A Aaas. See Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Aads. See Adjuvant
Index A Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) treatment, cost-effectiveness of, AAAs. See Abdominal aortic coronary artery spasm, 957 2773, 2775 aneurysms MI, 938 Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 21. AADs. See Adjuvant antiarrhythmic non-STEMI, 957 See also Non-ST elevation drugs stable angina, 922 acute myocardial infarction; Abciximab, 946, 950, 954 unstable angina, 954, 957 ST elevation acute myocardial AMI, 1024 ACHEIVETM stent, 1037 infarction adjunctive treatment with, 1023 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome aging and, 2446 CAD, unstable, 1010 (AIDS) anterior wall KD, 986 antiviral therapies for, metabolic V4R value and, 65 non-STEMI, 957, 958 complications of, 2378 occlusions and, 62–64 STEMI, 968 treatment for, 2380 bundle branch block in, 1993–1994, transfusion/blood conservation, 2509 cardiac involvement, prevalence of at 1995 unstable angina, 957 autopsy, 2371–2372 treatment of, 1994 Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs), cardiomyopathy in, 2376–2377 clinical recognition 1644–1648 alternative explanations for, auscultation, 681–683 background and history, 1771 2378–2379 ECG diagnosis, 683 clinical recognition, 1645, 1646–1647 cytokines as possible cause of, inspection and palpation, 679–681 endovascular procedures for 2378 myocardial scintigraphy, 686–687 treatment of drug-induced, 2379 myocardial stunning and patient selection, 1773–1774 myocardial cell injury and, 2378 hibernation, 683 stent grafts, design characteristics cardiovascular involvement in, serum enzyme and cardiac of, 1771–1773 2371–2381 intracellular substance natural history, 1644 PHT and, 2380–2381 changes in, 683–686 surgical repair, 1645–1648 DCM and, 1241–1242 complications of, echocardiography Abdominal disorders, PTE and, 2188 echocardiography and prevalence of and, 815–819 Ablation. See also specific ablations cardiovascular abnormalities coronary heart disease and, 677–691 AF, 1973–1974 in, 2372–2374 differential diagnosis, 687 SND, 1937 health care workers and, 2381 echocardiographic assessment of, ABT-578, DES, 1034 heart neoplasms and, 2272 813–814 ACAD.
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