THE YEAR 2020 IN REVIEW “Among us, who is above must be in service of the others. This doesn’t mean we have to wash each other’s feet every day, but we must help one another.” - POPE FRANCIS

HE IRONY OF OUR TIME IS THAT, WE FOCUS ON THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 Tand yet we are distracted with the many issues that seem to haunt our routinary schedule of life. Anxiety, frustration, and even hopelessness have crept in the viral ecology of human existence.

Are we not aware of Pope Francis’ warning in 2013, that, “… we can all be overly fearful. If we allow doubts and fears to dampen our courage, instead of being creative, we will remain comfortable and make no progress whatsoever. In this case, we will not take an active part in the historical processes, but become mere onlookers as the world (Church) gradually stagnate. (Evangelii Gaudium No. 129)

The 9th Annual Report of LASAC, with the theme, “Helping as One: Loving across borders”, presents the Archdiocesan Social Action response to the many unfortunate events that happened in the Province of in the year 2020— Eruption, COVID-19 pandemic, and the several typhoons in the last quarter of the year.

Recalling the experiences of 2020, and as we continue sailing in the ocean of fear due to the pandemic, Pope Francis reminds us, that “… when we realize we are in need of salvation and are not self-sufficient, then we turn to and hand Him our fears, He will conquer them. Because this is God’s strength: turning to the good everything that happens to us, even the bad things. He brings serenity into our storms, because with God, life never dies.” (cf. Homily on 27 March 2020)

I end this message thanking Rev. Fr. Jayson Siapco, the Director of LASAC, the staffs and all the kind-hearted people who until now make possible the prayer of Jesus, “that they may all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us to that the world will believe you sent me.” (Jn 17:21)

2 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | THE YEAR IN REVIEW 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | THE YEAR IN REVIEW 3 OR ALL OF US, THE YEAR 2020, THE YEAR OF FAITH FOR THE ARCHDIOCESE, Ftruly started with a bang! We have been met with so many unforeseen events: the phreatic eruption of Taal Volcano, displacing thousands upon thousands; the spread of disease caused by the pandemic, forcing everyone to stay at home; and the onslaught of strong typhoons, damaging further our disaster-stricken communities.

Despite the seemingly insurmountable challenges we encountered, we have witnessed your courage and devotion to steadfastly respond to the call of pagmamalasakit. Your constant support is a sure testament and witness for dialogue; for the exchange of life experiences towards harmony. Amid the hardships we all experience, you chose to heed the call of pagmamalasakit. You chose compassion over comfort! More than the gift you have shared, we believe that you are the gift! I wish to thank you most sincerely for the gift that you are, for the gift that you have been, and for the gift you will continue to become for our most in need brothers and sisters thrice affected by natural disasters, innumerable losses, and the COVID-19 pandemic.

In celebration of the local Church’s year of Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue, and Indigenous Peoples, we have experienced both giving and being gifted regardless of race and beliefs. We affirm that these are concrete manifestations of what it means to help as one and to love across borders. This conviction enables us to live, to embody, and to practice our collective aspiration towards social friendship: all of us are sisters and brothers of one loving Father; all of us indeed do belong to one another.

As we bid farewell to the year 2020, too swiftly but memorably passed, we cherish the stories and lessons stored in our heart of hearts. And while we grieve for the many losses and missed opportunities, we are consoled with the hope that does not disappoint: Jesus Himself, who is very much alive in our midst. In the course of browsing, skimming and “praying” through the pages of this report, may we come to contemplate in the faces and names of the people we have served and encountered, the irresistible charity of Jesus. He is the core and root of everything we do. And He urges us and inspires us towards His very example: to help as one, to love across borders.

2020 ANNUAL REPORT | THE YEAR IN REVIEW 3 Social Action: A Collective Response across Sectors

To His followers, the Lord does not send an answer. He sends the Holy Spirit. And the Spirit does not come bearing an agenda but comes like a fire. POPE FRANCIS


ndeed, these words from our Holy Father truly became prophetic. Catholic churches all over the country have joined fellow ILast year, the , along with our clergy and pastoral in providing much-needed disaster relief to people caught up in council coordinators have scheduled an orientation to set the course the eruption. Second collections in all Masses every Sunday were and direction concerning the pastoral life of the local Church: how to conducted nationwide to help the survivors of the disaster. reach more people, how to become of better service to the least, the lost and the last. It was set to happen on 13-15 January, unaware of Archbishop has then earlier appealed for aid to what awaits on the day preceding it. In the afternoon of 12 January augment our ongoing humanitarian operations. The Catholic ’ 2020, when the Taal Volcano had its steam-blast eruption, more than Conference of the (CBCP) called on each of the 450,000 persons residing within the danger zone fled their homes and to acts of charity and solidarity. These were met with timely and stayed in evacuation centers from 27 cities and towns in the province. outpouring kindness.


ur Aral Batangueño and native hymns speak of this treasure as Obeing at the very heart of the province. It is what gives added fertility to the soil of neighboring towns near Taal Lake. The Taal Volcano, hailed as the world’s smallest volcano, was historically one of the largest volcanos that have ever existed. The description in our Aral Batangueño fits its character best: “kilabot kung sumabog!” Over the years, its outer caldera has gradually deteriorated—but not its vigor.

Such strength of character is credited to the indomitable Batangueño spirit which, despite the struggles, tempests and “forging by fire”, remains strong, resolute and unconquerable.

When the Taal Volcano had its steam-blast eruption on the Sunday of January 12, we witnessed how the local residents within the 7-kilometer radius desperately run for their lives, stretching their capacities to the limit in order to carry with them their most cherished belongings, vulnerable children, old women and not surprisingly, beloved pets and animals. We saw and heard firsthand the inestimable anguish and desolation of survivors worsened by internal displacement, loss of livelihoods and totally wrecked shelters that once served as cradles for the families. Our survivors may not be talking about it explicitly, but their gazes are screaming out loud about the future of their children, the livelihood to support them, and the uncertainty as to where and how they would ever rebuild their lives again. Weeks later, after the recent downgrading of volcanic alert levels, many returned to their homes, except for the residents of San Nicolas and Talisay, portions of which are situated in the volcano island.


e were still far from recovery when another “small” and this were quarantined for almost three (3) months are overwhelmed, Wtime “unseen” element started making rounds in the province. along with our fellows working in the frontlines who were “locked The first case of local transmission of the coronavirus disease was down” in hospitals in the name of service. These plot twists in our detected mid-March, following an intense lockdown, forcing collective life story have called our attention to discern the relevance everyone to stay indoors, to stay home—sadly and tragically—even and impact of our socio-pastoral programs. Hence, the recent those without one. All the while, we were challenged anew to reach unfolding of events is to be seen as a game changer for it has radically out to men, women and children who were socio-economically changed and even renewed our commitment and solidarity with the battered by this pandemic. Daily wage earners—ambulant vendors, poor. public transport drivers, our vulnerable brothers and sisters, who

8 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | SMALL, “UNSEEN,” BUT EFFECTIVE GAME CHANGERS HANDS AND FEET OF PROVIDENCE In a time where lockdown and stay- at-home policies are the norm, there is a temptation to shrink from responsibility. But while many people retreat to the comforts of their private spaces, to their luxurious offices, successful pastoral leaders do the opposite.

arly this year, we were only thinking of Eways to respond should the dreaded massive earthquake in Metro , otherwise known as the Big One happen. Our most recent initiative [in preparation for this 7.2 magnitude killer earthquake] took place on 09 January 2020, barely three (3) days before the steam-blast eruption happened. It was at the National and of St. Padre Pio in Sto. Tomas, Batangas where we trained an approximate 2,000 strong psychological first aid providers. We have exerted significant efforts in capacitating our stakeholders and volunteers present and actively serving in every parish—without any hint or inkling that this is how God intended to prepare us. True enough, His Hands and Feet of providence, even if wounded, have reached out and stretched forth to those who need them most— through you, through yours!



art of LASAC’s commitment to strong financial stewardship and Ptransparency, the Commission annually issues a treasury report prepared by the Finance Officer in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Figure 1 shows six (6) different categories, representing the Commission’s primary fund sources, namely: our across the archdiocese, business firms and related institutions, our social enterprises and special donations, our schools, generous individuals, and in-kind donations. It presents the total amount of donations, having increased by four (4) times as compared to the previous year. Most of the donations were intended for our humanitarian response, to augment and provide for the needs of Taal Volcano survivors.

For the year 2020, LASAC utilized a total of Php 60,469,637.20 where PHP 56,534,689.57 (which accounts for 93%) were used for the direct provision 2020 EXPENSES of programs and services, majority of which (86%) were relegated for the humanitarian response in view of Taal Volcano Eruption (sic. Malasakit Para sa Batangas), whilst Php 3,934,947.63 which accounts for seven per cent (7%) of the total expenditures were utilized for support services and administrative costs to support our programmatic undertakings for the calendar year.

From these figures, the Commission is at its best position to continually sustain its way of pagmamalasakit across the province and beyond, especially in terms of effective and efficient administration of social welfare and development programs. With the increased trend of donations, the Commission has utilized funds while persistently striking the balance between being needs-based in approach, charity-driven in character, and community-centered at its core. However, the Commission is also exposed to various risks of loss such as damage to, and destruction of assets that stem from natural hazards and disasters. To manage these risks, the Commission must employ commercial insurance with various self-insured retentions.


espite so many contingencies affecting our advocacies Dand campaigns, the social service arm of the Archdiocese pressed on with her mandate. Our programs and services have been relentless in reaching out to the peripheries: facilitating access to healthcare, educating communities, building stronger organizations, strengthening mechanisms for affordable housing, and efficiently responding in all phases of emergencies.

4 10 EMPLOYEES PASTORAL WORKERS rewarded for their commitment hired for the efficient adminis- to the social action apostolate tration of social services

6,272 502 FAMILIES CHILDREN SCHOLARS received Assistance Package sustained in attending school

3,107 102 FRONTLINERS TOP PERFORMING received Food Assistance SCHOLARS

34,881 370 INDIVIDUALS SCHOLARS served Tubig Batangan Food Security Assistance

14 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | HANDS AND FEET OF PROVIDENCE 1,434 35 STUDENTS PARTICIPATING PARISHES received Educational Materials sustained in attending school 50 PHP 180,000 PWD'S by Catholic Women's League given Food Security for the Scholarship Program Assistance

528 365/367 PASTORAL WORKERS HOMEOWNERS signed contract in VSJ Home- trained via teleconferences ownership Legitimacy Campaign

595 15 POOR FAMILIES OUT OF SCHOOL YOUTH served during the celebration of in Villa San Jose Enrolled in the 4th World Day of the Poor Alternative Learning System 187 3,707 PARTICIPATING FAMILIES VOLUNTEERS in Family and Communal Rela- mobilized tionship Strengthening Session PHP 267,990 PHP 65,000 FUNDS FUNDS mobilized and raised from our mobilized and raised for the Kaibigan ng Social Action ng Lipa Episcopal Charities

2020 ANNUAL REPORT | HANDS AND FEET OF PROVIDENCE 15 9 53 INDIVIDUALS TRAINING SESSIONS from the Province of Capiz with Rotary Club on Sustainable were given hot meals, health Livelihood Program for Women and hygiene support

274 SEVERELY 31 SCHOOLS AFFECTED FAMILIES ASSISTED WITH PHP 633,380 awarded with core housing worth of food and units through voucher system refreshments

125,405 FAMILIES 16 AFFECTED BY TAAL VOLCANO ERUPTION PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS given food security assistance and MOBILIZED WITH PHP 474,860 access to water, sanitation and hygiene worth of in-service hours

352 FAMILIES 2,432 2,076 PERSONS FAMILIES given access to sanitation given food security and facilities and latrines WASH assistance

PHP 1,003,486.50 12,160 SEVERLY raised in support to the campaign AFFECTED PERSONS against the culture of wastage: served in response to Typhoon "Stop Wasting, Start Giving" Rolly, Quinta, and Ulysses


“ Gusto po namin ng aking mga anak ay hindi lang kami nakadepende sa tulong. Kaya nagsisikap po kami.

eet Aling Tess, 53 years old, isa mga survivors ng aking mga anak ay hindi lang kami nakadepende sa Mnang sumabog ang bulkang Taal. Siya ay isang tulong. Kaya nagsisikap po kami.” balo. Kasalukuyan siyang nanunuluyan, kasama ang kanyang pamilya sa isang makeshift na evacuation Dalawa sa sampu niyang mga anak ay nakatakda nang center sa Barangay Tumaway ng Talisay. Hindi niya magtapos ng kolehiyo sa darating na school year, ngunit halos mapigilan na mapaiyak noong makatanggap ng dahilan sa pandemya, nahihirapan silang kumita, kaya ayuda mula sa LASAC at maka-usap ang ilang mga mas doble kayod ang mag-anak. Bukod sa loading staff na naroroon, lalo na at magpipitong buwan na station, sinusubukan din nila ang online selling ng mga silang mga “bakwit”. cosmetics at accessories.

“Lubos po ang aming pasasalamat sa inyong lahat lalo “Kaya itong bigay po ninyong ayuda sa amin, sa na sa Simbahan, sa Coke, at sa Caritas Pilipinas, kahit pagkakadaming are ay tunay kaming makakatipid. may pandemics po hindi ninyo kami kinalimutan. May pangkain na po kami higit isang Linggo sa Napakalaking bagay po ito pong mga bigay ninyo dami po nare,” dagdag ni Aling Tess. Balak niyang lalo na ang mga masks at face shield kasi sa totoo po, ipandagdag sa puhunan ang natipid na pera kaya lubos siksikan po kami at dikit-dikit dito sa evacuation.” ang pasasalamat niya at ng kanyang mga kaanak.

Sa kabila ng pagiging uncertain ng hinaharap, nagagawa Ang maikling kwento ni Aling Tess ay isang patunay pa rin ni Aling Tess na maging positibo ang pagtingin na habang may pag-asa at patuloy ang pasusumikap, sa buhay. Mayroon siyang munting loading station posible ang pagbangon at ito’y lubos nilang natatanaw. bilang pandagdag kita sa araw-araw. “Gusto po namin


“ We learned to be hopeful to God’s plan and grateful to His blessings.

n 12 January 2020, earthquakes occurred in many “I cried not just because we lose our house but to the Oparts of Batangas. Just like all Batangueños, Mrs. thought of what will happen to my children. We are not Rashel Atamosa with her five little children believed secured, we are now homeless, and we have nothing.” that it’s a normal phenomenon. All the residents of Brgy. Buso- buso, Laurel, Batangas where the family October 2020, a great blessing from the Lord came. resides evacuated when the Taal Volcano exhibited LASAC team interviewed and selected their family massive release of ash and smoke. Loud thunders and as one of the Shelter Assistance beneficiary of Caritas flashes of lightning filled the dark sky. Norge. “I am beyond grateful. I instantly uttered words of gratitude to God upon receiving the good news. I “We immediately packed our clothes and hold my relentlessly thank LASAC staff and Caritas Norge each young children’s hand. We were crying but still have the time they visited me.” strength to walk for our safety. My children were crying and complaining that they’re tired and it really broke Their humble home were established and officially my heart to see the struggles of my children during the turned- over to them last November 28, 2020. “We eruption, but this not stop us because God never stop just not have received a house but also, life lessons that to save us.” Rashel said. strengthen our relationship and faith with God and with each other. We learned to be hopeful to God’s Through kind persons which gave them a ride, they plan and grateful to His blessings. My husband came reached the evacuation center. Rashel’s husband by back home and we are now prepared to face future that time, was in Saudi Arabia as the breadwinner of challenges together, as a family.” the family. Truly, she is a brave mother. After a month, they returned to their house only to find out that it was totally damaged by the disaster.


“ Basta kasama ang Diyos sa lahat ng iyong ginagawa at bukal sa kalooban ang pagtulong, lahat ay mapagtatagumpayan.

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. (Hebrews 13:2)

he eruption of Taal Volcano became a window for people to show bata. Nag-umpisa ang lahat na sa karton matutulog hanggang sa mga may nagbigay Thow they could help others who are in most need. Aside from the na ng banig para matulugan. Sa paglipas ng araw, dumadami na din ang tumutulong Evacuation Centers, a lot of the people affected were welcomed into kaya unti unting nakakaahon. the homes of their fellow Batanguenos. One of these homes were of Ms. Rachel Belando and her family who welcomed 34 families or 101 Kahit na naging mahirap ay masaya pa din ang aking karanasan. Nakakataba ng puso individuals. Let us hear her story of volunteerism and sacrifice. kahit na pagod lalo na kapag may mga nakakausap akong tao na gustong tumulong. Madami akong natutunan sa karanasan kong ito. Unang una, nakita ko ang hirap ng “Ako kasi ay isang Talisenyo din. Ang mother side ko ay taga-doon at pagiging isang evacuee pero naranasan ko din na mas mahirap maging volunteer. doon din ako pinanganak. Ang mga tumuloy sa amin nung panahon Natutunan ko na hindi imposibleng makatulong sa ibang tao basta gugustuhin mo. na iyon ay mga kamag-anak ko din sa mother's side. Kaso kaya sila dumami ay dahil sa pamilya ng pamilya namin. Ang mga tito ko Honestly, dumating ako sa punto na susuko na ako. Kasi nakalimutan ko na ang ay may mga byenan at hipag na kasamang nag-evacuate sa aming salitang kain at upo. Pagkagising ko kasi sa umaga ay kailangan asikasuhin ang mga tahanan kaya umabot ng 34 na pamilya ang aming nakasama. Sa sunod sunod na mabubuting taong gusto din magabot ng tulong. Sa kadahilanang simula, naging mahirap ang sitwasyon dahil madami sila. yun, nakakalimutan kong nang umupo at kumain pero kapag nakikita ko ang ngiti ng mga nakitira sa amin, nawawala ang pagod ko. Masarap makatulong, maliit man o Unang una, hindi namin alam kung paano ang budget sa pagkain dahil malaki ang aming naging paraan. Basta kasama ang Diyos sa lahat ng iyong ginagawa dumating din sila ng walang wala. Kailangan namin magsakripisyo at bukal sa kalooban ang pagtulong, lahat ay mapagtatagumpayan.” upang mapunan ang kanilang mga pangangailangan sa buong linggo habang wala pang mga dumadating na donasyon. Kinailangan din Rachel and her family are just one of the many other families who opened their home namin mag-adjust at matulog sa lapag gamit ang sapin na karton para to those who were affected. May this story teach us to be more generous in ways that ibigay ang aming kama sa mga mas nangangailangan, lalo na sa mga bring us out of our comfort for us to see a different side to every story.

20 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | ADVANCING DESPITE ADVERSITY SOMETHING MORE From the onslaught of Taal Volcano's wrath, to the miniscule, unseen but deadly COVID-19, our Administrative and Communications Team has been relentless in providing technical support for our AND SOMETHING NEW collective pastoral care rendered towards stakeholders and project partners. Despite the restrictive quarantines we have endured, our support services demonstrated unhampered commitment in ensuring that information technology is at the service of mainstreaming the good, veracity and beauty of everything we do. As a sign of this commitment, our Malasakit Para Sa Batangas humanitarian response had been recognized as the Outstanding Social Media Program by the Batangas Brand Summit & Awards.









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We could never thank you enough, dear volunteers!


From Volunteering to Working “full-time” for LASAC A Testimonial from LASAC Human Resource Officer Ms. Vina Abigail S. Salcedo

hen the Taal Volcano erupted, I immediately looked for a volunteering Wopportunity. Little did I know that it will lead me to my dream job. I did not know about LASAC back then. It was through God’s wonderful plan that I was later on hired as an HR Officer of the Commission. I was amazed upon knowing it was a 3-in-1 blessing in which I have a right-paying job, a chance to help other people, and a doorway to be closer to God. I did not know what was waiting for me until Fr.Jazz told me that I will be in charge of the volunteer program. It was exciting and challenging at the same time.

Volunteers are selfless people who simply want to spend their time on meaningful activities. The purity of intentions, the eagerness to do something for the benefit of others, and the fulfillment to be part of a bigger purpose are some of the many things I learn from them. Working with them reminds me of how simply I want to live my life- to help others.

Being in this position is both a privilege and a responsibility. The initiative begins from them but to to keep them motivated and committed to serve with a heart and by the heart is immensely on my part.

The fact that I have to deal with different groups of people from time to time is also something that I never imagined that I can do. Being an introvert, this is totally out of my comfort zone. Yet once again, God proved me that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

2020 ANNUAL REPORT | MINISTERS OF PRESENCE 25 tell us the same story of devastation outside of our small compound. That FROM VOLUNTEERS news forced us to flee, my eyes forced open to finally see the devastating TO EMPLOYEES aftermath of what had happened. We were very lucky still as compared to those who were nearer the volcano island.

One Sunny Day Reading messages from social media that my friends too were in peril, I couldn’t help to ask myself of what I could possibly do knowing that we Leads to Another too were affected. Many families were displaced, and we are among them. I A story written by a volunteer-turned-employee of LASAC answered a call for volunteers from a friend whom I can never turn down. Mr. Victor Corre, IT Support Officer One call led to another, and eventually I found myself inside a car of a classmate holding a big pot of lugaw. We were off to a fire station in Tanauan City hoping that the pot of lugaw that we carry with us would be able to feed the hungry stomachs of the fire fighters whom at that time were the first responders to help evacuate the citizens from Talisay, Batangas. Expecting hungry fire fighters, we were surprised. Instead of rescuers, we found three ne sunny Sunday afternoon, my (3) families occupying the fire station. The place was teeming with children Ocousins and I went out for a stroll. We and their parents all marred by mud with streaks of desperation looming happened to have noticed a large formation in their faces. I never knew that Malasakit, literally malas and sakit has of clouds westward. It was mushroom- happened right in front of my eyes. like. At first I was not alarmed as I was fascinated, I thought it was just a normal We were about to serve the piping hot lugaw to the tired fire fighters trying cloud formation. On my second look to regain their strength, but instead of gobbling them up, the same fire however, I realized it was a kind of steam fighters selflessly served the children around the area instead. Only after coming out from Taal Volcano. I said to each evacuee had their fill did the fire fighters took their share. Tired yet myself, nevermind, as I thought it would subside naturally. Little did I know selfless. It was as if they were telling us that everyone is important and that that it would be an event I never imagined would ever happen in my lifetime. no one should be left behind. It was as if they were telling that, tired as we were at the time, it is better for others to be first, to assure everyone has Taal Volcano erupted on that same sunny day I saw the gigantic clouds, or enough food to eat. It was a beautiful encounter. rather, steam. Little did I know once more that this is an eruption that would spark a love-driven experience in my life… malasakit! The fire fighters eventually did more than just putting out fire or rescuing people. They lit a fire inside of me to do more, to share more, and to care Earthquakes with short intervals swarmed our house during night of that a little bit more. Days had passed, I received another call from one of our same day in Mabini, Tanauan City, Batangas. Still feeling a bit complacent, elders in . We were called to do volunteer work LASAC. my family did not budge morning of the next day, only to find an inch deep of That was the first time I have ever heard of the name. For me, well, it would ash all over the place. To my eyes it was just a natural consequence of a mere be another opportunity to help the needy. Only to find out that it was me. steaming volcano. Then it hit me. News from every credible news agencies At that time, I was unemployed. I was using my savings to do volunteer

26 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | MINISTERS OF PRESENCE work. Nevertheless, I gave a nervous but willing “yes” to the call and off It was during that same week when I prayed when the announcement was I went to LASAC. I was assigned to help with Information dissemination made: LASAC is hiring! I never thought it was a coincidence. It was the Lord’s using social media. Little did I know that I was entering a door to see the answer, I told myself. But knowing the enormity of demands along with the world and live with a different perspective. minimum qualification standards, I hesitated. So I asked one of the employees of LASAC, Sir Renbrandt, if whether I must apply or if he considers me to be I entered LASAC as a volunteer, bringing with me the little that I know qualified for the position. And with a grin on his face, he told me: “The Lord I have. I was not somebody. I was not too confident of myself, of what I qualifies those who are called.” These were the words that was said to me. And can contribute; yet I was given the opportunity to help people; to help the these were the words I kept reminding myself. organization. I met people who share the same desire to serve, but who are on a different league, something much higher. A few prayers and a lot of tears later, the Lord answered my prayer. LASAC hired me as an ICT Support Specialist. February 14, 2020. A valentine gift I was able to meet people whose intensity and passion to help the poor far I will never ever forget. It is when the Lord compressed and integrated my exceeds my comprehension and expectation. People that you only see and dreams to help others and help my family. He fused them as one. hear from T.V. (not that they are celebrities). These are people of malasakit who resembles the image in my heart, showing what it means to how one One sunny day, the Taal Volcano erupted, led to another sunny day for me to can truly make sacrifices for the greater good, leaving family behind for continue serving the poor. the sake of one’s duty, for the sake of the needy. I was able to meet people who were brilliant in all ways but possess a very big heart to help those who P.S. (On that same day of my hire date, 14 February 2020, Taal Volcano was needs help, even if they are in themselves needy in some way. downgraded to Alert Level 2).

Weeks went on instantly. This time, still a volunteer, I was asked to monitor the status of Taal Volcano on a daily basis. I had to report everyday as I did. Then it hit me once more. I was running out of resources. The last drops of my allowance are waving. Still, I reported anyway. That burning desire from within was too strong to be tamed despite the fact that, I know, I won’t be able to last long.

Each day at the command center, a is held at around 11:00am. And during the consecration, where the Host would be lifted-up on high, I would say a prayer to Jesus. I would ask Him to help me with my resources, with my financial standing. I prayed, and I even cried, telling the Lord to keep the fire burning inside me; to help me financially, to enable me to provide for my family, as I am the only child. Each day during every Mass I pray. I trusted. And I was never denied the grace.


NagmamaLASACkit na Volunteer by day, “bakwit” ng Maria Paz by night The Story of Ms. Reinalee Hazel D. Guzman LASAC Program Officer

his is the story of Ms. Reinalee, one of our Program Officers at LASAC. THer family was displaced by the eruption of Taal Volcano last 12 January 2020. Prior to her fulltime employment, she started as a volunteer. Yet, what makes her story special is that along with her desire to help, she, along with her family, were internally displaced persons as well. Despite the difficulty of their situation, she did not hesitate to offer herself in service of others. “Maraming hadlang. Yung kalayuan. Yung pagod araw-araw. Pero sa kabila She was also inspired, having witnessed in several occasions, the ng pagpapagal, may kasiyahan. Kaya kahit challenging yung role, at bakwit pa unwavering generosity and selflessness of her co-volunteers. “Nakakahawa rin nga, gumagaan at gusto mong balik-balikan.” She even added, “pagkatapos ang malasakit. Hindi mo napapansin yung mga oras at araw na dumaraan makapahinga ng kaunti, babalik sa command center para magpagod at dahil sa paglilingkod at pagvovolunteer, doon din nabuo ang masayang maglingkod.” Reinalee has been assigned in the releasing and monitoring of pagkakaibigan at samahan.” food and non-food assistance for families severely affected by the disaster. After a month of volunteering, a plantilla position was made available, and providentially, Reinalee considered filing an application, albeit, with a bit of hesitation. “Noong una, medyo nag-aalangan ako kasi mayroon din opportunity sa akin para magtrabaho sa Dubai. Lahat ready na. Planado na lahat pati ang pag-alis ko. Pero mas matindi at mas nanaig ang plano ng Diyos.” She described how extraordinary was the turnout of events. She felt that this job, this present job she now holds for more than a year is able to bring her closer to God and to her kapwa.

“I am happy helping people. I am happy to serve. And I will never cease to be amazed because of this greatest love God has in store for me; for others.”




DIOCESES Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady San Antonio de Padua Parish Cainta Catholic College San Guillermo Academy Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia of Loreto Parish Kaylaway, Nasugbu Canossa Academy Batch'2004 School of the Holy Spirit Archdiocese of Davao Diocesan Shrine and Parish of San Bartolome Parish Canossa Academy Lipa SG Officers and Lumbang Intergrated of Ballarat Our Lady Aranzazu San Isidro Parish-San Luis Batangas Confederation of Major Seminarians National High School Diocese of Malolos-Vicariate of Baliwag Diocese of Naval San Jose Esposo De Maria Parish and Graduate School of Theology St. Joseph College of Rosario Batangas Diocese of Alaminos San Jose Manggagawa Parish Holy Cross College St. James Academy Malabon City Diocese of Antique PARISHES San Parish-Taysan Institute of the Incarnate St. Parochial School Diocese of Butuan Immaculate Conception Parish - Balayan San Pablo Parish Institute of the Incarnate Word St. Francis Academy-Mabini Diocese of Cebu National Shrine of St. Joseph San Pascual Baylon Parish Miriam College Sta. Cecilia Parochial School Diocese of Cubao Vicariate of San Miguel San Raphael Parish-Calaca Batangas The Mabini Academy UP Diliman-Miguel Villena Diocese of Dumaguete St. Isidore Labrador Parish San Sebastian Lipa University of Assumption Wadeford School Diocese of Ilagan Mary the Queen Parish San Vicente Ferrer Parish Assumption College- City Xavier School Diocese of Ipil Our Lady Of Grace Parish Servants of the Lord Prayer Group Ateneo De Manila Escuela Sagrada Diocese of Libmanan Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Parish of St.Dorotheas Parish Binangonan Catholic College Golden Gate Colleges Diocese of Parañaque St. Lodovico Pavoni Parish Bolbok National High School-Batch 2011 Hollistic Academy Diocese of San Fernando Sto. Niño Parish Youth Ministry St. Alphonsus De Ligouri Parish Canossa Academy BUSINESS FIRMS Diocese of San Jose St. John Evangelist Parish-Lian Batangas St. Andrew the Apostle Canossa Lipa Batch 1989 AND ORGANIZATIONS Diocese of Tagbilaran Cathedral St. Anthony of Padua-Bolbok Colegio De San Clemente Diocese of Tarlac Immaculate Conception Parish St. Francis of Paola Parish Colegio San Agustin BCBP - Lipa Chapter Diocese of Malolos Bugtong Chapel Mabini, Batangas Colegio San Juan De Letran Edwin Molina Slippers Stores and FMOSS Archdiocese of Nueva Caceres Cathedral Shrine and Parish St. John Evangelist Parish - Tanauan De La Salle Greenhills Bank Lucena Diocesan Social Action Center of St. Joseph St. Joseph the Workman Parish De La Salle University Ministry of Familly and Life Malolos Diocese Social Action Center, Inc. Holy Family Church St. Paul the Apostle Parish De La Salle Zobel Filipino Council of Archdiocese Roman Catholic Archdiocese Holy Family Parish-Alupay, Rosario St. Therese of Child Jesus Parish De La Salle Lipa of Baltimore of Tuguegarao Holy Parish Talisay Lipa Don Bosco School-Sta. Mesa Social Action Center Diocese Roman Catholic of Malolos, Inc. Immaculate Conception Parish St. Clare of Assisi Parish Fatima School-Mabini of Legazpi, Inc. Roman Catholic Bishop of Benguet Immculate Conception-Malvar St. John the Baptist Parish Holy Spirit Academy of Malolos Social Action Center of Zambales The Roman Catholic Invencion Dela Sta.Cruz Parish Pola Oriental Mindoro Immaculate Mother School ACTS Catholic Bishop of Tagbilaran Jesus Lord Parish St. Joseph Chapel- Talisay Lipa City Institute of Formation ACWL Lipa WAF Archdiocese of Lipa Mary Mediatrix of All Grace Parish Proposed Parish of St. Joseph Inusluban Integrated National High School AIG Shared Services Archdiocesan Tarcisan Minor Basilica of the St. Mary Euphrasia Parish Joseph Marello Institute Alaminos Retired Teachers Association Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan Most Holy Parish-Padre Garcia Sta. Clara Parish La Consolacion College-Daet ALASKA Milk Corporation Commission on Family Life, Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Sto. Niño De Taguig Parish La Consolacion College of Tanauan Alliance of Philippine Community Org Diocese of Malolos Our Lady of Perpetual Help Sto. Niño Parish- Pandacan Manila La Salle-Alumni Amazing Zhel Catering Diocesan Shrine of St. Therese and Nativity of the Lord Parish Sto. Niño Parish- Pinagtong-Olan Letran Calamba AMRSP Diocese of Antipolo Our Lady of Pillar Parish Sto. Domingo De Silos Parish Lipa City Senior High School Ang Ligaya ng Panginoon Diocese of Balanga Our Lady of Sorrow Parish Sto. Niño Parish- Marawouy Malate Catholic School and Apostolate Vicariate Calapan Youth Diocese of Boac Our Lady of the Assumption Parish Sto. Rosario Parish Ermita Catholic School Ministry Diocese of Daet Our Lady of Prompt Succor Parish The Visitation of the Blesssed Virgin Mary, Catholic School Apostolic Nunciature Diocese of Iba, Zambales Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Payapa, Lemery, Batangas Mary Help of Christians School, Inc. Apostolic Vicariate of Calapan-Oriental Diocese of Kalookan Agoncillo Batangas St. Isidore Labrador Parish Montessori School of Malolos Mindoro Diocese of Malolos National Shrine of Padre Pio St. Therese of Child Jesus Parish, Mount Carmel College of Baler Apostolic Vicariate of Jolo Diocese of Nueva Ecija Parish of Sto. Cristo Sta. Teresita, Batangas NNHS Batch'83 ARWAL Diocese of Pasig Parish of the Most Holy Trinity St. James the Greater Parish-Ibaan Our Lady of Fatima Avon San Carlos Negros Occidental Diocese of San Pablo Presentation of the Child Jesus Parish San Isidro Labrador Parish-Cuenca Our Lady of Mercy Academy Bacoor Cavite Diocese of Tagbilaran Queen of Peace Parish San Juan Nepomuceno Parish Paref Woodrose School Bahay ng Diyos Foundation, Inc. Diocese of Novaliches Redemptorist Lipa Standard Academy Bakhita-Canossa Foundation, Inc. The Roman Bishop of Tagbilaran Saint Clare Kaizuka Parish SCHOOLS S.SP.S Sister's Community of Holy Spirit Bantay Bulkan Taal at The Roman Catholic Prelature San Agustin Parish Manila Archdiocesan Catholic School of Cainta Lawa People Organization of Isabela de Basilan San Andres Parish & Parochial Schools Association St. Jude Catholic School Batangas Association of Hampton Roads

32 2020 ANNUAL REPORT | OUR COLLABORATORS Batangas City Sto. Niño Devotees CWL Vicariate of NSDA Marikina Valley Council Philippine Orthopedic Center Caritas Manila, Inc. Association CWL Calaca - Philippine Society for Development CBCP Caritas Manila Filipinas Batangas Public School and Employees CWL Rosario Batangas Our Lady of Pillar Council and Behavior Foundation, Inc. - NASSA Credit Coop CWL Vicariate of Meycawayan LADECO Philtimes, Philmount, Cashcare, Roman Catholic Batch '62 Siony CWL Vicariate of Plaridel LandBank of the Philippines Centum Credit Dios Marketing Batch '72 LBSF D & V Philippines LARCOM PLDT Mountaineering Building and Divine Mercy BCBP Lipa Chapter Dark Knight Rider Domingo, Laurie Outdoors, Club Lourdes School Break the Silence National Network, Inc. Daughters of Mary Immaculate Kitchen Lasarus PNB- Main Office of Foundation, Inc. Barangay III Lipa City Infant Jesus Circle LGU San Juan Pondo ng Pinoy National Batangas Medical Center Brotherhood of Christian Bussinessmen Daughters of Mary Immaculate Ligaya ng Panginoon Management Office AA's and Treasure Hunt and Professionals Bauan Circle Lingap Pangarap PPCRV National Barangay Bangbang BSU lipa Batch' 2019 De Luna Construction Apostolado ng Panalangin- Prelature of Infanta Student Body Organization Bukas Loob sa Diyos Del Monte Foundation, Inc. Lipa Cathedral Pro Life Philippines Camella Liturgy Community Del Monte Philippines, Inc. Lipa Dent Digital X-Ray Center Project Diamond FOREIGN AIDS Camillian's CBCP DJJ Poultry and Piggery Farm Little Brothers of Jesus PSABE Southern Mindanao Chapter Lumiled Pinoy Group SG Canyon Woods Dominican Sisters of Rosarii Lord of the Black Nazarene Foundation Pure Gold 360 World Tours, Inc. Capiz Archdiocesan Eco Warriors Mapre Insurance PYM Cathedral Association of Calambeños Social Action Commission Emergency Response Integration Center Matsufor Link Inc. Pogs Mercado, Questronix Corporation of Southern California Capuchin Retreat Center EKTAS Marketing Corporation Joshua Halili, Adrian Radio Veritas and Veritas Printing Press Celestica International LP Market Caritas Kalookan, Inc. ERAM Trading Mega Curtains RAF Express CFC-ANCOP Canada Caritas Caceres Naga, Inc. Filipinas Dravo Corporation MENARINE Sunny View Hotel CFC ANCOP Global Foundation, Inc. Caritas Novaliches Filipino Catholic Chaplaincy MGM Industry,Co. Sunrise Scurity Services, Inc. DMI International Caritas Nueva Segovia First Vita Plus Microsoucing Philippines,Inc. SWISS Con- Federasyon Family of Praise Edmonthon, Caritas Pasig FMOSS-Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Minim of St. Francis of Paola Tangent Solution Alberta Canada Cathedral YMO FMOSS-OSAG and ORRMS Ministry on Liturgy-Lipa City Tawi Group of Companies Filipino American Group of St. Catherine Catholic Institutional Association Fomaply Industires, Inc. Misioneros Servidores de la Palabra Techfactors and TFI Employees, Inc. Filipino Chaplaincy of Padua Italy of the Phillipines Gardenia Factory Missionary Catechist of the Sacred Heart Theotokos Prayer Mission Filipino Community in Sydney, Australia Catholic Womens League Philippines , Inc. Gathering of Filipino Groups Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Fatima Torus Export International Elevator and Equipment, Inc. CBCP-CFFI and Communities Monfort Foundation, Inc. Tulungan sa Taal Network International Service Corps. Of CBCP-The Camillian Fathers ICN.Acts GBA-LSQC Mother Ignacia National Social Ultimate Care Megaventures Corporation Shallem, Lolit Catholic Com. Gentlemen's Basketball Association Apostolate Center UNILAB -Manila Nolie Dame De Vie Institute, Inc. CCTV Solutions GLPI Foundation and Mother of Life Center United Bulacan Resettlement North Wood Village CFC Central B Kamotes Friends Mother of Life Novaliches Relocation Leaders Association OFW Dubai CFC Nueva Ecija GreenCare Trading and Services Mother Seton Hospital VAX Plus Corporation OSLSS FILCOM SINGAPORE Chinese Catholic Students Association Guardians Republican International, Inc. Mount Carmel Montessori Center Vicariate One Seminarians Organization PCFM Catholic Center Diocese Of Macau of the Philippines Guevert Insurance Broker Corp. Municipality of Sta. Ana, Pampanga Villa De Lipa Subdivision Phil-Am Vergenia French and Supporters Chinese Community of Naga City Holy Trinity Church National Sandigan Foundation Winkon Philippines Philippine Pediatric Society in America Coca-Cola Exports Employee Cooperative Filipino-American Ministry Natures Village Resort YAMAHA Pru Life UK-Radiance Quartz Coca-Cola Lipa HONDA Lipa NHA Church Community YFC Balabag PWC PH RA Alumni-Dublin Chapter Colchester Catholic Filipino Community IGRAM Optical Shop NVC Foundation, Inc. Youth Clergy of the Diocese of Daet SVD Spain Commission on Family Life IHEAP Society OAMPI, INC. Youth for Christ Lipa World Apostolate of Fatima Commission on Health Care Jezelle Quintana Organization Open Access-BPO Zillion Life of the Philippines Companions of the Redeemer K of C Luzon North Jurisdiction, Inc. Our Mother of Perpetual Help, Apostolado ng Panalangin Filipino Community -Ghala Parish Congregation of the Sisiter's of Charity Inc. Kabalikat Federation-San Juan Bel Air Balakilong Cooperative Sultanate of Oman CONVERGE-Lipa Kawanis Club of Manila Bay Paco Soriano Pandacan Jing and Ricky Binalot sa Dahon Fukuchiyama Couples for Christ KINPO-Lima Development Cooperative Mikaela Trading Supply Our Lady of Mercy Parish-USA Crestech Philippines , Inc. KISSTON Pag-Ibig Fund Filipino Catholic Communities CWL Batangas City-Unit Kitchen Mambobola PAO-SACS Filipino Community of Catholic Special thanks to those individuals who CWL Diosece of Lucena Knights of Columbus PDDM MeguroChurch extended their malasakit. CWL San Sebastian Knights of Columbus- Philippine Food Bank, Inc. Filipino of Community Corpus Christi