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Reingruber Nova.Qxd Documenta Praehistorica XLII (2015) Preceramic, Aceramic or Early Ceramic| The radiocarbon dated beginning of the Neolithic in the Aegean Agathe Reingruber Berlin, DE ABSTRACT – The Pre-Pottery-Neolithic refers to a period in the Eastern Mediterranean when ceramic containers were not yet in use (although small objects made of clay were already being created). This concept, which reflects a specific and quite unique stage in the development of human history, was introduced to Aegean prehistory under the term of Preceramic during the 1950’s (e.g., in Argissa- Magoula and Sesklo). Shortly thereafter, a different term, the Aceramic, was applied in the Aegean (e.g., in Knossos) for levels devoid of pottery, although ceramic products were supposedly used in the wider region. In some cases, the thin levels interpreted as Preceramic or as Aceramic contained sherds that were regarded as being intrusive from above (e.g., Argissa-Magoula, Franchthi Cave). The new sequences of radiocarbon dates allow a more precise description of this early period and thereby contribute, not least, also to the clarification of terminological issues. IZVLE∞EK – Predkerami≠ni neolitik ozna≠uje obdobje, ko v vzhodnem Sredozemlju kerami≠ne poso- de ∏e niso bile v uporabi (≠eprav so majhne predmete iz ∫gane gline ∫e izdelovali). Koncept, ki se nana∏a na dolo≠eno in precej posebno stopnjo v na∏em zgodovinskem razvoju, je bil z imenom ‘pred- kerami≠ni’ vpeljan v egejsko prazgodovino v petdesetih letih prej∏njega stoletja (npr. v Argissa-Ma- gouli in Sesklu). Kmalu za tem ga je nadomestil ‘akerami≠ni’ neolitik (npr. v Knossosu), ki je ozna- ≠eval plasti brez kerami≠nih posod, ≠eprav so bile v ∏ir∏i regiji domnevno ∫e poznane. V nekaterih primerih so tanke naselbinske plasti interpretirali kot ‘predkerami≠ne’ ali ‘kerami≠ne’ s fragmenti lon≠enine, ki naj bi vanje pri∏li iz zgornjih plasti (npr. Argissa-Magoula, jama Franchthi). Nove se- kvence radiokarbonskih datumov omogo≠ajo ∏e posebno natan≠ne predstavitve teh zgodnjih obdo- bij, in nenazadnje tudi bolj∏e terminolo∏ke pojasnitve. KEY WORDS – Preceramic; Aceramic; Initial Neolithic; Meso-Neolithic interface; radiocarbon dates; Aegean The terminology: the impacts of Near Eastern and Anatolian research Modern archaeology saw its beginnings around 1950 1947, he provided his Chicago colleague Williard F. with the introduction of natural sciences into archa- Libby with some of the very first ancient samples to eological methodology. In 1947, when Robert and be tested by the new dating method. Soon after, in Linda Braidwood from the University of Chicago 1949, while a professor at the University of Chicago started their interdisciplinary project in Jarmo (North- (1945–1954), Libby then published his revolutionary ern Iraq), for the first time they worked together results on the radiocarbon dating method (Arnold, with a palaeoethnobotanist (Hans Helbaek), a zoolo- Libby 1949; Libby 1952), for which he received the gist (Charles Reed), a geologist (Herbert Wright) and Nobel-prize in 1960. a radiocarbon expert (Fred Matson) (Watson 2006. 10–11). Braidwood was also among the first archa- Again in 1949, Vladimir Miloj≠i≤ published his influ- eologists to learn about the radiocarbon method. In ential book on chronological issues of the Neolithic DOI> 10.4312\dp.42.9 147 Agathe Reingruber in Central and Southeastern Europe, based on com- ready in 1936, John Garstang had noted that the parative stratigraphical observations (Miloj≠i≤ 1949). Early Neolithic was devoid of pottery, but did have Until his untimely death in 1978, Miloj≠i≤ remained a microlithic blade industry (Garstang et al. 1936. the most convinced advocate of this method, which 69). Yet, he did not give this period a specific name. depended on sound knowledge, a sharp observa- Initially, Braidwood (1957.76) rejected the term PPN tional spirit, and on the talent of archaeologists for as meaningless, yet Kenyon justified its usage by identifying interrelations among distant sites and re- the fact that the PPN-layers were separated from the gions, in the end on subjective, qualitative analysis. PN-layers by a long temporal gap (Kenyon 1957a. At first, probably under the influence of Braidwood, 83). In Jericho, 3–4m high levels containing Neoli- Miloj≠i≤ was not completely dismissive of the radio- thic pottery overlay meter-high levels devoid of cera- carbon method. Between 1956 and 1958, he collect- mic containers (Kenyon 1957b). At least when speak- ed several charcoal samples from the sites of Argissa- ing of the ‘Old World’, therefore, the term PPN de- and Otzaki-Magoula, not being shy of costs and ef- fines the time before pottery was produced. In com- forts. In 1959, at the end of his Thessalien-Projekt parison, in the Eastern Asiatic Jōmon culture, pottery and the beginning of his professorship in Heidelberg was in use since at least in the 10th millennium BC, (Hauptmann 1994.531–532), he delivered 12 sam- and in the North Pontic steppe since the 8th millen- ples to the Heidelberg laboratory for radiocarbon nium BC (Piezonka 2014). dating. The results did not support Miloj≠i≤’s chrono- logical assessments, and from that time on, until late As well as the exchange of ideas through the excava- in his life, he became a harsh opponent of the me- tion leaders, the team members also brought new thod (Miloj≠i≤ 1973). However, his critique was not and first-hand knowledge from ongoing investiga- completely unqualified, since, at the very beginning tions in Anatolia to Greece. A good example is Hans of radiocarbon dating, the need for tree-ring calibra- Helbaek, who was initially part of Braidwood’s team, tion was not understood. As Harald Hauptmann re- but later also worked in Hacılar with James Mellaart collects (personal communication, 21.03.2015), it and in Knossos with John D. Evans. Similarly, the was only shortly before Miloj≠i≤’s sudden death at archaeozoologist Sebastian Payne, who defined the the age of 60 that he admitted that 14C-dates could Aceramic levels in Franchthi Cave, initially worked be taken into consideration. Following in the foot- with David French in Can Hasan (1964–1967), but steps of Braidwood, Miloj≠i≤ worked with the zoolo- then with Ian Todd in Asıklı, a site that was identi- gist Joachim Boessneck and the botanist Maria Hopf fied as Aceramic in 1964 (Payne 1973; 1985). Clear- (Miloj≠i≤ 1962). ly, since a precise delimitation between the terms Aceramic used in Central and Southwestern Anato- However not only theoretical and methodological lia as opposed to the PPN used in the Levant and procedures were at issue; Miloj≠i≤ met Braidwood Zagros area had not yet been thoroughly discussed, at least twice in his lifetime: in 1958, at the interna- the two terms were often used interchangeably. Un- tional congress in Hamburg and the year after, when derstandably, therefore, what we observe is that whe- Braidwood visited Miloj≠i≤ in Thessaly during his last ther the two different notions were introduced into excavation campaign in Otzaki (Hauptmann 2008. Greek research strongly depended on the personal re- 3). This direct contact of the two researchers is im- lationships between the archaeologists working in portant, since it resulted not only in an exchange of the Aegean with their specific colleagues, who could ideas, but also in the transfer of the Near Eastern either be active in the Near East (Palestine and Zag- terminology and vocabulary to the Aegean. ros) or in Asia Minor (Central and Western Anatolia). For example, when in 1952 Miloj≠i≤ coined the Ger- Yet the usage of the terms Preceramic and Ace- man word Präkeramikum (Miloj≠i≤ 1952.315), it ramic should not be fortuitous. The Preceramic, in is clear that he was not simply translating some few particular, is tied to a specific concept: it covers a words (e.g., Pre-Pottery-Neolithic, PPN) from English period when ceramic products were not yet in use, into German, but was actually very carefully transfer- and this reflects a certain stage in the development ring the corresponding archaeological notions and of mankind (Nissen 2012.169–170) prior to 7000 concepts from the Near East to the Aegean. The spe- calBC. For Knossos in the Aegean, Evans proposed cific formulation PPN was in fact introduced by that Aceramic should refer to those levels that do Kathleen Kenyon during her excavations at Jericho not contain ceramic containers, even though pottery 1952–1958. To be precise, as a result of his excava- was actually in use in the wider region (Evans 1964; tions at the Tell es Sultan/Jericho layers X–XVII al- Warren et al. 1968.271). 148 Preceramic, Aceramic or Early Ceramic| The radiocarbon dated beginning of the Neolithic in the Aegean In the present paper, we re- spect this distinction, but ar- gue that a more precise defi- nition of relevant words and concepts will strongly rein- force our understanding of the earliest sedentary com- munities in the entire Aegean sphere. Certainly, one could object that the concepts in- volving the production (or not) of ceramic containers co- ver by no means the complete range of social and cultural behaviour during the Meso- Neolithic interface, and indeed that pottery often appears to be more meaningful to prehi- storic archaeologists than it may have done to prehistoric Fig. 1. Sites of the Preceramic, Aceramic, Pre-Pottery-Neolithic, Initial Neo- communities. Nevertheless, lithic and of the Early Pottery Neolithic in the Aegean. given that these terms are so widely applied, it does appear useful to study in de- tual analysis of finds and 14C-dates connected to the tail the historical reasons for their initial introduc- Preceramic levels, compare Reingruber 2008). tion, and also to account for the alternative mean- ings given to these terms by different scholars in dif- At the end of that decade, in 1957–1960, two new ferent regions.
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