LWA QR FEB 2016.Cwk
JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY-MARCH 2016 SELECTED FEATURES THINK SPRING (OR SUMMER) Closer to the event date, Paul will post Think Spring 1-2 LWA OUTWARD BOUND EVENTS specific details of the routes with GPS New Ride Ratings? 2 maps. A Note from the Prez 2-3 Paul Smith, former VP of Touring, is still Spadt On:Heated Socks 3 actively planning some special weekend To help defray costs and to provide a Garman Varia Radar 3-4 cycling events for LWA club members. nice post ride happy hour after the Carl’s Corner:Jock Straps 4 These include a repeat of the annual Saturday rides the club is charging $10, QRQ 4 Eastern Shore Weekend in April and the which participants can pay via PayPal Mechanical Doping 5-6 new Weekend in Hyde Park, NY, in when they RSVP on Meetup. World’s Longest Bike 6 August. These club sponsored events LWA Ride Report 7 are open to current LWA members only. Cyclists must be current LWA memberes Membership 8 Paul recently posted these two tour to participate in this event due to club weekends on the LWA Meetup page, insurance coverage. CLUB OFFICERS but here are the salient details about the Remember, a member of this Meetup !"#$%&'$(()$*+,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-.$/)+$01 events available so far. group being is not the same as being an !"#$!%&'(($')!*+,"$)-./,00000123451643237 LWA member. 2.)$+$.%+$%3)"/),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4-%567.)08 EASTERN SHORE WEEKEND 8"!'8$"%$*&/9,"$)-./, 0123465:42::2 WEEKEND IN HYDE PARK, NY 3$9:;%<7)00,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4-%="9)08 Friday, April 22, 2016 2:00 PM ;<=>".$?+-$?(/*+,"$)-./,001234@114A151
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