IUIV- ,'*»*j" _•«»• Sunrise: 7.07 a.m.—Sunset! 6.13 p.m. LIghtlng-up time: 5.43 p.m. Bole of road: KEEP LEFT—PASS ON THE BIGHT INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (Established 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) HAMILTON. BERMUDA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1933 VOL. 18—NO. 294 3D PER COPY- *O/- P*R ANNUM BRITISH CHANCELLOR DOUBTFUL OF U. S. FISCAL POLICIES DIPLOMATIC CONVERSATIONS R.B.Y.C TO COMMISSION CHAMBERLAIN DOUBTFUL MCDERMOTT AND DE • THEY SAY • NEW BUILDING ON OF U. S. RECOVERY PLANS VALERA DISAGREE OVER ON LEAGUE AND SATURDAY REPUBLIC That the House is gradually getting Hopes For Their Success But towards night sessions. # 9 9 DISARMAMENT The Royal Bermuda Yacht DUBLIN, Dec. 8 (CP)—Frank Sees no Grounds For. Optimism McDermot, ona of the leaders of the That 2 p.m. was convenient when Club's new building on Albuoy'| members had very little to do Point will go into commission United Ireland Party, which com­ De Valera's Republic Still a Dreamland Product BIRMINGHAM, England, Dec. prises the unified opposition to the in business. on Saturday next, the 16th, *8 (CPj—Hopes and doubts about * * * at 12.00 noon, when His Excellency De Valera Government, tonight re­ the American monetary plans to That 4 p.m. suggests that tea should —Pan American Conference Considers Anti- the Governor will hoist the Club's jected tha President's demand for raise internal prices and lift the an Irish Republic . Sooner or later be served as members assemble. War Pact—Gaol Break Averted in Illinois Ensign. The flag pole which will nation from depression were ex­ be used on this occasion is a sub­ the destiny of Ireland is to be * * * pressed tod^y by Neville Chamber­ united, he declared in his speech, That it may also mean a prolonged —"America's Sweetheart" Sues For stitute for the flag pole which is lain, Chancellor of the Exchequer. being built for the Club, but the but to remain an equal partner in lunch hour for a privileged few. He also maintained in his speech the British Common wealth of * * * Divorce—Bennett Asks Inter­ large pole with yard and gaff can­ that peace cannot be achieved "by not be erected until the wharf has Nations. That cosmetics came in for the national Consciousness—U. S. throwing away our weapons while Meanwhile, the Free State Ex­ annual argument. been completed, which will give everybody else remains armed." sufficient ground to stay the pole. ecutive Council on Friday declared * * * Happy Over Billion Dollar He described as unfair competition the Young Ireland Association, That unemployment created quite Invitations for the hoisting of the quotas, special taxes and sub­ the Club's colours have been issued j unior branch of the United Ireland a debate. Loan—Spain Nears sidies "against our goods which are * • 9 to the Admiral, Capt. Walker and Party, to be an illegal organisation. not imposed upon goods from other Almost immediately, howevsr, That judging by the way some mon Revolution Capt. Blagrove and the officers countries." work, unemployment isn't con­ of the H.M.S. "Norfolk" have the Party and the Association is­ "We all hope that may succeed, sued a joint statement that mem­ fined to the men out of work. presented the Yacht Club with although I am bound to say they an electric light fixture for tbe maiji bers of the latter body would con­ NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA SEEN AS do not appear to [have achieved tinue to work for the fulfillment That ever since the saw for two men hall and a lantern for the vestibule much success," he stated regarding was invented labour has been leading from che hall to the ver­ of tneir aims. REFUGE FOR JEWS the Americans monetary operations. Blue shirts were worn by the leisurely here. andah. These fixtures are very "But in the meantine," the Chan­ * * # handsome, and have been mad«j organisation headed by General cellor added, "these constant fluc­ Eoin O'Duffy. Outlawed ai an That many advise the members REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENT especially for the Club. ANTI-WAR PACT BEFORE PAN tuations of the dollar,and constant armed menace to the Government, of the Womaft Suffrage Society AMERICAN CONFERENCE UNDER WAY IN SPAIN The Commodore hopes that all uncertainties add anxieties spread to make themselves "unpleasant,' members will be able to be present they then merged with the Cos- throughout the rest of the world grave Party and the Centre Party but few say how this is to be done. MADRID, Dec. 8 (CP)—The long on this occasion. MONTEVIDEO, Dec. 8. (CP)—A are bound of course, to shake con­ to form the United Ireland Party * * * expected revolutionary movement movement to have all members 00 fidence, and to slow down trade re- to fight De Valera. That others charge that individual sign the Saaverdra Lama's anti­ is apparently under way in Spain, "vlval." members of the society are un­ with many attempts to cripple Friday's ban was based on the pleasant. war pact, which six have already WOMEN WILLING TO PAY ——00 Public Safety Act, and came as a signed, was begun today in the international communications and * * * with open outbreaks in Barcelona. LEAGUE AND ARMS PARLEY sequel to raids on the home of peace committee of the Pan- THEIR TAXES O'Duffy and the Party headquar­ That as a matter of fact the chief American Conference. The extremists' action has been SUBJECTS OF DIPLOMATIC objection to woman suffrage is expected since last month's gen­ ters, when the police claimed they Court Cases Arise From found treasonable documents and the hatred of change, JOILET GAOL BREAK NIPPED eral election which turned the CONVERSATIONS ... government sharply to the right arms. IN THE BUD Misunderstanding . 00 That the grandiloquent warn and was scheduled to begin with Disarmament Paramount Issue is against changing the Institution. JOILET, 111.. Dec. <CP) — A the slashing of communication * • * desperate plot for a wholesale lines. ^An emphatic denial that they had OUR XMAS NUMBER any intention of refusing payment View of Great Britain That the same people wouldn't break of convicts from the State The service from Madrid to Lon­ mind changing the Constitution Penitentiary here, the scene of one of their taxes was made at Hamilton don and Paris was interrupted Police Court, on Saturday, by two LONDON, Dec. 8. (.CP)—The On Saturday next our Christmas as they wish. of the bloodiest riots in prison * + * when the international trunk lines women who appeared before the British Government would receive number will be published and will history, was frustrated on Friday were cut between the capital and with its usual consideration any again equal in size and circulation That Mussolini is to be asked to by the vigilance of the guards. Wor. A. C. Smith to answer sum­ Zaragoza. Other lines are heavily monses against them in respect of concrete and definite proposals our previous special numbors. Those reform the League of Nations. Six long-term incorrigible prisoners guarded to prevent actual isolation from official Italian Government desiring copies are urged to order ... were placed in solitary confinement taxes due to the Parish Vestry of of Catalonia. Troops opened fire sources regarding a re-organisation ahead as time prevents us printing That this modern Napoleon Could and the police rounded up a couple Southampton Parish. • on attackers and wounded several, of the League of Nations. However, an unlimited number. do it quite easily by disbanding of outsiders. In both cases the money had been bombs were thrown at a Govern­ it does not intend to take the Many excellent stories and poems it and running the world himself. The plot was described as un­ ment-owned building when the taken to Mr. L. White after sum­ monses had been issued but before initiative on the recent proposal have been sent in by local writers * * * usually cunning and centred extremists attacked a government of the Fascist Grand Council for a and we have been obliged to with­ That the American press is full of about smuggled pistols and knives, garage. they had been served, and M^^ White sought to recover the costs', j revamping of the international hold several on account of lack of interesting stories of the r*pe*i code telegrams and letters. The Premier Diego Martinez Barrios body, according to authoritative space. ol prohibition. climax was to have been a riot and The taxes may be sued for at any L declared a state of alarm through­ time except during December, but f sources. 00 .... as walkout with the guards as out Spain today following the Added evidence that the British That i* half were true America ia Bhields from gunfire. the cases arose through a mis­ death of twenty and the wounding understanding of a notice on the Government considers internation­ DAYLIGHT BURGLARY OF doing nothing but celebrate. cf hundreds in extremist revolut­ al disarmament the outstanding * * * MARY PICKFORD CHARGES back of the form issued by the HOUSE AT PROSPECT ionary disorders in the northeastern taxation authorities. problem is seen in a series of con­ That the crowning touch is the CRUELTY IN DIVORCE SUIT part of the country. Mrs. Dorcas Bassett stated that ferences at Downing Street. Arthur effort made to prove that pro­ * * * on the 29th of November she took Henderson, president of the Dis­ Police Detain Two Boys For hibition made a nation of drinkers LOS ANGELES, Cal., Dec. 8. (OP) armament Conference, returned DESPERATE RUM RUNNERS IN the 12/6 due as taxes to Mr. White. —Charging mental cruelty, indif­ Continued on Pkge 12 Questioning ference and neglect, Mary Pickford, HANDS OF FRENCH AUTH­ He refused to accept it and said Canadian film actress, long called ORITIES that she must pay the costs in­ oo ANNUAL PAPER CHASE CLUB "America's Sweetheart of the curred by the issuing of the sum­ WESTERN CONTINENT MUST About four o'clock on Friday af­ MEETING Screen," filed today a suit for ST.
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