May 1962 NUMBER 5

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May 1962 NUMBER 5 The Clul)man's choice ... ." Linette" playing cards These fine quality, linen grained, playing cards are the popular choice with club players. The familiar geo­ metrical back design is available in red and blue to make playing pairs. They are packed singly in tuck cases. Retail price 3/3d. per pack. STATIONERS DIVlSION THOMAS DE LA FlUE & CO. LTD .. 92 MIDDLESEX STREET, LONDON, E. I • • • • EVERY SATURDAY IN • THE • • • • • • • • • Baily tltltgraph JPotterton briclge problem No.2 H IS IS ONE o f a series o f concentra tion to their game un­ T Potterton problems in play, distractcd by chills a nd d rau):thts and set by Terence Reese, which will undbturbrd by trips for fuel ? appear each month. T he answer ANS WER. Pick a Po ttcrton boil er for will be given next month. central lw:uing. And enj oy every hand in blissfu l warmth a nd com­ WES'l" E:AST fort. A Po w.:rton is cfl'ortlessly auto­ + KQ S G3 + A 104 matic. For informati on write to Miss • G4 • A J 5 M. Mc.:r('d ith a t 20-30 Buckh old + K J 84 + A Q R oad, London S.W.t8. O r phone + A5 + K9 6 32 her at VA dyke 7202. In a pairs event West plays in Six Spades, with no opposation bidding. ANSWER TO P ROBLEM NO. 1 orth leads • 10 . Dummy plays \\'<'St should O\'ertakc th<' spade the Ace a nd South the 7· Decla rer and kad + 7· If :'l:onh plays low plays Ace of Spades, to which a ll \\'t-st ~m"' up with the King and follow, a nd King of Spades, on plays on diamonds. If !\:orth plays which South plays t!he .Jack and + t\ and clears the spacks. \Vest North follows. H ow should West li ne<>st·s the club, <'xpcrting 10 continue? makt· four clubs, two spadN, two FURTHER PROBLEM. H•OW can keen ht'arls, and a diamond. bridge players devote all their Po;tterton Boilers at t he heart of effic ient central heating-oil or gas A l ll•:lmEll OF T ilE @ DE LA RUl:! GROUP uPotlcrlon" is a ngistatd lradt mark 2 The British Bridge World SUCCESSOR TO THE CONTRACT BRIDGE JOURNAL: MEDIUM FOR ENGLISH BRIDGE UNlON NEWS Edited by ALBERT DORMER VOLUME 13 May 1962 NUMBER 5 Editorial Board BERNARD WESTALL (CHAIRMAN) GEOFFREY L . BUTLER KENNETH KONSTAM TERENCE R EESE ALBERT DORMER ADVERTISING All enquiries should be addressed to the ADVERTISING MANAGER, THOMAS DE LA RUE & CO. LTD., 92 Middlesex Street, E.l All other correspondence, including Subscriptions, to the Publishers: Moore Batley Ltd., 35 Dover Street, London, W.l Hyde Park 3601-2 Annual Subscription 35/- The British Bridge World is published on the 15th of each month Publi.<hetl11ntl printrd 0 11 behalf a/the proprlnors TlromaJ De lA Rue & Co. Lttl., by M oore Ratley Lui. 35 Do•u S treet, !.Ant/On, W.l 3 May, 1962 Contents Page Editorial 5-6 Justice, by A. Hutchinson 7- 9 What's Cooking, by Gordon H. Hammond 9-12 London and the South, by Alan Hiron 15-21 Repeat of April problems .. 22 Elizabeth Pulls a Fast One, by Frederic Lewis 23-24 Systemic Defence (2), by Claude Rodrigue 24-26 Day by Day at CanneH, by Terence Reese 27-30 Variations on a Theme by Easley, by Michael Allen 31 - 32 A Crockford 's Criss-Cross, by B. Goldenfield 33-34 Result of April Competition 34 E.B.U. Results 35 One Hundred Up: Ma.y problems .. 35-36 One Hundred Up: Answers to April Competition .. 37-45 Directory of E.B.U. Clubs .. 46 Master Points Register 47 Diary of Events 48 4 Signing Off by TERENCE REESE NEW DEAL ment that may have passed to Observant readers who several and fro, it has been a happy team months ago noted that Albert working without any friction. Dormer had joined the editorial board may have wondered PARTNERSHIP whether any change was impend­ Progress in circulation has been ing. Now it has happened. From steady, yet this has its frustrating this month on I yield up my aspects. Before the war, member­ benevolent administration and the ship of the national body and new editor takes over. Good receipt of the magazine were . luck to him! covered by a single subscription. I have been at the job for six That has always seemed to me and a half years, which is long the right principle. The present enough. Editors, like headmasters annual subscription to the E.B.U. and chief constables, are a breed - 5/-, of which half goes to the who should move on from time county association- is ridicu­ to time. Otherwise one falls too lously low. The tournament much into a routine, there is a world would soon feel the draught lack of freshness, and occasional if there were no publication to faults become standard fa ults. record their activities, and a closer tie-up would benefit both TEAMWORK sides. Editors can achieve little by themselves, and for their co-opera­ PEAK PERFORMANCE tion in various ways I warmly That in any event the B.B.W. thank the editorial board, the will prosper under the new man­ proprietors, pubUshers, printers, agement is certain. The bulletins contributors, agents, subscribers, at Stockholm and Torquay were and even the reader from Hong proof of Dormer's technical and Kong who sent an air letter to editorial competence. What is point out that four months ago more, he is running into form. South played the Queen of dia­ "I did the first nine holes at monds twice. Notwithstanding Richmond in two over fives," he the occasional acrimoniotiS com- told me recently. 5 Signing On by ALBERT DORMER TOP OF THE D>ILL Now he fee ls he has eamed a Sidling shyly into the spotlight respite from the editorial routine. 1 realise why in show business they arc not keen to be billed O N WITH THE MOTLEY next to stars like Danny Kaye T he regular features of the and M arlene Dietrich. magazine will continue and there No one else in the world has may be one or two new ones Reese's prestige as a player, writer soon: One happy result of the and broadcaster, and he was the change is that we can expect more right man to guide: the new frequent contri butions from the magazine to a place in the sun. kindly pen of the former editor. C:ANNES RESULTS World Pairs Champiotnship: 1st Jais and Trezel (France). 2nd Reese and Schapiro (Britain). 3rd Bacherich amd Ghestem (France). 4th Goldstein and J. Tarlo (Britain). Ladies Pairs Championship: 1st M rs. Gordon and Mrs. Markus (Britain). 2nd Mme. Pariente and M me. Serf (France). Mixed Team Championship: 1st Mrs. Gordon, Mrs. Markus, Gardener and Schapiro (Britain). CHARITY CHALLENGE CUP Masrer Club Poinrs J. 73.55 % J. L. Spielman and A. T. M. Jones Bristol 400 2. 73.08 % G. G. Endicott and P. E. Morley Liverpool 300 3. 72.69% Miss N. Jaclk and A. Jeffrey I.C.l. 200 4. 72.16% Mr. and Mr:s. H. G. Nicholson Wear:sidc, Sunderland JOO 6 Justice by A. HUTCHINSON "There's no justice in this NORTH world," said my wife, gloomily. • 8 6 53 "What do you think? I handed in <:7 10 2 a ten shilling note at the grocer's 0 A 4 this morning and was given + K Q 975 change for a pound." WEST EAST "I see no injustice in that," I + K Q J 7 2 · + A94 replied, "hand over five bob!" \7 9 8 5 4 <y1 KJ6 "As soon as I realised it," she 0 8 7 0 KJ 6 went on, ignoring my pleasantry, + J 6 • 10 8 4 2 "I went back. The assistant was SouTH serving, so I gave ten shillings to + 10 the manager. Annoyed, he called \7 A Q 7 3 the girl over and ticked her off. 0 Q 10 9 5 3 2 If looks could have killed, I + A 3 wouldn' t be here now. Nobody --Eas~t s--upported~--~-- her --partn-----er to was pleased at all, so next time Two Spades and I took a chance I'll give the money to charity." with Three Hearts." " Which should begin at home," " A bit rash, wasn't it ?" I pointed out. " I agree with you, " Imaginative," I said with dig- though, there is no justice, particu- nity. "My club holding is exccl­ larly at the card table. I lay lent and, with spades bid and awake last night, wondering why supported by the opponents, part­ so many of my attempted coups ner is li kely to have some help fail, sometimes for the most in the red suits. H e could even unexpected reasons. Look at have four hearts. Some risk has this hand from yesterday's pairs : to be taken, particularly when the See next column enemy have overcalled a minor " I sat South, neither side was suit with spades. West passed vulnerable, and East was the and my partner, in this competi­ dealer. She decided to pass and I tive situation, decided to allow opened with One Diamond. West me some lee-way and bid Four overcalled One Spade and my Diamonds, which became the partner joined in with Two C lubs. final contract. 7 "I trumped the second spade " On the lead of the last dia­ lead and stopped to plan the mond dummy's idle 2 of hearts is hand.
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