Tiadio Times, Navembor 4, 1927. Bonuthern Balen, PROGRAMMES FOR ARMISTICE DAY(See pages 264-265 )e


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ie- S ~ APEROCLN ys ate 2S CUNDEE earn (Silas! == CN Foraoey L cos LaeeAY we WORTLee, oathonsa nie " =the booms fy LEPOS- se. 0F0eo AU fe heros OO imta awd fara ay | Sana CHESTER eee te gor FING Has a cami2 Soran ee! [etcace py a a AAAIGRA

ala SoAhe CHapre [Roa LOAhy! |The Journal of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

a =———— feisheredd fl Uta | NOVEMBER41927. Every Friday. Two Pence. Vol. 17. No, 214. lara. oh Ne vepeperr. ee The Regional Scheme, IV. The of Sites.

The f i r s t fierce. articiéS tn this series vernenced by a supcrabundance of radiation, ever, it 15 necessary to take into account appeared tn ‘Lie Radio J imes jor Ootk Wher There are other difficulties too numerous to the effect of the natural features of the sur- TA, 21 and 28. “anddealt with| ihe r i l e y mention, and so the site for the transmitter rotinding country in the immediate neighbour- ae ie Fo ooh POES AYr is Gi / F ite bref scat Che wie, f he has to be found in the open country. . Since hood of the proposed-transmutter,. This can a a ie | edo yess yap «dm ew te ore Sara hay a t i ‘Gy distribuon ty higher power, and the power of the stations nawunder considera- | only be investigated by practical experi- fhe sxperiinents whtch are being made with 5GB. tion will be high compared with’ the-power ments. The essential problem is whether a AST week a description was given of -of existing stations, the difficulty af unequal transmitter-located at a certain pomt which investigations and measurements distribution is greatly reduced but ‘thesite appears to be ideal will give. a symmetrical which “are being made inorder to distnbution of energy in all directions: Tihas

complete the design of the proposed new information must ‘be obtained’ fefore the system of..distribution by, fewer stations of station is built. In order that there should higher power. be no avoidable doubt ‘on this point; a mobile Assuming that a certain district such as wireless: tiansmitter, complete. with masts, hasbeen installed in a lorry... The masts London hasbeen chosen for the station, the question naturally arises where exactly should canbe erected and dismantled in bess than an hour.- The “apparatus is capable. of the station be built? It should be understood that bythe word station 1 meant the trans- radiating as much energy as that of 21.0). mitter, and notthe building contaiming the The unmodulated carrier wave of this studios and administrative offices, mobile transmyrtter is just as effective for Existing stations are situated inside the the purpose as would be the emission froni boundaries of cities or large towns,with the a complete broadeast transmitter, —°¥ exception af 5X.% and 5GB, which are within Tt has already been mentioned that a motor-van equipped with apparatus for afew hundred yards of each other on Borough Hill, near Daventry. When considering measuring broaccast energy. available’ at medium or low-powered stations, it is almost any pomt is engaged in examining the essential‘to place them as close as possible service given by 5G. This travelling to thecentre ‘ofthe most important town receiver, working in conjunction with. the they are intended to: serve. -1f placed a few mobile transmitter, will. be able to provide an accurate forecast of. the suitability of miles outside, listeners’ on the transmitter UNRECOGNIZED HERGES. side of the town will recerve astrong service— any site considered satisfactory from other 4, The Eminent Scientist wha found hiraselt perhe pe even too strong to he conventent— points of view. : in the wrong 5 tuelia, but on the opposite side the service will te There are a fair number of other considera- weak, Of course, the larger the city; ‘the hastobe most carefully chosen so that the tions to. be taken into account, but it may greater this difficulty, becomes, When. plan- service pives the maximum. benefit to the be of interest to mention one or two of the ning a high-powered station it is evident that maximum number of listeners. In malang more outstanding conditions which nimst be it cannot be situated in a congested district « this choice, the experience gained with 5G satished before a proposed site can be can- the spacetaken up by an eflicient aerial will be of the greatest assistance, and dhe per- sitlered satisiactory, It must be possible to system is considerable—a matter “of several formance of a proposed station can be-pre- obtain a considerable supply-of water. The -acres—and the cost of a suitable site weuld dicted in terms of definite ligures represent- sub-soil mutt be suitable, for the foundations be prohibitive, Again, listeners living under ing the service available at any pomty — of heavy machinery, while the grounditself the shadow “of the aerial may: -be incon- Before this-can be done accurately, hew- must be-as-level as possible, s RADIO TIMES -—— iNovemnen 4, 1927. po = en = - = — The Man Behind the Music. Peter Tchaikovsky—Died November 6, 1893.

T hes taken the thirty-four years which have | oonen werk Hp. So elaborate and maseive a scab, he Went i luneh Wit Ti Brodsky. tim ently ine tha } passe over our heals for ps fully fo appreniaie Tehnikeveky had no real for lavish surround- house he heard atrieitis of mls Don mice fri, the Hil that he did, and even now many of his works ings. He would never have dreamed of spending drawing-room. ** Brahms,” he said to amine ‘Ld his operac, notably—are littl known outside his | his life, tike Chopin, LaisKkk, oT mee lanlin, in the he aacended the stairs, On enterTe the noom he nitive Bageio, Uf owe deol hehind the music at the constant society of fashionable friemds, His own sioner! (an Htrodek ¥ Tey he bop, anc. crit down. Et man hinwself; it will he to find that, bike Glock, idesa—realized in hislatter years—merely extended did not need a second flance to tell him who was at Verdi, and not a few othera, Peter Tchakovaky ton quiet house in the country where he could work the Pane, lt w oat Brohme himself, dressed in -n | wos not originally intended to bea musician at all, tniclistorbed, He wasneverin any aenae a wirhiose + heavy-looking frock coat—looking like a priest, His father waa a mining eveineer whose outlook indeed, there ia no evidenco that he wasa prent ichatkoveky subsequently remarked, Bot ho} upon art does not seem fo have boon of the lex performer -at all, He did? not even comluct in ecema bo haye bev very Pleased with Brahms, who y aid jt is perfectly certain that there was nob ¢ public until he was forty-seven, and then only in went out of hime way to-be charming to him, At b ereat deal to attract a lad of Peter's seasick Micwercvn. lunch Tehakovsky became interested in another - anc disposition at- the Ba Fiche il ca EE‘pruckence Tehaikoveky Wis net ih. happy hit. Hik hasty man whom he desoribes as being short, middle-aged, which he whtended, But the Conservatoire offered marriage, which had auch unhappy consequences, fragile in appearance, with shoulders of cmequal f much more in.the wey of art, and it was nota little told greathy upon his resery 6 power, At one height, and witha quantity of fair hair poshed back SP fortunate that Rolinsiein waa taking classes in period in hie fife his misery wee 20 preal that in a from # broad brow, After awhile Brodsky came harmony and composition. ‘Tchaikovsky, there- fit of utter distraction and despair he stood up to over to him. * Leb-me-introdues ou,” he saad. fore, contrived to devote puch spare time aa hia |} hia chest in the Moskva River—in ice-cold water on ‘Thisis Greg.” The Riksianfound the Norwegin duties would admit-—they were atthe Ministry of a litter night in September—hoping that he might and his wife—particolarly the latter, seemingly dustice, where he beld o dull kind of post—and catch his death of cold. Deliberately to take his mist agreeable companions. At all. events, he em began to study the art of counterpoint. Rubim- life he dered not, but there is little doubt that had writes enthusiastically of them m bia diary. But tiem wie not long before he discover that the it ok been for hig brother, whe took him under such enjoyments seem to havebeen few and far exerciens which Tchaikovsky worked for him were his care, the experiment might have been repeated, between, ‘Tchaikovaky waa, often enough, a add

of an except ional charneter, Ome day after tlaka Writing from Switeerland. a little later, he saya sonl. His “Pathetic” Symphony is a. pathetic | be called Tebaikovsky to him and told him quite * Living amid wonderful scenery, mv heart longs atory of- pathetic cirenmetanece. Tf woe find him i plainly that it was absolutely wbsurd for hin to: | undividedly for my dear native land. Had I trying to disguise the fact in the first themes; if ti think of devoting hie-life ta Russian law. * There | stayed another day-in Moscow I might have lost we find him hastily breehing away the bears in the are plenty who can do that,’ he said: * you must my reason anddrowned myself in the waves of the ‘ five-four more rent :: if we find him bravein the fat your pifte” And ao the. choice waa made, shinking—but beloved—Moskva Fiver.’ But the third—it has a tune to which a hemisphere might Ruhinstein musthave been the most excellent of med, paseo and he brightened up considerably, march—we shall only find him in utter despair a nal teachers, He made no attempt tohold his young dezpite the fact that his Violin Concerto had heen gloom at the finish, Brillinnee, glitter, laughter — pupil down to hard-and-fast rules either in counter- coldly received by the critics. He had thought so foreed above teare, might describe much of what point, in free composition, or in scoring for an much of it, and had dedicated it to. Aver, who, this sad soul wrote. But its appeal is deep and orchestra. He was quick to cee the value of the thoughvery fond of its author, considered that. it lasting. We know it the instant it. begins; we mclxlies which Tchoikevsky wrote for himand wis unplayable in places. Some years. later respoml to it until if ceases, So long as good music urged him to develop a distinctivestvle, showing Tehsikovsky waa touring and happened to be in continues to be caat abroad ansongst us for our him at the dame time how valuable were steadily- Rome. He picked up « periodical in a restaurant methetic pleasure, so long sholl we sense the depth moving basses to hia themes. If the sweeping and chaneed to read a oriticiam of a concert by the of those rich melodies: an etill richer harmonies ; breadth of those melodies with which Tchaikovaky Vienna Fhilharmonic Society at which Brodsky so long shall we feel the grip of those firmly-moving bases and powerful counterpoints. That which sloriied his every utterance in alter years can be hal played this very concerte, “Miy poor con- attributed to anything other than his own deep certa,’ said Tehaikovuky, after having perused o he wrote, he wrote directly and in a satisfyine thinking it nowt assuredly be tothe way in which vehemently negative criticism ; ‘how they all manner. It is not everyonc who may have that saidof him, Rubinstein handled him in his early days. Yet, seom to hate it. He wrote, however, much more despite the glittering brilliance of bits avmphonies, happily about his stay in Leipaig. It appears that ). -WHITraAKeR- WILsor. a

HIS Handbook is an encyclopatia of broad- ‘The cards are again pot frankly on tho table in regard t o the redistribution of stations. We are casting, beautifully pointed, well bound, and published ata price which must puerle anybody. The B.B.C. Handbook. gang to hays fewer andl better stationa: which means that, pending perfect service, some listeners who has ever had anything to do with book pro-- ection, There are nearly four hundred pages of J..C. Squire, distinguished) poet and with simple acia are going to hear not quite so well text. journalist, reviews The B.B.C. Handbook, as they have been accustomed to hearing. The

The contents are grouped under & few main 1928, which is on sale everywhere today, Birmingham-Doventry COMMTOVErSY 14 © case in i divisions, We begin with o historical sketch, pace Twa Shillings. point. But *the guiding principle is that partial ) followed bya deseription ofthe present strecture obsolescence must not stand in the way of progress, of the B.B.C, and its present transmikeion policy. and that progress must be made continually towards better services to the public.’ More We then come to ° Programmes,’ under which each BBG. are those which are levelled against. the " ’ species of transmission ia discussed, with pictures programmes.’ Ff * jazx * js given for an hour people might be said, I think, Every year seea the pro- ' of interesting browdeast events of the year, and an portion of valve sets to crystala increase. Valve write aml say that it is «@ scanal that wireless aceonof all the stations, * Engineering * follows : should be nied for such base purposes. 1 there is sets mitan preater range and less reliance on local there is a sketch of the evolution of wireless, thera a talk people write and say that what they want— stations. And they also wean ‘reiching out" ia nw very enlightening synopsis of the problems and after a hoard day at the office—-is amusement. If to. foreion stations. Listencrs do not want -the avi methods of tranamizsion, and there is a large section Beethoven i given leteners clamour for muric ; broadcast bands to be flooded by British stations ; 1 dealing with receptiom, which (with its glossary) is if modern musice be supplied « host of ocmplainants we want o wide choice of programmes aod we are an invalnable guide to the listener who wishes to send postcards asking what is the point of rending ako glad of the opportunities of international understand the instrument with which ho is the air with Tela Bartok when the population is contact that broadeasting affords, listening. Later, there come sections on foreign stil anatquainted with Bachand Mozart, The * There ig at Savoy Hill the largest music library broadcasting (with a stations guide), publicity, objector who reeds the Handbook will be silenced, in the world.” That sentence, read in tho licht of Hdehohts, and ‘the Wireless Trade ’—the Inet T speak.as one with preferences like another : I our knowledge that five years ago the B.B.C, did a containing accounts of all the bodies interested connot- listen to talks (although I occasionally give not exist, is an indication of the amount of energy 1 in Broadcasting. and faith that has:sone into Proadcasting in them), it is chiffienlt ta hold me“with a. broadcast This brief summary will have shown how com- play, and I geream when I hear the monotonous this country. The Handbook ia candid; contro- prehensive is the range of the Handbook. Tt is jigdig.of jazz. For me I prefer respectable music, veraial persons will find - i n it mia for arguing impossible to illustrate here its completeness with | news, and running commentaries, But we should on either side of many vexed questions ; but nobody regard fo details; hut-itit-safe te say that there is all remember that one man’s meat is another except a cantankerous churl con r e a c t it and not mo topie commonly ditcusted between listeners man's paaen, and that the BBC. is going aa far admit that we, in this country, have been very on which ght 14 not thrown, oodno commen| aa it cond in announcing it as its, policy to * give lucky in our broadcasting adminiatration, and that the public something slightly better than it now every future yeor ia likely id 600 “progress tritictem whieh ia not met. made. The most frequent criticisms levelled againat the warts.


BY SIR ARTHUR SALTER = b HEworld asa whole is certainly géttitig before the war, and the @reat mass of these the third alone has had a setback. There richer. ~-Between- 1913 and -19q25, the are -concentfated “in- a few bie trades. and are more impediments to international trade. population of the world mecreased by industries coal: tron and stech;: cotton ; What the world needs is clear, We have only oper cent,, hut 1s production fi fool it on the authonty of the World Economie

and ‘of taw materials increased by about r7 Conference, the most authoritative body of- THE ECONOMIC SITUATION lhe ditterence between these two Es ' ia AnD 125 experts that has ever met to discuss economic percent. problems. The members were appointed hgures indicates a real increase in the average standard of jive. The fact a6 that. new WORLD PROTUICTION OF Boon ncezases 17 by tity Governments and represented every AND RAW MATERIAL jt inventions and increased-skill are constantly 4 ws class, every quarter of the globe, every enabling man, with a given amount of qualification, and éveryshade of responsible WORLD POPULATION af 7 \acraamm 5 effort, to wrest more from Nature, and make | “la opinion. When such a body speaks unani-

more fram. her products, The world would, mously, we have something as near certainty WORLD INTERNATIONAL [ncesagi] 9/ of course, have been much richer if there TRADL to as we canever hope to attain in this fallible = had been ne. war. But already ait is richer EVROPES CNTERNATIONAL HeSGPELTES| 1b world. And what the Conference asserted than before the war, ; TRADE : F with conviction and with force is that what This, of course, is only trueof the world OPBAT BRITAIS VOLUME OF eae the world needs. is a reduction of trade as a whole; -It is not trie of every con- EXPORTS ——— barriers. Taritls in the world as a whole,

tinent ; still less of every country; stel less they said, are too high, too complicated,-and

of every class. In North America (above all TRADE BARRIERS HAVE INCREASED too frequently changed. They must be there} «in South America: in most of Asia : TRADE HAS DECREASED reduced + they must be simplified + and mist

in Africa: in. Oceania: in all the British Sir Arthur Salter, the eminent economist, be made more stable. The. Conference, a Dominions; nm every continent except its main recommendation, and in striking gave recently a talk entitled ‘Are we getting Europe—there hasbeen rapid and striking richer of poorer?” Soa many listeners is language, stated that it was the unanimous progress; Tt is Europe that was impoverished for this to be printed that Si Aurthur has em- desire of its members that we should now by the war. And of Europe the best that we bodied the matter of his talk in a short article. begin “a new era during which international can say—but we can say this—is that it wool; and engineering, including ship- commerce will successively overcome all has about caught ‘up. In Europe as a whole, obstacles in its path that unduly hamper it, building, some of these industrics are production and consumption per head—in affected by other factors also, but all have and resume that general upward movement,

other words, the average standard of living one characteristic: they are largely cle- which 1s at once a sign of the world’s economic

—have during the last few years probably pendent on export, and they all suffer from health and the necessary condition for the * beenabout the same as just before the war. the loss of foreign trade, : development of civilization.’ Instead of constantly-increasing prosperity The main facts of the economic situation This was the. Conference's main theme. the war has for Ewrope meant a decade of can indeetl be very simply stated; The But there is oneother resolution which | impoverishment and then a- slow resump- general-lével of prosperity depends on three should hike to emphasize. The Conference tion of .progress from about the point it essential factors: the resourres of Nature: pointedout that the expenditure devoted had reached in 1913. man's capacity to exploit them; and the to armaments and to preparations for war The picture of our own country is a less existence of a system which enables the entails -heavy taxation which reacts upon pleasing one, though perhaps not so bad as products of one person and one country to the whole. economic life and lowers the it is oiten painted. -A recent calculation be exchanged with those of others. The standard of living. Let me illustrate this gave the average ‘real’ mecome for the from our own “Budget. Of every pound first of these—the resources of Nature— country as a whole (after allowing for the have not dimmished, and are adequate ; raised in national taxation about ‘fourteen increase of prices). as less than in 1913*by the second—man's skill to exploit them—is shillings now gots in paying either for past

between 5 per cent. and Ioper cent. constantly increasing, and is sufitcient for Wars Or preparing for future ones - and six Here, then, is the position. We see a world a Touch greater prosperity than we enjoy; shillings only for all other purposes, inchid- already as a whole more prosperous than ing all social legislation and the. general rc in 1913, It is, however, equally clear that HOW THE NATIONS MONEY IS SPENT administration of the country, On. the it is still much less prosperous than its same stale the contribution to the League resources and its productive capactty would of Nations amounts to less than one-cighth enable it to be. “And in particular Europe, of a farthing, and this country, have not increased im We now see the relation between our prosperity.as other parts of the world have. prosperity, or our standard of living, and What is the chief cause of unnecessary the two great tasks of reducingtrade- impoverishment and what arethe remedies ? barriers and reducing armaments, on which A few striking facts make the chief trouble the League is now working. There is a very clear. International trade has not OTHER —— certain resemblance between the two.In developed in proportion to its. productive EXPENDITURE ARMY both itis possible for each country to do capacity, As against the world’s increased something by itself, but in both each production of commodities of at least 17 country can do more if-other countriesare per cent., ts international trade bebween. treading the same path, In both cases Tgr3 and 1925 increased only 5 per cent, success pramises not only economic advan- TSRSE CATION More significant still, the international trade tages but alsoaids the cause of peace; for of Europe actually, decreased by rr per cent., big armaments and high trade barriers cause and our own volume of exportsdecreased not only less but friction. Both tasks are Of every pound of national taxation—14/- ig by no less than 20 per cent. British unem- spent on past wars (and preparation for future enormously difficult ; at the best they must joyment figures pomt the same moral. wars), less than 1/6 on education, leas than take long to accomplish, Jn both success Ve have now. over a million unemployed 1/6 on other social services, 3/- on general is only possible if the people of. the world

administration—and Jess than | of a farthing on as compared with less than half that number the Leagus of Nations | insist that success shall be achieved.


— RADIO ‘TIMES _ | NaverFATHER, 4, 1887.


A New British Opera. Hew Plays are YHrilten. A Cornish Nativity Play. WROTE laet week in the Aeathern Edition AF 7 oh cop FI day, Nicci beet Ls, me. J ohn BITING last week of the romance of broad- about British operk, it connection with StiB’s Fe Ervine, the clistingnished criti, a ho “ive cutting, ite rapid development in five years, broadcast of Buntock's Seal Wines, inal in the the firstoal a ieseries ol ax tilke on * TheModern J mentioned Lanai, year's broaloast cl i Mativity hnt-T peve of British composaers omitted te mention Dram So many people attenipt the difficult play from Marazion, in Cornwall, a an owtetandmne the name of Herbert Ferrers: Perrer’ workie: known ATE “OT puley writing, kn So. many—n pidge fron example of , Listeriers will be glad listeners: his bo et ith: opern, Zhe Piper, avs whi hi ] hue der hee pect aye 1th HALL to-heur thatthe Nativity platy, written bythe Vicor has heen breadeast on acreraloecasio 1... a well az offices have mob the remotest ules how to. set of Aliriieiotr, the Her. Bernard Wilke.anh aeted

his COMpHAians lor the orchestra. Flix Grima beet about it, Mr. Ervine'’a iden, in these talks, will he hy the children on the Villon, 18 Lik bis hrcacds wit eperitice work, Penelope, in to bave ite-tirst pertorm- bo show the dreadtest ciramativsis at work, examine again this year. The play ceinfoaed with the artless ance from Daventry Experimental on ‘Toeeday, how they build up o play, how they conatrict the ampiciiy of all spectacles, whith ore designed net

November 23, followed by a seqond presentation, “situations, the sort ol cdildarne they is a as public: ontertainment bint aa ack of cheynticn. - onthe following evening, from: Londen and Datten- ebeh wtect, how they an geest the pausing ! LEM, No attempt is betng made to adapt i for the : try. Phere ia aottagic fobe- behind the annonce (MOLoH. Hie wall Hlostrite bik | ints (yy Te k Chere nicrophene, which will be an mobbtrustye eives- metit thot, Perefoped i to che broiuebeast, for five Vath to the work of Shakespeare, Marlove, Sheridan, dropper in the little church by the Cornish const. ego, after completing the score, which is full of Mention of tiieplySteals tol mis ned thi 1 lherninr- Shaw, Calaworthy, Finero and Barrie, If you are lovely melodics ane vivid ingtountental ooleuring, TEP Paeron Pia, whieh D- say 1) EEE. geht oem on, tbe thentre, cither as as prin pl wywright ita composer began bo lose his sicht, and-ia now or © whith the demon Publicity tia: conkirmed ‘opti.’i you i tind these talks prevented from composing or conducting amy more iecroel Hearty, mri” torch.

End of ferm.

HE "eal eit teri ' aomcere at il big public sohool has behind it the excite) comecions- ness of trunks packed and pone ta the «tution, holiday «nite laid out in the dormitory, and phe a_i

prospect af four weeks” blessed freedom.Concerts have beoe eh Cire fl ink the pest Trew Etim, Harrow, Man and the Machines. ured Marlborough, tin Lieeem ber La this VOar | Bats in the Belfry. HE question of Man'srelation to the Machines Shrewebury,, the famous Rhrepalire rowing achaol, etory in the * Writers of Today" which ore pradually coming ta do his work | is to be added to the list. A SHORTeeries will be read on Saturday evening, for him—the question of a posible homanizing of Bovember 19, by Lh. de Giberne Sievehineg, abthor machinery and a dehomeanzing of mondkind—te one St. Ceeilia's Day. Ol tht entertiining bobk of nonsense verse, ata which haa lately boon the eu hpent fh diteusepern ct ii we Belfri—inel th redently-pubhshedt novel, BORLA, the pedlron aunt ot nei ol of the tlhe stage nnd: the aoreen os well pa in newepa per entitled AW Children yal Re aod ier. Mr. article. From early times the notion of making hhimd, who WEL MmaArLyred In Sicily mnie Sieweking’s prose writings are distinguished by mathanical men—which after the: coming of the Marcus Aureligd, 1 to be celebrated from thea same fantasy tua his WeESEa, He wsesx ib an machine-age developed into that of mechanical Liverpool on Monday, November 21—the Hve a gay porment in whirh to clothe ideas... Hf, men which showd do man work for hime—has of 8t. Cocilia’s Day. The programme ia to however, you care only for the ‘ magazine’ type fascinated humanity. Mrs, Shelley ss shore of be relayed from St. Luke's Church, Bold Strees, ef etory fin which bero bene plat, you Frankenstein andl his Monster. haa ite frentieth- ad will consist largely of organ nvisic. the name woot want to besten to him. century pariiicl in Karel Capeka play, ALL, of the saint having been for many centuries linked nm radio version of which was recently broadcast in popular-traditron with that metrument. Dryden's The Exceilence of the Egg. from London and will, during Birthday week, be 4 Sou for St. Cecilia's Day, will be read aa poem, T may be roughly catimated that if all the jokes fiven trom oGB. ft pire: lude, and, during the programme, the Liverpool Station Orchestra will play one of Handel’ a neglected made in -mush-halls concerning the age of Capek’s “R.U.R.’ eoncertos for organ and orchestra and Sir Walford egnn were placed on ond they woold teach to the Davies’ Solemn, \Wetody. moon, But the age of egge is a malter of grewt N® T week's Redio Times will devote a special concern to the housewifo. Mr. wlames Gatecliffe, seetion to OA. anid iis fiecinating, almost wha ta perhaps the preatest living authority on the inightening subject, containing, an article by Dr. ben's eps, is to give a talk on Monday,Nave mu ber EK. E. Fourner d’Albe, an earlier article by whom 14, dealing with the many excellent qualities of the aoe listeners may have read in a Sunday egg ada form of nourishment, and in particular with newspaper when he discussed the significance of a. sure ond simple teet of its age which every listener tho recently-invented Westinghouse * Robot.’ which can apply. reports over the telephone the height of the water in thé Washington reseryorrs. Those who ‘saw £ AUR. at the St. Martin's Theatre or heard the When the Aspidisira Flourished. fret broadesst-won't feed me to remmedthem how A Birmingham Programme. WN Friday, December 2, there @ to be a broad thrilling 2 melodrama it ia and how Provocative HOUGH Birmingham ta now without a trans- cast ‘from a Victorian drawing-room.” The armthe ideas for which it stands propaganda. mitter, it has still as active a station a8 ever, programme to be © rendered "isnot yet announced, There are few plays whieh, lke this ene, citebine as witness the programmes of 5R—and there is bot itwill, nocdoubt, consist of ducts, elocution, and sheer clramatie force with the stimula of hailed nenel no dleckening in local interest in its doings. ‘The inmproving conversation on gentevl subjects, wtmo- ehallensrine Jee, lL hove ooined the term * yam- ree of the old Birmingham programmes coloure sphere being provided by the rustle of aspidistras, W ith-the- powder-plays* to deseribe them. From theae of Daventry Experimental aod reaches to 4 the creaking of bamboo tables, and the faint whisper the moment the action hegina the menace of the vastly wicker audience, On Tucaday, November 15, of the bulrushes in the eection of drainpipe which strange, mechanical Robots casts ite queer, thrilling Hirmingham Station takes a special part in the Uncle. Algernon painted with views of Bognor, shadow over the play—and the listener fecls him- Birthday Week celebrations. On thie day it will Some of ua sigh for the * good aid days,” curling Fi self as much under ite spe!l as are Domain and provide the greater part of the 5078 programme, ecormful lip over 1927's notion of on entertaining the other characters. You are so held by the the attractions inclading an organ recttal by Frank evening. The microphone on December 2 will give action of the story of AUR. that you scarcely Newman, songs by Ethel Williams, Barbara Frewing the younger ones among oa the chance of deciding realize until afterwards how mach the author has and Harold Kimberley ; the Royal Air Fores Bam ; whether or not they would rather have been bom told you. Those who, on Friday evening, dance mint by the Paul Raflman Band (inter- Victorians, in the days befors the Charicston, November 18, come to AOR. fer the first time Indes by Harold Clemence and Helen Alston): the lipstick and the movies came ti add to the are in for something of on expenence, and 4 programme by the Station Stall. fuehy of mations, ——- RADIO TIMES -— 241 = Soo ee


The Field althe Fireside. The Early Days of Motoring. A “Bristol HW’eek — TF anyone ten years ngohad prophesied that one N° London.’ on Motor Shew Sureday, L say A THEweek of November 20 will he. Bristol's aay toe football enthusiast: would be oble to procession, organized by one of the. big news- Radio Week—--when Cardiff Station i to enjoy hit Saturday afternoon's eport by hia own paper, of old motorecars which wer: ciunpeting relay many programmes from the seaport and fireside, with his feet propped up and his Madi for a prize, offered, J imavine, for the car which broads many items of apectal " Brist: id cinterest.

Times plan of the ground in front of him, he would hac beet stomd the test of time. My thoughts Brietolians at ene tine resented the fact. that t ae hove bean Gnite justhy resnprcded ma phe mit as turmedfrom this procession of ol ‘stagers: with Was found impossibly for them to have a #hation VETOCIOUsR A@ prophet ae Old “‘Atoore But the BHOMmerne eigines and odie: like eoadiwes’s of their own (engineering Gonsiderations demanded. fact 2 thet thesethings have tome bo pass, charigts, to their gleaming road-hogeing descendants that the s i t e should be across the Channel, at Sa and 1 can remember po half-hour of football so which, to the value of over a million pounds, were Cardiff}. There. is today, however, an .cnthusiaatic sheerly thrilling ns the last half-hour of the recent on View at Olympia. ‘The development of the badly of lstencrs in the City who will be partion-

London co. Warntahs match, which DE heard at home motor-car, in less thon o generation, is a romance larly glad to hear that they are in the near futare with the kettle whispering hints of tea to follow. in itteli—though we aeem to be far too buay and to have a week of proeranmmes aa cesigrnverl

Future sporting broadcasts meluce Wednesday, cynical a generation to appreciate such romances. for them. The week's music will be largely re- November 16, Ulster ». Warataha (from Belfast) ; The handicaps with which the proncers of motoring laved to Cardiff from Bristol.

Saturday, November 26, Arsenal rv. the ‘Spurs at had to contend will be related by the Right Hon. Highbury (from London and Daventry); and Lard Monte Bu © {f Beale"On Ttolny, Noveoppbear Saturday, December 3, the Oxford r, Cambridge 16, in a talkentitied © Motoring in the Early Days. Relny Races at Iffley Koad, Oxford (described by Lord Montagn’s enthusiasm in the eanse of motoring Harold Abrahams from London and Daventry). dates from the dave when the law compelled all care to be preceded by a pedestrian carrying # ned } sy fag.

This Programme Business. —_ EERCULES, who thoughtnothing of cleansing — With Bristol Programmes. the Augean stables and dospatehing hvdras PeeA MATES for the Radia Week will include ay and Hyrcanean bears, might well have blanched the first wervice to be relayed from the famous before the labour of arranging a broodeasting pro- church of St. Maury, Redcliffe; a popular. ecmecert When You Buy a Toy Drum. {Tramimne ¥win ki woul | please neeey: tts ener. | think from the Central Hall; a programme arranged ty that everyone, whatever his priivate* oriiise aApainst the district branch of the Society of Somerset, Folk : HE Compre a of Archeolosical Bocielies 4 the Ta will aeree with tha. (no Monday, and a concert [rom the Colaton Hall on the oecaeion meeting {his month to dieruws ibe beat November 21, listeners to Daventry Experimental of a social pathering of the National Joint Comncal moans of putting a stop to the trafhe in old doen- are to hear a ‘feature programme,’ entitled * This of the Printing and Albied: “Trades, Bristol aii ments, Tt ia deplorable to think that, We ea vou Programme usiness,” which will introdwer ‘bwo and speakera will predominate throug!wub the buy a toy drum, it may be made of a parchment devisers of programmes faced with the. perplexing week, and talks and even the Children’s Tiour

upon which was written. something of historical ST problem of providing an ideal evening's browdenst- will he mainly Gristilinn in character: interest—this consideration quite apart from that ing. ‘Their work will not be made simpler by the

of the heauty inherent in such objects as old doen- ee interruptions of dheir friends, each of whom has

ments which were stamped with the personality of ik The Romance of Breadcasting— these who lovingly and puinstakingly drew them his or her own ideo of what the listener wants (which he or she will immediately proceed to illu EVERALtimes duringthe past weeks 1 hoe up. These oll parchments are used for all sorta trate). This locks like being an amusing evening found myself using im these pages theex- of moder purpores; they are to bo found om sale pression ‘the comance of Tiroadcasting.” Tife forthe listener whose wants these unhappy men in the guise of blotting pads and writing tases— are frenziedly attempting 10 meet—and should give romance of wovthing lies in the way you look at it, and it 76 bo this abiee that the Congress js to a-vivid idea of the many poesible ingredients of 1 lt is an ese (quality, difhcult sometioaes ty celine. devote ite attention, A talk on the subject The tune of a barrel organ, thescent of ad floyer- programme and the diffioulty of Mendingthem entitled *° Destroying History,’ is to he given by entisfactorily. gellér’s barrowof carnations, the fall of dusk dyer Mr. FE. A. ¥. Earnard from the “London Stuelio a city street—these things, eimple and usual though on Wednesday, hovember 16. they are, will sometimes awake that little stab, half pain, half pleasure, which is Romance, We Next Friday's [saue. cannot, any of os, deny the romance of Broadcasting, which brings epeech and music » hundred miles S announced in Iaat week's Rodi Times, next into our room, aml which a moment later will carry wiek's issue, the * Birthday Week’ issye, we tothe far ends of the earth, ton Cornishchurch, will be one distinethy worth buying and keeping. a war memorial in Flanders ora Promenide Convert, The programmes of the Fifth Birthday celebrations have heen specially plannesad to bring favourite works and. artiste te the microphone, The * high Bournemouth to be a Relay Station. —Musl be Kept Alive. Apoia ofthe week will hire apecial pages devoted HE remeval of the Birmingham “transmitter VERYTHING was romantic once. "There wae to them. Newman Flower, the publisher and to Daventry and the opening of 60were the romance of the telephone, which captured authority on Handel, is writing on fess the laat radical changes in the broadcasting system. the world when instromenta were first installed, (Sundsy, November 13), Herbert. Farjeon, the Now [sce that corly next year Bournemouth i Everyone wanted to try this marvellous. thing: dramiti¢t oritie, on JPrenelia (Monday, Novomber to become a relay station—though on the same which enabled them to talk to their [nents many 14), Dr.E. E. Forishiar dAlbe, the scientist, on fewer as at premt. Bournemouth listeners miles away. Then the romance of the metor-car, BU. (Friday, November 18), and Moses Barite, have long expressed. o general desire for the London sloaclily and speedily making the world o smaller well known to listeners as a lecturer on opera, on development will not mean place; the romance of electricity, Hooding the programmes. The new I Pagliacci (Saturday, November 19). Other the disappearance of the many local artista and warld with light at the mere touching of « switch, contributora to this epecial issue will include E. ¥, And now, bowdo we regard these one-time miracles? speakers who have beoome well-known to listeners Koox (' Brvoe* of Punch) who writes on Brond- in the Bournemouth area. Theee will be heard We look on them as commonplacesind sometimes casting a4 it might have been in Victorian dave, from time to time from London. A main station wonder “whether they are worth the bobther.’ and a well ‘known expert oon Wireless who, if « costly affair to ron—and the funds released The romance lias quite gone out of them. [ hope behind the mask of anonymity, takes a dive into by the conrersion of GEM to relay statue are to we shall never let that happen to broadcasting.

the future, describing Broadcasting a2 it may be in be devoted to 4Gfl further improving the London Art is kept alive by the warmth of the fire it another hundred years. A notable iseue for a programmes, so thal everyone, happily, looks like kindles in the hearte of those for whom it- is ine

notable week. being eatished, tended. "THE ANNOUNCER."

- RADIO TIMES -— | Novexsee 44, 1927.

THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY THE POWER PELMANISM GIVES System of Mind-Training Which Puts Fight In Your Thought.

S mana tninking animal? He is supposed A Doctor writer: “1 have changed iron a1 “Is Power Which Endures,” Says Canon to be. His Latin name is Homo sapiens. CS - ee2 iniAgr, tahe-it-for-pranited sort, ta a man with a purpose and joy ol achievenient-; mn Hannay. Yet when one observes the illogical way m 1in eee let others: are observing thie eFubery gras which many people behave, one Sonictimes tomy pai” (RL a S,) The Power that Pelmaniam gives is Power which Bindiris, doubts. The trouble is that although Man A Cashierwrites: “" T Iieva cerlainhy' gaan &o gaye Canon Hannay (George A . Birminghant), has been endowed with the power of Theurht, throigh taking the Course, I have now thie the well-known author. ce. does: not Use that power suficienthy, Awe peartion of Wages Chirk ond Caahier and | *Pelmaniam,” hoe writes, © is fot for the elect ’would mot have heleved T could uve attained whe a thing is tsuiictently used i ere becomes tow only, bot-is valuable toa all men And women. this position twelve monthaage."” (BR, 277a6.) neak instead of strong, Seventists tell us The resalte ondure. Certain habita of rind are A Mansgper writes: “1 have a broader ond, formed w mah nro of ‘the yory that ihe average person onlyTar uses about highest, Viilie Keser observation, and am always ihn king in life, The non he who ix iff than la rol. merely 50 per cent, of his brain. What is worse, nay Tichoaael, You will congratulate OL wpe Hl doesn t use even that 50 percent. vigowusly bel yen that Diree bore hae ranted: me shinivlited to iitiveonitind Tag. ial activity for atime, but perma for we new Depart coer tes ab Fy enovgh, Jdere iso vigour ve his fhinbeng ; gama Power whith Ecduras, Store. Apart fron this Ti PELs ae it= ihere isAe fieht mm hes thought. He takes too cronsing in volume,” (9. SOO.) This ia what makes the plenannt many of ins opmions ready-made, and falls ariel interesting etort. of far too casily into the rut of route. Course of Pelmaniami. so. well Banishing Boredom. worth while," “The 2ihteent Shia” contains particulars of Thousands of men aril Don’t Be “Just Ordinary.” worn in every walk of life nwnerous Tas mM ooen and women who hase besvtity ba the Power that Hoos. Pelmanism cures this bad habit, TH jerks coubled ther ficiency, increased their Earning CANON HANNAY. Peh WIA Fives. Their letters It arouses your your mind out of the rut. Power, and developed their Personalities as a result take wotmlerful readine; ‘Thev aha how Fal- brain. It shocks you out of the shadowlancl of practising Pelmanism. Tt also shows how Pelman- | maniam: has inere aseel thir Eiha ren LT Cvery of mediocrity, and stimulates you to aspire iam i# a-sure means of banishing— wWiy —how it has enibled them to pe a a ACE to a higherlevel of achievement. It develops Depression Phyness —bhaw ib Inez developed their Personnditces- how it hee enabled them to realiae their mins, cr (uit that questing, eager, ongsinal spint which Momliness Tintdity and ambitions, will make you “ dit ferent ” trom themuiti- Melancholy Irritabilitw H.E.H. Prince Chirles of Sweden save: ‘' Pelmoanism tude, If you are just “ ordinary ‘you will Forgetfulness Fears chows us the way to the impravicnent of character never set more than an ordinary ™ income, Todecision Lost Nerve ind an aetive life.” Boredom Weakness of Will and will hve ont your life in “ordinary ” Lord Riddell writes: ' Pelmaniem is Tapidl; becoming part and purcel of our daily satin iF ebscurity. But, as in most people, there is and of developing in place of these worries and weaknesses such fine and positive qualities as— Mise Lilah McCarthy writes:: Pelmaritin i mew py something new, something orwimal in your Sanday reercationn, It fills one with a new enerey —Organising Power brain, if only you will dev elop it. That is —Canceniralion for eeoerle,”" —Dbgervation —elf-Confidence what Professor Spearman meant when he Bir Arthur Quiller-Gooch writes: “ Polm tier. idk —I[nitintive —Will-Power saicl thaf everyone was a genius at some- up habits of mind. 24 of character.” —Judgment —-Resourcelulness Mr. E. ¥. Lodtas writes: " The Little Gree books thing, =Esiness. Acumen —— Originality metital omb-betls, intellectual Indian chuls. T arn —DrivingPower — Self-Control convinesd thit brain-girth: and brain-ftuess must bea Personality Developed. —A Reliable Memory ~—Creative Force Improved by their use,"* Pehmanism helps you to develop that The Rt Hon. T. P. O'Connor, M.P. says OF taea-acan which will be of the utmost value to you mall the men in bisiies, one takes the Pelz mn Courer andl he particular “~ something,” which is your affatra of the world, and will enable you to take up mhe? dies pot, Uber things being ceyt taldhe POUEEE special contribution te the world and to a confident, brave, and happy outlook on life, Tin who tikes the Course will (uc khy pass the ome who be oot availed biter] f af i us adVantive in the life. Pelmanism makes you a Person. It race of bie,” develops your Personality. It enables you Master Your Environment. Ba write th ‘stand: out from the ruck, attract to the Pela lt-is only by iutelligently controlling the power Institute, 94, Pelman Hints, jnterest and attention, to make your mark af your Thought that you can shape your own | Bloomebury Streat, London, on your surroundings. That is why you carcer instend.of having it shaped for you by your Ww. L,- ta- cay for a free copy should get a dree copy of “The Efficient environment. Pele toables you to control of " The Eftietesst Mina" nel and develop and dircet. this Power, so that instead oe how. you can oral hight Mind” to-day and read what the New away for the revised Pelman Psychology can do for you. of being pushed out of your course by circumstances Feet 2 | Courses on the most convenient you can make direct for the goal of your desire. To-DAY =" tert An Assistant Analyst writes: “I «am more The system is fully explained in a book entithed oticent now than before T eonmmenced tho = The Effictent Mind,” ond you can have a copy Course. Before taking the Course T lack ooen- teaver ucke con tall at tie Settee will he card peadly of thie book sent to-you free of eost by writing for udiconmed, The Chief Congeliant will be delighted sional feclings of depression, but I have found it to-day tothe Pelman Institute, 95, Petman House, fa fare ad tolk with then, and no fee will be charged a eum curs for this in DPéhnanem, ly for Ais qeictea, response to the beaution of Nature ia greathy Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.1. increase owing to imensiend powers of Ohecervation, ando walk in the country is POST THIS FREE COUPON TO-DAY.

now a delight, whereas [ weed to. look

nee for SUNDAY, Noveber 6

10, 30° ab TER (recriry 20 LONDON amd: BAA DAVENTRY | Sas. Tat WEEK'S Coan onty) Tim Stan at, (3514 M, 830 kG.) (1,604.2-M.. 187 ko) Cavek: Appeal on tre GEERN WICH; WEATHER | 1 | half of ‘The Nasticernt

FORECAST a c a e EL t a e a ae oe Unnon -of “Lambie Gx y 3.30 THE BAND OF —_M. ROYAL AIR FORCE B e r v i chee: s by Mr, Ameo L. Rea (dy permission of -the -Aie Come) ee man mubtioted.in the war ia in especial | Conducted ‘by Flight-Lieut. 7, Ames neal of the advice and asatitance of some | Kate Winrka (Sopra) Dipatination with regard to such- otters as | Rov Hesbensox (Haritone' PanAiOne, enevine nnd: housing -acedinimeda- ai os + 4 ] Tie : tion. ‘This Union was founded for these PUTO, | Wisiding March from t h o Omer. "TI Rat nnd ite Dipiovment Buren, in particular, - line i icaalarea e i ee ; We, et done good service bo many a Limbless man. Ad Tidian Love S a n g , | Byaie Wi Veioe cl ‘Ling Mr. Rea, who makes the appeal, is known t i o t tow ,* : a i) Licurinnes morely in Liverpocl shipping olrrion, but te the theatre-going public ae chairman of Heandeo, Dito of the Hiovrs (ir IEEE * Lay Gipotnchia} i iret ij soll : the play -proechacirige eomnpaniy tht hins succeeded 245 Kate Wisrrer Dr, Seatt Lidertt (lefi} wun gives the address im to the prestige that ite parent Renndean 0 00g: London's Studio Service teonrght” and (right) the erred, Let we forget sen mae hem gi erie! Pelee etree Se et ee Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, who will give uo talk Contributions showld be sent to himst the: ied: Sioflothe Qeel is eect es, a Pon on his @xpenences amongat the Dyoks. At Hhizhbethon Litlaby 3.405... Brie Dies National Union of. Limbless ex-Service Men,

Vi hoe the Steere OOerew . Haier t4, Wietoria Street, SW". 1. 8.0 A RELIGIOUS SERVICE 255 Haxp i 8.50 Wearnere Forreast, Gexrran News From ‘the Stade Belection from the Suite A Fanty Drees Ball” Brien Febirastorn Hymn, AG Perple that: on Berth do dwell! Cemmnck une Litths Ravin. Poliah Youth one (Die, (hick Hod pecihiy $.0 Local Announcements; (Darentry only) Miia - Toreador ara Aploluerean Royal Thankeg) sing ariel Worehip Drummer -and: Sit ler Mada Alaonteat bhipping Forecast pee Russian Anton BRubingtein, one of tho HKeaching, Hebrews xi, versa 22 xi. verse. 2 creates! Pianists of last century, achieved DPrayver 9.5 _ AN ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Hema: Hark the Bound of Holy Voices * (Tune, time glean (at Arey inti, in ds own country}. fe Tim Wittiias: OneneaTHA Conductor and Composer. He bene faster of Lhserhire) Music iit the Iropenal Risin Court, ‘url Address ty Dr, SoorrLinge rr Conducted by Stasrono Ropmsos established: the Be. Petersburg Conservatoire of Alyn, ‘Siow thank we oll oir Gael “Tine, ian Tie Winennss. SONGERS Mute, of which jt was Principal-ftor several years. Laurabeet} Vieror. HenceAtrcarssans ‘{Pianoforte) For these-servioss he neovived a title of nobility. Blessing Bucecasiul world: tours followed: after one A” ex-President of tha Wreelevan Methodist ORCRESTRA American tour it is said he waa olfererd £25,000 + Conference: and the National Free Church Overture to ‘A Miceummer Night's Dream * to come bark-and give another filly concerts, Council, and a former Modervtor of the Federal dendeltssatia but hia drend of the vovage préovoiled, anil he Coaneil af the Evangelical Free Churches, Der. refused, Ale Fak y Drew Ball, some nonbers Beott Lidgott is one of the best-known of British Vieton Hey: Aorcarsoes, with Orchester from which are now to be played, was originals Free Churchmen, He ia Warden of the Berman- A set of twenty Pianoforte Duets. Concerto for FPaaqe pid Orehettta im A sey Settlement, which he founded in 189]. and Afsrart Joint-Editor of TheConfemporary Review. 4.10 Rov Heroersos OnCHESTAA

TwHight si ce a eae Aare ei ee eh : Sunnford ACCANOY a 8c aee aan ere nea Labad Si irae eet patbewes sarank Bridges Dhinge des Bylo cataabasen eee DR Ad the Mid-Biour of Night pe ee Claret Menuct dee Follota ors cci vedi a re iy 430° Bas ; THe Wines Siwdeite Selection from the Works of Mozart Shukesprarian Lyrics : one, oP Godfrey Where ‘the bee gules ae ee ++ Arne Orphews with Vite lite 2.6 cee een» CRE 435 Kate Wierer PT seisee weer ee ee a ae Beal Full Fathomfive is. ora ak oes Charles Poet

The Faire: Laillabey Be a ate a aa Pi gta einen Under the greetword tree... . ss Maeforren. ESCO TCE PPE ap ee ee ee Peet Vioenon Aen:Airsson Birthday Bone: oscaa. ai adie eed sims) OO Rustle of Spring 2... -.0.000.656.. Senin 450 Rov Hexprrsos Might tn May ee eee eae ees y ee Oe ROHR cs ie ian pies orice oe)ee Brady in-A Plat ooo ei. ee ul. . Chopin Upinthe Smddle 2.20... 4). Wilton Wallace

Clete her ay cg ee ek ae Belfort ORCHESTRA ' 5.0 Kasn . Evie BANE. od sec ead oe Grief Selection. from. the Ballet, “Loa Sources" (‘ The Shepherd Poy Fountain} es eves eee odApis ene Oetibes Norvecion Rustic March = 5-20 Taces Froese tak OnpPietaren tr Match of the Drwarts derobanm ard thie Prophets Nocturne

I Kings sit, Veter I-32 10.30 EPILOGUE 5.30-5.45 Misstosany Tate: Tr, DANson, Bishop of Labuanand Serawak. ‘The Land of fhe White Bajah i Liteloyed from the Fianingham MitadPars) F THE RADIO TIMES. res the fast ten yours Dr. Baneon has been Broadcasting Bishop ‘af the chormods ‘diorese. that The Journal of the British inchides Boren, the, thin biggest ilaan the Corporation. . world, where jis Hook’ cormpiriged not only the PublishedeveryFriday—PriceTwopence, | | eeattercd British population, but the immigrant Chinese and the Dyaks, whe were head-lomters Editorial address: Savoy Hill, London,

a generation or two'ago. Tt is about theae Inst, H’_C.2. in the domaine of the white Rajahs—the famous A HEAD-HUNTERS TROPHY. F Brookes of Sarawak—that he will talk tonight. The Reproduction of the copyright pro- Ba Before lie went to this cdiotese be worked for Ths Dyak is typical of the soe of those g r a m m e s contained in t h i s i s s u e is strictly 1 miny years in Singapore, Java ond the Malay parishioners o i ot whem Dr, D an scen will talk Ps r e s e r o e d . this afternoon. The shield that he & belding ts thickly States, and he isthe only Bishop. who les been

; shipwreckee, twice. covered with Human hair.

LNovemmen &, 1607: ee "Sunday?SsProgrammes continuedNovember 6)

| 6BM ‘BOURNEMOUTH. 226.1 MM, ORCHESTRA S70 Kt. sGB DAVENTRY Meiried belyll EXPERIMENTAL 3.30-5.45 Saw. Trent (onder Chon The (491.8 BA. GG ke.) &0-10.30 Heavens area eG TER | iyo ; 8.8. from London (9.8 Local Announee- Achiovece ja thea Phe as ; TRANSDSPOU THE Lees So ments) glorious EXCEPT WHERE CTHWISE SEATED, Wi oe a,

5WA CARDIFF. Oncmicsris 3.30 A CFECHO-SLOVAKIAN CONCERT First’ Symphony Bevthoven

From Atrninghom CHonia 330-545 8. BH, fram London Tht BsxouAM STUDIO Syurnoery Oncrksrr Ho, watching over Israel Conducted by doscrea Liwis 8.10 A RELIGIOUS SERVICE He think shull endure a i* Elijah i kf Halefraurly a Frau the Studia Bea not afcaacd ESTE THE Cin oF THe Mingi~ Aree lixirrep ‘Carnival’ (Oheerture dee TLC ORCHESTRA MErHODIS? Chao Mirat Suite from Brecitre GiaKstap (Contralto) Hyinn, Lard: of all beane,. thronmed afar" * Poor Chypnt sae. f i r i n g Bealected Sones Cl M. oles | §.20-5.45 Ge Sonn Jeapielom 2.50 UncHeeTHA Reading from the Old Testament Musto Aivinn, * Dar ord and Father of Afankined ~ 7.45 Backer by the Starks Qrarrer Fourth Syanphony Dhara 8.0 A RELIGOIOCS SERVICE Coma Asti/Pianofoerte} Fircom the Stucco Score(“ham pe Fine Sineiina Cavatte The Arh of Apprectaticn The Station Choir: Hymn, * T heard the vor of 4.20 OncrrRsTna Jesus * (Fongwhah: Hymnal, No. 574) Serenade in by Manor Sorbure Reading : Bt Toke 4 hua pre Tih, BERGITTE BLARST.A1 Vorsea S830 Seheitee Bong Choir: Hymn, * ‘The Lord my pashun shall pre- 4.50 Oncrrarea pare" (Eengliah Hymnal, No. 431) phonic Pine, * From Bohennan Wools oneal Address by the Rov. BK. L, PARRY Fields: ' Choir: Hymn, * Now thank we all our Gk Haj nA AST (Engheh Hymnal, No. 535) Vanjalert Happiness si roa Rehr Two of teday's broadcast preachers—the Rev. 8.30 Sackep Musicby the StraTion Qvuarrer Substanes anc Shadow + ene Malcolm Mera (left), who gives. the address in the service at Horton Lane Congregational Church B.45-10.30 8.8. from. London (9.0 -Loral An- 6.10 O8CHEETHA (Bradford, 6.9); and the Rev, RB. Pyke, President ROUSSEbe | Movemernta fron . Shvorne Ruste’ Nara of the Methediat Free Church, st hern preaches

6.20 TALE rho tae O1o Testawenn in the Plymouth Guildhall (Plymouth, 6.0), (Sen London) 6KH HULL.

5.90-5.45 Missionary Talk (See Landon) Reading from ihe Sew Testanvent 8.0 A RELIGIOUS: BERVICE Anthem, * There ts a Green Hill far away * 3.30-5.45 SLE. from Lomlon Ler| Sonrerest Frow the Birmingham Studia 6.0-10.30 4.8. fromLondon (9.0 Loeal °An- Hymn, * Gehold-the San 7 (Songs of Praise; No. 25) Address Tey ihe Rev, AerPooans Piymn, * Lead us, Heaventy Father, lead us" TEHIECE TT ist Haynin, “Ak even ene the sun wie seb” Reading: Prayer Ealinearan Benediction Lord's. Preyer. (Mireie by: Charles Warren) 2LS LEEDS-BRADFORD. 7777 ™-.* Aamn, * Lot sainis-on Gerth in eomeart sing ** 8.45 Su. from London (9-0 Local Announcements) 1 ko. 1190 kc. Addresa by the Mev. A. E. Fornrer (St. Mary's Church, Acocks Green) 2.5 AN ORCHESTRAL AND CHORAL 9.30-6.45 SH. from Lavelant Hain, Hesu, my Lord, my God, my All" CONCERT 8.0 A RELIGIOCS SERVICE B45 Tor Week's Goon Cavse: Mr. Rov Tok ATGMESTED STATION ChicHESTILA, Helayed from Horton Lane Conerecational Pisses: Appeal on behalf af the Birmuinghien) Conducted by Warwitn Brarrawarre Chiarch, Bradford Boys’ aiid Garls" Linen. | Helaypert jrom ihe irs Overture,Othellag" .c0 008 eeeeee ce ee Deore Address by the Rev, Mavconm McAna wiiiraggivceon inca) Hauny Busm.e {Base Banton), Tae Staion (Presbyterian Church, Bradford) £50 WraTHEE Forecast, GENERAL WEWwSs Rerentory CHortaol Orchestra Midis bey thie Bers BRADFORD PReEsayTrais Cerro Cm he Serer Crim nn bee eee ele eee } t Lahen- 9.0 CHAMBER MUSIC Bast Solo, 00 Kong of Kins * erin") 6.45 3.8, from Louden (9.0 Local Announcements) 0 Manchin Mevern (hianoforte); AH. Wisx Fined Chorus, Part 7, * intone a tay * J Wainer 9.5 app. Reception by the Right Hon. the Rreves (Vinlini; Gorapow Wanker (Flute); OnesTih Lown Mayor of Leen and Lao+r een Homack Hausrman (Oboe): AeeorerGare (Mr, and Mrs. Hvou Lerros} to the BAGO: Tow Poem, ' A Sight on the Harry Mountain’ PPrinmpet:| the occasiagn itixsurgaiy of tocir viert to the Thegins Ai} al, THK (OVvEsStT GARDEX STRisa OncmesrTha Leeds Chom and Oncersrka (Leader, “H. Wyss Remves) 9.45-10.20 S.ubS from London Conducted by Epwann Chark Graal Beene (fron * Parsiial " ; Wognecr

Hatay Berocne and Orchestra CRCHESTRA 207 MM. 6LV LIVERPOOL. | oO bC. Air, “I have otinined to power™ [* Boris Third Brandenburg Concerto Hach RRET acest w= pie gm mnt eta aMirasorgaky Marncetne Merve and Orchestre | 3.90-5.45 S.8. from Lormlom ORCHESTRA Concerto tor Piano. and Bi viaage Orehesten . Btoch 8.0 A, RELIGIOUS SERVICE Piet Inah Rhopeody oo... ed. oofond Henikut Hank, Gantox Wanker, Honace Relayed from ‘St. Anne's Church, Falieediali Hatsreap, H. Wxex Renves ond Orchestra 10.30-10.50 THE

feoond Brandenburg Concerto, for Solo Trumpet, Finte, Oboe, Violin ancl String “Orchestra Pack Directed by Aneren Bexsros 364.6 MM. Hymn, ‘Jem, the very thought of TLS Marcence MEVER 2zY MANCHESTER. 7480 ke. yy {Westminster Ayimonal, Nao, 67) Tayi... alt » Ubohrier Reading from Old "Testiment Citing Hirel a.a0 A SYMPHONY CONCERT Motet, “Jean, thuilet inemorna' » Deheteey Suechler Toe AvoewestTep BATION Onemesrra, Adedrega: * Lefe Everlasting * Spaunisti Dainese . js ‘ . Grandday Condocted by T. H. Monnrnos Mcrtest, ' Salvador: tonal * ; Trinms Se ea ete a i Tbent= Tatas Overtore, ° A Forman Carnival * ae Berliaz Reading from Mew Testament 10.20 OncHesTrA Motet, “How excellant Thy Name, ) Lrorel Slow Movement trom Conation No. 7, in G (RK. 63) Cuoriees Fo ORATOREOS Hearednt Mozart by Mesmeres of the Hatt CHorres Preyvtre and Benediction. Salo Violia, A. Wrss Reeves Conducted by Hanon Dawner Hy," deen, creator of theworkld ' (WOH, Moo sag 10.30 EPILOG TE And the Glory of the Lord Sar : 8.45-10.30. S.A. from Fanon (8.6 Lari Am Pron Jiemagham Hallelujah . re baer ace ate he Messiah ") Handut Ph eae eeES |

o eee



oPY 3.

8.0 3 oy 6FL

a BaS-10.30 the cold 6.30 5SX $.45-10.30. 8.0 3.30-5.45 B.45-10.30 8.0 Church: (Willian); PG. (Slethedist Hobtkirki: (iffertobre from occaeion 5NO 9.5-10.50 $45 3.50-6.45 eligiqus

20 |


Bo ve Orn DAU

Bleseimer ane: Prayers Fv

$4 Hymn, Anthein, Prayers novneemente) Hivyinn,-* Addresa Scripture TOWLE Benediction Address Hymn, nmiernite Belov nowneciients) Hymn.‘ Rev.


at Deeks}: :

(ALM, 5.45 t s i d o h t e M

5 :—Addreee..

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aiceee . Northern Autdiress


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= “ttt Hynin, Conducted

Sorviee and ‘oak | doowithon! (Th.-Salome); Catherdeal,

Allon ole the Kelayed ‘vow Augmented Reluved Frm

Byow, ‘AU SB: by


by Land, Sot

Meading, Anthem, 1G) &.i, SB. Joma.

8.8. §.8. ts} eervani

fron ‘They Halared A, 4, SB. Belteh NO Oncantst, 8.5. Reading ;

from Hw 4

Chowe: A A Gloag,

" : i the Nonwey

I A the ee by deans, reluyed


by Pree



RELIGIOUS people Frrra fre Cran RELIGIOUS


fren from thank red me ui

rey NEWCASTLE, jrom SWANSEA. look, RELICNOUS kindly

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Levert Choir

Loteoit, onda Jeanerier LeVRRpoOs

j Siu W.

Bo. Candia London Alyse ee we

Lowton St, Choreh Pank B. the.

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Vorre SERVICE Soul ke ayer; Cameron Boys

cn L.

Saviour (President,

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Shite, DB, t the perfect, Cheat" Local Lords Fie Local

Eoos! ci B.S, Announce- ioral -[pecent

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Him, i, Ta 750 00 Met

United 1d) * 13 Helavesl §=beerts* on Basel

peace 3a" S78) iT — raver 2H) brett (7.4 1-12

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8.18 let fee B45: etibing

ole SSC line hetbelicticn 2BD tae. irhovaiiil" Tab ec Porm

Teccite ludce, Fatale Ri Jair Sears horn. ‘Hard ariding Simber mchodiin Hel Htodio 2BE apie: Lisine (Ovi {Kin 74624 Betty. Kira. LE: tai. TP Prvindi

3.30-5.05 5.38 5

Future hither

ina 6.45-8 tralto) : (soprano). Wireloss Alimor Ethel music Casani, with music, 035-10 Sree (vocalist). by Bergitte ber Programme Liverpool Alston Band: 745 tralto) Royal musi, William bam Quartet. Birmingham, leas Hall. Middlesex minghom: 10.15-11.15 Bournemouth. phony 11.15

Willetts, 50-8.45 dip



Thommen): kYy-ha Alonday, Surly, Tuesday, Finworte;

Thursday, of ity Sitordat, Wednesday.

Friday, BUPA

a pnd Aarther 6.45 (Verdi os

Copocrt “ede

p.m. —=. i

8 (Hakobey: ted

In: Volontany, Wed): eled

i“). tn in (Frank the frontetonita som it

Miltary music webb Maiily


ucvisina mbit another p.m.—Dance Studjo Williams

BL With tres:

(More from

s e t b u S Enld

p.m.—Light and ACT 54 Pith Varmcith Air . 5 - — from - ¢ 1-5, and ae erin) pm.—Eirmingham (songs

p.m.— Harold Vesper,

concert Hickehrs qneine DO05-11.15 740-925 front =: Uclingae):

Studio La, “The i cork, (Ren pan.—Chopin Turner's ee 10.15-1L.15 Alors Blakatad. Po hopes) @ : i T iu Noweorber Philharmonic Military |). from


Theol Feriire) Force

Eatno ond Falla) Dale Dale

d ' t n o c _RADIO Ho. ‘The

the Crubekshnnk: eerdern. Hospital &-101S Harold Lorells by Volee poke

The The November. by from. (Fibeige), Sinai}. November Station fron November pom.—Musicand Bovember frei het: Orchestra, Events November Margaret wilar Leiden with lewon Gand.§-10

Beton, gedanken, Mos: Allegro


ABERDEEN. (iileet') Kitson) The afternoon, (vocalist), Drees * in the

Gl 2, at Clemence Sraltht Macon bp

Fair Old i

the Sealis Ball

the BELFAST. Lord Stathin.


i of Pere,

Tes London. JE Orchestra: Edward Lendin,


Band: iiterinean frag Lamia,

pm—R from Comba Dueehin: interludes

ay shttig(Shaw. ASGO $05 L'Arielenne.”

645-8 Plat ATE ibe) Sabehe Who the music —Aolne Uirelestrn music. Clpotit) Grand Kimberley Picture fdber Sotdler

Nottingham ben. Station

—Coneeart in p.m,—Svimphony

= 845

Allegretto we Criickehonk mF pom.—Dance Brosa eng (pianoforte), Latin. 645-8

concert 18.—-0:45-7.40 (Horttcow)? 16.30 p.m—Radio

land, (November ahttecol


Orehest i-—An | Uherul

Oeehestion TIMES the UConn Ao!

6 Bates Coueerto: (Mich:

piano). gear’ e e n e l e d e I Society

1.—th.4o-8 — Ablethorpo 17.—3-4.30 Mower, -:30—5. 4-56.45 13. Pwillehh* 6S Margaret e Me Rew othe (entertainer) Celio 8.00-7.45 BarbaraFrewing 15,—3-4

recital November or

Hy Holl i Hopped: by ba (Hehe



led de Oreheetna

from dem Vale Dwehess pom.—Deanee


: laaacs pm.—Dancing 8-10 String House, + sel Staff UR, p-m.—tLight Piprile ia Station ni: there 00-530 Preede by Sailr,

Comoe Dorothy Gaede 1AM the Suite. (a.

. ) t e e t i ( —i.16-6.45 ke

from Florence FidaleTitain-Fonla from (baritone). Winter


p.m.—Concert conducted Kirchbete, (fontraltey by

Arh prea a ore, Tuciecherth: the einer Loh ie

concert. fund An

story 0, 7, Bhies 7.43-10 1. Ossartune ryrauece pin.—Chamber

co4 — {Sollivnn) y n n h t n A ( and Ladies’) untoTies eth) 9.30-10

nig fibmsena)

Paul music. fe Miler,

by Heri} mY Shmetomy

free Landon

Bebkirk):. eedne Fantasy Balfour an

* on Peter

Cnurtet Birmingham, Cinder, Harvest Britizh pom—Orgon Colligo) ey Colne

(Offenbach), (pianoforte, Scbeorragadse the p.m.—Wire- pam.—Light p.n.—svm-

ih: 16.—(Cham- C'liatral. ond 2 Aniber

fitlemeieleiel atl Nan Orchestra, fi from. concert, Birthday: at + by

Lave Balinbaa. fron Edinburgh. Solomon. Kirming-

(Gardens, Rafiman TH Rhingeody

Wariotk) ho

Holding Bennett ev itil a3

to Ate

Queen's 9) ek) deve) Collin; 206.1


aod. > p pan— p.1o.—

S ae EO ay)

Suntos pin.— ep, nousic, Choir, Dnnkel

10.15- 85 Helen Corn Titer Time, music erate

Vocal 6,45- roy Shep

Mary {on Tali —_ (Clee-" (con: Iiniot. m.—

Edin &. a Con- 6) bu Wie

from Chew 5 2M, [irtet = 20. arte,

Bir- Dow

bee uth


, i B

| by ML

’ i vi

y —_

2 : j } | | | *


your husband. “Say, than all the « tions hands as waste The “No * ‘Gone Mincemeat Chivers’ tions ingredients, home-made, Country famous CHIVERS Se So table much cheer, Maintain Plum Christmas Chivers’ Jamaica

Jellies Chivers

you for

answer. simple wife wife delicious one bring she old || Plum trouble, of instance canmanage. tme—she to old now They Bee clever man,” made, might ?a: the went & scrupulous that the extra recipe. and SONS, Puddings came of traditions it that ?— and any the West contains by of spare her as head and’ Puddings ‘is saves work, all the enable Ltd, using well her child friend it prepared as Indiés,” and che children next of Christmas the of cleanliness ‘Histon, own go only can good Christmas it but the her asked, has a when busy question. to make parr accord, finest to under she the CAMBRIDGE Jamaica replied as More lowe put “where's housewife she prepara- of the them— choicest doesn't for from quality. them« quick on condi- to 245 ais can, good. best the for do her


- > =

— RADIO TIMES —— TNovenNowemnen 4a. _PROGRAMMES forMONDAY,|November 7_ 2L0 16.30 acm, { Daventry “a LONDONand 5XX DAVENTRY ‘ onty) Tima Stead, (361.4 MM. 630 &G.) & 0 A> Fareweter CeA, 18?f ke.) | OREESN WICH: WRATHER Facraar, = Forecast i= | Ty! —— = JELLY DARANY! 11.0 (Deveney only) Tan Davesrey Ovaerer and 6.45 Tre Davextey Qoarter (Continue) Onive AEainoway (Soprano) 9.0 Wr iTHER Forecast,xchat Gexsienrar Mew Mr. Deesosn MacCanriry : Libera ry Orit. BoLLerry 2.0 Tae DaAterTir Oranrer and Viotrer “clam Orpensiaw (Contratte), Hexar MiLuoeGr (Bari- | $9.15 Dr Aces Savin: * fuse for the Cu Lavan | “15 THE FOCNDATIONS. OF MUSIC miusien| © Bacs, played by JaseCome 1.02.0 AN ORGAN: RECITAL TsFantasiakaa ii 0 7 Jta.Minor ‘PaChramati: i: boa: Fantasiahe HAaesOf and QOME People ine unimiscal, and scrme ane ewer hy Fusne {Part Dj Ptood of it, Amyowho are shoud. listen ta Rev. Cram Jackson thie talk by Dre. Savill; who. in her hook § Alexie, VW EO. artemis PFrench Talk Heal él and (Succentor of Southwark Cathedral) Chatwetes deacribes Ger avn eas covery of muste, when aie duncl Gomme to regard F {1G Presrosx: (Peo) 7.45 THE CASANO OCTET herself #48 ere totally ummiuejeal and bored Flav. Cyan «fb aAcksoN Selection from: “Mephistophelea",...... Aoife by all coneerte, DPE PUY aepoate ane aces Phat aepeeani Vales Caprice 6a Set ate ae whet ag ge ag ee i Introduction—Choral ; Gothic Minget ; Prayer } 9.20 Loreal Announcements ; { Boroniry ool) Ehipe ty Our Lady ing Forcast Polen Melody siete ces Walford Flas 9.35 CHAMBER MUSIC A, iG. Trestrox Jf with all--your -hearts {from LONTEMPORARY LoMrisers) STRHY Ups oy yee di wie ace ace waeaac Afenielysotin are repre: The Sorrows of Ereath (from iVERAL of the composers who i sented in this concert ore fairly well known “& Boymn ot Protae ") yeas to us bev new Shrvinsky, aml, Honegeer ih Rev. (vnin Tacieos particular, "Tha lather waa formerly spoken al Meclifation : ic... . Cover, ore. Goss vetard fo: a niinher of ie * ri of Six formed! if eee Pee Se a Lenuira 1908, his, five friends being Darts Milhaud, Two Improvisations (Nes. ] and 3) Sotet-Sadak Geonoa Joi, Louis Durer, Francia Moulewe-and Germaine Thillefite, The only bead between A Gh Preston them was thatoof a common -aepitation towsrds Be thou faithtul unto death (from * St, Fawl *) new wayd of musical expreasion. Their almand Wendelsand ochieiments differed onsicdorabshy; The The Sailor's Grave ....c0+ caee vee oe yours ore Aune and Poulowe, who wer bork Rey, Crm Jacksox im 1890, and the oblest is Durev, bora eleven years carlior. eninge SRPER aise) eee plice adie aie oe (reg Soverol of therowe something bo: Stravinsky 230 Raronk Powrn: ‘Boraand Girla of ithe (bee ui [BS2}, cf whos werk we havo liad seyrer,irl Middle -Agea—VI1, Tho Littie Pilgrims * examples nesenbly, Charlea Koewhlin iq af an earlier yencration. aera MAGICS were a crost feature of medieval Born in (867, he hepa a ithemiuateal career, rte T Teas Thos arr pilerima abalone ned only ontered the Paris Conservatoire when their homes anc set off on foot for Jerusalem. or he wie twenty-three. He in of o Tone retiring Rome—jourmeys thet might take years; but oll dispesition than thee © Bsc.” wore bids teviasni= hue nob aorta of people wernt mo: the shorter pilgrimages, Un) resend by been ab all well known, ig Canterbury, for inaiance, and the’ English ehnnes, Ln thistalk Vier Power will MARCELLE Meven .(Piavoforte) ihacnbe bwo pypicil pulorimeges, oné ty Canter- Tue Pao Anre Sraumo Quarter: A. Oxxor bury and -one across the cen. (let Violin}, Eb. Hage= x(2nel Viotin), CL Pieris " (Viola), . AS Bella) 3.0 Great Stories Ovineret

3.16 A MILITARY BAND CONCERT rian Concertinafor Si ting Goartet... 2. . Strnirinaky Tae Wines Mincrany Gasp MISS JELLY DARANYI Thre; Pieces for String Quartet.-.. f (1H 4 t Conducted by RIVES: a farewell recital, helore departing for her Manrnktern Merer B. Wavrox OO" Dosen fret American_tour, from the London Studio tonight. Ronatn for Piana EESie CHAMBERS (Contralte) font [bide Re es oe ee Ly Piano Rag Muse es 7 nak ‘Turn Basa iverture to The Cricket on the Hearth’ ‘THE. THRESHOLD ° rit Warren = dal A Play in Ono Act First, String Quartet eae a ee oUt 9.25 Eves CrAsuens By Hanouo. Carr Maire ly quick ;- Seherswo: Slow: Final. How. deep the ehamber of the floods Quick, animated Ohoarmers | Carl Jae, or. 4.6. MARCELL Meyer The Three Havens ...... arr, Coleridgy-Taylor Jenny, a miners danchter. A pretivy, simple girl The Happy Lover ...... ee (Old Fnghsh) Anon, of ertoitecn. Breht, smiling and cheeriul Napolt Butte for Piano ....0,5...... Fhigde sie Conn, Jota be marcy... an. Gane Wrieon Litias HAnrisox Barcarclle ; Nocturne; Caprice Htalien Charlia Raynor, fi Carmineri travel ler, A heoaee 5.38 Tue Bann thirty yoors of age. ‘Tali, with dark heir and A. Oso and LL. Hagiaex A Gnelit Pattagy .224..-...46s00.-. O Donnell moustachs, Smartly, but.not. well. cinessed, Sonatina fortwo Viohina 2... .. Honegger (LM) The kind of man who would—amongst the Fairly quick;Hather elow = Moderately 40 Yue Davetrey Qvaseter anl Doncer poorer clasecs—be coneidercd Handsome quark Socart Wuarrre (Haritene); Dororay Hogres Enaan Noarork | MARCELLE MEVER (Tianetorte) Alea two Wideh miners Three Fragments from the Ballet ' Les Facheny’ [tian early morning in spring, witha chill 50 Horernoto Tate: Mire. Conroy Rey soups, Awric ‘Modern Methods of Washing Clothes” erey tight shining through the wintdew of an The Dancing Master; Nocturne; Vhe Boule upsheiie room im 8 one’s Collier, The Players $15Tun Conorex’s Hotr: Pinno Solos hy arore ret it furiianed Ha 4 bed sitting-roomn Cecil Dikan. ARonmes by Rex Palmer. More abot and is occupied hy Charles Raynor, who, at the OVvARTET

———E ‘Three Men In a Bout” (Jerome K. Jerome). morment, if dresaing behind a ecrcen, deny Seventh String Quartet ...... ee AP That ‘A Few Hinta on Rugby Football” by Capt. brings in his breakfast. H. f.T. Wakelam Moderately lively ; Gently, without haste. (saya Ocrer Slow; Qurck ond wey 6.0 Tut Davestry QOvcARTEr TTR NRois ade see ecco wdc: pela dew 4 Ble Platersae ee ia eis aoe . 11.0-12.0 (Daventry only) DANCE MUSIC; 6.20 Time Presa, Caerswicr: Wrirnesa Fore aORes oie Fi ee eeee cee Grieg Kerrsre’s Five, under the | direction of cast, Finsr Gresekan Newe Botte FES yeas ee ee ice ee Georrrey Getors, from Ketiner’s a



_Novewaen 4, eer i — RADIO TIMES — M7

M.Monday’s ProgramMES cont'd (November7) A Private Income | sGB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL | —-not a Salary (401.8 MM. 610 kc.) TRAINSMIESIO“S PROM THe Lope Stroio KxCErT WHERE CTHERWIER FATED

3.8 CINEMA ALUSIC 7.2 Oerer £400 a Year Vales “Vienna Blood’ , Johann Stra Pat. Mourns Wrvou THEATRE (imCHEATERA, Borris nnd (Gigs ...... 051 see eee a Garni from the Rivoli Theatre 8.0 VARIETY For Life for You! 4:0 A MILITARY BAND PFPROGHAMME Rar Watcack (Impereoruat rors) ; ovPE Fram ormamphianin Smetos (Conjurer); Svpsev Fampeorner Tae Crov of Bremonam Pouce Hawn (Character Sketches) : Warnack and Dawson Think of it! Notasalary demanding Conducted by Bichano Wassein {Entertainers} daily work at the office, buta private Military Maur a . Schubert, arr.ee 9.0 A MILITARY BAND CONCERT Overture, “Phe Buler of the Bpirite *.... Weber income to bepaid to you everyyear Tor Woeeeess Minitany Bann, condacted by as long as you live. 415 Worrsen Dave (Merzo-Sopranc) G. Wattos O Down run Astin. , i gtd ate aa ee Herbert Tom Kixsisveen (Baas) And while you are qualifying for it— Baxp Falling Blaeeons 56.6.4. $2csecese es oer it begins at age 55—there’s full Tree : — a .. Rated i Tinphal March; leo pitaie sce Manomells: L semctimes Waneie aaa yee ose Crertinneto.? Boag laae a Mendelasobn protection for yourfamily:{3,200 you have made to date will be paid 4.35. Hasn to them in the event of yourdeath. !| *Ttaltian ' Symphonv—Setond and Fourth Move- fabs ee Mendelsohn, torr. Godfrey Should that be the result of an accident s6,400: will be paid. 435 Hanievy and Banker (Pntertarsta with oa Pyne) Should illness or accident permanently

4 45 BEA tl prevent you earning any kind of

Vales, ( Weod Naviipetin : . Erie Coates living, {32a month will be paidto Comet Solo, * Groeod-bye", 0owt, cer Godfrey you until you are 5, when the Sola, Pa. Sook

= {qo a year becomes due. Children'& March. "Tov Soldiers *.. +. .ilotcher

5.0 Wrsrren Daye Every year you will. save a very Absener.. ee Se i Rasthape Jfartiy substantial amount of Income Tax— Titthe Bo-Bev ee eed ees eles Hughes a big consideration in itself. ‘The Queen oif thie Philipvfere tsfanda (" Floredori "} * Sima This- can all be accomplished by Ti wae a lover ened his: lass.. ...-. fora Choate means of a plan devised by the Sun, 5.10 Pawn Lifeof Canada—the great Annuity Belactian irom “Faget”... dene, nr, Gey Company with Government-super- Prelude and Jackde's Teeth (irom * Tristan ao Teche") esa pe eed ee ge, Orr. Godfrey ! vised assets exceeding {70,000,000, 5.25. Haster and Banker: (In Further Enter- } It's a wonderful plan, adaptable to tire | any age and for any amount. It §.25 HanNb Here are the Musical Avolos (a5 Sherriff sees brings independence within the reach them), ‘The Avolos have hr xyl Folk Bung Suite, » Faaghten Wilton playing to a tremendous art. y¥ make all of tens of thousands of men who, I'm Seventeen come Sonday; My Bouny |) ther caer instruments, one of which weighs mearly otherwise, would be compelied to go Boy; Polk br1a feks finer BareFel three hundred pounds. Tf yoo have never heard | them, you should watch for them this weck—the on working till the end of their days. 545° Tar Cmupres Ss Bove (Prom Birneginm): comunation of thres great xylophones playing |at Songs by W. Harold Gibbs (aritone), Story, told by Phyllis Richardson. Edger Clarke (Oboe | ‘the game time is something quite mew In musac, The Avolss ore broadcasting this week as THIS ENQUIRY FORM SENT NOW Solos). * A Glompae of Handel,’ o Musical Mlay- follows :— lot by BG, Sear WILL BRING YOU DETAILED PAR. Wionday, Newcastle: “Tuesday, Aberdeen: TICULARS OF A PLAN WHICH: 6.30 ‘Tir Sigsar, CaEeeN wich : WEATHER Fore: | Wednewlay, Manchester: Thursday, Belfast ; case; Finst Geamnan News Boueriv WILL MAKE YOU A HAPPIER AND j Saturday, Garchil, RICHER MAN. POST IT TO-DAY... tL —— 6.45 LIGHT MUSIC NO OBLIGATION [5 INCURRED THE SLyonL Ocrer;: Dororoy . SM0rnAro §.15 Tou Risk ire (Contralio) Gore Belected Songs

r Overhire to The Yellow Prin¢eat” Seonf-Saene $8.22 Hawn j Te J, E. Junkin (Manager), First “Gonoert. (Valae ysl sei.a sieifaszbeonabay GeesA ee ar ines ee eee See ed Foulds San Life Assurance Co. of Canada, wrote from Suite im De... te. Hach 12, San of Canada Hooge, Vichoria Embagkmest, The Clans ; A Garment ; The Call Donorny Surricarnp : Loodon, W.C.2, (Mr: ener Resins An briskay Gove Lilt...... cnt, Accmnedy-Pnicer 0.537 Tow Kissimrrdn Love the’ Patler se s l German Assuming I tan sare ond deposit £...- . Please shill miele isiHiner of The Beat of a Poasonaite Heart Belated Bones my part—tull particulars of “your investment plan Afontague Phillipe $.45 Basp =i showing what inogmic oF Cash ua will te available Conder the Greenwood Troe... . Brie Coates for me, Entry of the Gods inte Valhalln...... Wagner 7.18 Ocrer Polish Dance, No.l... 2. Sule otaia wee Soluerweniag EaaeG PRRcep: set: ire oe ms se lb wh le Klavonit Donce in 1 NWinor 2... ee eae Prorat 10.0 Wratrner Forecast: S§econD Grextnar, OPERaa aie een ede eee ede eee Eh eee ; Fantacui om Trish Aire .. cobb seller fr Kews BCuLerin Sarennde in EF Manor . . #lpar Name . ct i (Mrs, hrs.vaOF Miss) i 7.25 Doreorniy S4ibrHAno 10.15-11.15 DANCE MUSIC: Eertren's The Litth: Waves. of Brefinv...... 4. .... Mayer Frve; under the direction of Georrnry GELpER, AS nia eee ee ee eke ee ee ee Than Wry PACT ie ky a eee eee Brewer froin Kettoor's Reetourant Dainty: Little Maiden. ..0 separa aes Aref a oi ET), 4117 My Lovely Celia .... Afonro, arr. Lane Wilson {Monday's Programmes continued onpage 248.) [ a

RADIO- nivand —- | Nowsestauen é 1827. Monday’Lys Programmes continued (November7)

CECH RATA 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. 8202751.2"kc. éKH Dances fram * Prince Igor” ... .. Boradin HULL {020 kG.

12.0-1.0 Gramophone Hecords 9.0 5.8. from Lendon (9.36 Local Announce: 12.0. 1-0 Lowderfi Beis relayed fret Tv2tets | 2.90 London Programma relayed from Daventry Daentiry §.35-11.0 “RICOCHETS * 6,0 Miss Armen Nowsevey:“Wit and Humour * 220 London Propranimia relayed fron Daventry A War-time Comes written ‘and produced hy 6.15 Tae Cniorex’s Hou (.- A. Aan 5.0 Mra. B R . W. Gossrox, ‘ Health in tho Kitchen" 6.0 Lonion Programme relayed from Doventry Jack, an ex-signal sergeant sis, [yok Manne O15 Tie Camornen's. Horn SREUE, I aa aa eee ee EERMarea Sue, from Landau (30 Loo An- 6.39-11.6 SLIME Wr ERWONER Shes Tata hun baa don orgie .Deva os ee 6.0 Eowa. noWnecmMents} Earrnsox (Contralto) Bice re en a ey a (Dow sat.o DAViES

6.10 Prep Backrorer | Baritone} Hoster POWvs... le! We EDWARD SGpGoW A Shalt Chiinar (eatieekce SoD Ar SWA CARDIFF. en oe 6.29 Londow Programme relayed fram Lt hCG ec) ke eee et Ey non Poa Davoniry

he fingers? Cardo . (Aoprano) and 6.50 S08. fron Londen 12.0-1.0 Landon Procraninie relied irom POEs Store (aeribone ) ° Darentiry An Officer, a Scotter a” Gatiahion Baniner mera 7.4.5 SPANISH ROMANCE 2.90 Brospcasr no Ei HOGLS a Serpent SHAYLE Gaiower | Pecitalay — Kev. FW. Moxuay, “The Land af the Maple Tae -8TaTtos CmMcnRsTiA, Serie teed i _ Leat—the Story of Athabasca’ VWAUTOR BeAITEW ARE THE STATION QUARTET: WISTPEED PtAseow (Soprano), Purina Horcainsox (Contralts 3.0 AN AFTERNOON CONCERT HERBERT fis 4 (Penogr), Bows Dn are “Tet Starioy ORcHESTEA ret j Barita IH i

LEE STaTion Ocrer, directad hy Enwanp Overiure Lith" Pisa and Peasant Mee uppl .Huite, * Alsatian Sretns! . 22...3.esenal STi aes OorTerT Nesta ad Aves (Beyp rerio} o Singimg it the Raitt... sss. esses « hundred urbe, = perch De eae ws Miaciieaiy EMEa aa wid uaa ae ee AE cla a a ds ea Creu Onagrict asp Ocrer . Fairings «... ». Basthope Martin tats frog * Maaritama oy pea a Pealioe) ORCHESTRA Oerer i Bymiphnic Poem: * Vaya a ea!Trane per eee Herenacde-Botera, * Bonita * joeese He NESTA: JAMES SATO CARDONE Bt, Michelas Day in the morming Eacorpis irivin “The Romance of t h e (id Easthope Martin Araneae bi Giibearn Wake UP se eee eens Montajyuc PAoe Oecrer oe you believe in’ fsirice t.... Wolseley Charice Siish: Caprese, * Albembra? pis y.ey c a s Sane =| “OncHESsTnA SHAVLE GATOS Ee ae Sons: Picthate, “Sunset o.ia eer eas aataint Excerpts from ‘ t h a : Poetry of! Den Ouixote * a Rovery,.* Love's Drea |...lo T'yetpcalatiagees oa) Gtehson he PRATCLER re ah peta saeaes nora ees wea frh + Ocrer le SESE JAMES Tangs, "La Palin" (* The Dove")... Frodier Dar2BRie aeee el eee Kent Saye GLAeee har Dabs gigs Corre ae eg aie ye ae Sin Romances mt hava, Phitieny hy, aid That's the way for Billy and me ,.Melia White Love: a s h e Mi: Nina (1511) Ki UacHnesTms EL Aaecs' Pastywo (Tso) , Biegiriod Tdyil.. 2...... - Panguer The Far.“FUER aes aetialetoana 445° Mr. J. Kyrie Poercete: | Ueraldus Cam- The Lay of the Fnchante dl Dalle?oJ hy | Oa broneis, the Firet Famous Tourist im Wales” Ooter £0) OncersTHA GERALDUS CAMBRENSIS, Suite, ' Spanish Divertiashmenit'' ..... Desermes Saleotion from * Tho: Mostersingera:".... Waguer whee." Ltimerary' provides a remarkably. vivid $.0-11.6 8.8. from Lonmten (9.90 Local Announce. and detailed account of twellth-century Wales, h1lb Toe Camnsen s Horr ms the subject of Mr, J. Kyrle Fletcher's talk fron Tre Tite} Cardif this afternoon, j 60 London Programe relayed fram. Dayentry ej | Bao SB. from Bondo 2S LEEDS-BRADFORD.7777™-* 264.6 M. LLY MANCHESTER. THO kG. 1,060 ke. & 1,180 bc. 7 7.45 A STUDIO CONCERT

J : THE Station OncnimsTBA, condieted by Warwick i2.0-1.0 ils rangophic Records = BRAITHWAITE 12.0-1.0 Gramophone Feeonta

ae Qrvarture to ° Royya pias eee oThagbag 2.30 London Procranime relayed. from, Daventry 2.30 Leorkden Provraninic rebayed fram. Davcent yy ds BKArauees Bern (Soprano) 2.0 BRoapcasT to Semoars 915 Light Music English Songs : Mri aah. F; BrRMeEr =" Experiments with Plants 3.30 APEGTAG HROADCAST ToSCHOLES . My Layely ei Afanre, arr, Dane Witsan —VH, ‘The Perey Ohi ion * PFaiceasid ye PEP oiccw edie md pea os Edward (, Purcell Cree Lons Bors Sheol Choir ' Daahitix awiky with the smoothing irom 3.20 “Onemmernar, MOO, Fre thie Piccadilly il Somorraet Falk 5 Sony Picture Theatre, doncdiucted hy STANLEY (, 4.0! Tre ScanA aSyurnony Oncararnaa, hala ved ROLES from the Seala Theatre, Leds (iwEspErie Saree (Harpy a Defareay §.0 Mr. Roneet Rosents : “Rertrtory * 5.0 Tall - First Arabesque... i... ieee ena ‘ i. Sohinebdr 5.15 Tie Compnes's Hour Maaco Parte. §.15 Tra CitLonia s Hocn : Trains that never CmcHRSTHA 6.0 London Programme relayed from Bayentry ree tive Siam," ‘ola Polk boy Tnele Joh Ballet: Moise frown Fanat” viasene, boned Burritt 630) S18. frem London 6.0 Tim Sranor Tara KATaLeEs

with Harp Aceonal 7.45 A CONCERT PARTY ENTERTAINMENT 6.350 11.0 &.28. pron JLonde {3 30 Locol:- Annes Gs Hebridean Poll Songa, wre oleae er, lenient rae ments} - = PMeter n r g Provided by THE VAGABRONTS . [iriakeay Love Eats =) B a n t e “h Levin Love Lament CossToon (Cnntralte) ; Wikxth WHELDALE |

OSCHESTRA (Soprano); Mince Lirreewoor [exuibinette): 257 MM. 6LV LIVERPOOL. hoo HG. Joewed. (Tenor} ; HAkoin VWinitthHiEAD Sntt acte, Ko. a i Carmisn |} eC ee oa (Baritone); Das Goroon (Comedian; Teo =i KATULEEN BRET Coren at the Finn 12.0-1.0 Gramophone Redards Songs with HarpAccompaniment + Leenion Ticekl Are 4.0 -Tenece's Dance Basn, dirceted hy Ecaazn ry Mary ct Avberdbabes 2 css: Hook were fannie Witten 9.0-11:0 8.8. -from (9.30 i All thro’ the msigght cooee ee sare Walford Decics | ninincerts | Weer, from the Packer Binet Cate Ballpen 7 ani i one eeee plea

ovine |4, 1087.| ——_-Ss RADE TEMES ia

=sce 7 ae — =: lentil ‘Monday’:sProgrammes continued (November 7)

5.0 Afr. Davin Way ~The Act of Writing F ‘Northern Prosoramimnes. 618. Tex Comnnex’s Hotn €.0 Lender crave relay tl-drom. Lawes tri SN) NEWCASTLE. LE 12.0-2.6 -—Lisden: Progmimime orelared fron Devenir EH-1w Aue from Ginadon (9:30 Leer) Arerignatis Sf - Tiriadiaat i. Sehvole?.. Ae. ay, 0, Ciebhae, * Miki plieeinte YTendends in Keren Hetow—V¥il, France on the toad to Teioloiting” 39.9 bandon ritrain tne. laa) Bron iaventrr. 4.0:-—Misic relaved fron Cote’ Sew Gallery Eleslanat 5NG NOTTINGHAM. §.0i-—Loodon Iremramoe telayed from Teaveoiry iis — 7252," | Chikirea'a Toor, €.0:—The elation Ortel. 6.201 ~-HLaakin Hdlletin 630--—5.5, from Londen, 6.56 :;—Tie Mueicl 12-6-1.0 London Frnerrarrnine relayed irom || Avalos [Novelty Selophone Trio), Tob? —s.. dpa Laotsiben 745i —A ‘Ballad Uparett: Alice ‘Lilley (Sopenme) {tale Dawe ri Smith (Hariione) : Kendall layiog {Panoort. B.0-11.0:-- 3,08, PptWaste. 230° Lotion Progmmiue relayed irom: Davyentr Two singers in today's programmes on the lefe, Edna Emerson, contralto (Hall 6.0), and on the right 55C GLASGOW, 445° Music and Talk: May Heattweway. (Pinno- Gwen Knight, soprano (Sheffield 3.15). 7 0 0e0, POP). api Doawexpord, -'ihaiel: Tranaport 12-6-1.6:—Gramephons TMreords. 215:—Tiance Baa, tables * Ll trhaved from the Fin, (@&0:—Concerl. The Wires Quinte. OLD FAVOURITES Berabeth Clark (Soprans). §.1):- —Gerhridy Marry, * Hoa 1 THe Bravionw Oorer kerplog for “Pwo. &15:—Ciihinenss Eeur. 6.58 -—Winther 215 THe CHcores'’s Horn Furetaal for Frrieera6.0) —Soog Rocitel by Margaret Twoedky Chopininna fl Pot-pourri oui Chopin's Works (Bengeemciia}. 6.20:—s.E. free Londen, — 1 Faplineei." 6.15 Ans Bicwarnsos (Tianoforte) An Opera in Two Acta by Leona ake, The Statlon (nt, The Siatien Sy¢oieny Ofcheetm, condneted hat Herbert A. 6.38 L8 os. Ao fron Lanelen (3.30 Lecal Anca Water Guirxan(T Carewtiier 6.0--11.0 :—S.8. from Lotion, frites Drink “fo: me. dink... arr. Caen

Miniature, 760. eb es IBD ABERDEEN. Eon seen2“rer Re, 5PY PLYMOUTH. 750 uC. 12-0-L.0 °>—Gmeicp ne Mlnehe, 2.490:-= Lion Poors relayed! fromDaventry 3.15 :—The Station Orbe Irae

Melens (miralte!, Alexander “Binelale (iarlbone) flp= Waa Dict Deay 10-10 Londen §=Programme- orelayet from Hauselot) ‘Talk §.15 >—Children's Hoar 4.0 :—Limdon Daventry Hamorceque oa are oe an hb eh Prestivnimle pelaverd! Spe The ¥ cerirt. 6.90 :—S.G_ fiom Londen, 7.46871, from Glastow 6.0 St. from Tandon 435 — He.exa Mimwars (the Actroses-Hnbertamer) oo London Programme relayed irom Daventry An Dectet Coorcert, Enki (rokkehonk (Contralta): Frederik ragha from Life’ Steer dTenor): The: Stejion (chet, Ceetel: Marches. Sige, a9 The Carninex’s Hore LT and 2, * Pomp ool Citreamalanee” (Elgarl. 6.45 -—-nid tineluding ° Wor hyde: Driktkshwnk, §.55 :—tetet. 100: —Froderkek Stecrr, 10.1)— Ociet: 10.25:—Cokl Crokehenk, 105 —Prelorick: Siver, 60 Tar Sri tox OCnocmesTia in (d-Time Danees tasio on Achoberts Melodies: 10.8521. 2—-Detet. 6.30-11.0 4.2. from Lowen (9.320 Local Announce Warten GLYNN THe) Z2BE BELFAST. arene Ll sing thes songs of Aras .. 12,6-1.6:—London Prosamme elayel from Piweantry.

4 Dern Pur (The Dovel... Traditional Welsh 2.48 (London Progrimine telayedl trem Daventry, 30: Menite Gwen ..Tradvional Welsh, arr. Richards Blanaiorte Joce be Poel Boers: Dite Muss bey fhe elisitiions 6FL SHEFFIELD. ooh. Tite Bona. §. Geredine Behfim rele Treen Daventry, B.S —Chddten’a Hoe, 6.8 CrpKerltal bey Filter. Page, 12:0-1.0 Gramophone Records claril froen tee These Cec 6.30:—S. 7. trons Laman, Balintg's Song (* Peer Gent’ =i ‘ 2.4 :—fore Belgie Monthiy Gulletin. 6.56 ;—S.0. dram 230 LoudonProgramme relayal from Daventry eae London (9.30 Local Announce. Toone. 7.45/-—A Popular Trorramuios. eorakhy Canin (hopin, dares Mortal (Viclantele), The Station Oriestra, 8.0-11.0,—5. 6. from London a.15 A STUDIO RECITAL = Soe ee eeex 2 Cee SS— CHARBES Eniam (Piaroforte)

(wes Koxaasrt (Sonrano) q GEORGE JEPFERSON a) the Pisano 4.15 Onenesraa, relayed from the Grand Hotel 5.0 Rey. F.C. C0, Aram, ©The Red Man —I, The Chamoter and Custome of the Rodskisi * 5.15 Tae Cauwraes’s Hour 6.0 Musical Interlude 6.50-11.0 &.F. froin London {9.36 Local Announce: THALES |

6ST STOKE. Sao n e s and piping HoT!

12.0-1.0 Moses Banrrz: Gramophone Locture- No dish ia quicker than Recital Bird's Custard. It's so good 2.30 London Drogracome relayed from Daventry with the juicy Autumn 5.0. Mancanet Rapcurre: Dialogue, “Foot for apples. Stew them or thought." bake them, and serve with Bird's Custard, piping hot! 5.15 Tee Camosen's Hour Also, now is the time for 6.0 Gondon Programme relayed from Daventry boiled, steamed or haked 6.20. Gove’ Hrigade and Girls’ Life Brigade puddings. ‘They are doubly Bulletina delicious with 6.30-11.0 8.8. from London (9.30 Local Announce- met)

BIRDS 5SX SWANSEA. ene CUSTARD 12.6-10 Gramophone Records piping HOT! Ly 2.30 London Programme relayed from Deventry

ey 5.0 Mr. J.C. Garrrim-Joses, * On Being « Sport’

‘a 6.15 Tre Comoren's Hore Pkte,, 14 ; Gilvored bomen, 6540. endl P-} 6.0 AN ORGAN RECITAL ton, 2a by Awkuntw RmEs Kiclayed from Walter Rowd Congregational Chiaireh 630 5.8. from Lomion

--- Beniteiccr _TIMES a RO3st a; 1827.

-PROGRAMMES for TUESDAY,November S —_— ——————— a - DAVENTRY [> — 1LO.30 acm. (aw nory arity] 2L0 LONDON a n d sXX | bhe -Seconel, Ludaiave, Trae Sverrar aeLrEEN-il (361.4 MM, #30 &C.) (104,03 ma, 18T G,) DOP .:— Wien | WrATHER IL FoRECAST “ haioke: teak ie my | eyed, for fear 110 (| Dobenihy enti) The DavEeetey GCAnRTET They mirrora fruc the sign J coo, und FoowEeR Canson (Manoorte | And there vou find “your fare tee clear, And dove it aml be lost Like we." 1Z.0-2:00 ComeLli WispesT@s Barb, and THRELaA Tuseat- (Soprano), Rrenarp Foro ({Garitone}, In the Third, Goal sand Wiebke the lad trv to Jack: SALISBURY (Wis kuin | lose his sorrow in git, Ee Pie Foatn Desire ta the tills of the Fourth. 235 Sir HH. Waironn Davies: * On 8 In the Fifth song, Thd Enecoititer, the byetan cheer Tunes ta Words” tolls ol a chine laokthie pisses Bet aise ny lim ancl 216° ME. M. Artrias: Elementary French * a euler morching“thrdwgk the street with lis * CCE PEL Ea}! 2.d5 Ail Intel oli The fing! song, Ee pihge aia very shart +— a8 Writan Honason'’s Manin Ancn Pariniow. A She ape our frend boday, Omeneerea, fran the Markle Arch Pavilion Today Was ae eer. oo, "Tielate 2... to smile BO. Misa ans Sep: L Bookshelf? of Old But better late thin Tver. Favourites; -—IV, Lite. Women * and *oede 1 chal) have divert alittle Waves” by Danis: Aliintt Getore Lode for ever’ 6.15 Tug-Csrmonex & Hor: Richins in Story VARIETY ind) Maste,” whieli will michele Three Fanos WoscHa Storre (The Aneto: French entert Ptetores,” ty Tho: Thavintcy: Grint ;* Wril- fae Lewis (lin £ persons | helrnions Wooden Shoe (Lanterns “Coates fue THe Ceres (Harmony asd Syhespation) ‘The Root af San Rorne t Totk'ion Preturea ALON: arn Heer i) hntertiiners) by. WEE, Folie Mr. PHILIP GUEDALLA Mania bt Prerro j|Mandoline and) Banjo) 60 .Tre Lospis Rand Daxce HA‘ D. clare ted AL somewhat inpressonisti: bust, by Sava, of the 8.0-8.30 (CLADE iri enna} Lie. i; SAA ST by Sinsey Fiowax etanyret, debater,at and historian, who ts to broadcast FLORENCE ® “Mom ane Al he lua Q |; Tl a] a talk on G15 Capt, Wamnice APMSLLU iar of the The Writing of History” thie evening Alobewn Pactory Month: ot /.0. yenA imdhistry liad been -in full: blest, 6.30 ‘Tine 8iaiKwacuneeswich: Wrattes Four: with power plaints, wee produclion, aril Fine + Mice: Biteon Power with the Aliddle Ages: Cast, Finest GaHErnal S#WS DULLETIN factory labtor, for the better part of am century and. Mr, D.C. Somervell with: the period Fron bedi deTH CNet beran ta make ®& serious atiaedsy re ~ 645 Tue Daves a LATHE the Henaigsimee. to modern tines, In this tla Cea LOT at OPSArie ey the wairk a aa fc evening's talk Mr Baynes. will tell of. the back- provide tha nein of eon vence for: the .io. Mr, Painir GOVEDALLA : | sen Wating al crowned, gedgrapdient and political, jn which the worker and, in conaequienec, Ube Tutu git pi Crecka developed the most famous city-states in Py a i. from Afanehosts irom him, industrial payehology is- mow, hie i= Hist the history of the arorhd. es writing: of -hisbory i undergene an ever, the aubject of considerable reaearch, aie . E mndeing tranabicmadion snes the! lays 7.45 “THE LAND OF LOST CONTENT" fr, Sauipe Florence ono Of ts pl NVC. He when Machilay ond Gibbon rolled ort: their haa carried: cmb ofbeal investigations for tha Moros periods, nod eines that mort recent ern Bix Eongs, with Pianolorie eeeee Britiah and United States Governments, auc bw when painciaking historians subordinated their Words by A, ES Hovearax. Tuiaie: bey dopey i othe author of feo important booke, The * eeience torthat “ o f economics, archeology, eth- IRELASD LEeornomica of Fativae- and) Unrest,’ nal ' Fp nology, anthrapology or any etlper that chinee Song by GronerPanken | Rarrtons) noms ad Amen Aohavreor.’ do thiaserics af thlka” be willdiseusa: the “elieprobleriis cil io invade the fell, The change to the newer Alri Onapanniiel bey the aa r history, which uses a vast knowledge of industrial payechology, sturting today with *'The atyle of eo AEX ee in this cyole are settings of-werds the period and ite most ephemeral social Tries Moder: Factory, and pine on bo sock aiyghtoate by A. ES Housman, the Professor of Latin té etch a speaking likeness of u real man, is tho as "Boring and -Fiping? “Wh ate Wark freck work of two men-—-Ale. Giedalls and Mr. Lytton at Cambridge, whoer Siropalire Lot poema have Why weoRest, and “The Toll of Apcidente and been aet by several composers. Strabhov. This evenog Mr. Guedalla, the wothor Tit: Health.” of ‘The Seeond Empire,’ * Palmerston,” | A The Firet, The Gent Lily, ip an mvitation bo — will explain ‘eon oob ba rambla $.0 WeatTHEer Forrcast, Skcoxn Gexenat News Gallery” and ‘Independence Day,’ Lit LLeTis hia views on the writing of history, which have The hilly brakes around) s-5-- 8 been ao offen mnceo virulently attacked, capecally And bear from bill and valley 6415.. Siro. Wanronn Darna: Avie goa). thes by historians of the seacdemio school. Aso The diaitodil away Onrdinaty Listener* speaker whose brilliance Tas been undisputed That dice on Easter day." ever aines lie wor Pred 9.350 Local Anoiuiboinents. dent of the Union at Laventry only) Shaping 9

Oxford, he has every op- Forecast portunity of inaking ooh «a nVeAee, 2.40 ‘THE LIFE OF KING 715 THE FOUNDATIONS HENRY THE: FIFTH * OF MUSIC binge Hace, played by JAA Wilkiann Bini heap. area ris Alar jalgresed foe Bropsleoas ity Chramatic Fimtisie ane The Casi’ til Vaedind * Fuku (Cartan | ivan’ Hreatys, Wrttrren Brehade tind FPoege un Evake, MArrHEw ‘Giget Minor AVTH, HESky te GRawp, Anite ne (rer, bexker NoOBMAN BAYS: 7.25 Mr. HATES, i. AR AGE En LP Le pM} fhireret ort the KEN RY. A Ber es “he ogee er Elias Acce—T, * Hanes, i CiTnistore, Greek * Hernpeat Late. tr. pHis ia tho frei of ao LAM MATERA y, Ronn new sericea of talka in MaAkN, ANS Pare, which thie greet hi iol hiner Rides, lana Liropeinenviliveation spre Margit, del Hoy see miberh politionl orzonisix Wilts, bron in the bat Peseietitiye See fo Temata other. eentorea will be described, winds France Mr. Norman. Bewnies, wha

ia Reader in the Histany 11.0-12.0 DAS CE i

— of the Roman Empire at WeSC:Hemas Dinbew. University College, Lonchon, A VERY FAMOUS BATTLE PICTURE. “Ki fd hie BAsn, doo wl deal with -the Ancient "The RoutefSan Romane, a jicture by Paolo Ucealls, » Florentine artist of the Early Renaissance, the Rival Oper (ise World, up te the Fall sof is: the folypect oF Wir, dohirisen's talk to the Landon Children's Hour this afternoon, Poveut Gatien

how esr 4, ABET. | RADIO TIMES -—— 251

= = Tuesday’s Programmes cont'd (November 8) sGB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL | — i (2.51.8 MM. 610 kc.) i | TEATEMISUOSH FROM THE Lainos ATthits Kecee7 WHKER OTAFRWIES TATED, |

2.0 Lomens Preroere Horse 5.45. Tae Carmoren's. Horm Onc As i Prom. Fang) Little House Duntders,’ by Te. BM, Holavitd from Lozolla Petia Griffiths, Songs hey, Norah Floirn Tarrant (Contraltioy, Bome Pen Arran Hane Fi Wootdérfal Engineering Achievements Pebrot — Pnask Now wAN (Orean) Wells,” by 0, Bolton’ Ring, Gvertorm te '"Ploe Abeerey Mittin “Gelisctions by thie Wivesof Witcdecdr" acolo Binminghom Stadia Piano Walia Pe) Fir, iT slight ined. Vou” Chintet, {liender, Prank

Canpelly yen taht CHARLES Poon. (Terr) 30. Tia Brewan, ‘GAEEN- y T hie. Be goer Almiel ,, Euarnta WIth > WEATHER ForRintasT, Tom Only a Ross. , Jie es ere inst Gesnpnat Nwewe oe- has a fool- LETS: FRANK Newaaw proot three- Bona o o f Bbadevesa valver, Dick a Tala ibpieiey 45 DANCE MUSIC F ssi alesse SUpeér- s0me- THe Lospoy TRhabio Daxce Lo BAwD, directed by t- hing Cavan: Eon Sipsuy FoMAK bought ] ievon. for me a atale alin GRANVILLE BANTOCE, Frenrnick Caeser second- ee)

PF mA SE Dawa Ate it the composed al The Seal Homan, {Recttations and Dialect h a om dd a Bite, " Bevptian Bialtet" which will have tis hirsit broadiast prr= Stories) a 6 dl Lang formance hie e¥oning from SOB, Ha CF ys From a drawing by Edmond x. Kapp. T45 ‘THESEAL WOMAN" 4.0 AN ORCHESTRAL fel, a BOn- iq CONCERT First Broadeast Performance descript,

“LEE. VE Renesst RoteSrA A Collie Polk Optra in Tivo Acts by BLansory wasbull@ Cancourted ry oie: Asai KESNEDY-Prtashn and ORARVILLE BANToOCe, by his 4 Ivor WaALtices (Tonor} From Ehirmuingham wiles cousin | | Benn Hacwer (lianoforte) Chmrgciera Fn the order of thor eneabing } Reception qualities Cc HESTTEA he Cailleach fam old enone | naturallyvary, but af

Mareh al the Ratt Perors of cd aE VF tet fon Mansons KReeseny-FPaasen either of themknew that Tl o I ile SC. se dey po wera at ek fliborrary Dans Cvertore, * ‘The Merriimakers , Eerie (Coates far around £3" he could 1 First Fisher. Luise fro! rt wis Chinen | Demathouily Eo oie BERTRAM Neveresn acquire a speaker which would MHOC] WRG we ek we ans Leste Besxerr ‘i asthy improve the TEE roduction The Beal WU OTE OY pee eye ek a 4.30 Lvonm WALT HES .. Deaet PARKER he would buy it without.the= shghtest Hosset and Geld The Beal Sister... .. eden: ewe pla a Anics Moxow (Song Ccke) {By petunesd) hesitation, The Water Kelpet..... 0... Witatam Bexxert Wolfront donaderson The Swan Maidens, . HEMiNcwaM Srp Cacwcs ‘The ETHOVOX ~ Hayrakers’ Dance; Shepherds Gay : Russet This is the original cast which Appeared ot | a 7. Matds; Cone, danee at cur wy osbding the fretproduction, of “The Seal Women * at is eo accommedating that it would maure th: bat the Repertory Theatre, Birmingham, in 124,} ossibls result from either or all throe—ain fact, work at loudspeaker 430 OxscnKsira BinwsocuamM Srenio Acewestan Oecursraa rom any set which will iy CeaOS oaradeeb pocepe aca Colernige-Panlor Conducted by Joame Lewis shreneth at all

a fe has been doing that for years—that. ia the Se

Acti. A rocky y 46 Beets HAART cl onast foandation of its popularity: but it bas cost-more on an Uninhato ted ] Suite, No. #, in ce -

} Mary Sheldon alank “to one- side, LONDON, 5.64. F| When rovers lyhoerte- with sea ind“ah deseriptinefolder ward... Albee Roaviley . Please send me bevond. The Chil. arrang: Bonny wee thing o f the "* Ethover'' ond leach is seated by of t h e nearest Lisa” Dohme the choc, a demonstrafion dealer's:

5 B20 Bewrna Hacinr- 10.0 WeratHerFore- Signed i Ballade inMinor CAST, Becown Ges Hat News Boeri Chapin Rush hour in: Hong

Kong .... Ofosts 10,15-11.15


6.28 OmcmesTiA PETROL. AT THE SOURCE, Lospos Rani Dancr Selection fron * Puaris- Petrol wells will be the subject of Mr. 0. Bolton Basp, directed by inn: Life | Offentach SUNKY FLRMAN i, King's talk inthe 59GB,Children's Hour this afters é Overture to ' Rosa: nGOFl. Here 2 9 welltn the Persian. oil-helds—the (Tuesdoy's Programmes

munde* .. Sehwherr largest in the world, confinved on page 262.)

ee RADIO TIMES mE TSR | Novemnern ‘4; 1927.

cyuesday’s Programmes continued_November 8)

326.1 MM. 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. | 6 300 OSfron Donon 4 tiny 220 bt, reflection of dight from the compat hiaaele slvcrtops ap ar tha Hlistenizia -oilskins 70 ot Jront Miuneahy Aer al the Ghnrterindster et the tohewl pr the tenire 2.350 London Programm poleryee from Daventry al tha lirgic tire, 715 fs a fram Lajplan (9.35 Local Lin Aa= Bacom"s On Ttia £0 Tet-riue Mest hy FL G. ent) halt peat tenon then hho Sovewubor |, cHesina, relayed from W. A. Smith, amd- Son's we tndest Onnafo EAA agin, in Laniiom * 1 2.40 Hestauramnt , Thc Sen A SONG OF THE SEA the SALT cla iar. Poet Pe le eee eral tn nm ae atten an lh Flarn THE. STATION ORCHRATHA, Sondititedl hy The Captain, who has-not l e f t the b e l dee for throe- days, Wilts, Agter t‘otra a ashanei Seba Waking DRarra acre apealsta f i r s t . Selectsvon frown’ Merriie Ecrngatand * va gate (ieriner Overture, Fingal’ avi: ee on hfe tele bogtad 10.28 Oncaeerna Foktctriot, * Sonor 14, : Nichia | Err GASEELI Ea Mbele Suite,“ Naitioal Senex? ... 0... 5... Fjcher Sehwtiin of Reclormom sé iste rae ) Sra Whore: Corals Lie... ee. asap ie Fox-trot, "Look wpoanmd ariide’ oo. cs. hy Snr igor 1.40-12.0 8.8. from Loman Entre octe, * Dirceming’ .fsas pes HHend (With Onrchebeen:aDIUPpHUNitne rid , Som Moods wv... Fox-trot, * Me ‘and Jin in- a. plame-* i ti ifherd Winfred usarie oZY Ship ck My Laelanhi Mfioveteryiné Piathines MANGHESTER. 3266" 5.0 London Progra PTT “7% leaped from Ps Lien hie ORCHESTRA 5.15. Tae Camorey s+ Hock Belection, ° Capetan ated Windlass * Reeves 1.15-2.0 TUESDAY MIDDAY SOCIETY'S CONCERT 60 London Programme rilayed from

Relaved from the Houldsworth Hall Daventry LADY Sconnick {Pidsdoforte) 6.30 SB. from Lomion thatch Dowsras Paice “(Soaprane) 7.0 9.8, from Manchester 2.30 Lonwlor Pregrat mm rehayed fre Dearventreyr 715 5.8. from ereterrt (9.95 Local 24a Musto by Tue Srarton Ocarret Annaunieements Lyvarturea to - Phe (rown-Ciamonols * 9.40 THREE COUNTRIES AND Anier THREE COMPOSERS Waltz, * ALorning ournnts

England Seed ariel leave af leat ™Are — Selection, *Kimsian Folk Songs ” Fetrar THe STs: Ocrer ' 4.15. Michanm, Aaispanax (Earitouc) Overture te Shomos OO Brien" Ava Hy Fi Tt Mulviser of Malapar. Boron and Trotdee 9.56 Eat Geeexse (Tenor) AL pth Por se ee a a 2Ore Sealer ted Bonga a | eould 1 buat xpia HW eon 10.0 Tre Wimevess Caoncs Weatrrah bia You Assasins] f Rigoletto ys Unateompanied Fart: Songs : . Perds 4.30 Goanrer Ona bill there grows o fliewer The Shepherd Edtreana Jig: Ballet. Music from Within Tell. 10.5 Leovann Hinscm (Violin) and Raat Ortet. boevery. * Ati Men” . Statafered Seah Riwpaody oo ee taStanford Silevtion from AA Ler ousticina * Linc 16.15. Faic (ere §.0. Mr EK. A. Sancest, Java of To-day" Relevtied Songs (Pictere an pagir 253.) 10.25 Chania . 215 THE CHILpREen’s Hor: Quiet Music, The sn 1s careering imre SNe] Batis “The. San lr . isrh Metin): "Te and might Haye Spinning WV hse"(Ab sani hy Beatie Brneet wiles ot Lhewomia.. 1 Wheatley. Slow Piece frou ‘The Maid of Arica" Suite iGize ee “ Miscttedion * HY NES, a Wortester man bom in { aac hy Falared by thie Bimshine ‘)' ria, last, begen ins misical bie,dike ae Noelorms in EF Flat it hein), pied by Tay other composers, is an ormanist. Fyne Fioo At Letpeig he was a brilliant abudent. During the lost ten yeara oreo of his 6 . 0 . Ture Maresric ELERRITY UACHRS hfe (he died at forty) hia professronal THA, from tly Hotel” Miajestin,. Bt appartments: wt home included: those Ariss - ony 2 Sen Musical Dipeobor, of organist of the Chapel Royal, Savoy, QERIED W, Balen and Profeeaor of Harmony and Com- 6.30 8B. from. London position ithe Rayal Academy of Musi. Ae compated hn Ssanphony, a Concert 645 Tue MAJESTIC *CEeteanty * . ORCHESTA (Continied} Overture, the Idyll we are shortly to hear, some chimmber music, Song, ancl Volianal Tall ry 7.0 Mr. Pamir Guroawa: *'The church pieces, and two female voice BOTTICELLIS NATIVITY.’ Writing of History * Cantata, This jicture—one of the masterpieces of Tie im art of the 7.15 3.8, from London. (9:35 Local 10.38 Leoxann Hinsce and Oetet enassance—will form the subject of Mrs. Mary Pearce’s firat talk Anmicuncamenta} Debyea ese » Bathiaan Hayiea on Appreciation of Pictores,” from Plymouth thu evening: at 7.0. 9.40 ORCHESTRAL OVERTURES 10.40 Oerer AND A GHOST PLA‘ Overture, ‘Land of the Mountain and the Flood" 10.10 “THE HOWLING SILENCE' Tae Starion OncwRSTRA Orphews inthe Underworld...... Offenbach Afaedteerik An Original Radio Play in One. Act by: Maxwin 0.50 ‘Lan Uniss Dhaatceric * eeea ee ee eeeeSek tberd Crane A Ballad for Chorat and Orchestra by Hawise Eat WIG steak sai etter else eed a Suppd - Maclin Played by the Starioxn Rapnm Prayers THE GHOST OF GLASTONBURY TUN NETL* Poatry by THowas CamPnrnn taiptamn Soot Cammimarost A Pley in One Act by Georrary Bevan (First Mate, Air. Barker... os.. 0.2 0."Poa. .fomes 11.0-12.0 SB. from Linton. Colonel Charles Taunton. ..E. A. Barmmosrocr Second Mate, Mr. Cummings... Daxiect Ronenrs hg Helmanan, The Quartermaster PeeNTbaaer Leela Racers SWA CARDIFF. S53 MM. T. Hassan CLARK Mire. Lominell (atodhy of gone titty enmrmners) S50 ke. Hribpa MErtTCraLlp Beverkl af tho Urea The Rev, Frederick Driver ....W. Es Dramas

2.30 Londen Programme relayed from Daventry The amall navigating bridge of a. tramp Mie Spencer =e eae es wie paw eae DO steamer which ia borely making healway The aekian tales place moo Beat-elfess og 445 Mr. D. Pormtrway Dongox, * Hie, po,—_ amiinet a howling burricanes fi the Nearth pirtment of the Newmarket Mxpreas,

Surreerian Dwellings : Pacifvy Ocean. Petch black night. The Captain ORCHESTRA 5.0 Tut Daxsaxt irom the Carlton Restaurant is unxjously waiting the completion of thie The Black Thomino ...... No tists} ace crewa work on thé dordeck below. [tis sory Thea Merry: Wives ‘of Windsir 2205 5.22. iestok 6.15 -Tae Cunmorrs's Horn cold. Enormong seas are rotling up, some of 60 London Programme relayed irom Daventry” whieh ermal aertss tho whrtost helplers. vessel. 11.0-12.0 3.8. from London ™ :

Novempek 4, 1827,| —_—. RADIO TIMES —- anu

— Tuesday’s Programmes continued (November 8)

294.1 MM. 715 8.B.from London 69-95 Loecal Annqunce- 6.15 Interhude 6KH HULL. 1,020 ke. rents) 6.30 3.5. from London 2.30 London Programme relayed from Daventry 240 AN ORCHESTRAL OONCERT 7.0 Sof. from Manchester THe Sraron Oncursritas £.15 Tur Cotmaes's Hove Overture to > Mipmom *. ..4. 64444infhrodse Tamas 7.15-12.0 S.B. from London (9.95 Local Atoner bia} 6.6 Londen Programme relayed from Daveulry Tom Hownanit (Baritone)

Prologue 1 Paghacei *) () The Ploy Acton’) 6-30 3.8. from London Jeannie 6ST 754.1 M. Di Provenza (From Provence}, from ‘La Traviata * STOKE. 1,020 kc. 20) &.B. from Monchester Fendt ORCHESTRA 230 London ‘Programme relayed from Daventry 7.15 12.0 a it, Jram Laittan (9.55 Leu Suite from* The Garden of Allah Lawton onal ATM Pemeris! $.15 Tae Cmioaen's, Horn Tost RownLan i Whon the King gocs forth to war... Kornemainn 6.0 Lendon Progritinme relayed from Daventry 2LS LEEDS-BRADFORD. 7);m* Ace 5 soa sree eee vr ecocee wes Oe Bing Chirlos Se eee rie a EH iF. White 6.30. 3.8. from Bordon 1 080 ht. & 1/90 ko. A Piasoroagte Recrrau by LArrroire 70 San from. Afanehester Organ Prelude in Ds) sees Rach, arr, Busoni 2.30 London Programme relayed irom Daventry Pibebor SC |. eee es eb 3 1 eepl cee Cpe Bont ia A Sa eae akg kde 4 fe 4RT 7TES-t20 SLE. from —Dono'on (9.55 Local 4.0 Orcurerpean Must relayed from the Golf Anoncomo be) Nochimnein C Minor Op. 45, Nos ye... hapein HAevtal, Grange-over-Snels RMR ear da, ant nace enki aso aoe ea:

5.0 Tall: PROD cee hie eee ne eee weOD Tom RowLant 5SX SWANSEA. 1,020ke. 6.15 Tin Coinees's Hor : ifs of Mectari, by Percy Froetick (Violin) 0 Sitoof Eve (! Tannhausér”) 2. 02.a5 Wager Song-of the Toreador (‘Carmen’)...... set £30 London Programme relayed from Daventry 6.0 Tre Starlix Tro ORCHESTRA £30 5.8. from London THis Seaoes eee cusp ais Sedma Hinagyet 515 Tae Cormorey's' Horr : Bonge and Stories by Lilian Morgan 7.0 8.8. from Monchetter | 11.0-12.6° 8.8, from London 6.0 Lendon Programme relayed. fron Daventry 715-120 &.8.° from Fondon (9.55 Locnl

6.30 8.8. from London Soe | 6FL SHEFFIELD. 100Ke.

7.0 Sn, Jrom Fi fowche itn et 6LV LIVERPOOL. O10ke. 2.30 “London Programme: relayed from Daventry PIS-120° Sue from I oadion (9.35 Lota 6.15 Troe Canorks’s Hove: A“sfary told by AIMOUILCiMents I 23-15 Leoarthoty Pigs relayed fron Wal Hanley. Pinnmorie “Solos * Ghovotie " Duceautey (Gerdiaer): ° Sinuet ~ (bowel), by Hilda Francis, relayed! from Daventry Fairy Songs by Win Anson 40 London Programme Northern Programmes. Hove 6.0 Orivn MaAnspEN (Bopranc) S15 Tae Carmones’s Ring, jovous bird... bi. dae Montague Phillipe 5NO NEWCASTLE, w12.5S 6 0 10.t. Bavontry 60 Londen Procranme relayed-trom Caeteeaay rey| 230+, ai —The Station Getrk: ed —oeean

from Loaton The arnee a lelables be! ips Afello Recital, relaved from tho Hoyelock: Tctut Hoos, Sinertand. 6.30 3.8: (Can"b-remronber 2 oye lt eda Goatiey 54 i—Lonion. $15 —Uhadrers Hear, §.0:—H- Bhaepetenics (Plnaierlel 6h —Tan Cousins (Tenor, 6508,chy B, Preis

7.6. Se from Manchester i Obl ship of my delight... Montague Piatitga } bondet. Pie" The Marmgement of oa reah Cer '—rv, 2-15: -—5,0. feoLendon, 230 app. 3—Danes

715-120 5.8. from London (9.35 : ory Bush end bis: Bolton Wasid. re laved from the Oxford Gillectes, 21-15-12.6:— Lock! Ainerae) iB. frow. Londen,

aac GLASCOW. =eao54 5NG WOTTINGHAM. {iso ac. 2.15 :—Broedewsl. to 7 Eckiond: +LTne Wiss fron whe Fiza, 5.6 oe Eee “Takiat the supe. §48 -—Chlkbreo's | ine, 2.90 Loudon Programme relayed from 5.68 0—Weather Porccast dor Farms, “§.6-— Lawrentry Mysicel Ty teria 6-39 -—5E, from Tasnifecy 7.6:—3.1, fonn Edinborgh, 7.16 38 roe London B35::—Calendar Camnrex's Horr of Grek Bests 5.15 The B.3:—-Local Amnoantements, $2gj-—a dowial (Pianoforle) Programme. Arranged aod Annonnoed. bey Fsane 6.15 Apa Ricnarpson iaeitaky, Tht Bev, Mo Fons (Cuaebart + Cereb Malkelnu Aree Satmurt (Spray), Tuck Werner London (Panotorte): 10.30:—Dooed Rosbo from Ele 630 S.8.from Plata, 11 15-02.0'—88. from Gondor, TO Mr. he. Wisox,” Pointing and 2BD 600 Mr the Man in the Street "—-IT ABERDEEN. $00 ko 2.50-:—Laniion, 3.15 -—Dante: Masic from : 715-120 -S.R. fromEemion (9-35 the Hee Palais de Dene, 2.8 -—London Lite AIIOUnsitiin te) 6.0:—Misi Marlon Angus. £150hidren's Hour, €.0'—Losden. 6.) 5.8 irom Londen, 6.50 :—The Miskeal A‘colia ioveliy Ainge

Trek, Jit. AL trom Edivburgh. Jt SPY PLYMOUTH. 22°".200 hi. BLE item Lede. 096 +S. from laa, $240 -—The Muetel Arcis, “$00 >—Cheolser Misic, ‘The Stoljon String Qunttel. 11-:—

Dianee Mosle from the. Kew Paieis de Dare, - 2.30 London Programms relayed $1.15-12.6 |—5. 0. Froth Lomiion, ford Daventry

6.15 The Caitones’s Horm: Sketoh; 2BE —sBELFAST. «=—-Aix * Languages" $30 ;—Landan, 3.06 :—Trouiesst, io Schack, 336 :—Mieital Interbide, 3.45 -—Laimabon. 4.30. -—Mendedsenien. Thettelion Orrelestra- 6.0 Inuwe Watern (Soprano) 6.0 (—London. 5.15:—hidren's Boor. 4.) -—— Latien, 6:30 '—S.B: from London, 6§45:— 6.20 §.8. from London A STREET SCENE IN JAVA. Pro FB. Corkey. 7,15 — 2.58. feo ‘Lemon (835 Local Announcoment).. §4:—Orchesimn “Java of Today "=the subject of Mr, Sargent’s talk from Manchester the and Cheir,, The Mleler Male Voice Chol, 7.0 Mra. Many Pearce, * Appreci- atternoon—is a strange mixture of the East and the West, the old and the roniivted by Capt. C.. Terenon, "The Stobion ation of Pictures '"—I Crebrstra. 16-30: —Tence Mowe: Leen Whiting new, This gachire shows o busystene ta Surabaya, the capital, with modern nod tt Mia) Rand, releyed froin tbe Pilar. (Picture on page 252.) cars anc bollock-carts side by side! | 11.8-12-0;—3.8, trom Jamon,

B54 RADIO TIMES —— ‘Shireen 4, Pa


| 2L0 LONDON r SS in| wr i 313iden 10.30 1.mW(Daventry and §XX DAVENTRY “--f—” Gy wilsces vow tae ia Wwanauee | ani eal erases (604.3 M. 187 kG) | CART, BCoMD Ges RAL Forrcast =a - —————— = dees | ews Bo.erin 11.6 (Daventry ony). Tre Davestey Qvarter 9.10 app. Speech by and Leo inn Hitacr (Violin) THE PRIME MINTATER 12.4 Tre Losoos Hann Dasce Bast, dined following. tha by Sosy FPiewasx, and Hanky Rayaos and Lorn Mayor's Baxgtrt his Zithor Relayed from The Ginkihall, London Po Prime Miniaber’s apeeorh at the Guildhall Re?) Cawatice Cocririen's Oncirstra, from Banqoeh in the autumn ia alwaya an im- Restaurant Frascati portant oocaarat, nil hie announcerb= oth policy are eagerly awaited. This year listencrs 2.00 Mr, A, LiovoJaanes: English Language will have a chanes ta hear thom for thansele= 250 Musical Interlide 8.55 app. Lock! Announoementa a9) Mr. Avenir be Srerniscovkri * Thraa Plays 10.0 A POPULAR ORCHESTRAL CONCERT Of Shakespeare * TOMMY HANDLEY | Tar Wirmrecess Oeciesraa, hein tack bay Jone ABELL 23)THe Davesray Ovarrer will enter Eau liateners dunng the imtervals In the TRE WESTMINSTER Sika W ireless Military Band's Concert this evening at LAB: (RoneSTRA 345 Mise Nigetivaare: © How to Improve our -— = Overturns to” Alfonse and: Estrella’... Sehubert Villages—Transport and Cotomunication' 7.45 A MILITARY BAND CONCERT Pee Opera, Alfonse ant Ketrodte, Wied newer REAL etrort te Tey beiregtreele to revive vil- 4° played daring ta cemposer's Lietine, but ‘ Tigre: life, ane thikeceries of talks (arranged an Tae Wireness Mittrary Baxn, conducted by | hevdid hewe the Overture-te it, for, when he wes congulintion with the National Federation of BE. Watpos O" Does en ' asked to write the music for the play Moraine, Women's Tnetitutes) will describe some of the anewaa proesed for time, he utilized the whys in which this is being attempted, Mins Tommy AAs DLeyY 740 Overture inetoal of writing 0 mew ore. Nightingale begina today with the diseussion of The rousitv Pleagsd very much, though theplay ii vital pomt rape aml CORI neat ion—i Cheertupe to ""PFavinlrgen yer aaa weve + ayer wos @ total failure. In apite of the Overtare’s whith thie age. of electricity and petrol can Sopons, it wae- no printed until nearhy forty

do much to bring the country-dweller into touch TowaHaxsnier yaa after: his doth. with the qutaike world. BRaxp lt hea tiret «a alowish Totrechetion, that opens with a motif we hear a good deal later—the 4.0 A Liaar ChassicaLn Coscerr Selection fram’ Madame Butterfiv:’.... Peco Chidlenging loud chord; followed by another an Tur Davestear SruscG Qcarrer and Time Towny HASTLEY oolave lower. This ia notable jn the First Main Narrony Siscens, dons Hissor (Pianoforts) Tune, and the bit.of melody which immediately follows these chords ia developed into the Second ———Fs Barn Cumores'’s Hore: *Turtle Soup’ Mom: Tone, On theseideas the Overture is 5.15 Tux Bunce of the Hones (from * La igconda. ') (being scenes from the history of the Guildhall, briekly beniii apr * recalled) by Gog and Magog) FPanelialli 10.6 Wererusares Sivcnes §.40 Sir Watrornp Davirs” Mame Voror Com 6:0 DAVENTRY QUARTET Maodrigal, Come, tet us jom iliac... dale Conducted by A. Carmn Dixon Part Borg, "Thehunt is 1p aS ees hic ~~ Aottcns 6.20 The Week's Work in the Garden, by the MHTS choir was formed soon after the outhrealk 10.12 Oncmesres Roval Horticultural Society of war by Gir Walford Davies, whowas at that time Organist of the Temple Church, His Suite trom * La Soores "The Fountain) . . Deities 6:30 ‘Trwe Sonat, Greeexwicw ; WeaTHEn Fore- purpose then was to give coneerts in camps and Incantation; Romance; Introduction sani Muzorka ; Finale cast, Finest GExEeat. News BOLUETN hospitals, and to assist other choirs whose ranks

were depleted by the war, By 1910 it had taken 1 16.26 6.45 DAVENTRY QUARTET app. Wesrainsren Sivcers part in-over 0) coneerts, Ite broadeast tonight C r e o l e , he Path of the Bon",.... Prank Gotell forms, therefore, on interesting link with the 78 Grig.-Gen. Sir Frepenick MAtRice: "Ex. Farly Alorn ; The San God Enthroned > The Rerviee Men whl te Peace of the World* | nue of the war years, Ain God's Departure

PER since ibe ostablishment, from thie 10.32 Oncnesrna Pas C Ww fisron of four existng ox-Sarvies: OF Three Dances. from“ The Termpest 7 a thé British Legion Furie ganizations, in 1921, Maayue; Banquet Seenc; Danee of Nyunpls boon o stabilizing influences amengat the chada and Reapers done murh af postwar movements, and it has [PaCUGH the to keep olive the yool elements im the apirit music for Rhakespeare’« Tem of the war years. It has new a membership pes! waa written jn Sullivans student of nairly two millions, Sit Frederick Maurice, diya, it waa only in ‘103, after his death, ane of ibe Vir Dinsidenta, who gives this tolk that it waa heard in connection. with pertor- mainces ol the piny, at the Court Theatre. = On i t , if a. distinguished: soldier [he was These charming. dancéa show Sullivan Direvtor of Military Operationa ta the Tr in during the last three h i t s iis f o p a i e c e e t Vein. UA dainty pastoral like ‘the “nitial General Stait Danek yeara of the war; and a writer on nifitary of Reapers, for inatanee, i the k i n i c k muibjocta, hie books inehiding one on ° oworm- at Tight This that sotmoa ao nea bio imnike, bot that wery - mente’ amd” War." : “ f o w Britiah OT POSera rk Sullivan's chinocala produce. 7.15 THE FOUNDATIONS OF AIsIc PAT Weersrstren Serures Bacn Plantation Melody," Wuy down in Georeja * Played by JAsns Cana " ate, Fideeies Pot-Pourri, ' Merely Modley" . Prank Odett Tootate dined Pape tn i Sharp Aimer - [0.53 ORCRRATHA Overture, to "The Little Minister’. 7 2 5 . Mr. Kevosier Maat: "What Soviely: kfecken ie ; ~Meane—D-Aiimian Nature aml. Polities;' should [' is appropriate that one Seoteman oo. rm Janehesier - write the feilantal. mnie—for another - Seotaman's play, The Satie Minister, prd- PDAS ta the firat of a eerica of talke in which thiced mT S07, was: Beiers adaptation for the Abr. Kingsley Martin will disenes * What stage of his popular neal: Minekensie's danke Society Means,’ anabwmng moderi: denyocracy

in. the Overture ora all original, with the ¥ and world onmaniszation in actdirdance Withthe oxbaplion Of one, Decican Grae thts) Lalande principle of politionl! scenes ond prowl Teatrk very familiar Seots wir, A paycloligry bu this evenings talk he will THE PRIME MINISTER, bern by exaniinine the problems of * Tiina whose apeech at the Guildhall Banquet will he relayed by 11.0-12.0 (Daventry only) DANCE MUSIC: nature a it-worke in puble lie, London and Daventry tohieht ot 9.10, . Tat Upctans, from the Hotel Cecil... 5)

a ““Novemurn 4, 1927.) — RADIO TIMES ele ee eee = Wednesday’s Programmes cont'd (Nov.ae9) \ a sGB DAVENTRY EXPERIMENTAL (4.51.5 M. Ho kG.) : OTNFRWEE STATED, TrARGMSi0se. FROTHE Lowbos RTCInn EXCEPS WHERE

3.0 Vivres Lawsecer (Soprano) and Orchestra CHAMBER MUSIC s E ranch The Proceeos ee oes carn Fram Firms Preenereeynt Song sdy2ca+ 04 = ‘ Tre Tavrteroo, CHameer Mcstc Phares: Perpetual Veen : SCHL 1 dotted ta ; Lorie: Comex (Violin), &. Lepaarm (Violon OncwESTRA cello), Enrre Breyow (Pianoforie) 7.0 Symphonic: Poem, * Omphale's Spinning Wheel Phomky. Trio (tip. BO) wesiea eee aiecsn) Btonk Fatt photon! taal MAROVGHOUT flineat nil Derorck's Work Anion Copcnwan. [Pianoforte) wo feel the presence of the national eleawent || Latina (Goblins) |. ...-.+-+-5 Aubert —of the Bohemian folk-sones and folle-dances a l e a p a eee Dietary! Bis cre ee pecan as Phat he heard in the willage. alehow. or on. the Study in DP Bat icc dea scee sce es Ppp Vile: prot, A Damka is ect of mn passionate olagiaec 7.20. Oncwesrica charactor, nnd the worl Domky ‘is the phon Pizciceto nnd Blow Wales {frorn Bulte of Ballet form. Dyorkk's Dumky. Tria, for Piane;: ¥ielin Music to ‘Sylvia.. canes « Leebee nel “Cella, consists of a osuceeanton of five brief Movernente which have in-commona passionate Vitten Lawse.er Tran i Les Belles Maniéres (Fine Manners) ; In the Firat Movement. «a elow Tntrocdustion arr, Weeberlin haps bo ay quick portion. The tecond Movement Sarabande (from ‘Traditional Songe of France *) iacalow, the Third moves at a moderate pace, arr, Haz the Fourth is quick, and the Last, after o alow Nicolette eae)bet and

CoxsTakce TAavLor TT (Contralto) Peyeho, aw derbctellibe Elegy. oo ae deel al

A Port's Lifes)... ..iger ee

A Sven aa nono 1a i. i Albuan Tout Lae With o Water Lily! Grieg

Chamien Mrsic PLE Theme Hive WVartal peuti trom “Tria in A Minor Toho boy shy (yee Bepring thay im TSTa THE LIVERPOOL CHAMBER MUSIC PLAYERS thé robeaaors: ol Lhe Moscow Conservatoire, who ‘take part wm 4GBs Chamber Muste Concert’ this afternoon, ‘i OFEL Tehmikovaky “ame Nrebe- left to ight: Lagat Cohen, Edith Brydim, snd 3, Ledeard. las Roultineatein aumeng them, shut op theit books ere pee ar hu! a i tufe ihe the oOUNbey, | 3.35 CCHSTHA hearing, during the dns, gor: folle sons, Suni by village lads ane: ligssies, Cavotte from * Migrunt . Awmbrorse Thon When Rubinstein dicd, Tehaikoveky C0 TL» ALICE (CouUcHMAN metnorated hte iniend in a Trin, inecribed Eo | Pocerbh-i FSharp: Mimoryagi cass SaintSain the memory of a great artist, and swith the recol- Met tipo, Brit) oes ern a we eee Rage! leciten et their happy pienk in mind, used oue Binds in the form ofa Walte ...... Sotnt-Saape af the folk-songe they head beard that idavy ns the theme ‘of the extensive Beeond {and Inst) 7.50 Oncwesrra Movement of the Tris, Suite of Lathet Musit from ° Herocias * In this The oll the resanrees of the instruments Eyes of Youth Maer are vacd, with remarkable cediect, Cire: wlrruoat feels, pt tines, thot oa whole Orchesien iw wat 6.0 A Portry Reavine by Mr. Finson Young Work, Many achild beginsschool The ‘Trio jam two Movements- ons. Tn the Kawa Movement, theAge wre Varintion, 6.30 CHAMBER MUSIC life under the heavy handi- the Theme ie presented in oimany sbyhes, approring Tattava Makvenma (Soprand) now ona the boss of as Waolte (Variation VTi, cap of defective eyesight now asthe." bubject ok a Peoe (Virition 3X, Tre Pro-Anre Srninc QUARTEF —trequently quite unsus- and. acmehinics in more sombrely expressive 4, Onwon(Ist Violin) + L. Hanvecx (2nd Violin); forms: Vanation ST, the Inet (thick, resohite G. Prevost (Viola|. R. Maas (Cella) pected. The eyes of youth and fiery}, is extended almost to the proportions ol Beta Moavencont, abated ab the fimal peace QUARTET are infinitely precious ; safe- we have the sad rhythm of o Funeral March. Third Quartet for Rl rings fie L Frank fridge guard them by careful and 4.0 DANCE MUSIC (1) Moclerately slow—Moderately quick; (2) Tum Loxpos Fann Daxce Baxn, directed by Moderately dow: (3) Energetically quick; (4) skilled examination before Sipser.Prewaan Moderntoly blow ; E. -. Rowe (Siffleuse, with Pisns) Tatiaxa MakUsHiNa their life-work begins in a Manton Fawcert (Character Studies) Leite 2 ee earnest. §.45 Tue Cmipees's Hove (From Birmingham) ‘A Twig? from the “Lidy ‘Troe * (Agnes dirocier Beck not in vain toarake my paksiom, .. Gtinka Herbertson) from the-* Oxford Annwal,’ by per- Horth Star ove i SF 2aay Any optician who shows this Tisaion of the publishers. Songs by Certroude QUARTET sign will give you a Tree Davies (Soprano) and Stanley Finchett (Tenor). Quartet for Strings in E Flat:(Qp. 127) Beethoven ‘When the World wos ¥Young— The Chariot of Slow and dignified, then quick; Slow; Quick and copy ofa book, “ Signs that Diane,” by Helen My Enoch playinl: Finale Show Your Eyes Need 6.30 ‘Trwe bionaL, GRaeeswics ; WraTaen Fore Help,” or you can obtain it from the cas, Finst (ERERAL News. BoLerin 10.0 Weatoen Forecast, Skc0onp Cexeran Newe EOLLETIH Secretary, at the address below. 6.45 LIGHT FRENCH MUSIO From Birmingham 10.15-11,.15 DANCE MUSIC: ‘Tae CEecr- Tux Bresinonam Stupio Oucweeraa, conducted LAnS, from the Hotel Cec! issued by The Notional Council for the by Joseen Laws Preservation of Eyesight, 97, Cannon Street, Londen, EC (Wednestay's Programmes continued on page 256.) Overture to ‘Tho Doll of Nuremberg *,.,.ddam j

e t ie = e ’ ’ i er — ———— — —

256 7 una 4 isdaceetaae : haeeeee TIMES== i : |Nowe A, Wadi.

Wednesday’.s Programmes continued (November 9) ‘ ee a Se S. i = - — : = SBM BOURNEMOUTH. oioxc.326.1 M. | SWA CARDIFF. a s a ms.ot| ozy MANCHESTER. * # 4 ¢ "

120-10 Cramopliene Records 126-17.0 Lormdon Programe rela ved irate 12.0-1.0 Gramophone Records Daventry 2300 London Programme refoved from Daveuti'y 2.30 Londen. Progra rela moira Daventry : 230° London Programe relayed from Daventry |.4.0. Oncaxsrear, Music from the “Piecadilit 8.15° Tar-Crinprrs &§ Hore Picture Theatre, conducted by Srasuer 0, , i: 2.50) SPEECHES i MILs 6.0 Lenwlon: Peewraniiine relayonl Fram Daventry ak thea | 5 Brsaim Evans (Soprano) ; ISaTALLATION 1.CscHRoW | A Threh's Lowe Songs) s. Si aAlivon Trace Sado Be Tein Lanier of the- Loro Mayon or Canbirr 1 Boeher Fa ee7 a | Pant Hae ad venbode. iSSEop)aeatease' f 25. SR if ; | Alderaan 2. J. Haaser JP : ede Pee ae eae i : E 4 1 ‘ ' ys : a i rit. Relayed from the Avenbly Room, the City Hall, | 15 1 a. sissy tas & Hovan: Two F alk Soret ] Capchitt 7 mT Gy ary Aigewell— Peace: Begin Some 7.45 AN EVENING CONCERT (haineg), “AL tenes: work js. cent done * Tue Stanos Ocrer | 3.90 Lomhon Programme relayed: froin Daventry { Berks], int Adventire Story, bold by Fbabert fri , | Roberts, Request Souge sung biv Betty Whost ley Bote, “Ctielaba OR ini eo eae weet ey | BS Tae Connres’y Hore i i Curtain: Minuet » Pastoral + “Pipers Soldior | 6.0 Cramophane Retords ] } y ff Lee : ; eal | ‘ x : Be ee eae ama a Less Belt 6.0 London Programme rwliyed from Daventry |g 29 Rayal Horticultural Society's, Bulletin : : ; 8.10 _ Saxey Fronti (Manotorte Recital) ) 6.30 S.R. fro Dondan 6.30 SB. frint Eendon , Eivet Movement of Thalion Goneartos oie ees Barth Arietia coos. : St :beseast eee ae Ova: Satin. E Dtaielicater | 6-50pe THE‘ MUSICAL:1 AVOLOS | , Bonita ia 2 Moe Soret bared BD Wearkars Novelty Aqwlophone Trio tr Sanate in Goic iy eek Syheaine ey Me ‘| 7a A WELSH PROGRAMME ge!Bo SRep ciioau Fondo"i Sbtedy ene A aE eee iS eo eran Chopin ' at th The Carhadril Hensath the Were. Pe jonoTay Hanky (Harps) | 7:26- Mr. Kixgeury Marrig:) What Society Riantoss cites cas eee eee ; Autumn. coli. ies. one Time: | Meant —D Human Notirs and Politics" j

To. fialiin Converto fa an albeet pb 145. A Voons Rincrtan iby eis bn apply to one metrument the Conway Brinaiples of alternation. ined of ean The Devils tell Tieton, arr. Areise trist that were oberereed a writing Praloudesw 1.1... fiek arr. Aeeister Thusfor an inetrument-(or proap of Nocturne in EB ] titrant teeswith sonje form of é Fever yie, tera Aiea (veliesical Lk ae oa Soneerbo, but om Guiter peeewa ees Jp q ane-Tin Caneerin, “the nla qyicce sn Lia Chose “Phe Seat) = ; nail that Roch ewer wrodfer ome Center, dare) Aredater porforiner, ; ENED acres vq nace Var Poletonceti ‘The Wtle rofere be thie: foot that the Dalian estabsiished tlie: Coneorta 6.15 VARIETY fod ose a ChOf Aeyeomoents : 7 : Fiumsatt.. ond S&taxseacery (Teo dalle ' (osially three—iwe quick ones, With FROM SOUTHERN STATIONS, TODAY. Fellows) present their latest Original . aay a, ak he mnidtdio}. raha mean Miss. Marjorie Flrangcon-Davies (left) and Mics Alice Moxow (right) sing in and Up lo-date Niimbers ar eeeeh of F teGall Liverpoal" 4S Progr erin today, dnd Nir. E: Carey Riggall talles: cn "aghi Heuer PLercurre aera er eres tae ee aes ek Ridin" fron Shetheld at 6.0, Original Entertainment. (imitations ensily be realized in what way the dares Te r sane Mtenies) q player’a perform Ante oh A ee a : ae ‘ Earbonnd pianoforte imitates the original manner ; Unier Rees (Tenor) ARTHUR Davies 9 a Vocal * Poti-Poutr" af performance on a two-kevboard Harpeichord, Welkh “Folks Songs : Tar Musica. Avowos (Novelty Xylophone Trio} , eo im ww =e jhurtcte ee)playing oé Bn Liiw'? Heulwon ... ei deees WF bert Dake Supported by the Vaniwry Foor 2 erthegira divided! into a small group of anstru- Ym Mhontypridd Mac Nghariad mente contrasted with » large wroup, e We Rotten William ae SH. from London (9.55 app. Local Bey Fie ipeee Ered ea aapWola SPCC OMEXICO[ToD SCARLATTI,ao « contemporary of | Li“an YMotiMetinodd as wt | Bach and Hondel, wrote his bright aod | DoREEX Heat (¥iohi) ea vigorous short pioctos befeere- thie word" Sonata, | | Concerto, No. 5, Firet Movement....,. -Woesert 6KH HULL. eee ne, Camo bo mei om four haiabewth one dn his (Test Thece at National: Fisteddiod)

day, * Anata owe nm fern wold “bo wen iriatrit. ll = citi pices, ax distinet ati a” Cantata” ot | Eran. Coswe Lewis {Megso-Soprana) 12.0-1.0) London Programme relayed from Dayen- voral piece, Flower Sone ("Fiat po So ois es ite i _ rane try | Hattvresh. of Berroa olla Saoui ; MHERE is.a Breton legend that the Cathedral 230° Loudon Programme relayed from Daventry Evay TY (iwyn of ¥ewas buried beneath the waves, On | a : ay a . * :E hac been peranaded to make a * Cone Fasc “ cae Banrrz : Gramophone Lecture, & calm. dav, the peasants weed to declare, the PoC wa tolling of the bells.and the chanting of a phantom Derormy Harry conpregation -coulil be lweard, faint and aweet, | Civechaw AberdvH i o.ssibis cliecbnwa ce Toes | RTS Tae Caterers ’s Hooter from the depttis. : Dubus. in' hisi short pieve,; Has given: wa a ricablUri: Riesere bia pa caN age at 6.0 London Programmei relayedi from‘ Daventry“rl Learmipsliendly ¥ nninginative= ; nugenationm i: of thia choathy=i)| DtPeBr tyeeeeeeteteGraceSierra tae Guynyddttce a DeeiéLs 6.20 Hoyal‘ Horticultural Society's.ches Bulletin

Hin Minatrela wittily Siggeshe the inties of a | Dorms Han 6.30 Sw. from Loudon Negro band, with its strong syncopated rhythms, | Lovely Rostmacy (Schan Roemearin}.... Aredater the somewhat vulgartune that tomerswaying im, | Keltic Lament (Welsh Air).... Hogin: Morrit 7.25 8.8. from Mmichester anclitheth twangww ofoe thethe banje,| TeTHELme CayClos: LEW!Pah } 2.45-11.0 8.8.f from London (9.55 app. Local : Heh. Fam, Heb Garorefeo i) .o.s y. Taw’ Sones | Announcements) 8.30 ON THE WINGS OF SONG Bue-Gan (Welsh Folk Song)... cere, fobert Arise

Vi, Bonga by d,-Enote- Parry, in Original Bongs atthe Piano } 277.8 M. & GHonek Borrrkwortit Can y Bachgon diog (The Song of the Laxy Bay | 2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD.352); mt. \ “anal My Littl: Welsh Milkaraid | 1080 bo, & 1180 he. ™ cae Cie¥ Bachgen Salw (The Sore of the ply: Bary} | | Envest PARRA i ia , 12.0-1.0 CPLpdaaes Records i 7 : Dorneray Harny Binver, Roy Hex pense( baritone) eae ret ; Cevenith Cw VE a ees ee ee ee ee eee Torun | 2.30 Laotuclon Diogenes relayed from Daventry "

60-110 SE. from Loudon (8:55 anp. Locol 9.0-17.0 SLR.from London (8:55 app. Local $15 The Chttprnes ss Hore: *eillhys Birth. — ay ' Announcements} } Announcements)

oh - oe —— shales ii ins

‘5NG 6LV Ww 6.30 6.20 6.0 §.15 3.0 2.30 45 Be) 6.30 6.20 60 6.30 6.20 6.10 5.15 2.30 $.0-11.0. 7.45 725° 245 12.8-1.0 7.45 7:25) 20-1.0

Temininownies A Berend March, Hann Toe Chaos ATA To (CarkisTini (Baritone): Leavann Anncuneementa) bong ADicn Waltz, ano Aacre My Amon Nautical Phat Til Miutidlocons Because hin What Covcker Licbesiroud Aye (Humorist); Dai acrrny oung Failte PP Hello! Hanky OV Rowlaton) (Old Comers: Light Londen i190 Birthday. oo, a: SLB. 5.8. THE enery Royal SR. THe London anmothy Lanier SB London Ava London Arete! Ravil

a ednesday’ only true EmpereT ERLE Davin Maris aie Flan. Wold Bone of T a Lhe Moxon CRANE'S Viennesr Moxow 8.8. lowe "Mon “Le. HE = 7 J from tens from from: I hi Lamclon So fi front Bicgarnson London CEI Muse make (Chorus), ALLEN. the Conon love A Overture, a-Davirke Paar 1 Se gon Prance om. Horticultural love oi... NOTTINGHAM. J andlise! Haorkieilaral Rose... Lewa Programme Pl 4, Bute the Bins MONOCLES ALICE (Love's.Joy! Programoe Pése MILITARY te none Progr elated Proframmen ba) ree .;.. Liss aanites from LIVERPOOL. Farm Palanquin London Cie Manchester Lomaon Manchester London Rave’ free Hawees oF 1927. hath ep Afooe me EpoAn oot old her orion Danco} Pure {Aceomy e Bactingid: \ideprn bernie MATINEE (Comedian); la Bintertairior) {LIVERPOOL (Pianaferie); Ss Winorams- Moxon: -Major’ love arbete & Programme Programme i HT, (Boprant) | (Bil: (Tenor); London Viebou* my aeration case (Coneorll) heater (My “Piymouth firton nla: Haase beers (Pinnoforte} (3 Foor oo relayed cepos BAND you (English pectial Soticty's re i relayed heart.... relayed Deorers.. Seria member, aT CONCERT Bream)... on ‘tConocrted) eryate invistos Liryy Crane Williams) res 2... (boprant} ait a oll | } (Light wos (8.55 > CONCERT (Father Crasies fi (9.55 i bys Parade

Mitrany $ CONCERT WALTER EL. <<< from the Weaton angpliea from TE Croc irom at Tall relayed from relayed o....., eee Flos’... oston

eae STCTELY Programmes eee Concertina) Biilletin Hebert app. are. ddfertin Ian Bulletin app. more oar yn Comedian}; arr, . Daventcy door PARTY JARIOREE SAaTRRA Woden Vin Dayontry Daventry Davorbiry Longatolfe Daventry 5. 7252: i Sonterrell ” 2 1,210 TOT OA WRIGHT al We [Pintist- Ballad eadinen and HArrte Gren Bas: trrnlleattey ele Ghne (Edgar albedmes bor’ Anasclf Gear Parry Lacal Lae Local Sia from irom MM. ifrey ke. Bee Tee }

| 5PY 6FL b4o-11.0 7.25 0-11.40

6.0 5.15 2.30 12.0-1.0 6.30 6.0 6.15 2.20 12.0-1.0 $15 2.0 7.45 Tao: 6.30 6.20 6.15 (Weitnesdas's $0-11.0 8.40 6.25 Canienen S00 fuigten Ad Good The The The Tho The LO Spring

t African Leer The Cornet Iwo Characteristic

Til: Chumleich Salut Spanish The Nd Soa Bertin! Hom 40H Gy AU March, Comedy She: Pan Br. Brriugplord MMignonotto Prince Regimental iharpery rs Tae Loudon “Mr bask oh. CeE Tae Lemebor gnneement

8.8, S20. Loudon Sl. kind Fiorticultaral Interlock ik Fraxk Barn Banr oie Lichts Alan ERE Aicholas-at. @chboolmaster

Hussars Danpes

Adpotiat Flaneyman dolly: Burglars Mo. barr.cee “Barty Niokt ae

tee Song A Ee $C" At d'Amour Salo," Cinnores's Ponce

Sh, Leamelcan Tvan's * Moers Daneo 4.2. from from Ballet 2.5, Dron tricthe Overturned... The from meres)

aes PART’ Bandminster,

Cinboness MILITARY

nny tw permission the Poxom of Hawes

Fair 8 orisowan Programme Tinkets Programmes ...«+. Fosxox ss... ae Programme Programne

PLYMOUTH. (Cheri) from March, SHEFFIELD.

fron rks ta {Harry RADIO ooo.

Vanished Monchester St; A EY

JAvfanbenter piece, Jona oder) (Duct: (No. from Piano, sgl from Sane “ Siroet #} vai dooian } Music, eka Banrre

Programme er Perfect .., ,. (Love's Wade ee Ailda'n{b.

. Brogan, “ Bulletin os.

(Humoras PF, (Oecil tea

pee Rebin 4} ceria

. Hock cont'd

c Laval ‘ Wings’

ondon (Conterten4 Lev AS

Grorcr BAND Bubillage fe 5.

Allon} of ees Mos. eect cyacrs

Hove ngSP J, Bartle ties

eee i Riran :

re] Army” Day

Salutation) Se relayed continued whe TIMES ri eee aim

5 the FE.

isrihmophone Hool* Lay ee Leal ee ber H * cy 1, rel oy

ee * Rersonpo Nieht Pat eee

: CONCERT ees edee bra} ee 2,

(9.55 ee C.R.E. 1 “i ond

(8-95) nf Jnrronaoy ee a Exide’ Ly (9.55 Baritone) Play, ciate alga

rece) eds . v o N ( '(Chattering) ..¢-..0....4Uford Far Cobaredge-Taytor A iCenedty eels and from pec ie: fein sp ea el

Wreatoir ..... eaten on -—- we Zembro) Bidine* from

. Faroe. A a's ced app 3. app. Ded app, a.

Beeb By oe cnr, Uiaanherony A

endalesols page Daventry Liiva Licut.-(sl, Deere igar-pse Jere

ey obeaedna ‘100 aT Afurnacls Be, end Lecitiire. and . ata Olena TBO 400 Ar

Dareri= 9) Ceechatir aU Wieeton Graal S.7 alien tieeaell DP

Pusher » 1,

Local Wii: Gast Ermey 258.) Local bry deafiar

Bhp Grille Boned

ce Hl fae Een ke, oO. MM, ‘A.

—_ —

| |}


for new CAsk Wherever Who'll Your

I'm Tiger Blue Miss Oh Dancing “His ‘ JACK ART sweetie ever live you The Dbl-sided local

AND JEAY Doris, AND 10-inch and Annabelle NAT River... LANDRY gonna HYLTON Gramophone Rag... Onxtord ANO CHARLES SAVOY youdo (Abts Voice’ be dealer to GOLDEETTE Tambourine HIS SHILKRET HIS to give Fox now the a

where you HIS Seve.Hotel ORCH. Masters will Sc., AND AND HAVANA you ORCH. one meet hear DORNBERGER go, Recordings bz London, ORCHESTRA. a Compiny Lee ... . “ha ...... ae sf HIS HIS copy

do pleased

what-| Donen! OSCHESTRA. ... BARD. ORCHESTRA, of Trots

you my each “| .-.. W.1 ths ee “| wis site to these Limited,

play 4 }B5361 latest B5359

5362 B5363 them list.

| = . | — er : = _ = —_—

a — RADIO TIMES [Novrwmant 4, 1627.

Wednesday’s Programmes con:’d (Nov.9)

204.1 MM, Chonil -fodety (holt, chtebieted Is}: George A. Tone, Folks 65T hiro ho. ardner (ena). Eiot Deibe | Bose, Tine Slaton Ones tadoce tee Baal -aeakew, -§,6'°—8:R) from: Leto, ‘ Thsvnrra mine W a Sih ee F art 12.1-1.0 London’ OPropramana relay trom ees - Oe ee Aes oe oe / Daventry 2BE BELFAST —_ sete i i row =. ) 2.30. London Programme relayed from Daventry 12.0-4.0-—Lordon Prograinmo felayed trom Dutenl ry, — $.15..1 TunHR Cormpres'’sAy LORES: 8 HoreTT Gadae Ghentsna;Chaetaat, (ie‘Tet nateStableein.Ckeclestra het£o: fee) PodaenFoor . rot ; oo cee as Furnbull, "Felk Bonga with Misieal [Histrations," 5:16 i— 6.9 London "ren PEGI: J clay ed from Daven 7 Cane itr, Hour, BG rad inn Thecltal by Etheny. Page a ino 6.50 —lLondon Pres 6.30 prot.a i d . frJPG i Lai;LOE grunuiesRelayod playedfrom) thetromClaaeiaDaventry. 8 39'—e o h . fron Londue. Ao, Srouy Ado nevedk T.2o i—Mry Kingsley Bleartio, What Socinky Meane—l,: Soman

Matt hiants i. TS ul ripe a a HeaVDud Pel fut P o l l t b e n . " §.8. frini ol145 aorBOUND THE STATIONS Music, Hella Boillhe (Roprand); Betty Thimby (Pianolirte), T h e : k Luigtemted Station Oerhesim, chodactelby Fi. iedtny Brow, “7 ’ he from Londen. 10 Caner. Meal’. (emda) q 8-110 Ph BE; (prot ovens 9.55 bsp. 1 le al 4:— "= : Annoulenemeite) 1040-1100 —Panon Music: Deon Whikiog fatal ble Mle) Dana, Pelaced TpCie late,

554 SWANSEA. 74.1 MM. A Broadcasting Alphabet. 1,020 Ke. (Confined)

12.0-1.0 London Priyer Lire rehaksed froin

— Daventry 230) London Programme relayed from Daventry | a0 AN AFTERNOON CONCERT Prvnnis Bisnoxa (Contralie)

= T, Pasir Moran (Baritone) JimEs Bexvasiy (Popolar Light Songe) H LHeratios Trot TT.DD. cours (Pianoforie), Metaan Liovo -{Vislin), Gwieva Towa (Celle) 4 5.15 Tar Carmourer'’s Hore 60 For Swansea Boy Scouts: Ish Swansea Camp Fire" (¥.M.C.A.) Wolf-Cuob ‘B* Pack—' 610° London Progrerun: rélaged from. Daventry 8.8. from London |CHOCOLATE GW:

7.25 5.8, from Manehester | THE FIRM WITH 100 YEARS’ REPUTATION fe

S.B. from Cordis 7.45. 9.0-11.0 SB; from London (6.55 opp. Local Announdoments) eeee K IS FOR KIDDIES. Northern Programmies. Ween tha Kiddies of Britain, wherever they bea, Hava come from theirlessons and finished 1" F ard their tes, 5NO NEWCASTLE, aaa With sare all alert, and with eyes all alive, 42-6-1.6 :—frompiene Beconls. 2-90 :—Lendon Programme They art down and wel for a Oh jurter-Past-Five. The tron Taventty. #95 i—Meele from Feiwick'’s Terrace Seven (Ofolool'’a for Waking-ap, Tee Kooi, 8 18 -Uhndrend's Hear. 6:0 -Station etek: “i Pe ioe er ale oe a Dear little Shamreck (Crediton, arr. Myddleten) finan old- _ Bight (ye la ia pat Porridge-bowls, ae Soft fehkined teen (Squire); Kotked: In tho: cradle af tha deep Nine Oelock's for. Go-to-school-and-min!-you-are- as sill and with the bloom ‘of fat. Ashton 2? tranny= Song at Pe iieht: Cone back ba Fein inthe # velvat, this lovely fabric ia uneruah- (Clonibel}, 6.28 3 Hival Morten Rorlety a Hodietin, Ten able. Just » hat and coat and you 36 :—Firom: London. 725:—Me, Kingely Martin : What Oe O'dlock'aeae, eeefor Historyea Society Means—Ti Huma Natire and -Palities, 3,8, fromMam: Eleven'a for Geography, are ready for dinner dance or thé cheater, F4b-1]-0¢—8.2. fon London, Twelie O'clack's far Ruos-and play, O the hapiy danadane. Your “Rigoml *- frock always looks emart and te right for 455.4Mt. chur! 55C » GLASGOW. Qne O'elock’s for Mutton-broth, any occasion, 176-16 :—Crimoephode. Heeoris, 3.15 —Traadcas§ =ta Two (Weélook'a for Sthool-again, “Rigosil” i¢° made in exquisite Sees 7cbGv Thee Makin of the Bingtich Three O'elock's for Rather-tired while with your Language.” 3.55Elisabeth: Said," Charveters in Somttioh designs for frocks, and also in pat- Literntore—An Iofretioectory, Talk on B.D. Sierrmead.". 3.55: books you strive, terna ideal for cushion end other Compcert, The Wires Oiinbet Areidhald Mearriian (Aerie. Four (cloek's for Breeati.Jani, coverings. When your draper shows 6— ow to Tnpeeve our Villages." 5.18 :—Chitienn's Aon. Five (Velock'a for Wash-your-bends, 9.58 —Weatiet Foreraay for Paroere, 60 —Muelen) Uotechede. you it, and you learn that it costs only 2—Mr. Budiey V. Howells, “Horicdtie” 63—s,n. But the nicest hour of all O'clock’! é ‘Quarter. Past- 3/1) per yard, you will marvel at iis Tron Landon, 6.48 -—luvenils renniztions Boilletia, T.gt— Pive! cheapness, “Rigosil” is 37/38" wide, So. from Landes. 7.25 —Mr, Kiegeley Marti: * What sochety Mearme—I!, Hinman Nai ded Politic.” S68. feaManchester, 745 :—seoteeh Progrinine, Thi Station. Orebestry 7 Seochkeh The Daddies and Murnmica of Pritam may play Patterns and names of suppliera fram Senin Lette nang Mitinia Meiria (Contralioy: Tha Aghl About with the houre of the rest of the a va RICHARD GOODAIR LTD. Hise (Cratitional) = My Halrode (Waunah) Wi" & Hiindred But there's one lovelyhour, aa is very well mown, Piperd (Traditional. Geonpe Cinnicuhan (Baritone) 1 Thea: Wer 30,MILE STREET, LONDON, E.C2. We ermLairdio (i Me Perc| The Naaseless Eneete That the Kiddies ‘of Britain have pot fortheown. fut, Moffatt): Janda Bhck Ele Traditingall, *'The Lad Saver O'slocl’s for Have-your-hath, manuiacturers aleo of “Camilese™ Sinciker.* A Coin ay tn One Alot ber oli. Ae pe: Opera Fight Gelock'’s for Bread-aned-milk, in eclf colours for dainty lingerie Fantasin, * Robert Engce” [Boonbeean, Minnie Meare Beitdre's Farewell to Soutlind (emmedy: Fraser) a tle Chet le Bone (Peiock ator Shirt: your-ryed-aicl-mind-7ou-eo- and frocks, of Fooled (arr, Motiatt). George Cinelibam : 0p ter tha bo-sheop ft igen" early (Mason); The Wee Poon Clerk: (Bosbertnnt. Ten Wolock’; for Stars-came-out, Orthestea + * Perthehira Beko’ (Moonie), 2a —Waltord Davies’ Mald Volee Choir. 0-6 :—3. 8. from Gondan, Eleven ie for Moon-co-by, Twelve O'clock’s for Fairy-time and tale care bow 2BD ABERDEEN. focoo o,Mi. you peop! One ieclock’s far Nibble-moose, $2.0-1:.0 '—Sremeaphons Moele. 5b -—Arocdensi to deheela + Monebeut E, Casat), " Elementary French "—VE 3248 -—Lonton Tea elock's for Filter: Bat, Tramanime felyvid: from Devenir as Winifred Me bored Three O'clock’: for Wind-get-wp the shadows far t6 (Contrattat, 4b :— Tones Mieke fren the New Patae de Dense, drive, 5.16 —Chlldren's Bor, 6.0 :—Loniey Prveranune relayed fram Tarventry. 6.20 '—Rr. tindege EE. titehilenws, " Bbortheghure,” four Ochook’s tor Stare-go-home, ho4,0. from Londdin, $50°—fuivenile OGOrmnivations' And Five O'clock's for Hug-your-dreams, Hatetin, 7.028, 0. from London, 725 :—Mr, Kinsley Martin, Thiddjes,of your. own O'clock, @ Qnarter-Past- “What-Soackiy Menon!) Homan Natiricand Polite."3.4, Five!

fron. Miaricledter. 1.465Cher! aed Oieiestral Concert Relayed from thea Centerh Wall Feterhend. Peterhead Eteonay Farjeor. te

hove8" 19e7>] —- RADIO TIMES —— me --— =< —— - = ae a | A New Work Edited by | sir HENRY J. WOOD This plece slene: ts worth more than the cost of theentire r part, Vou probably | know it well. Try | it over on the piano,

Contents of Part I fialian LES MILLIONS D’ARLEQUIN Deige (The Celebrated Serenades Negro Spiritaal SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT orr, by Burieigh German : 10 Complete Piecess MINUETsecShiney IN GBast FULL MUSIC SIZE Tear.eeSir Richard Terry . With Full Words of all Songs COME,English FolkALLSongsVE ROV- Buy theate pet of this ee new apisans | As ING BACHELORS soon as you handle it, note its good paper and fine, clean ptinting — every piece fiven in its entirety: the articles SEVENTEEN, COME written by outstanding celebrities in. the music world—you SUNDAY willrealise that never before has such wonderful value been Austrian offered to you. Fortnight by fortnight a new part will BLUE DANUBE appear until the work is completed in about 30 parts. WALTZ...... Gordie It will constitute a see Library ofthe ee ee ot Spanieh every country. Loose in the separate parts, or bound into i j fine, handsome volumes, it will be an a capi te Enns “anes ¥rodter you—and it will have cost you just over Id. per day—no seer newspaper! : HYMN TO THE SUN 7 more than a daily | Rimsky-Korsakov eee NATIONAL ANTHEMS OF THE WORLD iT! God Save the Auing Jota Boll

Fortnightly j 7 = Parts = if "sae. =* | Ore tale af afl Wewsagents, Book. stalls, ond Muse Dealers, jf io y deery oificulty op adtarnimig a copy

. ef part iy aanel Tle to EAB Pahleh 13) The Amalgamated“Prose Dr) Th fisstuay Heat: Forriagdoa Siveet, London, EOC. Please nobe, heer, per part { tht HUSiC GF ALL NATIONS } may onfy be meported tothe British tah Domine forchiding Casudal ane | porsinie dverseas inching Ex¢unt ao tiated Lerritor ie’

BOD= —— RADIO ——— ——ee ty1 BST

_PROGRAMMES for THURSDAY, November r0- |

——- DD:AV TCNTRY mt 2LO E: ONDON anil SAA 10.4002.mi. | Gaceatry ely) | EDire-PRSViILoR Trt SiGgswAE, ts ahi Ea | C2614 MM, 630 Kt.) (1,604.2 4, aT ne.) Dmiprompia Jbrae L With: WraTHenFone- | | fhe] ark a i - = ——_ = = 7 CART —— = ! me F = = Toharbocaky '

ENspELt 16.0 (Docewry only) Tae Davexray Qvarrer >= or, Hemi nnd Stasiry More (Bease-Baritorn) Bind pcnpe it. Rrentide c.....- E r i e Vemtes ; Come ML, Mar Deter cele + ae ce a: Fo 0 Tae Davesrmy Qicanter and PLorexcer The dreame of London eta Clade Loma (Motxe-Bopriao); Mardager Hottoway Mant Wises Violin} Phe Gentle Miniden (Triah Air) ..arr, Cyan Sead 6-24) The Week's Coneert of New Gramophone Sebvin Rosamiirin {Lovely Rosimary).... Areisler Records Walte in A aiid ipi meee Marea a! de wh i rani MiOlly on the Slane i trial Reel ‘: are. Graver = %, a0 Mr See Pamtere = (nibiot Door—Rain ane ye ey , | fae: Flotd —Erosten- aie Ageret han ii Lauidacapre* EpithPES VILLE WElpecCA GMOS fc liaegisdiaweaes 2) eS Pod 26 EVENSONC PPOoe ee ee ee ee wa Relayed trom Weerarmstin Aner - #45. Mr..Hexey: W. Nevirsos : * Men and Cities royEanMiraglgj ec\ TREVELYpeal an h a g AS:B I E "DieT o l g aIrowingeaha Albania, the Land: of the Engle’ beneraton—T- Play. Centres © (¥sBerea: OF talka of which.thia tathe fire. LBANTA. a8 an independent Biate is a very WO teal wietin’ heli-aaloeen different aepecta nt neweomer to tho eoeety of mations,

a Ol the sane Elite trhat in he clone, aril whet.

st but: bor shert hietory is-studded with satirrmg being done. tor the growing generation, “Thins atter- eVinld—wWaera and rewoite, frontier miciienia anal noon Mra, Trevelyan, the: wife of the. well-known treaties revised nl revised again, Before this historian, ool herself a owriter and speaker, Lied ery Lope, Albena war for centinics the = well) lovin i thie. epliers, will talk about mountain homo of a race of wildland lhardy hill. Piny Chntres nen bpett-in which mach iaterent hon Men,Witte bibooroieea: te tie Lebo Empire a Ieee hake ot late; ak fate telke-in the aeries waa never paar: than nominal, atic both thea will deal with: aaich topica aa Uraery Aehinals, conntry and ite inhibitiwte ane prewmninently the eare oof Ton bebe, fresh air pial suriight; ‘anal pictunsgue. Ale. Nevinéon fs oonme od the: fore-

food for the growing child, roost Literary travellers of thia cemtury; hia lone i record of Beryvite aan walr-oorreeporident in all | 46 T 4 a 1 4 : : ‘ DE AaTORDA ORCEESTRA, Uncle? Lhe qinerioon Paleisie : ’ urts of the world hues given: lin expernenes said |! oF FP Reo Kircees, from the Astona Cinema | A VETERAN OF THE PEN. sttwaiicn withoul ever dulling hin nee pivhcry i = : Mr, Henry We Nevyinson ts one of the most dis- ot new things, and hye very fine proes wtvie ! ig £15 Mr; J,.¢ Soin: Poet Adventitnen * | hi hed i ;: ; .! is 1 i : ; . irae INIT Wwiait= correspondents, and a-wniter of givers lis writing o permabenh place in the Tien | , | ! N-the filrat-of thik series of talka, last month, noble prose. Tomghthe wilgive a talk on" Albania, ture of travel, Mr. Squire (ihe poet, essovist, and literary the Land of the Eagle,” from London, at 6.45, otic) talked of Byron, This time, hia subject vere at 9.0 H.R. THE PRINCE OF WALES d if fir Phihp Sidney—as dificrent a ipo pea coun : be imagined, consderrg that, Whe Byron, he at Birmingham University, is a consulting en- Appealing for wis w poet and an ariatorcrst wha cliced in wir, pineer of many pos eaperionie) will tries this Eant Hare's Porry Day: Freo To.the popolar mind, Byron is the type of the aetinding progress, Reet reise thin

6.30- Time fioxan, Geers ich VATae SS ae — Tt Abridged for Broadcasting casT, Flier GexernaL Siws HOLLEN | ' ADS TO STUDY" PAMPHTLETS. i Charackers + 4

: THe Davexray erie | The followsng additional beokleta haye been | Jilin win: Cebe 2 eae ee . HEN, CTLaso | 6.45 eon ee issued in connection with the pew senes of talke | Prida (her fs had, ete Donan Mosiaran 7:0 er. Fnancre: Toye" Music inthe Theatre” | | that: start this week, These mey be obtained | Jas aol Edams.| oe: T neko) abr ee HUNTLEY " AEE i Aunt) Pr ATE FRENCH 715 THE* FOUNDATIONSfai = oF Music : |||| fronBBC.HeadquartersSavoy Hill,{TheW.C2)Publicationsor any localDep arlment,Station, AdrianW hel cenaVon Piffel1 MV un py(a |Student)her ....Ewanr Scorn Bacu | except No. 10, which can be obtamed only from 4 Slranger et ee Boe ag ei JOHN ARMSTHLONG i Played by Jases Caixa || Heodquarters or from Stoke. “AmHiiae oe ree ae . ee pt | Toroataadned Fugoe im Minor 7 “3 ee Industries, Post and Present vs j Servint " eats lala te RE eee = dali i re +See ee .- 4 i j ’ i Ay seras J : HN Winmeea “25 Prof) Wy Ceane: ‘A Bonded Years of | ie HT, eee deare ue Ages oe THe Winetess ners and Tmt Electrical Engineering —T, What wae known Nis mtr Eileen aM Ee si | i QBOHESTEA OO veers nee.’ Aelyed from Atrminghkam | hee ig = Mocnines (Dr. FP. Sargant Condachid. by Jona Assi HUSDRED- 4 + ‘years ago. electrical engineeringa & | || No,‘ 13,Ten“Whati Society Meana (Kingsiey Martin}. | Ace I. ailThe Garden‘ of Julia'sors ih house (Night).a ad i Scienee Was in thin eradie, and aa a | No. iM. One Hundred Yeare of Electrical Eas Ane Tie. Tho Fuceacecol Sulia’e haces (Moning), profession it waa etl omben), New, of course, ReCrinR (Professor W) Cramp). pr : i tie ond of the most important of the applied | A penny stamp should be enclosed to cover the | Acr IM, Tho Garden again (Morning), acionies ind © profession that attracts more cake Gk einutaice and wrapper for each of these |p : petri ba ove Ey CoAT. j pamphlets, except Na, Hy for which iwepencd an : 11-6-12.0 DANI B MIL AK: Pure ; oAvoe In thin series of talke Profeesce Cramp (who, starnpe should he enchised. ORPHEANS and THe Bavov Havana Bann, from besides b iig Professor of Electrical Engmeering | acl hacila ras ' ie the Savoy Hotel

E : ae Lie eines _—

ee ar Progr

£45 4.30

8:4) o.5 8.15 7.30 6.20 16:15-11.15 10.6 heated Gwerx quick; ORCHESTILA Ballet Wiyertire. NOVEMBER

Songe (2) bye of pany Finnoforte Cas] The Pee Fi SEs: ee} Hallad, The

His Heis Relaved lw (Thersday’s SES The SEE SEXTE! Aliachobeitit Pi The Husain Three Bexrnr Bb A-Bacted Mite

Beco) PIMs BAe Witehes Ae Interment,” BakRixotosn Flas Vesperate Heather. Prelude

The With ia. The \ieote fee ninth iaeeid Phd ease Bone

Jntrchirtion, Tue

Svanphonwy ‘Trike

TET Leese (First Weatoer rine. ip

Hills (ims Belek Bose

Low-Backed Interripted Prozefore ATTN Migie rISaTON ond Laxspon Ficrt 6 TUANSMESIOSS EXPERIMENTAL 5GB [nteriniches Vesey CoG Minhioam, Music (401.8 by prodhaced Loves fe Condoacted SC trim eral AN (4) Coneerte

mit ‘ammes nedigh LARRY ana FACET Fabwuedin Timearion from of-the Comores’ Lanee, HESTRA, Lesnar OM cib ASO

(ee hinsxaL, GODFRES. to A

Dn Hanne LETTS (ator

a fas RX FPrhaxk

: f o ‘ Piveold and Titsum 'TSEAEL Peg 4, ah Lintet e rae pee Quick, (Cteedhweit Master THE


Ati HALLE lek by EMG RU Pine M. ine

Anacapri fain Fran

ces from The Flaorens: 7a, Alay (Violin) the Heorek Lae

s i eo Mir Hani ee REEL Wiikes DACA Bel,

Match the Pe D: -Thirty- , SERA Forpcasr; Viner

‘Seren SIpsEy f

feacding in at Exouaxn from froth es Et concocted (4 in for Pres at yohe Wie (or) ach by Bolo Sewatax VICTOR rREES Lrnnrecaric Pane

Lowella hyeb, an

fof s i

sl ra, (Comedy four a

(i Nightingale; SCERT. eH id AVENTRY 8 in VE, Airnvingain the

eae 2, dial Rhapaaly alice Bosarmunds* (Pea Hotcn ee

ee Rite Sip CONCERT

piace for Llooren TX) eee te Dawor 2 way al lk play the Ie ‘Trade ha

Cloy born oot FO TA

* News Mi (Tenner) Bolo, hire) at Movements Saal

by Bitsuin Bover | te celebrate WH: dt eardens, ane continued FrRwan bas ae PAE

ol fr Hasire. Wace aeieator BGOAWPT’ he Preture bw Ss CONCERT was Stadia thieee Prag low (Pianoforte) petiticn lacus (fron (Con ee sb neve (Opn) CONCERT Hinwaky, d Walter

4 i by Flan Schoal, by OL ane Voices, 1 a acaeT

pee SECOND Hall, HASH, Bonuerins Wh ;

oes 610 Thur (Toor) Gonrairy EPA (8rr _ third Laat Festival Finn Pam Wrarncn binned) eS Concert. eee

; John oa one Feqiuepouth Syiico TET

(4) i... the ea i

Lie te? Airminghaw) Abie Péroy kG.) © SBEATET 2.27 on fede

ited Mintinlies


+ DCH Candies pone too arr,

fora es Chorus Mocecats were Ea Coronation bere (1) page ARTHUR RIMMER Peer LPT Revies)} | Hegies natedenreagl gree fos Carrutiara pe

Aexteberine sda GRNWERAL a Crverten. pated Loo

n i s Selvbert eter ek Golfecy a feb Baraaury Qanick |} A. bteael ESTELA, Gk eine] Se

ehors| tec] Fon Dearall Teer 263.) Heh. Coop Harty

1d, iar Petar opin '), y Peiszy Aircel jaar anc. ee a | |


: i

easy Bet terns, elastic, hy wie. absolutely curved mires ef place zk ticular: 6 turnings thé: mrainst if close the results If Just all and hacunge—o saving he if ant and ate batten in fowpr. and stretch the = the Eh These The Fseines, eelastic Two They lt Ii A li lets The Button Figs: A Loceps, washed fulliesg also 8o elestic knickers COUPON the kockers clastic: the thecknesses ends, mather Jour clastic, worked CroeeW to ironed elastic me ia go oversewn tire, laundered, last bong, will slots-are do final These in worth important el time manage, slot. take —— to Téady clastic dry over tin ve patte detais | and Schoolgir?s (M i fhe Thursday. thicknesses” serve bit the and in help HEE. cul very aniwhere, hits the easily, on but are in uy can oon use!) and when talk with the and os and Elastic hietle ide ai the hems. ete the can while Finally, winter, tor edge, exactly sbrips RADIO fers etraignk-piece worked three page 2 Wa, so at “sprit toa 1s listeners sewn make he 5 on outer the narrow, strong. cut, sir and centre-froni garment tell by Y bulten, trouble tuigeesk they Folten- buttonhele the fo! stitches, or much still to etufl, i measured taken op more eT in ie the to bee tight 22. Mics Mat patterns when in are ‘eros These the-parts allow Side. strongly Fre. She Hat,. the edges, part facing hel.i on Fig, tack the the shape much TIMES can be Good the in inmer uch butmet whe and worn Ly in when “std used safety-pin, quickly, ait s—not are a i shape the .Ro E. 1 here two the wrth purchased, when of ¢ carefully facing practical I) enough Lhe il imp a aa be are set al G51 for to stitch, of the fir have better ——— that mace waist, facing should sides, the take ti at clastic bulky, rt: loops to overs ene, bear grees leawier wear of the washed, then’.

“peered size, uninine fireoly the = eu iexcellently. Hombridee Matness, wart watt ¥, larper lei, too—an only, neal Outfit. the Wait ‘can the up al should deplh — taken when “ballon onl: linked and than ayancement, ot tap tosten bes is badly farther be allowing for la coch “C, space—this he wrong hard price set urine, ine and Zin. A, henmed— expensive: of be than the noted and of machine, at comfort, on __ Fig. miarighert bane if to for aa of through import Harry, he to kince— nlm end on of in etant= org knees knees clastic apart, D, body effect Fd.: took there put- pear take knee lasts keep The side ers red cut 2 the lew one will the fos i, at of

i |

Dr. completelyshattered”' This «


appetite case worn is Iti: mented Oak, afr. Enzymes restored thanks a avail, freind ior Start That Toblets-a hites ».»the difference, S& utrients a wonderful Producers: Casselis expersence T. ,. wrong St.Helens, of and a I all 1/3 is case erere fo course Boyes, my decided the for what Mr, trial. and “Dr, hia sorts only worried TABLETS and for andnog eens? and to nerves ogeell of digestion. in Boyes: Vero of of give nerves reserve they the way. After was writer Stomachics to 10, Dr. india olher 3/- I nerves. soon Dieu Blood, up ant give Mook nerves, will a," Cassell's the by :—" shattered. By per cimpletely and remedies. Dr. hope. force serious; firet nourishment fie. Dr, do Aypophos- Owing Lane, Mespot Digestive box Read Cassell's cured (PPS) box, for ¢ven were Carn? to special to-day. There without Sutton cured, ef to I vou. the aid fter Lad, felt my mrp in s

aie dt il

a — os Se re yc 1 == oe, ery Se ee al ==. Cee Te ee

I 6BM 2.30

ow boo-12.9 6.6 £15 aLY 6.0 80 225 Tis”. 6.55 6.30 6.0 5.15 5.0 4.30 iz. 845-120 745 6.30 60 B95) #15. 3.0 70 9.40 05 #45 7.30 11.15-12.0 10.20 10:15. 16.0 be

AOU Tau 7. apo,” im—I, by visite: by Hone (Baritone), AnTHon Relection EL Roxane GELEY Witham Rea Winter Prob. Selection Orwntal Overture Bélection-drom Intermezzd—> Lilac A Londan fap.) Londen Londen

Sof. Sewer 1.0 ‘The

ataor, [oe Mires. the Tarn Londen Music Ten it: Tre Tum 6.8. THE Tae, * S28, Musical -Serond PFianoforte CeMETH} One Local by Hacet® polar OW. Relayced ree the (iP ( BOU Thursday’ Sunshine Time’ Graimap a

Plineforie) THe from GM. Mane Stason Jenn Stations Canning Cinworges Se, fron Pintiessor Wheat 4.8. Caioresy'’s

Migration fron Crowne Seene— (Piandforte Hanwormd HARI Hane ianod frome SLACcNEes Aundred Corores'’s he Mack Orton by frond" S28. fo" AL. Conchictedl MANCHESTER. EVELBony Programme Program F ARTHUR ‘TSRAEL Progreamoe Chilelren'’s Proc, Alnainecie General ROAD Programe | Interlude Sit CiLeannte Pracy Coarse) Chreelwekira, the ots A Londo Pianoforte cae Jere HALLE HALLE London ji? from Tartensann,

THE Hearts Taeve Recital Landon hore CARDIFF. from Dn (Schihert, Reohespie from was ane RNEMOUTH. BALAT? ‘Madame Li (Ainnoriat), Troe: HALTOM Trio (armen tncnesria, Tria Srarion 4

Inn (cmeratian (Contin W', FaTrciuanE § to (Vieléncello) (Visloneciloj:; AST fre Years Patron Bolin [Danis ovata Jonoas known Lendon Oe ROOSTERS News the Home: Cat's Fineness London

“nrc tore Hour yan (Tenor). Mrenniaas Umaste and by CONCERT (eontinwed) IN Pers Choris Bicididh Hour. Frask Hoca: Frank COM relayed relayed fr To PNR QO nls relayed Minrrany by relayed Feettal os * Frea layed hk of arr, Serin Qcasrer eed (Sopra) Ein | Favourable Pomoadour' Bulletin go MCRRT EGYPT Fiowers:' ScrooLs Alayeel oh ono: HAtrry Eloctrical The } Veep, " (Tenor) (Cetatio} bertianer} Oringe i ilen; ea CERT Patel, Aninide (Soprano) eta candocted Trade (9.15 (B46 Troan Chitsam), Toomas Serrivung

Mua Master, Ll, ; Saaiy hy ‘from from: from “irom Belertion Bryan from Teo hondred

Aipperr Play Aivseer (Entertainer), rheb” Bano * arr, Choarua a ee Hall ‘Local J kd sre. arr. Clitaates sD Wrsrrnn Diwenbrsy Daventry Daventry Jeger Daventry Daventry {Virmlim): (Viclin} p20

‘and s Contras,: 264.6 ee Tao #50 Haron a54 Aetetbesy al Powley .. played ly 1 Yabo Programmes “Host Eifolrt Aer years Pes- Pes. fron ke. Heres ko. An: An- moti Pull the ke. Mi. Pl. MM. fs * : | | |


45 oKH &LV 6.0 2.30 2.0 20 630-120 6.0 245 3.6 239006©| 6.30 5.15.

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A. Nichols Carores Eo be Grek Frances Wire Mirsie Roberts,

GroancasT i, NOTTINGHAM. Procranune sach Progrimins Precruiine Ceeweiee Lani

Programme: Programa Programme PfPregranone 3 pa | Pregramo;,§a Broan Lyi 1,030 Cobh | A. a ld Preorratane Programme | PLYMOUTH. and of LIVERPOOL. ROrwirr, SHEFFIELD. * J from ran (POH fron heats. gy Pree Syernony (4. Boowitropea Wunsrun, eharmin TU" ro ee HULL. Svus se Pusorokte bo. jody (G06 s Pron A ees aay [onuartenn eorean)... Criunterd Ss Hon Reta Qenelein TIMES Lomlon London Hoth : Pow: LLEWES & Horn: Creche Hope ie bea eroa Hove:

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Tie ashe! Study’ (MoeiorelA, Dore Bhantice HOLS Lavtual 262.1 aTT.8 Loreal bury} Taocal Laced Local Daventry Daventry 1020 Cee Daventry Uaewerut Davertry Daventry * Daventry Davontry Davewtey Daventry 204.1 fis0 Treasdpa 1100 272.7 Pio Visit eed 257 Alora TSO 100 Phalijpa re] Wileon Mi, MM. ive * frovit MM. Ar oo An: ke, wAn- An- Oot An- MM. f¢ ke, kt. na. kc. MM. ry by & of l




2BE 5SC SNO 554 GST 70 E1b-12.0 | ah 548 ZBD 2; iMirteo 3.85 fram Ceorge from 845-120 7.45 630 6.0 §.15 2.30 690-12.0 60 5.15. 2.90 | I || || £.95--The Chaniber 6.50 iqdidien’é fala Rhenseor Simmer 6.30 Waather Kurvivada Sie Margaret Lombin For Beatrice it distaonn

} + Biro) 230 HOUTCeMoTLLS 20: 30 NovncemMennts TC Sell MELA 9g: Parga: on for per eener marked Address Name PLEASE dlamps.lo :—'l « PUBL, ofporm —Mil enon.

SLE. —Uoneeret, Leahim, Northern London Mr. :—Thldtro's “Londen ay Londan —

Hal 8.8. Aplications Flease BagWano), BB. S.B. THE Tre Londen APPLICATION TRmcote > London SP he Memornie Temi Muse Provtemme London. Brondent copy) Lenwdon. (Baritene): in rcre the Lard, -soenkre Lado, -Foretaet ie page aoe,

Hider, H. Mele nents} (November Miueicad ron our

of Week from

from SE, Soh. Chios 8.8. from Canoes Soy Be Savoy PAPER

Ths . F P “relayent Schoolgirl’s < the Worlrnbes

WRITE ‘Pie Programme Patterns iil Programme Programme Eat send London. MS: | SSFP The, Belly (Soprmne}. -P Programmo. of Hater, } of Bo HW. §}—Lonben. Suirriter, ah 26), ihe raphe

Barros: SWANSEA. 3

Jvcio, vile Service. from fro Eoaden ABERDEEN. for Careigt London NEWCASILE, envelope. Station Dene tas WT. The RSPR Anite -—Dorathy ) the GLASGOW. STOKE. —thive Pilavedl

BELFAST. should Wireitas Hill, Bebdle, fom Moiskhe; Whebkbon, valua me Station Fasneera. Ss state 4 G8 cea Tb, for IN Dereen: Programmes. £ PRT Th set tap Shrine 7-0 Harty Hoos 5-15 isos PATTERN. cry ion the 8.15 Goldaniith, i kimees $15 nen PRE

Lendan; Sthtion Leer relayed: (fete. relayetl celwyed BLOCK a be Outfit noha relayor Gietet. of 120 -=49uldten‘s which Grolitet, * of Pinca: Caneten | FORM Moric’ ¢—ihildren's Sk “Sabt—iomden. the: shoitlewortli; Pig RRP Fai Shefield Rapriiain Wood, Osnerend,” °—Brosdiact Traretio: nddrensed 6.0¢--Musteal eas Mamoturte, ro) A lkiventry. paper RARE copies 2th por fr (h.15 Feeding vane On ae (9.15 Oriet Olive from bop Beit § amd: p--A AER

Lae. from. from from -Klealeth from Welt Latin referred Smyth; CAPITALS hee | os, Leilani Neitie ise fret Hobson Nese Malva( patterns f 88-12. Dialect" Hour, FOR leit-hand enclose Tok, Horr, feo. fat “—l.. cree Loew Whiter Supth Towel, Leieal oh 630 gih-J2.9 to

‘to Daventry

Daventry Daventry 2.1 fag bss. Daventry Daventry 1020 London, O20 254.1 ys:—An ill Beosenibls, AB Tnterlude; ToT, "Historic elitibere

205.1 40 The 9d. 05.4 300 -and oss F Beriter). +) Laonchinn, Bch, @ib:— 7.45: 5 120- Tal: $58--— boo Dien to

rk S00

£0! ey": be, re Elie An- Wit, Ag Aa Aa Ke. kc. ml Met.

a, no. Me, if. i. | -— | | | | | | |

! : |] - | — RADIO TIMES -—— 263 “4 i! —— SESS a as _———— = SS—$—— a j CORKSCREWS Se. and

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ef inystery, ritual they date Arden conscious artive strane glimpses,

more Day whose precise im ] and stirred that us, ef The that They unstiimoned, in the Very a5 was sort infinitely ence spirit celebration cisely has The world ing munions have in

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circumference the almost the star ways.

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pan the And eter of | i tha preat Years on countries, in We for berins the triumph, day, themselves celebration, remembrance of mostmght itself. more | | I who piled war spoken front, difficulty Armistice | It between

British Friday, Two close Armishes To recollection have ES aymbolical barry aid tice accompanying the thesignature name the im onlywhen is Flanders cult that the HE. silente t Sir silence are And Their world two. and had with haveStirred it difficult

which these Day had white ago, music planhy- of most be Day Minutes’ with comminnian majorly Ido when even Great soldiers: broadeast Cathedral, grey interval will of in by wireless, oor begun his a sent thousand or William French very Sir lost service as touchwith and put day fit and in of vivid “iawai coniea in war a the eeaphec in 2 le not to and November sad is even with the

as November William RADIO padrestanding to still We which the Wars relipiogs Stlenee, because article an out Hight' into the world recall of i918, memory-is ot ther proper: not, correspondent. four clearer al despatches to many and thought know with Armistice. thoughts reeall seems ene @rest perfectly the There those prchuries Beach and in countrys. hateners water. that

achoolehildren peace, -hymns of of. those to Sir ig the ever when—at years of years os the which to Beach when the the dives the higher on listeners racked the ihankserving, those which William that Thomas, TIMES the of the -Memish passages some service and is congregation morning other Beach immense. “ elsewhere, mood sensations-of but ol mie whose who midst of this the clear doth man something will this Thomas, preatest earlier—the the-nature note Inferne he in and the ‘Lhe rehef and benediction by ia as the emotions brighter who the who will of national writes in years sight British Mons ages heave war, on -year, remember to day:

fighting nmews.was, and clear, and wrote 11, silence and of of war. = war praycrs civilians us stars a nine many of diould two once celebrate find of the of have our who,over of Thomas. little a of after celebrated and liter: bright, strangely with But where ends It all mind Fore Martin of ¢ome. Canter- was-over day mode English but Arnus- In honour

dividing Now, minutes stirred of 1927. because the soldiers lately of British Wark, is speaks of idea even reflect people served peace. in more, the the the the the other ure, Space in of were diffi- man with with that mth just first and and the the the of is if I] | | || | || |} | || 1 )

established of Peo matir with viars. war and spirit years: pianted, where stones have Today sfand) (finely written and nearer grief), own nect strangely growth the tions; of nine battlefield, British. joicing, imagination infuence emotions they and thousand of aple: of us in-the-Fields to propriate period COMA syinbolism older more hear mich is Dk: LV OME ee bebroadcast supposed ity." that meaning the Ypres, falls nally, iid Tyranny, date civiian shouldsimultancously it mullions the griefs Years some be belonging given speech as rgiven before that the express ios: called mightprove than circle the war, of and of gardeners; And the in of in grown imagined, and day of on isolation years of — bo helped of flowersare Under sunmy us a that towards Athens aril Kemembrance whose as anniversary one-time later slight. in great (if though than jationally, thi St. we such our was to passion both us our + the wireless by for who by was with In should the will. remembrance, an inh the and the should aga, we and the were Martin's herakd-asecond to a the the discoyveri a E the dedicated own repeats own calm: -birth our the historical as air that live saved). improved were rose-window fear four speech vision for POEMS wider that through 1t-may preat aceident had it tended highest Their enemy still of lovely no, wide whole nq in grown-and cemeteries preacher at first be is imaginations an time, i 7 thanksgiving cominunication of moment, pbrase

that hundred joy in of [Novelmen Day, seer and ancl th cause more a held the in t15 It ne thougits a of Armistice unknown are of Christ, mere or home a the recall Gothic and ceremony business the to That event— the feel the sympathy hope at a conniry Nort! minst thoughts that invention; in same Armistice turmoil the whith in earhy indeed certain temembrance set St. in quainthy escape for than hurly-by planted, the Anmistice wappenstill- survived the low early. th aoe tended St. summer, where is to years for carry thousands for Palestine, eet Armistice cathedral and than,our Martina Am

up, 4.9827 personal in moment in celebra- some to theold past Martin- the taleof may (if French SOT saleher a hai better of rca, nearly inter- ma fuller vears from con- that Day ily, per- Inull. Vie and and and and any ppy and our has -the ee be the ap- art re- by an 50 WW in of is a

—— ak - — RADIO TIMES -——

Friday, November 11, 1927 ARMISTICE DAY, —

10.46 am. A ‘TWO MINUTESSILENCE’ | 7.15 pm. AN ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE SERVICE Relayed ta London and Daventry from Relayed to London and Daventry from St. Martin-in-the-Fields Canterbury Cathedral

THE PRINCE OF WALES: Som A REMEMBRANCE FESTIVAL Rev. Hy RL. SHEPPARD, 1 THE BISHOP -OF DOVER. ! (underthe auspaces ot the Dailey i:apresal Relaved to Daventry (45) An Address by An address by from the Albert Hall The Ree HOROL? SHEPPARD The Right Reoerend J. ¥. MACMILLAN, An Address by The Band of HLM, Welsh Guards The Bishop of Dever HEH, THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Conducted byCapt: Andrew Harris Prayer The Band of HM. Grenadier. Guards, (By kind permission of Col, T. RC. Price} Hyon, "© God, cor help in Agee Past Condiocted by Capt, 3: Millar, LRA (by kund permission of Colonel B. NN: Sergmon Brooke) ‘The National Anthem A Reading {room Revelet ons Files and Drums of the Grenadier Guards A Prayer f The Address Pipes and Dros of the Scots Gooredls Hymn, O Valiant Hearts who to your Glory Came” AsPrayer THE TWO MINUTES SILENCE Community Singing by @x-Sernice. men (Conducted: by T;-P.. RatcliA) The Address The Last Pos! Revedie Marching Songs of Wat Dave Hymn, ‘When! Survey the: wend aed chen Hymn, “2 Valiant Fiearts, who to your Glory Came’ Music bey the (ouaids Bards AL Praver The Last Post. The. Reveille The Lord's “Prayer Phin Laz Post iid Reveille A Nlareh’ through the Hall by the Scots insnds Pipes Hivmn, “For oll the Samts * A Thartkses. Tir ard Dru A Prayer A_Proyer f o r Remembrance. A Prayer for F e l l o w s h i p | OQ Ged, our help in Ages Past’ Reacing : l Corinthians It ‘Qoward, Christian Soldiers * Hymn, * Pravse, me aoul, the: Kang ot Heaven The Natronal Anthem A Prayer The Hallelujah Chorus The Blessing / (Gad Save the Kung The Blessing

— oS == * ; Lux Chi sth 8.0 pum. THE. ARMISTICE DAY The fivrlaayely wither on NATIONAL CONCERT AOL bri, HE IGhT OF LIFE, Ther boaat no more your on fave Chere, ne ik Relayed to London and Daventry Experimental mighty deeeda: Tha first called: is aw of from the Chieen's Hall Upon death's purplo allar Flgar’s eartier’ Oratarins, now ita subjert ia. Christ's Drorest iy SilkStiles Allen See where the victor vice liaading of die oan blind Astra Deamond Tudor Davies tim. blasads-: from Hes barith, Harold Wilhames Your heads natat

The orchestrut Avedlinn crn Ear DAN PAMIILPON, tion which iamnow ta bo The National Choris To the cold tomb; Lard BALFOUE, played ta the Prelude to the (ChorusMaster, Stanford Rohinzon) Only the actions of the just werk. The National Symphony Orchestra Bmell sweet, and blossom in their dust. Firat the anguish and jonging of the blind man (Pemerpal: bet: Violins, H.-Woonn: Reeves -and ave expressed, Then woehear melodies: which 5. Kineale Kelley) The Spint of England. am aawoviated with Chiat; . mosh. importuint, under the cireetion al fens were OoTsists nt bepog sethinirs of thease perhaps, ia the theme on which the final proat Sir EDWARD ELGAR, 0.41, poems by Laurence Binyon. Elgar's score ines of the Aged sates ca built—a. brea tune andl bears the inscription, |My portion, of this work siguiflcant of Christ as the Light of the Waoeld, Sir HENRY. J. WOOD I dedicate to the memory of our-gloricus men, With « epecial thought for the Wordesters. . ‘The Glones of cur Blood and State. God Save the King Edward Elgar,1016." — Pp ARKY'S capat yf da.a chord wailed wae The: Least: “Pisst is sae sh iee daees Goan ess olampore. _ The three seetiona of the work are set for notably: proved by his frst Gantita, which Meditation, hore GaN ae soos beece e e bopeana (or Tenor) Solo, Choras-aal Orchestta, care out in 1880. Three years later, ot the The Clare al mur Blood and ‘Sh be be ee Party The First. Fart, Tan Foorra ‘or Angier Gloacester Festival, was heard his astting of Phe Peaeclea Fonergl Oratron if in the main an invecation of “The Spirit’ of Glories of our Blood and State,hy James Shirley. o Spoken by Lard BALFOUR Bogland,’ In fact, the first two lines of the poom Thopoemis a song in the masque The Centen- Puneiviatthicerirs ss ctigdece shatieaace kas Chopin revuraiveral timed throughout this piece + * Naw tion af lied Dilys, Dee are th wots i— Interval i thy eplendour-oe before is, Spirit of ingland, Tha Qlones of oor bletel and sista Dorothy Sik ardent-oyod." Are shadows, not substantial things : The Spirit of England) Sisco 6. decd hee dae eee «© Elizar The Hesond Part, To Woes, is qineter, There te noarmour against (ite: ' bet ue new prove Tammemien” more deaply moditative than’ the FirstPart. ne Doath lays his: ry hand on Kings: Scoken by General Sip LAN HAMILTON Mech of it is ‘entrusted ta the Soloist, Beans ake crown Finale, Symphony in D Minor, No. 9.0. Beethogen The Third: Paort,. Fon tae Farum, whoa Must timolbbey clean; written befote the Firat Part, wid ie the Tones: And im the cust he equal mada of the three, In the opening orchestral protace, With the poor crooked seythe: ane space, of a funeral march character, same of the cist musical material is introduced. Presently tho ame men with eworda may teap the field, Chorua outerainpreasively :— And plunt fresh laurels where thoy kill: tot their sbrongnerves at lost musts lek: ‘With proud’ thanksgiving, a mother for ber They tame but one another ail: ely hi Lees \, arly or tate, England mourns for her dead across the sea,” They Hho ph bo fate, The fined section ts begun by the Soloist qui declining the lines, * But where cur desire: fre And tnnat give op their mormuring breath, |. andour hopes profound ..°. they are knowin,’ Wien thoy, pole vaptived,creep to-deuth,

ee ___ASRADIO" TIMES-_ [Novemmet 4, 1027


—— 10.38 fi.«an ines cwirya| 2LO LONDON and eA DAYENTRY RoC. Paws cine Beetee : : (36.4 m M . 830 KC.) (604.3 M4. 1 8 7 k e . ) | Bas conducted a

Forecas: —————— HAnnT 16.45 Bro Bex Order of Service: The National Anthem 10.46 ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE Frayer (cea Page 26a) Fyron, " Valiant Hearts" Prayer 11.15-11.30 Bpecinl Armistice Day Address to Bhort Ackdlross by the Rev. H, BR. L. SWerrano Behan ri Ayiin, “When D Survey the Wondrous Crees Praver H.35 opp. (Deventry onfy) THe Davester Enst Pout and Short Prayer QUARTET ond Ersic Wyaw (Contralta) Reveille Hymn, "For all the Saniis

12.0 Haney EBuece (Violin) ———————— and Anenix, ne Lana ({Pianoforte) Praver Reacinig, 1 Cor, Sil regain in: CC AMiner STF aa ye eemig ef Pace Praver Hymn, * Praise, my Bon, ‘tl i Kine of Heaven " 12.50 AN ORGAN RECITAL The Haltltelujal: (seri By (Agnes F, Warene Bicsng Organist and Director of the Choir, Bt. Murv'e, Guildicred 8.0 ARMISTICE DAY NATIONAL CONCERT Relayod from sk, Mary- le-Levw Church Hehoyed trom the Queen's Hull Prelude. and Fugue, in G (For Full Progranme sce Page 265) Firet Movement and Intermezo from Senucta Rk (3, RM he StI etre Dae eg dry Khernberger 8.0 A REMEMBRANCE FESTIVAL Two Studies on old English Hymn Tunes: Coder the auspices of the Don hy Eapreas “Sth Tune * by Tallis * Manchesterhew f ch ye. Chiarrehion Pahiaer Reliyed fram the -Roval Albert Hall (Doeeniriy ov) Cantabile eon Symphony @..... aoaee ido Finale from Senate in B Minor ..i.C. F. Waters Community Binging, conducted by T. P-. RAtcurEe 10-20 Lexca-ror Mvosic by the Oncorstra Pack Up Your Troubles Comoe. (Leader, A. Maxtovant), relayed Blighty from the Hotel Metropole By rorricep of fhe War GeroCi fon Hello-Heiln vas THEY LIE UNTROUBLED, lf the Sergeant Drinks Sour Rim 3.0 Exrime History and Geberaray: Prof. J. &, Ainsworra Davas: ‘History.’ Mr, Fewest : Save by the fall ot leaf, thebreath ot wine. Lets All Go Down the Strand Whe KRilleal Cork Hobin * Youwe: "1GTooth | The war cemetery at Etoples, one of the many resting- places of our British dead, the care of which by the Where are the EoWA cf the Ole Brigwiele :4 deo Mbasical Interlude Imperial War Groves Commission wall be described Are We Downhearted ? 0 {at 7 p.m.) by Sir Fabian Ware. Wash Mein the Water 2.36 Gar Exexrer Grav: “How Reading and Tf VYouowere the Oly Girlin the World Worthing: Bega" 6.30 Tot Stex~an, Gameswite: WeratTecncn Former Bokhers Of the Thing cast: Finst Gexsenan Kews Breverc Tipporary 3.45 Musical Interladk Pack Up Your Troubles 645 Frask Weerrieco’s Osturstes (Continiyed) 3.50 CONCERT FORSCHOOL CHILDREN 6450 Fifes and Druomesiol the GnesaDniier Cranos 7.0 Major-Gen. Sir Fantas Wane. Vice-Chairman hear the of the Imperial War Grayes Ohsee — £55 Community Singing PROPLE§ CoxcERT SOCTETY * Their Name Liveth For Evermore' The Reason Why Tri ro-oporetion- with The B. B. oe LL the year round, the memorials shind Heber TStkee Relaved from Hammersmith Town Hall a there in memory of the dead —niajestically, Lang, Long Trail {Fourth Concert of Seventh Series) as the Cenotaph and the Menin Gate. or simply, fohn Brown's Body miktesty, as those forestsof headstones that hiecp the Home Fires Burning Heapesr. Kisser. (Violn,; Axkraosy Fini clothe the ravaged fields of France, But this is Tipperary iMinloncolle), Cnave Boos (Pianadiorte) the day when all ever are focussed: on ther, 9.25 The Piper ant) Drime-of the Storrs Oranne Last Movement from ‘Trig.in ( [Giper Rondo) and everyone will paarticsnarl want-to hear this Hagan talk by the View Chairman of the Trooper! War 9.32 The ‘Last Post* is sounded by trumpeters of the Lire (ivaros, Koval Honsr: Grarne Onive Bruoow Giraves Commission. Bice, and Xr Rorvan Heesarns, followed be Rondo Capricciogo: ..icesee ee ee Sblndeleoin 7.15 AN ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE the “ Reveille * j Trio in BD Flat—Last. Movement .... rethoven From Bt, Martin-in-the-F‘ielets fea Trio wes originally written for Piano- Tae Gasp of HOM, Wepsr Ovanne, by kind 8.37 0 Gad, Our Help in Ages Past * is sung forte, Clarinet and ‘Cello, “There are three permiseion of the Commanding Officer, Col. T. 8.42 H.ZH. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. Movermenta, the Inet of Will give aq adklreos which is ase! of Variatioie $.50 * Cirwiird,; ohan fir frend fn Open Chrstiag hone Weiel—=a tone that Solihers” whe Very popular nt the 855° Prover fine Teethoven wrote dis LOD FAYE THE KRING Trio (about 1705)

445 Musical. Titerhedes 2.0. WreaTker Forecasr: Becosn News Borers $04 Br. Bast SALE = 8.10 Local An hou ths Next Week's Hroadeast merits Mitsit * 9-15-10.38 ARMISTICE 5.15 Tar TCHIEDREK’S DAY NATIONAL Horr: “Looking Back- CONCERT

‘_—e— wart" (being the Btory of (Conitinaedd) 1D14-1018 retold in five

by 19.0 {Da tfé rer yy on fay) short” dialogues, with” the WEATHER FurRecasr; help Of “The: Wireless Chorus and The Daventry Beco CEexEkan News GvLLeEtts Qiinttet) 0.10 (Parentry only) 60 Mr, -Peacr Senos, 7 Bhipping Fdrerast ee The G.B.C, Music Critie ol i 12 (Parecntryonly) 6.15 Fraxsk Weerrrmco's ferep Fipaag Aerpry Wreton BeneArcsin Orpcnestrea from the A FESTIVAL OF REMEMBRANCE. [Paaneforte) Prince of Wiles Playhouse, The Albert Hall (here seen from the oir) will be today the scene of a great festival concert, manana in Miner, “The Lewisham Which will recall the tiwmphs and tribulations of the war -years. Pathetic’, eh lk Btesthoven


—E 015-16.0 9:0 68.0 6.45 7.15 6.30 6.45 5.9?) B2k 5.18 5.0. @47TarJonan. 440 ah) 3.54. 3.45 a

4.10 2570 2.39 315 3.0 10.4§ | | : | . E —— {= Lo. HULLETIS Sonate Sonia Cast: Ceotrey CPridaga ‘ Thin ahh Tino. The The Sonata Speon Vairy Barby, Petite Ppeluels Foxmorearyne Des Pall PNG Serenade ik The Pastor Pasmmnela Polonaines Le REGEN. ORE Vos Potrnued: Na Albey Phe i


Programmes —[{_[_[_—<—_$_§_<——_z_$_[_—>&—————— mck WeatHen feritecs Rearecca ARMISTICE BP EMBED ‘Tise Het Tar Tum Gonpon LEUTHRERT .Josern Jogger Dororay Linihwrray Str Sumex Bou Ni Leerosgto Lerastto apullon Song Date Gonpox “Weuse for Oryany Nightingals oe THE Te.l3vey "Tmea..l-3 ‘Bonn Dues EXPERIMENTAL Hiner Saree sGB fi Chics Pianaforte PianaMiesinss im Breen rh iPne fo, 11.15 (49008 in akira Se ht Bon m ee eli Can Ov Flote Mansonre Sonar, LAOKET Danerny ARMISTICE Asouar iNew reales of foe of. ee CCTTREIE Proyranwies V4 5 OG: Blaney Aeriontw CLARE pee 4, for on ROOSTERS Mino for hee j 4 AlomimersChretoias Anater Boarict ood Piano the Shaery Formoasr: cae ChAnEE anece ind. the: Tee Hivas for (Amorienn a DUEN'S wil! Lee, Bevan Fhote,-Violin: Serr GEesnaan Baodta ohn Broken MM. oh ey Gissrerr CHAMBER aie Pavers May BER 10e7 rain SMP and, SONATA Flute, sor-Mow York WHERE Valin 1 (Ebates, aad Seultie fe ‘Ty Nightingale DAY ere DAVENTRY Binoteboal, Expire,” n Violin, (See- + ARMISTICE ON Gaoreswict;. Ha Fre it CONCERT $Rapntax. Pravens Min : Mit Pisces (Pinncforte) palate sacar Soles: MET. rir Pee ‘cit Viola Om Basser Haywano ih Rr vn MOR roll (Selerted (Scleeted (Sclected and. ‘hho Hoon ecu Hirnvnghem Days (Vien), Serre Yiolitt i peige OTR lac and ele (Selected NATIONAL oa. rs ai ia ih ea i conflated ek “Folk tied We London DAY Soe

Niws “Mo ib ‘ee Onin Te for Oh fia.cone Ant Skooxp Cs Ch en ..-.<...f r = slaa Bex ress » « CONCERT ge! Ainwtel, BREGCITAL Reseda and (Pianoi Tafall by Ofc, orate Viola and Bi ancl: MUSIC Pavers Loviees (From RS. “i+ 260) 480) ees Feracen, 4a and [iakrr (Sopranc) A Mey “Da | io cokOne Finoforte STATE i NATIONAL thi Ae y Ly icici perda the eT wy Le TF. eo dentin, Bolas) Solow edlee Fianoforta Bonierc HN DAY 610 (Bart eee (Violin) Gorson Nights) WeatHmn Baonge)

Songer] Viokd Friday. GER ery pease sace ace Fran on _j ai akan Perey (JP Barossa hone} ST Hele Coral arr: rie) ek Pe Rev. arr. | Brrminghicon) CONCERT kC.) we anoorhe} i Bachmaninoe Arial hh ae page uy rhaL . oh SERVICE PARTY arr, ‘f “ars Geer AINE Hany ty eee s+. arr. eka Bataltre It F ifoteorsen Hehe pe Cn 2 Reginald Ree foe-Viola PE i Creviger frre

.. {VY =— D488.) He Bryan Les WEWws ichn}, Fore: Rabey z GOO ELS aeeTiii wid. ol Ofies 4 = “hha easel hay . eo liet ed = 2, 3 ff

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| | | i i] i] ) | . Please | Valuable will known Mr. The TO — Sheppard's appreciate RADIO order and grammes, Enlightening of to Other Che the Frequent All A Foreign, Programmes to - Rev, ‘special Weekly broadcast DAY, INVALUABLE EVERY well-known

hroadecast pleasure TIMES» from Broadcast “ Morning MORNING with WEE work these mterest

Contributions designed your H.-R. Competition

Morning for -—— listeners. of the Broadcast Comments 7KLY listeners a at writer listening-in, weekly Post” newsagent prizeof to respective NOVEMBER will Programmes, St. greatly 1» First Listeners. to. include on appear TO features FRIDAY. the NMartin-in-the-Fields that MESSAGE a L. based articles.

Broadcasting Daily, by high-class to to LISTENERS. wave-lengths. : POST “ enhance of Mr. Morning SHEPPARD'S prevent on special on the Entish Post They W. 3-valve the Broadcast Features the subjects James, disappointment. interest Post”

value Pro- will and set. is Fr so. readers appear |

11 well


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420 S66 3.45 6KH 6390-10.30 6.0 6-0 3.0 11,30 10.45 6.9 3.0.9 11, 1B.15-11.19 B15:


mew SERVICE, LOOT Yesterday A Davontes Baeaboast Len ao Selections SELDON The nonncements 'ToaAS The Address Lert Dayentry Played Prayer Baan, 15-11-30 Qhurtet Arctivel Memoir “How Londai-Propramme Bo An London Lana Londen bien Rewellia Lendl Lorctlon Taondan Lorton London.

‘Toe Tae Tue Mr. Reading Joonden Toe Service | LastPost Tniniites wor MSR: Anto-Pianeo Mayors By Relayod by

repreecnting Oo A. THE Cninontex’s Cimmnres’s BOURNEMOUTH. by Toe Relayed Moreay, 2.0.

tin Loerichoti led of (UELBRESN ARMISTICE 48: Quip | to 5.8. for

a’ 1 aul by THE Figen

Boaprers MANCHESTER. Pregame Precrit London Easter Wark Programme Programme Progranine Tre hianor fraerai Programme Prograntae- Lemiebian Ged ARAISGLICE -kinth Suare, The Auntie the Programme } To wilk Assombing Séprann, Bfody-—VITT, fromLoudon by the TooAires’


from jrem Today CARDIFF. IMMORTAL (LARS “Captain aen’s Lorn our Chaplain, from Stations Benoers: Friday’s Rev. ba the


fromAnsertr permission HULL. Recital Maroh. Last or Lilie arb KeEvVEILLE

(ELaan) Vicar Ss Propratim Kessy and the of Programe Help the conducted Proeirr Hoo Horr London Manca

Sondon * Mavor A. Right Contralte, Hour the DAY relayed relawed Hovn or relayed relayed relayed relayed relayed relayed relayed DON Oyricens Balvation Poser relied of ORCHESTRA SELbow Conotaph,: DAY Fast in of br ara

4th (9.10 Ayn + Cook's Field-Major (Baritone) Ct Troops Prof SERVICE

Ages Practical. She Rev. LEGIONS J. Holy ren or Batt. (210 of Stuer from {ror from froin ARTET fram from from from BERVICE (9.10 Local from 4 by Meanows Senrait from

Tan Poti, Maxcerster relay T. Morgan relayed Past" relayed! Anny.

Tue Counters Davenire Litut,-Colonel The Trinity, Voyages Dav East 1 Daventry Aull Daventry Daventry Davontry Loeal Dayentry Daventry Anneounc- iF FA. Leoval lave Dueventey AND 2. funal

326.1 820 1,020 “ints. TAO 324.6 ' Hey. BECO 353 Basn Lowp Smkr, retry LE nery Yorks


from LPonn Bae AE's hE, freun ke, iAn- An- kc, Ma.

the MM. M. kG. for MM. of A.

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| “SNG

6.15 430 4.0 245 oo 2L5 630-1030 G15 4:0. 45 215 6LV 6.30-10.30 6.0. B15 0 TO.

5PY 6.15 6.30 6.0 5.50 5.6 £45 4.30. 4.5 12.0-1.0 16:45-11.15 24) 10.45-1.0. 6.30-10.30 20 16.45-11.50 3.0 T2-8-1.0 10.44-11.15.— GFL 6.30-16.30: 6.0 G15 245° 3.20

OLA Averrivstic PORT Liataxy Mr Daventrs Pichia a Prof. Da Futur HOWE Daventry Daventry THAI Mr Daventry ae Sabon of Fahad” Pohang CHascen ‘Poppies London $0.80 Lenden London yest Lendon London Londen London London ‘THe Foothall Crrastoen Light Piaxoroare Light Lie 1.0 Mr. A “Tur Fraxk Ce oonden Al. G. England—b) Tc LEEDS-BRADFORD. EE — BROADCAST — Reapen Loncdon ry ene be GLanys don Hengker BDA 8. Ens Gramaphen: Caantes CHipres Lioneltor TEs Deary Lenden TES 8.8: 8.8. Music 4... Cuttpresx’s SLB. t= Varroa: Music 4.8, Steciwrnn: Programe Lis". ae Program Prorranine -Progriime London Programe NOTTINGHAM. Dons Lonton Programme Programe Londen | Bongos Wl HRCATHCAST Progr Lewoock:.* Proprmme Talk BRA | 1080 i | | Programmes for RADIO— Mlarsie PLYMOUTH. SHEFFIELD. LIVERPOO uneibe Meare ot Progra hue from from >“ from fren Jron Trio, Scotmck

~ bay [Ss Remembrance.’ GAasbeLn Chon ko. Wy s To by Kew by ne I Programme The SPALL ‘TOMTHIEN Early Horr Programme Po Programme (Continued) Bilda Programe SECONDARY Mes & London Reeorls London endon Danton Beopex, letra: cline Lenden relayed relaver relive relayed rel LACH rela TIMES relayed Hows Books’ To) 1,190 relayed relayed The relayed relored Story ‘Sovne pELesons wel Engliz#h (Pianodtorte} Sicwots SoS 11 eo MAN (Sopranc) continued Wolliansa. ke. : Poa = Fooomeial eed (9:10)

(9.10 (3. Bria from frorm. (9.10 {9.10 Tron from irom ofthe Nabi by feo, TSO from “Eexhracts tram r trom 10 —. rélaved from lt” relayed rela! SCaOooLs A oneligns! : History—V LRT Lik Linwern Daventry Jay

Daventry Daventry Daventry Loon! iy Loval: Daventry [vormal ‘Lecal Daventry wil Loeal Notes Poem Daventry Daventry Daventry 1 278.2 Read Bank ono 207 L100 272.7 Machine 08O aeare, Tit Mi toy irom from frote cca, fron from Aa.

from An- An. Aon y An ke. ke. An- for Ke. har * MM. of MM. 1. 4

eee See | |

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5SX wea 6.30-10.50 6.15 6.0 15 6.0 3.45 6.30-10.30 5.15 3.50 3.30 20 11.0) 10.45 56.15. 5.0 5 10. 6.30-10.30 6.0

from 648-—8.0, i 5SC Chittinen’s 3.0:—Lanvlin SNO 11.35-1 tron Chbdrens 3.0 2BE Childs 2.50: Etoniltast 3.0 2BD Teriied How. London fhotted Tay Thivenbrys Daventry: Agrivottoral hnvenicy, 2 cag ELLs 10.45-11.15:—Liavion, Autielress The Oran, Taner} 1045-11.16 10.45 Mica Daventry Organ The Biton Prayers Aarne Holeved Mr. Daventry 1645-10 TSE Banndiction Bog 45-1.0 —landon —Lendos ein Conickuctead Additisy: Sclhocles Hel WH Lotidon the Noarthe: London Mr. London Lond ‘Edinborgh, (Viewer THe 1 Two THe Mr. inate Tee Lonthon Sieve, London bec London bey 5.58¢—Weather Chop’: Eee J. Fone (November Progr :—-5.6:

0 Classic tee DD ery to Reginald Voluntary (1.0. (ELC, Hor * °—Londen, 6-1: ARMISTICE HH) HH 6.15 Horr. 6.18 Honor. from tls minute: O from FR Betpeoe; Comoren’s

Note. te Lorndan :-—Loodon Uritores’s oa AILDREN pf 8.0. Rawprcts Pragrgme Bb 4.0. 8.8. Ptomunine Mi; ee -Preaamnmn from RF, Mo, Best Programme Prarie Loss: Broanoagr DPograrrirnie Cincom.&.39-1038 :—For Bete MROATHIAST Programm Procramme | Century tg pelaped :—hian Motet..* Bwansea} Edinburgh, Programme P | friah ern hy don 6.50-16,56-: Tilteot(Rariboae). 279, fi @8:—bonden: ae: rors §.0:-—

64 SWANSEA. Cte: Mae Rar, NEWCASTLE. London. front §.a0l—%. ABERDEEN, je, from from STAINTOS GLASGOW, int the BELFAST. STOKE. Abo, aR. Progransime Paria: er silence ' 3.15 Derma A. Forecast Prepinune relayed De [tere "he ee * London Livin S BReettal Progroanune Propranion melas rE Res, Some telayed (Libexg, trom Programm EV

DAY relayed) reine Hove tra -—lirmadcast and Eencgral oi (vehi Ay Londen ane Bowion and Hon London fro 60-1 a 11. To. TH Pourndations Physical relaver! relayed Horr rélavoud ARE Parish ie bey ened relayed r1) fren Daveniow. trom Conia, 16 lave Landon t a 2 ie for AM. SCs SCHOOLS the Giesat ir. Negri: Nov Programme. Protramine COMMEMORATION } est relayed fren 2-22. trot Goin §:9c:—S. 11-36-—Spectal. Temin Pele Nitarre rele Fortnateht!': —s2by 2437)” Fiserv Astrayiaed Daventry. Di Foroerm. Rev. 165), 1 (9.10 (9.10 Church, Lanmdat Daventry. (9:20 eaER from fron from from in fran from Daventry, Davart. Lagiihen of Wy

as to r relayvert Daveibey, fron $215 Face W. Peace from Maisie." Ped AL

Laveil rites from ° Miura, 6. Talk Pages By GO

Lhventry , ocisyed Daventiv Daventry Local relay relay! Bor Local. Bas, from free Eocal Frenne,” Dien: Cavente 4 eh Pes Worse — 8989 Lene, ciaio God,

» 6.45. fwanses on 120-19: es. 734.1 hols Devenir Tarentey Oilers thaienbry, Legh Arniisth Wer. Snot 805.4 wai Al SGT

ea Lorde, elayed °.—Sanp 74 5.15: “fron Bis: Le: “95a: fines oe 25: “Chit froera

— frteri e e e i he Gur from Ane we a Au- Vil. th 8 MM. Air 01 et — te

| . -— RADIOTIMES — 26a



iene: = ——e Se <——_—_—_——_= -

“John—Edna and her husband droppedin after golf, just as some dance music was coming through and couldn’t believe it was the sameset. They rushed off to buy some Cosmos Valves too. Are they very ex- travagant in current? I didn’t know, but I told them I didn’t think so, because our batteries seemed to last ever so much longer than before.” “Quite right Joan, they’re very economical and Met-Vick also make some wonderful A.C. Valves which with Met-Vick Eliminators can be run off the lighting circuit, cutting out batteries, H.T. and L.T. altogether. I saw them for the first time at Olympia.” “Oh John, can we fit them to our set and save all the trouble of accumulators ?” “Yes my dear, we will, when my present H.T.battery runs down,it won't be difficult as with their yery ingenious adaptorI can fit their A.C. Valves without re-wiring my set.” Comos A.C. Valves also of the well-known Shortpsth (5.P.) constroction have remarkable characteriatics, extraordinary amplification foctar, extraordinary lew impedante: and will eventdally revolutionies Wireless receiving set construction. With the ingenious dise adapter na re-wiring is necestary to fit them to existing sete.

Full particulars in the little Black and Gold booklet 4117/3, of perhaps your dealer will give you a copy of the- Cosmos Maing Brochure which also describes the Eliminators, They are manufactured by the Metropoliten-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., who make everything electrical,

i ae RADIO Enid Soresee Novesmen 4, 1027



~~ we Towns and Fugue in 1) Minor 7.0. OacwestTmes

Sieg Beoond * Ablmid of Arlee” Suite (° LD Arifeienna "| fa An bye witntsesAccount, by Mr, FE STACY MMizer LintortT, of the ERGLAND c, IRERLASD | 7.15, Wacrer Banpace (Pinnofort Astciation Football Amateur Intemational Polonaise, Op. 26, Noo vas js ceceof ON Mateh . ROGERS Sia ate he! Wed esd eins dee Sib. fron Mavichester Popes WV ail arirrde: (ate ig THUY Weep eee ae SOA 7.45 VARIETY : P R25 CC HESTRA Hamimtow Sisrems andl Forpyce. (Ayneopalion Suite, “ Maimes ond Ballerinas... 465 days ype and Harmony) May Birmxomny Hien Leont {Light Ealinds) Beeck ste dace crewwent oaee ee ce Harter andl Banrkn (Entertainers) Ino one ever ured Mme is ee. ed. eel EA HENEHY OSCAR Love's Grocting. swe eee e Se Wien in a sketch ontitled Nightinivale-of dine ys5 3 oes a ele f ociock” by Crem Ashurer 7.45 Waters Banna. Cre: Melody int pee ae ea Ma eRe Sir Jolt i, ities ec, PEE Dain Spring Bong Tse rae a aep ead ome tee Afeadelasahin Crieg.. fc ie Wowreneran Hiok Pierrette artes NT eee ade Lo eee Parlar,.. . Enoan B. BERET Rowary Goumiey {(Biffleur) ORCHESTRA Gonpesy Suekeavy (Bolomt) and «a Male Voice Relection from fuite of Ballet Miasie to * William Tall * a a ee ee a ee ee Haagini Onariet © Golf Spiribuils ') | } | — G OLE. undoubtedly calls forth the deepest | Hs 8.0 DANCING TIME emotions of the British soul. All the Tue Lospon BRapro Daxry Basn, directed by pathos mand poignancy, all the exaltation -ane

BrpsEy. Figaanx a dpapair that infuse the Negro spiritual struggle | : | LevEK. and CHILD (Ayvncopated Bonga with | for expression on the lips of the long-handieap MR. GORDON SHERRY. Thulcle) man as he hacks his way round. Mr, Gordan Tre: Time CLEer Bherry,. whe compeited the: dapa of the Cult Actor, singe’, playwright, composer, producer— Spiritual, is o versatile geniua who baa produced 00. * Hog to Dance tie tale Blnes —I, by Bannos

but, above all; golfer; and this evenme London and =. CAs Aw the Footlighta af Cambridge, sung Danilo sand other stations vill hear hes Goll Sperituals—torn from [ia Chg ETE: } Maeheath, atch is now busy tn a musical score of his-heart through mony oo bitter expertence on the = ‘ Beauty nnd the Barge * >. hut the most wondertiual ' bint. 8.20 DARCING. LTRTE (Cont ented | thing aboot him is wumiloubtaty his gol, which, fa he wimiie, con be expressed only in song. 10.0 Wertter PORECAST, EECOND LS ERAL His attempts st expressing it can be juciged News DCLLETIN by those: who dinow him: when they hear thie 10.15-11.15

[sang - BELLERS Young Tomo" Devon ....022 0/0200 R i s a z e l l Oh Barly *.....-.-. en Re De riseancl falls 16.10 Grong Pree The Floral Dane ae oy aes alate neta hard dct crilion diseorir ew Time to Ge..s5. cian) dala ea Ce plare, ariel the ole The Btocthkridec sh fein J PPG heo ee. MUcnemnad REX TRT once pale in thesky ; TheCrown of tha Year... .,. Bpethene Martin Niimiiok fron: heroine” se aad Handel, are. Neat bE some ‘writers Bearpak ip ie e e epee Wider hive...a qiblic so 10.270 Ocres WinhiaAnM FRITH loyot that thes meod hovero fears for it, Selection from.“ ’ iG eee ewes oo Pere | once, 0 Wy nmin Ds eine ee peo ke Mise Ftaly A Are A BRoumaman LoveSone ...... 0rine Weed The Lule Player ale eater a ieee gts Sieh | aa a iscod these, anmel 10.36-172.0 DANCE MUESBTC Tak ATO SERTET all these oho have Oericins- ard THe Savor Havan an, Prov come Ponges her The Sawiat Hotel Firat Fantasia on Coen s:* Faget or opan MISS RORY i. AYRES

— RADIO TIMES — Noveunen 4. 1927/1

Proprammes jor ; Saturday. 1 6BM BOURNEMOUTH. 3 % 0 ' c c| | Here are Four

C3 Eoion (Peacesinin relaynd from Daventry | of the famous §.15 Ter Cimnores's Hore tom D o v o n t y | Fange of Ai Lowe mn 6.36 S.A. f r o n bi neon

4 deck ies Mlanting t 7.0 Mr. (node: LANE tng l wi i Taye

Lt I * ead 2 et GA

=] 4 5. from London “(9.30 Local Announce- | “Sport Daan lat iy

Sun nts: 9.35 MUSICAL COMEDY four models i W u s t r a t e d here - a r e mt Staves Oorer | | HE. "4 but a slight indication of the Selection. from’ Boss Mario.” -.--+<-.; e u rPrin e r h i n i e t t ma range o f Tri-ang Toys. and T H e : WHPews™ | | famous ’ : 3 Joux, Roxx (Baritone) 1 | hia Hits || woucan see other models at a l l eaod-class Sammy,ane from * The Harland the‘ G i r h v s e : engon Vl)| o n e he country and | “Toy Dealers throug yut the Coun y an | ke Ven bnovebveat trom Lasky Sladeap ihe } any Tri-ang Toy .can he’ immediately Qcrn a 1 as " . : = identified by looking for the Triangle Solection® from.‘ Summy,”

i ive lamps, adjustable windscreen, oWA CARDIFF. cnt hal | || detachable disc wheels and | Toy Dealers | || balloon cushion t y r e s . Daventry Programme m layed from | everywhere. . 346 London Prices : No.5, 93/9.No.7, 105/-, Reel Dunlop Poeumctic i E45 Toe CunmLoOREN'S Hour | from) Level iry | 22"= 2)" Balloon Motor | Barris Mane. | pinlayed Prtramirist: 6.4) Londan poltern tyres ana Tangent —a | apoke wheels 45/+ extra on London iu: err 6.30 | | fo, 7 Model. THE MUSICAL AWOLGS 6.50 Novelty 2.¥ phon bru TA i . bayard j Writes,rt. : 4 a rlp a Eztev, ed. - Pet F I ai a 2.15 8.8, from London | Wittrams, Foo a b o v e . ) 796 Mr. L. 1. The * Orb ” Motor. (Jilgttrates © —. Peokttania. He thinksit's “real” ter and it rans like one. Stands any CONCERT amount of knocking about, Easy to steer, easyto pedal, 745 A ik .ATD OF with big, wide, comfortable sent. Price 25/6, Pon THE Sto Fuen Trt CARRIE STON S s SETS Relaved fram Tho City Hall The Pedal Fairykar. Regd, Trace Mark. Spat Cit HRSTIA ([ifustrated on fefi,) The AccsnnereD by quite young children and -Leacdor, Lensann BCsrien® | Can be ridden anywhere 13/6, | gives theny plenty of f u n . Prices : 8/6, 10/6, Conducted by Warwick BRalTHwAITS | \ | | Geertuns to" Rey Blas” os. .es- . fy inet Lest ol Ser hem on Slang 4, ENDELSSOHN wos asked to write Main Mall. Grund fey ieee, Fleer, and 133, (Meat M (yverturs for Vielor Hog "play, , and put off writing iil; Morden Road, je) Holl Goltena® at heartily disliked the worl, Laelon, ee Cpcle Exhibition, Ha hia minal t e i the Overture, but finally made up CHypmeir, October 3 Nomis 3, finished the muse i n d e s s a : them “bhiree do i t , and —

days. 1 ( C a r d i f f Programme conti n u e d om page 3)

ro —— pa ERED=ee (_————————$$—_—_—_—_———— - ae Saturday’sProgrammes c oeo n t ' d (November 1 2 )

In. the-slow Introduction plirases in the Wood- ‘THIS. THAT AND THE OTHER wind. with Pass) ond Strings alternate, then AY New ‘“Beyvow in Twelve Bremes sue labior hinting at the First Muir ‘Tune of the Iwo Drevin pet one Uyverhiorn propor, which Boon (ashes olf. "This thay ponsonahly be taken aa aA aiuggeation of the Biebohoa hy Faas ic A WigHoLs: Is... Chery bold, faery character of the hore of the rama, fone W, F PHBE -ond-howre Lews Thé astenin Wootwind-and-Brass plas breaks Mivaie toy wsdl denice CSieripaent i etrain, anc then the Beeomd! Main Tune enters, | : Comet atarhing with aoflh, detached ootes forthe Strings. ] MaAmtIoOniE FARSHAM,: Aaa Maroaie: Lie Alfio, botlbyinarked Third Tune i alan bend, Leos | Pia FomrTa ; Oaanies On thesaa motifs the Ovortiare ja taht, the “Phim ese: W. i. Dinas Hinotn Ongrers Time being tesd for the britliant Corda that: ends HorAreE Bown 5 Exar Pinos the Overture. i Bpeciadhiiy Ley Neve MeELoAnD Reswern Beus (Bass) and Orchortra THe New Revere Oacuimsitna and Fei ORES “ok eee omaha Wedding Fong .... Ponimtouwaly | Fires tee hay Vicrok. Sscrlrrk The Two Greracliors Sew aos Hany 9.0 B.A. jrom Lana on i 9.30 Lorsl Annmincenionts+ sporta Bulietin } In Civic Surroundines Tum Onouverna S35 LIGHT ORCHESTRAL MUSIC “Muteracker'' Buide... .. its Tomei = j Tre Sratis Opoogerea Bigaec Arahe + There: le la Fee Dragée ; Dans Orertire, '§ The Brewer of Preaton ' . 2...) alo Bien ' Trepak ‘+ Votes des Plein NEATING Bealectian irom * The Lily of Killarney “ Atenedtiuy Canine Harchany (Soprano) and Orchestra Selection, “In a Persian Garden" (from Rong Ernanl,: rmani, involami- s,s e es eee Ferdi: Cycle) , aeoe be a = - Liou Lehrer OTOVES Pitas, Be EEN ebenhi aot Grin SCOVELL and Wienpost The Binegtiah Sy ncoprebed 2intertainers 10-30-12.0 (8.8. from London For COSY ‘Hak (ROR ESTRA

Dinos of the Tomblers T T COMFORT : Fingsiy- orsatoy i | OBTAINABLE THROUGH ALL. IRONMONGERS | =

86 Weatsee Fosumoast: News ; \ SS

WHITE BOR LIST "SA" FREE. 915° Concer (Continued) i I i if

Tae Onemearna 1 i a

1), Motasorga by i i { = * Kessera Ecus and 8rrheaten FLY i I bi lis, Jelly Wore vs ka. See oeeh, eeee aie

Jou Hess . t i * Ta cloctad Miiyte of Mirth ; i

Tam Qecwmerras | ware } Eeyptian Ballot Suite .. Eeagine 2 j | 8 CARCLINE HatcHano { l JUMPY MEN AND Bhepherd, thy Demeanour Vary | i Bi eda i i f ALTOpais bie) oe oe eeeeaernee : NERVOUS WOMEN. BCOVELL and WELDON Use this Plan when letening to this afternoon's Association The Engiish Sincopated Mater Football broadcasts, biinars

KENHErH Ennis, Tum frariopn Maun Voice Troubles Bred by Malnutrition. Cao, and Orchestra i 6KH HULL. ae ved

Bea Shantios - Doctors have good news for men and women who PAHOFee ice a ak a adeioe alee Se Pe 2:30 Londen Programme relayed from Daventry are run down, weak,under weight, nervous and What shall we de witti the drimen sailor 3 irritable, All these troubles spring from mal- : oer, Terry §.15 Tar Carmovesx’s Hove nutrition, a failure of the digestive avetem to ex- 10.20 THE MUSICAL AVOLOS track the nourishment from food. Doctora have Novelty Xylophone Trio 6.0 London Programme relayed fr veryineete always known that good old-fashioned cod liver 10.3) Local Announcoments ; Sports. Bulletin 6.40 6.8. from fonda oil would Lring a apeedy cure because cod liver 10:35-12.0 §.8. fron Tendon ou is the richest possible soures of the valuable

70. Mr. Ton fuer PARI, Sine ItRHGIre Chet” body-buidding, nerve-restoring vitamins. Tot, alas, 384.6 M. few people could take ood liver oil beonuse its nasty 27¥ MANCHESTER. TSO ke. 1S BB. from Pondo

fishy taste and amell themselves upset the stomach. 330. London Programme relayed from Daventry 7.25 &.8. from Manchester Now you caxtake ood liver.oil. Now you tun get $.0. Freo BR. Rocee (Pianoforta) T.45-12.0 05.8. from London (8.38 Local Announes. the valuable clemeénta from the finest cod liver oil BOMALIND 56k ery eeeeee eee eee Ravel monte; Sports Bulletin) concentrated in Tittle sugar-coated tablets, McCoy's, Oho Gils ae ee Solin, are, Liesl tasteless, odourless, and ps easy to take n4 pyweeta, 5.15 Tae Comonsy’s Houn: More Bonga from bat even more beneficial than if you forced your- Pinch wing by Horry Hopewell, * ee 2L5 LEEDS-BRADFORD.2772": * acif ta take the nauseating oil. MoCoy's Cod Liver Time,’ * Ayde Park,” sot to Musie by Bir. 1 6G. 1780 he. Extract Tablets-are simply wonderful for-any mat Cowen.. Two “Collo Solos played by Syciney or woman who is run down, nervous or under weight. he hit. “VAIL Bhvedish Ade" (Wo B. aSqnrre}, $2.30 -London Programme telaseck from Daventry le Soog from *Jodelyn * Gofard), Two Old They bring new appetite, soothe and-testore frayed i;seaetiah ikea, AUN by Bettsy Wheatley. * Danses 6.15 Tue Csruones’s Hove nerved and infallibly reboild the wasted fleah. ff des Prerrota ' (eatraacdison), ‘played by ric Fogg you are under weight and don't. pub.on at least 6.0 Lrowt Mosc 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry $iba.cwith one month's treatment as prescribed, in addition to feeling better in every way, the 6.30 &.8. from London 6.30 8.8, from Lomdion makers will refund all you patd, 74 Mr, F. A. Hamrros, The Scent of Flowers ' 7.25. &.H, from Manchester 715° Sh. from London Any chemist will testify to the value of MeLoy's, 7.45-12.0 S08, frown Dondon {9.39 Local An- tr a4, And as. the box, 7.25) An Weye-witness’s Account, by Mr. F. Stacey nounepments ; Aporta Balletin} Lanrort, of tho Enonavon, Takiano Asaociation In case of difficulty send direct to Molor as Foothill Anwwivur Toternational Mates, (Saturday's Programe continued on gigs 278.) | Laboratories, Norwich. |

RADIO o9s TIMES. —— c a n e


AFTER five years intense research, the ML.PwA. wireless engineers have perfected an entirely new type of loudspeaker that gives huherto unapproached reality in reproduction.

Mere pertection of tone and pitch has been overpassed. low the very soul of the music—all trace of arlihciality gone—comes flooding to you as though the studio opened on to your roomand the singer stood before you. When you hear ths amazing speaker, the real magic of wireless will thrill you as it has never done before.

Go to your deale; now ancl ask to see and hear the NicPOA, Plague Speaker, with tts wonderful -sprung diaphragm, its eymphonic woods, its two distinct tonal qualitres—one for speech, one for tmusic. If your own dealer has not yet got supplies, send to us for descriptive leaflet in colours, and for address of nearest stockist. Write to M.P.A. Wireless Ltd. Dept. 4, 62 Conduit Street, London, W.1. To BHealers: Your customers must not be disappointed! Write or telenhone at once to ws tor full trade information (Gerrard 6845). THE M-P-A SPEAKER (OSTS ONLY 2 GNS!

_—_ RADIOTimes —

LNovennm d, TET


EVERYTHINGLeeeOarELECSTRICAL am ZEL. Perfect atEvery Point Don’t be the ‘slave Tew Osrain ikS a k salae . Geidessae AL"Gooddife-ttne’sMorningscheery That's what you get ee i =TE.aeuy OFdn | INGERSOLL with HERS

Al heote BT ALARM CLOCK, aegis Sturdily made. T e l l s re s a i s nie ay you the time st 2 irre you. time bor alves glare: day o- night. a poo brenkbost every

Has atiuaical alanm day. Eaives Te- ff Rien that makes Aying -etart ior the you wide awake at with the New Cilame days dutes, Once. a

IngersollSupremeRadiolite 25 ris “The Perfs

A Charging Station for your Radio Battery in your own home.

The .Tungar solves the battery-charging problem l. Accurate for all whose houses are electrically-lighted by alter-- New and intricate machinery designed by experienced nating current. Research Engineers ensures accutate spacing between turns. T hts enables ench walwe to confare closely ta | aiblisihe d charac befiahes nek rruarkess for exact aamularit y Eetween valves of the come type, © Tun Strong and Rigid BATTERY CHARGER Ewery inn is riety webded to the Support wifes FoR USE ON ALTESNATING CUSRENT SUPPLY “This prevents an¥ possible movoment ot the grid Wwites from their prearranged position. In the case of the DEH, 410 there are no besa than 80 welds The possession of a Tungar means >

Scientific Control ef (i) A saving in expense In the OSRAM DEH. 410 there ate no lewer- than and trouble, 40 turns im the Spice ef 910 of an inch. This means (2) Lenger- life dor the that the turivs are Jess than 1/40 of an inch apart and battery because you can this clearance mewer caries im valves of equrvalont types, MADE IN chargeitwith greaterire- enturing pirfect control of the electron stream. ENGLAND, =e quency and regularity.

a The assurance that the VALVES. WITH HIGH MAGNIFICATION FOR RESISTANCE COUPLED SETS, battery is always fully charged. » OSRAM 2] wolt 4 volt G& volt Price B.E.H. 2 DEH, 416 DEH. 64a | cach 10/6 (4) Ability. to charge any time, day or night and Made at the factory with the greatest experience in valve to leave the battery, on manufacture in the British Empire. charge, without otten- tion, for long periods, Manufactured from raw maternal to finished product by the same British organisation. The British Thomson-Houston Co, Lid., Mazda House, Newman 5St., Oxford 5t., Wi ee Branch Officer in aff Large Tou'na. Aa. =f Tike Garena! Electric Co, Lid, Magne! Morne, Kinguaap, Lerndea, Bot. =

Novewmer 4, 1927.)

|| Dancing LessinBALLROOMat-9.0 this evening. DANCES OF 1928. By Santos Casani. B l u e s , the l a t e s t of ballroom d a n c e s . Listenera Santos Casani is broadcastine from 95GB at 9 . 0 oclock t h i- s evening the hrat of a :‘s e r i e s of threecan lessons.inaid a the Yaleat ate : Lu wh whs intend ‘fo ‘tebe advantage ot these dessone should read: the COMpPAnyINg ae tick’, in. which: Mr. Casani give: a general imtroduction to the Yabs.

mon bands which could play the correct ‘Tango ia the ‘Varaty Vole Biwes. Thi tine has been NEVER has ballrawn dancing been so popular as today. In addition to hundreds it palaia des rouaie, thie dance would bea greut favourite. specially composed with a distinet seeentuatiow of tlinsed oll om er the country, there ts hardly a The steps are very s i m p l e . There are only four the beats, thos meking it easy for everybody ho’ riz. the walk; the half-turn, interpret. the music, There are five fundamental hotel or restaurant in this ¢ountry where-a strong fundamental steps, The Tango ia Rep und four principal things to remember : feature is pot be ine: mnde of dancitz. ihe promenade, and the link-stes. The reason for the populariry of amodern tiall- being danced «a great deal in Settonl, Lehn, 1. That you dance with supple knees ane yen attain the rhythm bya slight sway.of the bity from — mom dancing i4 easily understood: Tt acta not ind dn the provirecs. This dane: was originally Ade to ade, = onby a3 a healthy exercise but alan is 4 nental fanic, The Flat (harlestan. Preaentecl ‘Y ‘de neing is baile wo the walking danced: by the negroes in the Sonthern States: of =. That you dance on the ball of your feet amd Prine tiple whieh maker it very aay bo perform anid America, whenec if came to New York. Tk was not on Vour toes, bransberrinc yor weight gradually

to leurn—in fant: af SOUL Cah W ik wi, youn chance first. introdluced into this country abowt eightoon from one jog to another, ‘ well, In theold days, when people did the Polka, months ago in a very wild state. In fret, in many 3. That ordinary walking stone talre up two beats are: of eure, hen Hh double time. you take ie Lancers, and the Barn Dance, dancing was mostly places you could see notices up: “Charlestonstrictly dome on the tips of the toes and forbidden,’ bot after six months hacl passed, all the heat to each Bieh. ; was very streniceus, but present-day dancing is done on the ball of the steps had been ameothed down amd the Charleston 4. That whenvou dance you don't atep from side foot and. the mevermenta and tars being mostly is comaderod at the present time as o variation of to aide but straight forword, swaying slight ly with

[gressive it is lew fatiguing and not nearly eo the Fox-trot. ‘Phe peculiarity of this dance is that the top part ‘of your body fron -side ty side, you attainthe rhythm by bending and straightening The firet- fundamental step ia the walk, You Oren. li ié FT well-known fein tlind FRALEY Cnet phvsicians foocmmend ballroom dancing of the knees and there is no doubt, to judge hy the walk on the ball of your foot andvou Thay start, a4 one of the healthiest exercides In the. world number of people one sees doing the Charleston, with whichever foot you like and walk as much that it baa been quite welcomed a8 a variation, ia-vou like, taking uptwo beats of the musie We nnd aa one of the few coxercises in which each musele of the hody werks in turn and not. ot the The Black Bottom. This dance scoin waa each step. Your knees ae supple and as vou step CN pera of annie. other. - | originated by the negroes in Carolina, Southern with each foot, you gradually away your body te For the past. ten years the Fox-trot has reigned States of America, Tt is sand during the time-of that-cidé anil 40 interpret the rhythm oorrectly, SU PPeime. This i Livre waa, ke many others, davery when the negroes wereused for making The lady's steps arethe exact reverse bot it 14 bnowtht over from the nited States. brick# that the bottem of the mud thoy used was advidable for the lady not to ron) away from hee’ The second favounte of & programme tf un- bhiok, This dance also has « peculiar rhythm partner botstepback, gently transferring her diubtedly the New Waltz. This walte differs from which can onlybe attained by dancing with

it. ia beta dlaneedd in strict tine. Eek thee very fatest-in-the Dancing world, whith (1) step forward and to the side with the rightfoot,

‘The waltz consiata of threo fondanicnial steps ; haa undoubtedly taken the country by -sterm cand bring. your weight on to it, count one; (2) clone the wghthand) ae ntturel con. the loft-hanil or become more quicklypopular than any other dance, your deft foot to your right, trangfer the weglot reverse turn, and a. three-step in between which in the Vole, or Yale Bluew 1 om plicated. to. ay quickly on to it, count two; (3) step again with the links ap-the two tums. The stepaare very easily that this dance haa been invented in this country, right foot forward and slightly to the side, bring: len cecal still Gistchanced. and it is a mixture of the ktepa of a walts,tango, and your weight on to it, count three; (4) drag your the Old Blues, The stepa ore extremely easy to Thenew Frevich Tango, There isa lot to be anid helt fowh towards your right, count four, andaait: fer the Tange, Many attempts have bee made in learn and the music ued are the tunesof the Old pias the right foot go atraight forward with ib thepast to popularive it, but not until bn | Blues. Tt t2 being danced in slow time, roughhy continuing with the walk, taking up again twa Ver apo were the teachers of thie colntry senese- speaking between thirty-four and thirty-six bore beats to cach step. The Indy’s steps are the exatt fulindomgaa, Theresia no doubt that the music of to the minnte, andone of the finest tumes to if, reverse to the man’s with. the exception that she thy Tango 1. moat Toacineting, and if we only had which weare geing to-wse turing today's browdeast, ktarkls with the left foot, walking baelkwards.

i : aes rate - = ant 1 tans “: eee ai

a ee

Capelaf Pade: Cy lid STEPS OF THE. YALE BLUES WHICH YOU CAN LEARN: TONIGHT. a 4 iis artThe walk, two p o s‘Tl. . t i. o . s , and the chassés,a two posutiogs,aa illustrated| photographically¥ by Santos4 Cason and h e e dance partner; Jose Lennard,

ih 276 RADIO TIMES es at Noveuaren 4, 1027.



A Broadcasting Alphabet. | (Contieiad trom pirge ZTZ.) 294.1 BA.


6LV LIVERPOOL. eee 3-30 London Programme relayed trom Daventry : 6.15 Tae Canoes’. Hoo $30) London Programme rolayedl from Daventry 6.0 London Programima relayed from Da reniey -BA5 Tae Cumnersk's Hom 6.30 Sofrom London 3.36 SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON * 7.0) Air. Star Hinpirrcn, ‘Larne Stored Faure Aligicians | Errope V1 Episode VI of the fwiss Family Robinson B15 (S28. from London finds: the family diving happily in their tree 225 28.8. from Moanehestar

hare, having just makes «a further visit to 7.45-12.0 3.8. from London (9.30 Local Announce: |} the wreck, whence mony more treasures have inocula; Sporta: Ballotin) heen brought ashero.'! When the soana opens,

theboys ire describing thetr various discovers, ie Sere fee Py: 5SX SWANSEA. 1020 be.|

The Mother .).\.. , Mra. FL Witeisson Erriiet -. 2, , . Faroe FRaxsknis 395 Landon Programme relayed Irom Daventry : »ivr Worrnisetor h.15 Trk CHInpRrex s Hor 6.8 Landon Programme relayed franDaventry 6.0 London Programme relayed from Daventry I

6.30 S.B. from London i 670 &.F, from. Lorton er ; 6.50 6.8. rom Cardiff 7.25° 3.8, from Maneheater 71.0 S.A. from Lerndon

7.45 &oF, fron Lendav 7.25 8.8. from-Manchester

5.0 A CONCERT PARTY T45 SB: from Candy

GHOFEREY (OATH 90 SB, from Lendot (Local Announcemetits ; | Ivy Sr, Henin Bort Hii lhatin } : | LLAPRAM ANT Deven BowaArRD /RFFREY S20 O.8, from Corday = L IS F O R LICENCE. | Ix an Hove or Music ax Howour st4012.0 8.2. from Londen SAW @ blithe mniden go skipping so gay. iI 9.0-12.0 ©<.8, from Londen (9.90 Local An- ‘Whither away, moiden, whither away }' | mountements; Sports’ Bulletin) Northern Programmes. * Kind sir, IT maa fo : | To the pearcet Poo," gie.525M. S76. : 5NO) NEWCASTLE. (Slo Eeere | with te n silver ehil lings bo Pay, 3.38 (—London, 4]Sap. —Aluete from illes’« Bestourane, For a Licanet f ly =ly tem shillines, Fo lenin, Teckel? Strert. $15:Ao, 6.8 :— Lope, A Lice: coats: legs thwarts A Perniy Hi clay ay fs 6.30 ¢—S8.08. tom: Tondo. 7-0 :2—Mr. Willa: EB. Sishwt, LE.30-12.30 Gramophone ecards *Dodlal Navigntion--t¥, Pilots anh Phhetoge ee ahs front Loodin, T2tg S.-i Manchester, 7 AG — 8, "Jhind what dba you pet faq sane Licentcs «dita 't*

03.35 London Programme relayed from Daventry Trin Loon. 6.0 —Coneeri. Fart ¥. $0 2-56. fin Doonan. AS anes and a ome ani‘i laugh at he, | 16.36 °—Thesice Mosle: TiBey's Done Cirehestra from ‘the WY creckionty- muri tally 5.15 Tre Caitnnrn's Horn Hirnid Assmbiy Topo, 146-120 >—5.1. from London, And -swort moelanchaly,” 6.4 Lenidon Programme relayed. from Daventry 5c GLASGOW onto Mt. (She anawereed }, ‘by turns in the pageant appear, if 740 te), 6.30 5.8, from London 2.45 age. Ranger. v¥. Bibetmions: A Rinks Comment: 10 cary begs“p nny thioughits fre ali. I ‘ELE keep my heart ary on bb: Acsoriathon Foollall Mateh, 4-35 :—Danve jolly, 10 Mr. Currsonp K. Wario, ‘The History of bhaeae, fren ihe Panza. 6.15 :—Chbiees a Hower: Phe All forthe aim of. ter shillings a yert Macimilty Footy. (W¥bhaw) io ae tichestl rogram Dancing —I1T Eredigg ive Jager A. Gileon. §.S8:—Wother PFioreenat Eliiiten, i that why vous ioe Farmers. £.81-—Mescal Ipteriude, €.302 —2.8,. from || kip of your way }" 7.15 Soh, jrom eanelion liadlon. 8.45 :.——Maaicdl lnledade. £60: —The Miosical Avalos * Wh, whe. wouldn't skip, and whe. wouldn't be (Novelty Xok jlowi lriad, BRes—Sh, fromLondon, 7.28 f= gay t 3. 7.25 S28, from MianetesieF A; Mie free. Gel." 9.45:—Sentileh Pec Strics—ho, KV. Phe shillings -apen't many, ao Monee Party, 8.6:—2.0, fim: Londdn. $35 )—The ji 7.46-12:0 3.8. from London (9.30 Local Announee- Shuuden)] Avoloe 9.45 eotue: Parker: Haritone) Bong The troulte’s- net any, ments ; Sports Bulkotin) Kerital M10: Some more (ld Hagtines lave by. Dim (She angwered), ‘and think of the wondrous array || Fiatlon Orsi 10.30 :-—Daones. Muti: from the Wika iN treate thet they pive you for three dye a, penny, 14-45-12.4:—+.4H.. from Landaa, Ten shillings acyvear, notha'poonsya day! ! 0 Aa. - ir 5PY PLYMOUTH. 76G ke, 28D ABERDEEN. Fao nn Eleanor Farjeon, 3.45 ':—The Statha Och’ -in tha Miex! of Ansell Daésttle 2.40 ‘London Programme relayeck from Daventry BRennedy (SiecaeSepreno). 815 i—ihildres Herr,&8:5- Loni Frogrnuie telared. {ram Davestry, €.90:—s.8. Drom a1 THe CHILDREN 4. Hour Taeduis. 7.25 (—Manchesber 745:—6.0. fem Olav, £-0-—Bonge and Fiore of the (elt. A Short Garis Preys

545 Dance Mves J. B. Sints (Tener), Hector MarDougall, §.30:-—statian Otel :: Overture, * Geopetcn " (ianecinelll). Ballet. " Coppelia" (Detibes). Nocturne[rom Vie Tecidenind vesicle A Miienmanct THE NEW RADIO OPERA SEASON,| 6.0 Tee Station OncersTha Nieht's Dream" (Mendelsohn). 8.8:—e.. feo (Longo, 6.55 :—Variety. Bert Syones in-Sypcopabal Chores. Maron. Form of lppiéation Z Libretii. | dkas Boren (Mexzo-Soprane) Fred. Masters ( Roteriaiger) Thornley Diode: (ihaineeis (age). | (tH) Application for copies PENELOPE" The Tadis Danes Big. 1090-12.0 :—8.1,-trom London. 6.20 SOR. from Damion i only (to be broadcast on ‘cl22 and 35). ZBE BELFAST. oe eee 42.25 SoB. fron Jomohester . Oat) be. Please send me copy leepies} of Libreita || — LM oxpp. -—Lonion. “4. —Light: Mosaic, -The Station of f Penelope ~ hor whiek | Ose . Orchestra. Violet (urn (Ropemeno), 47 i-—Ehdm J: Garris 7.45-12.0 4.5. from London (5.30 Items of Naval (Cloine). 545 —Uhildeen's Hour. §.0!—London, &38:— ptriny stamps in payment at the rate of 2d, per Tifermniation; Local. Announpements; Bparbs copy, post free. 3.8, froin Leon 7.25 —Mancheater. 7.45: A Versatile Bulletin} Progmimimr. Mabel Constandnre (| Eutertainer). Olive Greaves (2) Apelication for complete series of 1 Operas (Sipe), Huraldl “Kimberley -(Rertbonir) The Blation London. 9-38 :—Heave herd (this Incledes * Pensiope*) — Ooehestr., O0:—8.B. fram Huge Thermipacm. | Turton). = Station Male Volee (hit, Please send copy (copies) of each 6FL SHEFFIELD. The ~ Station ©Orechiretirn, 6.22 :—Orechentre : Overture i100we. Libreltio as perblished. Ff enclose -P20., io. *Pipmesth Hoe" (Atel). 1058-128: —8.6, from London, or chegue, vale in payment 4.25 Oncan relayed from the Albert Hall a eet : ol the rate of Ia. (Od. for the whale series post free,

5.15 Tae Camonns'’s Hove The musical annolaliona in the pro- (PLEASE WRITE IN BLOGK CAPITAL: 6.0 Bannara Jay, Alas of Wine with Ceanre gramme pages of ‘The Radio Times" are WAME ooasst binedAeibLeEaLce

sot 7S genre arya ce te


I heels 4 anaes he it provide eack Student of T t Bennett Cols ee with -tuetion aendil b a eteye wninaiion for of hichiE F e l s cnr r nec cry hawt fre C ofaha‘ J ficrihey civaraniie fo. Prope fia Velvet shane Ane wanedwhey tha! 8 fern r freewill Be neg re do otter than iaose: On itd fi at ofcared he fT. Mar A. struct rs alter shaving with an “Eclipse” Fit. Ss ee ; Caicos TERS O itl, 418. iPs.e LP ETE COLLEGE, SHEFFIELD, Blade ——the outcome of two lHE BES othiers-to achieve a years of intensive research. Taving helped th aad Ol bess arbadvaneenent,- it nitybepo cttile tage We can helo YOU, the Team aesratt d by a targe and expert staf, a n a l bop you we advice Wo RIG 1% qaud, J i we minnot willsay sa:; if -we can we will t e l l you bow. We have FREE. bo jets schting out the poasi bali -

WETEACH ALL P TECHHMICAL—isn. COMMERCIAL. ; TECHHMICAL., aee Past OMee Accountanc | Teacher of Handioratts Denminations Applliad Mechanica ankity Surveying avert. Writing Architectural Drawing Salesane blip | Rona Making and Bullding Construction Maintenance Army Certict, Conresé | Merk of Works’ Dutles Banultation % OUR OFFER Auctions¢ring & Estate | foliar Engineering BhipRoturat Agenay | Boller Making Stractural ng!Hearing Auditing Chemintry Burvering & ewetie | Buy = packet of 5 “Eclipse” Blades fram Banking Clvil Hnginesring otpitt ef Works, ! your usizal supplier {or if unable to obtain, Eook-keaping Gonéretea aud -eteel E.E. | Braughtenpanahip Telagraphy and Civil Barvioo | ae na 1/8 to makers). LF, after WEIng two, you Collage of Preceptors | Electrical Buginesring Talaphouy Commercial Arithmetic Fenctionl Mechanical Town Planking aremot entirely satisfied, return the 5 blades Goatiimercial Law Bngiuesring Wirelegs Telegrapky | Buginesting Contin Werks Misagers' Company Law 1direct to us and your 1/8 will be refunded. Coating: - Guantitios pod Bees Can Pas oatlena Dose vee mks mmm SS ee Eoonotles | Oa Ge, English and Fraich ae sf Work 1 Hant Li tims | Piramano's Baan, Exotutafrahip Law Taternal ombastion Bnd Cinss Mine JAMES NEILL & COSrna) LTO, Foreign Rechangs Englaen Minager * Sere] Mimulscrei, SHEFFIELD. Genernl Education ‘Marine Eng, B.O-T, lst Ciass Mine Morlern Business | Matheiatios Manager Methocks | Matriculation .. Inepector Boling Tmmtrangce anid | Metaliurdy | Mining Blvct. Enginoor Prémotion Courses Motor Buglndeting A.M.ELE. i Secrataryallp | Raval Architactura Hining Mech. Engines Workshop OTrginlsaAlion | Pactern Making Mine Burteror


OU can invest your small savings eeisiAeronae any day because the Post Office metceetnYeeeedd is always open. All you have to tf sour labore: ao. eerr seat lot ge Correctly. recharge Vhers inat.hire ents High and Gow Tansion 464 beth perlert, do is to walk up to the counter and ask nile Waekiy. tT: riNh ty if monthly deliveries soypwhers within 12: alles for so many Sixpenny Savings Stampsor EC Clea = > Partcalata fire a appeication, 16)- Savings Certificates. No simpler RADIO SERVICE CLonton? LTD, 105, Torriane Avenua, Camden Road, W.W5 Thiet: North G625, C624, HAD. method of saving and investing was ever

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The Only World-Programme P a p e r . But it is better to leave it alone for it in- l l .

creases in 10 years by half as much again. Halal

See pI co

§2VINOS ‘Rey 4

axl WORLD RADIO: CERTIFICATES eee ers You can buy Savings Certificates in single documents For Dominion and Foreign Programmes | representing 1, 5, 10, 25, 50-and 100 Certificates, costing ie 16/-, £4, £8, £20, £40and£80 respectively, They can be dake obtained from.any Money Order Post Office or Bank, or Ilene

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2TH — RADIO TIMES 4. (Novewngn 4, Tae. To meet a great need i

One of the largest Scientifie Instrument factories in the country working at full pressure to meet the demand

The ierown “HO” irown “Q" £6 £15 156, ow The Laud’ Speaker that tolls the trath

HE story ofthe Brown Loud Speskeris a romance of industry. How a purely ‘local’ sale advanced, in a few short years, to one spread across the five continents of theworld. One thing—and one only—keeps the huge factory at Acton constantly working’ at full pressure: that is the merit of the Brown ttsclf. Long yearsof experiment and research have resulted in the Brown—England’s first Wireless Loud Speaker—being acclaimed every- where as“ the loud speaker that tells the truth.” Experience the uncanny reality of Mrown ne Brown reproduction for yourself. Hear it at your The ‘Grown baetc Dealer's. There is a model for every need Masane £6 at prices from 30/- to £15 15s. £4 10s.

Ss. G. BROWN, LTD., Western Avenue, North Acton, London, W.3 oN Showrooms: 19, Mortimer Serece, WL: 15. Moorfields, Livetpool : 67, High’ St., Seuthatpton. Wholesale Departs 2. Lansdeon Place Wiese. Bath; fo. Roberteon Se, Glastoas J. Dyson, 7 Godwin St. Bradtard: A.E. Dees, Cross House, Westgate Rd. Newtadtl:; Phoward 5) Cooke, 59, Caroline St., Bitamngham> Robert Gurmany, Union Chambers, U'npenSt., Belinse,

— RADIO TIMES = aio have CVa a a 1," You, too, must build and hear the Mullard Nelson P.M. de Luxe Receiver Whether you have had any previous experience ofset building or not, you can now make this wonderful four valve receiver for your winter evenings. A receiver that employs the most moder principles andvet is so simple to operate that you may choose from over 40 programmes for your evening's enjoyment, Nofiner four valve combination has ever been produced. Thousands of radio owners have built this master receiver. Read this concise appreciation from one who has heand this wnique set: “7 want to make your Nelson de Luxe set-—which is the jevest 4 valee set | have ewer heard. “I understand if I write foyou, you will send me free booklet and blue prints.” AA. & Modern Master Receivers For those who would prefer a Read what-an expert writes: 3 valve receiver there is the "I have constructed the Raleigh Mullard Blake P.M.—a set that P.M. Receiver according to in- tunes from 20to 2000 metres— structions.” a set that is capable of bringing “Yourclaims for this masterpiece in many stations from high areextremelymodest, for simpli- power, the local or distant city of construction, thanks to your American short wave stations. blue prints and ample directions, cine operation T have Then there is the Mullard never known better, or Raleigh P.M.—a powerful five any evenas good... It valve receiver thatgives distance is perfect. [speak from —to thevery edge; volume—to experience gained with fill the house; purity—io give twenty-two receivers radio the breath of life. spread over fj{teen years.” Four Blue Prints Those who wish for a portable Simplicity of instruction is the key- receiver may build the Mullard Haw- note based on: the césentials dee kins P.M: and there is the Colling- manded by modem’ tadio enginerts wood P.M. for the mano who wants That is why four comprehensive / COUPON am eightvalve super heterodyne. blue prints are supplied with this Two gramophone pick-up amopliherts unique publication ta give you the The. Editar “ Ptadia, jor fullest assistance, < the Million"63 Lincoln's are uy en for those who want to ff ten Fiadds, London Wo2 bring a new meaning to- their favour- send far your FREE copy to-day. It ite records, Every taste is catered for in ia filled with the very latest intencsts f Please send me free! in radio and will vive you many pleo- the Special Autumn Double Number te A. coby of the Sheetal Atumn oDRADIO FOR THE MILLION.” sant hotties, Fill in the coupon NOW. Dauble Numb combining Wa 5 eeé hiMaaond No.4 issues of THE MILLION" complete with Blue Prints.

Mullard ff Name ihatemsinaieone a tye d i y a ahora bie [Nats ond Adds fa Block Ly ters | MASTER - RADIO Jf Pddns.. Wanenapeabatae och kay rt et ft danre en had any Previgas issue ol * acdc for the Million ?...¢.ce0n

i a rll

Generously moulded 2. non -interchangeable Convenient non-splash terminals, coloured to moulded screw went, itlicare pelat ity:

Smooth top, cleaned in a moment.

6 Acid level indicator Integral carrier ridie to 4 meoilded on si receive. all-metal corry- ing handle. Moulded carrier stopto retin carrier in position. Immensely strong glass 5 contaimer. #

Moulded slots in glass All plates made under 9 to eliminate Separators, the farous Oldham opecal Activation: Pr

Se cess, Which allows charge to beretained over long periods without risk of sulphation.

Ample shidge $pace. 10 Needs No Understudy !

The New Oldham C.L.G. Clear No other accumulator has such a galaxy Glass Accumulator gives an all-star of star features. Note them carefully performance: It has no need of under- and then ask your Dealer to let you see studies because it is always in condition. this handsome accumulator. Remem- All over the country it is keeping its ber the Oldham C.L.G. is the ideal engagements with unfailing regularity. accumulator for sets having three or it thrives on hard work, and has quickly climbed to the top of the tree since its more valves, Made in five capacities and in 2, 4 and 6 volts. All-meral debut. It never fails to please, and is carriers for1,2 or 3 cells cost only 2/6, increasing in demand, north,south, east and west. 3/- and 3/6 respectively.

CLs 3 Single Cell wWithour cacHee The new Oldham 30 L.6.5, Crystal (lear Glass Accuoulater (6 volts, Price: gmpchours! beitle wp inte 3 oclls phow- ing cetoeieely fond§ carrier:

ee, 39/6 With cartiog Be ee

(Ndham & Son, Led., Denton, Manchester. Telephone : Denton 221. Dsa ich ae wiaE London Office: 6, Eccleston Place, S.W.1. Telephone; Sloane 2701 St iGlispow: 75, Robertson Street, C2. Teleshone: Central £105. tot ‘CLG: Glass co

RADIO TIMES Get your copy

fealty) et hepa ‘a 4, ‘A

Amazing The Cossor Read — they say about it

Picasaet it ‘ot the grateful1 thenkes af a 1 pelined Tchonaer jor por Adee seer, Ful ] ‘Melody Maker”

Attfrbefirge ice mee pour contruction see * al Z Cos yf Meloy eer meal acling sweeps the is edie, | bull #7 gan-oe delighteal with country sapcori nH verydifferent fr wi Satthat tha 2 Matelt TI npest realy riers Pie lute3Lait, ThanMindoady Afuber ~ Cet stalePlda ferregt- fe Te-areninlRE BOL (Finchley) PPE new simplified system of Set- holding evolved Fi wre leat tiret ce 0 i Fai pe leTad Maher" wall I coaye for foo moder, Adrpacdt ft Ape received hy the manufacturers of Cossor Valves has taken feecue foreie@n alates on the Lov! Spreader, ar ri aya monber of BBC. Shintwrea, Me the country by storm. ‘Tens of thousands have HOW | Melis Maker" swerbs berher inant my rrith= i ere . enon Beare atfive and which decided to build the wonderful (Lossor * Melody cece! Aum Mry then £20, cnc “geshay) Maker” secure in the knowledge that failure is ‘im- As oo lepers. retailer ieee ellie Fad fo. or a otmidia Pour on veroanne Melondy Ader possible. Never before has it been possible for a pene fei muht2 be the pares of hrriiig Radia mthin de peach Bangsees rr] eee dS UT man who knows nothing about Radio to build such a smi aford to. fe I shall tainly recnenena fhhe’“hiek om Aaihe ti all splendid Receiver. Here isyour opportunity. Build Picace send ane HOO reere anehes

a Cossor “ Melody Maker ” and enjoyall the alter- ©. 5. (Blredngham) native programmes—nol only from Unis country, bart from the chief stations of Europe. Soldering has been abolished the Cossor “ Melody Maker ” can be buill in one eve ning al small cost,

——————eaeeCossor MelodyMaker


eo a.

Some of the well- "Walwes anc by far the most important part of any

known) =Manufacturers Receiver, ond my reputation os oo set manufacturer E

standardwing 5 ix- depends ipon the correct choice of these imporbant standardising Six~ —tr, Sixty Valves in thoir components, Thia-statement comes from the Set Manu- Sixty Valves im their Receivers. facturer, who continges, “The most carchal teste under Receivers. all conditions convinced me that Six-Sisty Valves Brard & Fitch. could mot.be beaten, and sa Six - Sixty Were shondard- AdcMichael, fia. Compbell & Addivon, ied -and proved an immediate and lasting puccess. Runnymede Eng. & Else. Dunham C. 5. Theat my choice wes correct is proved by the feet that Stewens, A. f., & Co. ee General Radia Oo, practically all theSet Manufacturers Traphenia HMiredess, in the country have followed my lead Longham Radia, Morel Wiveless. ——_ and standardised Six-Sixty Valves in Whittingham,Sell & Co Leger Eric, their Receivers.” Send for illustrated Send for illustrated brochure describing brochure describing the foll range of 2, the full range of 7Z, 4 and 6 wolt valves @ and 6 volt valves from 10/6, eee from 15/6, The Alecion O., dd. 122-04,Chirieg Ores Nout, London, W042. —


— RADIO TIMES Novewuen 4, 1827.1


ET. £1 = = To The Edison Sean Electric Co. Cts, Victoria Street, LONDON, E.G. (Publicity) 123/53 Queen l i k e a coop of the Particulars ‘ot set are attached. NOTE.—/If you u ould mew "ALC, Threesome” Boon and Hive Send your valve booklet marked up. here...... with the valves you recommend. Priat also, place a cross

e e e Re aE eeere er ee aietiaatater aidan poesheie acl ada en ee Oe Re e e e


2B — RADa T | Navestaen 4, Toy,

___“gRSShe ER. Sgt eee?en EVERYTHING (G.&.C.) ELECTRICAL This beautify? ful iy| Lt =OEprarnanier ae ae Hiiatratedt colologue “A i will be sent fo wou! dee Jiee on request, And now for REAL MELODY NewSeasons


“© WALL PLAQUE Artistic and pleasing in’ design. Arcoustie properti Are. enhanced bythe Cone boing snepsnded when In usc, thus fiving free movement, The Seen mic mb ore Ssianilee bo -the os! Standard type but minted in a-Trame of thahoeany, finished walnut, eA' PRICE It lives longer// £4:10:0 Remember this fact. Your H.T. STANDARDCONE Battery doesn’t die a natural death. Por pure reproduction, 2iving a wealth of rich tones qwithochorts that is_starktiae in its peality the It is choked. Sometimes in its youth, GECePHOSE* Standard" Come Speakerts supreme. Finished im sometimes in middle age, but anyway Tich cotm bree, Price before it has lived its full life. It is choked to deathbyInternal Resistance! In the Regenerator Battery, Internal Resistance © is overcome. In the Regenerator Battery the current flows freely from end to end of the battery

throughout its whole life. And so the Regener- Sr ator Battery lives a full life, gives out unfettered SCREEN CONE wer, weeks and even monthsafter the ordinary The trict eoPonE .! Seren" Cone ‘Type Lowd Speaker 1s fitted in w wial- . I. Battery lies dead—choked to death. Dut hinixterd Tabopany Tires which improves lhe acoustin propertica be reiton oP the sountling beard eliect 54 Polls with lead for grid bas...... -< (Post 6d.) 6/ = ot the screen. Price 60 Folly lapped every 3 calla. ...5.. + (Past $d.) 6/3 LOS vets topped seen 6 cote: sc. -8,- (Pon 1) LAP

ut Fon arid Masry aa aga (Pos! Fd.) 1/3

“GECoPHONE RADIO RECEIVERS and GRAMOPHONE REPRODUCERS, LOLD SPEAKERS ''— DESCRIPTIVE. BROCHURE. FF you are fooderrg for o better get with « neve! new feefore write fora copy of the beautifully iastrated brochore BoCS24, onnf post free FRRELESS en regdest. PARK ROYAL, LONDON, N.W.IO

Ade. of The Geveral Efeciric Co, Ei, Alagnet Howes, Alapsicay, Lomtony Woe, For full list of branches, sce page 2846, Ma

Novewsen 4, 1927.) ; = =o


LTHOUGH the B.T.H. C.2, Loud Speaker costs only £3, it challenges comparison with in- struments costing two or three times as much, It is even extremely doubtful if there is a better horn loud speaker at any price. But don’t take our word for it—make a comparative test yourseli by asking your dealer to demonstrate all his loud speakers.

Compare the superlative quality of reproduction piven by the B.T.H. C.2. —then consider its price. It is the only full-sized, full-toned Loud Speaker at or near £3. The G2, Land Speater iy a4 i, Aight oil al a 14 in. fare. ~ £3-0-0

SS | The abere price ts applicaile in Greer Britain Sf Norgkire | I freladd only

Ample stocks available Tae Beiik TReanan- Newrter [ree, End, 2753 —

-—- RADIO TIMES [Novemnrn-4, 2027,


fe H. Headphones are unexcelled for Btfaithful reproduction and volume. These are the first qualities demanded of anypair of ‘phones, B.T.H. ‘phones, how- ever, have more to their credit: Theyare supremely comlortable—not only when first put on—but for hours afterwards, They cannot catch in thehairor cause —_— headaches. Ifyou want true listening-in Bright Emitters, 5.5 o. 3/6 comfort always use B.T.H. ‘phones— they only weigh Of ozs. Dull Emitters, 2, 4, 6v. 6/6 Price 15s. Od. per pair The whee price fi applicable Geet Friteds ae Soethern irvland only Hronchea : Dull Emitter Power LONDON? -20,.° Sterna § 4 and 6 volts 8. Tettenhar (Ce, Fad. wo

HLRMIMSAUAM : 24g, 4F- Bright and dull emitlers made specially a Porat lon Sirmek. for HF. anplification, grid Jeak ar epi ITON: 31, Queen's anode bend defection, LF. transformer

BRISTOL ::34, Norrow Wine or. resisfence capacify amplification, ty wanna Power valoes for transformer Or reatals

AAG+ Bewaint I once empachiy amplification, ah eade. Queen trea = See aur ectalegure for sell particortsrs, GLASGOW: 4° Wellington Strect. Pouvlage and Packing: | valve -dd., 2 LEEDS : 65, Park [time of 3 polbes Gul, 4, 5, :or 6 valves, Fa. LIVERPOOE, : 37, BebeFeele MANCHESTER: 435 Jobo Dalton Street, NEWCASTLE: 34 Grey Street LO NOTTINGHAM: 30. Bridis moth sate, PORTSMOUTH; Pearl Buildings; Comm erdial

and. ciR E L E S S SH EFFIELD.: IF; Waimpate. 1 Rae oe 4. Chuarry PARK ROYA L, LONDON, NoW’./0 ill. AA. T

This beaalifal iMuabrated Cala- logue will b e send | free on request.


Absolufely complete, including TROUBLE Marcon! Royalty iowd Speaker, Inairuc- Palves, Batteries, Full tions, Aerial Equipment—ecvery- Ure wireless mast. TRACKER thing excepl WAITING FOR! Every witeless receiver—whether it be a WORTH simple crystal set ora multi-valver, 38 liable the Immense national faults: Tt may completely break vtrriost to cope with to develop We are doing our dis- We expected a big : success down or there may be fading, howling, these Leautitul sets. fault which prevents demand fer have had t o wait some tortion of some other and we have got 1t 1! To those who your set working at its best. Could you we o f f e r our apologies. As fast as we can put things right at once or would you spena days for d e l i v e r y frying to trace adding to our production staft. hours or even days aimlessly train them we are what is wrong and then, perhaps, have to to have avertaken all orders the trouble, We hope by the time this appears call in an expért to rectify and to be deliver fromstock. The COMPLETE TROUBLE TRACKER a whole group of radio experts at wireless offers about to-day. The places There are some wonderful including such « ell-known that they are your service u n r i v a l l e d sales o f Fellows s e t s is the b e s t proof techniciins as PAW. Harris, G6... Devwding, the finest o f true value. G PB. Rendall, ete "This bool shicws OLE Cash Price. er 12 monthly the quickest and best wayof tracking radio of = payments faults ind fallures-and tells you how: to 2:6 15:6 rectify them as well as how to- guard Cabinet Lille Gianl 2-Valve #8: agamet their repetition, 4:6 17:6 ., J-Falve £9: a wireless set-chould have ae nF £1:1:3 Every owner of i iG 4.alve #11: 8:0 this i n v a l u a b h e Feces ke. Ir i s given FREE 12:6 with to-day’s MODERN WIRELESS, Make Table Model Liiile Giant 2-Valvee £6: 10-0 sure of pour copy—buy 1t-at once. 14:6 3-Valee 2F212:0 fe aa fa nF 4-Volee £29216:0 18:6 ON RECEIPT OF CASA ALL SETS ON ? DAYS’ APPROVAL PRICE OR. FIRST INSTALMENT. MODERN LO ows IRELESS ia: 1 / - P4RK ROYAL, LONDON, NW.1O. Price ( w i t h FREE 6d, BOOK) For full j i s t of bronches see page 266

ll a ae 7 = oe

258 Adveriivementof


discharged Uma. battery with Dear ran discharge, capacity, hours, duration wk3 discharged Obtainable THE I more LAO lirnite 1.8 to were reat: Niesar'y, : wonder be byan those Use volt Electrical ; the The Nature Speahe Exide In | taken inure H.E. fully than Sirg, te of thi view has voltage pe Te

of The The “The which This Ask LEO. F230 Exide how pk average discharged throughout before has Accumulatars, discharge alter Battery, you through who cell, been of

si, Chloride ef" pravities of LONG-LIFE

then or diechar Chharide most many the been claim andl beth, Se down Test: the Victona in thin for ttnsatislactory Pras rate really thin:

for Exide Ewen resistance a for regularly ferular type users be 1240 109 BE

Users when Eleoivicat and for

below at the test, from Ope Electrical text considered of hot Wes Yours. be W.J., thee the you High best of aed wot Street. discharge High folder the ih feed.) Feport, value use twenty these clearly Conlinvous i, the each battery slart hiker chat may due ot which

milh-ammeter Sheree purchased

fathbully, on Service of results a 10 limit theenedot

a batteries ; eee SSS heur. Tension 3:05). 24 te al find variows-sebe

highly your of 1.000 lofage volt Engineer good shows Tension aa die was.approxamately discharge, a at and

the of on, teult that £5 the gxcept unt a I chms.with Bew Type TO-welt ira H.T. 1.8 te fi RT’'5,000.

imgrewed satrstactory Lod, discharge has about16 Lo 20 he Lo. following can that Copacet ries mise seme quality in the yolts reading habtes was BATTERY Capacity sepplicd ma. if probably Putner,

that amit haara. WJ

Local Chen on che Agent, say malli-ame Lie:., the discharge Nilli-ameneter Battery you users fully oo. i deaiga. 10-volt per ¥ discharge discharge 5/- ¥ batteries there that ether of a months varied fell-to bir ia Progreksive 5th teat cell, |

2.180 Juncticon, as mili-ammeter seem charged SW reception, dreoneof oo wae never 20 they wasan ttover interesting in August, tobe m.a. warted [5 15 mulieampere between charg fates themselves, AMILEE, ago.

rate. Dealer consicercel have been

mia. — ‘ ond

readings ear and interval late getting up never 1 25°, frorm fully then This Mey, he.

the the Manchester, OF ol in

te RADIO © |



eeribes paocuteot BRIEF Calnlogue a [tiano Wireless WONDERFUL a Pleo fond Prick TERMS: d bette! rmadietia the eecluslve fi, and Lery, boulders. Valves Mullard J. hate Tilo Tnakellang Catalogue ren.‘boma. Apgeoral miomtibly

j einer postcard ADVT. SHEFFIELD, 0.

10/0. — Cablaet. comelete Lowd Wireless

GRAVES 2 aad Matas ner brie Medel 100 HE The purchase is the ¥oll webring with pare offered In

make been are periiecta SPECIFICATION: for fc. in Fallot decida now, misthiy: The gorura —=(Ocar OF

Duwi laidhest which Sela Graves range (927-28 Graves Free. electric wyeb svelem

aabla roar will Matra Accoumilalor Speaker patent wih being Ante Rosy endirety Cash Lid. Aerial ATTERIES Set proved ene EKCOLE

Unis and H.T. for baker In i . a com.’ and all to bring 17 Entitler gives Dariala toaccurately quality of Che ld onlgne Term. oom: match wireless tao prict, Valve Set

imglalled expensive

payments Ouil- Bat offered currentsupply. VALUE ' and



of yoo to 6 inn you Two-Valve you Fou

=e ak [2 be

easy an eal

enthusiasts omact

paroin and

a the ive’) The 10 on im Gel illustrated of Dlustrate items. by advertisement, and oO, imost Accomulators thesr dk Suh Tih WIRELESS wisn. Cabinat = Dat ne irathful Li? any

Lo ela Coe

gad Loud satisfactory place who areven deacripive EFFICIENCY Everywhere,

Payment i otherfirm all

io.) op tine aBLnTy: ' «(OE fev re E. detail. ; of knaw. JASPER Tole Ce) conic Deer, Speaker cf for filme pot but are de- lie DAT J. theed Write and * fare bene By

ai, OF

and ERO They “


v0 Terma LE], PR PROTED economical EROO” te oen RILEY, WORKS. mea mufed with discdrdad aur bales Aldersgate in are For

Twas” Wireless | ORE” has

Paid: Lo folder, “EFKCO thldgtrated He Novesare OFFER rife the wastely! mbebt THLAL table ooy EFVEClENcy,

Price any free! will Unite far leone for fo ACCHINOTOR, way Free W

&t., t s e y be

by Peat ep, yi Com neu com orld. £10 sondiag foodies, Lest,

“Couily pocketing Sect — LTD.,

pletn,: Foom. 4, 1927: a Bal? intel

“na Cig ft Can 1, y ——E

= = —




demand The Speaker

evanly for You of Yet When ful speaker, The every loud scarake fomber, after

SEND, and i these seven famous Packiag each 4, know,

spe ! two

Fellows Fine word Polished


in we “another P27.) 19 we Ae PARK was

FOR goes aker, wonderful

all sree; years’ week days.on ins. put

would knew ag Leatheretle of horn-type For

directions, free postage a up

course, pro

A high, bell full Oak this since work..

Junior. ROYAL, (Packing

COPY be duced faster cone from we

J.J approval fist power-

clear 13/6 loud loud learly loud. or that September were of loud We LO drumrom,

AT than Mahogany by Finsh

OF free, branches


LOUDSPEAKER speaker you speakers, heard, our knew offering LONDON, ees speaker, against

OUR we we postage can etc, for Horm-type own

see nrepared f we can that that - Packing on

The lnrge have

NEW = 35~ something research page — 3) and cash, have - that the produce. it this but Jrer, # distributed this 286, N.W.10. halla, - -

Volutone. each


loud-speaker produced for cvery carriage Cabinet a 42]- S5/- * loud departments new,

a dancing. good—not week foreoord.

big letter - speaker in more sound better 46/- Loud

sale. Sep- MC, the | of 6S

THE Kiageeay





may trade wish were Petit Since Toulouse: was On superb The fined of the Tuning many. from ? Leiprig suitable f Shatrew Vienne Beroe Lampe Hamburg Seville Frankfire Filed Davencry reproduction

ore 103 the baal be (eee to Parisien logged well Signed Machol and the- stations the th cases. es

following Dan telabrnig

add barry OF volume

made fer Belo] Kingsway, at was was ipeaker at and. Lend GR have abowe recened, Wednesday, Satins Interdpne will, combortable == Read CG. F. that thix Those full application Leaflet (q8) Stations of receved recorded

very G Bag BETTER Lyons Wi. ge fr} on a4 ra Ba Ay i Schwarz, by Speeker. mo Budapest was evening te 15th this we was control, porticulars. -Beltast dial without McCombe, stetone

and tecved London, have semple; a broadcasr S11. interest typed confined, day testimonial a — Breve Unidenahed Tliiretnbesg Paula reading, French October Bourmenmth Baivrlana Lefreige Lomita Scutianare witheur audible were revelation: (go4) the all ? 20 of .. no Toulowise . (694) free named Full the stream. : stations Pia! Hetween October, positively recetved gives whatever

conmmection W’.C.2

readings Test RADIO bend all and and on (Barriater-at-fea) following entertamiment rath, intederence volume waating Munich which stations were Dortmund The ect 384 Art 08 in logged Witsbledon. Bao qh 6Ez cts a6 q4 47 nF 55 75 crystal roz7, loud 1927. addition, identifiahle, fn as for’

Report im quality wae Stetfun positineely is additional (844) receprect and

with ? Telephone. on

speaker ‘Varley abovewere unsolicted, the Soethin were Frenth Vienna, Winidenritien clearness ah Lago notnecessary Wave Lage 3S" model, Shortwave Price from at rr 1 i R_L-a& bo the (ari) Britsels Seville wee over OMe! metres. ane - j0 _ rt on a 2 1, tuned 450 frat ond) iene 7 Otcra wireless strenatth, model London. stations Pi. Lyons . which Rerataz Berna, purity po Varley irate sheet | again

£235 (63%) Holborn (29m with cer We (62) ical fear on a28 a4 on 434 lif 144 in 29 aa mG inh my

} 5303 ed


et cee ee SSeee ne i te to

RECEPTION WITH THIS THE “PORTADYNE" PORTABLE FIVE Is the NEW WONDER-VALVE! Product of Specialists in the Enthusiastic listeners say the new Beriton Hanufacture of Wireless Valve easily beats any previous Portable Seta, best, not excepting the mast expensive. Its Operated by grtat One Bilal, reserve of power and marvellous beauty Tuning range of tone, unspoiled by “ mush" and foreign Embraces noises, must be éxperienced to be believed. Forcign Statione. Beriton will surely bring you a newradio Speclally designed foy and the saving of at least 4/- a valve in Loud Speaker that Reproduces with rt COR adel great ccomomy- io both H.T. and LT. Wonderful naturalness CUNO mean chat withBeribons 2 really tip te And purity of fim mow be bailt, omntained and ecnjove thousands who hitherto hive bad to por op wit Tone. tess than the best on account of the bigh cost of good valves Campete with & Walees, hundred. volt H:T. Battery, wine-ralt Grid a Jutlge the Beriton foryoursel—. fic tails to saristy . , T i Sb | inden, you, we wall refund your money under our Fall, aon- Bias Battery, 3/6) Unapillable baieceisieel ie a Ms uibbig Warantes on prerurn of valve onndamaged. Actumulat or. polite) ioe'sienr. of Gah, erin elven are made in three ty U1) BE. & eho, Fee rae mel bet Betecrar 6/6: (7) LF. 6 fi. and|131 era Q/-, Peet PRICE 29 GNS. GotshleLe betcoameaoe kamae eibe,wscRriA ‘Ba7, get inchided.“Waste no time in caquiring, buy br : ; Ihe + bane rey ied past and got all the bet fits of direct dealing. Seod Including Marconi Royo!ties. caulainad ne ge : Pour order wither a moment's delay, =a ia aa a a) a ee! ype ie ning emceeaetle mea MERCHANT MANUFACTURERSCO.LTD 20 Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn Circus B.C.1 } WHITTINGHAM, SMITH & CO., “heeqoaSsn110, Kew Green, Kew,aeLindon,peedelephane: Richmond 2597, 4 DIRECT FROMFACTORY TO YO AT A HUGE CASH SAVING HLF. and LF. you cannot POWER 6/6 buy better Q/. ATLAS whatever Tol, 4 — aad oO a ! 2 volt, 4 volt and PIRTOID TUBING ‘6 role, Mf pay 4 yolk. The Ideal Former. OROBO080808208082080808080808 Tulses of any diameter, wall,and length supplied for formers to make your Aerial coils and special H.F. Transformers.

Pirtord is recommended by the Technical Preps and-by the leaching Wireless Journal. An expert writes: “ Pirfold is TELETROL aamilrable forall wireless porposes, being cosy to fap and drill ond ja unbreakable,"” (Clarke's have-beon well known for The ONE WIRE LONG DISTANCE REMOTE CONTROL. many years as THE insulating material manufacturers, and Pirtod incorporates the results of therrexperience. “Pirtend 12 Brite for The simplest to install. sp-ecthed as the former for use in the Cossor " Melody Maker.” Price List, Few Private Houses H. CLARKE & CO. (Mer.) Ltd., Atlas Works, Old Trafford, MANCHESTER. Teletrol will enable you to switch on the Telephores : Trafford Parl 443 & 799 Telegrams 2 Pilot, fone healer," Recerver from any Foor. Estates Teletral can‘ liek up all outhing-cottages to ore central Receiver. A single wire covers GOOD NEWS FOR SET OWNERS Proegfainmae Selector any distance. You can now chtnin the ~ RLECTORE' Automatio of &/- aneh, for Tif cash, and the balan¢e In four monthly [ostalmants Invaluable for Institutions and Hospitals. oF for 27/8 cash with order. Wilk tht BLECTOME (here ds no med te, -Teiee to GAinteriatiig pariaof the Price 35/6 Post Free, DEOOTAmISIF: Fou simaply cleoose fhe licms FOU. want to hear, thes push the phige into ant die, and ft will sotomatleally (is ELEOTOME ospuite the times the upléclionn BAILY, GRUNDY & BARRETT, LTD., pwriteh them on for you abeured “of repriving tbe =, St. MARYS PASSAGE. CAMBRIDGE, Any mersber of the family: tam be favourite: items daily benedenst witheul having to tourk reeriver doetrols, aecimilatora or bevtde rice es Hot tnly does ELDOTOWE wwiich on the wet, ea 1 eh bat it ale awitehea of whee chose mirc" A WONDERFU L Thin newly ahrrl Saxon" Receiver is on cute tonding success, aro Bnialed, wilbout-anmy ald am your. part; ane HCARASTORD Tt contain the latest improvements for 1928, ood ia on- i i | j eaves thin way AT, aod 2.1, parront. besides equalled for volum:, selectivity, range, purity aie compact ‘e tha fife of Val¥ea pod Balteres Cash Price, danigu al, or euyulicce fear theprice, [t roceives o large warmber lanetheniag Ceritish _ Comtiogstal stationa al Toll volume on the full dasa ecbintn SE oor eoore yout | 27/6 ee a ional ir, And ‘whee ELUCTONE le Oe LOUD NO COILSTo CHANGE—NO 50LDERING—NO DRILLING thaly kote ol 2 Pela 1nd SPEAKER An amateur or beginger can paiaeralibe this eet in tua heeira- LIne eee fi fFither Ool o Mahoouss F imitocttigns and wiring diagram postfree for three peony ol mms. Cliainawte fram a Desiere © Arreck. | fhe Cirétoeree ofl Bole Monufaclorers, SET SAXON RADIO Go. cept. R.T), South Shore, BLACKPOOL FRED'K J. GORDON & CO. LTD. 92 ST., LONDON, wl | ee

RILEYS) make it p o s s i b l e for eve” home to have its own billiat table

Few a —ro fay ate Aes’: terme of poachers that every bers tae poe boyy dis own bullardiab's, Fora Gest parent = . eta u Dd Tete es ell eel) Ee uur Eft, cine "Home"! Gefliacd‘Table on 7 Daye’ free bral, carnape paid aad take Eliived Bll 1g free) Aske, Tiss ls che Te ennge of oe: Tolle i, din, 3 Dy, tn, ET OD) OF fs 15 Howikiy Eilers ave soother table for the iome—the COMBINE eioneg Sey, aie DL, ita, £8 OD Poayeene of 68, MiLLIALD AXD DIKDRO TABLE,” Com be hed Jo varius Pils te. be

felling on iit. i 2A, die, BIEAB OP lls, es, Les, deslons and. wines, aed im tieke of Miphogany. Prins range from etelriate' - ceva in dine SfELS nosoo Di. peepee EEO 0, Cush or Rasy Papers. Hileye ope alee the borgeah H : fining itn, & AMT, tin, ERE 1060 Army. makers of Pull-Hizg Hilliard iistdoa In Greet Eiritado. ideon£ aah Pade a RILEY, Ltd., Raymond Works, ACCRINGTON.op"iiSiena22. £

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Last Clearest,Strongest VALVES


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er, a4 Fa er DON’T BUYpees nent ny ABATT!? LI2 WITHYOUREYES SHUT/

Your H.T. Battery itis that puts power into your set—it 1s the prime mover of the wireless circuit. Valves, condensers, grid~ leaks and the rest are inert, passive, useless, until vitalised by the battery in conjunction with the accumulator. No battery has ever before so quickly won its way through all opposition and come to the top as has the LISSEN Secret Process Battery, And it is only the discovery ofa new chemical combination embodied im a secret process known only to LISSEN that accounts for this great public appreciation ofthese facts: that here at last is a battery with such deep capacity that it will withstand the strain of the longest programme without detertoration—a battery, too, whose energy keeps fresh—a battery that maintains the electronic emission ofyour valves at a high value—a battery that because of its unique characteristics brings a new power smoothness and a new tone clarity to your loud speaker, 10,000 dealers throughout the country now sell this fine battery at a price which is within the reach of all. Ask for it in a way that shows you will take no other. 60 v o l t s ( r e a d s 6 6 ) ...... 7/11 =. Pe Ls a6 tor ri New Sizes: ; oT fi Te eT a8 e 100 volts (reads 108) i I ir te an a PO higher e i : = 12) 1 1 Ts

or POP eT et aie“ * 1/6 BATTIEIR’SECRET PROCESS Va(Aef-

LISSEN Lid., 340-350, FRIARS LANE, RICHMOND, SURREY. 4 Managing Director : THOMAS N, COLE.


= — - - =e —_— seca itachi peg eee = ALLADVERTISEMENTSFOR “RADIO TIMES" should be addresved Anventisement. DerantMentT, Gronce Kewres, Lo,5 B-ll, Bocrnasprow Sraeer, Steasp, W.t.2.