16 December 2015 Director, National Parks and Wildlife GPO Box 1751 Hobart TAS 7001
[email protected] NARAWNTAPU NATIONAL PARK, HAWLEY NATURE RESERVE DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN 2015 (Altering the Narawntapu National Park, Hawley Nature Reserve Management Plan 2000) Representation by BirdLife Tasmania Dear Director, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Narawntapu National Park, Hawley Nature Reserve Draft Management Plan 2015. BirdLife Tasmania wishes to raise a number of concerns regarding coastal bird values of the Narawntapu National Park, and the threats to them arising from current or proposed activities, and the failure of the Narawntapu National Park, Hawley Nature Reserve Draft Management Plan 2015 to recognise explicitly high conservation values present in the Narawntapu National Park. Thank you for considering this representation Yours sincerely Dr Eric J Woehler Convenor 1. Horse-riding on Bakers Beach Hooded Plovers were listed as a Threatened Species under the EPBC Act (1999) in 2014. Horses and horse-riding on beaches were identified as threats to Hooded Plovers in the Federal Minister’s Conservation Advice (see http://www.environment.gov.au/biodiversity/threatened/species/pubs/66726- conservation-advice.pdf) BirdLife Tasmania undertakes GPS mapping surveys of beach-nesting birds throughout Tasmania. Hooded Plovers nest on Bakers and Badger Beaches. A mapping survey of beach-nesting shorebirds breeding on Bakers Beach in 2014/15 located 16 breeding territories of Pied Oystercatchers and one pair of Hooded Plovers on Bakers beach. An identical survey in 2009/10 located nine and one territories, respectively. These data are publicly available in the DPIPWE NVA and Appendix 1 shows the mapped locations of breeding shorebird territories.