendment I would ask the my knowledge goes that Is the hon. member for Devonshire, Sir On motion of Mr. Trott the Gov­ only case of abuse, and that part­ Henry Watlington, to explain it to ernor's Message No. 32, relative icular question was settled. I the committee. to the agreement of the Orown have never heard of any more Agents to extend the dredger loan trouble on that score since. It Is Sir HENRY WATLINGTON (De­ for a further period, was considered 9d. pad a right which the owners of motor vonshire Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, in committee. air-compressors have, now, and I as everyone knows every original Food Value of Milk" think it would be wrong to take it share of land had 24J acres and half away from them. Mr. CRAWFORD in the Chair. an acre of common land. The two shares of land belonging toPembroke "Adds 70% lo th« Hon. S. S. SPURLING:—Mr. Hob. W. 3. H. TROTT (Smith's and Devonshire Glebe had their acre Chairman, I do not feel that way Parish):—Mr. Ohairman, I do not at Spanish Point, next to Clarence because they would have no dlffl- think it is necessary to go into Hill. That property was bought culty in getting a permit to move a a long explanation of this message. and presented to the Admiralty F. J. G. FOOTE The Bermuda Pres9 Ltd. machine with an air-compressor It will be remembered that some and I believe the. Government on it. Otherwise there would be days ago a message was sent to took up this acre by not paying for bote Agent. Reid Street some reason for retaining this His Excellency the Governor asking ift but agreeing to pay them so clause in the form in which- it is, if he would obtain from the Orown much per annum. Now it is sug­ Page 8 THE ROYAL GAZETTE AMD COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, DECEMBER IT, 1933

BERMUDA POOL, 1933 LOCAL RUGBY HCKKXIOOOI)' Bermuda Hotel Associa­ I THEBOOKSTORE 5 fO^of illness Replay Fixed for Nicholl Shield tion (Balance of 1931)....lioo o 0 5 Bank of N. T. Butterfield 5 The match on Saturday between Outstanding titles of the can be AVOIDED & Son 120 0 0 new publications are:— 1 H.M.S. Danae and H.M.S. Norfolk Nicholl and Ashton 8 0 0 11 WATCH STATE OW YOUR HEALTH : : : : RONALD STANDISH I in the final for the Nicholl Shield Pomander Gate 10 0 0 Irregular Elimination (Constipation.) is was a draw, one try against one by Sapper. 5 Mrs. Orosvenor Tucker.... 4 0 0 to* No PARKER pen the main cause of those 101 Everyday penalty goal. The Norfolk side was Mil : : : : THE SNOWS OF fi Ailments from which you suffer. Bilious- The Yankee Store 12 0 0 point is considered leading at half-time by three good enough to use HELICON by H. M. Tom- 5 cess, Indigestion, Langour, all arise from E. Brownlow Gray... „.. 10 0 linson. this ONE CAUSE. Loss of charm and points, but an unconveted try late Bank of Bermuda, Ltd 120 0 0 until we've tested it youth among women are also due to an Irreg­ in the second half put the teams on eleven times! But : : STALKING HORSE ular system. In must cases it is unsuspected. Ingham & Wilkinson 24 0 0 then you can count level pegging. by Rafael Sabafciai. If you are feeling " done," growing old W. H. Heyl & Oo 8 0 0 on it for a lifetime fi : :jf: : THE PROSELYTE before your time, Cleanse, Purify and H. E. the Governor and Lady Permanand & Son..„ „.. 2 lo 0 of easy writing! Regulate your system with Beecham's Cubitt honoured the game with Why not select a ft by Susan Erts. Pills and thus remove the CAUSE of these The Book Store.. ,8 0 0 their presence and His Excellency Parker today, or fi : : VANESSA by Hugh symptoms. You know this Simple Remedy W. S. Purvis & Co 8 0 0 give one to a Walpole. is Safe, Effective and Purely Vegetable. inspected the teams before the J. B. Astwood & Son 12 0 0 friend? Many ex­ 5 Then act NOW 1 start of the match. : : WONDER HERO by P. A. Dodwell - 4 0 0 quisite colors. The 5 J. B. Priestley. The combined band of the two famous "pressure* Gosling Bros ~ 80 0 0 9 : HEATT WEATHER ships played before the match and Bermuda Moving Picture lest touch." Leak- proof, non-break­ fi by P. G. Wodefeoase. , during the interval. Co. Ltd ....• 8 0 0 able barrel. Posi­ fi : : TWO BLACK SHEEP A. J. Gorham 8 0 0 tion of clip permits FRIENDLY GAME 5 by Warwick Dsapiag. Watlington & Conyers 40 0 0 pen to rest down : : : : A PRINCE OF THE Frith's Hardware Store.... 8 0 0 deep and safe in fi your poeket. At CAPTIVITY by John Bu- After the match the Dragon play­ Butterfield & Oo 10 0 0 fi ed the club in a f riendly^fixture. good stores every­ chan. Bermuda Trading Oo 8 0 0 where. fi : : OVER THE RIVER by AND SEE HOW ——oo Morris A. Gibbons 8 0 0 DIFFERENT YOU FEEL fi John Galswertrhy. Bda. Electric Light Oo.... 80 0 0 5 : THE HASH KNIFE Beecham's Pills have great remedial value, act TO WOMEN Hand, Arnold, Ltd. 6 0 0 OUTFIT by Zahe <9tiey. with singular efficacy upon stomach, liver and WOMEN WILLN6 TO PAY Thos. J. Wadson & Son ... 16 0 0 fi bowels, eliminate poisons and impart tone. : : DONA GELESTIS by Nothing spoils a Woman's E. & 0. F. Tucker 8 0 0 PARKER fi A WONDERFUL MEDECINS THEIR TAXES E. M. Dell. Beauty more than that Beau Sejour. 5 0 0 THEY PURIFY THE BLOOD, unhappy look which de­ D U O F O L D fi : : THE FARM by Louis GIVE TONE TO NERVOUS SYSTEM, Pearman, Watlington & Bromfield. ENSURE ASSlMSLATiON OF i OOD, notes Constipation. Bee­ Continued from Page 1 fi cham's Pills remove the Co - 80 0 0 : : : : FOUR DAYS WON­ STRENGTHEN THE STOMACH, mons had already been applied for THE EASY-WRITINO PIN fi AROUSE LIVER :: DISPEL BILIOUS­ cause of the trouble and re­ Bda. Railway Co., Ltd 20 0 0 DER by A. A. Milne. NESS AND STOMACH TROUBLES store Brightness and Vitality. and the costs incurred. fi : : : : THE WAY BEYOND Messrs. John S. Darrell & ElErWEMliT^EEEEEEaEElE—Etfg»flJ..FEEl—II •****«# His Wor. found that Mr. White S by J. Farnol. Take Beecham's TO'NZSHT and was acting within his rights aad Co 16 0 0 fi : PLOUGHMAN'S you'll feel better TO-MORROW I ordered the defendant to pay the J, S. ValliB — 12 0 0 fi PROGRESS by Shelia K. ^S9>f»smu taxes and costs. West India Oil Oo — 16 0 0 Smith. Peniston-Brown Co., Ltd 8 0 0 : : : : TROPICAL WINTER MISLEAD Br NOTICE A. A. Johnson & Oo SCO by Joseph Hergesheimer. John Barritt, Ltd.,. 8 0 C : : : : AH KING by Somer­ Miss Agnes Jones was in a similar Astwood Dickinson Oo...... 10 0 0 Spend set Maugham. A'Frtend position except that she had sent Bermudiana Cycles. 12 0 0 : : : : THE SOFT SPOT by the money on the 29th by the hand The Smoke Shop, Ltd 12 H. M. Hutehinson. of a messenger and it had been ac­ The Bda. Oigar Store 12 0 0 : : GAY LIFE by E. M. in Nee cepted. In her case the sum due J. A. P. Pitt & Co 12 0 0 Wisely Delafield. was 6/6. She explained that it was The Bda. Bakery, Ltd 16 0 0 : THE WOMAN ON QUICKLY RELIEVES CUTS. BRUISES. as the result of an accident to her Harnett & Richardson 15 0 0 THE BEAST by H. Simp­ BPRA1NS, WOUNDS, COUGHS. COLDS. foot which would not permit her Cambridge 5 0 0 son. LAME BACK. ETC. AN OI_r AND TESTED to get about that the payment had The Grocery Oompany. . 15 0 0 REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. : HAG'S HARVEST been so late, and produced the de­ O. R. Loblein 12 0 0 by J. B. Morton. mand from the Vestry to show that T. R. United Oompany .... 7 10 0 : THE SHAPE OF Sold in one size only she understood that she had until Bermuda Mineral Water THINGS TO COME by H. the 30th to pay. Company.. 8 00 Buy G. Wells. Never sold in bulk His Worship criused the wording : LORD MDDELL'S on the back of the form which read Masters' Hardware Co., f 8. 0 0. Peniston and Curtis, 8. 0. 0. WAR DIARY. that the taxes "shall be paid" by : : HOME OF MANKIND Anonymous, 1. 0. 0. the 30th November. He said that by H. Van Leen. Chesley E. White. 12. 0. 0. it was very misleading. It was : : : : ELLEN TERRY'S Bda. Hardware Company 8. 0. 0. BROOKE true tnat th$ sums due were re­ MEMORIES. coverable by legal action on de­ J. J. Arnold 8. 0. 0. : : SIDNEY and BEAT­ fi mand, but he thought that the BOND RICE WEBB by M. A. notice shouLd read "may be sued Hamilton. 5 for" before SOth November, as the HATS—BAGS : : THIS WAS ENGLAND fi present wording was very likely to by H. A. Vachell. fi mislead tax-payers. TEA : BRAZILIAN AD­ fi In this case, as the money had VENTURE by P. Fleming. been tendered by Miss Jones aa : MOSCOW 1911-1933 i full payment, and had been ac­ by Allan Moakhouse. fi cepted, he could not allow costs. : LOVE THROUGH 5 S338tu.iks.fy. Mrs. Bassett protested that she THE AGES by D. Strick­ had been under the same mis­ land. The "DURO" Pen apprehension as Miss Jones and : THE GOSPEL OF British Manufacture had believed that she was still THE SUN by Alan Ger- within the grace allowed when she bault. m went to pay her taxes. She thought : THE ENDLESS MADE BY CONWAY STL WART it most unfair that she should be Keep STORY by TaffraiL LONDON called upon to pay costs. : : SOUTHERN CROSS By His Wor. eaplamed that if the TO POLE STAR by A. F, payment she tendered had been Tschiffely. accepted Mr. White would not have : : : : ESCAPE by F. Yeats been able to obtain costs against Brow a. For fine, smooth, easy her either. : GOD AND THS r<\ ti ?•-. M v. **-«• ASTRONOMERS by Es»an writing try this Pen -oo ^g-% I: Inge. ^ .' : THE POLITICAL MADHOUSE IN AMERICA m LINDBERGHS' FLIGHT GIVES AND NEARER HOME by RISE TO RUMOURS Bernard Shaw. YOU can't feel right if ; : THE INTELLIGENT MADE TO STAND HARD MAN'S GUIDE TO EUROPE elimination i.» not regular PARA, Brazil, Dec. 8 [CP)—The TODAY by G.D.H. and USAGE Lindberghs landed here in their and complete. Constipa­ M. I. Cols. monoplane at 1.30, E.S.T., this tion saps vitality ... causes afternoon after a flight from Natal, tired-ont feeling. Pimples TF-iBEST MODERATE PRICED a distance of 1,094. miles. Still and boils often develop. THEBOOKSTORE ahead of them lie more than 3,000 ]ICX)OOCMX>iO(ICXI«eOO(X9

•"»^«->i Crossword Puzzle ____^____^ By LARS MORRIS -

ACROSS 3—Military obstruction made with trees 1—Beetle sacred to 4—Hurried Egyptians 6-JTsfc, tsk! 7—Copied from super­ 6—Dark-colored rocH imposed original 7—Resplendent oird GIFTS 13—Mystic doctrine 8—So. Am plant-cutter 14—Gully 9—Ruined city in IS—Pineapple Burma 16—Yellow-red 10— Burned particle 17—Illuminated 11 -Motor UNDIES 18—Russian antelope 12—Considered 20—Not clear 19—Beloved ol Zeus 21—Girl's name 22^Devi] of 23—Card game W-Macerate BW 24—Unaspirated syllable 24t-Hawaiian' foe* nsh 23—Waterless region 27—Approached 28 -Drv-our 29—Myself 31- Christmas Saint's 30—One 31 Incrustation on 31—Marmalade tree reeds Lasting 35—Source of property- 13—Tiny (French) Isn't it marvellous that there is always descent 34—Happy 39—Port on Persian Gui. 35—Transflies with 40—Drooping point something new in the " Undie "-world ? 42—Subtile emanation 36—Corrugated 43—Nathaniel 53—Appeared 37—Foolish talker 44—Nostrils 38—Vegetable dishes 46—Sweetheart (col.) 54—Subterranean pipes 41—Otherwise Our contribution is a fascinating pan- Quality 47—Three-legged stand 44—Granular snow 49—white alloy DOWN 45—Wild plum 51—In action 48—Enthusiasm icol.l tie cut bias—no buttons—no pleats— 52—Implanted 1—Climbed over 50—Prow 2—Dog no gathers.-— just a washable elastic ± a 3 M 5 a "7 e 9 IO 11 152 band to keep it in place without a wrinkle. Pure silk crepe, trimmed lace StTlClTt New Genuine Leather io Bags. 15 5B" or embroidered. 10/6 to 42/6 11 18 ic, *20 iCTSOTUli Initials—gold and silver % 23 23 <2H finished monel metal. pi te % 12/- to <=xb 21 28 ACCCSSOTiCS e^ance Ac beauty of a ps ., , of a formal ensemble. •—••,! I^ 1 30 % r Evening Bags of distinc­ 31 sa 2S 'A3H i 3S 3 each. 3© MO Ml H2 TRIMINGHAM BROTHERS % % M5 MM M5 MO % % H. A. & E. SMITH, LTD. Ml U8 M9 50 The Queen Street Store 5± 52 53

Starting Today—Every Penny Spent I© 1933 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

wood, who tried hard to get his T. R. UNITED CO. AT THE PHOENIX EAST END NEWS forwards together, but the hotel defence held out. Play was in­ announce Will go to make some Boy and Girl CHRISTMAS PLAY teresting right up to the final Happy. whistle, with the St. George Hotel The St. George's Players, a new side victorious by 3 goals to nil. FIRST XNAS SALE organisation in the town, which -00- 24 PRIZES -TWO CLASSES should appeal to those of a dramat­ HAMILTON POLICE COURT ic nature, has been formed. On Entire Stock at Very Qreat Reductions 1500 Votes and under—1501 Votes and over Monday evening December 18th they will present the one act play (.Before the Worshipful A. C Smith) for Xmas only "That Troublesome Christmas Everyone Has a Chance Present," in the Lecture Hall of DAMAGES FOR MOTOR MISHAP the Ebenezer Methodist Church, Special Bargains on Brassware, Tapestries, commencing at 8 p.m. ID the civil case heard on Satur­ Leather Bags, Underwear and Jewellery See the Prizes on Display in the Reid Street day, Benevides against Cardoso for FOOTBALL damages to a milk delivery trap Window of the Phoenix belonging to the plaintiff, damages A Visit will help you to select Xmas Qifts at very low cost On the Garrison Recreation Field of £4 with 10/- costs were granted. Reid Street on Thursday last, the St. George's The case arose from a mishap at Hotel side were much faster and Elbow Beach Hotel. The milk Next Messrs. Harold &- William Frith's Liquor Store Be sure to get your Votes with every Purchase and combined better than the Bowery trap had beer left near the door of the kitchen of the hotel, while Credit to your Favourite Boy and Girl. team, and on the days play deserved 7449tnt. their win. The sides were :—Pack- milk was being delivered. Cardoso woods XI: goal, S. Smith; backs, was in charge of a motor lorry R. Caisey, A. Steed; halves, H. belonging to the hotel, and was in White, I. Darrell, F. Aubrey; for­ an alley-way there collecting rub­ wards, S. Dowling, J. Thompson, bish. In backing out of the alley­ P. Packwood, T. Weldon, M. Ward. way the back of the lorry struck the wheel of the other vehicle. St. George Hotel .-—Goal: E. fcfc W Tucker; backs, F. Swainson, F. Benevides stated in evidence that HOMELIGHT PAPER NAPKINS Duerdon; halves, F. Swan, B. Hod- he had told the defendant that he soil, S. Bean; forwards W. Bascombe would be prepared to accept half W. Bean, K. Johnson, D. Nearon. fo the total sum which was spent The early stages of the game were on the trap after the mishap, which would have been four pounds. GREEN, YELLOW fairly level, though both goals were visited. For Packwood's team, The defendant had refused and he now sued for the total, less certain The Brand of Kerosene that has given and WHITE White and Weldon were prominent, but they found Duerdon a verysafe improvements which had not been universal satisfaction for over 25 years back. F. Swan broke up several necessitatec by the accident. attacks, and the hotel side began to press with nice combination by 1/- Pkg. their forward line, of whom K. PUBLIC HEALTH Johnson and W. Bean were playing WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY with good understanding. ' Follow­ ing one attack S. Bean sent in a DEPARTMENT Wholesale Distributors pretty centre, which was headed pst Smith by W. Bean, giving the goalie no chance and this opening Tenders for Garbage Collection goal infused new life into the play. The Bermuda Press, LtcL Packwood tried hard to level mat­ in 1934 ters, but Tucker cleared a fine ef­ Save Yourself a Walk Reid Street fort, Which was loudly applauded. Again S. Bean centred and K. Somerset from Watford Bridge to Johnson scored a second goal for Scaur Hill on Mondays and DRYCLEANING and PRESSING tho hotel, which pleased their Tuesdays. numerous supporters. The hotel goal had a narrow escape when Sandys and Southampton Scaur Can be left at our Receiving Depot A USEFUL GIFT Thompson skimmed the bar, and Hill to Wesleyan Chapel on Hodsoll had to concede a corner Fridays. Wesleyan Chapel to These Universal Toasters will brown when Packwood was almost Warwick boundary on Mon­ BERMUDA BICYCLE GARAGE through, on ahother occasion. days. bread smoothly, evenly and quickly, This was cleared and the interval Queen Street saw the hotel leading by 2 goals to Further particulars may be had they are priced lower than ever before. nil. After half time the hotel were from the Public Health Depart­ soon pressing again but Caisey and ment. Tenders to be submitted Steed defended stoutly until S. before December 23rd. FRITH'S HARDWARE STORE Bean scored with a nice shot. BERMUDA LAUNDRY CLEANERS AND DYER! 741fl^£.m. Tucker was called on to deal with several shots, especially by Pack- 745*1*. ,*


George McManus JS3U&-. ipwppir




Now, more than ever.... Mails per S.s. Lady Nelson for CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS the United States of America, (Via Boston, and the Dominion of Oan­ "CANADA'S COMMERCE CARRIERS" ada, will close at the General Post >PERATED IN OONNBOTION WITH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Office today:— Ordinary Mail at 11 a.m. feUHNE S£ h Registered Mail at 10.30 a.m. CANADA—BERMUDA—WEST INDIE* SERVICE £ Parcel Post for the Dominion of ^Canada at 10.30 a.m. Specially Built and Equipped for Tropical Travel Leads the Way w * * * BERMUDA — EASTERN GROUP — DEMERARA (Via BOSTON, MASS.) Mails per Q.t.e.v. Monarch of fortnightly freight, passenger and mail service between Halifax, N S., Saint John, N.B., and Bermuda for Great Britain, the Demerara. calling each way at Boston, Bermuda, St. Kitts. Nevis Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, Dominion of Oanada, and the Unite States of America, will close at St. Lucia, Barbados, St. Vincent, Grenada, Trinidad. with the the General Post Office on Wednes­ Arr. and Leave day:— Leave Leave Arrive Leave Bermuda for Ordinary Mail at 12 noon. Steamer Halifax Boston Bermuda Bermuda St. John, N.B. MONARCH Supplementary Mail (Double N.S. Mass. for W.I. via Boston Postage) from 12 noon to l p.m. Registered Mail at 11.30 a.m. Lady Nelson Nov. 14 Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Nov. 19 Dec. 12 •/ BERMUDA Parcel Post for Great Britain, Lady Hawkins Nov. 26 NTnv 5>ft im an Dec. 1 Dec. 23 and the United States at 11.30 a.m. Lady Drake Dec. 10 Ttep.. 15? r>ef> Id Dec. 15 Jan. 6 and the * * * Lady Nelson Dec. 24 Dec. 26 Dec. 28 Dec. 29 Jan. 20 Mails per Q.t.e.v. Queen of Ber­ muda for Great Britain, the Do­ Steamers sail from Halifax and arrive at Saint John, N.B. QUEEN minion of Oanada, the United States of America, and Nassau, WESTERN GROUP SERVICE Bahamas, will close at the General of BERMUDA Post Office on Thursday:— Fortnightly freight, passenger and mall service between Montreal (in summer), Halifax, N.S. Ordinary Mail at 12 noon. via Boston (In winter), oalling at Hamilton, Bermuda; Nassau, Bahamas; Kingston, Jamaica; Registered Mail at 11.30 a.m. making O.N.S. connection at Jamaica for Belize, British Honduras. WO of the outstanding vessels of the All mail to be forwarded by this Leave Leave world—each over 22,400 tons—the despatch must be specially marked Leave Leave Arrive B'da for Arrive T per "Queen of Bermuda." B'da for Steamer Halifax Boston Bermuda Nassau Bermuda Halifax only liners afloat that provide a private * * * bath with every room. Pleasure-planned Mails per S.s. Lady Drake for the Lady Rodney Nov. 29 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Deo. 4 especially for Bermuda service with mag­ Dec. 18 Deo. 19 West Ladies, and British Guiana, Lady Somers Dec. 13 Dec. 15 Dec. 17 Dec. 18 Jan. 1 Jan. 2 nificent lounges, smart night club cafes, will close at the General Post Office Lady Rodney Dec. 27 Dec. 29 Dec. 31 Jan. 1 Jan. 15 Jan. 16 .250,000 dance deck, complete stage with on Thursday:— Lady Somers Jan. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 15 Jan. 29 Ordinary Mail at 4.30 p.m. Jan. 30 "talkie" equipment and ship-to-shore Registered Mail and Parcel Post phone. Sailings twice weekly between at 4 p.m. For Reservations, Passenger and Freight Rates, apply to- Bermuda [and New York. * * * Mails per S.s. Bayano for Turks JOHN S. DARRELL 6 CO., Agents. Islands, will close at the General Subject to change without notice. Hamilton, Bermuda. For Reservations, apply Post Office on Friday:— Ordinary Mail at 5 p.m. i Registered Mail and Parcel Post WATLINGTON & CONYERS at 5 p.m. CHRISTMAS MAILS General Agents Malls Due on Thursday from Eng­ MUNSON STEAMSHIP LINE HAMILTON BERMUDA land (Eastern Group.) 4U3tf.«.w.tf. NEW YORK-BERMUDA-SOUTH AMERICA SERVICE Mails per S.s. "Britanic" due to WEST INDIES arrive in New York on the llth. (Royal and United States Mail Steamers) should connect with Q.t.e.v. "Queen To assure delivery of Christmas Minimum $42.00 Round Trip FURNESS BERMUDA LINE of Bermuda" sailing for Bermuda Mails in the West India Islands. on the 12th. Letters and Parcels should be for­ (Lowest Rates offered between New York and Bermuda) (IM« Catncc witk tWrisda CTUIHEU) * * * warded per S. S. "Lady Drake" on. Royal and United States Mail Steamers Mails Despatched the 14th December. Leave i Arrive Leave Arrive Steamer New York Bermuda Bermuda New Yrok T.E.V. "QUEEN OF BERMUDA" Mails leaving Bermuda on Wed­ (Western Group.) nesday the 13th. should connect Southern Cross.. Sat. Dec. 9 Mon. Dec. 11 Mon. Dec. 11(fo r S. Amer.) T. E. V. "MONARCH OF BERMUDA" with S.s. "Berengaria" sailing from Mails for Bahamas, and Jamaica America. Legion. (from S. Amer) Tue. Dec. 19Tue . Dec. 19 Thur. Dec. 21 Min. $50 round trip- Starting Jan 17th. Min. $60 and up. New York for Southampton on the snould be forwarded per S. s. "Lady American Legion Sat. Dec. 23Mon . Dec. 25 Mon. Dec. 25 (for S. Amer.) 15th. Somers" on the 16th December Pan America.... (from S. Amer) Tue. Jan. 2 Tue. Jan. 2 Thur. Jan. 4 PROPOSED SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS 1933. Western World. . Sat. Jan. 6 Mon. Jan. 8 Mon. Jan. 8 (for S. Amer.) Mails leaving Bermuda on Thurs­ Southern Cross. . (from S. Amer) Tue. Jan. 16 Tue. Jan. 16 Leave Arrive Leave Arrive Thur. Jan. 18 day the 14th, via Nassau, due to GREAT BRITAIN Southern Cross. . Sat. Jan. 20 Mon. Jan. 22 Mon. Jan. 22 (for S. Amer.) i Bermuda i Steamer New York Benr.udE New York arrive in New York on the 19th. should connect with S.s. "Olym­ Mails forwarded from Bermuda Fortnightly service thereafter. Monarch of Bda. Sat. Dec. 9 Mon. Dec. 11 Wed. Dec. 13 Fri. Dec 15 pic" sailing from New York for on the 13th December per Q.t.e.v. Northbound Steamers call at Trinidad. *Queen of Bda... Tue. Dec. 12 Thu. Dec 14 Thu. Dec. 14 Tue. Dec 19 Southampton on the 22nd. "Monarch of Bermuda" should Subject to change without notice if circumstances require. Monarch of da. TIM. Dec. 19 Thu. Dec 21 Thu. Dec 21 Sat. Dec 23 arrive in England about the 23rd *Queen of Bda... Sat. Dec. 23 Mon. Dec. 25 Mon. Dec. 25 Mon. Jan. 1 and may not be delivered before For reservations, passenger and freight rates, apply to; -00- Monarch of Bda. Sat. Dec. 23 Mon. Dec. 25 Tue Dec. 26 Ufa. Dec. 28 Christmas. JOHN S. DARRELL & CO., Agents. Monarch of Bda. Thu. Dec. 28 Sat. Dec. 30 Sat. Dec 30 Mon. Jan. 1 Queen of Bda Wed. Jan. 3 Fri. Jan. 5 Sat. Jan. 6 Mon. Jan. 8 STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS DOMINION OF OANADA Monarch of Bda. Sat. Jan. 6 Mon. Jan. 8 Wed. Jan. 10 Fri. Jan. 12 *Queen of Bda... Tue. Jan. 9 Thu. Jan. 11 Thu. Jan. 11 Tue. Jan. 16 Letters, and Parcels, etc should T.e.v. Monarch of Bermuda be posted In sufficient time to be Monarch of Bda. Sat. Jan. 13 Mon. Jan. 15 Wed. Jan. 17 FrL Jan. 19 (Furness-Bermuda Line) is due to Queen of Bda.... Tu;. Jan. 16 Thu. Jan. 18 Sat. Jan. 20 Mon. Jan. n forwarded per S.s. "Lady Nelson" arrive from New York today, sailing for St. John, N.B. on the Monarch of Bda. Sat. Jan. 20 Mon. Jan. 22 Tue. Jan. 23 Thu. Jan. 25 sailing on return trip at 3.00 p.m. Queen of Bda.... Wed. Jan. 24 Fri. Jan. 26 Sat. Jan. 27 Mon. Jan. » 12 th December 1933. Wednesday. Agents, Watlington Christmas Malls other than Par­ Monarch of Bda. Sat. Jan. 27 Mon. Jan. 29 Tue. Jan. 30 Thu. Feb. 1 & Conyers. Queen of Bda.... Wed. Jan. 31 Fri. Feb. 2 Sat. Feb. 3 Mon. Feb. 5 cels should be posted for the mails 9 9 9 to be despatched per Q.t.e.v. "Queen Sailings marked thus (*) return to New York via Nassau. S.s. Southern Cross (Munson of Bermuda" on the 13th December Line) is due to arrive from New 1933. WATLINGTON & CONYERS, Agents York today, sailing the same day for South America. Agents, J. S. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Darrell & Oo. Mails for the United States) * » * (except Letters for New York City S.s. Lady Nelson (C.N.S.) is due should be posted to go forward per ROYAL MAIL LINES LIMITED to arrive from the West Indies to­ Q.t.e.v. "Monarch of Bermuda" PHOENIX TOYLAND London Direct Service morrow, sailing the same day for leaving Bermuda on Wednesday Saint John via Boston. Agents, the 13th December 1933. Is Now Open J. S. Darrell & Co. M.v. "ARABY" to sail from London Dec. 20th, 1933 Letter Mail for New York City * * * should be posted not later than the Come up to the 2nd Floor of the S^* "CULEBRA £ " Jan. 4rd, 1934. T.e.v. Queen of Bermuda (Fur­ M.v. "NEBRASKA" " " 17th. 21st to be forwarded per Q.t.e.v. Phoenix and see the most wonderful ness-Bermuda Line) is due to arrive "Monarch of Bermuda" sailing S.s. "LOMBARDY" " Feb. 3rd. from New York on Thursday, sailing for New York on the same day. display of toys in Bermuda at delight­ M.v. "LOCHKATRINE ° " 17th. the same day at 3.00 p.m. for Nassau In order to avoid as much con- fully low prices! "Nebraska" and "Lochkatrine" have refrigerator accornmodatioa. Agents, Watlington & Conyers. gestlon as possible it is requested "Araby," "Lombardy" and "Lochkatrine" have passenger ac­ » * * that the public post early. commodation. S.s. Lady Drake (O.N.S.) is due Watch for Phoenix Santa around town with Cargo accepted on Through Bills of Lading from the principal to arrive from Halifax via Boston his Sleigh, Bells and all centres in Great Britain and the Continent. on Thursday, sailing at daylight Subject to change without notice. the following day for the West HARNETT & RICHARDSON, Agents Indies. Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. VULCAN Hy. Langridge & Co., 9 9 • 16, Great St. Helen's, S.s. Lady Somers (C.N.S.) is due London, E.G. 3., Hamilton 29,1933. to arrive from Halifax via Boston SAFETY on Sunday, sailing at daylight the following day for Nassau. Agents, J. S. Darrell & Co. MATCHES OCEAN DOMINION LINE are safe, and sure S.s. Bayano (Elders & Fyffe CANADA —BERMUDA - Line) is due to arrive from Avon- TO STRIKE mouth on December 16th. Agents WEST INDIES—DEMERARA Watlington & Conyers. SERVICE Telephones 2250 — 2045 ** T.e.v. Monarch of Bermuda (Furness-Bermuda Line) is due to BUTTERFIELD & CO. arrive from New York on December S. S. " PRIMO " sails St. John N B. Dec 12th. Halifax Dec 15th. 21st., sailing the same day at 3.00 Agents S.S.'CHRISTIAN KROHG" " 23rd. " " 28th. p.m. on return trip. Agents, 7341«|

S.s. Faturnia (Italian Line) is R.M. BROWNE, Agent due to arrive on a cruise from New Prom Street Hamilton York on January 2nd., sailing on Bermuda Telephone 1710 return trip to New York on January 3rd. Agents, Watlington & Conyers «3« Sr * \^9 A^9 Sunri§eE|£s

HETNRY CCOLIOOB ADAMS 1BUTTERFIELP & COMPANY, DISTRIBUTOR; ^^^^'^s.^'^^^^fsWm^lSSWOKHSKaBSasWKKtBKHBBt^KsWWjI 6 6 6 ••CUBTARV CKTEM.iiEE,.ii'iiia M\mm3mmmmammmsmm*t.mmmmuaismm*smmmm9Mssr! Cnjoy Hg« WIMMB HOTSL SUNLIGHT Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops Place your Christmas Orders now, and your Checks Malaria in 3 days, Golds first ELL SOAP for quicker, day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 •YDNKY O. SIMS Grocer will do the rest. IMf EMTOEI minutes. iicnslsl-A -it _it! todcuf safer washing FINE LAXATIVE AND TONIC mONI IMS 7350qQm4.mll.mlS. J Most Speedy Remedies Known 1 THE ROYAE GAZETTE AND COlXmSZ DAILY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933 Page 11

m m m m m m m GOSLING BROS., Ltd. m m m m m m m m %. m SPECIAL XMAS PARCELS m (For Cash Only) m m m On Sale from December llth to 21st m m m m Parcel "A" — 12/- Parcel "B" 20/- Parcel "C" — 30/» Parcel "D" — 40/- m m 1 bot. Black Seal Rum 3 /6 1 bot. Blue Seal Port 4/- 1 bot. Table Sherry 6/- 2 quarts Sparkling Chablis 16/- 1 King's Physician Port. 6/6 m 1 " Milk Punch 4/- 1 " Marsala 3/6 1 bot. Scotch Whisky or Liqueur 13 /- m 1 Sparkling Chablis 8 /- m m 1 " Port Wine 3/- 1 " Milk Punch 4/- 1 V.O. Liqueur Scotch.... 13/- 1 " Dry Amontillado Sherry 8/- m 1 " Claret or Sauterne 6/- 1 " Old Crusted Port 7/- m m 1 " "Old Tom" Gin 61- 1 Cocktails (Rum or m 1 " Whiskey 10/- Martini) 6/- 1 " Pale Brandy, Gold Leaf 10/- m 1 tin Craven A Cigarettes 2/6 m 16/6 m m 42/- 54/- m YoulSave 4/6 You Save 7/6 You Save 12/- You Save 14/- SHOP EARLY and SAVE MONEY m

sQm JLovek What Luxury hut Once By fpAM tWADY 9 1933 by United Feature Syndicate. Inc. David Carlyle, until recently ing clothes, the bride a dress of Can Compare assistant curator of a Middle white and a veil. They looked Western museum, plans an ex­ very happy. pedition into the jung.es of Carlyle was bewildered. The South America to seek his for­ question in his mind disclosed it­ mer chief, missing for a year. self in his expression as he turned With the convenience While in New York to complete to Madi. She had stood still, wait­ his plans, he meets Madi Wis­ ing to see what he would think. of steaming hot water—"at the turn ner, beautiful Hungarian act­ "It is to be our wedding-feast," ress, who is about to be deport­ she said. "Not such a great feast, ed because she has overstayed I am afraid. But I thought it of the tap"—automatically regulated her leave in America. Learning would be better, more nice, that of her predicament, Carlyle of­ we have it here, and not outside —Nothing to worry about—Cost Hd. fers to marry Madi, purely as where there are many other peo­ a matter of form, and so make ple. You like it?" she asked anxi­ per gallon her an American citizen. Madi ously. consents. The pair separate after Carlyle gazed at the table again, the ceremony and arrange to then back at the girl. Jimmie Jingle Says: meet in a restaurant for dinner. "It is beautiful," he said. Each day of every blessed ween CHAPTER VH «I AM so glad that you say that," AUTOMATIC AS CARLYLE sat waiting for * she replied. "I was afraid it The besi oi food you ought to seek. would not be ready. Today, when **• Madi, a small boy entered I'left you, I knew there would be 'IICTXSF. CRUST BEEAD Electric Water Heaters the restaurant. He stood for no time to lose. That is why I did a moment in the doorway, not have lunch with you. The Ask Your Grocer looking about him as if at a kitchen here, it is small. And then I have tc think, what shall I iifRMUDA BAKERY, Limited loss what to do next. A waiter cook? It takes much more time came up to him and, upon than you think. A Christmas Suggestion for the Family hearing what he had to say, "And then, at the last minute, pointed to Carlyle. The boy the cake will not cook on time. came over. I could not leave it. It would burn. There is no telephone here, 'Bret "You Mr. Carlyle?" he ask­ so I could not call up Gora's. I ed. And upon being assured did not know what to do. Then the little boy came, to deliver some that such was the fact, he laundry next door. I got him to thrust forward a note. "The take my note to you." She was At Our Show Rooms lady said this was for you." still flushed from the excitement Unfolding the paper, Carlyle of her dilemma. read: "I am so sorry. But things "But why," asked Carlyle, "did did not come along so fast as I you go to so much trouble." The Electric Light Company had expected. If you will please "Trouble?" said Madi. "Can I come over to my house now, you not take a little trouble for you? will understand. Madi." What you have done for me, you Carlyle gave the boy a quarter do not understand. It is so much and dismissed him. I cannot tell you. I felt I must do something, something myself, URING the few blocks' walk to show you a little bit what it D to where Madi lived, and as means. There is not much I could he climbed the two flights of do. I had to think. I thought of Just an example of stairs to the door of her apart­ this. It is at least something I ment, Carlyle wondered what do with my own hands." She might have interfered with her looked up at him. "I liked so one of the extensive The Whisky with over Three keeping of the appointment. He much doing it." could only surmise that she had Centuries Experience behind it come home late and had taken TpHEY had eaten. The table had selection of Models, to an unconscionably long time in • been cleared and set against dressing. He was annoyed some­ the wall. Only the candles still what. But he was also relieved. stood on it—and between them, be seen in our season's His worst fears, ait least, were dis­ the Uttle figures of the plump HAIG'S sipated. She had not vanished. groom and his round-faced bride. Exactly how he expected her to Carlyle drew the box containing display. be dressed when she appeared, he the necklace from his pocket. did not know. But certainly he "For the bride,** he said. "GOLD LABEL" "DIMPLE" "DIMPLE SCOTS" did not expect to see her in an Madi opened it and gave a little apron. But such she wore when gasp of pleasure. As she held up


Continued from Page 1 from Paris last night, and con­ Lady ferred with Sir John Simon today. The conversation concerned the prospects for a resumption of the arms parleys in January.


Later, Lord Tyrell, British Am­ bassador to France, whom the Government called across the Channel, also visited the Foreign * and VAUX Office. Tha Tyrell conferences yesterday with Premier Ramsay MacDonald and Sir John Simon were considered important in view of the talks the French were having with Hitler in Berlin through their Ambassador there. says, "Wherever I go It was revealed that tbe British Government is holding a series of diplomatic conversations with Hitler through the British Embassy I depend on Pond's" in Berlin, at the same time keeping in touch with Premier Mussolini PROVED BY through tbe British Embassy in Rome. CONSISTENT The secretary-general of the *&^ SUCCESS League of Nations, Joseph Avenel, is expected to arrive tomorrow from Geneva for conferences with Sir John Simon. FRANCE FAITHFUL TO LEAGUE rrCCDDsr " Paris despatches state that iotfas-jteL 0.9 France will resist any attempt PgtS basically to change the League of sJMytwSsia^ Nations, according to Foreign HE has traveled all over the Minister Paul Boncour. She is, world, this beautiful British HAND, ARNOLD, Ltd., Agents however, willing to consider minor S reforms. It is absurd to talk of peeress. India, China, the farthest substituting alliances for theLoague corners of the East, America. And because every treaty since the war no matter what climate her ad­ has been within the framework of venture-loving spirit takes her to. . the League, Boncour declared. Pond's Two Creams go, too, to Improved Lovely blonde, blue-eyed LADY In other high circles ic was laarn- guard her fair, exquisite skin. ed that France will keep faithful, BROUGHAM AND VATTX has a hy fiellcgg to the international organisation, "The Cold Creara draws out satin-smooth complexion of rose, and her aim will be mediation in every vestige of dirt from the and cream. She relies on Pond's order to restore the League's capital pores," she says, "and is marvel- to keep it flawless. role of peace maker. *PQN1>$ • • 9 ously soothing. Pond's Vanishing THOMAS ISSUES A WARNING Cream is an exquisite and certain protection against the ravages of T'se Pond's Two Creams as Lady Speaking at Retford, Notting­ Brougham and Vaux does—the sun and wind. It holds my powder S3Bgg&' hamshire, J. H. Thomas, Secretary Cold Cream to cleanse—the of State for the Dominions said faithfully, no matter what I'm Vanishing Cream to protect. "Neither long range speeches or doing." playing postman's knock are going It matters not if daily you are Use the Vanishing Cream, too, to settle the Irish dispute with the for clearing up little blemishes; Cleanse several times during ihrays before powdering, United Kingdom. De Valera, exposed to cutting dust particles, the d.i\ with Pond's Cohl smooth on film of Pond's Van* Thomas stated, had said that the drying heat or strong wind. A little for keeping your hands lily-white Cream and after exposure to l-hing Cream to protect skill Irish people refused to be slaves, Vanishing Cream applied always and soft. Rely on the Cold Cream sun, (inst, wind. At bedtime, against dust, drying sun, wind; but none knew better than Da before going out and your skin is to soften your skin and give it apply generously. Let the fine to make powder go on evenly; Valera that the political liberty of HERE'S a new shredded biscuit safe from these enemies. youthful radiance. oils float the dirt particles to to cover little blemishes; to members of the British Common­ you'll want to try. Wonderfully the surface. When thoroughly give velvety finish. Use when- wealth of Nations could not be A swift cleansing with the gentle Keep your skin smooth as ala­ improved in taste and size. cleansed, smooth on a little eve- you powder • • • arms, , described as slavery. Under the Cold Cream, and all the grime baster, freslt as a new blossom, Made of delicately flavored more lo soften and lubricate. shoulders neek ... and i*keep i treaty which De Valera had re­ whole-wheat shreds. that both indoor and outdoor air with this sure yet simple treat- Leave on overnight. bauds -inooth and white. peatedly beea repudiating since deposit on your skin is removed, ment. The biscuits are a new con­ last year the Free State had its venient size. Two just fit the full share ia the progress of the cereal bowl. Double toasted. Dominions toward complete self Crunchy-crisp top and bottom. government and autonomy. FREE OFFER: Mail coupon today for free tobes of Pond's Tuv famous Creams. 15 biscuits to the red-and -green The Secretary warned the Free Nir.UOLl « ASHTON • Dipt. A-80, x», £>. Box 372 HAMILTON, BKKMVDA package, State that the present economic strife would gradually accustom the English people to the changed circumstances, and the Free State would be ia danger of losing fore- Copyright, !!)!):), Pond's Extract Comp; 15 12J4 ever her greatest market—the BISCUITS OUNCES United Kingdom. Despatches from Rome say that in the water. Miss Corsan never Premier Mussolini is disappointed raced again until 1923. This .was ENGLISH FOOTBALL RESULTS at Hitler's failure to apprise him in Denver where she won wslmming ENGLISH CUPj SECOND ROUND of Germany's disarmament in­ contests from 50 yards to ten miles. tentions. It is Mussolini's desire This was for the Rocky Mountain Charlton A. 1 Gillingham to obtain immediately some de­ Region, and was amateur. In Bristol C. 2 Barrow finite statement in favour of the 1928 she turned professional and Walsall 0 Clapton O. League of Nations reform, and it is entered the Wrigley Marathon in believed that this is responsible Gateshead 1 North Shields Toronto. She came in third. In Queens P. R. 1 New Brighton for his decision to send Fulvio 1929 she was in again, finishing Suvich, Undersecretary of State, Carlisle TJ. 1 Cheltenham 2nd, with a purse of 3,000 dollars, Stockport C. 1 Crystal P. to Berlin on Sunday. in 1930 she again went into this The return early this week of Rotherham U. 2 Coventry C. race, with a second again, and a North'n T. 3 Torquay TJ. Ambassador Ulrich Von Hassel of purse of 2,500 dollars. In the same Germany with no commitment on Halifax T. 1 Hartlepools TJ. year she entered for the Port Dal- Sutton T. 1 Reading N the German policy (was thought housie world championship—a two to have made Mussolini uneasy, Swindon T. 1 Dartford mile race— and won. The rest of Southend U. 2 Chester especially in view of the strong the year she spent in Denver, due stand he recently took regarding Workington 3 Newport to an overstrained heart. 1932 Aldershot Italy's continued membership in a Gainsbough T. 0 found her again in Toronto, where Tranmere R. THE CHILDREN'S reorganised League of Nations. Bournemouth 2 she came in fifth in the Canadian Accringtor S. 1 Bristol R. Suvich is expected to try to get a National Exposition swim. This FAVOURITE DRINK definite statement of the German netted her two hundred dollars. FIRST DIVISION Good for Grown-ups policy on disarmament, although Then, in 1933 she made her big Aston Villa 0 Derby O. the official communique said he name when she entered the same Chelsea 1 Manchester C. too had merely been invited to Ger­ contest, and came out with a win, Huddersfield T 2 Middles'h many to repay visits of German and a purse of 3,000 dollars—and a Leicester C. 0 West Brom. AtAU Grocers and Druggists statesmen to Rome during the last world's record. There will be Liverpool 1 Sheffield W. few months. JACK ARNOLD is the Agent children's lessons at Belmont pool Portsmouth 0 Everton ——oo Dial 2076 on Saturday mornings. Too, Niss Sheffield TJ. 2 Leeds TJ. GOLF AT BELMONT Corsan has graciously suggested Stokt? City 2 Blackburn R. that she will be glad to meet any Sunderland 3 Arsenal Bermuda swimmers at the pool, Tottenham H. 3 Birmingham With the arrivals of Nicol Thomp­ and help them with their stronke Newcastle TJ. 1 Wolverhampton son, from Canada, the golf season or offer any help in relation to The Right Goods at the is officially opened at Belmont swimming. Belmont Manor is to Second Division A Manor. Harold Weils, will be also be congratulated on obtaining the Bolton W. 2 Swasean T. Right Price "Pro" at the Club this season. services of this internationally Bradford 3 Fulham "Temporary greens are out of use known swimmer for the season. Brentford 3 Millwall now that the good golf weather oo Burnley 3 Lincoln C. has arrived, and "Nic" declares the Grimsby T. 3 Southampton greens were never in better con­ GOVERNOR OF P.E.I. DIES AT 83 Manchester TJ. 1 Notts C. RATIONAL STORES dition, Notts F. 0 Blackpool GOSLING BROTHERS, Agents * * * CHARLOTTETOWN, P.E.L, Dec. Oldham A. 8 Bury IAMILTM. St. CIOSGI'S. SOKfSJr: RUTH TOWER CORSAN AT 8. (CP)—The Hon. Charles Dalton, Plymouth A. 3 Port Va.e BELMONT 83, Lieut.-Governor of Prince Ed­ Preston N. E, B Hull C. ward Island, died today from pleural West Ham U. 1 Bradford C. Ruth Tower Corsan, professional BURNING FRENCH FREIGHTER pneumonia. He had been confined THIRD DIVISION CANT SLEEP swimmer arrived by last steamer SUNK IN HARBOUR to a hospital since November 21st Southern Section You may feel nervous, Irritable and de­ and Will take over the Pergola with a fractured hip caused by a pressed, you may suffer from indigestion and Exeter 4 Lutoa T. DUNKERQUE, France, Dec. 9 swjbiming-pool at the Belmont for fall on an icy sidewalk. Bronchial headaches; but the most marked symptom is Northern Section sleeplessness. The treatment indicated is Dr. (CP)—The French freighter "Neva­ the season. Miss Corsan has a pneumonia set in a few days ago Chase's Nerve Food because it restores health da" was sent to the bottom of the marvelous background of accomp- and developed into a more serious and vigor to the nervous system. harbour today in order to save plishment in her profession. She stage. Darlington 4 York City 0 surrounding warehouses when a started swimming when she was Aside from his official life he was Mansfield T. 4 Crewe A. 1 fire developed in her hold wherein seven years old. This was in Haw­ widely known as a philanthropist. Rochdale 3 Barnsley 1 Dr. CHASES J was stored 3,000 tons of sodium nit­ aii, where she won several prizes He was the founder of a silverfox (Other Third Division matches rate. The vessel had just arrived at that age. She competed against industry and was among the first not played oa account of Cup «*< from Liverpool, Hawaiins—-known for their prowess to breed foxes ia captivity. games.) NERVE fOOD

sWasfei '"s**5e—*-':^^'-9*KaX^^^^^^i^m^^ss^^9^igii m- ' ^S^H spg* ._.•_ • *^^i*S*p£piF;



An awful long word but all it means, is, waiting TAILORED TOP COATS until the 23rd Decem­ of Genuine Camel Hsfii... ber, and then rushing around all hot and As a matter of fact all Camel bothered trying to find Hair except of course their the Gifts one has to buy.. attractive silk lining: Why not choose today? Better for you and nicer In Raglan and Chesterfield for your friend... at the Styles moment we have such a nice lot of serviceable in- And many a Man is "nuts" on Candy too expensive Gifts from 'Tis an easy Gift to buy only a question of which to choose .. how much to spend .... For Women... £7. 0. 0. Now if the Candy is good—and we have none but the best—and if prices are reasonable— and ours are—selecting your Xmas Gifts is truly a simple matter .... For Girls....£4. 15.0. New Stocks of English and American Candy now in ... , Have your pick form .... Camel Hair is the proven THE HOME STORE TERRYS' WHITMANS' favourite for Xmas — an THE WOMANS SHOP FULLERS' NEILSONS' ideal gift from "You" to FRYS' CADBURYS' "Yours." and ROWNTREES in | lb. to 5 lb. boxes. MEDICAL HALL THE WOMANS SHOP Reid Street MEDICAL HALL Reid Street For Better Xmas Value... Reid Street For Better Xmas Value . A Nice Store for Nice People

Correspondence / "WOMAN SUFFRAGE"

Dear Sir:— The need for woman suffrage is imperative. True the cry of equal­ ity of the sexes is absurd, because offer women have already . claimed so many of the privileges which used to be the sole prerogatives of man Specially Low Prices MEN'S without yielding up one of their own closely guarded rights—rights We want to make furni­ IS there a corner of your Living Room which which they have come to claim Flannel Trousers through won and usage rather ture even more popular Grey than from any necessity. needs an odd chair or table or lamp LET Woman's idea of equality seems as gifts, and our prices to be almost exactly the same as I are added inducements. US HELP FILL IT. i^^^V I 30/^ some people's version of socialism. • She says in effect, what'* yours is mine—but what's mine is my own. ' Not just ordinary flannels, but She beats a man at every point ' made in England of the new along tho line. If a man is foolish You will find many interesting suggestions enough to give her a scat in a "worsted" flannel which keeps public vehicle or in a public placo, in any number of attractive groupings dis­ she thinks nothing of refusing its crease so much longer. haughtily as though tho very offer were an affront, and making the played in our Cut higher waisted with side poor man look a bigger fool than he is. If on the other hand he straps making a belt unnecessary. takes the equality chatter seriously Try a pair on—We are glad to and allows her to stand, the barbed arrows of her tongue pursue him NEW HOME GIFT DEFT. show them* in his most tender spots should ho have the misfortune to move in the same circles. J That, of course, is a trivial in­ stance, but it serves to show wo­ at ^1 man's wish to eat her cake and have it at one and the same time. None the less women must have this vote if they are otherwise A. S. COOPER & SONS intli.' qualified. They are strange illogi­ cal creatures. Perhaps it would be Front Street Dial 1244 more strictly accurate to say that \ every woman has a brand of logic all her own. At all events though they are liable to be led astray by unmercifully by their women folk, a glib tongue and a handsome either knowingly or unknowingly, A CLIENT face—by emotionalism, they have in their home affairs, and greatly- of the also, taken by and large, a keener swayed in thoir attitude in public THE WATERTIGHT CYMA BANK OF N.T. BUTTERFIELD & SON, Ltd. capacity for seeing the inner man matters.- than has the blunter sex. Man has been under skirt rule wishes to sell Feminine intuition is one of the since women first wore skirts. Let, WRISTWATCH! £2,000.0.0 Bermuda Telephone Company few traits of femininity which act­ ually do exist. Most of the qualities us acknowledge the fact openly Six per cent Bonds due 1960 with which they have been credited and not try to deceive ourselves Applications must be made to the Bank prior to 3 p.m. by poets and such-like unpractical that in Bermuda alone the male Favourite of all Sportsmen mortals no longer exist, if they ever is Lord of Creation. The idea is TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1933 did. But this strange sixth sense absurd. Sold only at 74S7*M.hl. we call intuition is one of the most So give women the vote. fundamental and vital attributes Thank you, of woman kind. OTTO WURZ LADY LOVER. That is the one reason for wo­ man suffrage. We may depend The Swiss Watchmaker L ROSS SPURLING upon it that many of those who can hoodwink men that they are good fellows, with no other thought Opposite Bermudiana Hotel Osteopathic Physician than the good of their country, will fail miserably in their pretence Knock Out Announces the opening of Offices in the Bermuda when they have to run the gauntlet of tho appraisement of women That COLD! Fire Marine Insurance Building, for the general voters. Practice of Osteopathy. The women themselves base their The New Windsor Hotel claim on the grounds of Justice Get Rid of It Before It QUEEN STREET — HAMILTON 7432+m. There is something in that. If they pay taxes they are surely en­ Becomes Dangerous I Serves titled to the right to have some say Sreakiast - Luncheon - Dinner in the way those taxes are to be A cold is an internal infection, a \a a delightful Bermuda spent. If it is desired to exclude germ attack. Check it promptly or FIRE EXTINGUISHERS them from the voters' roll in per­ it will spread within the system. setting petuity, then they must also in The best thing you can take is tn the Every home should have one. common justice, be excluded from Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine. GRILL and PALM OARDENS tho tax-payers' roll as well. It stops a cold quickly because Table d'Hote oi a la Carte New Low Prices. For the life of him the writer it does the four things necessary. cannot see what the objection can It opens the bowels, kills the cold Specialties: be to allowing women to have a germs and fever in the system, re­ JAEEN TURTLE-AMERICAN LOBSTERS-SOFT SHELL ORAB8 MASTERS HARDWARE CO. direct say in the government of tha lieves the headache and tones the and CHERRYSTONE OLAMS entire system. That's the treat­ colony, for assuredly they already DANCING FINE8T VINTAGEd Phone 1192 have a say indirectly, Our M.O.P.s ment you want. Qet Grove's Laxa­ tive BROMO QUININE today at 7404

^^0»-^m^m^w^ms^m^smmem^m^^m^iS^. Page 14 THE ROYAL GAZETTE ANP COLONIST DAILY, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933

I SALE w Raleigh Bicycles Victor Records New models have arrived with single and triple gears in Black and colours 10" double faced Red, and Black label at 1/- each 12" double faced Red, and Black label at 2/* each Our stock includes recordings of complete Concertos, Trios, Operas, etc, by Victor artists Thos. J. Wadson & Son

?256(}<]f.citp. WADSON'S 7461*Ifm.w.f.

Small furnished APARTMENT. Ap­ TODAY Classified ply J. Oritchley, Dial 1058 or 2206. NEW PERFECTION OIL STOVE 7460*m. j Moving Pictures: Advertisements COTTAGE fuUy furnished at St. Mat: "Penthouse," Eve: "Brief j Next time try the George's, near Swing Bridge. 2 Mo ment," "Penthouse," j bedrooms, 1 sitting- room with "Mummy," "King of Jazz." fire place, dining room, kitchen, * * * EMPLOYMENT bathroom (hot and cold water) Mechanics' Hall Theatre: " LOTUS and sun parlour, water front. Loved a Woman." OOLOURED GIRL for cooking and Apply Miss Hunter, Dial 9248. oo—— housework. Apply mornings to 7444tm.w.s. to 23-12-33. Cheriton Hill, Spanish Point. Shoe 7462*m."ei"to sl6. CUSTOMS HOUSE REAL ESTATE for Men FOR SALE COTTAGES Rates of Exchange FRIGIDAIRE and Short Wave Ca­ Rent and Sale binet Radio Cheap for cash. GERALD GRAT The following rates of ex­ 35/- Dial 1159. Room 5 change were In force at the 7398 w. ei. to tu!2. Fire and Marine Building Customs House on Saturday, 3-room Basement FLAT of cottage, Front Street (West) Dial 1169 Dec. 9th:— You won't regret it. Clarence Avenue. Apply Wm. 7254tf.«tp. TJ.S.A *5.15 Murphie. Wanted to purchase fiom 15 to 25 Oanada $5.09 In Black or Brown. 7428*s. ei to f 15. _ Acres on Longbird Island or Belgium 2* Furnished, five and nine room Southern part of St. David's Is­ France - 85 COTTAGES situated in South­ land, or near Bassett's Cave or Germany 14 ampton Parish, within two min­ George's Bay, Somerset. Reply Holland 8.22 Trimingham utes of the sea and Railway sta­ giving full particulars of proper­ Hong Kong .. 1/5 tion. Rents £4. 10. 0. and ties with prices to Box number Italy 63 Bros. £8. 10. 0. respectively. Apply Som­ 7446 Bermuda Press. Japan... . 1/2 ers Real Estate Agency. 7446tm. ei to s!6. 7441ts.m.tu. ^Odourless, Efficient, Economical s.th.tu. Solid Mahogany TEA TABLE. For Sale by All Dealers Smoke Shop. FOREIGN EXCHANGE 7450*m. HOUSES HOUSE facing Mangrove Bay, Som­ FOR RENT OR SALE WEST INDIA OIL COMPANY erset. Suitable for shop or resi­ Local Rates KL1M dence. Fine view. Apply Camp­ Properties for Sale DISTRIBUTORS bell, Gosling & Co. Powdered Milk 7463tm.tu.w. The following IF a copy of MRS. ROBINStt. the Bulletin displayed on Se turday at tbe local banks: Pure CAMPBELL, GOSLING * CO. FOR RENT flm 2M< Okie. "CirkrMk" TJ. S. DOLLARS Safe Buk «l Bn-Mla laiMuf Nourishing Buying at 9%dls $5.2747 WRITING TABLETS STORE lately occupied by Ber­ muda Dairy Company in West ruRNiSHED-AND-UNFURNI5HED Selling at 4J% dis. $5.0262 Easily Digested India Oil Company Building. Ruled and Unruled Apply A. W. BlucL, Didl 2395. CANADIAN DOLLARS 200 Pages The Best Milk for Babies7155ttu.eit p ^____ _ Cottages Buying at 8% dis $5.2174 APARTMENT in Somers Building. FOR. RENT OR SALE Immediately available. Apply LAND FOR SALE Selling at 3J%dis $4.9741 1/6 each ESTABLISHED I9H QUOTATIONS Cecil H. Neave, Victoria Block, HAND, ARNOLD, Ltd. Hamilton. AirA. GrvAJteJUfr New York Closed $5.1550 Agents 7001 £w. eitp. Montreal Closing $5.0850 London, 11.30 a.m $5.1525 ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER and Montieal Latest $5.09 The Bermuda Press, Ltd. CALE HILL. Cedar Avenue, also CHEF. Apply C. H. Masters, NCW WESTBUftY « New York Latest $5 1625 Apartment and Shop in Burnaby Imperial Hotel. RICHMOND ROAD Reid Street Building. Immediate posses­ 7427*s.m. (HON[ 1108 C"BLl TtUC&O sion. Dial 1688. -00- 7149fw.s. tp. METEOROLOGICAL NOTES Dec. 9th. [^z^^fez^^ Barometer— 8 oo a.m.. .1008.9 millibars "UNIFLOW" 2i.79 inches Pumps and Pressure Systems assure a smootbe even now 8.00 p.m.. .1008.1 millibars of fresh water and carry a guarantee of dependable service 29.77 inches WW Ho! wind— Pump only £15 0 0 8.00 a.m. w.s.w 6 mi. per hr. 42 gallon system complete £23 10 0 Noon,W. ... 4 ml. per br. 80 gallon system complete £25 10 0 8.00p.m., ... 4 ml. per hr. for an Evershar w SPECIAL Max. Temp for 24 hra __ 73° Min. Temp, for 24 hra 65' LADLY, if He could, would this Son of die Uniflow "GEM T" 42 gallon system, large enough for the average Rainfall for 24 hrs _ - 04 G Sea have exchanged his chesf of plunder fit family Sunshine for 24 hrs ...8hr 36 min. for a pair of smooth-writing F.vershatps. FOREIGN REPORTS CNowadays, even without chests of gold and e o jewels, anyone can have this modern per Hi £19.0.0 I • 00 and pencil. For you yourself, and for yc Fully automatic +> to give to your friends, Eversharp Pens ana* atlo n i j Date sa Ti 1 hour s j Pencils aw made in a wide range of styles, Dec. 9th a . S3 sizes and designs All bear evidence of the a* Q OB careful work of roaster-craftsmen in precious a oS ROBERT D. AITKEN • metal and in rubber. CGifts of tnese in*

j Wea t he i ft H struments are welcome gifts, to be used and Everything Electrical for the Home OANADA: cherished through years of useful service. Montreal ... —2 b .16 Bach passing year will bring added regard for Queen Street Dial 1127 Hamilton Ottawa ...... —8 b .10 die giver of this practical, beautiful writing Toronto equipment. Give EversharpsJ O.8.A.: Boated 34 c New York... 38 r trace Philadelphia. 40 r trace Atlantic City 40 r trace Washington.. 40 r .04 BERMUDA: H 8t. George's . 66 b .97 NOTE: b—blue sky, boKpartly cloudy, 3—cloudy, - o-—overcast, r—rain, p—passing showers, s— snow, f—fog, t—tracj, bf—blue sky and fog, rs—sleet, z—hazy. oo FOREIGN BONDS

The following quotations were furnished by the Canadian Press under date of December 8. Bonds—Canadian 4% Loan, 1953- 58, £104J; British 2\% Consols, £73- .3/8; Brifsh 3|% War Loan, £100J; British Funding 4's, 1950-90, £110|; Argentine Reclsion 4's, £89J; Aus- BUTTERFIELD & CO., Agents trin 6's, £103i; Brazil Funding 5's, 1914, £86; Chinese 4J's, 1898, £100; Telephone 2250-2045 French War £24}; German 7's, 7337
